Anime - Nanatsu no Taizai The Movie: Cursed By Light (Subs out) | Page 42 | MangaHelpers

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Anime Nanatsu no Taizai The Movie: Cursed By Light (Subs out)


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I finally watched the movie and it was a solid 7/10! I don't know what was so nonsensical about it.

Meliodas and Zeldris were supposed to be the stars but the Four Sins stole the show IMO.

I liked the reason for Mel and Elizabeth's travel but that start was kinda bad, I never liked Melizabeth as a pairing because their romance is so cheesy. The early Zel and Gelda's interactions were kinda bad as well, but I warmed up to them as a pairing as the movie went on. I would have preferred Mel and Zel to spend more time together without their love interests actually because I think they were more of an hindrance there.

Elizabeth was mostly used as a tool to make Meliodas more optimistic about his relationship with it's brother. Their talk when they were sealed was good and that's about it. Wasn't too fond of the comedy when the two couples were together.

The scenes in the FKF however were great. The Sins's interactions, comedy and growth of King especially as a character. I remember finding King really annoying at times early in the series with his dumb decisions but his development in the manga has been great and it shows. Diane reflecting about what happened was also a great moment. Just like with Melizabeth, their romance has always been cheesy but they look much better as a pairing now. I loved how Gowther, King and Ban solved the issue in one minute with their abilities, honestly one of the coolest moment in the movie, if not the coolest.

I liked how the Humans HK have been used. Showing more feats than during the manga in the last HW, we didn't really get to see their power back then so it was nice. Their interactions were nice too. Plus I felt really happy for Bartra after everything he went through. All of this made the absence of the Dawn Roar stands out to me, did Nakaba forget about them?

Another thing I really liked in this movie was the reception of Mel and Zel by their clansmen(Nakaba really needs to talk about the Demons in more details, what's with all these colors etc?). In the manga it was very neglected but here we could see that they care about their race.

Found Dahlia entertaining as a character, he being voiced by one of my favorite VAs also helped. Dubs was less entertaining but I liked seeing these cool weapons.

I think the treatment of the SD was fine. This movie actually fleshed out the DK and SD as characters by clearly stating that they were simply tools "programmed" to fight forever. There is nothing particularly great about them as characters. So why the disappointment? I was relieved when I heard this actually(though I am not sure, but was she smiling when Mel used his final move or what?).

Didn't find things strange regarding the PLs of characters either. It was clearly stated that individually, all the Sins are weaker than the SD, Mel included, but all the Sins are top tiers. And there is no way you can believe someone like Diane is stuck at her old PL after 6 months, same for Zeldris or Gowther when we know how things work here. Feats speak more than PL numbers. Even Ban's superior durability compared to his three peers was highlighted. Mel was also able to kill the SD thanks to Merlin's support. The part with Dahlia one shotting made me laugh though not gonna lie :XD . The most hilarious moments were definitely the "Bloody Elie" mentions. I burst out laughing when I heard this for the first time :lmao.

Although Escanor didn't get a new scene, I felt that what was done in the movie, with the Sins thinking about his sacrifice(mostly through Diane) was good.

What was absolutely terrible in this movie was Mael's treatment. What the hell? I get that he doesn't want to shed blood but his behavior was lame in the totality of this movie. I don't get how he got injured by Goddesses who should be fodder to him? He can dodge and even heal but we saw him with all kinds of bruises. Even the Humans HKs looked better. I felt bad for @Samael Morningstar watching all of this :XD.

In the summaries I don't remember people talking about what Arthur was doing exactly, seeing that he was mourning the death of his people made the scene better to me. I would have liked to see Merlin talk to the Sins at least once.

Of course it was impossible to do a fantastic job with only a movie but it was good enough IMO. As annoying as they are as a pairing, it felt good to see Meliodas and Elizabeth marrying.

