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Theory Crazy Theories and Predictions


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I seen it mentioned elsewhere that the Giant territory Elbaf may contain a Supreme Grade Sword.

This would be... cool (to say the least.)

We haven't seen enough of them yet and it would make sense that one of the isolated areas is keeping one hidden. But a Giant one? That's a level of ridiculous the author would probably go for actually... so yeah. I agree. There may be a Giant Supreme Grade Sword in Elbaf.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I think it's obvious what Blackbeard represents and how he fits in the story.

The World Government will be destroyed first because they are a villain group you can't empathize with. They're evil. Period.

Blackbeard on the other hand will be destroyed second because he represents a villain group that holds beliefs contrary to Luffy from the Void Century.

That is, the World Government holds modern beliefs that are wrong, but Blackbeard and Luffy both hold beliefs that are correct in the Ancient Age of the story. The World Government merely disrupted the beliefs being used back then.

Luffy represents the good aspects of the Ancient Kingdom and Blackbeard represents the bad aspects of the Ancient Kingdom. But, you won't get a full picture of either of these concepts until they begin to fight.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I am going to point out that Luffy is not using his rubber abilities as effectively as he could be.

Case #1: Luffy has never and probably will never change his shape in such a way that he is able to impersonate another person. Other people with rubber properties like Elongated Man can perform this feat. In other words, Luffy can perform feats like Bon Clay where he impersonates someone by changing his appearance-- Luffy can do this by changing the shape of his body, but he never has and probably never will.

Luffy can probably also turn into a shovel or almost any other type of tool, but he usually doesn't do it. This is a lack of creativity if you ask me or maybe the author deliberately avoids allowing Luffy to do it because it would cause problems in his story if he impersonates people.

Either way... Luffy is not being as creative as he could be. Other similar characters do many things he doesn't even try to do.

I'll point to a specific case in another series where someone who had these abilities was NOT using them to their full extent, and it was shown to him by someone very smart.

In the Flash, the Elongated Man was Ralph Dibny. Ralph used his abilities to stretch his arms, and turn himself into objects. But, one time, he he had his powers stolen by a villain named DeVoe. DeVoe explained that Ralph was never able to use the full extent of his abilities because he lacked imagination. He then demonstrated that Ralph was able to turn into other people by changing his shape, which is exactly what DeVoe did upon stealing his powers. After having learned of his lack of imagination, Ralph discovered that he had shapeshifter abilities.

Ralph Dibny Transforms into Some Other Dude

The same thing is true of Luffy. Luffy can change his shape into other people's shapes, he's a shapeshiter, but he has never tried to do it. Someone smarter would do it, though, if they had his abilities. Think about it! He can change his bone structure. That means he can create an entirely new face.

If Luffy can change his face to look like this just by being hit by Kaido... then he can for sure "will" his body to change shape on its own.

Case #2: If Luffy can shapeshift into a person, then he can also shapeshift into every normal Zoan except the myth ones because they have special properties.

Case #3: If Luffy can shapeshift into a person, or any animal, then he can shapeshift into almost any form of tool or object, too. He sometimes does... but, he mostly doesn't. Evidence includes: he transformed his hair into goggles. He turns his punch into a pistol. His entire body has emulated the weapon system of a tank "Rhinoceros Howitzer." He has been both big and small at times, too.

If you think about it... Luffy could be doing the same things that other people do with their fruits... but he's just not doing it. As mentioned earlier, he could be performing Bon Clay feats of impersonation or he could be pulling off inflation feats like San Juan Wolf. Actually he does! Luffy gets big all the time and all he does is blow air into his body-- that's inflating lol.

Speculation: Isn't it weird that Luffy doesn't create EXTRA appendages via his rubber abilities? He could make 1000 arms if he wanted to. What's stopping a guy who has control over his entire body and it has rubber properties? Nothing. He could very well make his own bone structures, musculature, and everything else. He could even make an extra heart. It's really just up to the imagination of the author. He could become an octopus with eight arms if he wanted to. His stretching is unlimited, too... there is no set limit on that. He could punch somebody on the other side of the planet. Hell, he could punch somebody on the other side of the universe if the author allowed for it.

