Captain America VS Wolverine? | MangaHelpers

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Captain America VS Wolverine?


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Ok, I am not much of a comic book follower however given the recent movies over the last few years I got curious about this one. This is probably already being discussed in every marvel comic book forum ever but I still think it would make for some discussion.

Captain america was exposed to the super human serum. The serum made his body essentially a perfect specimen of a human body, every process in it works just about as well as it possibly could. In this regard, captain america is physically very strong, extremely agile and very fast. He is a natural born leader, an expert tactician, weapon's expert and martial arts expert. His trademark weapon is his shield which is by all intents and purposes absolutely indestructible. He is not the usual superhero who just decided his new found abilities and talents could be used to fight crime and nazis, he would have at least tried to do all that stuff (and as far as I know did try) without powers of talents. Tecnically, he does not even have superpowers as the serum basically made his body work at the peak of human possibilities. Captain america is basically nobility incarnate.

Wolverine is a mutant with two main characteristics. The first is his healing factor. He can regenerate from pretty much everything in seconds at the very least and has been shown to survive absurd things thanks to it. Then there is his adamantium bones and claws. His body is practically indestructible and his claws are lethal weapons(we do know that they can't break caps shield) with which wolverine is proficient. Wolverine has a rather savage fighting style, he is proficient in pretty much every martial art, excellent tactician and has the most recognizable sideburns since honest abe. By all intents and purposes, wolverine is every bit as badass as captain america is noble.


To be honest I go for wolverine for this one. Adamantium bones and regeneration are actual superpowers which people with actual superpowers have had trouble dealing with. Strength wise every punch wolverine throws would be packed with claws and the weight of all that metal in his body so captain america would always be at the disadvantage IMO. I guess the shield would be a problem for wolverine however even if he gets hurt by it he is simply going to regenerate. What would it ultimately take for captain america to defeat wolverine? Could he actually use the shield to decapitate wolverine and would that even work?


Lost and Found
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2011
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Gotei 13
I don't know much about these characters either but I think Captain America has a pretty good chance to defeat Wolverine. Their strength and combat abilities are on par with each other, Wolverine has claws which Captain America can block using his shield and he can also use the shield to attack and injure Wolverine. To the best of my knowledge, Wolverine's regeneration isn't instantaneous and movies portrayed his abilities in an exaggerated manner. He needs hours to days to recover from serious injuries. If Captain America manages to land a couple of good hits on Wolverine and damage his internal organs, the rest won't be that hard for him.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
It depends on the comic book but I am pretty sure in the mainstream comic books wolverine has shown regeneration every bit as good as the one in the movies if not actually better. I think he even regenerated himself entirely from his bones only lol. I would still wolverine has somewhat better combat skills overall though. He is supposed to be familiar with every form of martial arts, kenjutsu and he uses that with his own feral fighting style. To boot wolverine has over 100 years worth of fighting experience while cap has been fighting only during world war two and the time he has been fighting since his comeback from sleeping.


Lost and Found
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2011
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Gotei 13
A bit of search revealed that Wolverine's regeneration speed has increased to incredible levels over the years. It's extremely hard to fight someone who can regenerate any injury in a matter of seconds and I doubt Captain America has what it takes to break his adamantium skeleton. Under these circumstances, Captain America has little to no chance to defeat Wolverine and he'll be fighting a hopeless battle.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Perhaps that is the case although I think the fight itself would be interesting. Captain america could still use submission moves to win and ultimately he is the smarter fighter. In any case, wolverine is not actually overwhelmingly faster nor stronger, he should be just marginally so. I'd say it would come down to the captain getting tired although if I recall neither of them can actually get tired (one for being the height of human potential in terms of stamina and the other for his regeneration) so theoretically they could go at it for days. I guess it is ultimately unfair to pitch captain america against the guy who has seemingly defeated iron man or even spiderman.


Androssi Worshiper
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 16, 2006
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United States
I'm quite a big marvel comic fan and I'd say it'd almost certainly be Steve Rogers.

While Captain America has never really been a favorite character of mine (I'd totally be rooting for Wolverine), Rogers has a pretty strong healing factor along with strength and speed that far exceeds that of Wolverine (Wolverine's physical attributes are supposedly that of a human in perfect physical condition; Rogers is very much superhuman). Combine that with the fact that in the main marvel universe he is considered the gold standard in hand to hand combat and things would probably not go well for Mr. James Howlett. Captain America can, and has, held his own against Thor.

Wolverine's main advantage is that he has no issue fighting dirty but I don't think that's enough to overcome the huge gap in power. I'd imagine Wolverine would be KO'd fairly quickly. He can't kill Wolverine, but he wouldn't need to. Wolverine can be choked unconscious just as easily as the next guy and Rogers is well aware of that.


And, on a sidenote, everybody would beat Spiderman and he is constantly making jokes about that fact. In most big league situations Spiderman owns the role of underdog.

