Marian Cross vs Sakata Gintoki | MangaHelpers

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Marian Cross vs Sakata Gintoki

Who wins?

  • Marian Cross

  • Sakata Gintoki

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Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Marian Cross


Sakata Gintoki


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2015
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Gintoki obviously :cheez

When it comes to redheads

Just look at that face

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Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2016
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I have to go with Gintoki sorry Marian (Especially as he is a red head ;_; ) but Gintoki all the way :cheerbunny
The guy is to lovable.


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
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Marine Headquarters
Gintoki ftw!
I mean, is there even a competition here?



神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Hmm, this time I am considering voting for Marian. Not sure Gin would be a better husbando than him.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2015
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When his anime was taken over by an impostor, he fought against all the odds and took controll over his serie again, in the process having to fight all his friends while protecting them at the same time

Gin-san takes care of those who are under his protection (even madao)

He also have sick dance moves

No reason of why point this out. (if those moves dont impress you, i may note that the shining ball, is literally balls, those are his testicles, does marian dance with his testicles? doubt it)


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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Voting for Gintoki here. I have limited info on both but from what I know, Gintoki seems to be the better one.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 21, 2016
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Torumekian Empire
should I vote for a redhead like kenshin or a warrior like kenshin?

I'm pretty sure I know who to vote for. :derp

but I'll give Erinyes a chance so I can see more of those gifs :cop :evil


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 19, 2007
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United States
Still going for Marian. For me, he's still sexy -and better looking, and a very respectful and deep character. Looked up the other character some days ago. He seems ok. But I wasn't as interested as I am with Cross.

I'll just copy the last thing(s) I wrote in the last thread

Cross is non-monogamous. Can be a good husband, if you don't mind open relationships. He doesn't stick with just 1 woman, but he cares for and respects the women he's with.
There's Anita, I do believe Cross cared about her.
We seem a look of sorrow as he finds she’s passed away.

Now, Anita is Cross’ only shown lover, canonly. She was his most recent one, and important as she gives his whereabouts, and a ship to go to him regarding his current, and very important mission.

He was sad about Anita’s death, I feel he would react the same to finding out any other lover of his had passed away.

But, Anita was killed by an Akuma, while looking for him.

So, that probably was a harder blow, as Cross may feel somewhat responsible / guilty, even though he told her not to come after him. I don’t think he wants any of his lover dying, or risking themselves for him.

He cared a good deal for her. Some pairing fans like to throw out that Anita was the only woman Cross respected or cared about. But I don't think that's true -unless Hoshino says something in the character books.

Cross seems like a guy who really likes women in general. And, I think that he’d be respectful and good to any women who actually were lovers.

I think Hoshino killed 2 birds with one stone with Anita. Cross is shown to have an eye for the ladies.

Now, we meet one of his lovers, and it seems she has nothing but fond thoughts of him. So, apparently, he was a good lover, and treated her well.

Now, you could say "That just meant he loved her specifically.” So, he cared about her to be good to her. But, later, on the ship, Anita tells Len, and us readers, that Cross had a relationship with her mother as well.

Anita says her mother fell hard for Cross when she saw him. She even became a supporter of the Order for him.

Apparently, after getting involved with him, she thought he was a wonderful man, and apparently wonderful enough to want to financially support an unknown organization just because he’s in it -as a favor.

Anita continues to support, even after her mother’s death. So, apparently, she thought he was wonderful and deserving enough as well.

She says in the top left-hand panel, she supports the Order just because she wants to do something for Cross, just as her mother did before her.

Anita is a brothel maiden, but she doesn’t like men in general. Her character profile lists her likes as “Romance and Cross”, and she dislikes “Cowardly Mean people."

Going on her dislike of mean people, Mahoja seems to show that a bit. Mahoja almost seems like a bouncer for her brothel.

So, I think if any men got crazy or horrible toward Anita, or any of her fellow women, that’s where Mahoja comes in.

Now, going on her likes, Cross is a man she likes specifically, and apparently, he wasn’t mean or disgusting, to her, nor her mother. I think Anita would know about his behavior toward her mother, since they lived together.

She’s known Cross for years, She was 27 upon her death, and her mother died before she turned 18, as she tells Lenalee when explaining the origin of her hair clips.

So, being 17 at the oldest upon her mother’s death, Anita has known Cross at least 10 years.

If Cross was a jerk, and/or mistreated other women -which includes her mother, would Anita be so crazy about him? She respects her mother greatly, so if Cross did anything horrid regarding her, Anita surely wouldn’t be interested. I don’t think she’d be a mindless Cross fangirl.

She likes romance as well. Sex isn’t romance. So, Cross and Anita apparently did things together, other than have sex. That’s what she does with regular clients. Cross is different. So, Cross was good to Anita, and her mother. His chivalry isn’t limited solely to Anita.

