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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
@DiMaria Yesta

Yup, I hop on a lot! If I don't, I wait 3 months, log in and claim the Welcome Back package that includes Digi Aura, a lvl5 Digiegg, Mega Clones etc. :kappa It's pretty pay-to-win but recently they've been updating it to be more like kDMO which is far more free/poor guy friendly. You can actually farm your fav Digimon without years of waiting in kDMO. The cool part though is that after months of free events, they did one for Alphaman so I was able to merge my two into it...though that even costs $$$ every time you want to evolve. xD I've actually been playing since beta, though some turd hacked my original account so I had to start over.

(and yea, strangely enough, the game is pretty demanding. I was barely able to run it on my original machine. It is very CPU bound.)

Yes, Sukamon! The name escaped me. I only got the flashbacks of childish frustration and anger. :teehee I mean I spoiled my Digimon and pretty much stayed near the gym/toilet yet you let him poop one time in the wilds or are just a min to late to feed his ungrateful ass and he digivolves into a pile of crap or a green slug. :twitch

Oh man, if your memories are blurred, you should definitely replay if you can! I think it is the best in the series only because of the frustrations of DW1. Granted I haven't gotten to try the newest newest yet...


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
Tbh, if you understand why the Digimon evolved into a Numemon, Sukamon (or even Nanimon for that matter but he's more complicated) it'll never happen again. The game doesn't explain anything, I admit, but with the wonders of Internet all that obscurity isn't there anymore, and once you learn the mistake you'll very likely never do it again.

I'm pretty sure a Digimon will never turn into Sukamon "naturally" in any tree, just as the other 2 I mentioned. For a rookie to turn into Sukamon, its "virus" gauge has to be filled (basically, it has to poop on the floor. A lot. Ew). After the evolution the gauge will be emptied.

Numemon is more complicated of an explanation but simplier to get (as our younger selves can confirm, lmao). In short, in all digimon stages except "Baby", depending on the stats your digimon has, it will have a different Evolution. There are 4 parameters (Weight, Stats, Mistakes and Special Parameters like "how many times it battled" or "which Digimon is it"). Usually, to evolve, it needs to have at least 2 or 3 of those 4 I listed. If it doesn't, it turns into Numemon (in your case, Styx, your Digi was prolly super thin and didn't match the weight requirement. Sometimes Digis go full emo and don't wanna eat, so you gotta force food through the throats of those little shits).

There are also special cases I didn't mention (to get a Kunemon you sleep with your In-Training in "Kunemon's bed", you can get a Devimon you gotta have a poorly disciplined Angemon fall in battle (same with SkullGreymon and Bakemon I think) , etc...).

Sry for the long explanation, I like the game a lot '-'


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
Tbh, if you understand why the Digimon evolved into a Numemon, Sukamon (or even Nanimon for that matter but he's more complicated) it'll never happen again. The game doesn't explain anything, I admit, but with the wonders of Internet all that obscurity isn't there anymore, and once you learn the mistake you'll very likely never do it again.

I'm pretty sure a Digimon will never turn into Sukamon "naturally" in any tree, just as the other 2 I mentioned. For a rookie to turn into Sukamon, its "virus" gauge has to be filled (basically, it has to poop on the floor. A lot. Ew). After the evolution the gauge will be emptied.

Numemon is more complicated of an explanation but simplier to get (as our younger selves can confirm, lmao). In short, in all digimon stages except "Baby", depending on the stats your digimon has, it will have a different Evolution. There are 4 parameters (Weight, Stats, Mistakes and Special Parameters like "how many times it battled" or "which Digimon is it"). Usually, to evolve, it needs to have at least 2 or 3 of those 4 I listed. If it doesn't, it turns into Numemon (in your case, Styx, your Digi was prolly super thin and didn't match the weight requirement. Sometimes Digis go full emo and don't wanna eat, so you gotta force food through the throats of those little shits).

There are also special cases I didn't mention (to get a Kunemon you sleep with your In-Training in "Kunemon's bed", you can get a Devimon you gotta have a poorly disciplined Angemon fall in battle (same with SkullGreymon and Bakemon I think) , etc...).

Sry for the long explanation, I like the game a lot '-'
I was a kid without Internet when I played it, so unfortunately I just knew I was raising him wrong and just associated it with a bad poo in the wilds. I just remember my Digimon pooping once less than a foot away from the toilet and his digivolve was disgusting. Maybe my siblings played on my game while I was looking though. lol

Are you telling me I was a bad mother and starved my Digimon?! Oh my god! I'm so sorry my precious Digimon! :emocat It makes me want to replay now. Is there a simpleton's guide on the evolutions available? I'd like to avoid another childhood trauma. :awe


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Basque Country
There are a LOT of guides out there, just found this one and it seems to be the most complete one out there (I believe a "1" in stats there means that stat has to be the highest , for example 1 in Off means your Off must be 100, all the other stats at 90, MP and HP at 900 or so). It looks way more complicated than what it is, lol. It's ordered by the Index number rather than the evolution trees sadly, however you can just click on the digi you want and follow the requirements and everything should be fine.

