Chapter 96 - Just Seeking a Piece of Happiness | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 96 - Just Seeking a Piece of Happiness


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Chapter 96 - Just Seeking a Piece of Happiness

Well, my chapters always turn out to be not as long as I expected them to be when I am busy. I hope you enjoy it though.

Whitecaps were playing with a little, clapped-out boat which was buffeted by waves and struggled through them in a battle which the cockleshell would never win. A storm evoked by Poseidon himself rattled at the sails which were grey-washed by rain and tempest. The exorcist and former leader had to put all his effort in persevering and his fingernails bored into the wet wood but his hands were stiff due to the assiduous wind, his fingers blue beaten by merciless coldness.
Lione tried to take a look at the map but the continuous rain complicated this procedure. The more he tried to recognize any lines on the soaked piece of paper, the more he thought about ceasing. Due to Anlen's terrible scribble, Lione conflicted with the rage of the sea and was situated in the middle of nowhere. The exorcist was at the edge of giving up, Boston would never appear at the horizon but kept hidden beyond it, somewhere where Lione could never spot and find it. At least he thought so.
The small boat was in danger of sinking, being buffeted by one wave after another. Lione's cursing kept unheard, swallowed by the noise of the sea.
Dusk set like a shadow on the pirate's temper, not willed to disappear until the last stars died out and all spots on the world map were populated. Sitting on a wooden box and an empty bottle of once tempting liquor sneering at her, Anlen stared absent-minded at the horizon. No wind, no blow, no breeze.

Deathly silence.

Yet, an incontrovertible, lurking presence was situated behind Anlen. It loomed far into the sky, a huge black tower alike and not less sinister. The bright number at the peak cruelly stared at the girl, kept the eye glued to her and longed for her like a greedy vulture. And so rain began to patter onto the ground, echoing like an orchestra when trickling on the bottle's surface. Yet, Anlen did not move, neither forward nor backward. She allowed the rain to soak her filthy, ripped coat which had lost every pride it once had owned. No wealthiness, no glory was reflected in the pirate's eyes. Reality nagged at her. How long could she continue to live like this? Sometimes, Anlen wondered why she voluntarily got involved with others when losing dear persons was so painful. She sighed, closed her eyes for a moment and was surrounded by pitch-black darkness and the monotonously drumming of the rain.
The Noah feared and loved the darkness. Darkness came in handy when the pirates' most loved habit came in use: Boarding an enemy ship. Waiting for it in the darkness, then boarding it while the opponent was too surprised to act, achieved a wonderful feeling within her. But on the other hand, darkness was like the lurking crow, hidden on the clouded peak of a bell tower which rang and signified that one's last minutes on earth have been broken. It reminded Anlen of the silent and lonely moment after the rope had tightened around her neck. She shook her body in order to get rid of this unlovely memory.
When Anlen opened her eyes, Lione still could not be spotted anywhere. He did not appear on the horizon as the pirate had already expected it 4 days ago. If he had followed her plan, Lione would have arrived in Boston several days ago.
Another sigh escaped her lung and Anlen did not get out of noticing that her breath was terrifying cold. She slightly turned around just to see that the sinister door, which sent chills down her spine, still did not disappear. He was staring at her, the Earl was observing her for 4 entire days ever since she had set foot in Boston. Distrust and fear caused Anlen to be sleepless. The Noah was used to such conditions yet 4 days were too much of a good thing, it was overkill.
However, fright was not the only emotion that kept her sleepless. Worry and sadness corroded her nerves and reminded her of a time almost 200 years ago when he had passed away. A dark and wet hut close to the sea, an illness and merciless people. Leaving two dear persons behind. He...

Pursuit of happiness.

