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The Character Thread


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Jun 30, 2006
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List of important Characters of DGM Fanstory

Black Order:

Name: Belle/Belial
Age: 16
Nationality: unknown
Appearance: slender, short mauve (some kind of purple ^^) hair, red eyes, black puritan style-cloth combined with a short skirt
Character: a shy girl, totally devoted to Jacques, she hates to kill but loves to dance and sing
Innocent type (yes she is the second one with altered innocense): equipment
Weapon: Black Baton
Power: fire manipulation, she can move fire according to the movements of her baton, she mainly uses it to suffocate her enemies by bourning the oxigen in the sourrounding air of her opponent.

history: she was born as an orphan but fled the ophanage to become a opera singer in europe... but like most of girls with dreams she ended up broke in a harbour-town where Jaques found her and quickly saw she is a compatible. after Lucifer fled and Raphael died Jacques decided to give her her innocense and make her the new guardian angel.
Her role in the cult is to sing after the daily sermons

Hair:Brown and short
Height:Same height with Kanda
Likes:Food,training and strong opponents
Dislikes:Badly cook food,annoying people,and noisy people
Innocence:A katana which has four elements embed into it.When the user whishes
to use the fire element the sword will immediately become a fire sword

Age: 15
Appearance: Has hazel eyes, freckled skin, and ginger-colored hair; i believe that the right side of his face is scarred now
Personality: Brave, determined, & adventurous, but shy around new people
Origin: New Grove East in North America
Occupation: Finder Exorcist
Weapon: revolver (you have to go to the skills thread to find out more info)
Name: Edward Brown
Age: 19
Job: Finder
Weapon: Kunai
Fighting Style: Constanly moving, striking form odd angles, confusing opponents
Personality: Protective, not emo or anything like that, a upbeat guyquick witty smart, lieks to be early for things, doesn't like making sacrificies or compromises, a bit of a perfectionist
Apperance: Brown hair, spiked in the back; longer bangs. Tall guy, on the skinny side. Same stunning blue eyes as Tabby
History: Joined the order at 16 based on his desire to protect as much as possible.
Name: Enpitsu 'Eny' Vachir

Age: 10

Job: Book(wo)man

Appearence: Eny is small, as most her age are, and has average length brown hair. She wears pinks and light blues, loving childish colors despite her disdain of being treated like a child. Also, Eny has a black cat, Fermium, called Fermy, who she is never seen without.

Personality: Let's be blunt. Eny is a stuck-up, obnoxious brat. Eny is a certified genius with an IQ off the charts, and this causes her to place herself much higher then others. She's a bit selfish and has a habit of ticking off everyone around her. She has her own intrests at heart, and is willing to step over even her best friend to achive her goals. Eny is also a huge boaster and automatically thinks everyone around her are complete morons. Eny is, however, a child, and has not experienced life's pain. Other people's losses just make her 'sick of their whining'. She only shows compassion to her father, a timid man with a desk job named Erik, and Fermy. Eny is also still learning about people and social situations, and is easily swayed. However, Eny does like her job and is good at it.

History: Eny, unlike many of the Black Order, does not have a tragic childhood. In fact, her life before the Black Order was what many would call relatively normal. Her father was a younger man working the Black Order and her mother was a normal young woman. Eny grew up in the Black Order, knowing the lingo, the jobs, the ways for as long as she can remember. And with her genius, soon she was doing jobs people asked her to do, and by 8 she was an officail member. Eny has only recently become the youngest bookman ever.

Abilites: Eny has come the closest anyone has ever come to replicating Innocence. Her Copy-Innocence can merely stun the Akuma for several minutes to an hour. It is messes up sometimes, though. It takes the form of a large gun.


