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Discussion One Piece General SBS Discussion Thread


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2016
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SBS Volume 82 From AP

sandman said:
-Law's submarine is called "Polar Tang/Tongue"

- Worst Generation's hobby

Luffy (adventure, party)
Zoro (training, liquor),
Law (roaming, collecting anniversary coins)
Kidd (listening to music, collecting weapons)
Apoo (DJ, surfing)
Capone (watching paintings, board game)
Hawkins (interior designs, taking a bath)
Drake (reptiles enthusiast, Astrophysics)
Bonney (food, Jenga)
Killer (Drum, cooking)
Urouge (liquors, love affair, climbing mountains)
Blackbeard (gambling, history research!!)

- About age
Rayleigh(78),Roger(77), Garp(78), Sengoku(79), Tsuru(76)

- Perona is 25 years old now. Her height is 160cm. She considers Moriah as if he is her real parent since she was picked up by Moriah when she was a child. Perona still believes that Moriah is alive.

- Happiness Punch is probably stronger than King Punch.

- Recently Oda feels like Nami getting more popular. He doesn't care at all even if his audience watch his female characters with an sexual intention. It is because Oda believes professional people shouldn't complain no matter how his audience watch his characters since they bothered to pay money to the "merchandises". Oda's manga mentor also said the same thing.

"There are some female character goods that seem like inappropriate for children, but I feel happy if only my audience enjoy reading my manga. As a professional manga artist, I won't complain no matter how my audience watch my characters with sexual intention."

- Doflamingo's favorite food is lobster and least-favorite food is barbeque. He has a bad memory about barbeque.

- The reindeer Chopper fell in love is Milky, who is very popular among Gurdians.

- Oda loves middle-aged persons. There are some people who look down on them just because their strength is getting weaker. Oda has hated such young people who can't respect middle-aged persons. One of the fantasy Oda wants to draw is where middle-aged persons don't lose their strength much. He strongly believes such a world would be very cool.

- Sabo grew his hair to hide his scar of his face.

- Drawings of Straw Hat Grand Fleet in their childhood!!

Luffy says, "Take it easy!"
Chopper says. "So as not to be exhausted!"

Maybe Oda made this comments to encourage people who are suffering in Kumamoto where large earthquake hit recently. Kumamoto is Oda's hometown.



MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 16, 2010
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Water Tribe
SBS Volume 82 From AP

Thanks for posting. :super

Have noted that the interview has been updated in wiki. No pictures yet, but will post again when there are.

Here it goes:-

SBS Volume #82

O: Hello, all! I suppose it's about time to start the SB...

D: Aha! That face... you must be Eiichiro Oda. I've heard that lately, people have been forcefully taking over the beginnings of your precious little segments called the "SBS". I take it that this is the reason why you've arrived so early at the SBS auditorium this morning. BUT ALAS!!! You've failed to succeed in your mission once more, as I have been waiting at this exact spot for 3 whole days before this moment... all in order to fulfill my own desire. Well then, since the time has finally come, I'm proud to announce ... "THAT I WILL NOW BEGIN THE SBS!!!" P.N. Komashu

(Image text: *sneer* You're 100 years too early!!)


So it seems I've come along... 100 years too early!!

D: The other day, when I glared at my 3 year old brother, he started to cry. Do you think this might be a sign that I have Conquerer's Haki?

O: Please be nicer to your poor brother.

D: Oda-sensei, please save me.

Akainu is standing right behind me.

What do I do? from T. Junpei

O: Calm down. I'm going to teach you a move that will allow you to escape this threat. First, turn your mouth into a "3" and stare into the direction of your upper left. Then, begin to whistle. This move will likely allow you to escape most enemies, ghosts, evil spirits and the like.

