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Discussion Sale charts


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
I have been working on this for a while. My system is flawed but I estimate the sale of new volumes within the first 21 days. I standardized this way to compare across the series, especially when they are out at different day of the week. I wanted to do a 35 days chart. But weaker series won't made the chart for that long.

Maybe some other time, I analyzed the Nielsen and Netflix rating of the tv shows. I also want to do a non Japan sale table of sort for One Piece. The European numbers are interesting.

We are looking at Kimetsu Yaiba, My Hero Academia, Chain Saw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, and One Piece.

For the growth chart, I kinda group and average sales of every 3 volumes. It is slightly less than yearly. Since One Piece release about 3-4 volumes a year. And I kinda did it arbitrarily so I can fit as many data points as I can. The anime stuff is usually when it starts. I usually used the nearest volume published date on these chart for that.

Million unit sales.

I think Canada/US sales probably lump together. I do remember reading somewhere the UK sales ain't all that great either. The entire English sphere UK/USA/Canada/Australia. In term of sales is probably barely compare to Germany. And far far outpaced by Italy and France. It seemed to me. If go by that metric. The English fanbase as customers, should be least cater to. But then again of the 100 mil sales outside of Japan. About 40 mil is every other country that isn't Japan/France/Italy/Germany/USA+Canada. From the perspective of Shueisha/Shonen Jump/the mangaka. What good are fans if they don't really contribute their fair share financially. All the money that probably got generate from the English fanbase via their attention span/views. Probably all go to the One Piece reactors and more legit youtubers.

With that being said, that half a million sales in 2022 look great for North America. 2023 probably dwarf that. And 2024 probably may got an increase due to the Netflix Live Action 2023. The vast majority of Netflix users are in English speaking country afterall. That is why is Last Airbender may not rank highly in other countries compare to One Piece. And even among pretty mid reviews, but its brand is an American brand. But its views in the first 3 weeks surpassed One Piece by a small bit. Better do well in the top 10 countries. Than doing well in the bottom 80 countries. Wednesday is another example.

You can see this phenomenon on how One Piece movies got release in France vs the USA.

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Black Hawk

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 26, 2008
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But that doesnt surprise me, im not sure if USA Fans are in the mass with going deep into a Story and been a Franchise Fan.
For my understanding of the US market, you have a lot of hypes a lot of frequences, Franchises get pushed.

So been a One piece Fan for 20 or more years, i dont see for the Mass of the US Fan Base. Also they have a complete Home Market with Comics, been released far earlier then mangas.
So with Jujutsu Kaisen and other Action Mangas come up lately, i see them more poping up on different Media pages. Demon Slayer and and and. hype after hype.
And the european mentality is complete different in his whole. You stay with one Team(in Sport), you choose some Manga series(less or more) but you always been up to date. I would count myself as one of them, i read also a few Modern Manga, also ended a lot of them, follow them. But my Main story was always OP. Never been to much into KHR, Naruto or other in the Main Years.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
And the european mentality is complete different in his whole. You stay with one Team(in Sport), you choose some Manga series(less or more) but you always been up to date. I would count myself as one of them, i read also a few Modern Manga, also ended a lot of them, follow them. But my Main story was always OP. Never been to much into KHR, Naruto or other in the Main Years.
Very interesting about the team mentality. But my theory is that, there always a gap between the English release and the where the story actually at in Japan for a long long period of time. That meant a lot of the fandom are so used to pirating, even when the gap is much much smaller now.

Even said when the Netflix live action show. And people think that the One Piece anime will get a bump on netflix. Not necessary true. Because on youtube, twitter, reddit, etc. Existing fans always steer new fans to One Pace. Which I think does help maximize enjoyment and prevent people from dropping the series. But at the same time, official legal sources (where the anime team/Oda/distributor can take a cut) don't really see this huge bump. One Piece english youtuber are now reaching the million of subs. Which meant the fanbase is there. But they don't really spend. Even the stuffs they spend on, like youtube patreon or arts from etsy/displate. These don't really go to Oda/Shueisha.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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I found this very interesting, but not that much in terms of interest by zone and rather by how different arcs affected One Piece.
I would conclude from this graph that overall people liked more One Piece before New World. And most did not live up to expectations, or at least lost interest. Which makes sense, to be honest. I blame the editors and publishers for encouraging Oda's worst traits.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
I found this very interesting, but not that much in terms of interest by zone and rather by how different arcs affected One Piece.
Do you have any knowledge on German yearly sales so I can update blanks on my graph. I others have knowledge about Middle Eastern, or Latin American sales. It would greatly appreciate.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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Do you have any knowledge on German yearly sales so I can update blanks on my graph. I others have knowledge about Middle Eastern, or Latin American sales. It would greatly appreciate.
No, sorry. I recently moved to Germany so I'm still figuring out stuff here.