I am even more optimistic about the sequel now. Dahlia and Dubs are alive, people like Hawk and Wild can casually travel between the Demon Realm and the Human one, Archangels's return etc.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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I don't care of about Mael now what worries me more is the fact that whoever the next sunshine guy is and since seemingly Mael is going to train him, I'm scared that guy might also get completely trashed as well
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Keeping aside the extreme mael nerf I just realized that the castle and some fodder human soldiers actually fuvkin tanked SD's God Thunder attack LMFAO, like the entire powerscaling is a total mess
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Keeping aside the extreme mael nerf I just realized that the castle and some fodder human soldiers actually fuvkin tanked SD's God Thunder attack LMFAO, like the entire powerscaling is a total mess


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
May 18, 2018
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Yeah reading all these reviews I'm probably not wasting my time watching the movie since it will probably just make me mad.
Are there any relevant feats in the movie?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 29, 2018
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Overall I liked the movie a lot, but one of the few things that annoyed me was the "new excuse" to invalidate once again King's attacks against a God, the Supreme Deity this time. We knew the DK was inmune to magical's attacks, so King which is supported practically with magic had everything against him (besides that he arrived at Camelot already with exhausted magic).

But this time, you can now damage the SD with magic and King was not even tired, so in theory there was nothing that could stop him... but OH, what a surprise. Now the Supreme Deity says that her magic and the pure magic of the Sacred Tree are compatible (not even mentioned that fact previously on the manga? :s), so the Spirit Spear's attacks can't do anything to her... it felt a very forced excuse (or how we call it on my country "un guionazo") just to put King aside again, when this time his magic as the FK could have been very useful.

The thing is, if King's attacks with the Spirit Spear doesn't affect to her for that reason, by that same logic her attacks shouldn't have affected on Chastiefol neither. Maybe that's why King was successful in protecting Gowther and himself inside his Pollen Garden from the God Thunder of the Supreme Deity.

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Mighty Escanor

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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I'm starting to doubt the judgment of those who have problems with awakened Mael :hmm
@Samael Morningstar , @Shadowlord123 , @OtakuFreak , @Demonspeed

Maybe it's a bit hard to understand his heart, but I don't expect anything else from someone who has been killing demons and angels (Sar and Tar included) for thousands of years, and is now full of regrets because of it. He was even shown tending to their graves seconds before those angels appeared.

We also don't know what exactly happened at the Celestial Realm in this movie. They gave Mael a NEW MISSION, and the next time we saw Mael, he was trying to inform his allies about the upcoming disaster while dodging their attacks.

Was he caught by surprise or something?

Was he short of time so he couldn't waste any second fighting other angels even using non-lethal techniques?

Was those angels powered up by SD? I MEAN DAHLIA ONE SHOTTED BARUJA, didn't he?

Aside from these attempts to force meaning into the movie, how can you explain HKs' powerlessness against Giant/Fairy united army when they were completely OK against angels.
By the common powerscaling logics, we can come up with conclusions like Mel is stronger than Mel, Zel is weaker than Zel, and so on. Just compare Mel/Zel vs Dahila/Dubs with Mel/Zel vs SD. So I personally never try to think about power levels unless they are fully tied to the plot.

No offense, but here's a nice challenges for powerscalers:

In some species, newborn spiders eat their mother the moment they hatch from their egg!
Female spiders are also famous for eating the males in many species. By powerscaling logics, female kills the male and the newborn baby kills the female. Who is steonger? Who is weaker? LET'S GOOOOO!


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I'm starting to doubt the judgment of those who have problems with awakened Mael :hmm
@Samael Morningstar , @Shadowlord123 , @OtakuFreak , @Demonspeed

Maybe it's a bit hard to understand his heart, but I don't expect anything else from someone who has been killing demons and angels (Sar and Tar included) for thousands of years, and is now full of regrets because of it. He was even shown tending to their graves seconds before those angels appeared.

We also don't know what exactly happened at the Celestial Realm in this movie. They gave Mael a NEW MISSION, and the next time we saw Mael, he was trying to inform his allies about the upcoming disaster while dodging their attacks.

Was he caught by surprise or something?

Was he short of time so he couldn't waste any second fighting other angels even using non-lethal techniques?

Was those angels powered up by SD? I MEAN DAHLIA ONE SHOTTED BARUJA, didn't he?

Aside from these attempts to force meaning into the movie, how can you explain HKs' powerlessness against Giant/Fairy united army when they were completely OK against angels.
By the common powerscaling logics, we can come up with conclusions like Mel is stronger than Mel, Zel is weaker than Zel, and so on. Just compare Mel/Zel vs Dahila/Dubs with Mel/Zel vs SD. So I personally never try to think about power levels unless they are fully tied to the plot.

No offense, but here's a nice challenges for powerscalers:

In some species, newborn spiders eat their mother the moment they hatch from their egg!
Female spiders are also famous for eating the males in many species. By powerscaling logics, female kills the male and the newborn baby kills the female. Who is steonger? Who is weaker? LET'S GOOOOO!
He could have healed himself, we saw him heal others. That was badly written, that's it.

