Recent content by souske | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by souske

  1. souske

    Chapter Magi 351 Discussion/ 352 Predictions

    Shit finally hit the fan can't wait to see how this battle plays out. And does anyone know if that's the full raw out or just some. It feels like I'm missing pages
  2. souske

    Chapter Magi 344 Discussion/ 345 Predictions

    If hyped to see what David has planned out, I think he might be final villain. Elder David ftw!
  3. souske

    Chapter Magi 340 Discussion/ 341 Predictions

    Yeah these speeches are getting repetitive for me but I'm not complaing just waiting for David and Arba to start making moves. And I hope we dont go down some talk no jutsu route with Sinbad that would be horrible
  4. souske

    Chapter Magi 335 Discussion/ 336 Predictions

    I'm so hype for this final fight! But fighting all 7 djinss and its just the four of them seems tough, seeing all their hopes and dreams last chapter made me want to see all of them survive... And I don't like thus development with Arba but I'll just wait until more info is revealed about the...
  5. souske

    Info Magi Volume Cover and Official Art Thread

    That Yunan cover is perfect! And the back with Sinbad!! Magi has the best volume covers I've seen
  6. souske

    Chapter Magi 330 Discussion/ 331 Predictions

    You're being too harsh lol NOTHING is worse than Naruto final arc, except for bleach's.
  7. souske

    Chapter Magi 330 Discussion/ 331 Predictions

    I thought it would be Sinbad vs The world but I never thought things would be reversed. I'm liking these turn of events, I'm interested to see how Aladdin and alibaba oppose Sinbad and the rest of the world.
  8. souske

    Discussion Morgiana... *sigh*

    It's funny how people's opinions can change over time, I like Alimor now tbh.
  9. souske

    Chapter Magi 329 Discussion/ 330 Prdictions

    Crazy chapter, if Sinbad has Solomon's wisdom it's GG for Aladdin and co. Unless Solomon or Ugo give him one last power up.
  10. souske

    Chapter Magi 328 Discussion/ 329 Predictions

    I think this is the first time we've seen Aladdin this mad, but tbh he just doesn't look right . Ohtaka could've done a much better job at illustrating Aladdin's rage and anger.
  11. souske

    Chapter Magi 327 Discussion/ 328 Predictions

    I liked the Alimor part it was hilarious and as others said alibaba is probably being controlled but Mor and Aladdin are unfazed by Sinbad.
  12. souske

    Chapter Magi 327 Discussion/ 328 Predictions

    Sinbad on some god status, living up to the hype. I don't think Sin had anything to do with Alimor breakup, probably just ohtaka trolling alibaba again.
  13. souske

    Chapter Magi 326 Discussion/ 327 Predictions

    I like your enthusiasm lol
  14. souske

    Chapter Magi 325 Discussion/ 326 Predictions Sense scans are out
  15. souske

    Chapter Magi 326 Discussion/ 327 Predictions

    What if the third person controlled by Zepar was Yunan? He was acting weird while talking with Aladdin.