Black Hawk

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I found this very interesting, but not that much in terms of interest by zone and rather by how different arcs affected One Piece.
I would conclude from this graph that overall people liked more One Piece before New World. And most did not live up to expectations, or at least lost interest. Which makes sense, to be honest. I blame the editors and publishers for encouraging Oda's worst traits.
Its not that wrong, when i started OP i was 16 now im much older and the Series is still running. But maybe it has nothing to do with expectations. Maybe more then Main Fans growing older and other Stuff then buying Manga comes up. Maybe with New World a part of Fanbase passes with the Time and that maybe the hardest Part for longterm Series, like OnePiece.

As a mention it on the previous Post, in my work a lot more People familiar with Anime. But the Generation in Age of 21-25 are into Jujutsu Kaisen and One Punch. And also a lot of them growing much more up with Media around worldwideweb and maybe are more into Anime then reading.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
I think both of you are right about the causes of decline and they also signal heavier underlying currents. Aside from quality drop in New World and younger people not reading as much I think some big contributors to the decline are:
  • The earlier days of OP also coincided with a less competitive media environment so less other things to read/consume, particularly outside of Japan where options like Crunchyroll and Viz were not a thing
  • Higher bar to entry the longer the series continued. Normally with media content to sustain or grow consumption you need to add new people as you inevitably lose some of the existing fanbase. However, as the series gets longer the series becomes harder for new readers to enter as the commitment is much higher than some other work that is a mere fraction of the length. This causes in net more people to drop OP vs get into it.
  • Time has passed meaning the quality, style, and type of story and animation is different. For anime only fans or those that enter via anime, the early OP seems pretty bland in quality compared to new series like Demon Slayer & JJK (this is probably why OP is getting new anime before the series even ended). There is little chance of getting young audiences into OP anime when it doesn't bring the eye candy like newer series.
I think 2024/2025 and the current Egghead arc will be an inflection point where we get some series bump in consumption. The fact the anime for Egghead will likely overlap or follow the OP remake on top of the fact it will be followed by a new arc in the manga where the endgame really becomes clear is going to revitalize sales. The conclusion of Wano and the premiere of OP live action themselves are likely having an impact but we also needed a more durable breath of fresh air which a quality remake and the series ending can do.

Just look at how DBZ Kai really revitalized the Dragon Ball universe.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
  • Higher bar to entry the longer the series continued.
Agree with the early quality but One Piece always set itself apart early on with its comedy. There are things to offset the higher bar. Something that Oda acknowledge and weirdly enough apologize about how many volumes children would have to buy. There are period of time where the publisher and Oda made most of the series free to read on official platform.

This is why I championed One Piece Netflix super hardcore in term of reaching new generation of fans. Though people had commented on other forum/reddit to my thread that kids would simply read their parents' old copies.

The biggest thing is onto market where One Piece isn't as big. In France, One Piece volume 1 continue to be on top of the chart. Though France is already one of the biggest market outside of Japan. The netflix cast is quite a global cast. With Luffy being Hispanics, and the show did a lot of ads campaign events into Brazil (among many places across the globe). And this being an American show is very interesting. Since the English speaking world is one of the worst market for One Piece when compared to Italy/France/Germany.

When compare to said Live Action Avatar Last Airbender. One Piece hit top of the chart for more countries. However, Avatar performed better than One Piece on countries that have the most netflix accounts. Or aka the USA for instance. But as you can see, One Piece had now been covered by channels who don't watch the show previously. And usher in new Anglo sphere fans (UK/USA/Canada/Australia).


Matt Owens has appeared on Hasanabi/Hasan Piker stream twice already. And I am sort of nervous about that. In one part, I could have seen it being useful during the Hollywood strikes. Hasan being a far left, signal boost the support for the strike. And Matt Owens was able to advertise the show without really advertise for the show. He masked it as he coming onto the show to just talk about his love for the manga/anime. Without talking details about the show. But him showing his fan credential would sell the show even more to the existing fanbase. And Matt probably like most of Hollywood leaned liberal.