I think their powerlessness can be explained by the fact that they knew something was odd, they weren't willing to go all out. But things changed with the SD and the Sins coming.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 12, 2019
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United States
OK, not a bad movie, not a good movie, 5/10 then!

@Zorra_akuma you are probably the happiest among us. Congratulations! I'm truly happy for you.

I agree with @OtakuFreak that Mel Zel relationship was worse than late NnT for no reason. But Studio Deen needed that excuse to dedicate an entire movie to their DaMaGeD relationship!

Dahlia and Dubs were awesome throughout the movie. The movie didn't told us anything about their past, but it's not a very serious problem for me. I never expect all my questions answered when watching a movie. For novels and series, it's more important to fill the holes and ask as many questions as possible, but single movies are a different story.

@OtakuFreak , Baruja is not an Indura of Favor. It was an old friend of Galand the truth, but not a former member of 10C. So Dahlia one shotted a regular Indura not an Indura of Favor.

Zel vs Dubs was the best part of movie imo. The action was nice, but the conversation was top-notch.

SD? Disappointing as expected.
Her face? Stupid as expected.
The blue eye was hers, but we didn't see her face probably. That disk disappeared sometimes probably because it was hard to draw, or they actually found out how stupid it would look at those shots lmao.

Gowther and Diane weren't much active during the show. This was to be expected to be honest.

Gowther against a god of brainwashing! He had no chance from the beginning to the very end. But his involvement in both the ceremony and the battle was nice.
Diane channelled SD's attack towards Earth with Gideon?

I was satisfied with Ban's part in Cursed by Light. Purgatory's atmosphere is more dangerous than DK and SD's attack lol. Stupid but I like Ban, so I don't care.
Ban's snatch was the perfect technique to nullify Dahlia and Dubs' mind control mechanism. Nakaba found the best way to include Ban here. I was worried about Ban and Gowther's roles, but they were both satisfying at the end.

Escanor? Yup.

Mael was as lovely as always. I'd like it if he joined Mel and Zel in the final fight. But I love peaceful and considerate Mael more than Mael the murderer.

The weirdest part was final SD fight for sure. I'll write about it later.
Hahaha yeah you’re right I’m very happy I’m probably the most happy out of anyone here and I’m perfectly okay with that. My main reason for watching was for Mel and zel bonding, gelda and zel finally getting some development, elizabeth and Gelda’s friendship and Mel and Eli and then zeldris himself and I walked away with all of that and that’s why I love the movie cause I didn’t watch for any other reason. And I’m happy I didn’t cause it was great for me. Especially zeldris he got a lot of development in the movie and it was much needed for him to tie some things up so that was really nice. He was basically the MC of the movie and I’m very happy about that cause he shined in it. The Japanese fandom hyped him up the whole time the movie was in theaters in Japan and in reviews online and they were right. So yeah I’m very happy cause I got what I wanted out of the series. But rip everyone else though who watched for other reasons
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
The problem with Mael's treatment is how these foot soldiers of the Goddess race are doing damage to him when they absolutely shouldn't.

It's fine for Mael to not fight back, since obviously he's had a chance of heart and doesn't want to hurt his own people, but why is he getting... kinda wrecked by them lol? He ends up needing to be saved by the sins and kneels in pain at one point in the story. A PL difference of 10k was enough to completely destroy another person in a fight before, and Mael's PL should be like hundreds above a foot soldier of the Goddess race lol.

It's ridiculous and hilariously bad treatment. Imagine if Assault Mode Meliodas got wrecked by a couple of red demons, y'all would shit on it as well lmfao. And you cannot even make the argument of the Supreme Deity blessing these foot soldiers because the holy knights (1-3k PL characters) are doing better than Mael against them lmfao, it's so bad no matter what angle or perspective you try to rationalise this.

Also, its not even said why these Goddesses are attacking him for? They were all happy to see him, then turned around and tried to kill him. And if its because of the SD? Why? Mael helped fight against the demon race because the SD took all the archangels to, so when he does that, she just punishes him anyway? Perhaps that shows how flawed and ''evil'' her character is, but why wouldn't she not brainwash and use him against the sins?