Guys... if Luffy can turn into a "Giant" 100 times his size... what is stopping him from turning into a giant 1000 times his size... 10,000 times his size... 100,000 times his size... do you understand that the size he is at any point in time is not fixed? He can be any size. Any size, any shape. He can orient himself to anything. That's precisely why the Five Elders say it is the Most Ridiculous ability. His combat abilities are limited only by his imagination.

It's a good thing that Luffy isn't very imaginative... because if he was... they would be so so so so screwed. People sometimes wonder if Luffy will sometime use a bladed weapon like a sword.... well, he could... but it wouldn't make sense... because the fact is Luffy can create substances from his own body that are equally strong and sharp. His body, with Haki added to it, is as strong as any unknown material could ever be. It's like alien technology. There is nothing saying he can't turn his body into bladed weapons, either. All he has to do is will his arm into the shape of a sword and suddenly he's performing flying sword techniques that Zoro only wishes he could do. He can make his own body so strong that humankind would not understand how to recreate something as strong as it is. That's what his body is like. You KNOW this because most things would break if Kaido hit it, but Luffy's body doesn't.
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I want to clarify something very easy to understand... Haki is Subtle Energy.

What is Subtle Energy?

Subtle energy is known primarily as Life Force Energy. In Greek philosophy, it is known as Life Light.

Chi, Qi, Prana, Chakra, etc... it's all the same thing. It's Life Force Energy as it's understood by different cultures.

But, originally, it is known as Life Light. It refers to the molecular activity in our bodies where photonic activity takes place. That is to say, the Life Light refers to what people call Biophotons! Photons created in the body of living organisms. However, Life Light is considered a spiritual element. It's not scientific.

Modern science has long abandoned the concept of Life Force Energy (Biophotons). It does not apply in the real world... mystics believe that scientists can never understand Life Force Energy because it is Subtle Energy and Subtle Energy by definition cannot be found using scientific instruments.

Biophotons are what create auras. I don't think this is hard to understand.

Guys... what is an aura? It is a biofield. That is, a field of energy created by electromagnetism produced within a living organism.

Do you know what that means? It means people who can see auras are using a sense associated with Clair Senses and Omnipotence, Onmiscience, and Omnipresence. Well, actually... it's mostly just Omniscience because Omniscience means to know all things and to know all things means to have every sense available to perceive all things.... but like honestly do I need to explain this? Observation Haki is the sense to be able to detect biofields.
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I wanted to point out something kind of obvious... or what I think is obvious.

The Ancient Robot on Egghead is basically the Pacifista of the Ancient Kingdom.

I once said... in another place... Vegapunk will NOT be able to tell the readers everything they want to know.


Because Vegapunk is a scientist, guys. He works using hypothesis and the scientific method. This story does not respect the scientific method.

The Ancient Kingdom defies modern science. They had advanced technology. The things Vegapunk understands are not as developed as the Ancient Kingdom's understanding of things.

Anyway... Saturn thinks that whoever controls the Pacifistas will win the battle, but he doesn't realize there is an even more powerful robot active on the island that he has no authority over. Saturn is a very calculated man. Once he realizes that the Ancient Robot is active on the island, he will change his thoughts on how the battle will turn out because it will start annihilating the Pacifista and he won't understand why they're being defeated so easily.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I would like to point out something somewhat strange yet mathematical...

Buggy's Fruit is the reciprocal of Luffy's Fruit.

