Hangout - One Piece Mega Convo Thread | MangaHelpers

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Hangout One Piece Mega Convo Thread


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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Yes, In caps. Because It's like I'm screaming at you. And I am.

Enjoy to talk here about everything related to One Piece and its users, of course.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Thanks for redoing the MC. :D So there isn't any chance to recover it from the database? :gwah

I was talking about Ryuushika Ryuushika yesterday: Luffy's strawhat (with the red band) appears on the last two pages of the current chapter. It's only eight pages long so it's not wrong to start from the beginning. ;)


Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
SBS of Vol 67 - Translation by CCC from APforums

Volume 67 Stuff
Book jacket (with weird dog picture):
Dog’s name (across picture): “Snooze”
Dog’s speech bubble: “Try having volume 67 with a bit of salt. It’ll be good and salty.”
Oda’s blurb:
“What is “snooze”?”
“At first I thought “Whazzat?” but it’s just a word that emerged into the world at some point: “SNOOZE.””
“The image that I get from this word is something like this. ↑”
“Anyhow, let’s start the 67th volume!!”
“So don’t snooze, just read!!”

Character profiles:
“A young man who dreams of becoming the pirate king. After two years of training, he’s reunited with his crewmates and now aims for the New World!”
Black box: [Captain, Bounty: 400,000,000 Berries]
Roronoa Zoro:
“Before reassembling with the crew, he threw away his pride on Kuraigana Island and received training in swordsmanship from Mihawk.”
Black box: [Combatant, Bounty: 120,000,000 Berries]
“She met up with the crew after learning about the weather of the New World on the small sky island, Weatheria, a country that specializes in the science of weather.”
Black box: [Navigator, Bounty: 16,000,000 Berries]
“Before joining up again, he trained under Heracles’n on the Boin Archipelago in order to become “The King of Snipers.”
Black box: [Sniper, Bounty: 30,000,000 Berries]
“He rendezvoused with the crew after fighting the users of Newkama Kenpo in the Kamabaka Kingdom and managing to grow even stronger.”
Black box: [Cook, Bounty: 77,000,000 Berries]
Tony Tony. Chopper:
“After being driven by the quest to make “strong medicine” in the Torino Kingdom, he converged with the crew.”
Black box: [Ship’s Doctor, Bounty: 50 Berries]
Nico Robin:
“She came together with the rest of the crew after spending time in Baltigo with the leader of the revolutionaries- Luffy’s father, Dragon.”
Black box: [Archaeologist, Bounty: 80,000,000 Berries]
“After remodeling his own body with upgrades to become “Armored Franky” in the “Country of the Future” Baldimore, he merged back up with the crew.”
Black Box: [Shipwright, Bounty: 44,000,000 Berries]
“Caught by the long-arm tribe and made into a sideshow, he became the great star, “Soul King,” and then reconvened with the crew.”
Black Box: [Musician, Bounty: 33,000,000 Berries]
(Next Page)
“One of the Younkou, he’s waiting for Luffy in the second half of the Grand Line, the New World.”
Black Box: “Captain of the Red Hair Pirates.”
(Box to the right of Smoker and Tashigi):
Grand Line Marines, 5th Division
White Hunter Smoker:
G-5 Vice Admiral
G-5 Captain

