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American Politics


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Welp, but of those articles are framing that poorly. First of all, the cnn article is talking about 50 arrested faculty... against 2400 arrested students. And the cops didn't appear magically to squash palestine supporters, they were called by the university's staff (obviously not the same that got arrested). I suppose you could make a case that some staff are rabid supporters of israel or something like that but in the vast majority of cases it's just people who don't want the campuses they run to be seiged/vandalized and for the rest of students to go to class.
There is an ongoing issue of cops getting violent with the staff and arresting them, whether it's one or fifty.

But the point is to silence Palestine supporters, violently or otherwise. People don't care about the campuses being sieged or vandalized or if students go to class, they just don't want Palestine supporters doing it. If it was Israeli supporters, they'd support them.

Serious question: have you been to Asia? I had way more issues as a half-white person in Japan than I did being a half-Japanese person in the USA (I don't look white at all). In the USA it literally never came up here beyond people asking me out of curiosity in high school. Middle school in Japan was hell though as quite a few kids (and their parents) were pretty insistent on excluding me from anything and telling them how the dirty hafu will corrupt them.

I always found it weird how touchy the USA is about race though. People are so blatant about it in Asia. There's no negative repercussions to being openly racist in Japan as long as your target is non-Japanese. In the USA curiosity can be perceived as racism (something as simple as asking someone where they're from) and most of the time the touchiest people aren't even members of the group they claim is being victimized. It's a mindfuck.

This is all aside from the fact that there are quite a few ethnic cleansing happening in the world right now, and the majority of them are not being done by the whites of the West. Several are going on in Central Africa (Sudan), there's a few in Asia (Myanmar, Uyghurs in China), India, and Syria is also eliminating non-Sunni-Muslims (which includes Shia and Christians).
Aren't Japanese people bigoted in general against anyone that's not Japanese?

There's barely any repercussion in USA as well, and whatever repercussions there are are often minor. People in USA are touchy because of the history of racism, where Black people were attacked and lynched, Asians faced violence, and etc. Even still happens. Tulsa, OK massacre? Emmett Till? And often the murderers face little to no punishment, or they used to not have to worry.

We're talking about the west though.

Just wanna emphasize that I posted a link to a black separatist group that hates white people and he (M3J) still wouldn't accept that black people could be racist.

I am an African American male who was born and raised in North Carolina, one of the more racist southern countries in America. And even I have seen instances of racism against white people. And I'm not a conservative. I'm not even a centrist, I'm a Social Democrat.

The behavior of leftists push me further away from identifying as a progressive because they make us look crazy.
If they know USA's true history and react from that, then why would I call them racist?

Whereas liberals would rather say "we should hear out racists and misogynists!" and give them platform that just helps them spread their BS.

Anyhow, I read that there are two conservative judges that may retire. If they retire during Trump's presidency, he'll replace them with young conservatives, while if they choose to retire during Biden's, he might replace them with moderate or right leaning judges. Interesting thing to think about, but also a reason why I'm hoping Trump loses.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
If they know USA's true history and react from that, then why would I call them racist?

Whereas liberals would rather say "we should hear out racists and misogynists!" and give them platform that just helps them spread their BS.
Because they don't hate SOME white people, they hate ALL white people. Unless you agree with them that all white people are racist. Do you?

Does the burning of Anne Frank's diary by them not count as racism because Anne Frank would likely have been a Zionist if she lived to be an old lady

And as for the bolded: you don't beat bad ideas by pretending they don't exist, because that helps them grow faster than fighting them with BETTER ideas does. If I had to choose between ignoring David Duke or having someone debate him on his beliefs, I'll always choose the debate (assuming I know the debater is rhetorically gifted enough to win), because telling people they're bad guys is nowhere near as good as SHOWING people they're bad guys.