However, I do hope he stop coming to Hasan stream on the capacity as a spoke person for the show. I voiced my concerns on other places before. The stream doesn't bring much positives, and more negatives. For one, Hasan fanbase already familiar with One Piece. And you don't need to sell it to them. More than you appeared on other One Piece Reverie streams. His fans also screwed younger, more tankies, anti corporate type. Probably more likely to pirate than to buy. And or don't have the meant to buy anyway. So even if bringing awareness to the show, probably won't help with the streaming, or the increase in sales of the volume manga. Any money they would contribute go to Hasan's merchs and patreon account. And or One Piece merchs from unofficial One Piece sources.

The negatives are numerous. For a corporate product, you should stay clear always from very heated political topics. Hasan usually involved in very heavy political debates that are very divisive. Doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with Hasan. He is a divisive figure in the USA. He had made comments that sound extreme within the American context. Such as the USA deserved 9/11. No matter how much explanation that followed it to make the initial statement more tolerable. It is terrible optics. Also I hope One Piece doesn't got caught in the stupid American cultural war. And by that I meant months of campaign against a show/movie/season before it even come out. Even if the product turn out good and the people that campaigned against it, end up liking it.

I brought this up, because as far as I know. This isn't a problem in other countries, outside of the English speaking world. But maybe I am super wrong on this.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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For a corporate product, you should stay clear always from very heated political topics.
To be fair, this is a very heated political view manga. I mean, it's PIRATES. Against World Government.

It would be weird to have conservative fans.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
To be fair, this is a very heated political view manga. I mean, it's PIRATES. Against World Government.

It would be weird to have conservative fans.
So I don't think that there are this drastic divide in entertainment prior. When you talk about politics. Politics in fantasy, and politics irl are very different. And any authors' particular view is not super imposed 1:1 onto the specific left-right divide within the US. By the way, Japanese as a society already more conservative than that of the USA. Take for instance the X-Men is very heavily onto the minority rights. The divide then wasn't so much about left vs right fanbase. But rather the unpopular kids who read comics vs the popular kids who don't. Even the division of today, is more so the people who believe in establishment or they are anti establishment (both can be found on the left/right). The whole stick of people supporting gun rights (I am pretty neutral on this) was to fight potential oppressive government (of course this is depend on their subjective opinion of what is oppressive like Jan the 6th.

Let's me ask you do inmates in prison not able to find entertainment in batman movies. When in batman movies, there is this guy beating up on thugs, murderers, rapists, etc? And yet, people still find entertainment in that, by removing themselves.

The way, fantasy works approach racial problems can be more tolerable to a person or not. Is depend on how you go about it. For instance, if you want to approach a racial instance. And you portrayed a confederate vs a black person. That already removed from the reader a bit due to time, and less people identify as a confederate nowadays, despite all those monument protest. But if you switch a confederate with someone wearing a Trump hat. That would then be more controversial. If you, made it about who different species altogether like the Fishman and humans. Now that is different. Or Elves vs Dwarves, which is many many steps remove from the audience. This is very important, because people can be susceptible to the ideas of the work, or even maybe influenced by the work. If they consume them. Even if they don't necessary change over night. It may introduced enough doubt to their framework. Or even emotional association between a message and feelings. However, if they putting up the guardrail of self defense right away, if they feel like they are being personally attack. Then they may not approach the work altogether. Beside, Oda's views are pretty unique compare to the left v right.

Or how the message is being broadcast. Let's take Kuina v Zoro. I don't think that scene alone, that we can guess what Oda's actually think over the matter. And it isn't like Zoro is some sort of feminist (see Monet and Tashigi). That scene is more about Zoro's pride than anything. But let's say that Oda viewed Kuina is wrong. In modern western comic, that would portrayed as some girl boss lectured down to a guy. It is more receptive in Oda's way. Because the girl is wrong, and the guy is the one that help empowering despite her doubt. And the empowering, is partially self interest and pride instead of ideology driven. She was afterall his goal. And he will not accept that if he beat her (and or one day she cannot compete with him), it is due to gender limitation. They are a team, not the enemies of each others. And lol, Kuina was literally fridged for Zoro's motivation.