Story (“Summary”):
“The Strawhat Pirate Crew has succeed in reuniting at the Sabaody Archipelago after two years of training. The next stage of their journey is through the “New World,” and they set sail with renewed determination!!
They stopped by Fishman Island, 10,000 meters below the surface on the ocean floor, but the fishmen there disliked humans because of their troubled history. As such, the captain of the New Fishman Pirates, Hody, announced that he would be taking over the kingdom! Luffy and the crew saved Shirahoshi, who aims for everlasting friendship with humans, and took down Hody. The island takes its first steps to a brighter future…
After saying goodbye to Shirahoshi, they finally raise the sails towards the New World. They received a distress signal amidst the raging sea, and headed to an island where they found, what else, but a dragon! And there’s also a man who’s just a lower half…!?
Page 24:
Art is from Hipoaian san of Saitama
Reader: “Oda Sensei!! It’s always been my dream to say the title call here. Let me say it today! <3 *deep breath*”
“Let’s start BBQ!”
“Penname- muko”
Oda: “Hold on, hold on that meat over there looks like it’s getting burnt. You’re overcooking it!! Out here in the great outdoors, everyone is sipping on chilled beers and getting a bit rowdy…”
“We started a (B)ar(B)e(Q)ue!!!”
Hmm…well… you only got the “B” right, first off. With a title call like that, this SBS is off to a really rough sta-“
Reader: “Take this! Oda-chi.”
“”Fran-ken [ken = sword] General ‘Watch-your-step’ Dangerous”
“Penname: Yosuke”
Oda: “Watch out, that’s dangerous!!”
“Now, onto an SBS that started with a barbecue!”
Reader: “There’s something that’s bothered me for a while. That is… “When is Sanji going to get a real photo for his wanted poster?” I’m a Sanji fan! I feel really bad for him. As such a big fan of Sanji, I drew a picture of his smiling face, so please use this for his wanted poster <3 Here you are <3 *teehee* <3”
“Penname: Nanao Style”
Speech bubble in weird picture (yes, it makes no sense): “I won’t kick a woman, even if she dies”
Oda: “Da hell is that!!! That’s awful! Please look at Sanji’s face carefully. The eyebrow he’s got now is like [clockwise swirl], not [counterclockwise swirl], right? Please fix the tail area, and do it right! Awful!
Reader: “How do you like my “Usopp Rubberband” [can also be read as “Usopp is Rubber”]!”
“Penname: Konosuke who loves baseball”
Oda: “Yeowwch! Did you shoot that!? What a menacing technique! That really hurt! It got me right between the buttcheeks!”
Page 44:
Art is from Haru san of Nagano
Speech bubble in art: “Scary!”
Reader: “Hello, hello, Oda-chi, how are you!!”
“When I was standing in front of a train station, viewing the girl handing out pocket tissue packs disdainfully, I thought about how Jinbe wanted to make Luffy into a hero in volume 64!! What ended up being the name of the battle strategy?”
“Penname- God of Manga”
Oda: “Well that’s strange. The first half of your question is strange!! Anyway, for the strategy name that Jinbe was thinking of, here are some contenders. “Great Strawhat Hero Strategy.” “Great We Really Like Humans Strategy.” “Great Who Cares About History Strategy.” And a few others like that. But isn’t it really for the best that there was no strategy name in the end?”
Reader: “Odaaaachi! Odachi, help, help! In chapter 644 of volume 65 (on page 152), there’s a cute-looking mermaid girl wearing a hood, right, right, right? That girl… c-c-c-c-could she be…. <3<3 Madam Shyarly<3<3?
By “I’m the one who’s going to become a pirate!!”
Oda: “Yes, that’s right. Madam Shyarly, who now goes by Madam, is, at the present, 29 years old. He brother Arlong is 41, and Hody is 30, so she and Hody were part of the same generation. When Arlong was little, his father- whose face he doesn’t even remember- abandoned him in the Fishman District. When Arlong was 15, a man claiming to be his father brought a girl born of a different mother to the Fishman District. That girl was Shyarly. When she was 4, she correctly predicted the start of the “Great Pirate Age” that would come the following year.
Page 84:
Art is by Poni Osan of Aichi
Reader: “In volumes 64 and 65, when Nami and Robin see Franky’s new techniques, they look on in silence. Is that really alright? Why don’t they get excited?”
“Penname- CPDX”
Oda: “Right. Penname-CPDX-kun, you’re 17 now, right? There’s something you need to learn now. Men and women are completely different creatures. It’s a big mistake to think that they can understand each other just because they’re both human. No matter who tries to explain the coolness of robots to a girl, the message will never get through. Those people like things that sparkle, things that are soft and fluffy, and things that I don’t understand. We could never comprehend those things, right? So, yes, it’s alright. Even when looking at such a cool thing, they’ll just stare with blank expressions. Do your best, Franky!!”
Reader: “Why does Law, and not Kato san, get to be a Shichibukai?”
“Penname- Law [in hiragana]”
Oda: “Well you can tell just by looking at the shape of his nose that Kato san isn’t human. His bounty is about 2 Berries, right?”
Reader: “Oda sama. Helloooooo. In the third panel of page 151 in volume 65, there’s a squid standing next to Ikaros, so could he be “Daedalos?” That’s right, that’s gotta be right, that’s surely how it is!!!?”
