Voting Round 3 - Kouka (Gintama) vs. Akari Kawamoto | MangaHelpers

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Voting Round 3 Kouka (Gintama) vs. Akari Kawamoto

Who wins?

  • Kouka

  • Akari Kawamoto

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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Why... Akari...!?

Please give a chance to kouka, she’s really awesome, i love a lot Akari, but kouka is as caring, as nice as her, and she’s the one who sacrificed everything to her lover and her children, also personnality wise, i think kouka is more interesting.
Well i hate fighting against characters i like ( remember the glorious Marian vs Gintoki @Battou)
Well wish you good luck @Gryffyndor, i like alot 3-gatsu and Akari so I hate this fight already...

Wiki summary, (because better than mine^^)
Personnality :

Kouka appears cold at first, acting rather hostile to Umibouzu when they first met, ignoring Umibouzu's pursuit and attacking him when he sexually harassed her without looking in his direction. She also seems to be expressionless, possibly due to years of living in solitude.
She also has a terrifying side and Umibouzu fears her greatly. Mutsu describes their domestic situation as "the strongest man in the universe becomes the weakest at home." Umibouzu and Kamui are shown fleeing from Kouka in a flashback. However Kouka also loves her family very much, even willing to risk her life to stay by their side despite knowing that it will eventually cause her death.

Story :

Kouka appeared when Umibouzu was in the midst of fighting Orochi, defeating the creature with ease. Before she left the lovestruck man, Kouka corrected his thinking by stating how Kouan was still thriving and that he should not measure the planet by his own standards. She then told Umibouzu to leave and not disturb Orochi that went aggressive due to his intrusion. She then attempt to quieten the creature down, which went on for three days and nights with Umibouzu by her side throughout. After exchanging words, Kouka introduced herself and welcomed the man back at any time as he wished. From then on they started having frequent interactions, and Kouka started developing feelings for Umibouzu. She eventually decided to follow him and left Kouan to start a family together.

Kouka led a normal life taking care of her family after settling down on Rakuyou. However her health deteriorated after giving birth to Kagura and she became bedridden since. It was also revealed that the Yato family was ostracised by the Rakuyou residents as a result of her failing health. Despite knowing her inevitable death, Kouka did not regret her decision to leave Kouan and expressed her wishes to be with her family till the end. Kouka's condition worsened after witnessing the confrontation between her husband and son, with the latter leaving home as a result of losing. Before drawing her last breath, she envisioned her whole family being by her side and was glad at how they could finally visit the Earth together.

Kouka later appeared again as Kamui's illusion while he lie on Kagura's lap after his defeat.

Kouka is not only a gorgeous and caring red-haired woman & a sweet mother, She’s an awesome fighter like all red-haired yeah she’s a Uzumaki Yato after all

She was a very lonely person (she’s been living by her own in a quite creepy planet before meeting her lover) she appears cold but shes a lot caring, also she’s not the kind to be a submissive woman she is described as such : “the strongest man in the universe becomes the weakest at home” but kouka cloves and care deeply her family to the point of risking her own life just to stay by their side.

Reposting the video i made last night,
link in case it doesnt appear on the post :

Onegai counting on your support ♥ :

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神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Erin, I will be very impressed if you manage to make me not vote for Akari. Even if Akari wee against Androssi I would not be able to vote instantly for the latter. She is that good.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Erin, I will be very impressed if you manage to make me not vote for Akari. Even if Akari wee against Androssi I would not be able to vote instantly for the latter. She is that good.
So what shhould I do to make you vote for Kouka

Kouka is as good as Akari, possibly better (from my perspective) in some aspects.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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So what shhould I do to make you vote for Kouka

Kouka is as good as Akari, possibly better (from my perspective) in some aspects.
Heh, I don't know, it depends on the promotion. But in Gintama's world, Kouka is a god tier waifu for sure.

Gut's is the man

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
refined lady over the moe blob.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 15, 2017
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Akari Kawamoto Campaign[post=4833442] I. Akari Introduction [/post]
[post=4834695] II. Behavioral Doubts [/post]

We interrupt this campaign post to bring you a special message:

The Magazine that Kouka Owned

A is for..