So, that’s 2 lovers, one seen, and one hearsay. Anita is crazy about him, and she had connections to another lover of his, and through her comments, said lover was just as crazy for him. Apparently, he’s a good lover. I have a hard time thinking he’d every abuse or disrespect his lovers in anyway.

Then there's Lenalee, a young girl. She’s the one we’ve seen Cross with the most. Cross was very protective, but still flirtatious, with her.

When he’s on the ark, waiting on Allen to stop the download, Cross holds Lenalee close to protect her.

He, later, tells her she has become a beautiful woman, and has gotten better at expressing herself than before.

So, clearly he’s had an eye on her for a while, and paid enough attention to know she hid her emotions.

My point, with this, aside from "Oh she’s hot, I wanna shag her”, Cross actually pays attention to the women as people. He wasn’t just walking around looking at her breasts and butt. He actually saw her persona, and conflict.

So, it’s a small thing, but sometimes small things can tell you something. So Cross is definitely attracted to Lenalee. But, he is always aware of some of her issues as well. So doesn't just see the women as a bunch of parts / holes for him to use.

A big thing here, we know Cross hates the Order. He’s been in hiding for 4 years, and was going to run off the instant he was brought back.

But, what kept him there?

A plea from Lenalee

He stayed, and went to a meeting, underwent interrogation, inspection, house arrest, and I think, demoted to a desk job.

And all because, Lenalee begged him not to leave again. That’s alot of hassle, and annoyance, to endure for a girl you’re not even involved with.

I am sure Cross was expecting all that, which is why I believe he was sweating, and pushing Allen, saying he wanted to make a run for it.

He hates the Order, and didn’t feel like dealing them, plus what he knows is extra trouble for his disappearance and disregard of the rules.

It’s possible he didn’t plan on ever going back to the Order. But, in any case, he didn’t plan to stay that time.
So, he’s stuck there, if even for a while, putting up with them when he could be off doing just about anything else.

So, even though he hates the organization, he couldn’t bring himself to ignore Lenalee’s request. That doesn’t seem like the actions of a man who cares nothing about women, or considers them sex-toy only.

And we see Allen thinking to himself that the entire reason Komui put Lenalee on Cross' team was because of that. When Miranda becomes and Exorcist, she's put on Cross' team. Women will probably keep him from running off.

From a story standpoint, Hoshino had to get Cross to the Order, have him investigated etc to set some plot points in Order. However, she made a point to show Cross isn’t a loyal Order member. But what did she do to keep him there? She had him stay at the request / favor of a girl. Doesn’t seem Hoshino thinks Cross dismissive of women.

Allen also says, when he traveled with Cross, he lived with, and off of lovers.

Apparently, his lovers welcome him with open arms, house him of their own accord, and give him money.

He forms bonds with them. He doesn’t just hit and run. If Cross had no respect for women, or treated them badly, would he have lovers willing to put up with him?

Even if they’re brothel maidens, they are just obligated to sleep with him, but they don’t have to house and take care of him.

After throwing Allen away from him, Cross yells at Lavi to stay away as well because they’re filthy, and he hates being around filth. However, he doesn’t mind a filthy woman.

Again, if Cross didn’t care about women at all, or outside of sex, then why put up with a woman that’s unkempt?

He just seems very accepting of women, unless they’re murderous Noah women. lol Hoshino did admit that cross is arrogant, and puts a lot of pride into his appearance. But he doesn't mind a less than kempt woman being around him. Men is another matter.

His official character profile says he likes “good women.” Now, if he only thinks women are good for sex, then what’s a “good” one from a “bad” one. What difference would it make?

He wouldn’t be around long enough to see much of, or care about, her personality.

For Cross, Anita was a “good woman.” Well, what was she like? She was kind, compassionate, strong-willed giving, nurturing, and optimistic. And given how Anita respect and emulates her mother, apparently her mother was the same-another lover of Cross.

And as great as Anita was, she still didn’t know if she’d lived up to her mother, as she asks silently when she dies.

So, I think he likes a women that he can freely speak to, and he can be comfortable around. So, he likes nice women.

Anita was a prostitute, which isn’t the most respectable of professions, but, Cross didn’t think badly of her.

Cross knows alot of bitter things in this war, as stated by Hoshino, and it may make him feel better to be with women. His lovers probably genuinely make him happy, or as happy as he can be.

He says Klaud is “always a nice woman.” He flirts with her, and is interested. Klaud, like Anita, is caring, compassionate, and kind. Evidently, she has good people skills, and people take kindly to her, as she has a 4/5 in affinity in her character stats.

Also, Klaud doesn’t seem to care for Cross’ advances, and is a bit cold around him-being put-off by his antics.

But, even though she’s not warm and cozy with him, he still seems to think fondly of her. He knows, recognizes, and likes, that she’s a nice woman-even if not particularly nice to him.