“Penname- Chageryo’s Friend, Iwaken”
Oda: “You don’t have to push the issue so hard- yes, that’s right! He was still alive at the time, and those two were best buddies. But Daedalos ended up dying and becoming dried squid in an unforeseen accident. Because of the trauma from that incident, Ikaros developed a fear of becoming dried squid himself whenever he sees fire.”
Page 124:
Art is by Nakahara Michi san of Tottori
Reader: “Oda sensei, have you ever wiped your butt with sandpaper?”
“Penname- Sara Mama”
Oda: “No, I haven’t!!!”
Reader: “Hello Oda Sensei. In chapter 655 of volume 66 in the scene where everyone is eating deep sea fish bento boxes, Robin says “Delicious,” Luffy and Usopp are going “munch munch,” but only Zoro is going “crunch crunch.” Did Sanji put razorblades in Zoro’s bento, as promised?”
“Penname- Gillette”
Oda: “hnnnnn…. AMAZING!! Thank you for reading so carefully! I mean, I drew that while thinking that it wouldn’t really be that bad if nobody ever noticed, but in chapter 653 of volume 66, we have this scene >. There’s usually no reason to use a crunchy sound effect when characters are eating bento, but I felt that Sanji would surely put the razors and poison in Zoro’s bento, so I decided to draw it that way. The serious nature of their fight is what makes it interesting.”
Reader: “Wanze, who debuted in the Water 7 arc, is a character who made a strong impact. From some time ago, my little sister has taken to imitating him. She says, “Ra-ramen kenpo?” while waving both hands, and it’s getting irritating. She says it’s “Wanze Disease,” but how can I cure such a malady?”
“Penname- Ai”
Oda: “ ‘But how *wave wave* can I cure such a malady *wave wave*?’ Ouch!! Ai-chan, that hurts! Quit it with the violence!! …Ai-chan is mad!! Well, Wanze sure does bring back memories. Who cares about curing?- everyone, let’s do it together! Just wave your hands vertically next to your face, stick out your lower lip, make a strange face, and go around mimicking people! You’ll get punched for sure!”
Page 164:
Art is by Patrick-san of Osaka
Reader: “Recently I’ve found someone I’m interested in <3 <3. But I’m worried because I don’t know how to properly “attack.” Oda sensei, please give me advice!!”
“Penname- Dekiru”
Oda: “Something like ‘Gomu Gomu Bazooka’ probably has enough destructive power, I think! You’ll take down that person you’re interested in for sure! ( ^ ^)”
Reader: “I’ve got a question. When Smoker was in Tashigi, she was wearing a “Nothing” bra, but is that because Smoker took it off, or because… from the start…she… I’m so turned-on I can’t sleep at night! Please tell me, Sensei!”
“Penname- Kumakoro”
Oda: “No-bra is pretty great, huh <3 For sure. To get to the bottom of this, let’s ask Smoker himself. Vice Admiral Smoker, please tell us!”
Smoker: “I tore it off. Who wants to know.”
Oda: “Ah…. Ah…. Got it. Thank you. –and that’s how it is!!”
Reader: “Pleased to meet you, Oda-chi! Heso!! I’ll try to make this quick, but… I noticed a certain one of Oda-chi’s policies? Or is it poliswees? !! Oda-chi… you don’t seem to write lines in your own handwriting on the side as supplements to character’s speech bubbles!? Other manga-ka do it a lot, but… please explain this for me!!”
“Penname- Myaari”
Oda: “Ohh. Yes. Lines written in speech bubbles vs. lines written outside them- good job noticing. I did the latter back when I was a newbie and even during the early days of serialization. But I made the conscious decision to stop doing that relatively early on, so you could call it a policy. Of course I don’t mind it if other authors do it, but I thought that if I did that, the reader might see my handwritten characters while reading and suddenly become aware that there is an “author,” so I stopped. While reading my manga, I want you to forget about my existence.”
Page 182:
Art is by Hino Satoshi of Aichi
Reader: “In chapter 654, Chopper turns down Nami’s invitation to join her in the bath, saying “I wiped myself down the day before yesterday,” right? Is it because he’s a boy? Or a fruit user? Or maybe… because he’s an animal? I’m also interested in the bathing information for the rest of the Strawhat crew.”
“Penname- Katana Roman”
Oda: “Well, in Chopper’s case, I have a strong feeling that perhaps it’s because he’s an animal. Wiping his body down pretty much counts as a bath for him. Sometimes, the men of the crew have a Great Bath Party together and get really rowdy. Chopper gets invited to bathe with the ladies a lot, but he prefers the men’s parties.”
Picture (left to right, by category):
Luffy, Zoro, Brook: Once per week
Usopp, Chopper, Franky: Thrice weekly
Nami, Robin, Sanji: Every day
Reader: “Hello, Ei-chan. My little sister said, “Robin is always revealing her breasts; she must really like doing that, huh.” So I told her, “No no, it’s just because that Oda-chan guy who writes One Piece really likes breasts so he draws exposed ones a lot.” Am I right in my assessment? *picks nose*”
“Penname- I like Oda-chan”
Oda: “Yes. I have here a very rude letter. OF COURSE I DRAW THEM BECAUSE I LIKE THEM!! How rude of you to doubt me!!”
Reader: “Because Oda-chi can’t keep it together anymore, we’re ending SBS here.”
“Penname- Eel now”
Oda: “Okay, see you in the next volume! There’s some info about the movie at the end of this one.”