Idk, Mael (& Elizabeth) got shafted extremely hard in a movie about the Goddess clan, it's quite bad.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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@Blazar @OtakuFreak guys I honestly don't wanna find excuse for mael being such a pussy. But honestly speaking like the best interpretation/scenario I can come up with is that when the goddesses bowed down to Mael and said about the new mission Mael probably refused them for such and talk with them about how all these are wrong and how the sins are good guys and stopping the holy war is good and now all peace etc but by then the goddesses who were controlled by SD were probably ordered to attack Mael since he's not supporting them and he's also a reason(indirectly) for ruining the holy war. So the angels started attacking Mael and Mael not wanting to fight or hurt them probably realised that it was SD's doing and went on to to inform the sins and lioness about this. Not joking I'm pretty sure Mael actually took dozens of those ark beams, for an unknown number of times as well where as guila was pretty much of the ground after just one and other holy knights were dodging it but there's no reason why even in base Mael shouldn't be able to no sell it and just far outspeed those beams and dodge them unless we say the foot goddesses were insanely amped up to like commandments level but the problem with that is holy Knights could beat them up, so what are we to assume that just in 6 months the holy knights went to like Commandments level lmao 💀💀 😭😭😭 that's just stupid.

Maybe SD also appeared back then in the celestial realm infont of Mael and ordered him to help the goddesses to attack the sins and others, but since Mael denied she attacked him and ordered the rest goddesses as well, that's why Mael probably said the world is faceing a grave danger(referencing to the SD)

Another major reason for him being so weak can be for the fact that his weak will and mentality after his 3000 years knightmare and going back to initial chapters we were said that a person's will and mentality greatly matters and affects the magic power of the person and such

Mighty Escanor

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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The problem with Mael's treatment is how these foot soldiers of the Goddess race are doing damage to him when (1)they absolutely shouldn't.

It's fine for Mael to not fight back, since obviously he's had a chance of heart and doesn't want to hurt his own people, but why is he getting... (2)kinda wrecked by them lol? He ends up needing to be saved by the sins and kneels in pain at one point in the story. A PL difference of 10k was enough to completely destroy another person in a fight before, and Mael's PL should be like hundreds above a foot soldier of the Goddess race lol.

It's ridiculous and hilariously bad treatment. Imagine if Assault Mode Meliodas got wrecked by a couple of red demons, (3)y'all would shit on it as well lmfao. And you cannot even make the argument of the Supreme Deity blessing these foot soldiers because the holy knights (1-3k PL characters) are (4)doing better than Mael against them lmfao, it's so bad no matter what angle or perspective you try to rationalise this.

(5)Also, its not even said why these Goddesses are attacking him for? They were all happy to see him, then turned around and tried to kill him. And if its because of the SD? Why? Mael helped fight against the demon race because the SD took all the archangels to, so when he does that, she just punishes him anyway? Perhaps that shows how flawed and ''evil'' her character is, but (6)why wouldn't she not brainwash and use him against the sins?

Idk, (7)Mael (& Elizabeth) got shafted extremely hard in a movie about the Goddess clan, it's quite bad.
1. There is no confirmation that Mael is immune to damage. We know such immunities are a thing in NnT.
DK, SD, Zeldris, and Merlin are known cases of such abilities officially confirmed throughout manga. So he should not be harmed is a questionable argument.

2. I explained some hypothetical scenarios I n which a better fighter can be harmed by weaklings. But it's not the case here. The choice here is very understandable if you count characters as sentient beings not math formulas. But that's a problem with powerscaling obsession.

3. Ya'll doesn't work for me because I never care about PL or Scale or other shit unless they effect the story in a negative way. It's how I have always been. I'll shit on any kind of shotty plot, but PL by default is the embodiment of shit imo.

4. HKs doing better is independent from SD blessing. I was talking about that harm that's making you sad. This argument and mention of Baruja was to explain the damage. Not to guess what would happen if Mael wanted to fight.

5. It was not said why they are attacking Mael? Bro, watch it one more time, because you missed the most important part of it.

