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  • found this subhuman ape tweeting in my newsfeed, honestly I would respect them more if they showed their true colors right away, just tell them to leave their homes peacefully for the new Israeli settlers. Having a middle ground on this is a slap to humanity. When you call the oppressor and the oppressed on the same ground, Its instantly makes you an ape
    Happy birthday to me. For this occasion i'm gifting myself 10 hidden object puzzle games, 3 summer dresses and a big cake to eat it with my mother and sister. :fan
    Today i put my 4G router to rest. I tossed it outta my car window and it landed safely under a container carrier truck.

    Rest in pieces
    Sanity Check
    Sanity Check
    Amazing to think.

    Of people do things like this today without livestreaming it or posting on tiktok.

    WIFI isn't a good option for gaming. Or anything for that matter. Hardline is best. :invalid
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    Well! my connection is too trash to livestream anything. I was paying for shit service that cost a lot of money over the past 3 years.
    I think I can’t have hardline internet since both of my houses don’t have landline telephone number and it’s like impossible to install one.
    Meet Mesho, A cat lives in my neighborhood.
    I want him in my home so bad and I'd like to give him a bath and take care of him but my mother hates cats so much so it's not possible to do that. Regardless, We created a nice bond, I go for walk daily and he accompany me sometimes. I feed him canned Tuna on daily basis.
    Who named him Mesho ?
    There is a fruit in my place called "Meshmesh" in English its (Apricots).
    So any ginger or semi ginger cat has a name a common name here"Meshmeshya cat"

    I named him after that naming. "Mesho"
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    That's a very strange cover...
    How? Kinda gayish I think but I love my boys no matter what, They are all straight and have wives and kids tho.
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    I joined MH on 8th of March 2016, Im thinking to leave it on 8th March 2021. That would be epic closure XD, It was good 5 years, I meet awesome people and i enjoyed mytime here for the most part. I will disconnect my discord from every server too. Nothing happened, I just want to invest my time in more progressive stuff. Everyday i just waste my life staring at my screen or engage in useless arguments. I want out!

    You Were E.N.D. in FTB forums right, I'm glad that you like my posts. I feel flattered :3

    I change my plan, I will visit the forum every month or so.
    Yep that was me! Still miss some of the discussions/ hanging out there sometimes, though I don’t think I’d have as much time now even if it was still online :darn I tend to catch up and then drop in here semi-regularly, I don’t think I can pull away completely even if sometimes I go several weeks/ chapters between visits! It’s always nice to be able to come back to a community discussion for a series like FT:)
    • Hug
    Reactions: Raven
    I missed the discussions there as well. The forum was crowded with high intellectual members who makes crazy theories and chapter analysis and you are one of them. I'm really glad to see you around. ^^
    The dilemma of the center and margin intellectuals will remain present as long as the tyranny grip is strong. The former will defend the authenticity of their achievement and their independence despite living under the authorities shadow. The latter will continue to appeal their freedom at the expense of spreading their achievements. Neither of them escapes from the radicalism of the center and margin.
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    Hey, ppl who aren't intellectuals are able to do achievements too! :hmph
    Like, and pretty much, stand-up comedians.
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    Sanity Check
    Sanity Check
    It used to be the center labeling the far right and far left as radicals.

    Today the far right and far left have gained enough traction to label the center as radicalism.

    Payback is a blech.

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    Today is the last day of ranked in league of legends, Gotta admit i did really poorly this year.. I think mainly because of the conqueror nerf. That what i get for relying only on one rune, I really didn't try anything else, The champions i play are heavily reliant on conqueror
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    Sanity Check
    Sanity Check
    I would be scared to compete in LoL vs people who live on that game 18 hours a day. :toc
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    I can run hundreds of miles without stopping for a rest.
    I woke up everyday and think i'm the best.
    When i focus, I always reach my goal.
    But there is one thing that i cannot control.

    I get angry so fast, so very fast.
    A couple of baits and my cool is a, Thing of the past.
    I get angry so fast, so very fast.
    If i got money the times i get angry, It would be a good thing to invest.
    I have watched 100 episodes of spongebob dubbed in Arabic in 4 days, Totally having different to it, The voice over of Patrick and Squadward is fucking hilarious. It's better than the original, I'm so glad i could understand it. I laughed way too hard. Now i suffer from severe headache from laughing and coughing
    I'm making so fucking long league montage with sexy kills. I know no one will watch it but will do it anyways.
    I'm a good Nasus player tho, I just find him extremely boring and unfun
    lol stacking is fun, i had that mini game with myself where i always tried to get to 1k stack. never succeeded. aiight what about singed? don't you dare saying he's boring. flipping people and spamming laugh while they chase you was so satisfying.
    He is fun but hard to lane with, Total trash champion.
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