I am getting way off topic, so the rest gonna go to private message.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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I think you digressed a lot into your thoughts on political views, which doesn't matter for the comment.
I'm saying that One Piece is a heavily based political manga even if it's not evident.

If you register yourself as conservative yet you love One Piece then there is something that you are forcibly ignoring about the literature. But that does not take it away from the medium, it's just being ignored.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
If you register yourself as conservative yet you love One Piece then there is something that you are forcibly ignoring about the literature. But that does not take it away from the medium, it's just being ignored.
I am not a conservative. If that is what you take from my post, then it is what it is. Do remember this whole tangent is because I have a problem with a guy associate Luffy with terrorism. And not just any terrorism. This is the same guy that said America deserve 9/11. (And I know he expand on this statement to something more agreeable than just this sheer statement alone). Even if you agree with that statement. It is not a good sales marketing strategy for an American produced Netflix show that is mostly for the english speaking world (that is the biggest percentage of Netflix subscribers). This is the same guy who called either a Houthi pirate or a Houthi wannabe as just like Luffy. And chatting about some chinese people, who I assume are hostages. If that view of mine that it is TERRIBLE for marketing. If you disagree with it. I do hope some of these folks works on advertising and what not. And show me the data, that it would work super well in the USA. I am sure, it may goes well in Yemen. That is fine.

[I recently listen to Jordan Peterson. The first full video that I have ever listen from the guy. The unhinge way in which he and his conservative following believe in the conspiracy of Green Energy for example. About the World Government/Global Cabal trying to kill millions in third world countries like in the African continent through starvation for this unaffordable Green Energy. And that they are like Hitler, and evil for the sake of evil (there is no pragmaticism or rationale behind it, outside of pure biblical evil). Is this belief not unlike the the Elder Stars on One Piece?]

I don't want to gatekeep One Piece. In fact I don't mind extreme right or extreme left reading it. I hope it would mellow people out. I am more concern is the hijacking of the brand. If Oda came out and said Luffy is just like the Houthi pirate. Or that Luffy is a terrorist just like those who flew the plane into the World Trade Center (THERE IS LITERAL MEME FOR THIS) (or any numerous terrorist attacks across Asia/Africa/Middle East if you want to remove from the West). Then I am like, gosh dang. Hasan is right with his reading comprehension. And I am frankly ignored something tremendously here.

You know some of the left wing in the USA want to call the conservative Jan 6th terrorism. I would take that as the moral weight of the word. For argument sake let said they are right that the word terrorism should apply. Also by the way, how many terrorists out there that succeed in the downfall of a government and then transform it into even more regressive theocrat, with no woman right, no minority right.

Do you see the futility of that label of terrorism as a left wing thing, and terrorism to associate with a brand that concern about sales.
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MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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I am not a conservative. If that is what you take from my post, then it is what it is.
LOL I'm not saying you are.

Do remember this whole tangent is because I have a problem with a guy associate Luffy with terrorism. And not just any terrorism. This is the same guy that said America deserve 9/11. (And I know he expand on this statement to something more agreeable than just this sheer statement alone). Even if you agree with that statement. It is not a good sales marketing strategy for an American produced Netflix show that is mostly for the english speaking world (that is the biggest percentage of Netflix subscribers). This is the same guy who called either a Houthi pirate or a Houthi wannabe as just like Luffy. And chatting about some chinese people, who I assume are hostages. If that view of mine that it is TERRIBLE for marketing. If you disagree with it. I do hope some of these folks works on advertising and what not. And show me the data, that it would work super well in the USA. I am sure, it may goes well in Yemen. That is fine.
A guy being crazy does not support the point that you should avoid recognizing the political themes in a work. And it may be bad marketing in USA, which... well, it's not the most educated of the audiences. The rest of the world is fine.

And I'm sure USA is fine as well, do not worry. You say bad marketing, but almost all works with political themes fare fairly well. Example: Dune.

I am more concern is the hijacking of the brand.
It's not up to you and it's not doing that. Even with the drop in sales, it still goes well. I think the issue lies somewhere else, not in the political content of the work. And this can be said just by comparing with other things that were massive and popular with heavy-dense political theme narratives. Barbie, Oppenheimer, Dune... And I'm only mentioning USA content.

