Life - 25 or 50 Things About Yourself... | Page 23 | MangaHelpers

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Life 25 or 50 Things About Yourself...


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Russian Federation
1. I’m a Jew

2. I wear glasses

3. I would use a Death Note in RL if it would exist

4. I decided to write these 50 things, after reading kdowns’s post

5. I like Saladesu (trap entry for benelori, blai, and M3J :teehee)

6. I admit being a tad butthurt after reading kevin’s 42nd fact and not seeing my name in it

7. Counter-wise, I believe that out of all the people I know on MH, the ones who give me the most sympathy right now, would be Kdowns, Naomidee, Charlie, benelori, riki, goldb, Adorien and BBB Banana

8. BBB ended up in that list only because of good ol’ time’s sake.

9. I am rather sad, that I can’t include people like Evil3ye, Imperium or M3J in fact No.7

10. I express my kudos to the person who had the idea of this thread

11. I’m not sure whether I will post this 50 things post in the first place, so you might just as well end up never knowing of its existence, but if you do, it means I have a bulletproof logic behind posting this list.

12. Or maybe not.

13. Yeah, that was an intended joke.

14. I know you’re laughing.

15. Stop it, I’m blushing >////////<

16. It’s easier to fill this list with useless fodder stuff, than I imagined.

17. I have seen more aspects of Life, than the majority of people around me, and (to my regret) especially on MH.

18. Arguments like “you’re only 17, you don’t know life, while, look, I am 19, oh my god, I am so wise, call me sensei” are not going to work on me.

19. I believe I am the 4th best reviewer on MH

20. I respect benelori as a fellow reviewer and I want to adjust my reviews to his style (pull a benelori ^_^)

21. I have edited this list and removed more than one and more than two facts.

22. I believe that people who don’t listen to classic music and/or read classics at least from time to time are *turns diplomatic mode ON* living a very… plain… life.

23. I changed the contents of No.22 a little and made it a little diplomatic. If I didn’t made any changes I would’ve insulted one hell of an amount of people.

24. I don’t care

25. You’ll probably call me egoistic now, but *insert fact No.24*

26. Since I already spilled out my opinion on the majority of MH members, I can just as well, say that there are some people who I respect in this community. Not to be mistaken with people who arouse sympathy in me. That’s two different things.

27. I may be contradicting myself, but *insert fact No.24*


29. I take back my words about this list being easy to fill >_>

30. I was closer to getting mod powers than most of you can imagine

31. I’m not talking about the bakuman section in fact No. 30

32. I believe, that while MH did a good job in improving my English skills, it also has another side of the medal, which is it’s time-consuming aspect

33. The only real goodbye post before my hiatuses was the one before my first hiatus. All the following one’s had a certain “Show-must-go-on-purpose”.

34. I originally planned on becoming a translator when joining MH

35. But I’m happy I ended up being a Reviewer

36. I am proud that my idea of Joint Reviews was well approved by the MH community and I’m especially happy about benelori’s and 3c’s feedback.

37. I have a pantyhose/stockings foot fetish

38. People may call me a pervert for saying this, but *insert fact No.24*

39. This fact No. 24 thing comes in rather handy

40. I have the potential to change the world

41. I removed the original No.41, which was an explanation to No.40, and changed it to this text

42. The above sentence was hard to understand for you, I know

43. I’m a scriptwriter in RL

44. Currently, I am working on a Death Note movie adaptation. As of now, I’m only the scriptwriter, but most likely I’ll be also the director of that movie

45. I randomly fall asleep, without any pre-warning

46. Zzz…

47. I wonder what I should use for my 50th sentence

48. I DUNNO LOL ¯\(°_o)/¯

49. I just found one

50. C’est la vie


MH's Most Beautiful Member
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 6, 2010
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Fun Forum
KD, I wish I could thank AND like your post. D:


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
1. My real name is Kevin

2. I'm currently studying education to teach and educate kids and grown-ups.

3. I will most likely only work with kids though as I consider educating adults way more difficult and exhausting

4. I started studying education because I like working with kids and their development always amazes me.

5. I always wanted a dog as a pet but instead got 4 cats until now

6. I failed my first drivers license test because I actually managed to ignore a stop sign 50 meters before I would have reached the goal :fail

7. The only club I stayed in longer than one year was a swimming club. I got my "Jugendschwimmer" there.

8. I still enjoy swimming a lot but rarely do it nowadays

9. I learned to play the drums and am still playing it when I find the time.

10. I would have loved to learn more about playing it but stopped when I got a new teacher who wanted to teach me everything in a completely new way

11. I was bullied in primary school and had a hard time getting over it.

12. Maybe that's why I'm overprotective when I see a little child getting bullied by others

13. I'm a very lazy person, that's why I was on the verge of repeating the 10th class

14. I'm a good native speaker and writer but I fail at maths and physics

15. I'm one of the few people my age who care and are interested in politics

16. Before exams half of the class asked me to help them learning for politics

17. That's when I noticed that I enjoy teaching

18. I was quite shocked how little they knew and I'm still shocked that most of the people my age don't know a thing about it even though they complain about the politicans

19. I wanted to become a firefighter, then a detective, a police officer and a teacher. I finally decided to become an educator three years ago and I don't regret my choice in the slightest.

