New Manga Shout Out: 4/18/16 - 5/8/16 | MangaHelpers

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New Manga Shout Out: 4/18/16 - 5/8/16

Welcome to the next New Manga Shout Out. This weekly article introduces you to manga that are new and/or have not been scanlated yet. This week(s)' feature a girl bent on dying in battle, a mysterious girl in old-fashioned clothes, a mahjong genius. Remember, if you like any of the series, favorite them. Don't forget to also thank the various people who feed your manga addiction. ^_^ Translators and Manga Editors, please check out these series and see if you can spread some more manga love~

We're still looking for people who know Japanese and want to help write summaries for our manga database and for the shout out. Please PM me if you want to help out. Now onto the series~

Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashite Iru. (柊様は自分を探している。)
By: NISHIMORI Hiroyuki​

Demographics: Shounen
Status: 12 Chapters (Ongoing)
Manga Details: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

Hakuba Keijiro doesn't have any interest in girls, until he meets a beautiful girl that is also very unusual. The girl in question is dressed in an old-fashioned style, and seems to have nearly complete amnesia. The only thing she remembers is that her name is "Hiiragi." Keijiro gets his parents to take guardianship of her while they look for her real family, and Hiiragi moves in. But who is she, really? Is she a princess, come through some kind of time-slip? Is she something supernatural? Hiiragi herself would like to know...

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Ikusa x Koi (戦×恋)
By: ASAKURA Ryousuke​

Demographics: Shounen
Status: 5 Chapters (Ongoing)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

Akutsu Takuma wants nothing more than to be left alone, to live and study in peace. He has a terrifying face, which has prevented him from making friends and earned him the nickname "Akuma" (devil). However, he is satisfied with being alone and spending all of his time learning, hoping to become the good person his late mother saw in him.

All of this changes when he gets involved with the nine Saotome girls, who are Valkyries. Takuma is called by Odin to pair with them to protect the world from demons and the threat of total destruction. The Valkyries' power comes from love, and so now he must live with them and try to become closer to them. To start with, they prioritize his intimacy with the strongest Valkyrie, Natsuki. Will he and the Saotome women be able to save the world?

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Muteki no Hito (無敵の人)
By: KAITANI Shinobu​

Demographics: Shounen
Status: 1 Volume (Ongoing)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

Sonokawa Junpei is a 19-year-old who works multiple part-time jobs to support his little sister and unwell mother. One day, he discovers a major cash prize at the company where he works as a janitor, V Line, for anyone who can discover the cheating method of a major champion (a user named 'M') of their online mahjong game. As it happens, this same 'M' shows up at the family restaurant where Junpei also works, and Junpei jumps at the opportunity to get money for his family!

His strategy is to befriend 'M' (whose name is Mizuki) and uncover his cheating method. When he goes to Mizuki's house, though, it is clear that the befriending part is going to be a challenge. He learns from Mizuki's older sister that he suffered head trauma in the accident that killed their parents. Since then, he has lacked the ability to experience emotion, though he has also gained amazing powers of memory. He spends all of his time playing--and winning--online mahjong. Now, Junpei wants to genuinely become Mizuki's friend, and to help prove that he is a genius, not a cheater!

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Reiri (レイリ)
By: IWAAKI Hitoshi x MUROI Daisuke​

Demographics: Shounen
Status: 6 Chapters (Ongoing)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

In the Sengoku Period (1579), there is a young woman who has lost everything, and dedicated herself to seeking strength and a death on the battlefield. Reiri once lived happily with her family, until the day soldiers came by after a battle. Her father, mother and brother sacrificed themselves in order for her to survive. She was only saved with the intervention of Okabe Tanpa no Kami, who had been sheltering in the village. In his service, she grew and learned to fight well, chasing her goal of a death in battle. However, her path to death may not be as short and straight as she hopes...

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Renai Kowai (れんあいこわい)
By: Kuzushiro​

Demographics: Shounen
Status: 5 Chapters (Ongoing)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

This manga features the daily life of the workers at a video/CD rental shop. Sakurai Kyousuke is a college student who is interested in a younger worker, Doumoto Haruka. Haruka is a cute high school girl who has a boy's personality, including an intense interest in other cute girls. Working with both of them is also the lovely Hasekura Ryoko, a pretty 20-year-old with a great rack and personality. Other people also come into the picture as they continue their everyday life of working at the rental shop!

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Silver Wolf, Blood, Bone (銀狼ブラッドボーン)
By: KONDA Tatsukazu x YUKIYAMA Shimeji​

Demographics: Shounen
Status: 2 Volumes (Ongoing)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

It's been years since the vampires were wiped out, but it looks like another kind of monster is troubling the city. In the latest serial murder case, corpses are found with blood and meat, but all the bones missing. To investigate the monstrous murders, the police send for the famous retired vampire hunter, 70-year-old Hans Vapitto. He feels a strong connection to the city, and agrees to return to the field to protect it once again. This time he's teamed up with the youngest employee of the police department, and he also has a young half-vampire woman on his side. Will Hans be able to protect his city from this new threat?

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.

Note to all Manga Editors: If you recently started Editing a new manga series (with about 5 or less chapters released) and would like your manga to be shouted out in the next New Manga Shout Out, then please PM me. Please include:
  1. The name of the manga series
  2. A summary of the series
  3. Publishing Status (+ Number of Volumes/Chapters)

This is what tethysdust said this week:
Reiri was the more interesting one for me this week. I hope she finds something better in her life than a quick death (and return to her family). Renai Kowai was a cute slice of life story, with some girls' love included as well. Ikusa X Koi seems like a standard harem setup, with lots of fan service. Muteki na Hito is a pretty engaging story so far, but I think it would be best appreciated by readers who are into mahjong. Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashiteru moves kind of slow at first, but I think the mystery behind the amnesiac girl seems interesting. Silver Wolf Blood Bone was pretty gory, but it looks like it's going to be a pretty cool battle of wits/strength between the old vampire hunter and the new monster.

My opinion:
Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashite Iru. - If you are a fan of this mangaka's previous manga, Tenshi na Konomaiki (Cheeky Angel), and Ocha Nigosu, then you can expect more comedy, and mystery, in this case.
Ikusa x Koi - If you're in the mood for some ecchi-ness instead, then you should check out this manga.
Muteki no Hito - If you are interested in or play mahjong, then this manga is a must.
Reiri - If you're more interested in historical manga with a side of action/revenge, then I think you should take a look at this manga instead.
Renai Kowai - However, if you want romance and slower look at life with a slice of life manga, then you should read this instead.
Silver Wolf, Blood, Bone - This may be an interesting manga, just beware of the gore, since it has an older protagonist and it might be different to see an older person fight.

Translated items that need some love/Edited Manga:
myao - Circle Game: Chapter 1
persona_1 - Mahou Shoujo Pretty Bell: Chapter 1
mninjaboxme - Spark Idol Hina: Chapter 1

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