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Tenshi-chan to Akuma-kun 3

No way! Seriously?!

+ posted by Bomber D Rufi as translation on Jun 2, 2014 23:16 | Go to Tenshi-chan to Akuma-kun

-> RTS Page for Tenshi-chan to Akuma-kun 3

Welcome to 'Witches and Angels' June! Every week for this entire month I will translate at least two chapters per week of 'Majimoji Rurumo' and 'Tenshi-chan and Akuma-kun'! Not one, but two chapters each week! That means four chapters of manga each week for the month of June. Gintama will still be released as well as Hitoribocchi no chikyuu shinryaku. Nejimaki and Kiriwo will probably be on hiatus till August however. Either way plenty more Angels and Witches are on their way!

Not reserving for anyone until...

-First chapter is out.
-Schedule for releases has been established.
-Schedule is fairly consistent.

No asking when the next one will be out, ask me for permission before using, no non-English scantlations before an English one is done, and I give preference to those who will check the script for accuracy before scantlating

(Handwritten- Art by Tachibana Tenshi.)
(Handwritten- Awesome but scary.)
(Handwritten- The sun.)
(Handwritten- Earth.)
(Handwritten- Saturn.)
(Handwritten- Moon.)
{Last time on Tenshi-chan and Akuma-kun.)
Akuma: As if I can leave…
My friends.
Haou: It’s angel hunting…
Tenshi: Shaddup.
Guy: It appears that we’ll need to take this seriously…And make a move, don’t you think?
Student president Naruse.
Naruse: These two….
I absolutely…Cannot allow this to continue….

Chapter 3: No way! Seriously?!

{Uber fail names!!}
{That is the existence of names that have…}
{Strange or unusual readings or meanings attached to them.}
{Lately this malevolent practice which illicits only pain and anxiety from youngsters…}
Akuma: Say, Tachibana-san?
Tenshi: What is it Akuma?
{Has rapidly grown in number.}
Akuma: Do you think you could get down from there?
Tenshi: Why?
Akuma: ‘Cause they’re sort of showing…
I can see your…

Tenshi: Oh. If it’s you Akuma, I don’t care.
Akuma: Haaah?!
D—dude, don’t say things like that!!
There are eyes all over this neighborhood y’know!!

Akuma: Whaaaaaaaah!?
Tenshi: I got off…
(Side text- Of the guard rail.)
Akuma: But you’re riding something else!!
(Side text- Me!)
Akuma: Standing out like this is embarrassing!! Get off of me!
Hey! I’m talking to you!!
Dude: What’s that?
Dude2: Just die in an explosion will ya?
???: Good morning.
Good morning.
Akuma: Huh? That person is…
???: Good morning…
Good morning.

Guy: Good morning Student council president.
Naruse: Good morning.
Girl: Good morning Madam president~
Akuma: I feel like I might have seen her before…
Naruse: What’s the meaning of this ruckus..
Akuma: So she’s the Student council president….
Naruse: Good morning…
Akuma: C’-c’mon Tachibana…Get off of me.
The Student council president is looking right at us.
Tenshi: Eeeh…

Naruse: After school I want you to meet me in the Student council room alone.
You’d definitely better…
Show up.
Someone: President is anything the matter?
Naruse: Nothing at all.

Akuma: Wha?
Ichiro: You were called out?!
By the Student council president Naruse Chiyoko-senpai no less?
(Handwritten- Get yer leg off of there.)
Akuma: So she’s Naruse-senpai huh? Is she famous or something?
Ichiro: Of course man!
It’s a bit clichéd but she’s got awesome grades, is a sports goddess,
And is the perfect and sociable Student council president!!
(Handwritten- Doesn’t get grades below a 98.)
(Handwritten- Is awesome at Kendo.)
(Handwritten- Is popular with boys and girls.)
Akuma: ….That is totally clichéd.
(Outside panel- This entire situation is.)
Ichiro: But now what’s most important….