Cross shows interest in Lenalee as well. She’s kind, and compassionate-a bit. Her affinity is very high, scoring a perfect 5.

So, I think “good” is referencing to the actual woman herself-her persona. A nice woman he can have a good time with. And if they let him hang around, he probably appreciates that, and a nice relationship with them.

But no 100% exclusivity, as he does leave after a while, and he does have other women he likes.

We also have this panel.

This seems like some of Cross’ influence here. Cross took Allen in at the age of 10.

So, I think anything he learned about women, or how to behave around women, came from Cross.

Allen says he & Cross stayed with lovers of his, and friends. So, if Allen is going to be around any of Cross’ lovers, Cross probably taught him how to act around women.

If not that direct, then Allen may have learned just from seeing how Cross interacts with women. Either way, under Cross’ influence, Allen is respectful towards women, knows how to address them, and what, behavior is unacceptable.

So again, that doesn’t seem to paint Cross has being a man who hates, has no respect for, or is just careless with, women.

Anita was the owner of the best brothel on a port.

So, I am sure she gets tons of "clients."

The guy at the stand says Cross was a "new” lover of Anita. So, she had other men aside from, and before, him.

Cross doesn’t seem to care. As far as he’s concerned, Anita was a good woman.

Anita & her mother met Cross in a brothel, so i’m sure they know he is, or will be, involved with other women.

Apparently, neither party cared since they both loved him. Again, what Cross does with other women doesn’t involved them, or their relationship, and that may be how they felt.

Some people are open like that, and I think it’s that kind of flexibility & openness that Cross has with his women. So, with Cross and his women, they do care about one another, and are happy when they’re together. But when they’re not, they each do their own thing, and have their own lives away from each other, which may include other lovers.

So, I think Cross remembers his lovers, and they remember him. I just get the vibe from the manga that Cross cares for, and has an off-and-on relationship with, his lovers. He doesn’t stay forever. But, he doesn’t leave forever either. I think he sees them again if he’s in the area, and some he may think about and go visit.

And if anything, it seems if anyone gets hurt, it's usually Cross -rather than the women he's with, The official info by Hoshino states he flutters around, and gets burned.

Cross is also more sentimental than he’d have you think. Recently found this panel from Jump Square. Idk if many count it as canon, or just glorified filler. I am not familiar with something like this. But if canon.

Allen states he looked under Cross’ bed, but it was filled with things from his lovers, pictures, accessories, and silverware.

So, Cross evidently keeps little keepsakes from his lovers, and puts them away, along with pictures he has.

We see him in his room before Appocryphos attacks him, and he has many pictures sitting on his shelves.

But, small details like this seem important for a character. After all, manga artists take the time to draw details like this. So can’t say it wasn’t on their mind.

But either way, Cross is evidently capable of emotion, and caring for some people enough to have pictures of them, and keep them sitting out in his personal area. Now what these particular pix are in his room is up for debate. May be pix of his family, or pics of him with his lover(s) / or his just lovers.

But at mother’s place, he’s got pix and other things from his lovers. This goes more on his apparent "womanizer” status. Evidently, he keeps things his lovers give him.

So whatever those things are, Cross liked them enough to hold on to them, rather than trying to sell some stuff and make some quick cash for smokes and alcohol, and hookers. Back to his keeping pictures from them. It seems weird to just hang on to pix of people you don’t care about or like. Or to keep pictures in general if you’re a heartless Psychopath -like how some define Cross.

#1: Conclusion
I believe Cross is a gentleman, and he does respect his lovers., contrary to popular belief that he’s a liar who tricks women into bed, and is an ass to women after he’s had them.

Manga-wise, Cross is referred to as a womanizer and he’s probably seen as such by the other characters, but I think that goes to Cross being an enigma to the other manga characters. They just know Cross flirts and sleeps with different women. But they don’t know what goes on in his private life with his lovers. From what we hear from an actual lover -Anita, who was with him for around 1 year, she had nothing but fond thoughts of him.And once again, she hates people who are mean or cowardly.

Cross seems Polyamorous. Poly is the practice of ethical non-monogamy. People who engage in deep romantic relations with different partners, and it’s genuine. Nobody is being played or used. Though if you wanna look it up, feel free. it will give a more detailed explanation than I have. But plenty of marriages and relationships are very loving while being Poly.

Only a few really know Cross. And only his lovers really know how kind and caring he can be, because he only really shows it around them. Otherwise, at a glance, he just seems like a hedonistic asshole. And while he does engage in hedonism, I thinks it’s his way of coping with the life he has. I don’t think that’s all there is to him.