If you wanna have some "mystery" when you evolve instead of completely following the guide, just train the digi, keep its weight a bit over 15 and that's it o/

Are you telling me I was a bad mother and starved my Digimon?! Oh my god! I'm so sorry my precious Digimon! :emocat
Maybe they were wishing to be slugs and you just granted it to them \o/


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
There are a LOT of guides out there, just found this one and it seems to be the most complete one out there (I believe a "1" in stats there means that stat has to be the highest , for example 1 in Off means your Off must be 100, all the other stats at 90, MP and HP at 900 or so). It looks way more complicated than what it is, lol. It's ordered by the Index number rather than the evolution trees sadly, however you can just click on the digi you want and follow the requirements and everything should be fine.

If you wanna have some "mystery" when you evolve instead of completely following the guide, just train the digi, keep its weight a bit over 15 and that's it o/
Gamefaqs guides are usually written very terribly, but this one looks good! Guess it is time to install a PSX emulator on Ubuntu. :verily I'm gonna go for Airdramon (but I'll get Numemon!), the one Digimon they absolutely need to add to DMO!

(wow I remember my older brothers got Vademon! Now that Digimon brings back memories...)

Maybe they were wishing to be slugs and you just granted it to them \o/
Oh, well in that case, I wasn't hard enough on them! "You wanna grow up to be a what?!" xD


Slightly off topic but maybe someone more knowledgeable than I or a mod might see this...but I would like to create a "Video game screenshot" thread [for the purpose of sharing in game screens], would I post it here? :hmm
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Imperium of Mankind
What's your favorite digimon? :)
Sorry for the late answer, I have two favorite digimons : Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon ! not only for nostalgia reasons but also for their extremely cool design.

I'm pretty sure a Digimon will never turn into Sukamon "naturally" in any tree, just as the other 2 I mentioned. For a rookie to turn into Sukamon, its "virus" gauge has to be filled (basically, it has to poop on the floor. A lot. Ew). After the evolution the gauge will be emptied.
Actually you don't necessarily need a rookie to turn to Sukamon. Any digimon who fills the Virus bar (by pooping outside toilets) will digivolve to it.

I remember my frustration when it happened for the first time 13 years ago xD Getting to see my Metalgreymon (which I got for the 1st time and by pure luck) turn into this big yellow pile of poop, and the worse is that the stats got halved... I swear I was about to have a fit and I immediately went to trash mountain hoping a miracle will occur and it would turn back...And it worked ofc :D Good times...


Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Finished both actually and so far I prefer Sleuth over Order!
Wow you are awesome :awe I have never played those but have been watching videos on YouTube, and so far I prefer Cyber Sleuth. Also I still haven't understood Next Order gameplay.

I don't think it's bad, also because we might get some clues about certain places and characters that were introduced long ago and then forgotten.
For example, does anyone remember that Daemon appeared in Digimon?
I don't :p Did Daemon appear in tri? I am still waiting for HD version (1080) to download.

Anyway, let's get down to business...
Who's your Waifu?
Mine is Mirei Mikagura from Re:Digitize. :hurr
Haha I wanted to ask you this even before you asked me. So that thought was a clairvoyance? :p Mine is Yuuko Kamishiro. Mirei huh...? Mastemon owner :nod


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
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Marine Headquarters
Wow you are awesome :awe I have never played those but have been watching videos on YouTube, and so far I prefer Cyber Sleuth. Also I still haven't understood Next Order gameplay.
Basically you raise Digimon as you would with a Tamagotchi.
Basically you feed your partner Digimon when they're hungry, take them to the bathroom when it's time and if you meet certain requirements you'll be able to control their Digivolutionary lines!

I don't :p Did Daemon appear in tri? I am still waiting for HD version (1080) to download.
He appeared in Two for like an episode. XD
Theorically speaking he should appear in Tri too.

Haha I wanted to ask you this even before you asked me. So that thought was a clairvoyance? :p Mine is Yuuko Kamishiro. Mirei huh...? Mastemon owner :nod
Ah Yuuko!
Nice choice man! :hurr
DAT ass. :datass


Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Basically you raise Digimon as you would with a Tamagotchi.
Basically you feed your partner Digimon when they're hungry, take them to the bathroom when it's time and if you meet certain requirements you'll be able to control their Digivolutionary lines!
Ah I see.. What about the battles? It doesn't look like a turn-based battle. There is limited time in giving orders too.

He appeared in Two for like an episode. XD
Oh haha :p that was a long time ago

I have some questions regarding Cyber Sleuth.
  • What is INT for?
  • What is the difference between stun and paralyzed?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Marine Headquarters
Ah I see.. What about the battles? It doesn't look like a turn-based battle. There is limited time in giving orders too.
When the battle starts you can either leave it to your Digimon or giving them orders.
Remember though that ordering them to do something will require OP.
I'd recommend using orders only to defend and use special moves.
Oh haha :p that was a long time ago

I have some questions regarding Cyber Sleuth.
  • What is INT for?
  • What is the difference between stun and paralyzed?

If I remember correctly, INT regulates the power of moves that are not physical.
Think of it as the Sp.Atk from Pokemon.
As for the Stun and Paralysis status, Stun makes you skip the turn with the Digimon subjected to it, while Paralysys decreases the speed of your Digimon.


Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
When the battle starts you can either leave it to your Digimon or giving them orders.
Remember though that ordering them to do something will require OP.
I'd recommend using orders only to defend and use special moves.
What is OP? :?bunny

If I remember correctly, INT regulates the power of moves that are not physical.
Think of it as the Sp.Atk from Pokemon.
So INT boosts magic attack?

As for the Stun and Paralysis status, Stun makes you skip the turn with the Digimon subjected to it, while Paralysys decreases the speed of your Digimon.
Isn't what decreases speed a move/skill called Speed Break Field? And when a digimon is affected by this skill, there will be a "DEF DOWN" status.


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Marine Headquarters
@DiMaria Yesta: OP stands for Order Power.
By using it, you can give a direct order to your Digimon.
It is better to save it for the Defense and Special Move order though.
Besides, your Digimon will automatically attack your opponent, so you don't have to worry about that!
As for the magic attack yeah, that's what I meant.
As for the statuses, at this point my memory is quite hazy, as I can't remember well what their effect was..
Sorry man...:emocat


Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
@DiMaria Yesta: OP stands for Order Power.
By using it, you can give a direct order to your Digimon.
It is better to save it for the Defense and Special Move order though.
Besides, your Digimon will automatically attack your opponent, so you don't have to worry about that!
I see. Sounds handy. Thanks!

As for the statuses, at this point my memory is quite hazy, as I can't remember well what their effect was..
Sorry man...:emocat
To refresh your memory :D here I linked you to this video:
Rosemon Thorn Whip's ShineGreymon and the latter is paralyzed. And then next ShineGreymon can't move. I still don't know what stun is...


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Marine Headquarters
To refresh your memory :D here I linked you to this video:
Rosemon Thorn Whip's ShineGreymon and the latter is paralyzed. And then next ShineGreymon can't move. I still don't know what stun is...
Hmm...I'll let you know when I'll remember something! :verily
I'll do a bit of research in the meantime. :blush


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
Cyber Sleuth looks so good! Alphamon and BlackWargreymon look badass! Is for a console, or a handheld?


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Marine Headquarters
Cyber Sleuth looks so good! Alphamon and BlackWargreymon look badass! Is for a console, or a handheld?
For both actually.
I've got the PS4 version, also because it was the only one released in the west if I remember correctly.


Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Cyber Sleuth looks so good! Alphamon and BlackWargreymon look badass! Is for a console, or a handheld?

Yeah they do indeed :nod
Alphamon's SS is Hermitic Loner, which is nice because it gives more damage to other Royal Knights. His two special skills are also OP. Blade of the Dragon King hits more than one attack, and Soul Digitalization has % chance of instantly killing targets. I heard BlackWargreymon's stats are even greater than Omnimon Zwart (Black Omnimon). I guess it's for balance purposes...

Will give you some links, brb~
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
If anyone does want to try out Digimon Masters or want to partner up any time, feel free to ask me. I'm usually on now with the free 30d Aura chip they give out. I would even start a new tamer to help out any new players. :)

(You can get Alphamon and the Black lines of Agumon and Gabumon, too! Plus Ryudamon, which from what I understand is very popular...)

@DiMaria Yesta

PS4 and PSP Vita are the consoles, right? I think I'm gonna try and get it for the console. I haven't had a good Digimon game to play since 2003.

As for your videos...they look even better than they do in Digimon Masters. Which, considering the engines used, aren't really that different, but why is Blackwargreymon's stats better than his Omegamon evolve? It doesn't make much sense to me.


Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
If anyone does want to try out Digimon Masters or want to partner up any time, feel free to ask me. I'm usually on now with the free 30d Aura chip they give out. I would even start a new tamer to help out any new players. :)

(You can get Alphamon and the Black lines of Agumon and Gabumon, too! Plus Ryudamon, which from what I understand is very popular...)
Wow, how is it very popular?

PS4 and PSP Vita are the consoles, right? I think I'm gonna try and get it for the console. I haven't had a good Digimon game to play since 2003.
Yep. Yeah try it and share your vids here :blai

why is Blackwargreymon's stats better than his Omegamon evolve? It doesn't make much sense to me.
Like I said, it's just for the game's balance purpose. They have to make it like that so that Omnimon Zwart won't become so OP. I don't know about other stats, only that DEF-penetrating thing. In the actual anime, Omnimon Zwart is still far stronger than BlackWargreymon.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
@DiMaria Yesta

I don't know why it is popular in game. Could be because it is in Jogress with Doru to Alpha, but beyond that I don't really get it. Sure its cool and it is a samurai dragon but not that cool. xD

(lol definitely if I get it. gotta abuse the PS4 more than it is being abused right now. Recording gameplay sounds like a good idea.)


If any of you do hop onto Digimon Masters, Omegamon server (the most active), my in game name is "Styks". You can whisper (pm) people by typing, without quotes, "/w[SPACE]USERNAME[SPACE]" into the chat box. For example, that would be "/w Styks" and then once you write the name down, just press space again. :)
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