Hangout - Nico Robin's Reading Club / Hangout Thread | MangaHelpers

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Hangout Nico Robin's Reading Club / Hangout Thread


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom

I don't know about you but this year has felt incredibly long. As such, I thought it'd be a good idea to re-read some of the current arc (in particular the chapters eligible for nominations) before we began the event.

The chapters we'll be going through are ch967 to ch997. That's a total of 30 chapters we'll be reading over this week. Chapter 998 can be discussed as normal in the current discussion thread and so will ch999 when that is released next week.

Here is the proposed reading schedule:

  • 14th Dec: ch967-971
  • 15th Dec: ch972- 975
  • 16th Dec: ch976- 979
  • 17th Dec: ch980- 983
  • 18th Dec: ch984- 987
  • 19th Dec: ch988- 991
  • 20th Dec: ch992- 997
Since we all would've read these chapters, no spoiler tags are necessary if you're going to be reading beyond any number of chapters on a particular day. I would encourage just stating which chapters you're posting about.

Forum Rules and Spoiler rules will still apply if, for the sake of discussion you're including content from chapters 998 and beyond.


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I'm glad I'm getting the chance to read this again, I sorta half-arsed a lot of the chapters once Oden had returned to Wano. The events leading to his death just didn't sit right with me. I saw it basically in the same way the citizen of Wano saw the whole thing( the disappointment) until Shinobu revealed everything to them; though I had the luxury of knowledge on my side.

Alright, so I'm gonna go through that first lot today...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score
967 !! Oh God, beginning the year with this chapter with Roger and Laugh Tale was dizzying. That last panel is one of the greatest of the year.
971 is truly an incredible chapter, definitely among the best of the year.
I was absolutely lost at the beginning as to why he went from being so angry to dancing in the streets, I didn't realise we missed half the discussion.
And that panel where he lifted his samurais...chills every time. Oden was a very good character, this is the chapter where I started liking him. I was completely neutral to him before that. His last moments were up to his legend.


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
967- It's never mentioned what happened to the previous ruler/King of Fishman Island. But seeing how calm Neptune is with having taken the throne, I'd conclude that there weren't any fishy circumstances leading to their death; likely old age or something, as Neptune himself was quite old (50) at the time.

This chapter made me think of Joy Boy, not only for his signficance in the story and his importance to Fishman Island but also as it relates to the Ancient Kingdom and One Piece (the treasure). I, myself had never thought too much about him and the part he plays in the story but considering it's confirmed in this chapter that the One Piece treasure was left by him, I wonder if he was some sort of royalty within that kingdom?

I imagine his relationship with the past Poseidon/Mermaid Princess to be what we saw with Luffy and Shirahoshi but grander, in that he not only wanted to take her to the surface but made a promise to bring the whole island with him.

My interpretation is that during the Void Century he realised that it was still far too dangerous for that to happen, so the promise was broken, combined with the ongoing war that led to the destruction of his country; he could only leave a message that another would come to fulfill what he had failed to do.

But was he psychic and could look into the future? a devil fruit (Toki comes to mind)? or some other understaning of fate?

It could also be that while he returned to leave this message on the poneglyph for the people of Fishman Island, that he (maybe with others to help) also travelled to various islands of trusted comrades and left the poneglyph in order not only preserve a piece of their kingdom but set in place a cycle of events that would bring about the dissolution of their enemy and their re-establishment.

With that in mind, there most certainly must've been a few who came close before Roger (hence the will of D) but things didn't align for them (being able to decypher the poneglyph, having poseidon being born within that era, etc). If we remember Rayleigh even said that they were too soon, so Poseidon is definitely a key in that regard.

Looks like Scopper Gaban was the navigator of the crew, as he's the one who initially confirms with Oden that they've mapped the location of Laugh Tale.

Seeing the culmination of Roger's adventure and revisiting some of our favourite locations makes this chapter one of, if not my favourite chapter of the year.

968- One of the funniest moments of this arc; Roger's crew crying at his and Oden's separate departures. In hindsight for them, they could not have expected events to turn out like they did for both those guys. I wonder how many of them actually heard about Oden's death; that's still something that bothers me and part of the reason why I half-arsed the rest of this flashback.

969- The double page of Oden and the Scabbards marching to Udon to face Kaido is again, just such good writing and art presentation (the way their travel and movement of time is shown through individual panels). It also serves to mirror another double page from ch955; but in the latter Wano is in worse condition, with much of the country in desolation. Whereas 20 years ago Oden set off during the sunset, the Scabbard and Momo made their with "the sun at its zenith...".

Also just noticed that Raizo doesn't have his crescent scaring on the foreheard in the flashback. I wonder at what point he got it? unless I missed something else.