Some new stuff.
Cross seems to be a man who tries his best to enjoy life, and cast out negative feelings. He pushed Allen away for 4 years, and tried to stay distant because he knew what was to come. Cross is someone who seems to not want to allow himself to hurt or grieve. So, he tries to force himself not to care. When he found out about Anita's death, he looks upset. And I am sure he was.

He says he told her outright not to follow him. That shows he didn't want anything to happen to her, let alone because of him. If you don't want something bad happening to someone, you care about them. If he didn't care about her, what would he care what she did, or if she was killed doing it.

Hell, if Cross were the heartless guy I see people say, then he'd have brought Anita on the trip with him and used her as his free whore while on his way to Edo. He could get some nice and easy sex on the way there, then drop her later and move on. A ship whore.

In any case though, he's lost her, so he just drinks, and goes on with his life. Just as he did when her mother, and maybe Maria, was killed. Just as he told Allen to do when he thought Lavi and Chaoji died.

I think Cross has gotten used to losing people, so now, it's just natural he go on. If he loses a lover, while he'd be upset, he would move on with another. That sounds bad, but I think it's a form on consolation.

Through the lovers he has, or may get in the future, he's not totally alone, and it makes things somewhat easier. But, did still care about the ones he lost.

Anita wasn't the 1st lover he lost. We know he has experienced it before, since Anita's mother was killed as well by an akuma.

While Cross has a softness for women, his heart is still pretty hardened from all his experiences. He'd hate anything to happen to them. But, if they die, or get killed, he just keeps on trudging -it's just par for the course.

He loves Allen, but Allen is destined to die one day. We know, from chapt 167 and 222 that Cross is deeply hurt by that. But sometimes he didn't always show that he was.

Cross tries hard to enjoy himself, and keep busy so he doesn't have time to sulk, and mope, imo, because even if things are bad, life should still be worth it, and there are some pleasures in it.

So, Cross tries to preoccupy and enjoy himself on the outside, to hold back, and drown out the endless depths of sorrow and pain on the inside.

Cross doesn't age like a normal human. He knew Neah, left debts for him, and made promises to him. And Neah died 35 years ago.

And Cross looks no older than 45 now. So, he's been around for a good while. And in the war that he's been involved in for over 30 years, he's bound to have seen many unpleasant things, thus he's just hardened himself, and forces himself to remain stone-faced.

Hoshino says Cross is someone who has hardships because of his involvement with Neah, and that he's a man who is closest to the "truth", and lives knowing, and hiding, a lot of bitter things regarding the war, and/or life.

So, I am starting to think that the reason Cross seems/acts so heartless, because he's so caring.

One of his quotes, by Hoshino-san, has Cross saying
"Sake is the best medicine."
What is medicine? A cure for an ill feeling. But in Cross' case, it's not literal illness, but mental. And given how much he drinks, he feels bad quite a bit.

In an omake by Hoshino, where Allen finds Cross' room in the old HQ. His room is littered with wine bottles.

There's stashes of alcohol in cabinets, bottles on the floor, and even some in his bed. And there appears to be some kind of face drawn on his wall.

I think we can look at this and see, Cross has some issues. He doesn't need to be locked up or anything, but looking, he's got many inner demons, and is very conflicted and scarred.

A heartless person wouldn't feel these things, because they're heartless. They wouldn't give a damn about things happening.

When HQ was attacked, and Miranda held hostage, Cross showed hesitation for her.

But, given the situation, they had to sacrifice her, or risk the lives of thousands more humans. So, again, he hardens his heart and pushes his feelings and doubts aside.

So, while he decided on sacrifice, it wasn't his first options, and he didn't seem thrilled with the ultimate decision. The period rows indicate hesitation. Sometimes they can mean speechless, but not here. lol So, going on that, it seems that wasn't something Cross wanted to do, so much as it just had to be done.

They tried everything else. I doubt this is the first time Cross has made the hard choices. When he has to face up to Allen's situation, he outright asks himself, "Do you always have to sacrifice something to protect something else?"

So, this has happened to Cross quite a bit where he's done things he didn't want.

Now, Allen pops up and jumps in to get Miranda, while insulting Cross. but, we see Cross has a smile on his face.

So, he knew Allen would make it out, and with Miranda on top of it. As he says, Allen is the level of a general now. So No sacrifices happened this time.

So, Cross is, in fact, NOT, as heartless as he seems to act.

Mother (Maria), is another example. She and Cross talk casually about the 14th, which leads me to ask what her relationship to Cross may be.

It seems they're very close. Mother, one of Cross' closest living bonds, even says she doesn't support the 14th. So, why would she support Cross, yet disapprove of the man that cross supports?

The fact she even knows about Neah brings up alot of things.

She also talk about his radiance when he left her, and that she's seen him off numerous times.

So, apparently, she's very fond of him, and knows who he is, and what part he plays in the war, and still sees him as worthy to support.