D: Oda-sensei! I know this is quite sudden, but please reveal the hobbies of the members of "The Worst Generation"! P.N. K.S.9


  • Luffy
    • Adventures
    • Banquets
  • Zoro
    • Training
    • Drinking
  • Law
    • Wandering
    • Collecting commemorative coins
  • Kid
    • Listening to music
    • Collecting weapons
  • Apoo
    • DJing
    • Surfing
  • Bege
    • Viewing paintings
    • Boardgames
  • Hawkins
    • Interior design
    • Bathing
  • Drake
    • Being a reptile maniac
    • Astrophysics
  • Bonney
    • Eating
    • Jenga
  • Killer
    • Drums
    • Cooking
  • Urouge
    • Drinking
    • Lovemaking
    • Hiking
  • Blackbeard
    • Gambling
    • Historical research
...Yeah, something like that.

D: The "Grand Ship Collection" simply calls it "Law's Submarine", but does his submarine really have no other fancy name like the Thousand Sunny? P.N. Looking for a full-time job at the Heart Pirates' crew

O: Ah, I didn't even know that they had such merchendise! His submarine is called "Polar Tang". Haha, I suppose it's my fault for not introducing the names of boats and ships every time.

D: (In child's handwriting) I think gorillas taste good. I like Lassen. P.N. Taro Sasaki

O: Thanks for the postcard.

D: Oda-sensei! I had an epiphany!! Could it be that the melody Master Nekomamushi was singing as he bathed was from "Fate" by Beethoven? Meow meow meow meoooooooow. Meow meow meow meoooooooooow ♪ P.N. Ryouta the Samurai

O: Woah. Now that you mention it.. his lyrics do fit perfectly! To think that Beethoven's "Fate" had such lyrics! Everyone, please try out these new lyrics in your next music class.

D: I feel like One Piece has tons of characters that are old dudes, but is that just because it can't be helped due to the nature of its story? Or is it because you have the "I'll die if I don't draw old dudes" disease? P.N. Uhocilia

O: I love me some old dudes! I feel like age adds a new sense of depth to characters, both male and female. One Piece has tons of really interesting old people! But in the real world, age tends bring people down to a weaker state... and I've always disliked how there are some young people out there who just can't have a little respect for these aged individuals because of this. So with One Piece, I've brought to life one of my countless fantasies: which is for there to be super cool old people who've maintained their strength throughout the years.

One day, you also will grow old. It'd be great if all of you could remain just as strong as the One Piece oldies are!

D: Mr. Oda, since you're the creator of One Piece, have you ever worn a one piece dress yourself? Also, please tell me how old Silvers Rayleigh is. P.N. Jabras Rayleigh

O: Of course I always wear a one piece whenever I'm working. Rayleigh is 78. As a sort of a bonus, Roger is 77, Garp 78, Sengoku 79, and Tsuru 76.

[T/N: He probably meant Roger would currently be 77 if he were still alive.]

D: Oda-sensei, I have a question for you. Currently, my sister and I are fighting over what Perona's age is. Please end our fight for once and for all. Please also reveal Perona's height as a bonus. Please. Grade 6 age 12 P.N. Cherry Pop

O: Perona is currently 25. Her height is 160cm. Back when she fought Luffy and the crew, she was 23. She loves Moriah like a parent, since he found her when she was still a child and raised her ever since. She strongly believes that he is still alive, even after his disappearance at the Summit War.


O: The Happiness Punch even managed to take out Cobra, King of Alabasta, so perhaps Elizabello wouldn't stand a chance either.

D: Oda-sensei, the other day, this rather flamboyant guy came knocking at our door, calling himself a "Missionary from the (something) Club". He was pretty suspect so I immediately contacted the police and had him leave, but now that I think of it... could that have been Mr. Gambia? If that was the case, I can't help but feel a little sorry for what I did. P.N. Chimney until you enter the house

O: Whew, that was a real close one, mate! Gambia from the Barto Club is a missionary of "Luffy-senpaism". If you had let him stay, he would've had you listen to him for hours talking about how miraculous Luffy and his pirate crew are.