HAir- Black, He wears his hair in a long braid
Age- 24
Eyes - Brown
Description- He has two horizontal war stripes on his right cheek and an earring on his left ear that hangs down on a small chain and has a smal feather on it. His Exorcist uniform is pretty regular. He had wide shoulders, and he has strong facial features. Oh yea he is tall.

name: irvine (fake surname: coast)

age: 17

job: exorcist (just found his innocence 3 mths ago!)

innocence (equipment) : dual revolvers (palm sized)
does not include ammunition (can be added externally though)
currently discovered ability is "roulette", which randomly changes the form of the revolvers into another weapon/s / objects...

characteristic: nonchalant & easy-going, which makes him quite a fool, for real (for a guy his age...)
can be described as an "extremely lucky" fellow, and this somehow helps him out of dire situations
*hey, hey! luck is a form of strength too, ya' know?*
(note: his "luck" only performs when he is in a live-or-die crisis)

history: for the last 5 years, he claims to be travelling, searching for the remenants of an organization which murdered his family, making him the sole survivor of his clan's skirmish.
he is clearly slacking and used that reason just as an excuse to escape from the "education-to-avenge-your-clan" by a loyal servent who brought him up since the incident.

its was said that he seemed to be (humorously) threaten to be involved in the exorcist business...
Name: legno (among friends you can call him koenosaki )
Innocence: n/a
Place: Western-Europe (Belgium)
History: maybe I'll make this later on in the story with a background story
Description: He is tall and an atlethic build guy. He wears a typical excorsist costum but with a cap on his head. He always walks with a wooden stick. Not that he is phsysical handicapee, just walking with it because it's simple for him. Easygoing guy, always prepared for a joke, he'll try to see always the positive. Fighting will only be fighting out of necessity (he believes in excorsits and their strenght), though when Noah are around he is certainly is prepared to fight because he has a hatred feeling towards them. How does he fight, simply he uses his stick that is strangely as strong as a katana. He fights on different ways, fighting like a swordsman, turning around with his stick to create a strong wind,... Legno has different ways of fighting.

Name: Lyra Winslet
Age: 20
Preferred Name: N/A
Origin: Morocco (she is French descent; her family immigrated to the country)
Appearance: She is 5'6" (1.6764 m). She has brown (with a tint of green) eyes and shoulder-length caramel brown hair which is French-braided with a few loose strands in the front. Her clothing style is Bohemian (I will draw later when I find the "perfect" outfit; she can easily move around in her uniform) and she wears colorful bangles.
Personality: She is like a big sister who enjoys taking care of others and is optimistic and perky. Lyra is easygoing and takes criticism & insults with great stride. However, she does not like to be pressured. She also has a very sarcastic sense of humor by giving everyone including the Noahs' nicknames much to the annoyance of everyone else because they are in a mocking manner (e.g. To Lione, "Hello, Angsty Cripple!"). Whenever she is confronted by a Noah, she would insult him or her, which would cause everyone else to sweatdrop and get pissed off at her.
Innocence Type: Equipment
Weapon: Bladed staff which is used like a mace; it is similar to Lavi - it can shrink into a dagger and she can extend it as well
Innocence Power: She can send out bolts of energy to defend herself; she can also use these energy bolts to create energy fields that would damage opponents (similar to Tear from Tales of the Abyss) since this does not drain her at all. She can use this skill normally and during external and internal usages.

When used on others (external use): Any exorcists in a 1/2-mile (around 800 meters - her maximum initially) radius (depends on how far she pushes herself) will have their synchro-rate with their Innocence increase (depends on type and their prior synchro rate). However, the bigger the radius, the more exhausted she will become and the duration (starts at 5 minutes with a range of 100 meters) will decrease. She would only use this when she has a large amount of support since it would be useless if she is alone.

When used on herself (internal use): When she uses her Innocence on herself, Lyra will increase her strength, speed, reaction time, etc. However, this is exhausting for her compared to fighting normally. She can do it at most for the time being 5 minutes. If she goes past that time, she would overextend herself; as soon as she deactivated her Innocence, the exhaustion would hit her and she would become very faint, which causes her to pass out a few times not as much since she got used to it.

Her final attacks will be revealed much later. The duration and radius will increase after continuous training.

