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Recent content by Fox666

  1. Fox666

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1116 Spoiler Discussion

    I think Momonosuke just realized Pluton is one of the 3 ancient weapons from the Void Century that Vegapunk mentioned While that's something the reader is familiar with, most characters don't know anything about the ancient weapons
  2. Fox666

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1116 Spoiler Discussion

    Akainu is the Vice-Admirals who started the fire on Ohara, so it makes sense he's 100% ok with what happened to Lulusia
  3. Fox666

    Theory The One Piece is in Fact..A Tale Full of Laughter

    Oda confirmed that the One Piece is a physical reward
  4. Fox666

    Predictions Yamato following Oden's journey

    The world of One Piece is crazy. Momonosuke can now transform into a pink dragon that can levitate castles. Who cares if a person is "transindividual". I'm more surprised nobody suspected Yamato for being Kaido's child. I guess Yamato just tells them Kaido broke all of his bones since he was a...
  5. Fox666

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1115 Discussion

    In terms of math, the water level increased by around 5% around the world Does the Red Line covers 5% of the area of the planet?
  6. Fox666

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    Of course the 20 kingdoms were not mentioned by name back then
  7. Fox666

    Hangout One Piece Mega Convo Thread

  8. Fox666

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    As explained in the Skypeia saga, Shandia was attacked by the 20 kingdoms 800-900 years ago and their civilizations was mostly annihilated, and they most likely lost most of their records of the Void Century.
  9. Fox666

    Hangout One Piece Mega Convo Thread

    Oars died 500 years ago, and Little Oars Jr. is 70, doesn't that mean Little Oars Senior lived 430 years?
  10. Fox666

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    Not exactly how generations work, your parents weren't born 80 years ago... assuming giants have on average children at age of 100, that's 8 generations
  11. Fox666

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    Seems like we finally will find out about the Void Century
  12. Fox666

    Question Did Kuma activate at Kamabakka the same time Ancient Robot did at Egghead?

    Comparing Kuma to Klabautermann is interesting, but how does this relates to his Buccaneer lineage?
  13. Fox666

    Discussion One Piece Power Level Discussion Thread

    You didn't debunked my arguments because I'm not arguing over minor details. If you don't agree on the powercreep, there's no point in arguing. Kaido wiped the floor with the Scabbards, which included many commander-level characters, such as Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Asura Douji, Denjiro...
  14. Fox666

    Discussion One Piece Power Level Discussion Thread

    I'm shocked. I would have swear that's what you love the most. I just said that if we don't agree on the powercreep, arguing about minor details is pointless. Then you go on and make a huge talking about small details...
  15. Fox666

    Discussion One Piece Power Level Discussion Thread

    I'm not claiming that what the majority believes is true, I'm saying that you are not addressing the core issue You keep making huge posts about minor details, while not addressing what really matters During his fight with Kaido, Luffy got so strong and fast that his base form would one-shot...