D: Hello, Oda-sensei! Recently, all the Straw Hats got new photos for their wanted posters... and I'm super stoked about it!!! By the way... how and where was Nami's new photo taken?? So sexy... hahaha. P.N. Yutiko really likes Nami-san's voice.

O: The fact that her pose is model-esque hasn't changed since the last poster, but here's pretty much what happened.

"I'm a photographer from so-and-so magazine! (Lies) Wow, you're gorgeous!! Could you possibly strike a pose for us to use on the cover of one of our magazines?"

"Oh, fine... if you insist. Make sure I look cute <3"


Something like that.

D: I'm incredibly hyped over everything about New World Nami. As the creator, do you feel uncomfortable knowing that I'm thoroughly enjoying all the Nami merchandise that's being produced and plan on continuing to do so in the future? Should I tone it down a bit? Penname B.S.L

O: I feel like Nami's popularity has been skyrocketing these days. Could it be because she makes more appearences now? Anyways, I suppose you're feeling a bit guilty because you're looking at my characters with lecherous eyes XD

This is just my personal opinion regarding all of the characters I've ever created... but in all honestly, it doesn't really bother me. One of my own great teachers told me once: everything within "the world of manga" is pretty much just merchandise. Nobody within that world is real, and it wouldn't be very professional of a creator to get offended over whatever a customer decides to do with the goods he has bought. I feel just about the same way. You're free to your own interpretations, fantasies, and any other methods of enjoyment. It makes me happy just knowing that you even care to follow along with my series at all.

D: Is Nami named after her extraordinary (nami nami naranu) rack? by Hiromu

O: Don't you usually name kids as soon as they're born?! (shock)

D: Greetings, Oda-sensei. even though Doflamingo is already a big boy, I still want to know: what are his favorite and least favorite foods? Is his favorite food apples? And least favorite peppers? P.N. Donuts

O: Hmm... Donuts, could it be that your favorite food is apples and your least favorite food is peppers? Doflamingo's favorite food would be lobster. In addition, he despises barbecues. I know, even though they're so fun! Word has it that he associates them with some sort of traumatic memory.

D: I found a mink dude that was wearing a t-shirt with the face of the reindeer that Chopper has a crush on, printed on it. I guess that makes the two of them rivals. P.N. Takataka

(Image Text: Volume 81 chapter 807)

O: It's true. I'm impressed you managed to find that! You see how that shirt has "Milky" printed below her face? That's right; she's Milky, beloved idol of the Guardians! Since female reindeers are the only ones amongst all female deer-like animals that grow horns, you're also correct about her being a reindeer mink. Chopper will probably never find anyone like her. Will he ever try to approach her? Only time will tell.

D: Odacchi, I have a query for you. Just why did Sabo grow out his hair? Please select one of the following answers.

    • He copied Ace
    • He wanted to show off his golden locks
    • He wanted to look hot for Koala
    • For the fashion
(Personally, it would satisfy me most if 3 ended up being the answer.) P.N. Sweat Ninja

O: The answer is 5) To hide the large scar on his face. If you look at him really carefully from the front, his hair is parted ever so slightly to the left (his right), and he has a little more hair covering the right (his left) side of his face. I suppose you could say that he isn't quite fond of that particular scar.

D: How's 11/22 (I I NIyan NIyan- good kitty cat) for Master Nekomamushi's birthday? P.N. I do love cats after all.

O: Whaaaaaaat?! Sure.

D: This one is for P.N. Masao, Who's Birthday is on December 14th from volume 81!! I've racked my brains in order to make your wish come true!! How is Pica for your birthday buddy, with the number pun behind his birthday being "He can freely manipulate rock" (Jiyuni (12) ishi (14) wo ayatsureru)?! Odacchi, what do you think?! P.N. Piteler

O: So kind! (Haha) Masao, the guy who just wanted to have a birthday buddy within the One Piece world... good for you, man! Make sure your voice is extra squeaky from now and on!