Ichiro: Akuma the aforementioned Naruse-senpai…
Is calling you out!
And she…
Wants you…
Akuma: Wh—what are you trying to say?
Ichiro: C’mon man!!
Haven’t you realized it…
No…don’t you have any expectations?
I mean it’s obviously that…!
Akuma: Oh God you’re annoying!!
Ichiro: When a girl wants to meet a boy after school…
And alone no less…
She’s obviously going to confes—
(Handwritten- Underneath the legendary like tree…)
Akuma: You idiot!
I just learned what senpai’s name is!! I’m not even close to that level!
Could something like that even happen!?

Ichiro: Can you say with total confidence…
That it won’t thappen?
Akuma: Uugh..
Ichiro: It’s okay Akuma…
When one writes ‘A miniature garden packed with dreams and hopes’
They read it as ‘High class schooling’!!
(Handwritten- Awwright!! I’m awesome!!)
(Handwritten- You stop that this instant!!)
Ichiro: Having a dream is perfectly fine!
Akuma: This is the first time I’m hearing about any of this!
Girl Hmm….if you look good that is…
Akuma: I…
I’ve had enough of messing with you!
Ichiro: Hm? Where ya goin?
Akuma: To the bathroom!
(Handwritten- See ya~)
Akuma: Geez…stupid Ichiro and his talking too damn much…

Akuma: Ah.
Tenshi: Akuma.
Akuma: Tachibana, did you need anything?
Tenshi: Not really. I just came cause I wanted to.
Akuma: Oh? I see.
Well that’s cool. I’ve got something to do after school today…
So go ahead home first okay?
Welp, I’m off to the bathroom!
Ichiro: Tachibana-san…
Akuma might just…
Become a man today.

Tenshi: Don’t get buddy-buddy with me.
Ichiro: GYAAAAH!!!
(Side text- This again?!)
(Handwritten- My eyeballs!!)
Akuma: So it’s there huh?
(Sfx- Gachaaah *clack*)
???: Then just leave this case to me.
???: Sure thing.

{Even the Teachers rely on her…}
{The Student council president….}
Naruse: Hm?
So you came.
Akuma: Yeah…
Naruse: I just finished with my work, so please come on in.
Akuma: I—it’s not like I was coming here….
{Th—this is…}
Naruse: Sorry for calling you out of the blue like that…
{The two of us alone in a locked room…?!}
{Wait, what am I getting all flustered over?}
{Dammit, it’s all thanks to Ichiro…I’ll never forgive him for this! When it’s all over I’m gonna give him a beat down!}
(Handwritten- Yahoo!)
Naruse: Yes…you may or may not know this but…

Naruse: I am Naruse Chiyoko…
A second year.
I also work as this schools Student council president.
Pleased to meet you.
Akuma: It’s come to this….I was hoping to avoid this, but it seems I can’t…
The ‘Self introduction’.
{The Self Introduction.}
{In order for human relationships to proceed smoothly this element is essential.}
Kid: I’m
Sasaki Pegasus.
{However to those with Uber fail names this is only their first trial.}

{For it is simply stating one’s name that…}
{Will almost certainly result in being the rope that one will hang themselves with.}
Dude: We’re leaving this to you Pegasus!
(On board- Student art show.// Theme: ‘Stars and Princes and men and women’. Prince: Terada//Star: Kinoshita// Man: // Woman Miyama// Pegasus star style// Pegasus.)
(TN- Basically they’re voting for each role. Pegasus gets to be the Pegasus.)
{Moreover those with Uber fail names,}
{Observe that this is where their already sensitive nerves are stabbed even harder.}
{Or so it seems.}
Akuma: I really hate self-introductions…
But I have to say something…
Ah oh well…
I’m first year…
Tanaka ….Akuma…
Pleased to meet you.
Naruse: I know that.

Akuma: Huh?
(Side text- Hm?)
{This is different from the usual pattern up until now…!!}
Akuma: Eh? Um…you know?
Naruse: Yes…I investigated you after all.
Akuma: Investigated…ah…
Yeah I guess if I head of a guy with a name like mine…
I’d want to find out what kind of weirdo he is and stuff…
Naruse: That’s not it.
For one thing I…
Don’t assume a person’s personality based on shallow inferences such as their name.
Especially when I haven’t met them myself.
(Side text- Best not to sight unseen.)