History: Lyra has come from a large family: she is the oldest of twelve siblings (7 girls and 4 boys). Because of this reason and the fact that she has a hard time remembering names, she would give people nicknames instead to make life easier for herself much to the chagrin of everyone else. Her "stuffy" parents, who are wealthy spice and coffee merchants, pressured her to be a perfect role model for the rest of her siblings so much that she started to rebel by being sarcastic to others. When she found out that she was an Accommodater four years ago after meeting Lione on a trade trip, she leapt at the chance so she can escape from the naggings of her parents. She has some history with Lione since she has trained with him for a little bit.

I already told my sister how she should be introduced. Right now we are thinking of nicknames that are mocking. We only have Lione, Madeline, Eny, Rinvak, Reina, Ying, and Zeran. If you want to think of a nickname for your own character, just post away. :XD

Lione - "Angsty Cripple"
Madeline - "Old Hag" or "Old Maid"
Eny - "Noisy Munchkin"
Rinvak - "Tough Girl Wannabe"
Reina - "Clingy Brat"
Ying - "Mono Robot"
Zeran - "Sleepyhead" or "Narcoleptic" (shorten to "Narki") until he wakes up

Madeline Price
Hair- Auburn
Age- 21
Eyes - Piercing Blue
Description- Under that nun hat thing she has long auburn hair and she is average height. She has gentle features but has a very powerful spirit. The ring is on her left hand and when it isn't activated the jewel is gray.
Renee Epstein

Name: Richard “Maniac” McCullen
Age: 29
Nationality: Irish
Job: Exorcist
Description: Maniac is a tall man and, while he doesn’t look exceptionally strong, his wiry muscle is his greatest asset. His long red hair is held in a ponytail that reaches his midback. His eyes are a very clear blue, and his face still retains some childish freckles. He has tattoos all up his arms, but he usually hides them.
Personality: Maniac is just that: a maniac. Erratic behavior is the one thing everyone who has known him comes to expect. He is usually very frustrated, lashing out at just about everybody. However, Maniac is fiercely loyal, especially to one Renee Epstein. When anyone takes the time to deal with his random mood swings, they’ll realize that Maniac’s real problem is that he is very awkward. He doesn’t quite understand what people take as insults, and sometimes he gets upset over nothing. But when it comes down to it, Maniac would never consider hurting anybody who didn’t really deserve it. He is also especially awkward around children and women who aren’t Renee.
History: For a long while, Maniac lived a normal life in Dublin. He finished schooling, but didn’t go to college, instead opening a metal working shop. For several years, he was a prized metal worker. He married his young wife, Niamh, when he was just nineteen and she seventeen. A year into their marriage, Niamh had a child, a boy, Liam.

At some point after Liam’s birth, a strange metal came to Maniac’s shop. From this, he forged a single ring for himself. After this event, Maniac began to perform feats of amazing strength. This strength was great enough to get him noticed by the Irish mob, and before he knew it, he’d been shanghaied into the mob.

For another several years, Maniac worked with the mob, performing all manner of insane muscle, especially for a person of his build. But, one day, a woman came to their hideout, took out the guards, and pulled Maniac off to join the Black Order, which, at the time, he thought was just another gang.

When he learned to understand his power, Maniac left Ireland without a second thought: like some people would follow their Generals to the ends of the Earth, Maniac would follow Renee Epstein. For ages, Maniac worked at her side- often, the wrong idea was brought up. Maniac and Renee had no romantic feelings for each other- and fought at her side.

And so, it was only natural for, when the time came for Renee to take over the American Branch, Maniac should go too. And that’s where we are now.

Innocence: Maniac’s Innocence takes the shape of a simple ring, a silver band around his right pointer finger. The ability on Maniac’s Innocence is to increase the user’s natural strength up to tenfold its normal capacity. However, for Maniac, to go past four times normal strength is extremely taxing, and to go past six would be downright suicidal. His body can only hold so much of the increased strength at one time and for shorter periods of time each level of strength he goes up.

