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Recent content by Rikudou King

  1. Rikudou King

    TV House of The Dragon

    Fair enough. I think another big factor is probably they want someone to be the face of the Green fraction, and she's the best choice morally compared to Aegon and the work for the relationship with Rhaenyra has already been done. Then maybe I'm misremembering, but in the books wasn't it shown...
  2. Rikudou King

    TV House of The Dragon

    But isn't that the point, she doesn't hold power? She was already in conflict powerwise with Otto, and we've seen her control over Aegon even before the crowning was kind of weak. Now that he's king, what control can she exert on him to actually keep him in line? Those on the Green side are...
  3. Rikudou King

    TV House of The Dragon

    Oh absolutely, I agree. I'm willing to give them a little faith, and while we gotta wait to see with Rhaenyra, I disagree about Alicent. As you mention, there's no reason to side with Alicent in the books, which is probably why they changed it in the show - not only giving her a legit reason to...
  4. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 151 Spoilers & Discussion

    The only reason I would think Worreldane would stick around and not flee when given the chance would be that the risk of being defeated is worth the potential of removing one or both of the Sins, which would be a serious advantage on Camelot's side. We've seen it before that the Chaos Knights...
  5. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 151 Spoilers & Discussion

    On the one hand, Diane's performance is sad, but on the otherhand, magic-users have always been pretty OP in this series and really only countered by another magic-user. So Worreldane's performance is to be expected. The more interesting thing is her seemingly wasting the elixir just to test...
  6. Rikudou King

    Games Top Ten Game - Interim Round 94: Top 10 Anime Openings & Endings (2020-Present)

    Will have a list soon, just catching up on the current crop.
  7. Rikudou King

    TV House of The Dragon

    Always, especially with the implications from the actresses! In fairness, they seem to be trying to make both leads more "morally good" given what we saw at the end of last season and in the trailers. That said, I still don't believe the rumor... They've been expanding what the characters...
  8. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 150 Spoilers & Discussion

    Wasn't expecting Nasiens to get this kind of power-up this arc, not sure where it will go after this arc. I'm gonna wait til we see the end results next chapter before commenting on Worreldane's performance... Glad to see Diane working hard as usual...
  9. Rikudou King

    TV House of The Dragon

    It's nonsense... Could it happen, sure, anything could happen, but definitely not for the reason given. As mention, not only have numerous characters been given more to do in the first season, but even the trailer for the second season show characters getting expanded roles... if everyone else...
  10. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 149 Spoilers & Discussion

    I would assume there's an advantage to having a spirit weapon over a regular one. If we go by what we've seen, while not unbreakable, they do seem to regenerate, which would arguably be just as useful. Now I'm curious, given the Lady of the Lake was born directly from Chaos, if that's be one of...
  11. Rikudou King

    TV House of The Dragon

    Why do you think it won't be part of this season? Makes prefect sense the season will end on that, considering the things we saw in the trailer like Criston being the hand. I don't see why you would believe a random rumor, especially one that doesn't even make sense logically... Multiple...
  12. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 149 Spoilers & Discussion

    It would be weird for Lancelot to not get a weapon from Dubs after searching all this time for him. That said, it wouldn't be strange if Lancelot got a spirit weapon, since we saw with Helbram that the Sacred Tree doesn't seem picky when handing out weapons.
  13. Rikudou King

    Edens Zero Chapter 287 Spoilers & Discussion

    Cool seeing the Chronophage going all out, though how Shiki will overcome her will be interesting to see...
  14. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 149 Spoilers & Discussion

    Once again we're reminded that heroes keep underestimating the resolve and dedication of the other side. Curious if there will be a payoff for that. Anyway, kind of surprising how easily Worreldane handles the other children. I mean, at least Sixtus took some effort. It really does show the...
  15. Rikudou King

    Chapter Mokushiroku no Yonkishi Chapter 148 Spoilers & Discussion

    Arthur has foreknowledge on his side now, so it's not strange that he would be able to take advantage of specific situations, especially ones connected with Lancelot. Considering Worreldane not only knew where the elixir was located, but that it required a phrase to bring it forth all suggest...