D: Oda-sensei, heso!! As I was browsing through the list of birthdays, I realized that nobody from Alabasta other than Vivi had official birthdays yet, so I did my best to come up with some! How is:

  • King Cobra (2/13 for coBura [2] and 13 for his status as King)
  • Carue (11/8 for KArUE [1108])
  • Pell (8/23 for HAyaBUSA [823], Japanese for "Falcon")
  • Chaka (4/26 for JacKAL [426])
  • Kohza (5/26 for KOhZA [526])
  • Igaram (12/6 for IGAraM [126])

O: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!! (shock)


[T/N: It's hard to explain, but basically, all these birthdays are based off "number puns"- something that's rather common in Japan. These "number puns", known as "goro awase" (ゴロ合わせ), use the various methods of counting that exist within the Japanese language to turn normal terms into numbers. For example, above, the word for "freely" (Jiyuni 自由に) sounds like the word for "twelve" (jyuni 十二), hence "freely" can be written as "12". Nevertheless, some of these are definitely a stretch.]

D: Oda-sensei, please draw the Straw Hat Grand Fleet captains' appearances from when they were children! I beg of you! P.N. Thank You Pirates

O: Here you go.

(Image text from left to right, top to bottom: Bartolomeo, Leo, Hajrudin, Oorlumbus, Ideo, Sai, Cavendish & Farul)

Well then, let's wrap up the SBS for this volume! Check out and enjoy the back of the volume for some information on the upcoming movie and some UGP art! Now then, see you in the next volume!!


It's kinda cool when Oda mentioned about people of middle-aged. They definitely deserve respect from the younger ones.



Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
So apparently (SBS 83) Oda implied that Doflamingo and Viola had some sort of relationship... wish he would've explained it a bit more :/
No way of knowing if it was consensual, but it probably was.



Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2016
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- Before TS, Hancok was not a good cook, but now she is very good at cooking meat.

- After Corazon died, Law went to the neighborhood town which was located in "Swallow Island".

-Shachi and Penguin were bad boys in Swallow Island in North Blue.

Bepo left Zou 14 years ago and chased his elder brother. He then got on board the ship which was heading for North Blue. He was wandering in Swallow Island 13 years ago.

Law witnessed a Polar Bear who was bullied by 2 bad boys. The bad boys picked a fight agains Law, but Law beat them up. The bad boys (Shachi and Penguin) and Bepo were attracted by Law.

When they first met,
Law 13 years old
Penguin 15 years old
Shachi 14 years old
Bepo 9 years old.

Bepo studied navigation skill hard since he wanted to come back Zou.

Oda says he doesn't have an intention to draw it in manga.

- Buggy 39 years old (same as Shanks)
Kuro 35 years old
Kreig 44 years old
Wapol 29 yeas old
Foxy 38 years old

- Reiju 24 years old. She was born 3 years earlier than other brothers.

Reiju 173cm
Ichiji 186cm
Niji 185 cm
Sanji 180cm
Yonji 194cm

- Oda specified Stelly's wife's name super-lazily since Oda considers she must be a bad person as well as Stelly.

- Blood Type
Reiju F
Ichiji S (RH-)
Niji S (RH-)
Sanji S (RH-)
Yonji S (RH-)

-Question: Which member of Straw Hats eat ice?
Oda: Lufy, Usopp, Chopper, Robin and Brook

- As stated in Fishman Island arc, fishman and merman species is not determined only by the parents, but it can be any of the species of their ancestors.
Oda says the same goes for Mink Tribe. For example, deer Mink's child can be fox.

- Reiju has the "6" tattoos directly on her legs.

- Hawkins is confident of his fortunetelling being accurate, so if his lucky item turns out to be a skirt, he wears it. Oda says he has thick leg hair.