Anyhow, I read that there are two conservative judges that may retire. If they retire during Trump's presidency, he'll replace them with young conservatives, while if they choose to retire during Biden's, he might replace them with moderate or right leaning judges. Interesting thing to think about, but also a reason why I'm hoping Trump loses.
If you want him to lose, you have a responsibility; an obligation to vote for his opponent.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Being gay isn't a problem btw. Unless you're a Nazi. And then it's just a problem for them lol.
Last edited:


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 22, 2008
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Because they don't hate SOME white people, they hate ALL white people. Unless you agree with them that all white people are racist. Do you?

Does the burning of Anne Frank's diary by them not count as racism because Anne Frank would likely have been a Zionist if she lived to be an old lady

And as for the bolded: you don't beat bad ideas by pretending they don't exist, because that helps them grow faster than fighting them with BETTER ideas does. If I had to choose between ignoring David Duke or having someone debate him on his beliefs, I'll always choose the debate (assuming I know the debater is rhetorically gifted enough to win), because telling people they're bad guys is nowhere near as good as SHOWING people they're bad guys.
By all accounts, folks like David Duke should be ignored and never given a platform. By giving them an opportunity for them to espouse their beliefs in public, you're pretty much giving them what they want.

.....That said, what you're saying isn't wrong either. I just think you might be using the wrong example in this scenario.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Because they don't hate SOME white people, they hate ALL white people. Unless you agree with them that all white people are racist. Do you?

Does the burning of Anne Frank's diary by them not count as racism because Anne Frank would likely have been a Zionist if she lived to be an old lady

And as for the bolded: you don't beat bad ideas by pretending they don't exist, because that helps them grow faster than fighting them with BETTER ideas does. If I had to choose between ignoring David Duke or having someone debate him on his beliefs, I'll always choose the debate (assuming I know the debater is rhetorically gifted enough to win), because telling people they're bad guys is nowhere near as good as SHOWING people they're bad guys.

If you want him to lose, you have a responsibility; an obligation to vote for his opponent.

I don't see how white people are a minority or marginalized. But interestingly, according to Wikipedia, your link, Black Hammer (or Kodzo) claimed to have formed an alliance with Proud Boys, which also further invalidates the claim that they're racist. Why work with a white supremacist organization if you're "racist" against white people? That's like the KKK working with the Black Panthers or BJP (a political party in India) working with any known Muslim organization.

Debatable as many Holocaust survivors and their families oppose the genocide and have publicly supported Palestine. But that aside, Black Hammer seems to be the only example you have? And even then, they went from sane and actually caring about Black people to unhinged and being far right under the new leader/

You prevent bad ideas from spreading by not platforming these people. All platforming does is reassure others who have similar beliefs that they're not alone and that they're valid, no matter how bad the arguments are. This thinking is exactly how we got people like Trump and why racists are more emboldened now.

Lot of people will not think they're the bad guys no matter what they say, especially when they either agree or because they'd rather feel special for being "centrists." I've argued with a lot of conservatives and have listened to them as well, and majority are not good at thinking and are very hateful. And as someone who's argued with centrists, they're more likely to silence liberals and the left and criticize them for saying "racism is bad" than they are the right for being racist.

Platforming hate and bigotry is a horrible idea. I've never seen anyone be convinced that they were wrong or that the person was wrong for having hateful opinions, but that's limited to my observation, which I hope is wrong.

That is not my responsibility or obligation. It is Biden and Dems' responsibility to give people a reason to vote for him, as it should be in a democracy. This is not a good way to win over voters, especially given what has happened domestically under Biden, regardless of Biden's fault or not.

Being gay isn't a problem btw. Unless you're a Nazi. And then it's just a problem for them lol.
Right wingers have a history of being publicly opposed to homosexuality while in private being gay themselves. I think there was a politician who was exposed as grooming or raping an underage boy, but he said he never did anything homosexual or that he's not a homosexual. Didn't even address him preying on an underaged boy.

I actually don't remember who it was though, but I remember it was years ago.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Love how people who complain about DEI and diversity are actually exposing themselves as racist



Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
There is an ongoing issue of cops getting violent with the staff and arresting them, whether it's one or fifty.