6. That's a legit argument. Why couldn't SD brainwash him too? Shitty writing for sure.

7. There is no doubt about that. Elizabeth was side lined too much even in this last story. She deserved to shine more against SD, and it's something we both agree on.
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@Blazar @OtakuFreak guys I honestly don't wanna find excuse for mael being such a pussy. But honestly speaking like the best interpretation/scenario I can come up with is that when the goddesses bowed down to Mael and said about the new mission Mael probably refused them for such and talk with them about how all these are wrong and how the sins are good guys and stopping the holy war is good and now all peace etc but by then the goddesses who were controlled by SD were probably ordered to attack Mael since he's not supporting them and he's also a reason(indirectly) for ruining the holy war. So the angels started attacking Mael and Mael not wanting to fight or hurt them probably realised that it was SD's doing and went on to to inform the sins and lioness about this. Not joking I'm pretty sure Mael actually took dozens of those ark beams, for an unknown number of times as well where as guila was pretty much of the ground after just one and other holy knights were dodging it but there's no reason why even in base Mael shouldn't be able to no sell it and just far outspeed those beams and dodge them unless we say the foot goddesses were insanely amped up to like commandments level but the problem with that is holy Knights could beat them up, so what are we to assume that just in 6 months the holy knights went to like Commandments level lmao 💀💀 😭😭😭 that's just stupid.

Maybe SD also appeared back then in the celestial realm infont of Mael and ordered him to help the goddesses to attack the sins and others, but since Mael denied she attacked him and ordered the rest goddesses as well, that's why Mael probably said the world is faceing a grave danger(referencing to the SD)

Another major reason for him being so weak can be for the fact that his weak will and mentality after his 3000 years knightmare and going back to initial chapters we were said that a person's will and mentality greatly matters and affects the magic power of the person and such
That's what I'm talking about. Art and literature is different from math. It is and it should be open to interpretation. When you start to read between the lines, and analyze the will of the author, you can enjoy it much more.
Congratulations my friend. May you become able to enjoy seeing more of the kind Mael without thinking about the horse fart called powerscaling!
(I need to mention the difference between PL obsession and consistency analyze is huge!)
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He could have healed himself, we saw him heal others. That was badly written, that's it.
There are several reasons to believe the script is a terribly written peace of shit, but our inability to understand the dramatic value of Mael's part is not among those reasons tbh.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
Like @Demonspeed said, the only positive note of the Supreme Deity's role in this film is how it gives more character to her and the Demon King. They seem to be programmed entirely for a perpetual fight between light and darkness, incapable of positive emotions or peace. This gives more depth to the character of Chaos, which contrasts very well with Arthur who is now evil. Personally, I think the entity of Chaos has possessed Arthur and originally experimented when creating the Gods and different races.

He deemed humans the perfect race as they were a mixture of light and darkness. Perhaps, he only combined these elements after seeing how the Goddesses/Demons were ''incomplete'' to him. It's kind of sadistic, perhaps Chaos is just playing with his power and that's why he created the SD/DK to fight a perpetual war against the other, and the Sacred Tree to just be a mindless OP plant lol.

Although this ''programming'' is interesting because why would Chaos purposefully have his own creations seal him? Idk, the SD/DK seem to be their own characters, but with certain things inputted into them originally.

Keeping aside the extreme mael nerf I just realized that the castle and some fodder human soldiers actually fuvkin tanked SD's God Thunder attack LMFAO, like the entire powerscaling is a total mess
Yeah, the Supreme Deity's attacks mean absolutely nothing. The sins comment on how a second ''God Thunder'' would be enough to kill them, but then the SD hits them with another two (so 3 in total) and they're not even close to death lol. It's a joke, she even comments on how she cannot be defeated because Meliodas no longer has the power to rival the Gods. The brothers agree to this comment, but then kill her in the next minute with no issue lol?

Like you said, her thunder attack doesn't even vaporise the Liones castle when a comparable attack from the Demon King wiped Camelot from the face of the earth with no issue. The fodder citizens, royals, and Holy Knights aren't even killed - they just somehow survived and there's barely any damage to the city lol.

Her ''cruel sun'' ish attack got full countered at her, she took little zero damage from it, yet gets low diffed by Mel who's nowhere near the SD, let alone a x2 attack that didn't even hurt her when she was caught off-guard.