- Birthday
Diamante May 29
Trebol March 18
Vergo July 5
Senor Pink June 12
Sugar October 22
Jora January 25
Dellinger August 11
Gladius August 6
Machvise August 13
Lao G October 7
Buffalo April 8

*Oda just approves reader's request as usual..

- Another reader asks him if he can specify June 13 as Straw Hats Day.
Oda replies, "Whaaat!? Such a selfish suggestion...can be allowed. Let's move on to the next question."

- Oda is not sure why a reader asks Buggy, Kuro, Kreig, Wapol and Foxy's ages NOW.

- Question: I wanna become Momonosuke!

Oda: I agree with you. All males have Momonosuke in his heart throughout his entire life. I hope I can be like him even if I become an aged man.

- Question: When I touch my cat in dry condition, he generates static electricity. Is he Mink Tribe?

Oda: He's definitely Mink Tribe. Perhaps he awaits the dawn of the world and provides a shelter for Ninja.

Source: AP


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
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United Kingdom
The little back story regarding Bepo and some of his other crewmates is probably my favourite info from this SBS. This raises the question as to who his elder brother is? If it's Zepo, then he and Pedro must've already been sailing the seas 9 years before reaching Whole Cake Island (5 years ago), as Bepo was looking for his elder brother 14 years ago.

Law beating up Penguin and Sachi reminds me of how Franky came to meet Zanbai and other members of the Franky Family.

Besides that, it's just a bunch of random stuff as always.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Czech Republic
Guys, I hope this is on topic but I have a favor to ask. I am 100% positive it was on this forum where I read this theory related to SBS answers but I just can't find it anywhere so I'm trying to reach out to those of you who would know where to look, don't by any means go searching for it unless you know for sure it won't take too long of your time.

There was this guy asking Oda in SBS about Strawhats' DFs related to numbers, the guy deduced out a number order from 1 to 10, pointing out that there are two numbers out of those 10 missing and that their first two letters make up name "Nikyu" (Kuma's DF). There's this theory going on that Franky might end up eating the fruit after the story gets rid of Kuma somehow. Whole theory consists of this SBS question, Oda's answer which is just neutral as if he was trying not to spoil out anything and a picture where someone supports Franky eating the fruit because his new mecha-body has those small fists coming outta his big mecha fists and, supposedly, they look like Kuma's paws on his hands ...

If anyone knows what I'm on about and if this isn't off topic, please quote me so I could get the notification and find the answer here. Thanks to the potentional helper in advance!


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
Guys, I hope this is on topic but I have a favor to ask. I am 100% positive it was on this forum where I read this theory related to SBS answers but I just can't find it anywhere so I'm trying to reach out to those of you who would know where to look, don't by any means go searching for it unless you know for sure it won't take too long of your time.

There was this guy asking Oda in SBS about Strawhats' DFs related to numbers, the guy deduced out a number order from 1 to 10, pointing out that there are two numbers out of those 10 missing and that their first two letters make up name "Nikyu" (Kuma's DF). There's this theory going on that Franky might end up eating the fruit after the story gets rid of Kuma somehow. Whole theory consists of this SBS question, Oda's answer which is just neutral as if he was trying not to spoil out anything and a picture where someone supports Franky eating the fruit because his new mecha-body has those small fists coming outta his big mecha fists and, supposedly, they look like Kuma's paws on his hands ...

If anyone knows what I'm on about and if this isn't off topic, please quote me so I could get the notification and find the answer here. Thanks to the potentional helper in advance!
I also recall seeing something like that here not too long ago, but I found this:

Was it something like that, or was it a more in-depth one? Don't know about the Franky picture though.
Also found this, is this it?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Czech Republic


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 13, 2010
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The best part were about Bepo's story and the fact that Hancock (my favourite One Piece's character) is now able to cook the meat very well.
I wonder what it says about Dragon (near his drawing).


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
SBS Volume 85:

Question: There are some characters who resemble Opera in chapter 845.

