Voting Round 2 - Bishamonten vs. Sakura Matou | MangaHelpers

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Voting Round 2 Bishamonten vs. Sakura Matou

Who wins?

  • Bishamonten

  • Sakura Matou

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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Sakura Matou
Fate/stay night


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
oh but why !?

dont know any of them, but I remember Bisha form Crescent last year amazing campaign, both are gorgeous & valuable contenders to me ♥, would have loved that they dont face so i can choose both,
im wholeheartedly with sakura :zomg


Crescent Jinx

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore
Will campaign when get home but right now will drops some lovely fanart of Bishamon

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

oh but why !?

dont know any of them, but I remember Bisha form Crescent last year amazing campaign, both are gorgeous & valuable contenders to me ♥, would have loved that they dont face so i can choose both,
im wholeheartedly with sakura :zomg

You need to try Noragami!!!! Manga or Anime! But I definitely think you would loooovvvvee it if you got caught up in the manga.
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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
Will campaign when get home but right now will drops some lovely fanart of Bishamon

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

You need to try Noragami!!!! Manga or Anime! But I definitely think you would loooovvvvee it if you got caught up in the manga.
Ill definitely check it out asap, i ve already been a lot interesteded in it last year with your campaign and heard a lot of great stuff about it, ill give it a try when i can :zomg

Crescent Jinx

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore

Bishamon is a goddess of war in Noragami. While that might sound way too terrifying to be a waifu, her waifu qualities are as clear as her name.

B is for the Bunny Ears that Kazuma gave her...

...or it might be for her Bish T-shirt she wears around her home...

Then it can also be for her Beauty and her Bravery. Which we will get to more about... later.

I is connected to her Integrity.

Like when she stood kept Investigating what truly happened to Ebisu even though it made her have to fight Heaven's army by herself.

S is for her beloved Shinki. All the Souls that she Saves and gives a home to. Being the god that takes in more than anyone else, she also has to have the Strength to be able to carry that many sins from each human she saves. Otherwise she will be blighted by them. A Stinging infection that eventually would kill a god.

There is the Humanity, which she protects. And the Hope that she gives to the people around her.

And the Authority she commands as a God of War. While M is for the Maturity she gains as she always continues to grow. And for her status as Mother head of her clan.

O is for the Openness that she begins to learn as it is not good to take the burden of everyone on herself and close herself off to people. But also having her hundreds of shiki send her letters of their wishes and goals so she can get to know them better. Which she takes time out every day to read.

N is Nobility. Because Bae is a Queen.

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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Bishamon friendzoned Kazuma and instead has this weird love/hate thing going on with Yato. She's a cool and strong char but a good wife? I'm not so sure tbh...

Sakura on the other hand only has eyes for the one guy she loves and supports him no matter what:

While she might not exactly be a strong fighter, she's learned from the god of cooking and has excellent skills:

Not to mention, she can rock every outfit:

She's somewhat shy and bashful at times, but if it's for the people she cares for, she can go above and beyond.
And let's not forget she can let the past rest and return a favor :blush

With that I'm done for the time being, these two are getting quite embarassed already :p


Crescent Jinx

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore
Bishamon friendzoned Kazuma and instead has this weird love/hate thing going on with Yato. She's a cool and strong char but a good wife? I'm not so sure tbh...
Well it’s implied they have a relationship like Kofuku and Daikoku, who are as close as you can have for a God and Shinki to be married.

Not sure how spoilery this is....

^Her wanting him to give her a name so they could be more like Kofuku and Dai.

The decades they spent together after she lost her first clan before he helped her find her second has them living more as husband and wife then normal regalia and god.


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
oh come on, in all honesty, if you don't even hold hands in decades then I'm not sure how that is anything more than forced friendship :p Kofuku and Daifuku are a normal couple and act like one. Kazuma has been throwing BIG hints at Bishamon, even in your example, and yet he still gets friendzoned all the time.

