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Recent content by wilhelfizh

  1. wilhelfizh

    On Break One Piece Chapter 1116 Discussion

    His body is on its limit und his heart is broken. He is KO body and soul šŸ˜‚
  2. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1115 Discussion

    I think it concluded the earlier statement, when water level didnt rise up to 1M.. everyone can ignore his message. Presumably Stela knew WGs plan all along and ready to sacrifice his life to avoid the misuse of Motherflame regarding Lulusia. So if he failed, everyone should know the truth
  3. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1114 Discussion

    The Mother Flame is the same flame like one on the Lunarian's back. Once was only one bearer, like any other Ancient Weapon. Vegapunk only copied the same technology. Lunarian is better version of Seraphim.
  4. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1113 Discussion

    It is pretty weird. It seems that they dont sync what they observe. Due to facts that Stella share this broadcast only to Shaka and Pythagoras, "his" goodness and wisdom. York doesnt know, even she knows only what she saw (the fake snail). Same goes that York communicated to Gorosei and hid CP...
  5. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1113 Discussion

    I do believe somehow the colorspread would be a hint of future character or story development.
  6. wilhelfizh

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    Hmm Madam Shirley's prophecy becomes scientificly / historically in OP-Verse real
  7. wilhelfizh

    Spoiler One Piece Spoiler Hints Discussion

    I guess the distributed den den mushi is just a bait to get gorosei in and blast with super weapon. or to lure gorosei to show their true face. Maybe another distributed den den mushi on the watch.
  8. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1111 Discussion

    CP works directly under the command of WG and only Gorosei "command" WG :3c They must've talked before. Speculating more, the voice of DF user never change eventhough they transform I hope the wound on Lucci got permanent, like Oden to Kaidou or Akainu to Luffy
  9. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    Does anyone have seen the latest video from Library of Ohara? Idk if someone mentioned here already But Gorosei are always mentioned in consecutive order, and in the current chapter even the seals are numbered likely to the order. I just realised their appearance are also youngest to older...
  10. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    RA needs enemy in the future, we couldnt end this Manga without Dragon having real battle. Marine is already occupied by Pirates, even now Gorosei
  11. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    I like how Nusjuro and Zoro panel seem paralel on drawing. I hope along the way Nusjuro disables Pacifista, they meet and clash.
  12. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    Sanji actually just break the 4th wall and realise all the meme around the world about Zoro then complain it directly :XD
  13. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1110 Discussion

    Gorosei are direct warrior from Imu, in this circumstance they go theirselves, not admiral, not fleet admiral, not CP or not god knights which appearently mortal. So they work hundred years together, i do really hope they fight in combo, a really good combo that confuses us to their single power
  14. wilhelfizh

    Question Make a Mink Zoan

    It would be more interesting with Mink with smile DF. Then you get, like you said a cat dog
  15. wilhelfizh

    Chapter One Piece Chapter 1109 Discussion

    It is Shanks, Admiral, BB, Grand Fleet and Cross Guild that aren't shown. They could move heading Egghead too I think a 3rd party will make its complicately better, maybe Shanks, Cross Guild or BB