20. I have very huge problems saying "no" to someone when he asks for help

21. While I often push aside my own problems I think a lot about other persons problems

22. I often catch myself wanting to help people and I feel bad when I'm not able to.

23. It's hard to make me angry but when I am I tend to be very mean and invidious

24. I'm very introverted when I feel uncomfortable

25. I didn't imagine that it would be so hard to think of 50 facts about me

26. I have difficulties to open up to people as long as I don't trust them a lot

27. I rarely listened to music when I was a kid which changed gravely when I was 12. Nowadays I'm listening to music nonstop, especially when I'm at home

28. When I first paid a visit to MH my english was so bad that I had huge problems expressing my thoughts.

29. My english only improved thanks to posting on MH and reading english manga scans

30. My favourite Manga is and will ever be Naruto. I know that there are a lot more well-written mangas out there but it's thanks to Naruto that I was introduced into the world of manga.

31. The first forum I joined was solely about Naruto, back then I met two friends there who are still very precious to me.

32. I still can't believe that it took me three years to get really active at MH.

33. The thing that most fascinated me here since the beginning are the different cultures coming together and talking about mangas (and other stuff). I couldn't believe that manga was/is known and talked about worldwide.

34. I like history a lot and always want to learn new things about different cultures and countries.

35. I visited around 20 different countries but if possible I want to visit a lot more and make a round-the-world trip.

36. Most of my friends don't care about manga or think it's something childish, which really annoys me :cookiestare

37. I met and know a lot of awesome people on MH but I get the feeling that there are way more I don't know about yet

38. There are some people here who I like and care a lot about and I'm very grateful to jorped who was the main reason why I got to know them. He made me join both the FF and the MZ and I consider him one of my best friends here.

39. While writing these facts I'm thinking about my life and managed to write nothing for over 10 minutes while I was reflecting parts of it.

40. I'm usually very cautious when approaching people I don't really know.

41. I'm a very curious person

42. My favourite computer games are role-playings

43. I listen to all kinds of music and I don't really have a favourite one.

44. My favourite food right now is Susi but I like to eat fish in general

45. I want to taste all kinds of different food. Some people say I'm a foodie

46. I dislike sleeping because I think you could do a lot more funny and awesome things instead of lying on your bed.

47. I love my hometown and I would like to stay there as long as possible.

48. I'm an optimist

49. I get the feeling that I could add another 50 facts but my head is kinda blank right now

50. I'm happy with my life as it is right now but there still a damn lot of things I want to do and experience.
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 30, 2011
Reaction score
1. I love colors, especially red.
2. I hate mayonnaise and mustard.
3. Traffic makes me mad that I want to cause trouble.
4. I laugh at and make disturbing jokes.
5. I love seinen.
6. I love FPS.
7. I can sing almost all Pearl Jam songs.
8. I loathe self-irresponsibility.
9. I love white chocolates and red wine, and I never get overweight for it.
10. I have selective photographic memory. Some things I forgot I already asked about after 10 seconds.
11. I hate inconvenience.
12. I want more time for me to do more activities.
13. I have a best friend who doesn't agree with me all the time. We love compromise.
14. I need to know how to write long and proper prose.
15. I am very curious.
16. There is something about illogical that irritates me.
17. I am in constant need to check new music.
18. I am agnostic.
19. I hate that I am obliged to use everything that was given to me.
20. I used to attempt to learn Tengwar because of my love of Tolkien, but failed miserably. I realized I'm not a natural linguist. I also learned a bit of French, but lost my interest. If I am going to learn any language, it shall be practical and easy, like German and Spanish.
21. I read any book I get a hold of and forget the ones that has no use.
22. I remember mostly all of my dreams everyday.
23. I hate mints.
24. Once, my doctor forbid me to eat sweets as I was having serious throat problems.
25. I am in MH mainly and initially because of Gantz.
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 19, 2012
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1. I'm 3/4 Vietnamese, 1/4 Chinese and born in Canada.
2. Don't speak Vietnamese, but instead speak Cantonese and English.
3. Went to provincials for Ladies' Doubles Badminton in 2010 in high school.
4. Can be quite hypocritically.
5. Student at University of Waterloo.
6. Studying Arts & Business, but hating the business portion.
7. Plan to major in Psychology and/or Sociology, Economics.
8. Does not fit the stereotype of asians being good at math.
9. Enjoys graphic and web designing as hobbies.
10. Plays badminton and tennis both recreationally and competitively.
11. Used to be anorexic.
12. Does not know how to skate, rollerblade or swim.
13. A hopeless romantic.
14. Love looking at pictures of food especially desserts and sweets.
15. Love playing video games, specifically Mario and Final Fantasy series.
16. Good at Sudoku.
17. Has taken Latin, Korean and Japanese.
18. Can sing in multiple languages, but not actually understand the lyrics.
19. Favourite tennis player is Roger Federer.
20. Enjoys watching tennis.
21. Vegetarian.
22. Does not eat fast food.
23. Has been to China, Vietnam, Texas and Japan.
24. If given the choice, would rather be Korean.
25. Has had an emergency surgery for ovary removal.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Feb 18, 2012
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Hey guys! So I just registered :) I want to be a proofreader. Nice to meet everyone!
1. I'm Canadian (haha :P)
2. I love anime/ manga but my favourite is still Naruto.
3. I'm 5'6
4. I'm 19 years old.
5. I'm currently in University and have taken some art classes.
6. I want to be a counsellor so I'm getting a major in Psychology.
7. I have long blonde hair and greenish blue eyes.
8. I have a small birth mark on my stomach.
9. I'm learning Japanese.
10. My favourite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
11. I love cheesecake.
12. I can hold my breath for 2 and a half minutes.
13. I love anything peach fragrance.
14. I'm terrible at sports, except swimming and volleyball.
15. The only place I've been outside of Canada is California.
16. My favourite book is "Hush, Hush" by Becca Fitzpatrick.
17. I have a floppy valve in my heart.
18. I hate coffee.
19. I'm a Christmas baby (27th).
20. My background is mainly German, French, Scottish, English.
21. I love listening to SNSD.
22. My friends are amazing.
23. I'm utterly hopeless when it comes to Math :arf
24. I'm pretty damn stubborn...
25. I'm wasteful with money.
26. I'm very sarcastic :cheez
27. I've never broken a bone.
28. I'm afraid of heights, and spiders.
29. YES....I'm female.
30. Favourite colors are blue and yellow.
31. Favourite flower is White Iris.
32. I used to be shy....HA!
33. I wish I knew like 12 languages...
34. I don't like judgemental people.
35. I secretly like to prank people.
36. I often forget to eat that's why I'm so skinny.
37. Not the greatest cook.
38. I used to be teased for my big feet in elementary school now my feet are average (laughs).
39. I wish I had a nice voice, but my friends say I have a very "motherly voice" meaning I have zero talent..
40. My hands are always freezing! Even in Summer.
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MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Although I love to read books and sometimes like to write, I don't think I could ever choose English as a career. D: Even though I'm much better at English than chemistry anyway. x_x
Yes, I'm studying chemistry. Are you going to study English then?