You know some of the left wing in the USA want to call the conservative Jan 6th terrorism. I would take that as the moral weight of the word. For argument sake let said they are right that the word terrorism should apply. Also by the way, how many terrorists out there that succeed in the downfall of a government and then transform it into even more regressive theocrat, with no woman right, no minority right.

Do you see the futility of that label of terrorism as a left wing thing, and terrorism to associate with a brand that concern about sales.
Ohh, believe me, if the left-wing wants to cancel something they will find whatever excuse to do it. People with half a brain can make their own conclusions, it did not stop Harry Potter when it was labeled as satanic (And, today, it is a well-fitting work due to the author's views)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2012
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One Piece isn't loosing popularity, no matter what the sales say.

The actual money from a franchise like One Piece comes from merchandise, and I suspect merchandise sales to go have gone up heavily. In the Japanese stores in Düsseldorf it's already the most prominent brand besides Pokémon, don't know if that is accommodation to the German market but these stores are meant to serve a minority population and are authentic. There's like ice tea and sweets and stuff, tons of products with the Strawhats on them.

One Piece related products like stickers, posters, toy figurines, etc. also fill up the windows of the Japanese bookstores, which only sell Japanese books so they are useless for the German customers, who are only drawn in to buy merchandise for anime/manga. Even the most traditional and conservative bookstore, where the shopkeeper admitted she doesn't even read Manga herself uses the One Piece art books and magazines to advertize the store. It's everywhere.

Then there is the fact that reading itself is loosing popularity, and the fact that print media sales in general are going backwards due to digitalization and online grey areas.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2007
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That's a very interesting point. I wonder if it's possible to gather that data, sales on merchandise.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United States
If you google it you can see Bandai's OP video game sales but will likely be very difficult to find all the different merch sales in one place. Would probably require access to data sets that aren't public since even public earnings data from companies won't show where each piece of their sales came from.

However, in looking for this I did see that Oricon has been doing top manga sales ranking since 2008 in Japan which is good way to see how OP compares to other manga directly which would help control for things like decline in reading etc. I know other countries do contribute a lot in sales too but think using Japan as a proxy helps control for a lot of variables e.g. some years all sales are down so year to year comparison isn't as helpful as where it ranked in the total market.

All of this data is on AnimeNewsNetwork and is sourced from Oricon.

YearNumber 1Number 2Number 3Number 4Number 5
2008One Piece (5.9 million)Naruto (4.2 million)20th Century Boys (3.7 million)Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (3.3 million)Bleach (3.1 million)
2009One Piece (14.7 million)Naruto (6.8 million)Bleach (6.4 million)Fullmetal Alchemist (5.8 million)Gintama (4.7 million)
2010One Piece (32.3 million)Naruto (7.4 million)Kimi ni Todoke (6.5 million)Fairy Tail (5.7 million)Bleach (5.2 million)
2011One Piece (37.9 million)Naruto (6.8 million)Blue Exorcist (5.2 million)Fairy Tail (4.7 million)Toriko (4.6 million)
2012One Piece (23.4 million)Kuroko's Basketball (8 million)Naruto (6.4 million)Space Brothers (5.4 million)Fairy Tail (4.1 million)
2013One Piece (18.1 million)Attack on Titan (15.9 million)Kuroko's Basketball (8.7 million)Magi (7.1 million)Naruto (5.5 million)
2014One Piece (11.8 million)Attack on Titan (11.7 million)Haikyu!! (8.2 million)Tokyo Ghoul (6.9 million)Kuroko's Basketball (6.7 million)
2015One Piece (14.1 million)The Seven Deadly Sins (10.3 million)Attack on Titan (8.7 million)Assassination Classroom (8.6 million)Kingdom (8.5 million)
2016One Piece (12.3 million)Assassination Classroom (6.8 million)Kingdom (6.5 million)Attack on Titan (6.5 million)Haikyu!! (6.4 million)
2017One Piece (11.4 million)Attack on Titan (6.6 million)Kingdom (6.1 million)My Hero Academia (5.8 million)Tokyo Ghoul (5.3 million)
2018One Piece (8.1 million)My Hero Academia (6.7 million)Attack on Titan (5.2 million)Slam Dunk (5.2 million)Haikyu!! (5 million)
2019Demon Slayer (12 million)One Piece (10.1 million)Kingdom (7.1 million)The Promised Neverland (7.4 million)The Quintessential Quintuplets (5.8 million)
2020Demon Slayer (82.3 million)Kingdom (8.2 million)One Piece (7.7 million)Haikyu!! (7.2 million)Jujutsu Kaisen (6.7 million)
2021Jujutsu Kaisen (30.9 million)Demon Slayer (29.5 million)Tokyo Revengers (24.9 million)Attack on Titan (7.3 million)My Hero Academia (7 million)
2022Jujutsu Kaisen (12.2 million)Tokyo Revengers (11 million)SPY×FAMILY (10.6 million)One Piece (10.3 million)My Hero Academia (5.3 million)
2023Blue Lock (10.5 million)Jujutsu Kaisen (8.5 million)One Piece (7.1 million)Oshi no Ko (5.4 million)Chainsaw Man (5.3 million)