In the Avengers it's always him looking around and seeing people like Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, and Ms. Marvel and being like...."I climb stuff, shoot webs, and am very agile....What am I doing here?":^_^
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Steve Rogers is in no imaginable way superhuman. What the serum does is merely make him a perfect specimen of a human being. In this regard every physical attribute he has is merely at the highest point a human could possibly have it. As far as healing the same thing applies for roger, it is merely about as good as it can possibly be in a human. If we compare their healing factors, wolverine can heal from mortal wounds on the spot within moments while roger would still need medical care to heal within a few weeks or so from the same wound (even if a normal person would take months). You got the whole thing wrong regarding their physical capacities backwards, captain america is the one with peak human traits and wolverine is the one with traits which are considered superhumans thanks to his healing factor and adamantium bones. If I recall captain america can lift around 800 pounds while wolverine has been seen at around the 2 ton level when under duress. As far as hand to hand combat goes I can't imagine wolverine actually being inferior. He is already known to be a master in every known form of hand to hand combat to begin with. Add in the fact that wolverine does not fight fair and square, he fights dirty and using whatever means necessary.

Even if captain america has held his ground against thor, wolverine is actually able to fight with hulk on his own. Hulk is actually more powerful than even thor. Of course, wolverine wouldn't win against hulk but the fact that he held his ground is huge considering what hulk is and the sheer amount of power he has (and everything wolverine can do can only piss off more hulk).

Still, there is the fact that nothing captain america can do can ever kill wolverine. Not even bashing his head against the shield could do that... I maintain that the fight is ultimately unfair considering all the stuff wolverine has pulled over the years (which includes defeating iron man, spiderman and surviving the hulk and an atom bomb).

---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 AM ----------

I guess the whole thing does depends on which continuity you are following though. I am more familiar with the mainstream marvel continuity at the moment.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 25, 2008
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at best captain america can snap wolverine's neck , and wolverine might heal himself , while wolverine might be able to decapitate captain america and theres no coming back from that


Androssi Worshiper
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 16, 2006
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United States
Just looked it up in the 616 Universe

Captain America has the strength of 10 men supposedly benching about 1,200 pounds, there was a period when he was stronger than that due to some serum but I guess that's no longer the case.

Wolverine's strength varies a little but at maximum he can lift as much as 2 tons (4,000 pounds), so the edge there definitely goes to Wolverine. Which boggles my mind a bit because how exactly, during Regenisis, was Cyclops able to hold his own against him? Cyclops has no enhanced physical abilities of any kind that's I'm aware of. He should have got completely pwned there.
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Well, cycplops is ultimate also at just about what could be called peak human. Wolverine has his regeneration, adamantium bones and agility which count as strictly superhuman while the rest of his traits are basically at peak human but can surpass them occasionally thanks to his regeneration and metal bones. In this regard, we have wolverine who surpasses a peak human in very specific things on regular basis and the rest on very circumstantial moments (mostly his physical strength) against a mutant with unlimited lazer beams and almost peak human conditions. I would argue the combination of excellent physical condition and lazer beams would be enough to actually hold wolverine back although not enough to actually kill him simply because wolverine borders unkillable. I do think his healing factor is actually better than what those links seem to imply though, I think it has been enhanced from what it says there.


Androssi Worshiper
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 16, 2006
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United States
You misunderstand I'm not talking in general i'm speaking of a specific instance pretty recently in the Schism Event where he and Wolverine grappled with one another. From what I'm reading here Wolverine has full blown superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. Cyclops is completely mortal in terms of physical strength yet pretty much beat him out with brute force. His strength is not peak but rather the product of plenty of training.

I realize Marvel isn't super continuity focused all the time but still...that's....


According to what I've read the explanation for Wolverine's superhuman strength is twofold.

1) Apparently his muscles grew stronger to offset his heavy unbreakable skeleton.
2) His strong healing factor allows him to push his muscles past the point that cause damage in a regular person. Making him genuinely superhuman.

PS: I love reading through Marvel Wiki's (So fun)
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Well, I actually found the fight on you tube lol.

It does not seem like they actually got to end their fight or that cyclops beam did not come into play though. Wolverine was going at it even though he did not have a nose to breathe through lol. I would argue that wolverine would have won the fight had they been able to finish it though. Wolverine still has his healing factor while every punch would weaken cyclops.

And according to the wiki wolverine is actually a better hand to hand fighter than captain america.

From what I gather wolverine's superhuman strength is kinda situational though. Ordinarily he would be just barely above peak human and when actually pushed in the right situation he would have superhuman strength. His speed is great but I am not sure if it actually reaches superhuman. His agility is by all intents and purposes superhuman though.

BASED Shinigami

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 5, 2011
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United States
@kkck How is the Hulk more powerful than Thor? I know this is off topic, but I'll post something relevant to the main topic later.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Hulk basically has the attribute that he can get physically more powerful indefinitely. As far as I know base hulk is actually as physically powerful as thor. Then we add that the hulk's strength increases indefinitely as he gets angrier. Thor is indeed immensely powerful, he can control storms and has all the attributes of a god in marvel-verse however his power is finite and in the many encounters he has had with hulk he has never actually killed him. Hulk has survived a number of implausible things for that matter(even a nuclear bomb if I recall). If anything, he has actually fought entire armies of superheroes and even had the upper hand(thor included) or at least given them an incredible amount of trouble. Hulk also regenerates basically indefinitely which means that even if he is harmed he can simply heal and become stronger if he gets angrier.