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Asako's Capital


The Witch of Certainty
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 24, 2017
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syx reading Houseki? More people joining the sad gang :zomg
Been a while since I passed here, have some spam go read the new chapter too.



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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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About the alloy, it reflect the mental state of phos.. his subconscious feelings.... It's rather sad but it shows how mentally unstable he is after causing best boi ghost to go... after losing best best boi 1 Antar, it's absolutely heart crushing...

Anyways I'm glad you're liking it, told you after chapter 30 that's when things start for real

Ofc as much as I want to reveal to a lot of things, I keep my mouth shut so you xan fully enjoy the experience without any spoilers syx..

I also really love lapis just wanted to say that.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 7, 2009
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Unfortunately, I won't be able to catch up with HnK today. RL always knows how to screw over your plans. : /

I am at chapter 50 now and like what has happened so far. Seems like a build up for something big. It is a relief to see Phos back. I could have lived with Lapis or a third personality as well, provided they are written well, but my preference was Phos all the way.

As expected, Lapis remains (or remained?) and we were given a little more background about him. He and Phos were quite similar, yet totally different in other fields. :lmao They didn't overpromise when they praised Lapis's intelligence. The way he perceives (or perceived? lol) his surroundings and environment is (or was? haha) outstanding. It is up to Phos now to make good use of it and I think he did very well the past 5 chapters. I loved how he acted like a big brother to Goshe and Morga (#1 - #2). It is sad to hear that the previous Goshe and Morga are gone, but 2 gems within 100 years doesn't sound... that bad?

I don't know if it is me but there are heavy implications that Phos will go to the Moon or even join them.
Lapis said:
But you won't get anywhere with only aimless thoguhts from the outside like you've had so far. Find out the true relationship between Master and the Lunarians. Gain Cinnabar's assistance and acquire data. Take back Antarc and Ghost. If these are your goals, then I can see only one possible path that can resolve all of them at once.
(Panel #1 - #2)
Cairngorm said:
You are so insistent in this desire of talking with the Lunarians. What is your end goal with it? Perhaps you want to join them?
(Panel #1)

Cairn speaks so casually there that it makes me shiver... literally. Especially after the "Professor" incident when Phos argued with Sensei kinda indicate that Phos may drift apart further and further from Sensei or the school.

By the way, is this highlighted thing of any importance? I thought it was weird to place such a thing in those panels if it doesn't have any meaning.

Phos reactions :lmao

Cairn <3

Phos <3

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Hello @Asako, hello @revo.

This is syx.

I need your help. Please give me a link where I can read Houseki no Kuni. The website I use contains fan made chapters. For example in chapter 53, the Moon Peple guy tells us that they crush the gems to powder and just spread them on the moon's surface. Clearly a fake chapter (lol) and I saw right through it because that would mean Antarc and all others gems are gone forever and that is obviously not gona happen, lmao. But I must admit, that fake chapter almost got me for a second, fuhahahaha. Not with syx!

So, I will wait until you give me a link to the real chapters. Thank you very much. <3



有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Sep 7, 2009
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@syx watashi wa kita!

I always read it here, they're posting at proper days realses so it should be good. :chu
Ahhh, thanks. That site is actually better than the one I use.

I read the next batch of five chapters and holy mother... that was huge load of information. First off, I was surprised that Phos's travel to the Moon happened so fast. It was quite obvious that it will happen, but damn, I thought it would happen after several other arcs. Anyway, we finally got some answers. Or should I rather say the viewpoint of the Moon People? Because I have no idea what or whom to believe at this point. Prince might just deceive Phos here, even though a lot of things he told kinda fit to the shown story so far. Still, I take everything he said with a huge grain of salt, especially after the - for me - shocking reveal that the Moon People talk and act like normal people. Moreover, if the Moon People are stuck on the Moon because they are not pure, how can one trust them in this case? If we believe Prince, then they all are impure beings, hence untrustworthy!? Or do I fail to understand the concept?

Also, I think Prince and Phos talk past each other. According to Prince, they need Sensei to pray for them, so that they get purified. So far so good. Phos on the other hands thinks about making Sensei "disappear" or "break" him. How is that gonna help the Moon People though? Without Sensei, there are no prayers. Without prayers, there is no purification for the Moon People. Maybe it is just a poor translation or I don't get it?

This scene here gave me a mental breakdown... if this means that all the captured gems can't be put together anymore, then part of me will die and I will become one of the impure Moon People. I don't accept Antarc to be gone. I just don't accept it!

_ _"
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I won't sleep until I caught up. :lmao Now at chapter 60. Nothing much happened other than Phos's schemes and manipulation everywhere. I don't approve any of his actions but I like where this is heading. This will definitely not end well. I fear the worst and don't know who and how many characters will suffer once Phos's plan start to crumble. At least, Phos isn't fully trusting Aechmea, but that is simply not enough. There is no backup plan whatsoever. Not to mention that damn eye. It radiates very sinister vibes. God knows what secrets or powers that eye holds, especially attached to a body like Phos's.

This won't end well... I just hope Sensei pretends to not care and actually has some kind of plan which is already in play.

There is only one funny screenshot I can share. That speaks volumes about the direction the series has taken, huh?
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Then go fuck yourself.
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I can't say it makes fully sense im my view for the gems to join Phos. Yes, Phos's manipulation wasn't half bad, I give him that. However, the gems still acted very naive. Dia's reasoning (it can't even be called as such) for example was extremely foolish. But maybe that is how the gems are, naive and foolish?