You're probably wondering why being adaptable is important. Well, just put it this way, you have a young woman with dreams and aspirations just like the rest of us do, and suddenly those dreams and aspirations are put on hold, the focus of your life changes at the snap of a finger. Sometimes life is too cruel and despite being inexperienced, scared, and unsure of your capability you promise to take over the responsibility left behind by one of your loved ones, you're no longer thinking of what I can do for myself, but how can I raise these two sisters of mine. Think along the lines of a young single mother of two since her father ran away like a little bish with another woman. That's just the way life is sometimes, throwing you curve ball after curve ball, but Akari possess the ability to adapt to situations of misfortune. She adapted to the situation so her sisters wouldn't suffer. When life has you down in the dumps, rest assured you can count on her to remedy the situation or try like no tomorrow to do so.

K is for...

This one is a no-brainer. Remember the first campaign post(linked above) and all the things she did for our protagonist Rei. Think of the bigger picture for a second. Rei is a professional Shogi player living a really depressing life. He too has lost everything and even with a change of scenery, things don't seem to trend upwards. But he goes from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs because of Akari. It's a kindness that changes someone's life for the better.

Then there's the cats. The abandoned stray cats that she makes sure to feed, not because she has to, but because its her nature to do so.

Then there's her other family members. Helping her grandpa who runs a sweets shop? Check.

Helping her aunt at her bar? Check?
Lookin sexy doing it too :hurr
And of course kindness to her immediate family. Which might not seem like much, its expected after all, but the context is important, it's about stabilization. The ease of being part of a stable family as opposed to an unstable one, is too because of her.

Also, don't confuse kindness with naivete or being a doormat. See the 2nd campaign post linked above (looking at you Van:nerd)

A is for...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. How original. How creative. How unique...yada yada yada

Think of it like this, Akari isn't some superhuman with immense physical strength.
She isn't some genius that can solve every issue in the world.
She isn't some exotic being from another world or from some unknown fantasy destined to change the world or whatever.

But despite all that, she still comes across as a superhero dressed as your everyday regular person.
Relatable and realistic with all the graces that a human can possibly have.
Possessing a certain aura(for lack of better term) about them that lights up the room, the kind of person you wish total happiness on.
There is nothing grand, just the little things, like putting a smile on a face.

R is for...

Two things:

1. When your heart is broken

2. Or when you have to deal with "adults" who are a bunch of nasty individuals

I is for...


Sometimes things just don't happen the way you'd like and you're left questioning yourself.



"But why are you showing us this Gryffindor, who gives a flying saucer if she's self reflective and feels bad about her actions, its normal bla bla bla"

I won't spoil more than what's been shown already, but it goes beyond that. It's to show the struggle and the imperfections. To show that she's not the kind of person to brush things off and pretend there aren't issues, that she doesn't make mistakes, or is perfect beyond imagination. Instead it shows the capacity to understand, to know, and to grow from such issues.

And to show the level of affection she has for someone, to the point where we care about someone so much that when they are hurting, it sucks. It sucks for them, it sucks for you, it just sucks, plain and simple and you wonder "am I doing enough", "am I really making them feel better".


Ok, this post became too long but oh well :catshrug

Thank you for watching the Akari Show. Vote Akari it's what Kouka would do:arf

Thanks for reading.


Androssi Worshiper
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 16, 2006
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United States
Beautiful post Griff. In fact if had to rate pure campaign posts, all time, this one of yours is my new #1. That thing is a masterpiece. I'm not sure if it proves she's best waifu but it definitely proves she's best mom. No question.

It's just a shame you came up against Erin. She made an emotional slideshow with a soundtrack. A soundtrack! Who does that? Erin does that. So I'm voting for Kouka. I have to.

But still that is one damn fine post.:verily


Plan Deviser
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 15, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
Now this is what I'm talking about, Gryff :nerd I think this campaign post was a lot better at illustrating Akari's worth to someone who doesn't know her story than the previous one.