Cross is a good person, worthy of respect, apparently. But, few people see that side of him, because he rarely shows it.

Not to say he doesn't still guard himself. But, he doesn't act like a jerk. He shows his true good side. He only really seems comfortable showing it around women.

Fellow exorcists, and men, I guess Cross tries to appear as serious, and / or badass as possible, so he's not taken lightly, or made fun of.

He says he laughs at Tiedoll's open hypersensitivity, probably sees him as a bit of a crybaby. So, being only human, Cross tries to act macho when not alone with a woman.

Cross, like Klaud & Tiedoll cares for people, and has a soft side. Difference is, Cross seems to try to fight / hide his bleeding heart a bit.

Hoshino has shown/hinted that Cross is actually a caring man though. He seems to care about trying to end the war, and the fact he even fights in it at all shows us he does care.

He says he wears his uniform to openly flesh out / attract Akuma.

Once again, a heartless man wouldn't do that. Why inconvenience himself with akuma, when he could dress casually, and party it up.

I mean, people are gonna die anyhow, right? What difference does it make how soon or late it happens? I would think that's how a heartless person would feel. But, Cross doesn't seem to feel that way.

Many people probably don't get past his top layer, the seemingly "jerkass of a man" layer. Klaud seems to see Cross as "useless."

His flirting didn't seem to budge her, and may annoy her. And, she, like other Exorcists, seems to think he doesn't take his job seriously, and is a lazy slacker.

On the ship to Edo, they meet the Akuma who tells them Cross is alive and doing a mission. Lavi, Miranda, and Bookman of all people ask, in disbelief, if Cross is actually working.

For whatever reason, Cross puts out that image. Maybe he wants to look tough. I don't think it's to chase people away, otherwise, I don't think he'd have his lovers.

Sometimes, he's cold demeanor is professional, as with the Miranda situation, and telling Allen to get over Lavi and Chaoji's fates. But, other times, it could be an act. What tvtopre would call "Jerkass Facade."

He just does things at his own pace.

Cross cares, but he has his own way of handling things, and getting things done. So, alot of people don't understand him, only a few really do. And only his lovers see his softness.

Cross is VERY open about his feelings toward women.

If he likes a woman, he'll show in unashamedly. Some women go for him, and in turn, they see he's a nice man, as Anita & her mother did, as his current living lovers probably still do.

However, some, like Klaud aren't willing to get involved, or socialize, with him, because all they see are his obvious "flaws." So, Cross remains an unknown to them.

Cross also has friends, he was close to Krony's grandfather. So, he can make friends as well. How is totally unknown. But, he does. Apparently, they like him too.

It's not just fanon. Cross is very mysterious, and / or misunderstood to & by characters in the manga as well.
This is Hoshino's vol. 24 cover.

Allen was studying apparently, but fell asleep. But we see he's fallen asleep on Cross, who's reading the paper.

Given the dots, Cross is well aware that Allen is sleeping on him lol. But, he just reads, and lets Allen nap there. If Cross were the bastard I see people make him out as, he'd be knocking Allen to the floor.

Tim seems quite content as well. So, I guess Tim doesn't expect to get thrown with Allen. So, Cross, while speechless and / or surprised, doesn't mind too much. Not the behavior of a totally heartless prick.

This scan seem to portray them as a family. Hoshino did say Cross thinks Allen is cute. Tim and Cross love one another.

And Allen and Cross love each other, but have a different relationship. It's not open or stereotypical affection. Their relationship will be covered over the next section.

So, in the end, Cross is a good person. He does have a heart. But why he acts as he does it questionable, and not to say he doesn't have flaws. because it's clear he's not perfect.

Everyone is familiar with the episode 27:

My Mentor, General Cross
A filler episode that, even thought it was supposed to be funny, derailed Cross’ character. A few other little moments as well. Not many, but it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Because I have noticed people that only watch the anime usually hate Cross. The anime was cut short, so and cut out some of Cross’ good moments, including 2 important events.

Ok. Lets start with some things from episode 27, and a manga contradiction

In th manga, Allen says he and Cross lived off his lovers. He also says if they really needed money, he gambled to make it.

The anime has Allen being sold into slave labor to pay off Cross’ debts.

Nowhere in the manga - by Cross’ creator Hoshino - did it say that Cross sold Allen into labor. All Allen says is gambling. So, something extra the anime added in, making Cross seem like a slave owner.

The anime has Cross telling Allen to bring him a lion to see. Cross travels all over the world, even before he met Allen. I am sure he’s gotten a glimpse of a lion without Allen having to bring him one. So that made no sense.

And again, when Allen recalls trauma with Cross, debts seem to be what comes up.

He didn’t say anything about Cross torturing him with wild animals.

Also, in the episode when they’re staying in India, Cross makes Allen gamble for money.

Here, he has Allen pinned to a wall taking his money like a pimp.