I've dated before, but never fell in love with anyone.
Oh I change my mind.
I am in love with being single! x3
Wow. I just realized you replied my post. :p

I am not going to study English.. I AM STUDYING English. :XD
It's my major in college anyway.. ;)

I've fallen in love before but I've never dated anyone.
We're opposite. :XD

Hmm, should I add another 25 things about me?

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

Judging from the likes, I think I should add another 25 things about me. Hmm... let's see:
1. My strong point is I'm good at analyzing.
2. My weak point is I'm bad at creating/inventing. Inspiration seems to avoid me most of the time.
3. I'm a jack-of-all-trades so I know a little bit of something about everything.
4. My laptop is my life, I lose purpose without it.
5. I rarely get mad; it's really hard to make me mad, but when I do, I am capable of giving someone a traumatic experience.
6. I am good with data and archive, also I am systematic which is why I can make a good secretary (but I don't want to...)
7. I am easily distracted and happy to be distracted (except when I'm reading good books).
8. My mood changes within hours while my taste (in music, books and movies) changes within months.
9. I am planning to continue my bachelor study in England.
10. I am currently learning Italian, French and Japanese by myself.
11. My room is plain, without decoration, except piles of books.
12. My purpose in life is to learn as many knowledge as I can.
13. I am an amateur actress, I performed onstage quite a lot of times.
14. I have learned almost all kinds of art: painting, singing, playing musical instrument, graphic design, and acting. I dropped them all except acting.
15. I wear glasses.
16. I don't wear make-up except in special occasions. I hate wearing make-up.
17. I have a dream of touring Europe.
18. I really want to learn Latin and Greek languages! :arf
19. I hate crowds and beach.
20. I am a tea-lover, coffee-hater.
21. I work best under pressure.
22. I am half(?) Chinese.
23. Orange is my favorite fragrant.
24. I am very picky when it comes to food.
25. I know that by now you think I am awesome. :cheez
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最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Do I think you're awesome? :derp

So you're half Chinese? What's the other half if you don't mind me asking?


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Don't you? :cheez

Indonesian, of course. Dayak tribe, to be exact. (Yeah, that kind of tribe that lives in remote area.) I can't really say I'm half because the blood is mixed since the time of my great grandfathers.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 12, 2012
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United Kingdom
1. I have red hair.
2. I have blue eyes.
3. I'm the tallest one in my family.
4. I have been told I look like Gaara, from Naruto.
5. I agree with this.
6. I have costumes for cosplaying as Gaara, and Axel, from kingdom hearts.
7. I wish I knew japenese.
8. I never really got the point of shipping.
9. However, I don't hate shipping.
10. I also don't hate shippers. Sometimes, they write good stories.