But the point is to silence Palestine supporters, violently or otherwise. People don't care about the campuses being sieged or vandalized or if students go to class, they just don't want Palestine supporters doing it. If it was Israeli supporters, they'd support them.
As I said, this isn't happening magically. Sure, there's some staff that has sided with students but it's ultimately the university that is calling the cops. And if the university, which is responsible for it's campus, calls the police and tells them the students and some faculty are causing problems then it makes zero sense for the police to not side with the university. And if the police arrives, asks people to leave and they don't then the next step is clearly arrests and violence. This isn't an issue of police incompetence, it's simply the only way it can work. If you believe that the police should side with students that's a different issue but ultimately it makes zero sense for the police to side with anyone other than the other responsible for the campus.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
As I said, this isn't happening magically. Sure, there's some staff that has sided with students but it's ultimately the university that is calling the cops. And if the university, which is responsible for it's campus, calls the police and tells them the students and some faculty are causing problems then it makes zero sense for the police to not side with the university. And if the police arrives, asks people to leave and they don't then the next step is clearly arrests and violence. This isn't an issue of police incompetence, it's simply the only way it can work. If you believe that the police should side with students that's a different issue but ultimately it makes zero sense for the police to side with anyone other than the other responsible for the campus.
There literally is no way to defend violence against peaceful protesters, especially when cops are very nonviolent against violent bigots. This is not incompetence, it's cops being useless and serving the wealthy and white supremacy.

The universities likely aren't telling cops that faculty members are causing problems, it's just cops loving to be violent pieces of shit that they are, nothing more nothing less. If Zionists protested violently, cops would be protecting them, not attacking and arresting them like they are to Palestinian supporters.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
There literally is no way to defend violence against peaceful protesters, especially when cops are very nonviolent against violent bigots. This is not incompetence, it's cops being useless and serving the wealthy and white supremacy.

The universities likely aren't telling cops that faculty members are causing problems, it's just cops loving to be violent pieces of shit that they are, nothing more nothing less. If Zionists protested violently, cops would be protecting them, not attacking and arresting them like they are to Palestinian supporters.
It's perfectly defensible because that's not what is going on here. This is literally the universities in question asking the students to stop, them refusing and then the cops coming in and doing their job. You are simply salty because the university isn't taking the side of the students on this one or just letting them do what they want...

What zionists are even relevant in this? is someone calling the cops on zionists and then the cops ignore whichever zionist?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

And the truth social grift continues, entirely unimpeded by reality. It reports a loss of 340 million while still somehow having it's stock hold up at around 50 bucks per share. Reality is often... something.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
I don't see how white people are a minority or marginalized. But interestingly, according to Wikipedia, your link, Black Hammer (or Kodzo) claimed to have formed an alliance with Proud Boys, which also further invalidates the claim that they're racist. Why work with a white supremacist organization if you're "racist" against white people? That's like the KKK working with the Black Panthers or BJP (a political party in India) working with any known Muslim organization.
The definition specifically says "typically" it happens to marginalized groups. Not exclusively. Typically. And you know what? If you're a white kid growing up in a black neighborhood, you're marginalized anyway, so it's still moot. As for why work for a white supremacist organization remember: there was a big Islamic presence in the Nazi party.

Many of those Muslims who worked with the Nazi regime had pragmatic reasons. They believed that Nazi Germany in 1941-1942 would be victorious and that it would determine the future world order and that the Nazis could help them become liberated from, for example, British imperial rule.

The motives of these soldiers varied considerably. Of course some recruits were driven by religious hatred and anti-Bolshevist, ideological fervor. Overall, however, Muslims often had rather profane motives for enlisting.

Did the Nazis really see Islam as something inherently positive or were the Muslims only a means to an end?