And, well... if we just got proof that even Kouka would vote for her, that should settle it :hmm


Otaku Overlord
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Dec 7, 2010
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Sorry Erin but Akari has my vote. After such an amazing campaign post I just couldn't help it. :wtf

PS: Leave it to @Jammin to give you a compliment just to tell you he didn't vote for your char. But with a smile. :pjsalt


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Gryff also hooked me with the way he described Akari so far >< Since idk most of those chars, I'm going with what their nominators say about them, and then which ones call my attention the most after it. I like how Gryff described her as such a powerful and warm lady, almost "too perfect", to then make us relate to a more ordinary human side. Some people here have amazing writing skills xD it's so nice to follow that...


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Gryff's campaign post:
  • Presentation 10/10 :zomg :wtf
  • Content 7/10 :p

That was really nicely done and prolly a damn lot of work, so props for that. But it all boils down to your nice and caring, but otherwise average girl. Not to misunderstand me, she prolly would make for a great waifu :nod Still, she's missing a hook, something that makes her stand out of the crowd. She reminds me of your typical anime childhood friend who has all the traits of a good waifu but is so "normal" that it almost screams boring. And I've read around 50 chapters of Sangatsu, so this is also the impression I got of her in the manga. Perfectly fine, but she would most likely lose against most girls who are a bit more quirky.

Which again isn't to say that Akari is a bad waifu, definitely not. But Kouka has all of those traits, and that special something that makes her more interesting as a character. Like superhuman strength (basic in anime/manga, but still), dedicating her whole life to protect a planet and most importantly

is willing to give up her life to be together with her loved one. Because if she leaves that planet she protects, she will slowly but surely die. It was an inevitable fate, but she was willing to do that to be together with the man she loved. And she was a great mother too.

So maybe Gryff campaigned more? Nah, I haven't seen anyone being more passionate about her nomination than Erin, with all those walls of text and pics and vids and whatnot lol.

In most cases my vote would have easily went to Akari after this, but sadly you're up against the wrong opponent with Kouka and Erin... :(

My vote goes to Kouka.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
@Gryffindor , that was an amazing campaign post, props to you, hope people will give a try to 3-gatsu.

@niichan Oh you’re so so sweet,:blush thxs so so so much for this post, ♥
i dont know how to thank you again, you re really so nice, i swear ill definitely return your kindness ♥ :zomg

you really pinpoint what i think about her, i love a lot 3-gatsu, i do definitely think that Akari is waifu material. But i always thought she lacks of something personality wise. I don’t read the manga, my opinion is based solely on the anime, but she’s been from the very start portrayed as the textbook of the perfect housewife (in its most traditional way) but to me being a great housewife is not necessary equal to be a great waifu, i care a lot about the caring family side, the dedication, the kindness, but im interested a lot in the personality too.
So yeah, I think Akari is absolutely great but she's not the kind of waifu i would be looking up to. I definitely want to be an awesome partner and a great mother, but i don’t want to be like Akari, i don’t want to be the waifu who never fail at cooking, or at any other domestic task, i dont want to be the “be nice and shut up” kind of person. I dont know, theres something in Akari i can’t identify too, it’s maybe due to her compliant or almost “submissive” side (sorry i may have not chosen the right wording but that’s the feeling i get from her, so pliz #no offense :)).

Kouka, has a more refined and complex personality, imo she had a lot of development, and even if she appeared only a little she left a lot more impression than akari.
But again, I like Akari, i did support her in the previous round and will definitely support her if i lose this match (as long as shes not against someone i already gave my unconditional support).

Also huge thxs @Jammin and @niichan for watching the vid that made me so happy ♥

i actually did a couple of missed attempts, this is the 1st one i did, it’s shorter, i used gintama ost, but it didnt work the way i wanted, its quite lame, but well will share it in any case, but i do prefer the hxh ost version above.



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 17, 2017
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im a simple man, i see gintama i vote gintama
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