What is a reciprocal?


a mathematical expression or function so related to another that their product is one; the quantity obtained by dividing the number one by a given quantity.
"the compressibility is the reciprocal of the bulk modulus"

Okay. I am not sure how many of you actually understand math, but if you understand what I am saying then you understand that Luffy and Buggy share a relationship in terms of their Devil Fruit properties. One of them is immune to blunt damage, but receives damage from bladed weapons, while the other is immune to bladed weapons, but receives damage from blunt weapons. Do you see what I am getting at here? Those two things are opposites, which means that these may be two Gods who have similar but opposite abilities OR at the very least Buggy's abilities are precisely the opposite of Nika's.... which draws an odd comparison because if his abilities are the direct of opposite of Nika's abilities... then Buggy is equally powerful.

It may be explained later that Buggy's fruit resembles the abilities of a prominent figure during the Void Century who was constantly at odds with JoyBoy.

I think maybe the point between these two characters is that Luffy laughs because of wholesome things, but Buggy laughs because of unwholesome things.
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I have not seen Film: Red. I do not know what the connection is between Shanks and the Figarland family.

However, I would like to question why people think this man looks exactly like Shanks.

This is Figarland Garling.

This is Shanks

Personally, I DO NOT see the resemblance.

Is it possible people are making up the connection between these two characters?

And sometimes people ONLY see what they want to see, right? So, if they wanted to believe he looks exactly like Shanks... then, in their mind, it might be true, but to the rest of us... I'm not sure, bro. That dude doesn't look the same. I mean, if you only take general qualities from them then maybe but that's.... no. We do not even know if his hair is red. It is just known that way in panels by people who specifically wanted to make his hair red. Sometimes, Figarland Garling's hair is shown as white or even green! So.... idk guys.

Let's also remember that Oda once showed an SBS of what Ace would look like if he grew up... and he looked like Shanks. So, why would both Ace and Figarland both be Shanks look-alikes?? It's a weird idea. Isn't it? Ace can't possibly be a copy of Shanks, while Shanks is a copy of a Celestial Dragon. That's ridiculous. If we are to take that literally, then it means that Roger, Shanks, and Figarland all share the same genetic material. That's fked boys.
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 12, 2023
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I think it is ridiculous to think every single one of the 5 Elders and Imu had the Eternal Life Operation performed on them.

I'm not even sure that's how the Devil Fruit really works...

If someone used the Devil Fruit to perform an Eternal Life Operation, then I am not sure the Devil Fruit would still circulate. Nobody has guaranteed that once someone has performed the Eternal Life Operation that the fruit goes back into circulation.

Moreover, there is no reason to believe the Five Elders and Imu have repeatedly found someone to force themselves to die to give them Eternal Life. There is no actual reason to believe any of them have done it, except for maybe Imu because Ivankov implied that he did.

I think this is a fault of the reader for not looking at it in more than one way. It is possible that the 5 Elders simply have extremely long lifespans because they are demons or something. They don't necessarily need to have the Eternal Life Operation performed on them to do what they have done and I think it is a lack of imagination on the reader's part to assume it was necessary at all. For example, we already know Giants can live for hundreds of years. It's entirely possible that some form of a demon can live for even longer than that.

ALSO isn't it actually ETERNAL YOUTH? Which implies that if the 5 Elders actually did have it performed on them, they would be YOUTHFUL. Not incredibly old looking.

Think about it, right? Do you want to see 4-5 old men who look like they're about to die explain that they have eternal youth? That's fked boys. Not a single one of those fools look young/youthful in any sense of the word. They all look old as dirt even the one with blond hair looks old.

And again if the Eternal Youth Operation was that important, don't you think they would have forced Law to use it for them even if it meant using it for someone else in case one of them was killed or something? If you really want to look down every avenue, then wouldn't it be ridiculous to let one of their Warlords use a Devil Fruit that is capable of performing one of their most necessary plans roam free? No.. no... if Law's fruit was that important, then Doflamingo would not have been the only person trying to get it. The Five Elders were aware that he had that ability and let him do whatever he wanted to. If it was truly important, they would have either forced him to use the Eternal Youth Operation on someone or they would have killed him to prevent him from using it on someone or they would have killed him to preserve the fruit in their own collection. They did none of those things, so I think it's safe to say they do not care about the Eternal Youth Operation.

