Recent content by zum | MangaHelpers

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Recent content by zum

  1. Discussion Fighters you think would have lost against a different fighter

    pretty sure thor could destroy all of london with his swings alone seeing as how he one shot the world serpent
  2. Discussion Fighters you think would have lost against a different fighter

    i do agree that zeus is without a doubt the strongest god, also it was stated in the japanese text that "Adam was originally a copy of the gods... Therefore he can copy any technique of the gods he lays eyes upon" not humans, gods so if he was put up against lu bu, kojiro, jack etc etc humans...
  3. Discussion Fighters you think would have lost against a different fighter

    adam gets destroyed by thor, poseidon, kojiro, jack(with london) and buddha not to mention lu bu why thor? i honestly think adam is even, lu bu stomps, kojiro beats and jack is a time limit if they fought zero
  4. Predictions Upcoming Battle Predictions

    beelz vs kintoki( the demonic lord of the flies vs the child that kills demons) loki vs okita(the battle of the blood thirsty youths) apollo vs nostradamus(the cocky god of the sun,medicine and literature vs a humble astrologist, plague doctor and author) hades(brought in to replace buddhas...