Collaborative Writing - The Man-Hell [Manga Helpers] Tales | Page 4 | MangaHelpers

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Collaborative Writing - The Man-Hell [Manga Helpers] Tales


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score

Here's our rotation order and suggested dates:

  1. @Asako
  2. @SonOfDaws
  3. @Evil3ye
  4. @Farfalla
  5. @MarmaladeSky
  6. @Copy Panda
  7. @Hardy
  8. @James Rye
And so on (James, I didn't get it if you're in or not; if you are, I'll add you at the end of the list!). The rotation restarts after Hardy's time.
Those dates aren't mandatory, it's ok if anyone needs more time. The suggested length is from 100 to 200 words. I'll add all the parts of the story to the main post.

The theme is "Manga Helpers in Hell" (and Idk if you wanna incorporate isekai lmao), you may start it, @Asako !

The Story
Part I by @Asako
Part II by @SonOfDaws
Part III by @Evil3ye
Part IV by @Farfalla

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Ah, it's no problem! Those aren't rules, more like guidelines, stretching them for good reasons is fine.

Wait, do you play Genshin Impact? XD

Nice intro, Koko.. mi? (OHHHHHHHHHHHH). Now it's up to @SonOfDaws to play around with Biggus Dickus and make him grow~
Been busy at work lately, but I'll have some time to read and write tomorrow.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Why pick me?

All around, people were running away, pushing others just to escape all these monsters.

In this place where no one was caring about others, just themselves.

Stood a man… chained down, wearing barely anything, under this grey sky where the air frozen. One skin could numb out in this weather… in this chaos, they screamed:


[Haha you must be wondering how did I end up here and who this goddess.
I won't stay long talking but as you guessed I been isekaied to an other world by the will of some gods after being hit by what you call the cliche way of dying before being isekaied…. By truck kun ...

And so with that, I lost my life to such a cliche. How vexing, could prefer I at least go out in a cooler way and after finishing all my duties, so many things I have yet to finish but now all lost, vanished simply like that…. Well, all that no longer matters, it's not like I had such an awesome to be excited about, maybe now I can have a better one …

And so that’s what lead us to these so called gods, hmm this is how it all begun…]

Unknown voice:
“Welcome human, I assume you already know the fact that you died so we don’t have to dwell on that.

The fact you’re here is not something all humans can get, in fact, it rarely happens where one meets the requirement to even see us, so be glad.

We don’t have much time to talk, just know that we the gods give you the opportunity to have another life but that the cost of you fulfilling our wills, your missions is either to destroy that person or save them, you know who soon enough when you reach the world …”

( Huh? Who are you, and why am I in this state, I will be isekaied? Mission? Who is that person even ?)

“Oh forgot, you can’t talk in this state, well no matter, you hearing me is enough…

Human, I’m adding this as a bonus for your survival but each god can grant you one power of their wish if they so desire and as the first god who will bless you, I Kokomi , grant you the power of <Hyper Regeneration> and with that good luck
Know that you can't get rid of anything we, the gods give you and that be including your name ....
Biggus Dickus


*begins transportation*

And so begins the journey of our hero named Biggus Dickus by the goddess Kokomi that is greatly enjoying messing with him while being excited to what he show us in the future.​
“The prophecy! Oh, Oracle! Oh, Oracle, you were right all along,” a fear-stricken man cried as he ran from the monstrous roars and pitiable screams in the distance. “The first of her 12 labors has come back to lay waste to us!”

Biggus had already got his first glimpse of what seemed to be the source of the great terror before the fearful man had even finished. Though the lumbering beast resembled a lion, even the freshly isekai’d slave could tell there was much more to the monstrosity than that. With it’s height on all-fours dwarfing the height of many humans, the lion-beast was almost twice the size of anything similar Biggus had seen in his previous world and, on top of that, its mane seemed to be made of bronze wires, his fur coat shimmered like gold, and the hellish red eyes of the abomination locked onto Biggus while forsaking all else, including the roars and shrieks from where he came from.

Having up until now been completely overwhelmed by the otherworldly nightmare approaching him, Biggus had only just noticed and processed that the man he had heard earlier had freed him. He then noticed a dusty yet beautiful dagger left behind in the middle of the road nearby him. Of course, Biggus thought. He may not know why he was chosen, but he was in fact chosen and so it only makes sense that gods wouldn’t put him in a completely hopeless situation. A magic dagger perhaps? Now braver and freer, Biggus was face-to-face with the lion-beast now.

Suddenly, in a move that even caught the beast off-guard, Biggus took the first swing and slashed the lion-beast straight across the face. The swing felt natural to Biggus, almost as if the dagger was made just for him. Who’s to say it wasn’t he thought as the ornamental dagger’s blade broke off and went flying. The two stared at the dagger for a moment and Biggus Dickus was promptly consumed.
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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
“The prophecy! Oh, Oracle! Oh, Oracle, you were right all along,” a fear-stricken man cried as he ran from the monstrous roars and pitiable screams in the distance. “The first of her 12 labors has come back to lay waste to us!”

Biggus had already got his first glimpse of what seemed to be the source of the great terror before the fearful man had even finished. Though the lumbering beast resembled a lion, even the freshly isekai’d slave could tell there was much more to the monstrosity than that. With it’s height on all-fours dwarfing the height of many humans, the lion-beast was almost twice the size of anything similar Biggus had seen in his previous world and, on top of that, its mane seemed to be made of bronze wires, his fur coat shimmered like gold, and the hellish red eyes of the abomination locked onto Biggus while forsaking all else, including the roars and shrieks from where he came from.

Having up until now been completely overwhelmed by the otherworldly nightmare approaching him, Biggus had only just noticed and processed that the man he had heard earlier had freed him. He then noticed a dusty yet beautiful dagger left behind in the middle of the road nearby him. Of course, Biggus thought. He may not know why he was chosen, but he was in fact chosen and so it only makes sense that gods wouldn’t put him in a completely hopeless situation. A magic dagger perhaps? Now braver and freer, Biggus was face-to-face with the lion-beast now.

Suddenly, in a move that even caught the beast off-guard, Biggus took the first swing and slashed the lion-beast straight across the face. The swing felt natural to Biggus, almost as if the dagger was made just for him. Who’s to say it wasn’t he thought as the ornamental dagger’s blade broke off and went flying. The two stared at the dagger for a moment and Biggus Dickus was promptly consumed.
The beast then having swallowed the whole load in one turned pale, white even. It went to its knees, then lying down to rest. Closing eyes, sockets getting darker and darker, now resembling a certain herbivore. Stomache turning, it snoozed off to digest the big catch of the day.

The dagger's blade to the side, now soaked in the beast's blood, slowly began rattling. A mysterious pink glow enveloped the broken off sliver blade illuminating the dim corner of the place. As the metal clinking intensived, the word "Awaken!" echoed though the empty room, seemingly whispered by a heavenly voice.

The metal glew up morphing into a small figurine. Its thin, lucent wings flapped open as it rose its tiny head. The eyes opened. A fairy, a butterfly? What is this form? the figure thought. Why am I here? It glanced up a sinister grin painted on its face, snoozing beast ahead. That's it! That's why I'm here. "Thank goddess!" it proclaimed.

The figure opened the wings, flapped them till the small body elevated from the ground. It hovered towards the beast's head, to land between the pitch black closed eyes, on its snow white nose.
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The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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With the dagger, now in its real form, floating over the beast's nose, it went dormant. Biggus observed it, still tense, breathing heavily - his hands still shaped as if it was holding the dagger.

"Oh, you thought you were special... you thought I was here just for you?" The dagger being started. "Yes, I'll tell you you're "exotic", but there's so much more out there... so much you don't know about this world..."
The winged figure seemed to be mocking him and enjoying the situation.

"I must thank you, though. Your admission in here got me awakened. It seems like we'll be tagging along for now. And as you see, I am not fit for slashing and cutting flesh - I tear down the will of a soul."

Biggus, at first, seemed very scared and observant, but that tiny creature was so loud... Was that really a tool Kokomi granted him to aid him during his 12 trials? He smiled out of relief on second thought.

"Look... you... Yeah, you see, I'll allow you to follow me if you wish, that 'kiss the nose to put to sleep' ability can be useful".

The winged being's glow seemed to turn from pink to scarlet.

"But, you see? Kokomi-sama herself - and I don't know much of what she is, but she's certainly a deity, right? - gave me [ hyper regeneration ]. You cut off... 'will'? Yeah, I bet I'll survive blows better due to my received gift, thank you".

"... you... what... I've been designed by the gods themselves..." was all the dagger said, trembling while involved in a deep red aura.

"The name is Joe Hardy. Well, Biggus Dickus if I must maintain the name the gods gave me in this world. It's nice you feel happy 'cause you've been awakened - I imagine you've been put to sleep for long, don't even wanna know why - but this former slave is off to take care of some 'prophecy' now."

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

*cough* @MarmaladeSky *cough* your time!


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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(Sshhh I know, should be done soon)
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

"Very well. It'd be entertaining to see a mere human slave try...." The butterfly moved forward. "I will guide you toward your master. That will help you on this journey, Biggus Dickus"
"My name is not Biggus Dickus..." Biggus- No, Joe Hardy sighed. Yet with no knowledge of this peculiar world he had no choice but to follow the strange butterfly. They met for a reason, he was certain of that.

It was that moment Hardy realized he wasn't in a world of nothingness. Instead, he found himself in a village, with real people, and buildings and everything that one would expect of a human settlement. Still vastly different than his own world, the one where he felt safe.

As they travelled through the village, where the beast had wrecked havock, Joe Hardy noticed the trail of destruction it left. A disgusting smell all over, the smell of something rotting. Dozens of wounded humans, some did not seem very alive. Shackles on their feet. Maybe they were slaves like him. Most of them wearing rags for clothes, their skin dull. It was eerily calm. It made him uncomfortable

"Shouldn't we stop and help those people?" He asked.
"No. You have done enough. We must meet your master first, he's an impatient man"

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
Why pick me?

All around, people were running away, pushing others just to escape all these monsters.

In this place where no one was caring about others, just themselves.

Stood a man… chained down, wearing barely anything, under this grey sky where the air frozen. One skin could numb out in this weather… in this chaos, they screamed:


[Haha you must be wondering how did I end up here and who this goddess.
I won't stay long talking but as you guessed I been isekaied to an other world by the will of some gods after being hit by what you call the cliche way of dying before being isekaied…. By truck kun ...

And so with that, I lost my life to such a cliche. How vexing, could prefer I at least go out in a cooler way and after finishing all my duties, so many things I have yet to finish but now all lost, vanished simply like that…. Well, all that no longer matters, it's not like I had such an awesome to be excited about, maybe now I can have a better one …

And so that’s what lead us to these so called gods, hmm this is how it all begun…]

Unknown voice:
“Welcome human, I assume you already know the fact that you died so we don’t have to dwell on that.

The fact you’re here is not something all humans can get, in fact, it rarely happens where one meets the requirement to even see us, so be glad.

We don’t have much time to talk, just know that we the gods give you the opportunity to have another life but that the cost of you fulfilling our wills, your missions is either to destroy that person or save them, you know who soon enough when you reach the world …”

( Huh? Who are you, and why am I in this state, I will be isekaied? Mission? Who is that person even ?)

“Oh forgot, you can’t talk in this state, well no matter, you hearing me is enough…

Human, I’m adding this as a bonus for your survival but each god can grant you one power of their wish if they so desire and as the first god who will bless you, I Kokomi , grant you the power of <Hyper Regeneration> and with that good luck
Know that you can't get rid of anything we, the gods give you and that be including your name ....
Biggus Dickus


*begins transportation*

And so begins the journey of our hero named Biggus Dickus by the goddess Kokomi that is greatly enjoying messing with him while being excited to what he show us in the future.​
“The prophecy! Oh, Oracle! Oh, Oracle, you were right all along,” a fear-stricken man cried as he ran from the monstrous roars and pitiable screams in the distance. “The first of her 12 labors has come back to lay waste to us!”

Biggus had already got his first glimpse of what seemed to be the source of the great terror before the fearful man had even finished. Though the lumbering beast resembled a lion, even the freshly isekai’d slave could tell there was much more to the monstrosity than that. With it’s height on all-fours dwarfing the height of many humans, the lion-beast was almost twice the size of anything similar Biggus had seen in his previous world and, on top of that, its mane seemed to be made of bronze wires, his fur coat shimmered like gold, and the hellish red eyes of the abomination locked onto Biggus while forsaking all else, including the roars and shrieks from where he came from.

Having up until now been completely overwhelmed by the otherworldly nightmare approaching him, Biggus had only just noticed and processed that the man he had heard earlier had freed him. He then noticed a dusty yet beautiful dagger left behind in the middle of the road nearby him. Of course, Biggus thought. He may not know why he was chosen, but he was in fact chosen and so it only makes sense that gods wouldn’t put him in a completely hopeless situation. A magic dagger perhaps? Now braver and freer, Biggus was face-to-face with the lion-beast now.

Suddenly, in a move that even caught the beast off-guard, Biggus took the first swing and slashed the lion-beast straight across the face. The swing felt natural to Biggus, almost as if the dagger was made just for him. Who’s to say it wasn’t he thought as the ornamental dagger’s blade broke off and went flying. The two stared at the dagger for a moment and Biggus Dickus was promptly consumed.
The beast then having swallowed the whole load in one turned pale, white even. It went to its knees, then lying down to rest. Closing eyes, sockets getting darker and darker, now resembling a certain herbivore. Stomache turning, it snoozed off to digest the big catch of the day.

The dagger's blade to the side, now soaked in the beast's blood, slowly began rattling. A mysterious pink glow enveloped the broken off sliver blade illuminating the dim corner of the place. As the metal clinking intensived, the word "Awaken!" echoed though the empty room, seemingly whispered by a heavenly voice.

The metal glew up morphing into a small figurine. Its thin, lucent wings flapped open as it rose its tiny head. The eyes opened. A fairy, a butterfly? What is this form? the figure thought. Why am I here? It glanced up a sinister grin painted on its face, snoozing beast ahead. That's it! That's why I'm here. "Thank goddess!" it proclaimed.

The figure opened the wings, flapped them till the small body elevated from the ground. It hovered towards the beast's head, to land between the pitch black closed eyes, on its snow white nose.
With the dagger, now in its real form, floating over the beast's nose, it went dormant. Biggus observed it, still tense, breathing heavily - his hands still shaped as if it was holding the dagger.

"Oh, you thought you were special... you thought I was here just for you?" The dagger being started. "Yes, I'll tell you you're "exotic", but there's so much more out there... so much you don't know about this world..."
The winged figure seemed to be mocking him and enjoying the situation.

"I must thank you, though. Your admission in here got me awakened. It seems like we'll be tagging along for now. And as you see, I am not fit for slashing and cutting flesh - I tear down the will of a soul."

Biggus, at first, seemed very scared and observant, but that tiny creature was so loud... Was that really a tool Kokomi granted him to aid him during his 12 trials? He smiled out of relief on second thought.

"Look... you... Yeah, you see, I'll allow you to follow me if you wish, that 'kiss the nose to put to sleep' ability can be useful".

The winged being's glow seemed to turn from pink to scarlet.

"But, you see? Kokomi-sama herself - and I don't know much of what she is, but she's certainly a deity, right? - gave me [ hyper regeneration ]. You cut off... 'will'? Yeah, I bet I'll survive blows better due to my received gift, thank you".

"... you... what... I've been designed by the gods themselves..." was all the dagger said, trembling while involved in a deep red aura.

"The name is Joe Hardy. Well, Biggus Dickus if I must maintain the name the gods gave me in this world. It's nice you feel happy 'cause you've been awakened - I imagine you've been put to sleep for long, don't even wanna know why - but this former slave is off to take care of some 'prophecy' now."
"Very well. It'd be entertaining to see a mere human slave try...." The butterfly moved forward. "I will guide you toward your master. That will help you on this journey, Biggus Dickus"
"My name is not Biggus Dickus..." Biggus- No, Joe Hardy sighed. Yet with no knowledge of this peculiar world he had no choice but to follow the strange butterfly. They met for a reason, he was certain of that.

It was that moment Hardy realized he wasn't in a world of nothingness. Instead, he found himself in a village, with real people, and buildings and everything that one would expect of a human settlement. Still vastly different than his own world, the one where he felt safe.

As they travelled through the village, where the beast had wrecked havock, Joe Hardy noticed the trail of destruction it left. A disgusting smell all over, the smell of something rotting. Dozens of wounded humans, some did not seem very alive. Shackles on their feet. Maybe they were slaves like him. Most of them wearing rags for clothes, their skin dull. It was eerily calm. It made him uncomfortable

"Shouldn't we stop and help those people?" He asked.
"No. You have done enough. We must meet your master first, he's an impatient man"
Chapter VI

But then first all of a sudden *TOOT!* *TOOT!*. What foul entity dare take to such aggressive honking in the proximity of Hardy Dickus? Big Joe could think of only one. A savage shiver ran down his spine, gripped his bones and rattled his shackles until they sounded like coins clinking.

"What the heaven got you so riled up?" The Fae jibed.

He did not respond. Instead, the aura around Hardick intensified, his eyes darkened and his breathing got heavier. Certainly, "It" was coming. At first, "It" was gusting up a dust storm far outside of village bounds - just a blot travelling along Hell's otherwise featureless vista. But "It" was definitely closing in at alarming speeds, and the contours of its silhouette were coming into focus. The Fae squinted carefully at the incoming threat. Approximately one ton of weight packed into fun-size dimensions on stupid mini-wheels. A stout bonnet coated in dumb green and pink colours. A little goddamn pennon hanging awkwardly out of the driver seat. The number '11' scribbled in blood on the suspiciously shaded windshield.

"Awh! It's a cute little minivan!" The Fae cheerily swooned. "It has the number 11 written on it, too. Surely that won't be a plot point later on."

"I never told you what killed me." Hardick's voice gravelled gratingly. "That terrible vehicle. That evil machination. War machine on wheels."

As the strangely coloured kei-truck approached the duo, the aura around Hardick started getting denser. Loose rubble atop the ruins of the village started sliding down. Surviving villagers ran away, trembling at the newborn stranger-danger. The smell of nachos and mountain dew started to fill the air.

"I was in the middle of my dailies." Hardick's voice began to screech and tear. "But I just needed to get some juice before the raid tonight began." The Fae held her breath. "So I thought... Let's get a juice. A little juice. Who doesn’t like some juice? Eh?" The Fae shrugged and concurred out of fear, though Hardick wasn't particularly paying attention to her. "Just a little juice..." He held out his hand and clenched his fist little as if he held a phone. "So I thought, let's tweet it. Yeah, why not tweet it, huh? 'Getting a bit of juice, squirt emoji, hashtag eggplant'. Then the crossing lights went to green.” He slowly extends his arm. “I’m halfway across the road, I hit ‘send’ but then suddenly..."


"Yes. Toot. Toot. Toot toot." Joe Hard's eyes turned into a villainous shade of red. "Toot fucking toot.”

The sweat drops dripped from the mini-creature like it was floating melting ice lolly. "I think you… I think humans call it a… Uh... That’s a Suzuki Carry."

The vehicle razed through the village gates on the far side of the square.

“Yes. Truck-kun. My killer.”

“T-That’s more of a mini-van though.” You didn’t even get killed by a real truck? The Fae thought to herself.

Big Hardick roared and took a battle stance.
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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
Hardy closed his right fist and walked straight towards the blood-lusted mini-van.


He didn't stop.

*rattle rattle*


"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer" our hero replied.

"What are you even trying to do?" The Fae enquired. "We haven't grinded yet."

"I'm getting my revenge" was all he said, trying to sound as badass as possible, matching this fated encounter. The mini-van, as menacing as it was, hadn't moved even an inch, displaying great control of its parking brake. Was it overconfidence, or was it just the nature of traditional Japanese industries?

Joe didn't care, his mind was set. "After all, the Chosen One should surely dispose of such a trivial enemy with ease," he thought. "Heh, I wonder if I can even do it with a single punch."

As he approached Suzuki the Carry, Hardy started to dash.


He sensed a whirlwind behind him, consequence of his great speed. He noticed the ground right under him cracking, overwhelmed by the great strength of his legs. He recognised the firey rage in his fist, as he put his entire weight into this single attack, connecting directly into the Suzuki nameplate.


And then all he felt was the pain of both his hand and pride instantly shattering.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Oh just in case, I assume it goes back to @Asako
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Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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The story so far

After our MC died to the foul and evil Truck-kun, the jovial yet annoying clich- I mean goddess Kokomi revived him in a hellish place and granted him three things: a vague mission, a power to aid him (hyper regeneration) and a name (Biggus Dickus). On Dick's first adventure here, he encountered a fierce maned beast whom he defeated through the power of plot convenience, specifically, a dagger possessed by a fae whose power allows her to tame wild beasts.

Shortly afterwards, while touring through the village the beast destroyed, by chance he ran into his killer: the nefarious Truck-kun, now sporting the number '11' on its windshield. Overcome by the confidence gained by defeating the wire-lion, and brimming with loathing for Truck-kun, he decided to punch straight into the accelerating vehicle, destroying his arm (and newfound confidence) in the process.
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James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Sure, give me some time to think something up.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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So i guess i wait for james next and then my turn?

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
"Hyper regeneration" reminds me a lot of Andy's super regeneration as an undead, lol. Nice intro @Asako I could imagine an Isekai manga series called "Biggus Dickus" where the MC despairs at his terrible given name. XD


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
An other round? T_T Thanks Pandu for summary, will be very helpful!

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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For Biggus Dickus it seemed like time itself slowed down around himself. He watched how his hand got smashed against the mini-van nameplate, felt every single one of his 27 hand bones break into hundreds of pieces. The shockwave traveled throughout his arm into his shoulder, his arm bones ripped like broken spears through his flesh and his shoulder popped out of its socket like a Jack in the box. Then the slow-motion track was over and the Suzuki crashed full frontal into Dickus body, sending it flying through the air looking like third-grade mincemeat.
Throughout all that Dickus felt no pain whatsoever.
Then his body instantly healed mid-air and he screamed like a stuck pig.

He slid over the rough ground, his skin scraping and bleeding and again it healed within a single second, causing Dickus to cry out in pain again.
The dagger fairy arrived at his side while the Suzuki drove a few donuts, its squeaking sounds appeared like high-pitched laughter to the still shocked Dickus.
"So you didn't know? Healing magic in this world works wonders, can even bring back the dead, but it hurts like a bitch. Even healing a tiny paper cut with magic hurts as much as getting stabbed by an actual sword."

Dickus eyes grew as big as soup plates as he processed what the metal fairy had just told him.
"WHAT?! What kind of fucked up Isekai setting is this bullshit??? THIS POWER SUCKS! I WANT A REFUND!!!"
His head snapped upwards to watch the Suzuki announced round two with its annoying horn as it accelerated towards the prone Slave.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

@Asako Back to you, girl.^^


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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Reviving this~ It's been awhile after all. @Asako, if you don't have time, maybe we can skip you for a round?
Honestly i wanna say i do it soon but seriously i think I can't not soon, as much as i wanna do it
I should said long ago to skip me



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Well, it's not much writing, but I get not wanting to just half-ass it quickly and put out garbage.

I mean, I was considering pulling out myself.