I really have nothing against Bishamon, she's a caring woman (for her family) and a strong character, but when it comes to love she really has a pretty bad track record. And even if we assume that someone gets through to her thanks to a miracle, chances are that person would only be secondary to her family as well. It makes sense because of her history and the things that happen in the manga, but I just think it's unlikely she would make for a great wife.

Ofc that's my opinion only, but I feel people should at least know that she friendzoned the guy closest to her for decades, besides the plenty obvious advances from his side.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Sakura is a rather generic japanese waifu, Rin casts a huge shadow over her (and Rin isn't even that great)

Bisha is more interesting and charming imo.

Crescent Jinx

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore
Bishamon friendzoned Kazuma and instead has this weird love/hate thing going on with Yato
I don’t think I addressed the Yato x Bishamon thing.

But it stems back from Yato idolizing her as a young god. A long time before that incident with the Ma clan happened. When she was a vibrant and vivacious war goddess. Because she’s that amazing.

oh come on, in all honesty, if you don't even hold hands in decades then I'm not sure how that is anything more than forced friendship :p Kofuku and Daifuku are a normal couple and act like one. Kazuma has been throwing BIG hints at Bishamon, even in your example, and yet he still gets friendzoned all the time.

I really have nothing against Bishamon, she's a caring woman (for her family) and a strong character, but when it comes to love she really has a pretty bad track record. And even if we assume that someone gets through to her thanks to a miracle, chances are that person would only be secondary to her family as well. It makes sense because of her history and the things that happen in the manga, but I just think it's unlikely she would make for a great wife.

Ofc that's my opinion only, but I feel people should at least know that she friendzoned the guy closest to her for decades, besides the plenty obvious advances from his side.
I don’t know if putting family first is necessarily a bad thing since that’s a wonderful waifu quality :grumble. Considering that the husbando is included in the family. I wouldn’t dismiss her these traits of taking care of people. She loves to take care of people and her empathic nature can’t stand for anyone to be hurt around her.

Those are great characteristics for not only wives but also a mother. Also considering the fact that she has a dual persona of being both an aggressive war god, but also a humble, mature females, she represents the type of ultimate woman who can make it in a man’s world while being smart, beautiful, sexy, and taking care of a job, a family, and a husband. She has baggage, but she can carry it. She has a husband, she can carry him too.

Bishamon is the type to give more than what she gets in return. So whatever love she is shown, she would turn it around and give it x 3000. She actually thrives on affection and giving it. And Kazuma isn’t friendzoned. He’s her family. She wants to be closer. And has told him that. But she would also never make a sexual move toward him because she’s the leader of the clan and he’s her last adopted spirit of the ma clan.

He is also a pansy too. Admitting to Hiyori that he chickens out saying he actually loves Bisha because that is a sin. A sin for him to love a goddess, and any time that a Shinki believes themselves to be guilty of a sin, they sting their god. So if he makes a move then she gets blighted... again...

That doesn’t keep them from showing each other support and love.

She wants him to remain alive forever. And will do anything to ensure that. Including taken everything on her shoulders and also going rogue and finding a wild, second Hafuri so he won’t get punished.

But I understand that seeing her and her whip is too much to handle.

She an unbelievably beautiful female inside and out.



Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I am probably going for bishamonten. I don't know that much about either tbh but from what I have seen from fate sakura's personality traits are liking shiro and otherwise not having personality traits. And liking shirou is a transgression that merits death tbh. I could maybe overlook the fact that she is full of parasites and just grossness in general but she otherwise has way too little going for her to get away with the nearly unforgivable sin of liking shiro.


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
I don’t think I addressed the Yato x Bishamon thing.

But it stems back from Yato idolizing her as a young god. A long time before that incident with the Ma clan happened. When she was a vibrant and vivacious war goddess. Because she’s that amazing.

I don’t know if putting family first is necessarily a bad thing since that’s a wonderful waifu quality :grumble. Considering that the husbando is included in the family. I wouldn’t dismiss her these traits of taking care of people. She loves to take care of people and her empathic nature can’t stand for anyone to be hurt around her.