{Oh damn.}
Naruse: Isn’t it silly to judge people without meeting them first?
{With just one word….}
{I’ve gone from thinking that a confession is idiotic to hoping that’s what’ll happen!!}
{Gauge of good feelings.}
{I’ve got a good feeling about this!!}
{I think…}
{I could actually…}
{Come to like her…!!!}

Akuma: Ah…
Well then…
What did you need me for today…?
Naruse: Yes…
Akuma: Eh…?

Akuma: Wha…
(Side text- She smells good….)
Naruse: Are you…
Going out with the first year Tachibana-san?

Akuma: Eeeh?! What? Why’d you ask me that all of a sudden…
Naruse: Answer me.
Akuma: Um…well..
We’re just…
Naruse: I see…
Thank goodness…
Akuma: Thank goodness? For what!?

Akuma: Ngh…
{No way…}
{She seriously….}
Naruse: Then there’s something…
{She seriously….}
Naruse: I really want to tell you…
Naruse: I….

Naruse: Have been watching Tachibana-san with the intent of having sex with her.


(Handwritten- Hm?)
Akuma: WHAAAAT?!
Naruse: It might be a problem if I come on too strong though…did I?

{Uwaaaah!! And I was expecting some pretty awesome things dammit!!}
Akuma: So you like me huh?
(Handwritten- Image.)
{And now that I think back on it I’m just wholly and completely embarrassed!!}
{And now with one word my good feelings gauge just exploded into space dust!!}
{The good feelings gauge exploded upon the creation of a new star.}
{People’s impressions really can change with just one word huh!?}
{Just what is she?!}
Naruse: Oh, by the way…
I would like you to help me become better accquaianted with Tachibana-san…
Akuma: No.
(Side text- Scary.)
Naruse: Tehee. It seems you need to hear the story of how Tachibana-san and I met.
(Handwritten- Why would I need to hear that?)
Akuma: I’m cool, thanks.
Naruse: Yes…it was back when..
Akuma: You’re just going to start?!

{This year’s Matriculation ceremony.}
{I went on stage in order to…}
{Give a greeting to the student delegation.}
Naruse: Everyone, I would like to take this moment to congratulate you on matriculating here…
{At that time…}
Naruse: Congratulations..
{It was..}
Tenshi: I’m hungry…
(Sfx- Zukyuuun *throooob*)
Naruse: A miracle encounter!!
(Handwritten- Um…that’s nice..?)

Naruse: There was always ‘something’ lacking within me…
This is a thought that constantly plagued me.
But when I met Tachibana-san…
I felt like ‘that’ had been filled in…
In short..
She completes me!
(Handwritten- This isn’t just a theory!)
(Handwritten- But something I understand from the bottom of my heart!)
Naruse: She’s my Goddess!
Moreover this perverted side of me that awakened…
At the very same moment has brought me to a very tacit understanding!! This is my true nature!
Yes, Tachibana-san and I must be together immediately…
‘And by any means necessary!’
But to defile my Goddess…I’ll die a thousand times!!

Naruse: Do you understand this heart of a maiden that beats within me?!
(Side text- And you took too long explaining it!!)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Hah)
(Sfx- Hah)
Naruse: Well…Even I understand…
That we can’t do ‘that sort of thing’ right away.
I guess…
{She’s blushing now…}
{So I guess at the root of all this she is serious about what she’s saying.}
{I guess I could help her with that much…}
Naruse: Please…

Naruse: Become the mediator between Tachibana-san and I’s sexual tryst.
Akuma: Uh No.
She’s crying?!

Naruse: I wanted a cushion…
Akuma: Eh?
{What’s this all of a sudden….}
Naruse: I figured with some cushioning that things would be fine…
But it seems that won’t happen.
If that’s the case then I’ve met my limit.
Akuma: What is she saying?
Naruse: I’ll just have to figure out something on my own!
Akuma: Drool?!

Naruse: I don’t know how things will end up but..
I’ve never felt this way…
Before in my life!!
I’m coming to you now….
Akuma: She jumped from the window?! This is the fourth floor!!

Akuma: What the hell is wrong with her?!
Naruse: Tachibana-saaan!! Where are you?!
Akuma: This is bad…I have to follow her..!!
Tachibana-san is in danger…
It’s her…
Chastity that’s in trouble!!

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Level [D] Translator

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