Recent content by Cyrs | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Cyrs

  1. Discussion Fairy Tail's Strongest Duo

    Natsuto and Sasugray.
  2. Shounen History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi by Matsuena Syun

    Um... I know. That's the point of my comment. I got used to seeing it come out the same time each week, and it's a little sad not seeing it come out.
  3. Shounen History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi by Matsuena Syun

    It's a little sad not seeing HSDK come out today. :(
  4. Shounen Gintama by Sorachi Hideaki

    It's in my top 5 for sure. I think it's not talked about as much because it's not really a battle manga. It's more character-focused and has short arcs. It's different from plot-focused series where there is some clear ending to speculate about, and battle match-ups to argue over. Gintama is...
  5. Shounen History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi by Matsuena Syun

    Hahaha, so true. I found it a little funny how the ending was like, "Hey! Here's this novelist prize, everybody remembers that, right? We're totally not just cramming it in here because we forgot about it for a billion chapters..." Well, whatever, the ending is what it is. I was never a...
  6. Chapter Noblesse Chapter 335 Discussion / 336 Predictions

    Ahhhh, these recent chapters have been really, really nice. A return-to-form for Noblesse, in my opinion. I am far more entertained by character development and humorous interactions than I am by tons of fights. I could read chapters like these all day.
  7. Discussion Post your vague suspicions

    I also strongly suspect that Ymir is Historia's ancestor (grandmother or something), since she cares about her so much. Makes sense that Ymir is nobility, since a titan bowed to someone it thought looked like her. Seems like girls of the nobility have scary powers too, and people think they...
  8. Discussion Post your vague suspicions

    (Just marathon-read the series. Some hazy ideas came to mind, and I had to try to burden someone with reading them. Please post your own, or discuss.) ----- So... it kinda seems like the walls are to keep everyone inside, not keep titans out. Like everyone inside is quarantined. There...
  9. Writing a "get well letter" to Oda by the MH community!(Nurse Oda back to health competition is a go

    Re: Writing a "get well letter" to Oda by the MH community! Oda, you'd better keep making One Piece!! I need my One Piece fix each week. So what I'm saying is that you're basically a drug dealer. Don't you make me kick the habit!!! Don't you dare make me quit the habit!
  10. Chapter Naruto 678 Chapter Discussion / 679 Predictions

    Re: Naruto 678 Spoilers Discussion Hahaha, first thing I thought was "Well.... looks like SOMEONE is going to be preeeeeetty happy about his prediction coming true!" Hahaha. :super
  11. Noblesse 323 Review

    Yep, it'd be nice if a smart character (Tao, anyone?) mentioned that M-21 was experimented on against his will by Crombell. It would at least sow discord inside the Union. Can't they at least say one word? Exactly. Them being useless like this is just a waste of time and chapter space...
  12. Chapter Noblesse Chapter 323 Discussion/324 Prediction

    Well, that was a little predictable... RK3 gets roughed up. M-21 awakens powers. It's not enough. He gets saved by a clan leader. Blah. But it was still pretty funny seeing Gejutel embarrassed!
  13. Chapter Noblesse Chapter 322 Discussion/323 Prediction

    Haha, well I never said I thought it was being done well... unfortunately. It was inevitable that M21's werewolf heart would be focused on. And in principle, I don't mind his character development. But all of your points are totally valid, and I agree with them.
  14. Chapter Noblesse Chapter 322 Discussion/323 Prediction

    I agree, however... I am all for more character development of M21, Tao, and Takeo. I'd like to see them use their teamwork to actually pull something off. Too long have I had to watch them be totally helpless, and be the whipping boys used to show the strength of the next bad guy. It's...
  15. Chapter Noblesse Chapter 321 Discussion/322 Prediction

    Hmm, I guess I didn't have a problem with this chapter like others did. - The Lord decided to let the elders go because Karias asked to fight them again. - The Union thought the Lord was weak because she was young, inexperienced, and possibly because they knew she didn't have a complete soul...