970- We see King and Queen's shadowy images in some panels clashing with Denjiro and Raizo but there's no sign of Jack; granted back then he would've been 8 years old. Was he kept away for some reason?

I had never noticed the change in Oden's costume during fights. He moves his nio-dasuki from his waist and rolls his sleeves, then wearing it on his back as its commonly seen. Also in this chapter, Kinemon, Denjiro and Kiku do the same with their outfits. I wonder if there's a meaning to it or simply because they wore kimono, unlike the others.

971- One thing I've come to appreciate during this batch of chapters is how amazing Toki is a character and support system for Oden, his vassals and the people of Kuri. It's said she single handledly won the people over on his behalf, after they felt they were abandonned by their lord. She worked alongside them though she was royalty and raised their children. Even after he was defeated and arrested, she maintained her undying devotion to him and not once did she lose sight of what needed to be done for the good of Wano. She is my favourite female character of this arc by a good margin, I believe.

Also Orochi is very much an abhorrent villain, though Kaido is THE bad guy. He has no redeeming qualities, whatsoever.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score
972 aaaaah.....This is how a legend die. Truly. I admire wano's inhabitants tho, if I had spent 5 years dissing someone and heard all they did was to protect me, I could never show myself before them ever again. I would just cry under my bed and hate my foolishness.
Toki is best waifu material honestly, supporting Oden no matter what and always understing him whitout him even having to say anything. I wished we got to know more about her and her past. I wonder if she was truly supposed to stop travelling after meeting Oden ? You would think she would travel time all the way to the present (Luffy's time)... I wonder if she stayed with Oden just because she fell in love or if it was supposed to be like this from the beginning.

973 20 years is a long time... remaining loyal and keeping hope for such a long time...Most people would have tried to move...."BUT NOT US" THEM

974 Kanjuro's betrayal was a real surprise for me (I know I was the only one surprised) but it's mostly because I didn't have any guess at all as to who it could be and didn't catch on to all the hints Oda left. I'm such an idiot.
I had been waiting for a Kidd x Luffy x Law for such a long time tho. I finally felt complete after this last panel.

975 Why is Zoro the only one who didn't get a change of clothes (even minor)....I'm 😤
The fact that Denjiro knows how dumb Kinemon is and still try to make him look smart --> This is true friendship right here !

zetsu banned

MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 10, 2006
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United States

I don't know about you but this year has felt incredibly long. As such, I thought it'd be a good idea to re-read some of the current arc (in particular the chapters eligible for nominations) before we began the event.

The chapters we'll be going through are ch967 to ch997. That's a total of 30 chapters we'll be reading over this week. Chapter 998 can be discussed as normal in the current discussion thread and so will ch999 when that is released next week.

Here is the proposed reading schedule:

  • 14th Dec: ch967-971
  • 15th Dec: ch972- 975
  • 16th Dec: ch976- 979
  • 17th Dec: ch980- 983
  • 18th Dec: ch984- 987
  • 19th Dec: ch988- 991
  • 20th Dec: ch992- 997
Since we all would've read these chapters, no spoiler tags are necessary if you're going to be reading beyond any number of chapters on a particular day. I would encourage just stating which chapters you're posting about.

Forum Rules and Spoiler rules will still apply if, for the sake of discussion you're including content from chapters 998 and beyond.
Soooooo, any chance we should do this for the whole series starting at chapter 1 after 1000 drops?


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Soooooo, any chance we should do this for the whole series starting at chapter 1 after 1000 drops?
We can do separately from this. This was only to serve as a refresher, as those are the chapters that cover the event.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
United States
Did the reading a while ago, but just didn't have the time to write out my thoughts on the chapters.

Oden Flashback reads well in one sitting. Just incredible world building and examination of the history in the series as well as a direct showcase of the themes of fate and inheriting wills and dreams. Ace's flashback continued the same theme and we're really seeing the cumulation of all of those character's action coming to fruit in this fight. It's really like Dominos falling through time.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Oct 19, 2019
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I also did a re-read recently. I wish there was a colour spread past ch 931


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Rereading the Wano arc from the beginning and I am currently at chapter 978. Overall this arc is really average to me when Luffy and Queen are missing. Really liked the Yasu's death chapter and few others after it though.

The Oden flashback is better in one sitting indeed, he is not as unlikeable as I remember but still, the writing about him is really annoying.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Rereading complete finally...

The arc has definitely been more enjoyable since the start of the battle, but the pacing is still the biggest problem, it's so obvious that Oda is stalling at times. I am just waiting for the battles at this point, I hope Oda will deliver. I don't care much about the Scabbards, but I like Kinemon a lot. I also would have preffered Denjiro as a villain.

Now it's time to nominate.