Recent content by Reinhard_Lohengramm | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by Reinhard_Lohengramm

  1. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 512 Spoilers & Discussions

    Tbh, Sasuke being a massive edge lord made sense with me because of his traumatic experience, being told that he needs to grow strong, no matter what. I have seen people irl act like complete assholes over way less. His edginess started growing annoying AFTER itachi dies and the truth is...
  2. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 512 Spoilers & Discussions

    This is the equivalent of turning on the exp share in Pokemon, lmao. Koon and Rak recieving their proper levels up too.
  3. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 512 Spoilers & Discussions

    Mein Gött, SIU shoved both Koon and Rak in there just to power them up and keep them relevant, lmao.
  4. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 512 Spoilers & Discussions

    No, Baam was MUCH, MUCH stronger than White. SIU just loves to blue ball us with that sweet ending we would have liked (Baam fully absorbing White's power). This post is the best example of SIU creates in his fandom. No one has faith in Baam and I blame no one for thinking like this, lmfao.
  5. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    No, Cinera, no. Don't defend the undefendable. Why do you like something I don't????? Jk, I see. I had forgotten that detail.
  6. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    Maybe, maybe not. But right now? This wasn't the time nor the place to do so. "B-But the weapons were introduced beforehand!", someone would mutter. The validity of these weapons and their introduction of the plot is not what's bothersome, it's the precise timing and how unnecessary it feels...
  7. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    Sincerely, the whole chapter is redundant. The spear could have been introduced way back then, specially the little catch of "100% accuracy". I understand SIU wants to explore more the capabilities of the ancient ones, but right now? JUST NOW? IN THIS FIGHT HE IS BEEN BUILDING UP FOR MONTHS...
  8. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    I guess it must be partially due that. I don't hate White as a character, he is done his role as an antagonist well because I just want someone to kick his shit in. He is done what he is supposed to do. The only way for White to reach the 100th Floor is by Baam's side, which is impossible by...
  9. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    This has the same energy as "noooo!! You can't kill this genocider, because you'd be JUST LIKE HIM".
  10. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    Now that I have read the spoilers, it's less "SIU is planning to let White live" and more like "SIU, for some reason, wants Rank and AA to help Baam in taking down White when he clearly didn't need their help". Annoying, but considerably less than extending White's time. The whole "100%...
  11. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    I don't understand people's obsesion with redemption arcs for villains. We have seen White's backstory for time and time again, he is an unredeemable piece of shit that has murdered millions upon millions of people, played with their lives and made fun of them, he murdered two of Baam's dearest...
  12. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    This is a horrible example. Popularity doesn't determine quality or depthness. Dragon Ball is far from being deep, nor tries to, but is popular because it does well what it tries to do (big flashy fights between two jacked up dudes). Tower of God, as a story, and SIU, as a writer, are very...
  13. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 511 Spoilers & Discussion

    Wait, wait, wait. What's this about White vs Baam not being finished? Like...why? What's the freakin' purpose, m8?
  14. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 510 Spoilers & Discussion

    Zahard: "man, wtf is wrong with this woman" It's kind of crazy how Baam has caught up and surpassed White with only one thorn ignited. Imagine if he were to ignite the other and get his hands on the third one, lmao.
  15. Chapter Tower of God Chapter 510 Spoilers & Discussion

    Even more hilarious is that White alone caused all this to himself. Baam wasn't concerned with fighting White. Heck, the latter didn't even register as a threat until he made Baam snap. White, you silly goose. You don't go against a MC!