Oh yeah and the SD just stands there lol, like if she's LITERALLY la being of light and the creator of Ludociel's speed-orientated grace, why doesn't she... move? Imagine if she did lol, but Nakaba had to nerf her so hard for the sins to win, she'd shit on them if he didn't. The sins don't even take her seriously when Diane is like ''Oh, we defeated the Demon King, so you're nothing'' lol.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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It's not even nerf or mess powerscaling, at this point the author doesn't even seemingly know of what and how to use certain things

Mighty Escanor

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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Hahaha yeah you’re right I’m very happy I’m probably the most happy out of anyone here and I’m perfectly okay with that. My main reason for watching was for Mel and zel bonding, gelda and zel finally getting some development, elizabeth and Gelda’s friendship and Mel and Eli and then zeldris himself and I walked away with all of that and that’s why I love the movie cause I didn’t watch for any other reason. And I’m happy I didn’t cause it was great for me. Especially zeldris he got a lot of development in the movie and it was much needed for him to tie some things up so that was really nice. He was basically the MC of the movie and I’m very happy about that cause he shined in it. The Japanese fandom hyped him up the whole time the movie was in theaters in Japan and in reviews online and they were right. So yeah I’m very happy cause I got what I wanted out of the series. But rip everyone else though who watched for other reasons
I watched it as my final experience with my beloved NnT, and I'm quite happy it existed. It was a sweet goodbye I suppose.
I'd like to see something more relevant about Escanor than Oh he's dead, Gosh he was a monster, and so on. But I'd already accepted his death so I had no problem with it.
Btw, I wanna ask you a question regarding Merlin. I'm not expecting an answer of course.
What's your opinion regarding Merlin's actions during the past 3000 years now that it's confirmed the holy war was a game.
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About SD, I'd like to post my assay here, but because the level of discussions is at best limited to PLs most of the time, I just post this one shot of the movie:
The moment the exact aura enveloped SD, she began to lose against Mel/Zel. I'm sure those who read 4KoA will know what happened to SD at this moment someday.

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 12, 2019
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United States
I watched it as my final experience with my beloved NnT, and I'm quite happy it existed. It was a sweet goodbye I suppose.
I'd like to see something more relevant about Escanor than Oh he's dead, Gosh he was a monster, and so on. But I'd already accepted his death so I had no problem with it.
Btw, I wanna ask you a question regarding Merlin. I'm not expecting an answer of course.
What's your opinion regarding Merlin's actions during the past 3000 years now that it's confirmed the holy war was a game.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

About SD, I'd like to post my assay here, but because the level of discussions is at best limited to PLs most of the time, I just post this one shot of the movie:
The moment the exact aura enveloped SD, she began to lose against Mel/Zel. I'm sure those who read 4KoA will know what happened to SD at this moment someday.

would you be surprised to know i still dont like her for what she did....cause i dont lol my opinion hasnt changed much at all i still dont like her and the sequel makes me not like her even more. to me shes just there and i dont like her thats really it. and nothing she could do would make me like her ngl.

Mighty Escanor

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 27, 2018
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would you be surprised to know i still dont like her for what she did....cause i dont lol my opinion hasnt changed much at all i still dont like her and the sequel makes me not like her even more. to me shes just there and i dont like her thats really it. and nothing she could do would make me like her ngl.
No I'm not surprised at all. Merlin is an incomplete character and even her backstory was copy pasted from Diane's. But I was not talking about how you feel about her as character. I'm talking about the moral aspect of her involvement in the events of NnT from 3000 ago till now.
Now that we now battles were never gonna stop forever, do you still think of her as a murderer?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 12, 2019
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United States
No I'm not surprised at all. Merlin is an incomplete character and even her backstory was copy pasted from Diane's. But I was not talking about how you feel about her as character. I'm talking about the moral aspect of her involvement in the events of NnT from 3000 ago till now.
Now that we now battles were never gonna stop forever, do you still think of her as a murderer?
OHHH thats waht you meant, well yes/no

yes for the aspect of the fact she still used them and almost got half them killed with the dk

no because it wasnt always just her was all three of them but mainly the SD and DK but she still had a hand in it so yes and no


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 25, 2013
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@Demonspeed Can you please confirm if the SD's magic called "Divine Power of Ten Wings" gave her immunity to all physical attacks, because the wiki didn't mention that!


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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@Demonspeed Can you please confirm if the SD's magic called "Divine Power of Ten Wings" gave her immunity to all physical attacks, because the wiki didn't mention that!
I'll check later but I think I heard something about 10 wings yes. You could check yourself too. The movie is easy to find.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 13, 2020
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United States
@Demonspeed Can you please confirm if the SD's magic called "Divine Power of Ten Wings" gave her immunity to all physical attacks, because the wiki didn't mention that!
It’s God that makes her immune to physical attacks .