Repenting Smut Peddler
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 22, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
This seems fun. Okay, I'm doing it.

1. I have a scar in my left cheek. (Fortunately, 2-3 cm only, not big enough to be seen from far range)
2. I have a dream to be able fluently speak in 6-7 languages (currently I speak 4-5 languages)
3. I read my first Seinen manga when I was 13 years old. I had sleepless night for 3-4 days after reading it.
4. I'm an introvert, even though I'm cheerful.
5. I read a lot, probably 2-3 books per week, depends on the page. Easiest way to fight boredom.
6. Sometimes I'm thinking too much before taking any action, that's why you can't say I'm a risk taker.
7. Currently majoring in Law.
8. Most of the time, I don't believe in superstition.
9. I had terrible experience during my childhood. Being bullied because I'm fat. In my older days, I realize what I need is only a good sense of humor.
10. Have Insomnia
11. Loves soccer
12. I don't like Manga which have pointless use of fanservice
13. I have two part time jobs since high school
14. I don't like cucumber.
15. Interested to learn how to play flute
16. Been to Japan three times. Sadly, only for 3-4 days or so.
17. I'm writing a diary. My sister told me it will be helpful for my writing skill.
18. I was a huge gamer, but I don't play much these days.
19. I hate walking in the rain
20. I hate the internet connection in my campus.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 4, 2012
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United States
Sorry that it's not a list or that it is 25. :P

I was born in the hospital where scrubs was filmed(North Hollywood). It's torn down after the show ended. :( My dad use to make props for movies.

Made the Rockets on the penguins in that one batman movie.

Made guns for various movies, but the only specific one I remember is Last Action Hero. That gun was my fathers creation. :P

He did other stuff I can't remember.

Then we moved to New York with my parent's doctor friends. The same area where Al Pacino lived. My parent told me that they once say Robert De Niro pass by in a car as well. Also, my great grandmother once went skiing with Hitler.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
1. I'm Pervert.
2. I'm Virgin.
3. I'm Male.
4. I love beer.
5. I love smokin.
6. I like Animes Manga.
7. I like Woman.
8. I dislike man.
9. I often lying.
10. I love sleep.
11. I'm one damn lazy bastard.
12. I love coke some soda drinks.Carbon Drinks.
13. I can speak Korean,Mongolian,Japanese,English.(pretty smart :-P)
14. My IQ is 176 (i was one of genius in my high school and language institute .)
15. I want live in Japan. Cause some good drama and anime manga.
16. I love Japanese people .
17. I spend 20 hours in internet . 4 hours sleep.
18. I have no job.


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Finally posting here XD Dunno if I got the spirit of it o.o

1- My favorite animals are elephants and cows. I dunno exactly why, but I think they are the cutest @.@ I believe I had a cow friend once, she used to follow me like a dog, lol.

2- I was always in love with biology, but the main reason why I decided to study Forest Engineering was that I wanted to avoid people the most I could (and my present is an irony xD).

3- My first boyfriend sent me a huge bouquet and a large roll of letter with all our history written on it when he decided to break up with me. He had teary eyes when I finished reading it, and the whole moment turned the event into a sweet memory^^.

4- I hate my fingers and nails, they are too short and weird (like Megan Fox's). The first nickname I used in the internet was about my fingers, to try to make me get used to them. Also hate the bags under my eyes and my big forehead.

5- My favorite birthday gift so far was a Laura Pausini CD I got from my dad when I turned 19. I never thought he would pay attention to my stuff, and know what I like XD

6- I practiced the piano from the age of 7 to the age of 14 O: I asked my teacher to show me some Disney songs 'cause I got tired of Mozart XD (and Mozart made me quit the classes Ç.Ç after an embarrassing presentation XD).

7- I've picked the name of my first child girl around 5 years ago, when I finally found out that the cute girl that was carrying the baby me in some old pics was a cousin that died in a car accident. My uncle was taking my mom home from a party 'cause my dad drank too much and a truck hit his car in the girl's side. The girl's name was Renata, and it means "reborn" in Latin^^

8- The first boy I liked punched me in the face when I said I wouldn't leave the goal mark if they wouldn't let me play soccer with them XD

9- My little sister needed stiches three times. All of those times were 'caused by me, when we failed at playing safely ç.ç

10- My older sister got married twice. I missed the two weddings for silly reasons =(

11- I had over 40 parakeets, 2 quails, 3 turtles, 3 guinea pigs, 1 pidgeon and 2 doves (they had broken wings ._.), tons of fishes, even adopted ants and flies 'cause my parents wouldn't let me have a dog XD

12- I gotta visit Iceland and Costa Rica 'cause I told Greenpeace I would o.ov

13- My dad got me some classes at the city's planetary when I was 10 to learn how to identify some constelations in the sky o/ Great hobby XD

14- I don't believe in ghosts and alieans, but I'm scared to death of things I can't explain.

15- Farfalla means butterfly in italian and I got this nickname 'cause of Psyche and Eros mithology (I read that Psyche can mean soul or butterfly).