Complete with Allen asking how long he’s going to be made to do it.

And this makes no sense, because Allen says he only gambled when he and Cross really needed money.

While in India, Cross was living in a palace, with a maharajah’s widow.

So he had a willing lover, and given how they both always have wine in their hand, he gets plenty of that there too.

Also, since she and Cross are sleeping together, they also got free room and board.

So why the hell are he and Allen out in town scrapping for money? That doesn’t seem to make sense- given Cross is staying with a rich woman that most likely gives him what he wants.

Into the episode, Allen mentions to Lenalee the Maharajah’s widow was a lover of Cross, and that’s why they got to stay there. Lenalee asks if Cross really has sex with a widow. Allen the says his Master has a thing for rich women.

This is another contradiction and makes Cross specifically look like a gold digger. His character info in the databook/fanbook, done by Hoshino, states that his likes are good women, expensive wine, and visiting the red-light districts. But again, it says he likes“good” women, not “rich” women.

The anime, with that line, makes it seem like he specifically seeks out a woman to take her money. We had, earlier in the episode, a man wanting to beat him up for taking his woman’s money. So those two things together don’t paint Cross in the best light. Making him look like a lowdown gold-digger.

So it seems like this episode tried to make Cross seem as disgusting and nasty as possible to make so they can throw in a punchline at the end with all the women gushing over Cross, to show “women like bad boys” or like men that treat people like crap.

Cross is not perfect, but if you read my previous writings, you could see why I didn’t care for this episode.He's certainly not painted as cruel in the manga like this episode wanted to paint him.

Now, we have episode 96. Takes place for manga chapter 137.

In the manga, Allen wants to speak with Cross, but it’s forbidden. So the guards drag him away. Cross seems surprised at how quick they moved, but that was it.

With the anime, they have Cross smirking and waving Allen off and humming mockingly while he’s dragged away, calling for him.

Bit more of an asshole with it than he was about it in the manga.

In the manga, Cross is seen travelling with a suitcase as he speaks with the food vendor.

In the anime, he is carrying no bags on his travels, which makes no sense first off. But then they have him asshole-ishly snatch food right of the man’s cart and not pay for it.

In a hurry, Cross pushes Allen aside, but sees Roufa and asks in passing if she may be Allen’s women.

But that was all there was to the scene.

The anime however has Cross push Allen aside, with a lecherous grin on his face.

Which contradicts the fact that he’s supposed to be in a hurry, and makes him seem creepy, because it seems his sole purpose for pushing Allen aside here, was so he can check out Roufa

Then he holds on to Roufa’s head while he gets up close and personal to her, and stares at her as if he’s studying.

What the hell was this? Suppose to be funny I am sure. But it makes Cross come off as some kind of weird pervert.

Why is he showing so much interest in a girl whom he thinks may be dating his apprentice? Did he wanna sleep with his apprentice’s girlfriend?

We know Cross likes women. But liking women and being a pervert are 2 different things.

There is also another filler scene where Tiedoll comments Cross sees others as nothing but pawns. This was not in the manga, from what I recall.

So, something else thrown in to say how evil and heartless Cross is.

Flashback Issues
I also hated the flashback they through in with Cross x Anita in episode 60. it didn’t seem right with either character.

Anita’s mother was killed recently it seemed while Anita sadly looks at the clips. We pan over and see Cross is there-laying in the middle of the room with his back to her.

Seems like they’re ignoring each other.

Then Cross says “hm?” and looks over at her as if he forgot she was even there.

Then they have Anita acting shy around, Cross, which doesn’t seem to fit her character.

She only looks back at him we his eyes are closed, and he’s drinking.

Close up, it appears she’s blushing.

Though she just got done saying she hated him.

Cross stops drinking, then looks at her, and calls her name. In response, she turns away quickly, like she’s embarrassed, or doesn’t want him to see her looking at him.

She answers him with her voice shaking/stuttering. After which, she turns her head even further away.

We know she’s younger here, given her more round eyes, and face -in addition to the smaller nose and “lips”. A comparison

Anyhow, possibly being raised to run her mother’s brothel, and probably having been around men before, I can’t see her being so shy and nervous.

After all, she was helping her mother deliver babies when she was 7 yrs., according to Chaozii.

Anyway, maybe she has a crush on Cross already?

But, Cross asks her “do you hate me?” and she says yes. Why was he asking her that?

If she really does hate him, why?

Is she trying to hide her crush for him? And again, if so, why?

Anita being raised around a brothel, by a mother who’s a brothel maiden, I don’t really see her hiding feelings of, or being embarrassed about, finding a man attractive.

The flashback just seemed random and made no sense. Anita is talking about how she’s do anything for Cross, then there’s that flashback which I don’t know what it was trying to convey.

This flashback just raised questions rather than telling us anything.