Overall, I think that Muslims were means to an end. Nazi policies towards Islam were informed by pragmatism. Some leading Nazis, particularly Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, repeatedly expressed their respect for Islam. Whenever denouncing the Catholic Church, Hitler routinely contrasted it with Islam. While he denounced Catholicism as a weak, effeminate religion, he praised Islam as a strong, aggressive, martial religion. Overall, however, it was strategic considerations, not ideology, that led to Nazi Germany's campaign for Islamic mobilization.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

You prevent bad ideas from spreading by not platforming these people. All platforming does is reassure others who have similar beliefs that they're not alone and that they're valid, no matter how bad the arguments are. This thinking is exactly how we got people like Trump and why racists are more emboldened now.
Fox News is the biggest news outlet. The largest political pundits are chuds like Stephen Crowder, everyone at the Daily Wire, Alex Jones, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan (largest podcast btw), Russel Brand, Patrick Bet-David and his whole shitty network Valuetainment, Fresh and Fit and everyone in the Redpill community... and kinda Tucker Carlson still.

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to ignore this much disgusting swill contaminating every form of media. Pretending it isn't there means it gets to infect unsuspecting youths and impressionable adults. It's why so many young men were swallowed up by the Redpill. Because Andrew Tate wasn't dealt with early. If we were there to strangle him in his infancy (his career that is) we could've avoided the rise of assholes like Fresh and Fit and the rest. Same with Jordan Peterson.

Deplatforming is fine in extreme cases but the general rule should be "Face bad ideas head on. Crush them early, and completely."


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
It's perfectly defensible because that's not what is going on here. This is literally the universities in question asking the students to stop, them refusing and then the cops coming in and doing their job. You are simply salty because the university isn't taking the side of the students on this one or just letting them do what they want...

What zionists are even relevant in this? is someone calling the cops on zionists and then the cops ignore whichever zionist?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

And the truth social grift continues, entirely unimpeded by reality. It reports a loss of 340 million while still somehow having it's stock hold up at around 50 bucks per share. Reality is often... something.
They're not doing their job. Beating up peaceful protesters is not doing your job, it's escalating the situation and turning it violent, which is the opposite of what cops are supposed to do. This is common sense! Once again, cops barely do anything to stop crime or even mass shooting (Uvalde), but when there are peaceful protests from BLM supporters or Palestinian supporters, they have no problem getting violent, and only because they know they're safe.

At this point, you're just better off admitting you have very little knowledge about any of these events instead of asking questions like "why are Zionists relevant" and whatnot.

The definition specifically says "typically" it happens to marginalized groups. Not exclusively. Typically. And you know what? If you're a white kid growing up in a black neighborhood, you're marginalized anyway, so it's still moot. As for why work for a white supremacist organization remember: there was a big Islamic presence in the Nazi party.

Many of those Muslims who worked with the Nazi regime had pragmatic reasons. They believed that Nazi Germany in 1941-1942 would be victorious and that it would determine the future world order and that the Nazis could help them become liberated from, for example, British imperial rule.

The motives of these soldiers varied considerably. Of course some recruits were driven by religious hatred and anti-Bolshevist, ideological fervor. Overall, however, Muslims often had rather profane motives for enlisting.

Did the Nazis really see Islam as something inherently positive or were the Muslims only a means to an end?

Overall, I think that Muslims were means to an end. Nazi policies towards Islam were informed by pragmatism. Some leading Nazis, particularly Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, repeatedly expressed their respect for Islam. Whenever denouncing the Catholic Church, Hitler routinely contrasted it with Islam. While he denounced Catholicism as a weak, effeminate religion, he praised Islam as a strong, aggressive, martial religion. Overall, however, it was strategic considerations, not ideology, that led to Nazi Germany's campaign for Islamic mobilization.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Eh, debatable if a white kid would be marginalized in every Black neighborhood.

Were those Muslims "racist" against white people though? Especially if they wanted liberation?

Fox News is the biggest news outlet. The largest political pundits are chuds like Stephen Crowder, everyone at the Daily Wire, Alex Jones, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan (largest podcast btw), Russel Brand, Patrick Bet-David and his whole shitty network Valuetainment, Fresh and Fit and everyone in the Redpill community... and kinda Tucker Carlson still.