"I have to be strong", Anlen thought, lapsing into a slight laughter. "Who else is supposed to bear the burden of a cursed family?"
With this attitude in mind, she tried to cheer up a little and take courage. "I won't lose to you, Lione Parcoeur!"
When the Noah jumped from the wooden box from where she had observed the orange-washed horizon, and turned around, she faced the door that led to the Ark where her always grinning master was awaiting her. With courage in her mind, the door seemed to have lost some of its fearsomeness and so Anlen entered the way of destiny.
Simultaneously, a strong blast of air rattled at the empty, abandoned bottle. Forgotten and deceived, it staggered, fell and shattered.
Flames, Blade, Belle, Stephanie and Daniel rushed towards the ship that was supposed to escort them to Washington D.C., the location of their new and hopefully safe HQ. Laden with bags and suitcases which were filled with clothes and other stuff until no space was left and sleeves and socks were looking out of the bag's chinks, three exorcists, one Bookman and a new supporter cut along the cobbled street towards the port where the ship had been put in. They completely ignored the odd and stunned looks of some passersby because the members of the Black Order had enough worries with reaching the ship just in time. Flames as eldest and most experienced member was leading the group, Stephanie and Blade brought up the rear, Daniel and Belle in between.
"Shall I carry your suitcase, dear", Blade asked gasping and took a look at Stephanie who was running next to him, a black and a brown suitcase jammed under her arms.
"You want us to miss the ship?! No, thanks. I can carry them on my own. Take care of your own ones", Stephanie responded without looking at Blade, her look bound forward where the port was situated. Simultaneously, a sock broke loose, leaked from the suitcase's grasp, flew into Blade's face thus covering his eyes.
"As I said, take care of your belongings", Stephanie said when they rushed around a corner, the port and the huge ship in sight by now.
"No slacking, guys and gals! We have to reach a ship or our 'dear leader' Zane will behead us", Flames shouted and led the group downhill. They had reached the main street which would directly guide them to the port, the place of depart and arrival. However, the church which served as former HQ was abandoned, for now and forever.
"Why are you my punishment?", Anlen asked rather shouting.
"Why are you my punishment?", Amaterasu talked back, not less irritated.
"No, why are you my punishment?!"
"Why are you my punishment?!!!"
"Why are... aaaaaaaaaaaw, SHUT UP!!!!!", Anlen screamed.
"Ehm, Captain... there's a-"

Anlen's outrage caused the crew and even her brother to be silent and to keep a safety clearance. The cupreous spyglass quivered in her hand, having to bear Anlen's anger which dwindled into enormous strength that was directly led into her fist. The sun that smiled upon them and the almost cloud-free sky did not ease her temper which was comparable to a cyclone. Amaterasu could not believe why he had to serve on her ship when he looked at Anlen who was just kicking away a wooden bucket filled with dirty water and was reaming a sailor out who almost seemed to get a heart-attack because he feared the captain's rage. "If she does not stop", Amaterasu thought, "he will jump from board voluntarily."