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 AM ----------

I don't understand how Chopper can reject Nami and Robin proposal of taking a bath with them. At least, he can be useful as scourer.

---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

One Piece Anime's 2-Hour - Nami Special (25th August)

Credits: Redon
Source: APforums

720p version:

--- Update From New Post Merge ---

DVD and Blu Ray on sale 30 November in Japan, normal edition and limited edition in both versions.

---------- Post added August 28, 2012 at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was August 27, 2012 at 08:16 PM ----------

Raw torrent, much more easy to download: Thanks to Sanwise78 from APforums.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah there's also the 1080i torrents of Leopard-Raws on that have a much better quality. ;) ... But they aren't seeded well because they are HUGE files.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
One piece rules.
This. But let's see and wait how the graph is developing in the next ten weeks. I'm curious how the revelations in Naruto (about Tobi) and the battle in Toriko (against the Four Beast) might be able to hold down One Piece of transition chapters.


Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
This. But let's see and wait how the graph is developing in the next ten weeks...
You said it! We should go to agony thread...

---------- Post added at 07:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 AM ----------

I mean Obito is a fraud, and Naruto will not have much to offer after those revelations. Instead of it, One Piece has much more to tell still... And PH arc could be just great, but it could also be a disaster (overeacting? maybe)... Maybe I'm a little bit pessimistic, so better I will go to agony thread...


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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Is there any subs for Nami special?


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jan 5, 2008
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uh, it would have been nice if this Redon guy credited ME....

And I do it on 52 issues so it is from july 2011 to august 2012.
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Wow that Nami episode is pretty good. I didn't watch the whole thing since there is no sub. But the pacing is incredible, they skipped some parts but that can be forgivable.

If they redo Enies Lobby in this fashion, it would be f***ing awesome.


Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Source: The One Piece Podcast

If you havent visit it (or virtually visit it) yet...

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hm... do you think Caesar will be the one explaining how the transfer of DF power works? I hope Oda still "uses" VP for that.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Marine Headquarters
Hm... do you think Caesar will be the one explaining how the transfer of DF power works? I hope Oda still "uses" VP for that.
I think that CC isn´t the expert on that field, his field is mass murder and mass destruction. Besides, he already got a foreshadowing by Coby and Helmeppo that Vegapunk ultimately will be the one who solves the mystery around the DFs.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Sure, but many devil fruits can be treated as weapons of mass destruction themselves, can't they? ;)


Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Credits: Redon
Source: Pirateking

One Piece The 17th Log "Sabaody" cover. It brings two back covers, one with supernovas, one with Hancock.

Hm... do you think Caesar will be the one explaining how the transfer of DF power works? I hope Oda still "uses" VP for that.
My prediction about it is that what we saw in shinokuni's creation happens only with Axolotl DF. I mean we didnt see something that can happen with all DF, but just with that one. Here my post.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
My prediction about it is that what we saw in shinokuni's creation happens only with Axolotl DF. I mean we didnt see something that can happen with all DF, but just with that one. Here my post.
Hm... I actually believe it doesn't really matter which Zoan-type Caesar would have used since Axolotl aren't poisonous (there's a hoax stating otherwise though, so maybe they are in the OP world). All that mattered actually was that Smiley swallowed that large candy and got that mixed into the condensed gas to trigger some chemical reaction that resulted in the metamorphosis of slime to Shinokuni while the devil fruit power was transferred back into an apple.

I'm curious if Slime/Smiley was actually an "awakened Zoan-type" as the Impel Down Guardian Beasts are (the eyes are somewhat as small and "empty", the animal form is almost as "dull"), which would make Rassuu (Mr.4's Bazooka) and Funkfried being "awakened", too. And that is the part which I hope Caesar (or then Vegapunk) may explain at some point.


Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah. But, about their emptiness, an interesting difference between those beasts of Impel Down and Smiley, is obedience: Those animals seemed to obey Impel Down guardians, but Smiley seemed to ignore CC.
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Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Plex re-releasing Luffy, Zoro and Sanji in new colorways, emulating the black and white of the manga. Really nice:

Nice to see Zoro with 3 pistols instead of swords:

Here you find more information.