Theory - The Great Ideals of the Ancient Kingdom | MangaHelpers

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Theory The Great Ideals of the Ancient Kingdom


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 23, 2022
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Hi Mangahelpers,

It is no surprise to me that very few people have ever discussed this subject, but it is fundamental to the story and it involves the background of the Ancient Kingdom.

The Ancient Kingdom is considered mysterious and unknowable by the One Piece communities at large. However, I do not believe this is true. There are hints given about the nature of the Ancient Kingdom that indicate that they must have certain qualities and certain beliefs.

- The Ancient Kingdom is BELIEVED to be vast, proud, and powerful (with nothing more to be said about it).
- The Ancient Kingdom was ACTUALLY vast, proud, and powerful, but they ALSO had great beliefs and ideals.

In other words, the average viewer of One Piece thinks the Ancient Kingdom was powerful and that's all there is to it. The truth of that is that the average viewer is a bit of a selective reader. They sometimes fail to read between the lines and at other times even omit information altogether.

The most important part of the Ancient Kingdom is likely actually the beliefs and ideals they have. Their beliefs and ideals is what enabled them to become powerful in the first place. There is another word for beliefs and ideals as well [Culture].

The important part of the story involves the culture of the Ancient Kingdom. The advanced technology they possess is actually secondary to that.

Why are the beliefs and ideals important? It sounds dumb? Well, that's somewhat challenging to discuss, but I'll try to demonstrate why below.

In Star Trek, the Prime Directive is a set of beliefs and ideals that stops Starfleet's starship crewmembers from interacting with undeveloped civilizations. In other words, starship crewmembers are from an advanced civilization and there is a rule in place to stop them from doing anything with undeveloped civilizations. They're supposed to "evolve" on their own because studies have shown that intervening in the matters of undeveloped societies most often results in disaster. It's like playing God.

To explain further, in Star Trek, there is also a group known as The Iconians who had their own set of beliefs and ideals which resembled the Prime Directive of Starfleet. However, The Iconians represented the endgame of Starfleet and how advanced they may become if they continued to evolve based on this set of beliefs and ideals. The Iconians, eventually, were attacked by several other nations that grouped in a great alliance to steal their technology.

Long story short, Starfleet, The Iconians, and the Ancient Kingdom, are likely to all possess similar forms of a set of beliefs and ideals. That is, they all have some form of the Prime Directive from Starfleet along with other sets of beliefs corresponding to advanced civilizations. The Ancient Kingdom was also destroyed similarly to The Iconians. Both were attacked by a group of nations that created a great alliance and both had advanced technology.

I can even explain further. The Ancient Kingdom may have refused to provide other nations with medicine and weapons which would have aided them. The Ancient Kingdom refused because they wanted these nations to develop on their own. So, in other words- the Ancient Kingdom was attacked because of its set of beliefs and ideals. By refusing to help other people, they became victims to a cycle of revenge. That is likely the moral of the story.

The disasters that could occur if the Ancient Kingdom shared its medicine or weapons with other people (for defense) include: technology used to create medicine can also be used to create poisons, and technology used to create defensive weaponry can also be used to create offensive weaponry. In other words, even if other nations claimed they would use the technology for good purposes they may turn around and use it for evil purposes (and this was unacceptable to the Ancient Kingdom).

In conclusion, the Great Alliance attacked the Ancient Kingdom because they wanted to steal their technology. However, the Ancient Kingdom told their history (poneglyphs) and their will lived on in other people. The only missing piece they need to recreate their kingdom is information about their culture. I have, in the past, made a theory that the One Piece is similar to a Datacron from Star Trek meaning that it can contain vast amounts of information. The type of information I expect that it would contain relates to the culture of the Ancient Kingdom including information about the who, what, where, when, why, and how of their existence. By knowing these things, the Ancient Kingdom can be recreated by people who carry its will (Luffy).

Note: Someone aside from Luffy who finds the One Piece would not recreate the Ancient Kingdom, but instead they would create a new Evil Kingdom. Luffy is supposed to recreate the Ancient Kingdom according to this theory and that includes restoring their culture/beliefs/ideals.

Hint: Luffy's beliefs and ideals are GOOFY. That's why everyone laughed when Roger had the One Piece placed in front of them- it showed a representation of a world where Roger's ideals had already conquered it. That entire civilization was based on fundamental goofiness. (Roger and Luffy both carry the will of Joyboy = all three guys were fundamentally goofy).

Finally, I will say the set of beliefs and ideals that the Ancient Kingdom had involved Cosmic Laws relating to Buddhism and Hinduism. I won't try to explain the beliefs and ideals the Ancient Kingdom had too much because it involves an understanding about esotericism/mysticism and the concept of life force energy which in this story is known as Haki. I will, however, suggest that the type of technology the ancient kingdom had developed can be categorized as Spirit Technology because it will likely involve Haki. In other words, it's Haki Technology. I won't say more than that. It can also be called Pseudo-Technology, or Fake Technology, because it wouldn't work in the real world.

In the same way that Buddhists believe normal people can't understand the ways of the universe, we will be unable to understand the ways of the Ancient Kingdom. It won't make sense. Not scientifically.

IF the One Piece is not a Datacron-like artifact, then it would have to be a "marvel" of Haki technology. It cannot be a weapon of mass destruction like the Ancient Weapons otherwise it would just be known as a Great Ancient Weapon instead. So, it could be something like a matter replicator that uses Haki signatures to recreate objects or something. That would mean whoever has one can fight wars indefinitely or to provide unprecedented prosperity. To put that into perspective, if someone has a One Piece machine then they could create an infinite amount of resources to create the Ancient Weapons with. That's how dangerous the concept of a matter replicator is.
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