Spoiler - Shingeki no Kyojin 139 FINALE Pics & Summaries | MangaHelpers

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Spoiler Shingeki no Kyojin 139 FINALE Pics & Summaries


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Example One ( Spoiler Pics):

Credits: Ohana


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2020
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Leaks from Zekken
Chapter 139: The Attack Titan
> First page shows the past attack titans getting their future memories
> Scene continues, showing the aftermaths of Eren's beheading by Mikasa
> Mikasa crying then tells Armin that Eren's dead
> Ymir tells mikasa she can fix everything
> Adult mikasa go back in time (don´t know if she really came back)
> Adult mikasa meet Adult eren while they see their infant parts
> Eren apologies to mikasa and sayshe will fix timeline (I guess)
> Scene continues, Eren is in the paths and ask something to Ymir
> The path start to fall apart
> Last page is Adult eren holding himself as a baby, saying you are free


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 11, 2020
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Most prolly real leaks!

-Eren takes Armin to paths
-Seeing previous events and continuing the conversation with a looking at the sea Armin hits Eren
-After the scene changes, Armin hugs Eren and sits down for a final goodbye.
-Armin wakes up and sees Mikasa
-Titans have changed back to the way they were, everyone is fine
-Levi saw the commander HanJi and others in paths
-Jean and Connie saw Sasha smiling in paths
-Reiner, mother and son embrace Armin to deal with the endgame
-Mikasa takes the lead
-A few years later, the queen held the child and celebrated his birthday with the man behind
-Others also grew up and went to Lena on the boat
-They also sat in the distance
-Adults Jiabi and Falco and the captain in the wheelchair
-Birds in the sky flew over the people on the boat
-I also saw the bird, I don’t know where it is
-Mikasa is next to the tree, and there is a small grave
-The bird came and pecked Mikasa’s scarf and fluttered away

Source: https://ww7.readsnk.com/chapter/shingeki-no-kyojin-spoilers-raw-chapter-139/
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Some details from same source:
-Eren pulls Armin into paths and shows him memories to explain things (Zekken doesn't say what)
-They have a fist fight by the water, Armin wins, they fall down looking at the water and hug before saying goodbye
-Armin wakes up and runs over to the crying Mikasa
-Reiner hugs Karina (Zekken says mom and son hug but its obvious who)
-Levi sees the dead scouts and Hange (she's singled out so probably in front?)
-Armin dealt with the final problem (Zekken's words, not mine)
-Mikasa takes the head and starts heading somewhere (the fort I guess)
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Feb 4, 2021
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--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

This are the new stuff on: https://ww7.readsnk.com/chapter/shingeki-no-kyojin-spoilers-raw-chapter-139/

In an unknown location, Mikasa is sitting under a tree, next to her is a small grave.

That bird comes to Mikasa and pecks at her scarf, then flies away into the distance.

Reiner: Historia's handwriting is always so pretty, smells nice too.

Jean: How many times have I told you, don't have any ideas for a married women, you're disgusting.

Pieck: And what about you jean? Who are you trying to impress by tidying up your hair so much.

Jean: ...For all the school girls who'll read the history books.

Reiner: History books? Do you mean the horse encyclopaedia?

Jean: The fact that a trash like you prolonged his life makes me deeply sad.

Eren has implanted memories in Armin a long time ago.

Eren wants to be the big bad guy and wants them to kill him.

This memory will only be activated after his death.

Levi might not see from his right eye again.

The Founding Titan power can be used to influence past and future.

Eren controlled Titanized Dina

to ignore Bertholdt and walks toward his mother.

After "The War between Heaven and Earth".

The Kingdom of Eldia established an "army" led by the Yaegerists to strengthen military power.

Fearing revenge from enemies across the ocean, people on the island chanted in unison:

If we win we survive, If we lose we die.

There's no victory without fighting.

Fight, Fight.

The war between Eldia and the rest of the world will continue, until one side is fully exterminated.

Last panel is Grisha holding Eren

What's stopping Ymir is her love and attachment to King Fritz.

Ymir was in pain for 2000 years because of that love.

The key person to break her free from that attachment will be Mikasa.

Armin: So... Why would it be Mikasa?

Eren: That... Only Ymir will know.

Eren: Even I don't know what Mikasa will do.

Armin and Eren's convo (the locked memory) happens on a boat.


Eren activated rumbling like it was his destiny, he also saw what would happen in the final battle.

3: Mikasa did what Ymir always wanted to do, and ended it all.

Eren cried during his convo with Armin

Because he can't be with Mikasa forever, He wants Mikasa to stop moving forward, He wants Mikasa to be his everything.

But in the end he still made Armin agree that he won't tell this to Mikasa.

Pic 11: Armin said they can find a way to save Eren

But Eren refused, saying that he has sinned too much and doesn't deserve to be saved.

Zekken then added his personal opinion:

"this is my personal opinion, someone who has even chasing freedom his whole life ends up being a slave to destiny, don't do Eren like this. (angry face emoji)"

The curse of the Titan ends. Eldians can't turn into titans again, the war hasn't ended, but they won't give up Paradis' future.

The conflict inside Paradis still exist.

Mikasa buried Eren's head where he once slept.

The rest I've mentioned in previous threads.

The end, for Attack on Titan.

Pic 13: Historia mentions in her letter that she agrees with what Eren said, that war can only end when one side is fully exterminated.

Now they have to deal with what Eren has left them, and learn how to survive in a world without titans.

Zekken's leak about Eren planning off Carla's death because bertolt couldnt die now as he still had a purpose is true as well

Zekken's leak about Eren planning off Carla's death because bertolt couldnt die now as he still had a purpose is true as well

Also yes, Mikasa is indeed the reason why it ended all as she has done what Ymir has always wished to do.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 11, 2020
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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I guess I will post this here since it is related to the final chapter :hmm

Take with copious amounts of skepticism:
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Wait, there's more: