Chapter 86 - Out of control | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 86 - Out of control


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Chapter 86 - Out of control

First of all, I am sorry that I did not finish this chapter but let it as short as it is now. It still can be considered as having an ending though, it's not that I cut it off all of sudden.
Just, my brain is completely empty and school's killing me, resp. I am feeling kinda...exhausted when I come home every day.
I will still put all my effort in our superb, amazing, wonderful story :grin
Sorry for letting you wait for so long. Snooge, just go ahead with the battles. I am sure you enjoy writing them.

Dawn was already breaking when Lione dragged the sleeping Anlen into her cabin, passing by drunken and seemingly in coma being akuma and human. The party that had taken place the last hours was surely entertaining, nonetheless Lione did never see such an amount of bottles filled with alcohol being emptied within such a short period of time. The deck was a bog of stinking men, empty bottles and puddles of rum. The exorcist had to make every effort to shovel his way to the door of Anlen's room. Finally arrived, the man took Anlen from his shoulders and steered her onto the wooden chair behind the table in the middle of the room. He fished her red coat from the chair back and covered the peaceful sleeping girl with it. In doing so, a small glassy phial dropped out of the pocket, landing on the floor. Recognizing the phial, Lione bent down in order to lift it. It was the same bottle he had seen during the drinking orgy. Several times, it appeared in Anlen's hand and then back into her pocket. He was interested in the clear liquor, so Lione opened the phial and smelled sweet herbs, the same scent he had picked up on back that time. He felt kind of dizzy when the scent went through his nose and affected every single nerve in his body, so he had to hang on to the table to avoid collapsing onto the floor. Lione breathed deeply, thinking about the effect of this liquor on the body and he did not even drink of it. His blurred look wandered to the huge mirror that stood in a corner of the room. The erstwhile curtain had been removed and the view was free. The mirror revealed an absurd and completely anomalous image. Although Anlen was sleeping peacefully, Lione stared into the face of a firm counterpart which looked at Lione with an asking light shining within the eyes that were of the colour of the sea.
"What the-", Lione said but could not end the sentence due to the appeal Anlen's mirror image displayed. This attraction caused the male exorcist to approach the mirror but before he could touch the glassy surface, it disappeared in a sea of colours. Instead, a clear night sky was shown. The stars shone bright and the crescent smiled at a person who stood all alone on deck of a beautiful yet ghosty ship. By taking a clear look, Lione recognized the person on deck. It was Anlen who was blessed with the same beauty as always but with a sadder look mirrored in the face. This unknown view caused Lione to approach the mirror in a way that his nose almost touched its surface. Anlen was still sleeping peacefully behind his back, just muttering some incomprehensible syllables from time to time.
However, the Anlen displayed in the mirror did not sleep as peaceful as her counterpart but was holding the precious silvery gun in her right hand. Her look wandered between the barrel and the trigger several times before she finally lifted it and pointed the barrel at her head, shortly above the temple. Words like "one last time", "die" and "why" reached Lione's ear before he shrinked back due to Anlen's sudden doing. She had shot through her head and a fountain of blood splashed out of the wound. As fast as it had happened as suddenly the blood stopped splashing but slowly continued to create a little puddle under her head when the girl ungently landed on the wooden floor. The sudden gunshot caught the attention of some members of her crew. When they saw their captain lying motionless on the wet floor, they immediately called the ship's doctor, being in scared stiff and afraid of the captain's death. But strangely, after some hours treating the gash that should have been deadly, Anlen was lying unconscious but alive on the white-sheeted bed in her cabin. The sailors looked queryingly at their doctor who was just able to shook his head. He could not explain why she was still alive as well as he was unsure about the strange symbols that had occured on her body after she had shot herself.
"I have absolutely no idea what those symbols are", the doctor said worried.
"Maybe her body was overacting due to the mass of alcohol she's drinking the last days", a sailor that stood at the bedhead, said. "I wonder why she drinks that much anyway."
The doctor sighed, stood up and the wooden chair released a crunching sound. "Washing away the sorrow with unnecessary methods but causing more pain and sorrow, is what such kind of people try to achieve. Covering or rather pushing their problems to the back of the mind is their unperceived intention. One day, those people will wither away, collapse, then break down mentally. If no one is around to ease the pain, the person will turn into a living puppet."
Lione stumbled back when the image blurred anew and the glass revealed his own mirror image, turning back to its original function. He had to take a deep breath and calm down from the experience. He decided that being together with Anlen was surely full of unforeseen events, as amazing as frightening.
"This ship's finishing me off", Lione thought.
Nonetheless, bribed by curiosity and animated by the vision, he stepped closer to Anlen who was still asleep. Kind of afraid, kind of stimulated, the exorcist unbuttoned Anlen's white flounced top. An unknown feeling rose within the exorcist. He did want to discover the truth, with every conceivable method. The Noahs were still a secret to the Order. On the one hand, they were human, on the other hand, they owned unhuman skills just as the exorcists did. They never showed any feelings towards humanity and, from what Lione had learnt within the last days, they seemingly were immortal or at least were able to overcome centuries. Or was it an attribute just chosen Noah or maybe even Anlen only possessed? Lione knew that in their research department, there were enough people who would love to analyze a Noah's body. If it was a female one, the better. Lione stopped in his action and let two buttons the way they were, holding the top together. He did not know if he was able to turn her in, the girl he thought he had fallen in love with. The longer he stared at her face, the more human features he could spot. Soft skin, black eyelashes, rosy lips and ...drool!
The exorcist laughed into his sleeve and dashed away the drool with his ball of the hand. Anlen was incorrigible, Lione thought. Just when a warm-hearted smile appeared on his face, he felt a cold slap in it. Deadly irony.
He smashed into a pile of old books caused by the strength in Anlen's hand. While he was lying there, a book decorating his head, he was afraid that Anlen might think about something awkward when she noticed her half-open shirt. Praising his bad luck, Anlen did think of something that caused Lione definitely trouble.
"You perv", she screamed, approaching him.
With every step the Noah came closer, the exorcist backed off till the wall put a spoke in his wheel. Again, he slipped into a very awkward position due to his curiosity. He could not explain it himself. Actually, he was a shy person who was loath to displeasing risks. The girl collared him -oh how he was afraid of situations like this- and began to shake him like a cocktail.
"Do. Not. Dare. To. Even. Think. About. Such. A .Thing", Anlen shouted and slabbed in his face two or three times. If this was going on, he would eventually die earlier than expected. But suddenly, Anlen stopped and Lione was risking a slight look at her. Her face was pale, her body was trembling. Her look wasn't directed at Lione but a book that lay at his side.
Almost whispering, Anlen faced the man.
"Why is this book here?", she asked, reaching for it absent-minded and lifted the log book. "I thought I had thrown it away long time ago."
While Anlen was eyeing up the book like a long missed precious treasure, Lione took advantage of the situation and escaped from the girl's grip. Although the door of escape was ablazed with the light of hope, it shattered in pieces when Anlen instinctively tripped the man up causing him to fly, circling and looping as so often the last days, and smash into some shelves. Everything rotated in front of Lione's eyes while Anlen let snap the book, approached him and hid the book somewhere among the others on the shelve. The girl kneeled down and smiled, touching his dizzy head with her soft hands, stroking his cheek. Change of frame of mind within some seconds!

"We'll go ashore, soon, aye?", Anlen announced. "Be prepared to accompany me, little boy. It will be a hell of fun."
Those words in mind, she turned around. Seemingly happier than before. She did not notice that Lione had his head on straight and wanted to use his possible last chance. He drew the remaining sword out of the globe and stabbed through Anlen's back, piercing her heart. Anlen had not been prepared or thought of any surprise attack, so she had not been able to act just in time. She felt her blood dropping along the cold blade, escaping from her heart. Drool mixed with blood dripped out of the corner of her mouth. Such a familiar feeling, she thought before she fainted and hit the floor ungently.
Lione threw the sword carelessly away, turned her body around and unbuttoned the top wholly. Starting from the wound, strange lines began to cover the pirate's whole body and gleam in a mysterious blue colour.

"There they are", Lione almost shouted, being taken in by rapture while the blood still dropped, creating a puddle of red colour on the floor. It almost looked insane. Only when Anlen's face was contorted with pain, the exorcist realized what he had done. Although the wound at her heart where the sword had pierced the flesh began to close itself very quickly, the pain did not seem to vanish from her face. The lines were pulsating like a heartbeat causing more and more pain.
"Such a beautiful and kind face isn't allowed to feel any sorrow", Lione thought panicky and the rapture disappeared immediately. He touched her body, felt that it was unhuman cold and embraced her tightly.
"I'm so sorry", he whispered.
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rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
i don't know what you're talking about. this chapter was amazing and didn't seem incomplete.

the ship after the drunken orgy reminded me of a frat house. haha i liked the hints about anlen's past but oh no! what has lione done?

i only have one part left (a little rin/daniel/zane interaction) and then i'll have to revise it. my chapter will come out sometime this week but i don't know exactly when. ^^


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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what exactly heppened at the end? has he killed her?

anyway it was a great chapter


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Thanks both of you *bows*
I am glad you liked my chapter although it was so short.

@ Rai: No, he did not kill her. He can't kill her because Anlen can't die (BECAUSE she is a Noah). I know, Noahs are not immortal but Anlen, well, has a special function given by the Earl of Millennium. That's why she's been living for..I 200 years and up now.
But this kind of, let me name it "rebirth" is painful though. The symbols on her body
are a proof of rebirth, kind of rebirth. Well, she's just not dead. Like a serious wound is healing.
Hard to explain but I hope you understood what I wanted to say xD.
In short, no...she's still alive although she's feeling pain.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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ah ok ^^
don't worry about the length i couldn't read much today anyway
as you can see i barely understood whats going on

I'm so tired @-@