Sidenote: Eternal youth does not imply that a person is immortal. It merely implies that they cannot die a natural death from age. They can still be killed. If you destroy their body, they will die. It's not an Invincibility or Invulnerability Operation. It's a Youth/Age related Operation.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

It is extremely strange that the "Crazy Theories" section has thousands of posts in it, but the "Normal" section only has hundreds. I think that speaks volumes about the customer service in this place- it isn't good. They are labeling everyone's ideas as crazy, and it doesn't support a learning environment.

I made like 10 posts and they removed every single one of them. How crazy do you have to be to remove 10 ideas that someone has posted? If you ask me, you have to be bat-shit crazy to do that. These guys are monopolizing ideas.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
Moreover, there is no reason to believe the Five Elders and Imu have repeatedly found someone to force themselves to die to give them Eternal Life. There is no actual reason to believe any of them have done it, except for maybe Imu because Ivankov implied that he did.
That actually sounds very likely

There are Marines and CP agents willing to die for the WG. Remember the CP0 who interrupted Kaido's fight?

If not, I'm sure the WG can persuade someone

Either they take someone from a poor country and promise to feed their family, or threaten to kill their whole family

Or just lie about the price of the ethernal youth operation


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 2, 2017
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kuma will come and sacrifice himself to save the alliance, by using his DF's awakening which will kill him actually but will seriously damage Saturn...

Jambe de Bois

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 27, 2020
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St Lucia
I'm thinking maybe the ancient weapons were the previous gods defeated by the current ones, Imu and the five elders. And they are maybe related. And Sun God Nika and Moon God, Mother Nature were the gods before the ancient weapons. The gods that created the world and each generation of gods brought something to the world.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
To me it remains a stretch that at least pluto isn't an actual ship. Maybe there's a specific pilot or something of that effect tied to it but pluto itself should be a ship.

Jambe de Bois

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 27, 2020
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St Lucia
One of the five elders will betray the world government that is already collapsing with the rebellions happening around the world after that Sabo Incident. He will be either seeking power or redemption.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 26, 2020
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United States
I get the feeling Wano will go into some social upheaval once Tama is outed as a Kurozumi.

john ellis

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2015
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Re: [Featured] Crazy Theories and Predictions

There will be a Vegapunk arc that centers around bringing Kuma's consciousness back. When they succeed, Kuma will join the Straw Hats.
Interesting theory


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 15, 2022
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My guess is Punk Records will be sneaked out of Egghead Island via Caribou Express.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I question whether caribou could take something so massive. It's pretty much the size of an island. I don't think there's a need to take punk records, vegapunk didn't seem to plan on taking it. I am guessing punk records will continue to serve it's purpose with or without vegapunk.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Galactic Empire
Urouge knows something about Nika since he's a monk and is the reason why he's out at sea.

The Gorosei well have the Holy Knights go after the SH after egghead.
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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 23, 2022
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I would like to describe a type of ability that seems to be fundamental to Avalo Pizarro's theme.

It is possible that Avalo Pizarro can create a complex structure within his own body that is effectively a maze.

I think it makes sense that whoever has to fight Avalo Pizarro may end up dealing with a shifting maze. Avalo Pizarro may be able to change the maze, too, which is why it's a shifting maze.

One way to overcome a shifting maze is to use Observation Haki to predict which path is correct before it's changed. It may also require a particularly fast person to make progress in the maze before it's shifted.

IF Avalo Pizarro and Sanji fight, then it's possible Avalo Pizarro will create a maze to keep Sanji away from a special place on the island, but Sanji will use his Observation Haki and speed to outmaneuver him and beat the maze puzzle.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 2, 2017
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Catarina Devon's new power will be used to go on god valley (which still exists and is very hard to access) to find stuff (log book, maps, treasures...) Rocks D. Xebec left there...