16- I can't stand worms, and that includes butterflies XD (they're winged worms Ç.Ç I do think they're beautiful though).

17- My favorite dish is a chicken pie only my granny knows how to prepare (I got her recipe and tried to do it, but I failed hard D: my aunts also can't make it XD).

18- I left home when I was 19 to go to college in another state. I told my parents that that college was way better for me and I'd have better job opportunities (what's not a lie), but I just couldn't stand living with them anymore. I miss this time with them now =/

19- I'm allergic to alcohol. I get some weird rashed when I have too much.

20- I had orange hair once. I failed at dying it red after I didn't like the blonde tone I got before that.

21- The first great friend I got on MH was Jin (Bugzee). We used to talk a lot about ourselves through PMs and we sometimes still do that (through Skype nowadays, though). I think he's the person I've known for the longest time here (among the ones that stayed in touch).

22- My family calls me Nana and they call my little sister Tata. Because of that, my older sister taught my niece to call us aunt Banana and aunt Batata (batata means potato) D:

23- I have an 8 years old godson and I haven't seen him since he was 3 or something ._. My bestie married some trash and he got them to go live in a dangerous place, we started to lose contact =/ I know her since I was 3 T.T

24- My dog will be 14 in october and I'm scared to death to lose him @.@ When he turned 12 I used to cry a lot for missing years with him XD

25- My favorite color is blue :3 I'm good at biology, math and portuguese, average at geography and I totally suck at chemistry, physics and history. I love soccer and I don't care much about other sports. I like MPB a lot and I think the ones who doesn't know what's that should google it! My favorites mangas are Nana and Rurouni Kenshin. I love drama and thriller movies. Lilies are my favorite flowers so far. I love cajá juice but many people here dunno what fruit is this so it's hard to find it T.T And finally... I love RPG and Metal is the law, bitch.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
*le bump* Because I apparently do not have anything better to do with my time.

1: Most of the time, my favourite colours are Green and Orange. Other times, I have a fondness for Blue.

2: I'm a Graphic Designer and I have worked with the designer for The British Museum, as well as designed/artworked pieces for some large companies/charities. My proudest moment so far is having an advert printed in The Guardian.

3: My dream is to work for as a Graphic Designer for Debenhams, House of Fraiser or John Lewis.

4: I'm intolerant to Wheat, Milk and Egg.

5: I've never smoked.

6: If I were characterised by a TV trope, I'd probably be Deadpan Snarker.

7: I play Piano.

8: I can also play a few songs on the Flute, but your ears will probably bleed from my lack of talent.

9: About 90% of characters I like in any form of media end up dying, incapacitated or demoted to extra.

10: The other 10% they end up being the big bad or absolutely nothing of importance happen with the character.

11: I own a lot of Apple products, but still think they're nothing special and won't preach about the brand.

12: I'm geographically retarded. Mostly due to lack of interest.

13: I'm directionally challenged. An awesome story from my childhood concerning my lack of direction, was sent to the shop to buy some things for my mother. So my friend and I set out on our journey, it was one road we needed to walk up, a 10-15 minute walk at most. Four hours later, after several attempts of finding the shops, we find some other shop, bought what we needed and headed home. If we had been any longer, my mother probably would have called the police. Even during my driving lesson, my instructor says I have a lovely habit of mapping out my own route.

14: I was one of those annoying kids in school who either did not turn up for lesson or slept during class and still got high grades. For the most part, Maths was my strongest subject, but in my final exams, Literature was my highest grade (despite not reading the book).

15: I don't have a preference on brands of clothes, I'm pretty happy just throwing on whatever I pull out first.

16: I own over 700 volumes of manga. I can't say for certain which is my favourite series I own, but I know the series I dislike the most from my shelf is Detroit Metal City. A close second may possibly be Bleach.

17: As for art styles, I am intrigued by Natsume Ono's work. I especially love House of Five Leaves and I plan on buying the rest of Gente (which I currently own the first volume).

18: I don't have a preference on manga genre. Sometimes I want to read Shounen, others days Shoujo, every now and then I find a good Seinen, and when I really feel like it, a good Josei.

19: My favourite animes include Evangelion, Durarara and Baccano. I also watch Fairy Tail and One Piece, but mostly out of nothing else I would rather watch.

20: I've dropped Naruto more times than I can count on two hands, but I always end up picking it up again.

21: When I first got into Fairy Tail, One Piece was the last resemblance on my mind. Even before I realised who drew the manga, I thought it was pretty similar to Groove Adventure Rave. I mention this because many people compare the two - I however didn't see any resemblance, even the time-skip mirrored more of Rave than it did of One Piece.

22: It's very rare for me to dislike the main character of a series, while they won't necessarily be my favourite character, I don't usually outright dislike them. Allen Walker from D.Gray-Man is one of these rare examples where I can't stand the main character. The anime version of Natsu irks me a little as well, but that's most due Kakihara portrayal (though in general, I like him as a voice actor, just not as Natsu)

23: Kenichi Suzumura is probably my favourite Japanese voice actor. And the little fangirl inside of me squealed when his marriage with Maaya Sakamoto was announced. (100% satisfaction for my ZackxAeris ship)

24: I don't generally ship characters unless it's cannon. However, I do have preferences.