Oda: Big Mom is 68 years old now. She has been (was) giving birth to babies about for 42 years.

Opera was born as quintuplets.

Opera (5th son)

Counter (6th son)

Cadenza (7th son)

Cavarette (8th son)

Gara (9th son)

The highest record of Big Mom's multiple births is 10 (one more than nonuplets) children at one time. The children are now 18 years old.

Question: If Doflamingo took off his glasses, how would he look like?

Oda: Another glasses appear under the glasses instantly. (Oda draws the pic. lol)

Question: You said Zoro doesn't eat ice in the previous SBS, but he ate it in chapter 701.

Oda: Maybe the person in chapter 701 is not Zoro..


Inuarashi (October 11st)

Sora (July 9th)

Pandaman (February 29th)

Question: Why does Big Mom call herself "Ore" (おれ) despite her being female?

Oda: I've heard that both male and female sometimes called themselves "Ore" long ago. Even now, it is commonly used in some areas in Japan.

Question: Who is the fastest crewmate when they run 50-meter race?

Oda: It's hard to answer..

1 Brook

2 Sanji

3 Luffy

4 Chopper

5 Zoro

6 Usopp

7 Nami

8 Robin

9 Franky

  • Brook is fast since his body weight is light.

  • Chopper would be ranked higher if he uses Walk Point. (another translation: Chopper is ranked high because he can use Walk Point.)

  • Zoro would be ranked higher in the shorter distance race since he would not be off the track. lol

  • Franky is ranked low since he is heavy.
Question: Why doesn't Sanji's eyes turn into hearts when he is talking with Reiju?

Oda: That's how it is with brothers/sisters, right?

I used to get in numerous fights with my elder sister when I was a kid. It would be weird if Sanji turns his eyes into hearts to talk with Reiju.

  • The girl in chapter 651 is the same person as Pudding.

  • Mink Tribe can eat birds, reptiles and amphibians except animals with hair.
Question: How can I become a editor in Jump? Did editors graduate from famous colleges?

Oda: I can feel your seriousness. It's true that Shueisha has many highly educated editors, but most of them are perverts. You have a possibility to enter Shueisha if you graduate from a four‐year college. I hope you will become ONE PIECE editor without becoming a pervert in the future.

Question: The 2nd division commander before Ace is me.

Oda: You're kidding!!

Question: Where should I display my Nami character figure?

Oda: Who knows!!

Pretty interesting stuff about Big Mom, guess that sheds some light on the "mystery" regarding her births.


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
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United Kingdom
He doesn't mention anything about HOW she's able to conceive so many for so long and also she's been giving birth for 42 years? That means Perospero and Compote are 42 and younger but the first son and Brulee at the very least look well over 50 and I think I'm being generous with that number.

And she's 68? I would've expected her to have been around 80s.

I pointed out a long time ago the similarity between Opera and the guys behind him here, I'm glad it turns out that they're quintuplets.

Question: How can I become a editor in Jump? Did editors graduate from famous colleges?

Oda: I can feel your seriousness. It's true that Shueisha has many highly educated editors, but most of them are perverts.
This made me laugh a lot more than it probably should've.

Besides the Big Mom stuff at the beginning, it wasn't that great an SBS....but still enough to have a conversation about.


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
That was very troll; I imagine he gets asked this as much as why Crocodile's face is hidden in Chapter 0. This though...was brilliant; it reminds of this gif:



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 12, 2010
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United States
He doesn't mention anything about HOW she's able to conceive so many for so long and also she's been giving birth for 42 years?
I assume her ability to steal the life span of other people has something to do with her ability to reproduce so often, and in such large quantities.

angelus lucifer

Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 15, 2017
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heyy what about new sbs volume


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I guess Big Mom worked harder when she was younger and now that she is a Yonkou she spends too much time eating sweets?