As such, his more useful ability is the ability to double the strength of another. He needs to lay both hands on their forearms, activate his Innocence, and keep his hands there for two minutes.
Riena D. Greywright

Age: 13 when first introduced 14 when joins the Black Order

Innocence: Zeran's Katana

Job: Currently: ongoing exorcist

Personality & description: a kid living in poverty. She hides her long black hair under a hat so that people won't take pity on her. They have less pity for boys than girls so she dresses up like a boy. She is currently living a street rat's life but she doens't mind. She enjoys stealing and getting food for her and her parents. That is until.... a certain exorcist with a white eye-patch meets her. (hint no it's not a new char)

Name- Sahsa Kuznetsov
Age- 17

Appearance- 6'1, he is in perfect physical condition largely due to the fact that General Sokaro put him through rigorous physical training. He has light brown hair worn similar to L from deathnote. He has green eyes. He wears the standard Black Order form because Sokaro took him to HQ the last time he checked in.

Bio- Sasha was born an orphan in the slums of Russia. He was found in a trash can by a nun who ran an orphanage. their she rasied him along with a few other orphans. Their childhood was harsh as they had very liitle money and their living conditions were horrible. When he was 10 the orphanage was set on fire and burned down. The children were left homeless. A few days later The nun Sister Kozlov suffered a heart attack and died. One of the children was approached by the Earl who was on his way back to Japan. The child agreed to turn the nun into an akuma. Upon creation she attacked the boy and the rest of the children killing all acept Sasha who during the attack activated his innocence for the first time and destroyed her. Sasha fled the city and soon joined up with a band of teenage orphans. He traveled with them and struggled to survive for 4 years. One day in Eastern Russia the survivng teens were attacked by akuma who targeted Sasha's innocence. Sasha using his innocence once again struggled to fend off the level 2 akumas. then out of no where him and the rest of the orphans were rescued by a man wearing a metal mask. The man turned ot to be General Winters Sokaro. He gave the group money and offered to train Sasha. After telling Sasha about innocence and the war Sahsa accepted the mans offer and became his pupil. Sokaro mentored the boy for 3 years and commented that he was his most talented student and that he would indeed become as his name suggested a " defender of mankind". Despite going to HQ and being recongnized as an excorsist he continued to travel with his general. Sokaro sent Sasha to the Black Order branch in North america. Sokaro then left to join the other generals in Hq.

Personality- Sasa is a very kind hearted and likeable boy, as well as a smooth talker. He will go at any lengths to protect his comrades. Despite being mentored by the harsh Sokaro, Sahsa forgives mistakes and is not afraid of making them. He will never leave a comrade behind, and he will always fight to the death to fulfill his duty as an apostle of god.

Combat skills- In addition to being able to use his innocence ,Sasha Is very skilled in martial arts and hand to hand combat.

Innocence type - parasite(havent thought of a name yet)
Description- 3 crosses are embedded on the excorsists left side of their chest and upper rib cage. Once invoked they each take the form of animal face mask
mask1- A dragons head. This mask is able to extend from the users body. It can shoot flames and bite akuma.
Mask2- A bulls head. It functions as a canon that can fire energy
Mask3- A serpent. This mask is used for long range attacks. It can extend from the users body. The mouth and sides of the serpents body are covered with a blade so it functions as a sword type weapon
Name: Sam Parkinson (full name is Samantha)
Age: 27
Appearance: Short boyish silver blonde hair; blue eyes; flat chested; slighty muscular (so she is strong); she wears masculine clothes
Personality: Masculine and very militant-like; Tom-boyish and well-disciplined; strict; head strong; short temper; very determined; very protective of Shawn

As you can tell, the characters are androgynous so everyone will get mixed up when they first meet them; they are related somewhat but hide this fact from everyone to protect themselves. More information about these characters to come.
Name: Shawn O'Neill (it is an androgynous name...)
Age: 8
Appearance: Dark red hair (hair style is like Victoria Beckham); angelic face; seems to have a fragile body; small for his age; he wears a long tunic with a belt, pants, and boots
Personality: Dutiful and very shy; rarely talk to anyone except to his superiors and Sam in a soft whisper (he is a selective mute); effeminate; very loyal; get very violence if someone touch his possession especially his prized ones (his dolls); even though he seems innocence, he gives out a creepy aura. Forgot to mention this, he also has one of the prettiest handwriting so he is Renee's secretary.