Is it showing that Anita fell in love with Cross in that one instant? And if so, why? Because he made one comment about her being a good woman?

Sorry. Given Anita’s determination toward Cross, I think her feelings run a tad deeper than him making one comment.

So if the anime is saying she fell for Cross just because he gave her a compliment, then it makes her look like a Cross-groupie with a schoolgirl crush like all those women in the horrible filler that is episode 27.

So if they were trying to build up Cross x Anita, they didn’t do a good job, in my opinion, and should have left it alone.

Also, something else messed up is Cross’ appearance in said flashback.

In anime, when characters are younger, they tend to be drawn with rounder eyes, and sometimes with females, no lips. I guess it makes them look younger and more naive.

The anime threw in a flashback where Anita is clearly much younger-looks to be a teenager. However, Cross looks exactly the same as he does now.

Unless Hoshino shared a secret with the animators, that’s a bit odd. Cross’ age is weird in the manga, but he was younger at some point

Anita’s Departure.

This isn’t so much with Cross, but just to go a bit further on example about the DGM anime being poorly done.

In the manga, it'a not revealed that Anita was killed until she sees the exorcists off.

Then, there’s a close-up of her, and we discover she is now wearing her mother’s hair clip in her final moments.

We readers find that out the same time that Lenalee does. Lenalee had no idea of Anita’s fate before then.

However, the anime -in attempt to make it sadder, threw in a filler scene with Anita and lenalee in her room.

They have Lenalee bring Anita back her hair clip.

Anita asks Len to put it on for her.

That was a dead give away that something was wrong. because Anita says she hasn’t worn them since her mother died. Now, all of a sudden, she wants to wear it, and has Lenalee put it on for her. So very noticeable.

In the manga, Lenalee drops the clip. But that’s the last we saw of it until the close-up on Anita showed it.

And there’s no telling when she put it on, probably after she changed clothes-and decided it her last chance to wear it. Remember, Anita was wearing a shirt, pants, and boots. When seeing the exorcists off, she’s wearing a Kimono.

Then after the clip incident, Anita hugs Lenalee and tell her to take care of Cross.

That was another dead give away. She wanted to help the Exorcists find Cross, so surely she wanted to see him. Why would she hug Lenalee and ask her that if she was going to see Cross herself?

So, the fact that lenalee didn’t pick up on these 2 things makes her break down at the send off seem stupid, because it was obvious that Anita didn't survive WAY before then.

In my opinion, the manga handled it better, as it was a sudden surprise and heart-breaking. Sometimes the sudden deaths are sadder. As J.K. Rowling said, not all people die slowly with loved ones around and able to give last words + requests. Thus, the open ending makes the death all the more tragic.

So, just as the anime messed up on this, imo, they messed up Cross’s entire as well. I haven’t seen all of the anime. But other fans who have stated the anime screwed with all of the characters and did do their manga counterparts justice.

It all seems minor, but seems very noticeable to me, and if you are very familiar with the manga, you can see the contradictions. So, if I notice it, it’s a very big mistake lol

D.Gray-Man Hallow
Well, we finally have Hallow here. And this anime had some problems as well when it comes to Cross’ portrayal, imo. They didn’t add in scenes to make Cross worse than he was in the manga, like the previous anime. But they still managed to take out some of his better lines, that shows he’s heart and conflict -along with changing his expressions that lessen the feeling. So in a way, the anime Cross in Hallow still comes off as more cold than his manga counterpart.

Lets look at his hug with Allen in the manga

Cross hugs Allen, and says the 14th should have chosen a good-for-nothing as his host. Then he wonders if you always have to sacrifice something to protect something else. Finally, he realizes and admits he can’t make fun of Tiedoll anymore.

These lines do a nice job of showing the depth of Cross’ conflict. And his feelings for Allen, where he sees he’s not different than Tiedoll with his pupil.

The anime completely took both of these lines out.

We have Cross hug Allen, and mention how Neah should have chosen someone else for his host.

Then it skips the line about sacrifice and Tiedool, and goes straight to him dropping the bomb that Allen is going to kill someone.

That completely ruins the mood of this scene,, imo. And it takes away the depth of Cross’ remorse and his realization.

Then we have the changed facial expressions. When Cross sits in his room later, he has a very telling expression on his face as he thinks about Allen. He looks somewhat touched /sentimental.

The anime however, he just has a typical smile, or close to a smirky-looking expression that appears to have no real feelings behind it. Least not the same feeling the manga gave.

I was not feeling the sentiment of this scene as I was in the manga. Same with the hug, especially after being excited about it

Obviously, as most here know, I am a huge Cross fan. And it just seems like the anime versions do not wanna give him the same touch his manga counterpart has. From leaving out details, even if subtle, and/or adding in extra stuff that makes him look like a complete douche.

