Question - Void Century Technology - How Advanced Is It? | MangaHelpers

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Question Void Century Technology - How Advanced Is It?


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 23, 2022
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Hi Mangahelpers,

I'd like to know how advanced YOU think the Void Century technology was.

I'd like you to keep in mind that Vegapunk has only really scratched the surface of the scope of Void Century technology. For example, he has no idea what the Ancient Kingdom used as a power source for the Ancient Robot in Egghead, and he has failed to try to recreate it. Moreover, Shaka made a point that the island which seemed futuristic was actually an Ancient Island.

What kinds of technology do you think they created during the Void Century?

1. We know they created advanced robots. Besides the robot on Egghead, the Automata are worth noting because these robots are more advanced than any we've seen before (they had feelings!)

2. The Ancient Weapons are essentially doomsday machines.

3. The One Piece is likely to be a marvel as opposed to a doomsday machine.

4. The Devil Fruits themselves are likely to be the result of bio-tech that takes the Haki/essence of a person and contains it in a plant which bears a fruit.

It's not unlikely that people who can do all these things can do other things like create lightsabers - if Vegapunk can do it it's pretty well guaranteed the Ancient Kingdom could do it better - or create other things like spaceships (Arc Maxim) or even create teleporters or other crazy forms of technology like staffs that shoot beams.

So, you tell me- how far does the Ancient Kingdom technology rabbit-hole go?

And what does this imply about the story, especially where it concerns the technology that exists in the current era in the story?


How about phase shifting? Vegapunk made walls that were phased (meaning you could walk through sometimes and other times you couldn't). He also used this technology on himself and phased his body (he started phasing through objects).

It's likely that people in the Void Century also discovered phase shifting, but they actually mastered it and possibly used it during fights to avoid being hit until the moment of impact.

Can you imagine guards of a Kingdom that you can't hit because they phase shift and who also use beam staff weaponry? That would be nuts. Let's add another crazy level to it- maybe they could teleport too? Or who knows what else?

It's science fiction. The Ancient Kingdom will push the boundaries of what we consider realistic in terms of what we know about technology. Impossible things will happen.

Perhaps the event that takes place on Egghead will be the reveal of the scope of Ancient Technology and set a precedent for the expectations of the Final War.
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