He always carries a big briefcase that contains his tools to make handcrafted life-like dolls, which his deceased mom taught him.

Name: Stephanie (but known as snoogen or snooge on this forum )
Origin: North America (USA)
Place: Chicago (sounds more exciting than Ohio)
Weapon: Equipment- Ribbons; Can be used to control Akumas like puppets or shape into weapons (Manipulation)
Symbolism: Not a Noah; therefore no symbolism
Description: Asian? Petite, long hair with a ribbon tied in it; Wears a Vietnamese style tunic/dress with capris underneath (I'll draw it later after my exams are over); physically fit; sprinter but lacking endurance; strategist
Nature: Type A personality; Friendly and loyal to friends but can hold grudges for a long time; Gives death glares to those that annoy her; Can be impatient but will take time to understand people's opinions. Believes that everything will work out in the end.
History: Discovered in Asia but recently transferred to the North American branch to help them with their Akuma problems (hence, why she was late- damn that boat lag). Twin sister died unexpectedly in the past and mother brought her back. As a result, her entire family died while she barely survived the incident. Because of this attack, she has a strong connection to her sister's Akuma (knows where it is) and wishes to destroy it (my sister doesn't like this part but she'll have to deal).

Name: Tabitha Brown (perfers Tabby, or whatever name she feels like this week)
Age: 14
Occupation: Exorcist
Hometown: New England
Personality: Pretty happy-go-lucky. She's only recently become an exoricst, so she hasn't really been exposed to much of the hardships the others have. Seh likes trying new things and going on adventures. She's still pretty immature. Don't take her as a prep though, she likes to stand-out and be crazy. She likes practical jokes. Also, feel free to throw her through an emotional wringer, she could use a bit of a reality check.
Backstory: From a city in New England (Not sure were, prolly Boston though) Her older brother got involved with the Balck Order a few years back, and is currently employed as a finder there. She's been bored woth her life since she was 12 and had been begging her brother to see if he could get her a job at the Black Order too. (Her parents are snoresville, and sorta uptight) He told her she was waaaaaaay to young (and she still is >>), but a couple months after her 14th birthday she went to the Black Order by herself and got tested for compatability. She was found compatable with her innocence. Star Crossed Melody. Her brother isn't happy she's joined my Black Order, 'caise he's a bit protective.
Innocence: Parasitic, Vocal Cords, named Star Crossed Melody. Synch Rate: 59% When not in use, appears as a small cross embeded in her heck. She usually wears a choker to cover it up. When activated, it appears as white cross levitating an inch or so out from her, with the topmost point aligning with the top most point of the cross embeded in her neck. Addtionally a ribbonish thing encircles her neck ((also floating-sorta, in the end, it sorta looks like a floating oversized necklace or something XD I haven't, but I will draw it....soon ><)) Her innocence allows her to throw her voice long distances, or allow only one person to hear it. She can has a limited ability to pursuade akuma to bend to her will, but as her synch rate is a bit on the low side, its pretty limited to disrupting an attack pattern and causing it to abandon a victim in favor of her, but even this would drain a considerable amount of energy, so she doesn't use it much. As her synch rate goes up, this attacks power would increase, evenually allowing her to cause akuma to inciate its selfdestruction sequence and in its ultimate form, convert akuma. But thats waaaaaaay in the future, but I can dream neh? Her last attack is a sort of sonic boom she can cause her voice to produce.
Other Stuffz Hates her 'boring' name, and constantly makes up nicknames for herself and others. Favorite drink is Iced Tea. Luffs kittens~
Appearance: (please excuse the sketch-yness