It saddened me a lot to see the likes of Rutile and the others crack at such a degree after they realized their loss. That made me quite angry at Phos and the others. I'm still suspicious at Sensei and his story. But I'm way more suspicious about everything Aechmea tells us. Currently, I have no idea whom to trust. But I appreciated that the gems on the land sticked to Sensei, whether it was due to the substance he emanates or not. He took care of the gems for all these years while the Moon People did the complete opposite. Sure, I feel pity for the Moon People if I consider their story to be true. I know where they are coming from, since I personally don't consider eternal life to be something great. Nevertheless, their actions are still wrong.

Chapter 67 gave me the rest, literally. Antarc impossible to bring back... as if this information wasn't enough, Aechmea gives Cairn a mental breakdown and again I don't know whether Aechmea tells the truth or just manipulates everyone.

I just want to see our gems live a happy life, but the fucking series refuses it over and over again. I didn't sign up for this level of feels.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Caught up. It took me a little bit longer than planned, but I did it. The series just sucked me in. Now I am sleepy as fuck and need to hibernate. :lmao

I will try to make it short. The series is great, there are lots of heartbraking feels, and the events divide the minds as you don't know which side or character to root for. There are also a couple of things I didn't like. Should I start with them? It's not much anyway. First off, I absolutely despise the creepy relationship between Aechmea and Cairn. The big issue for me is the amount of screentime they receive, it is way too much for my taste. I actually don't have an issue with Cairn - who was an incredible and lovely character - becoming such an annoyance but dear god... reduce his screentime ffs.

The other part I don't like is the continuous meltdown of Phos's character. It is similar to Ken Kaneki and I also didn't like it back in Tokyo Ghoul. There is a point where I think it is enough already. Not because I dislike the development of these characters, no. But I think the message the author wants to deliver has already found its recipients. There is no need to overdo it. In my case, the emotional impact doesn't intensify with such repeated (and unnecessary) methods, it decreases. Tokyo Ghoul - however - is way, way worse than HnK in that regard.

Everything else is top notch. Phos's state seriously breaks my heart, but I still root for the gems on earth. Phos had this coming to him, even if it wasn't 100% his fault. All things considered, I can understand why the gems on earth behave the way they do towards Phos. Of course no one is innocent at this stage, they all have their cross to bear in the end.

By the way: I hope Bortz stomps the shit out of Dia. Just what the actual f* is wrong with Dia? :fail


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Well for me I always thought that was the agate that came form the admirabilis, that just how much of a mess phos is.

Anways welcome to the hate club of aechmea and cairn, everyone hate it here, just pure pain when a chapter get waste on them, it's okay when they separate but when they together.. I just can't handle it (and most of the fandom)

Interesting, honestly for me, I'm rooting for no one, I only wish for phos happiness (and that's ...almost impossible now)
I understand where phos coming form, he just done form everything and everyone
I think the earth gems had it coming, they were the ones who created such a monster, by putting him in a box with no sun (basically means he lose his personality slowly) when he just wanted to talk and came with nothing
Aechmea now merely using that opportunity by milking that isolated depressed phos.

Phos really really need someone to talk sense into him and hug him, comfort him but everyone is just pushing him away and abandoning him but padpa that is in comma now..again

...also dia need to solve her inferiority complex

Anways here some animation that you should see (will post fanart later cuz I'm lazy now)

Btw syx you should visit the manga thread for HnK, posted there long ago the illustrations that the author made with the last volume.
(Also could be better to talk there )
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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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This time it's really going to happen Asa :zomg

Very glad to see Pokelabo will handle this directly now instead of Nexon. There must've been some big shit going on behind the scenes for them to outright cancel the contract they had. I dunno how Pokelabo will handle it ofc, but at least I feel they won't fuck up as hard as Nexon did.

Also they announced the Automata and Replicant collab basically running back to back, I guess they know how to attract the fans :XD Not sure if I'm ready for a second gacha/phone game besides FGO, but I'll definitely check it out at least.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
This time it's really going to happen Asa :zomg

Very glad to see Pokelabo will handle this directly now instead of Nexon. There must've been some big shit going on behind the scenes for them to outright cancel the contract they had. I dunno how Pokelabo will handle it ofc, but at least I feel they won't fuck up as hard as Nexon did.

Also they announced the Automata and Replicant collab basically running back to back, I guess they know how to attract the fans :XD Not sure if I'm ready for a second gacha/phone game besides FGO, but I'll definitely check it out at least.
Don't it I now really need a new phone for space, magireco taking all of it
Yea definitely glad it's not nexon that is doing it
Tho don't know much about pokelabo, time to look at their history...hope they a good company
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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Just wanted to say Hiiiiii for giving me 10 of your points, sweetie. Senpai is my one and only, but I'll make an exception for you only this once and grace you with my visit~

Have you seen the latest drawing of myself at the exhibit? Definitely not enough BB-chan there, but I'll forgive them this one time. I've personally made a picture as a present for my biggest fan :blai

Am I not just the hottest Kouhai you've ever seen? Sometimes I even surprise myself, teehee.

But I need to go back to my Senpai now... oh right, there's also that stupid, annoying Top 10 stuff going on, right? Sigh, okay okay, I'm feeling nice today, so I'll prepare a little something just for you and the others who gave me some of their precious points. See you there~ Much love and kisses only for Senpai!