25: I don't understand non-cannon yaoi/yuri ship. I also don't understand het shippings where one character is gender-bent to make a yaoi/yuri pairing. However, crack shipping amuses me to no end.

26: I have a slight fascination for Troy Baker's voice.

27: In a Sub vs Dub argument. I can't chose a side, while I mostly watched subbed material, I don't have anything against watching dub - and would happily do so. The only thing that irks me about dubs are minor translation changes/errors, though these aren't usually a big thing or enough to make me stop watching a dub.

28: However, sometimes I do question the choice on voice actors for characters. This relates to both dub and original versions, though more so on dub, since it's very rare for an anime to come out for a manga I've read and the ones that do already had an anime, in most cases I would have viewed a clip/episode before reading the series. Hitman Reborn being on of those rare few I read before the anime - I remember not being overly happy with many of the voice choices, though over time you get used to it and learn to except it.

29: In RPG games, I generally always prefer the Monk Class. Reasons unknown.

30: I wish I didn't play the Kingdom Hearts series. I feel like I'm handing Squeenix my life's wages on the game series, but I really want to find out how the game is going to end and I won't be satisfied by reading summaries and watching videos online. Every day I silently curse Square-Enix and in utter denial that the game also fall under the Disney category.

31: Out of all genre of games, I prefer Rhythm games, as I feel it more self achieving when you improve. Hell I was ecstatic when I first passed Max 300 expert. My least favourite appear to be FPS, as I think they're too much of a muchness (however I did enjoy Call of Duty 1 and 2 and the early Medal of Honour games). Fighting and racing games come in a close second for the same reason.

32: For a fan service game, I actually enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII-2, more so than Final Fantasy XIII.

33: I feel guilty for liking Final Fantasy XIII, Chapter 8 really made it for me. I've replayed the game several times just for Chapter 8.

34: If I were to live in any fictional world. If I were in the small percentage that could use magic, I would like to live in the Fairy Tail universe. Pokemon coming in a close second.

35: My favourite meal is probably Grilled Salmon, with mixed vegetables and rice. My favourite fruit is Mango. And my favourite beverage is Green Tea.

36: Aside from the food I can't physically eat without being sick or ending up in hospital, I would more less eat anything edible or at least be willing to try. However the thought of eating Whelks makes me want to gag. Also I'm not fond of Chicken, but will eat it if there isn't another option available.

37: My favourite dessert item is probably palitaw, which is a Filipino rice cake with coconut and sesame seed (very similar to mochi). However, my preferred choice of dessert has to be fruit, that is if there is enough room for dessert after eating.

38: I generally don't like people touching me. No particular reason other than I find it unnecessary, however I don't mind the hug/kiss/handshake hello/goodbye.

39: Minute things pisses me off. Simple things like not saying hello on the phone or not saying hello when someone arrives (I will give leeway for large venues and parties, but when someone comes home and doesn't say hello, it pisses me off).

40: Unlike the majority of my friends, I rather not act pretentious and rather keep a low-key presence. I'll pretend to not know anything to avoid people from asking me how to do things, because I know I don't have the patience to teach someone something.

41: I lack understanding on how others think - there is a part of my brain that can not comprehend why other people can not understand something. Like when people say, "oh I don't know how to play an instrument, I wish I can learn…" to me, I can't help but think, 'why can't you learn?' I don't think I have that mental block to stop me from doing something.

42: My favourite fonts are Baskerville, Futura, Swiss and Sketch Rockwell. I hate scripted fonts.

43: My most used design application is InDesign, with Illustrator in second and lastly Photoshop. I also use Quark, but avoid it when I can.

44: While I can't speak another language other than English, I can understand Bisaya and Cebuano, which are Filipino Dialects. And despite being the main dialect, Tagalog sounds completely foreign to me.

45: Somehow, I understand Pigeon-English, which had a few of the foreign students back in university asking me to explain briefs.

46: 'Come to my hou, wouldyu like some lipatik?' - by some awesome Vietnamese person.

47: I generally have a good memory, however I'm shit at memorising quotes. Also I'm pretty bad with names - it's ok, I'll remember everything about you, your date of birth, where you were born, how many siblings you have, your favourite food, that very menial thing you did that you can't quite recall, anything you basically tell me but I'll forget your name.

48: I don't need Facebook to remember my friends birth dates. However, I also chose not to always greet them on their birthday. Why? No particular reason.

49: I can't believe I wasted my time doing this.

50: I can't you wasted your time reading this.


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 4, 2010
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37: My favourite dessert item is probably palitaw, which is a Filipino rice cake with coconut and sesame seed (very similar to mochi). However, my preferred choice of dessert has to be fruit, that is if there is enough room for dessert after eating.
It's nice to see someone likes Palitaw.