Name: Ty
Nationality: Jamaican
Innocence: Equiptment type; uses golden bow and arrow
Personality: Ty is a sort of easy-going guy, but has anger management issues when his kids- Ellie and Ewan, age 7, twin Finders- are brought into it. He has a huge soft spot for anyone under 15. He wants to protect the younger Exorcists.
Appearence: Long dreadlocks, dark skin, and brown eyes. He has a quiver of arrows with him at all times. He wears a long Exorcist uniform.
History: Born in Jamaica, he led a normal childhood until he met General Sokaro. The general took him off the Europe at age 14 where it was found that he connect with the Innocence bow and arrow. Ty joined up with the European Branch. He then met his future wife, Jessi, a Bookwoman. Despite the protests of the other Bookmen, they were wed at 20. Three years later, Jessi gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins, Ellie and Ewan. But tragedy struck when Jessi was slain by a member of the Noah family, leaving Ty with two babies and a broken heart. Ty raised his kids alone. At seven, they joined up as Finders- wihout his permission, of course.
name: ying
occupation: bookman cum finder (thats the only supportive+combat unit?)
weapon: ring pendulum & makes do with what can be found on site
description: a short chinese girl often teased about being a small kid. dresses in a modified finder's uniform during office hours & missions. *eh-? the smallest size is too big!?*
a hardworker with 200% drive to reach her goals. stubborn personality and not the best acedemically, but analyzes situations fairly well. curiousity about almost anything, but is never able to master new skills fully. *she's just one of those people who can live in a library...*
able to hold her own against and stall akumas but incapable of destroying them.
ring pendulum is seperated into two components - a ring, and a crest, both attached together by an infinitly long and thin unbreakable sting of unknown origins...
her known abilities are stronger in escaping from battles, infiltration and survival skills, though she survived those battles dished out to her...
her fighting style?? - *its a secret! i don't like people to see me fight *
(yes...any golems sent to investigate were destroyed ><, well, as long as she does her job... )
motto: for people close to me to live in happiness
Zane is blind, and is a stickler for rules, he is deadly serious BUT he loves making people angry when he can use the rules to his advantage. So when he threatens Rin when she wasn't looking he would have smiled. Thats the only thing that i would change, but I don't it would matter cause this is from Rinvaks perspective. Anyway if you do a fight scene with him know that he loves to fight. He might be the first to charge out, but since his pupil Daniel is there he might let him take care of it to see how his training has been.
Kusanagi Zeran:

Age: 17 (will be 18 soon)

Status: MiA (Missing in Action)

Whereabouts: Unknown

Reason for Disppearance: Darkness in right eye took over, new personality gave Jacques of the Noah a confirmed ass-kicking. After the battle, he heavily injured Tabitha and Stephanie due to the uncontrollable amount of lust for blood and death within his right eye. Ran away soon after, when he regained his consiousness...

Most Recent Look: White eye-patch on right eye, hair past shoulders, black metallic arm

Reason for Living: ......................................None

Noah Clan and other opponents:

Name: Anlen (*coughs*a combination of the two parts of my real name*coughs*)
Origin: Noah
Place: Caribbean
Weapon: Gun, sword, fists xD
Symbolism: Trust
Description: Normal sized girl with long, green-white hair. Often wears her pirate's outfit - a dark red coat. Loves rum, games of chance, the sea, money, ships, cheating.
Since she is used to it, she can drink a lot of alcohol before she gets drunk. Furthermore, she likes strong-willed, sincere men. Anlen has some strange eating habits. Does it have something to do with being at sea for a long time?

Gabriel Angen aka Arch-Angel of Niflheim:

Age: 23
Nationality: Polish origin, but born in New Orleans
Describtion: Tall (185 cm) and very thin, blonde hair tight to a Bun, one green and one brown eye
Clothing: manly cloth: trousers, blue shirt and a lether jacket, often wearing a cap

History and character: Was born shortly after her parents emigrated to to the USA, had always been poor and had to fight for everything. She developt a tomboyish character because of this. After her parents died she had to work as a prostitude, thats why she hates men but also hates that she is a women. She met Jaques and soon become one of his closes followers. After he foundd out she is a compatible he taught her how to fight and made her a guardian.