It's clear OP is not in its peak but at the same time it is still doing extremely well even in its domestic market where there is more competition. Aside from 1 year it has consistently been in the top 5 for the well over a decade now. Additionally, though its total sales in Japan last year didn't put it on top, at the individual volume level it was the best selling manga in Japan in 2023. I think we can expect it to have spikes globally due to its extended reach into new markets due to things like the Netflix show but its also nice to see that it is still very healthy in its core foundational market and doesn't appear to be going anywhere.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Agree with the early quality but One Piece always set itself apart early on with its comedy. There are things to offset the higher bar. Something that Oda acknowledge and weirdly enough apologize about how many volumes children would have to buy. There are period of time where the publisher and Oda made most of the series free to read on official platform.

This is why I championed One Piece Netflix super hardcore in term of reaching new generation of fans. Though people had commented on other forum/reddit to my thread that kids would simply read their parents' old copies.

The biggest thing is onto market where One Piece isn't as big. In France, One Piece volume 1 continue to be on top of the chart. Though France is already one of the biggest market outside of Japan. The netflix cast is quite a global cast. With Luffy being Hispanics, and the show did a lot of ads campaign events into Brazil (among many places across the globe). And this being an American show is very interesting. Since the English speaking world is one of the worst market for One Piece when compared to Italy/France/Germany.

When compare to said Live Action Avatar Last Airbender. One Piece hit top of the chart for more countries. However, Avatar performed better than One Piece on countries that have the most netflix accounts. Or aka the USA for instance. But as you can see, One Piece had now been covered by channels who don't watch the show previously. And usher in new Anglo sphere fans (UK/USA/Canada/Australia).
I do agree there are ways to get new people and they have effectively used it, especially in the last few years where they have had successful media presence through the movie and Netflix show. This definitely helps bring in new fans and is helping offset the higher barrier to entry that the length creates. I do also think in total sales (independent of volume data) the length is helping One Piece a lot. For every new fan that reads, they get much higher sales volume since the story is so long. I expect as new markets grow total volume sales will put One Piece back on top globally.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
I do also think in total sales (independent of volume data) the length is helping One Piece a lot. For every new fan that reads, they get much higher sales volume since the story is so long. I expect as new markets grow total volume sales will put One Piece back on top globally.
Of course most of the revenue has been from Japan. Like I said, one piece fans in the Anglo sphere may spent more money on the non official channel vs the official channel. If you got products from Etsy, temu, displate. Those probably won't show up in their revenue. If you spent money on youtube patreon, commissioned art from independent artists, or even buy used volume copies. Those will not showed up in the official revenues.

As for total sales. I don't included on purpose, since One Piece would be destroyed by new uprising series. If a series has like 15-20 volumes out, it is much easier for newer collectors to buy all of them. Then there is a problem of circulation. Which is the amount of old volumes print that available to buy. I think for One Piece, early volumes are pretty restricted in Japan. Some places like France though, as I point out volume 1 continue to hit near top of the chart every year. They probably continue to print volume 1. I point that out, saying that there are new fans catching up still in France. Some latest monthly number for the US also look quite promising.


A guy being crazy does not support the point that you should avoid recognizing the political themes in a work. And it may be bad marketing in USA, which... well, it's not the most educated of the audiences. The rest of the world is fine.
I am specifically worry about the Netflix show. There is a saying that Netflix love to cancel good shows. That isn't true. I am currently charting out Netflix viewership data, but consistently shows with lower views got cancel. Show with lower budget and or target a niche audience to begin with like say Heartstopper that cater to the lgbt+ audience. Those shows can afford lower viewership and got renew.