It did not matter where Anlen was walking, a vexed with foam and flawed wooden floor was left behind. Withering wood followed every step she took. It seemed as if with anger increasing, the pirate ship lost its beauty and became more and more fearsome and rotten, turning into a real ghost ship. It was just a matter of time until the crew would turn into wandering souls, bound to a captain's order for eternity.
Her steps led Anlen to the railing where she tried to ease her anger by looking at the vast horizon and think of something else. A black bug suddenly dropped out of her green hair. An immediate reaction arose and the bug was crushed by the palm of Anlen's hand and quickly disappeared into her mouth. Amaterasu stared with a disgusted facial expression at his sister and listened to the cracking and crunching sound of a chewed up bug. The Noah was sure that the sudden desire to throw up did not come from the constant swaying of the ship but from Anlen's strange and not less disgusting habit to eat everything that had more than two legs. But neither the ad infinitum extending horizon nor the "tasty" bug eased Anlen's rage. Amaterasu was just about to take a nap in Anlen's cabin and wanted to forget about the just seen, when the sailor who had been disturbed by Anlen's outrage a short while ago passed him and attracted attention. On second thought, Amaterasu guessed that the issue could become quite funny. He wondered how long the sailor would survive when his sister gave full scope to her rage, thus he looked for some brave sailors who might be man enough to make a bet.
"I have to destroy something, I want to board and sack something. I need a-", Anlen muttered when the sailor Amaterasu was observing cut in.
"...ship. There's a ship. Starboard side , captain."
Anlen immediately turned around, tried to look through the spyglass when she realized that the glass was broken due to her uncontrollable temper tantrum. Cracks covered the glass, drawing through it like a cobweb and displayed the sea like through a kaleidoscope.
"Aye, not even the equipment can come up with discipline", Anlen complained and threw the spyglass into the deep water and it vanished from human eyes.
With a self-confident smile, the female Noah turned around, adjusted her black hat and approached the helm. Passing by some sailors, she whispered to them, ordering to dive under. Amaterasu looked kind of puzzled when the crew, Akuma and Southerner, smiled from one ear to the other just as Anlen was doing it and not less mischievous. They reefed sails and prepared for the cold and icy plunge when the keel sagged and waves were conquering the deck. Amaterasu who had not the slightest idea what was going on, tried to grip a rope but it was already too late and a wave of pressing water overmastered him.
The exorcists were glad that they had reached the ship just in time. They had entered the huge white vehicle exhausted and breathless yet happy.
While Daniel was just looking for the captain in order to ask where the group would stay and sleep, Flames, Belle, Blade and Stephanie were viewing the magnificent deck. A huge pool, deck-chairs and a bar were covering the brightly polished floor and one waiter after another scurried and passed by.
"A dream", Belle said and approached the railing. She wanted to take a look at the clear blue water, maybe she would spot a dolphin or another wonderful creature of the sea. But the girl could not see any animal, instead a shadow seemed to come closer from second to second. A tremor quaked and caused the four of them to shrink back.
A fountain of water splattered and a wave swept over the deck when a huge, black sailed pirate ship was born of the sea's abysm and caused the pure white ship to sway around, suffering from the sinister mass of water that debouched over the deck.
Stephanie rubbed her eyes, water had blurred her sight. Through the curtain of drops, Flames, Stephanie, Blade and Belle were able to spot a girl with a blowing black coat standing on the steely railing that crumbled and rusted beneath her feet. A silvery gun was pointed at the exorcists.
"Aye, this ship is ours now", Anlen said confidently of victory. "All clear?!"
The Noah just wanted to pull the trigger when she stopped all of sudden. Her eyes widened, Anlen recognized Belle right in front of her. The timing could not be worse when Amaterasu appeared next to the pirate, a bunch of Akuma right behind him, prepared to shoot.

"Noah! Akuma!", Stephanie, Blade and Flames shouted simultaneously.
"Stephanie, dear", Amaterasu said in a sickly sweet way.
"Awesome", Anlen responded with an ironical voice and let her look wander around. "Exorcists."
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
great chapter as always ^^

so Blade, Steph and the others have already been in the European HQ to check their innocense?
I'm a bit confused....


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
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United States

IA and Anlen made me laugh out loud. xDDD They're a comeidac pair, eh? And, more battle! =3 The NA branch has way suckish luck.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
great chapter as always ^^

so Blade, Steph and the others have already been in the European HQ to check their innocense?
I'm a bit confused....
I think that Blade, Stephanie and the others are traveling to Washington D.C. first and then continue their travel to Europe. I think that they will make a short halt in Washington before they continue their journey.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
magier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great chapter as always!

so are the ships at sea or are they still at port? i was given the impression that flames, blade, belle, and stephanie were heading to europe but that's okay; they have to vattle their way to their destination.

anlen and amaterasu's interaction was pure <3 though i'm sure they'll find a way to get along. guess i'll have to set up the battles for the next chapter which i hope shall be exciting. it might be a long chapter...


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
They are already on the sea and will take a little stop at Washington because the ship is driving this way. Boston->Washington->Europe

But you can leave the stop in Washington D.C. out. Maybe they have to deliver something first before they can continue their journey. Maybe Zane forgot something and they have to bring it to him. Who knows ^^