Abilitys: Excellent archer she uses a dark matter rifle capable of freezing everything.

name: Jaques
nationality: french, born near Lille
apearance: tall, thin, black hair with a strikt center parting, likes to wear a priests robe,
is often seen reading the bible
character: intelligent (like most Noahs), sarcastic, talks very politely, oftem makes the Earl angry because he kills the akumas he gets, he really hates akumas because of their origin (he looks down on the weakness the humans fell for, hopelessnes)

powers: "control", he can manipulate human thoughts and has some kind of sekt around him, called "dreamers", his followers fight for him, willing to sacrifice themselfes, he can also control the elements around him (starting fires, telekinesis)

story: before awakening he wanted to be a priest, when he first had dreams about Noahs Memories he was terrefied, because all he thought to be the teachings of god could be a lie. Now as a Noah he has the mission to find and "corrupt" compatibles, making them useless for the order. He used his powers to found the Sekt and teaches about "hope", which can give you the strenght to change your fate. He has three possible compatibles (they were watched by the order and the marshalls new whitch innocence could be theirs) in his sekt using them as his personal guards. He could them to track down their innocence.

Name: Schwindelmagier
Origin: Noah
Place: northern Germany
Weapon: Her eye; She can foresee the attacks of her opponents and a Katana
Symbolism: Regret
Description: Short, fuzzy, black hair. Yellow eyes (cause I am a Noah). Most of the time she wears black gothic-clothes cause she loves black. (Kinda like Rhode's clothes ^_^).
Relatively tall girl. Now, to her nature: She is kinda egoistic, sadistic, loves killing Exorcists. Her fav food is chinese food. When she uses her right eye which can she foresee with, it turns into a deep blue colour (my real eye-colour xD). The only way to beat her is to be faster than she is, but that's really difficult. Her other weapon is a pitch-black katana. Schwindelmagier, called just Magier by the other Noah members, hates human cause she things of all humans equal: Even if they're friendly to you, they just want to betray you afterwards, using you, then throw you away.
This opinion based on her past.
History: Will come later in the story, maybe when I enter the church a second time. At least a little hint is in the description xD.

Name: Marigold
Nationality: British
Age: 20
Hair colour: Brown
Eye color: Green/grey
Body: Tall, thin
Describtion: She ived a normal live and wanted to be a music teacher until she was overhelmed by the Noah inside her. From then she is in a catatonic state and was therefore useles for the earl. She was given in care to Jacques just in case she should one day awaken.

Powers: Telekinesis, gravity control and mind reading

Michael Murphey aka Arch-Angel of Muspelheim:

Age: 30
Nationality: Irish
Describtion: 176cm, muscular, short red hair, green eyes
no special clothing

History and Character: A Gambler and like Gabriel and Raphael a compatible of Innocence. He was always broke and owed a lot people money. One of them tried to kill him but he was saved by Jaques. Now he is in debt by Jaques and swore to protect him.
He's short tempered but very loyal

Abilities: Average sword skills, uses a dark matter blade which creates shadow copies of him to confuse the enemy.

Raphael Schneider aka The Arch-Angel of Midgard

Nationality: German
Descibtion: Tall, athletic, blonde hair
no special clothing

History and character: Born in a rich family he spent most of his youth as a playboy. He always felt empty and without a meaning in life. he met Jaques and this changed his life completely. He left his family and started to fight for Jaques cult.
A deep thinker, very quiet.

Abilitys: Using a dark matter handaxe which creates shockwaves where it hits

Name: Amiti
Preferred Name: Uriel
Ethnicity: Irish
Age: 17 years old
First Appearance: Chapter Forty-Six: And the Puppeteer Pulls His String
Occupation: Bookman, Fourth Guardian of Jacques
Weapons: Two Gauntlets composed of Dark Matter. They can create power blasts and sound waves when slammed against each other or other objects.
Personality: Despite his kind and shy appearance, he is quite manipulative and knows how to get what he wants even if it requires backstabbing. He can switch his personality based on whom he is around. His loyalty is only to Jacques and he is more than willing to do anything for his Noah leader.
History: Raised to become a Bookman like his brother, he became disenchanted with the current state of the world. Even though he did love Ahirim, he hated being in his brother’s shadow. Upon meeting Jacques, this character came to “see the light”, resulting in his brother’s death and his ultimate betrayal of the Order.