Then there is the distribution of Netflix users. US still has the greatest share of some 27.5%. Some 49% of the share is just from 6 western countries (4 English speaking countries: USA, UK, Canada, Australia) (Germany+France round up the 6th). Brazil/Mexico/Japan/India, these 4 brought another 15 to 16 percent. The top 10 countries are some 64-65% of the netflix subscribers. WHILE 180+ remaining countries split the remaining 35%. Doing great in just the 6 western countries is already dwarf doing great in the remaining 180+ countries. Unless somehow the calculus by Netflix, is using One Piece to increase their market share in those 180+ AKA THE REST OF THE WORLD. Heck USA alone probably beat the number for the lower 90+.

This is why you can have show that doing middling in America only can dwarf the viewership of show that doing great across the world and bombed in America. This is why the early celebration of hey One Piece beating Wednesday/Stranger Thing was really bullshit. Still that is a comparison to like the highest ceiling of Netflix. I do wonder too. How much One Piece viewership are inflated because fans are doing multiple streams movement. Where they play netflix in another muted tab to drive up the numbers.

The USA alone has the highest movie market in the world (but One Piece doesn't do as well here compare to smaller market like France alone). Then combined the other English speaking population of Canada/UK/Australia. Why I am focusing on the English speaking portion of the world? Because there are so so so so much money to be made here. And One Piece doesn't quite have a foothold in the English speaking world compare to say France/Italy/Germany. The potential ceiling is so high, since the sales thus far is low. And Oda probably want this Neflix show to really break into the American market.

The American market as of late is so divisive. Almost every big franchise is plagued with it. The Witcher (another series with so much division) had a much higher start than One Piece. But it drop heavily every season since. Netflix don't really gave out all the data, so I am estimating here. Of the data that I do have, the first 8 weeks (50-56 days) is about 90-95% of the total 91 days. 91 days is important because, that is how they rank their top 10. Right now, I think it drop some 44%+ season 3 compare to season 1. I know there are quality factor, changing of the main actor, etc. But there is also a significant drop from season 1 to season 2 as well. If One Piece have a lower start (despite the avid fans driving up the viewership via fake repeated viewings), and follow this trend. It could be easily cancel prior to reaching Marineford. Unless it, grew every season like the Stranger Things model.

This precarious situation is why a person so high up in the One Piece Netflix show like Matt Owens. Should be careful. Money is money, doesn't matter what the consumer's background is. And a good show but no one is watching, is still an premature ended show/cancelled shows (HBO Watchmen for example, though there maybe more complexity to it). https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/hbo-tv-show-ratings/ Watchmen budget is just 3 mil short of One Piece per ep at 15 mil/ep. This high budget, and One Piece need even higher budget going forward (actors want higher salary, larger cast, larger set, more actions, more cgi). Oone Piece need to be Stranger Thing model.


More of my rants, not worth reading. I just need to get it out of my chest.

Discussing politics is one thing. Affiliate with political pundit is another. Hasan is not even the mainstream left in the USA. If Matt went onto someone who is a mainstream left, or just another youtube political left. That would divide the audience too with Hasan fans being mad.

Beside these people or even fans, I don't even know how much juice aka money you can squeeze out of them. But at the expense of losing a larger market (these are fringe even among the left).

Even the political nature of One Piece. People just cherry picks. I made threads on reddit point out how Luffy just motivated by lowest level of individual (heck he even defended Baroque Works against Zoro). Or blinded mob rage is not always right (Donquixote family) and may have a cost (despite Doffy is already pretty evil prior, but Dressrosa may not happen). Or that you have to overcome generational trauma and hate, Fisher Tiger's wishes. Or you have to work within the system despite the level of unfairness like Otohime. Or even something like the Shandians had to live with the skypieans, despite the latter had century of being in the wrong. Or uninformed revolution that being pull by outside influences can destroy the countries like Alabasta. Revolution is not by itself will always result in progress or better than what was before. Had the revolution in Alabasta succeed, than Crocodile would be in charge. Even the revolution led by the New Fish man, blinded by inherited hate and generational trauma. Isn't necessary portray as good. Especially at the cost of their own people. How many ideological purist out there. There are revolutionary fringe of the left think the mainstream left is as much as their enemies as the right. Or even terrorism, what Doffy did to Dressrosa was terrorism also. Or lol Yamato. The less said the better.