Those are great characteristics for not only wives but also a mother. Also considering the fact that she has a dual persona of being both an aggressive war god, but also a humble, mature females, she represents the type of ultimate woman who can make it in a man’s world while being smart, beautiful, sexy, and taking care of a job, a family, and a husband. She has baggage, but she can carry it. She has a husband, she can carry him too.

Bishamon is the type to give more than what she gets in return. So whatever love she is shown, she would turn it around and give it x 3000. She actually thrives on affection and giving it. And Kazuma isn’t friendzoned. He’s her family. She wants to be closer. And has told him that. But she would also never make a sexual move toward him because she’s the leader of the clan and he’s her last adopted spirit of the ma clan.

He is also a pansy too. Admitting to Hiyori that he chickens out saying he actually loves Bisha because that is a sin. A sin for him to love a goddess, and any time that a Shinki believes themselves to be guilty of a sin, they sting their god. So if he makes a move then she gets blighted... again...

That doesn’t keep them from showing each other support and love.

She wants him to remain alive forever. And will do anything to ensure that. Including taken everything on her shoulders and also going rogue and finding a wild, second Hafuri so he won’t get punished.

But I understand that seeing her and her whip is too much to handle.

She an unbelievably beautiful female inside and out.

Loving your family is certainly not a bad trait, that's not what I meant. But Bisha puts her family before everything else, and would discard her personal love for her family on the spot. I think it's not that hard to imagine what it's like if your partner puts his/her family first, and you second. And that's pretty much what would happen here.

The way she acts with Kazuma she mostly acts towards all of her family too, Kazuma himself I believe even realizes that her family is by far the most important thing to her. Meaning that as a wife there's always the potential/risk of her discarding her partner if it helps her family. That doesn't necessarily have to happen, but Bisha's strong focus on her family is almost unhealthy, as proven by the fact how she invited disaster multiple times thanks to her selfish actions.

All that said though, Bisha is a kind woman and not exactly a bad waifu either, but at least a waifu with a damn lot of emotional backpack that could hurt every potential partner a lot. Basically, her partner could have a great life with her, or get burned very very hard if things go south for some reason (external factors). She's a double-edged sword, basically.

Don't intend to bash her though, I like her as well, but she's not as perfect as you make her sound to be.
That being said, if I post again it's going to be about Sakura, Bishamon got plenty of focus now :p

It's Sakura time~

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

And to lessen the drama, here's an amazing Sakura comic to warm your heart :wtf



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Howdy, folks.

Yeah, some weird farmer and/or pyromaniac told me to vote for blondie. So, there you go.

She kinda had this round by default though. As.. appealing as they sound, magic rape worms do not qualify you for best waifu... Just kinda fucked up.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
It's really hard on my soul when people know nothing about Sakura but some vague stuff about worms and it's the same old argument no matter how often I explain it :8C
Yeah, it’s the same with girls who have animal ears, or any number of unusual traits. Someone always has to get ugly... and it’s not the girl in question.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
It's really hard on my soul when people know nothing about Sakura but some vague stuff about worms and it's the same old argument no matter how often I explain it :8C
Ironically, I have no idea who you are or what you've said before, but I know a lot more about Sakura than I do about blondie. All the typical cringey stuff aside, Fate is actually a pretty cool series. Sakura just doesn't appeal to me as a character. I don't even think she's 18.

I mean, if you would like to explain your argument, then go for it. I don't mind talking about her character. If not, it's all good. I'm just your friendly neighborhood duck messiah passing through.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
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I dont remember much about Bishamon, seemed to just be an extra angry Tsundere to me, I liked her design though.
Sakura is where its at, best character arc in Fate other than Shirou , and he had 3 separate routes to develop. Sakura is about as waifu as waifus get. The first thing that pops in your mind when you look at Sakura is that she'd make a good wife. Plus yandere is hot.
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