25 Things About Me


1. I'm A Filipino

2. I'm currently studying Fine Arts major in Advertising

3. My Favorite Color is Blue

4. I'm learning to play Tennis and it's also my favorite sport

5. My current favorite Manga is 20th Century Boys, My Favorite Manga of all time is Hunter x Hunter

6. My Surname means "JEWEL" in Spanish

7. I love Motorcycling

8. Until now I still don't have a girlfriend

9. I like High School more than College

10. I'm allergic to alcohol like Farfalla

11. I don't smoke

12. Recently, some Japanese Students visited our Foreign Language Class and we need to present a presentation/show for them. I sang Slam Dunk opening "Kimi Ga suki da to sakebitai" for them

13. My Favorites Food/s are Hamburger, French Fries, Shawarma, Takoyaki and Bibingka (it's also a Filipino Rice Cake like "Palitaw" but it's much bigger and tastier) you can consult Google for the information

14. :hearts My Celebrity Crushes:
Sabine Lisicki (German Tennis Player)
Shiori Kutsuna (Japanese Actress)
Son Ye Jin (Korean Actress)
Kaley Cuoco(American Comedian, Penny of Big BangTheory)
Yuriko Yoshitaka (Japanese Actress, She portrayed Kojima Tae in the Gantz Live Action Movies)

15. Yu Yu Hakusho is my favorite anime when I was young

16. Wall-E, The Classic(Korean), A Moment to Remember, The Social Network, Lord of the Rings are my favorite Movies

17. My favorite tv series are: High Kick(Korean Sit Com), The Big Bang Theory, Emily Owens M.D.

18. I'm writing manga/comic manuscripts

19. My favorite music artists are Blink-182, Taylor Swift, Nirvana, Lady Antebellum, Green Day, Girls' Generation(SNSD), Orange Range and Foo Fighters

20. I dream of becoming a physician, a film director someday (My decision is still pending)


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Feb 12, 2013
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1. my name came from a combination of my father's and mother's name plus my birth month
2. female
3. i started to like anime since i was a kid
4. i look old (i'm 20 though)
5. i am an aspiring industrial engineer (IE student, 5th year)
6. people tell me i'm fat (it's true though-i get fat at an amazing speed if i don't exercise enough)
7. i'm in my last year of being a student
8. i still want to study (med school, or something that aligns with my interests)
9. i like anime guys (they're cute, hot, handsome, emo, passionate...etc!)
10. i appreciate pretty women, but i admire pretty, talented, and intelligent ones (i'm a straight female - enough with the weird looks guys i'm not interested in females!)
11. i was once a mass communication student (but i had enough, i wanted to be a geek, a nerd, and a weirdo so i switched to being an engineering student)
12. i like people whom i can be comfortable with
13. sometimes i believe in magic, most of the time i believe in karma
14. i want to be rich (who doesn't?)
15. i like to watch anime all day long
16. i like to read novels, manga, or anything that interests me
17. i'm a thinker
18. i'm also a blogger (but i don't post much)
19. i like to be productive (a term we use in IE; it means to get busy all the time haha just joking)
20. i have a female fighting fish named fishnet
21. i love pets - especially big dogs
22. i like old songs as wells as new ones, but i still prefer classic music like that of Beethoven and Chopin (i have an eclectic taste for music)
23. i'm currently considering studying Spanish as my 3rd language
24. i'd like to be friends with you (yes, YOU!)
25. i like watching movies
26. i miss sleeping so much
27. i have a brother who's 18 years younger than me
28. i like to be alone
29. every time i keep a diary (journal) my mom, grandma, or my aunt keep finding and reading it (waaaah!!)
30 i'd like to learn to play the piano
31. and also violin
32. i had guitar lessons when i was in high school with my cousins as teachers (stopped the lessons since we're no longer in good terms)
33. i want to be wise (or at least smart) that's why i read a lot
34. i love Japan! (and Japanese anime)
35. i'm attracted to smart boys
36. i get anxious during calculation-based exams
37 i'm a shy person, i don't like speaking in a crowd, though my expected career requires me doing so
38 i like running, jogging, and swimming
39. i used to be a university drummer when i was younger (i hold the bass drum)
40. i would like to understand complicated things in life, but my brain capacity limits me :(
41 am i a pessimist? i think so too. but i pretend i'm not
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 1, 2013
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I don't even know if I can think of 25 things about myself...

1. I'm an Aries (star sign)
2. My blood type is O.
3. I have green eyes.
4. I'm slightly deaf in my left ear.
5. I love the drink Fanta.
6. I used to be a Photoshop master.
7. I love the game Soul Calibur IV.
8. My favourite colour is blue.
9. My hometown is Newcastle.
10. I love Japanese food.
11. I used to date a Japanese guy.
12. I really cannot do math, or anything with numbers.
13. My mum is half south american.
14. I love Game of Thrones.
15. I've left England twice in my whole life time. (Once to America, the other to Turkey)
16. I find it hard to get on with girls.
17. I used to work as a waitress.
18. I have low self-esteem.
19. I collect Japanese novels.
20. If my current plans fail, I want to learn Japanese to a level where I can write novels in Japanese.
21. I have a boyfriend.
22. I love MMOs (and cannot wait for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn!)
23. I like AKB48.
24. I like to wear black.
25. I'm pretty ordinary.