Whitebeard was... weird.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 7, 2007
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United States
Mama younger looks a little like how Sanji imagined she'd look back in FI.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 5, 2010
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Also there's been an important change:

Katakuri has a Paramecia now, not a Logia.
Jinbe also says that the Mochi-Mochi no Mi enters into the category of "Special Paramecia".

Well, Volume 86 SBS and extra pages were scanned and uploaded by Redon, so here you go guys:

All credits and regards to @Redon from AP and six SBS pages were half translated by Zoro4prez2016 and Den_Den_Mushi from Orojackson forums, here they are:

Reader: Hello, Oda sensei! I have a request for Carrot, the talented drawer. I wish for her to draw a picture of the similar looking sisters Lola and Chiffon. Thank you very much.:redheart::redheart: P.N. Kimochi-chan

Oda: I see, let's ask her.

Carrot: Ok! That's fine!

Oda: Oh..oh...


R: I am a 16 year old fan of Charlotte Katakuri. I know this is straightaway, but I have a question sensei. In Totland, there are people that have necks longer than normal humans. Are these people from the snakeneck tribe? If I'm right, please make my neck long too using the Germa 66's "Press". P.N. Mino Gorilla

O: Yes, they are from the snakeneck tribe who were in the slave lists in Shabondy and haven't appeared in the story till now. They're in the town as well as also part of BM's children. These people are the 34th son Mascarpone and the 29th daughter Joscarpone. They are a pair of close twins.


R: Are tattoos on legs a fashion among long legs? P.N. Match to Takeshi

O: That's correct. Long leg tribe members have self-confidence in their beautiful and long legs. Blue Gilly who appeared in Dressrosa was like that, and it has become a piece of fashion to uncover their legs and show off their tattoos. Baron Tamago does not appear to be that type, however.

R: Please make Urouge cute. P.N. Aji Shio

O: It was impossible.


R: Odacchi!! I decided to decorate my TV stand with this figure of Nami. P.N. Captain Nobuo

O: Yes. I understand. Next.


R: Odacchi sensei!! Please state your current feeling using a phrase from One Piece in 3...2...1...!! P.N.

O: No way. It's all sticky. (Phrase)


R: Please tell me the name of the big black cat in the Hawkins Pirates. I like that he's relatively cute. Is he a mink? P.N. Law's character design is so cool

O: Uhm.... Black...? A black cat? Does he appear black? Is... just cat fine? This cat is as you say. He's a mink. He's a member of the Hawkins Pirate crew. His name is Faust, and he's like a magician... but what kind of magic can he use? He meowably (probably) uses some sort of Meowgic. (<-Joking)


R: Hello, Oda sensei. Whitebeard always has a bandana wrapped around his head, so is it because he was bald? I want you to draw what kind of hairstyle he had. P.N. Sanadacchi

O: Like this. According to rumors.

R: On page 28 in chapter 850 in volume 85, there's the bento that Sanji made. When you compare to the SBS on page 188 in volume 35, you can see that it exactly matches what was the crews' favorite meals, but I can't figure out the food on the left of the sandwich. Is it Brook's favorite food, which wasn't written in volume 45's SBS? Please tell me. P.N. OP girl

O: Ok. You've looked at this a lot. While making Pudding's bento, he was thinking of them in his heart! It was that kind of scene. It's full of the crews' favorite foods. And that amount. He wasn't just thinking about making it for just one girl...Well, here's the menu.

Meat - Luffy
White rice - Zoro
Seasonal fish - Ussop
Pasta - Sanji
Hamburger - Franky
Sandwich - Robin
Mikan - Nami
Chocolate - Chopper

And of course there's the one item you couldn't figure out, and the correct answer is the curry for Brook! Brook loves curry, but his eating manners are terrible, so Sanji doesn't really let him eat it.

R: Oda sensei, hello. The bento that Luffy ate at the promised place with Sanji... does not look good no matter how you look at it, yet Luffy said "Delicious~". This is because his feeling of gratitude became a top-grade seasoning, right? I complain about my wife's cooking, and the food starts to not come. P.N. I have nothing to eat but my wife's cooking.