Name: Kira Takuto (stole it! HA!)
Preferred name: Lucifel (later Lucifer)
Age: ??? (assumed to be around teens yet... it also seems impossible)
Hair: Long and black. Nothing done to it
Eyes: cold and blue
Height: 6' 3"
Birthday: The 6th day of the 6th month on the 6th hour
Story: Used to be a follower of Jacques, but was never previously mentioned in the story due to his betrayal. Cares about no one but himself. Ruthless, merciless, he will kill anyone who gets in his way. Likes to gamble. He placed a bet using his prized two swords, Muramasa and Masamune. Lost them to a stranger with red hair. Honorable and strong he seems invincible. He hates Jacques but is indifferent to the other Noahs and Jacques' other followers. He also hates all exorcists. This man has been travelling across the continents surviving with his own two hands. Current location: Edo
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MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Hola ^_^
Aaaah, I don't want to post a new character. But I wanted to share some pics I've drawn of myself for this story. Truely, the pics weren't drawn for this fanstory directly, I just draw for fun. So, don't wonder please why on one pic, you can see me in an exorcist coat xD. I just thought:"Noah disguised as Exorcist." And, the random stuff around the characters, like the writings on one pic, please don't care about it xD.

The black strings in the bg, aren't my hair, they kinda look like it but my hair is short, so this wouldn't make sense. Look on the other pic and you will see.

I still have to improve my drawing skills xD.
They aren't as good as I wish them to be :3


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 22, 2006
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Please remove my name from the list. Right now I don't have time for RPs...


Dearly Missed ;__;
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
nice pics schwindelmagier, why not post those in the art forum?

@moondust: done.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks but I think they are not worth to be posted in the art thread xD.
Maybe one can link the pics with my name at the table...maybe ^_^.
Or put a link underneath it or leave it this way xD.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Nice pictures Schwindelmagier! You're such an amazing artist! Now I have the urge to draw :)


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Haha, thanks ^_^. But I am still in the process of improving my artist skills.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
looks really great schwindelmagier! I'll have to improve my sketch a looooot before posting it. :(


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
woo~~ 8D She's freakin awesomeful~ I must draw her sometime. >D *cackles evilly*


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Wohoo *waves with hand* I've finished another art referring to me (Magier) and another Noah-family-member Jaques ^_^.
Here is it, I hope ya like it.

Since I didn't really know as much as I like to know about Jaque's look, this is the result. I hope I hit the priest robe's style. >.<

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Nice picture again! Maybe you should be the official drawer of the board :smile-big

And yes, my avatar is from Nodame Cantabile; I love the live action so much!


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Woo! Fanart for Schwindelmagier~! Her Noah is just too much fun~!!!!!!

hope y'all like it~

[EDIT] Changed the color 'cause Schwindelmagier didn't like the pink. Hope ya like green =3


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the comments on my new art.
To your art, Djmewmew....I like it but it's a little bit too much pink for my taste (I hate pink) xD. Nevertheless a sweet art of Schwindelmagier ^_^, great shadowing and nice greyish skin-colour, and I am glad you like her <3

I will try to draw some more arts for the fanstory, yeah?


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
I was trying to find something to go with the purple and yellow, and pink popped out at me, but I'll go change that. ((I've got a snow day, so I've got nothing better to do~ XD))

[EDIT] I've changed it, so look up!


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Green fits good too <3
the purple looks great (forgot to say that last time) ^__^

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
I'm not that good as a drawer, but here is my pic:



Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Muhahahahha~ Now I can draw your character too snoogen >D


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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a kawaii chinese girl <3 <3
when you post your drawn character, it will immediately fall into Djmewmew's hands xD. But she's a lovely drawer too ^___^

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Well, I am Vietnamese but the styles are quite similar.

I'm quite interested in how djmewmew will draw me... :)


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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I guess my sketch is the worst so far :(
