Recent content by opssmk | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by opssmk

  1. Manga Coloring of the Week #8 (Amateur)

    yes sill~... u done it man... congrats :p
  2. Sado's Arm of Destruction Coloured

    yeah since seein it in the manga i have always thought that it would be white.... awesome once again sill~.....<<< my fav pic of urs to date i think... ^___^ shub~dem
  3. Noitora

    O_O it has scared me..... i feel to play resident evil now for some reason... u should do more...? why u dont do more...?..... and dont try say ur busy...... XD
  4. M7 Color Contributions

    Re: 2 colours~........ kinda made into a wallpaper XD lol yes u have an awesome taste then... first samurai champloo then the awesome~ness that is urahara and yoruichi..... my sig is another of my colours from chapter 191.... that will be released under Isane in about 2 weeks i think .... so...
  5. M7 Color Contributions

    Re: 2 colours~........ kinda made into a wallpaper XD why thank u ..... errmmm my latest colouring (which are still old T_T) can be found here.... but that hasnt been updated in some time....but when i do more i'll update it ....probably... thanks again also samurai...
  6. M7 Color Contributions

    ooo nice kizuna.... ;p
  7. chad + yeah...* spoilers*.....

    a colour....... i wish i could use adobe properly ...i would change ishida's bow....but alas....meh o yeah.... thanks to fabulous cleans of binktopia......the "guys" are the smex... opssmk
  8. Chapter Old Air Gear Discussion/Predictions Threads

    Re: Air Gear 86-92 translations, for reading only! woah.... i just found this thread.... absolutely great work wormz~ thanks for the translations... =O ... heh wats up miyagi~....its weird to see u here....... for some reason.... i dont know why.....o_O *hmmmm.... notes to some...
  9. M7 Color Contributions

    nice colourings everyone... ^_^ i want a nice urahara (minus the one in my sig) picture to colour...... i always seem to be colouring ulquiorra....T_T
  10. Ch 239 Chad - Ichigo color spread

    yo dude~ that is not bad.... really nice keep it up
  11. Ch184 - p 12 [ Ichigo's fear]

    hiroko's face and upper torso make this colouring for me........ lv the style of it.. nice
  12. ulquiorra and yami colour

    thanks dude.... well i updated the colour....he was tooooo dark and the updated ulqui version is here.... >>>>>>
  13. ulquiorra and yami colour

    haha thanks boff~man and veni~777 <<<<<<<< ^_______^
  14. ulquiorra and yami colour

    thanks everyones ^_^ anyway yep i need to change alot of things...but i cant be bothered right now... yep eileen i coloured it <<<< ;p
  15. ulquiorra and yami colour

    colour i did... i posted on NF so i posted here... :eyeroll C&C welcomed <<< thanks *EDIT* UPDATED VERSION