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to ignore this much disgusting swill contaminating every form of media. Pretending it isn't there means it gets to infect unsuspecting youths and impressionable adults. It's why so many young men were swallowed up by the Redpill. Because Andrew Tate wasn't dealt with early. If we were there to strangle him in his infancy (his career that is) we could've avoided the rise of assholes like Fresh and Fit and the rest. Same with Jordan Peterson.

Deplatforming is fine in extreme cases but the general rule should be "Face bad ideas head on. Crush them early, and completely."
Does not mean they should be platformed on other media. Keep them platformed amongst the right wing media, and let liberals and left wingers talk on center or left of center media. I've never heard of these right wing pundits hosting left wingers or liberals constantly, but I don't really dabble with that much.

We're not pretending it's not there, we're just not giving voice to the shills on media that's not conservative. If Andrew Tate was not given a platform that he has, not as many young boys would have been radicalized. Or if he was deplatformed, maybe he wouldn't have been able to radicalize as many young boys, instead of claiming "free speech."

Sure, but you don't need to give someone a platform to face bad ideas head on. That's all I'm saying.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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The last part is incorrect though, this has always been the nature of things. You just can't hide it for history books decades later anymore.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States

Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors he would expel student demonstrators from the United States, according to participants in the roundtable event with him in New York.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
You mean, Trump would continue what's going on under Biden? The horror!

Also, guys, remember when Israel and Biden accused Hamas of beheading babies, only for that to be a lie? Palestinians have actual proof of Israel beheading babies, but predictably barely gets covered by the media. I mean, if one wants even more proof that the media is biased towards Israel and against Palestine....


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
You mean, Trump would continue what's going on under Biden? The horror!
When did Biden expel protestors from the United States lol?

Trump isn't just saying he's gonna stop the protests like Biden, he's saying he's gonna kick these kids out of the country.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
And how do we know Biden won't allow that to happen either? Or wouldn't?


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States
We don't. My point is that Biden has given us no reason to believe that kicking students out of the country for protesting is on his itinerary. So far he's dealt with the protestors in ways that exclude exile. There's no reason to believe it will escalate to kicking them out of the country.

He's also not fucking dumb enough to think he can pull that off, but Trump is.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Biden doesn't have to say or do anything, he can stay quiet and let others do all the work, as he's been doing. Just domestically alone, lot of lefts lost faith in Biden because he's continued Trump's BS like building a wall and has barely upheld his promises, like cancelling student loans and dealing with covid. No reason to try to force people to go back to office or stop sending covid testing kits and whatnot.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
So... what you are going with is that biden is going to exile people from the US and your evidence of that is... that he hasn't said he isn't going to do it and other folk, presumably imaginary. will do it anyways? what?


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2006
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United States

Not the biggest fan of Kidology, cause fuck centrism... but when someone's right, they're right.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
And trumps hush money trial is at it's final stage. I'd be fairly surprised if he isn't declared guilty considering michael cohen went to prison for this. I am surprised the trial lasted for this long though. Could something happen in regards to cohen's senate hearing or his prison time if trump is acquitted?


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
So... what you are going with is that biden is going to exile people from the US and your evidence of that is... that he hasn't said he isn't going to do it and other folk, presumably imaginary. will do it anyways? what?
me: Israel shouldn't exist anymore, Zionists can go relocate elsewhere.
ninjabot: omg I can't believe you're saying Zionists should be killed!!

even pro-Israeli news: cops attacked faculty members who were protecting students from getting beaten up.
kick: I've never heard of teachers getting attacked by cops

Yeeeeah, says it all for me.

Anyway, whether Trump is guilty or not, I don't think he'll really get punished. Mans is a wealthy white man and a presidential candidate with connections, so if anything he'll probably get a light slap on the wrist. Plus, his cult following is so brainwashed that they probably would not only give him money if he asked for it, but fight to save him.