So overall, I was disappointed with these things in the anime. There were other things with Cross I wanted to see animated -such as chapters 206 + 222. But given the anime team’s track record with wanting Cross to be a heartless villain, they’ll probably ruin the feelings with those as well.

At this point, I wouldn’t mind if they had done a reboot of the series. It brings the series back, but gives the manga more time to catch up. And maybe they could fix some of these things. But a reboot probably won’t happen now that they just did more of a continuation. Unless they reboot 20 years into the future when the manga may be finished.

Cross will probably be out here. But I was happy he made it to round 3. He's such a misunderstood character that's written off as a 1-note heartless womanizer with no humanity -by those who either don't know him, or never read the manga, I figured he would've lost round 1. So he had a good run.:)

But on a fangirl Parting-Note.:hearts

And the Hair

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MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
Could someone give me a little summary of Gintoki's qualities and potential as husbando? :)


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
oups it's already begun !!!
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase vote the best red sexy hot husbaaaaaand eveeeeeeer !!!!!!!!

It's so unfair Gintoki is highly advantaged as Mc, and gintama is way more famous than dgm i dont deny that gintoki has some qualities but he is far from equaling Marian in hotness & courtesy !

well lets go gintoki : the guy has a very tragic past : love very much his story & background, and his personality (wouldn't choose him as a husband though) but well he's the one who aknowlegdge it by himself, he is highly unsuitable for a romantic & family life dont want to spoil but everyone who know the series know that gintoki is the very one who had to :
kill his very master

So sadly love gintoki as a male a character he s awesome he's probably a lovely guy, funny and so, but as a husband I think he's not really qualified.

but I'll be honest, I'll do anything (well actually Silver is doing a great job prolly way better than me, great thxs to her) to make my Marian win, but if he unfortunately loses to Gintoki I'll consider it as to be an honorable loss considering how awesome is gintoki as a character :zomg
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2015
Reaction score
Could someone give me a little summary of Gintoki's qualities and potential as husbando? :)
Well: "he believes believes that having a loving family is all someone really needs in life(He admitted to Umibozu in episode 42)" , that already shows husbando material

"he is very protective of his current friends, and holds very little value in his own life. This carelessness can be seen in how Gintoki can plow through armies without tiring, apathetic to the serious injuries he sustains whilst cutting down his enemies. He told Kawakami Bansai during the Shinsengumi Mutiny Arc that the only reason he fought in the Joui war was to protect his friends, not for his country or the samurai way.".

"he is willing to risk his life for anyone, and is shown to be extremely caring towards his friends"

So you know, others before himself, you are always gonna be protected by him.

"He has many childish personality traits despite his age, and has even called himself a "child in a man's body." One such trait is his insatiable love for sweets"

"Gintoki possesses an immense amount of charisma, and has amassed a quite large group of friends"

You are always gonna have fun around gintoki (and eat delicious stuffs as well) in a husbando perspective, you are never gonna be bored.

"When it is needed, he is able to impart words of wisdom, and can make those around him feel much more alive even with his inappropriate jokes and deadpan statements. "

But also you can have deep conversations (with a few inappropriate jokes from time to time). Quotes

Whate else do you need as a husbando?


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
"He has many childish personality traits despite his age, and has even called himself a "child in a man's body." One such trait is his insatiable love for sweets"

Can you elaborate please ? in what way it's supposed to be husband material ? do you consider women as baby sitters:blink huh ?

But yeah I admit you right Gintoki is most of time a kind of an ungrown child so definitely no husband material !!!!


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
Whate else do you need as a husbando?
I don't know, maybe an experienced man who can handle a relationship? :p Seems he can give a lot to his friends, which is admirable, but there is a difference between friends and wife. Why isn't he in a relationship if he thinks that a loving family is what someone needs to be happy? Doesn't it mean that he is not ready to be a husbando?
Thanks for your summary; but it reinforces my decision of voting for Marian. :^_^

And anyone who read the two summaries on this thread should see that Marian is the best choice :jk
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2015
Reaction score
Welp xD anyone can chose he they want! Gintoki doesnt have a relationship simply because it a comedy anime/manga ! he has many crushes, preety much every female character had times where flirting was involved with gintoki (hell, even guys) , but as i said, since is a comedy based story, romance would ruin it.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
Maybe some people don't know gintama or regard it as a mere comedy and don't figure out some stuff about gintoki and his past, as stated above that haunt him and about his unability to currently build any sentimental relationship due to a life full of pain and regrets. yeah sure he's a a funny guy who can do the most dirtiest jokes and who can vomit more than 50l/a night but does make it a a good husband ?? :fail

help me kira they re all scary they want to may an old pervy !!!!!!!!

Lets save them !!! Red power

also for ladies it's too late, everybody knows gintoki is gay & loves hijikata :teehee

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