But everytime, things are not neatly fit in with whatever corner of politics you are in. And I am saying this, because there will be a rise of the more culturally right fans of One Piece who also gonna cherry pick the hell out of One Piece. Then instead they said this is the limitation of the author. I click like all on these video essayist (to show that I don't necessary dislike with what they had to said). They insert whatever projection they have to the author. Like Oda coming from the right place, but he isn't educated on trans topic blah blah (the funny thing is that the some part of the trans community criticize Oda during the Impel Down arc). Or when I pointed out the stuff above. People said, well he didn't do too much learning. He just a guy stuck in a room for the last 2 decades plus. In a super conservative country.

It is bizarre to me. People in the world has unique views of the world, that ain't gonna fit neatly into whoever the audiences' views are. The world isn't revolved around whoever these readers are (including me). And they made great art out of it. Conservative like Orson Scott Card (Ender Game series)/Mel Gibson (Hacksaw Ridge), super feminist/environmentalist/anti war like Ghibli studio, libertarians like South Park cartoons, or identarian like Dave Chappelle (who view the world in the lens of a black person)/JK Rowling (who viewed the world from the lens of biological female sex). Their perceived flaws (and this is subjective) is what make the work unique and interesting. It getting to the point, where people are like South Park actually isn't funny (as if this is some sort of objective thing) due to their libertarian beliefs. Or lol, the retroactively saying how Harry Potter is actually not a great series. And now fine objective meant to be dismissive of the work. Just like the right wing who are now suddenly a fan of Harry Potter, and the left who would still think it is great if the author agree with them100% instead of 97%. My own views don't align completely with any of these people. But I enjoyed their works, and love exploring where their thoughts come from. So that if certain section where I agree, I know what I am agreeing with. And the section that I disagree, I know what exactly I am disagree with. However, these discussion of politics. Isn't really about what these authors had to say. But rather as I said, cherry picking for conformation bias. Which is absolutely fine and alright, death of the author as one said. But once it hijacked the brand, and became a detriment to the brand and hurt the author. Then I have a goddam problem. Like all these so called fans of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, etc who barely had any videos exploring lore or uplifting the community. But rather hundred of rage baits, whose interest is just for personal gains.

And I am starting to see this gatekeeping from the left. I had these convos on reddit, on other forums. It got so ridiculous to the point. People are first accused me of media illiteracy, that I am a right wing (it actually happened a ton on reddit). And then it got so absurd. On the topic of One Piece, they are like there aren't many conservatives in the USA anyway (to even take money from). And then I point out the votes. People are like lefties are more numerous and don't vote. Ok, and if you don't financially pay or contribute. Then you ain't really help out the series either. Conversation about how conservatives are actually a super minority, is like debating where the grass on my lawn are not green right now.

One Piece is doing fine. Oda is super super rich. But I am loyal to him first and foremost. The series been with me for probably 26/27+ years now. It has been with me at my darkest of hours. I think you can go back to look at my posts. There are time I pick fights with people on this forum, when Oda is concern. I don't mind people talk about the quality of the works (especially if it is bad). I had pick fight with people who implied Oda is greedy and drag out One Piece of money. Or Oda is lazy. Etc. My interest (and I had so very little influence) is to realize Oda's dream. And despite I talk about money a lot. But I think the guy just want his work be read by as many people as possible (most writers do anyway). And I pray that his dream will succeed. He had so idea how turbulent is the sea that is the American market in the last 5 years.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

US Best-Selling Manga Series of 2023
01./Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - ~2,050,000
02./One Piece - ~1,900,000 (689,450 see explanation)
03./Chainsaw Man - ~1,235,000
04./Jujutsu Kaisen - ~1,080,000
05./My Hero Academia - ~900,000

HUGE CORRECTION, THIS IS WHY UNIT MATTERS. ESPECIALLY IF YOU COMPARE A TO B. ROUK did some changing due to the 3 in 1 omnibus. Here Rouk probably x3. But to compare to the previous years. You have to use the raw source of info. For One Piece, It actually is 689,450. Aka 26% increase. The One Piece sales is under ODA, EIICHIRO. Which probably also included all the spin offs. https://www.comicsbeat.com/tilting-...es-sag-but-scholastic-was-still-a-powerhouse/

One of the best year for One Piece yet in US sales. For comparison
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