O: Those are words to ruin your life, you know. Take responsibility for your actions. (Lol)

Q: Odacchi, nice to meet you! I've thought this since reading volume 1 but when the OP characters want to express gratitude, no matter what the character's tone, they say 'arigatou', they don't really say 'thank you' (in English) or 'my thanks' (doumo). Is there some kind of hangup about it?
A: Oh amazing you've come this far, this is our 20th year (laughs) This is a hangup. People like Zoro especially are awkward and are characters who will change their speech (TN: not sure about this phrase

From my perspective, guys who want to appear cool and speak ambiguously, if they think it's not cool, they will choose the straightest 'arigatou' so as not to make the flow of speech weird.

The anime scriptwriters will sometimes make them say 'thank you' and I will think 'ah..'. It's not something most viewers would notice, not to the extent that someone would press me on it. Well, I guess it's my personal hangup. Thanks for noticing it!

Q: Odacchi hello! Do den den mushis have a silent mode? Honestly aren't there times when you think 'don't ring!'? Can you change the volume of the ringtone or something like that?

A: Denden mushis are living creatures so it depends on how you train them. To place on silent mode, say 'Shh' and nod your head. Volume might depend on their training and what you feed them.

Q: I want to tell father 'Everyone has the power to change the channel!' (TN: this is a parallel of Bege's speech to Katakuri).

A: To you, who still lives at home and not independently, since you're dependent on your father, is it really equal...

R: Odacchi, heso!! I heard that the 25th of every month is "Pudding Day". How about Pudding-chan's birthday be 6/25 for Charlotte (6) Pudding (25)? P.N. Dorii

O: Uhm... It's not a question of what do you think, really. To decide the day a someone's born that way...!! Fine.

R: I have something I importantly need to discuss. Please make Reiju's birthday 11/30, with 11 from (いい女 TN: literally good girl/woman), the 3 from (sanji's sister), and the 0 from (Reiju). That's my reasoning! Thank you very much! P.N. THE-MORIO

O: Ehhh!? Hey, wait a minute!! You listen well now!? That's fine.

(Note: some of this part is cut off)

R: Good afternoon, Odacchi! In order for me to also fill up the calendar, I've thought long and hard about the birthdays for several characters. It's a lot, so forgive me.

Merry - 1/22
Kinemon - 1/29
Nojiko - 7/25
Bellmere - 12/3 -
Mr. 5 - 7/26 -
Toto - 6/17
Terracotta - 9/25
Pekoms - 4/11
Kaya - 8/24
Kanjurou - 7/21
Baron Tamago - 5/14
King Riku - 6/27
Blue Gilly - 11/27
Pedro - 6/16
Smoothie - 10/12

R: Hello, Oda sensei! I have a question, is the Zepo who appeared in chapter 850 the same brother that Bepo was seperated from in the brief story from volume 84's SBS. Or are they bears who just resemble each other? P.N. Mihashiharu

O: They do resemble each other! That's correct. Pedro led the Nox Expedition party who were chased by the government for searching for poneglyphs, thus they became the Nox Pirates. That's a story from about 15 years ago. Bepo loved his older brother Zepo, and when he climbed down Zou to get a view of the sea, he was swept away. One thing led to another, and he found his way to the North Blue. He then met Law. Meanwhile, the Nox Pirates were wounded and had morale issues, so Pekoms lead the others who couldn't continue their journey, leaving just Pedro and Zepo. And then Pekoms and the others arrived in Big Mom's territory. There their lives were saved, and they entered her care. Pedro and Zepo, who continued searching for poneglyph, eventually set their sights on Big Mom's poneglyph 5 years later, and by coincidence Pedro and Pekoms came face to face once again.

Credits this time are for Coookie from AP for picking the pics and translations!!
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