OK so maybe I can think of 25 things about myself...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
Casterly Rock
1 I'm female
2 I'm 20 years old
3 I'm of Irish Traveller and aristocratic Gallowglass descent which means I'm of Gaelic and Norwegian descent (but with some English)
4 I live in England though I hate the fuckin' place
5 My boyfriend is a Zazaki Kurd (of Zazaki and Dutch descent)
6 I have a thing for younger boys
7 I love being surrounded by nature especially the coast, woodlands and forests, and natural running water
8 I like baking bread and cakes
9 Everyone appreciates my cooking!
10 I like to cook with Italian and Japanese flavours
11 I abstain from meat and alcohol
12 I don't smoke fags or do pot either
13 I own an XBox 360 and I like 2D games
14 I'm a Conservative Revolutionary
15 I have an interest in psychology
16 I was diagnosed as a kid with substandard autism (PDD-NOS)
17 When I was 14 this was changed to a Conduct Disorder with a suspected underlying Dissocial Personality Disorder
18 I have an interest in most branches of anthropology
19 I'm of Mediterranean racial type though leaning towards more robust Irish populations
20 My taste in music is neofolk and related genres such as martial industrial
21 I love abandoned and derelict places
22 I absolutely love animals and kids
23 I'm co-admin of a web forum
24 I like camping and I own five tents
25 I'm a photographer and I use a Canon PowerShot SX210 IS


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
United States
This so weird for me.. even though I've read this thread before.. I've never tried to come up with anything...
1. I think I am overly sensitive at times and I am an emotional person.
2. I do not like to hurt other peoples feelings intentionally, sometimes I hold back just so I don't hurt them. I noticed it doesn't change anything..the truth will always hurt.
3.I act cold on the outside, so people often do not understand me. Especially those close to me.
4. I treat my close friends and family harshly because I don't like to show affections toward others.
5. I rather tease them, or make jokes instead of saying "you're beautiful." I'll say the opposite. This is how I show my affection.
6. I've never been in love or told anyone, I love them..Only when I was joking around..It takes a lot say it with emotion and I have a hard time expressing my feelings anyway.
7. It is easy to know when I am angry(quick tempered). Except, that is the only emotion I really express.
8. When I am sad, I hold everything in and cry alone or bury my feelings. I don't like asking for help with my problems. I rather handle it myself.
9.I am a pretender.. always look strong, never show weakness.
10. I am very neglected and unorganized.
11. Lazy is my nick name..
12. I am always listening to music, I can't live without music
12. I like messing around and teasing people, just to piss them off ..It is easiest thing to do when I am bored.
13. I don't like attracting attention to myself the wrong. Matter fact, sometimes, I won't say or do anything just so I don't look stupid.
14. I easily forgive others.
15.I am very talkative.
16. I like to argue sometimes, just to prove I am right. I hate being wrong.
17. I love meeting new people. especially people from other countries.
18. observing others is hobby,getting to know people or just learning from them.
19. I don't care what most people say about me people when it comes to appearance. Personality is different.
20. I want to tour around the world;live in some places, eat different kinds of food. Study their language and culture.
21. You should know by now, I love psychology..
22. I am a random person, very loud..there is nothing quiet about me.
23. I hate fake people..
24. I lack self confidence and conviction at times.
25. I was a one of the class clowns in school.
26. I hate studying.
27. I am perverted
28. I hang around guys more than females. I find most females annoying.
29. I try my best to be honest, so I hate when people lie to me.:-_-:notrust
30. I think I give up too easily.
31. I LOVE art
32. Pranks, sign me up if you have any you want to recommend.
33. I have an excellent memory.
34. I don't particular love anything, exception: family, friends,art, music,anime, and people..I don't like most things actually.
35. Most people close to me, will say I am a hater..
36. I am a hater, it takes a lot to satisfied me, if it's not good enough. I don't care to like it.
37. I guess I am picky,except when it comes to food, lol
38. I do enjoy reading. Although, lately, it doesn't seem to interest me.
39. I think I been spending too much time on the internet.
40. I can't wait to fall in love!:cheez-OOPs, not interested right now.
41. I am the youngest child out of eight children.(so, I am spoiled at times):hee
42. I DO NOT like violence but when someones tries to run over me. :pwned
43. I do not tolerate bullying to me or to anyone..
44. trust is not something I hand over, I only have about 2 friends.. Everybody are classified as acquaintances.
45. my favorite deserts are ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, Oreo cookies and fruits.
46. I am clumsy, I've trip myself a few times,lol
47. favorite colors; blue, red and black
48. prefer do most things a lone.
49. I like to eat and watch TV at the same time.
50. I find nature more beautiful than humans.
51..*exclusive-* the safest relationship for me is Friends with benefits. :zomg for now..okay..

OMG! I think I went overboard, but it was fun..
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