MangaHelpers Autumn Art Contest - Autumn Freestyle | MangaHelpers

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MangaHelpers Autumn Art Contest - Autumn Freestyle

Hi everyone! Welcome to Art Contests Shoutout. This biweekly article will bring you updates about the open Art Contests and Themes for both Submissions and Voting as well as Winner(s) of the Contests.

This time, we are announcing an annual Autumn contest. The theme is Freestyle. You can express whatever is in your mind about this beautiful, orange-filled season. The deadline is October 25th. Don't forget to participate before the deadlines!

Also, voting for the "A letter to your future self" writing contest has begun. Vote for your favourite entry here. You have until October 17th~

The winner(s) of Symbol/Representation photography contest are @MarmaladeSky and @Purity of Magi. Congratulations you two!

