Second Round - Dragon Ball vs. Berserk | MangaHelpers

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Second Round Dragon Ball vs. Berserk

Who wins?

  • Dragon Ball

  • Berserk

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Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Dragon Ball
Akira Toriyama

Kentarou Miura

Rules- You are allowed to vote for one Manga
- After 5 days, the Manga with the most votes will proceed into the next round
- In case of a tie, a staff pick will break it
Special Rules- We proudly encourage you to share the best pics of your Manga!
- Earn the possibility to win a badge by being the proudest Mangalover around!


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Ok Everyone please focus on my original post in the previous round

Now i will focus on Guts the Protagonist of Berserk


"is the main protagonist of the berserk anime and manga. He was born from a corpse that had been hung.

the mercenary leader decides to adopt him at the behest of his lover Shisu, who suffered a miscarriage three days prior. Years after Shisu died when was three, Guts is trained by Gambino to use a sword and later enlisted in the mercenary group at age nine. But Guts's relationship to Gambino starts to break apart when another mercenary in the group, Donovan, claims that he bought the boy from Gambino for his depraved pleasure. But Gambino's seeming obliviousness to what happened last night drives Guts to kill Donovan during a job where Gamino loses his leg and deem unable to fight.

Two years pass, despite now able to fight battle against people many times his size and age, Guts feels Gambino is not acknowledging his skills. However, he finds himself being attacked by Gambino as the man blames from for Shisu's death and the loss of his leg while admitting that he did sell Guts to Donovan. Devastated at these revelations, Guts is forced to kill Gambino to defend himself as his adopted father calls out to Shisu before he causes the tent to be engulfed in flames.

This alerting the rest of the mercenary group to the situation, believing Guts killed their leader in cold blood with the boy escaping the encampment by horse with the mercenaries pursuing him until he fell off a cliff and assumed he died. But Guts survived and, after fending off a wolf pack, was taken in by another wandering group of mercenaries who are in need of another soldier in their ranks.


Guts is shown to be a rather tall man at 6'3" (190 cm) with a strong, heavily scarred muscular frame. He black hair fitted with constant, short pointy spikes already built from short hair itself. At the base of his hairline, he allows a few strands to hang just above his forehead. It most closely resembles a crew cut. While he appears to be in his thirties at first glance, he is actually only in his twenties at this point and has been hardened by a lifetime of war. He bears a scar crossing the bridge of his nose and his right eye closed indefinitely. In place of his severed left forearm, Guts outfitted it with aprostheses, fitted with an arm cannon which has a magnet in the palm portion capable of grasping the rather large blade he carries with him. During the Golden Age, before losing use of his right eye and left forearm, Guts originally wore a tan-to-brown colored set of armor that transitions from leather to a harder material. In addition to this equipment, he is mostly seen in battle wearing a uniquely shaped head-guard that protects all but his mouth. He later discards the helmet upon leaving the Hawks (along with the sword he was using up to that point, due to having been broken in battle by Boscogn).

Guts' armor is later updated in the Millennium Falcon Saga by Rickert, causing its plates to bear great resemblance to the Berserker Armor that he would wear later on. Shortly following the battle against Slan, and later, against Grunbeld, Guts switches the regular plates of his armor for the Berserker Armor. The first use of the armor causes the Beast of Darkness to shape the armor, and also turns a portion of his black hair white.


Guts has what could be the most complex personality in the entire series. It could be said that due to this complex personality, he is perhaps the most "human" out of the characters introduced, demonstrating significant shifts in character as he ages.

Being born from a bloody situation and forced into a life of violence, Guts had hardly any time to live like a normal child. While he experienced moments of happiness and joy, his true passion was warped into desiring the fight, mostly to gain Gambino's favor and later to satisfy his own fighting abilities. After successfully killing the first person in what would eventually be a list of hundreds, Guts tempered himself to become stronger, eventually building a strong and very personal relationship with the blade he wields. During his time with the Band of the Hawk, Guts had also told Casca that he was only ever happy when wielding his sword.

After leaving the Hawks, Guts appreciates his bond with his sword and realizes that he wants to create his own sparks. This connection with sparks causes him to uncharacteristically and gratefully thank Judeau when the latter uses the light from sparks to briefly identify the locations of the attacking Bākiraka assassins in their effort to save Griffith.

In the four years he travels around with various mercenary groups, it is shown that Guts had not grown close to anybody until meeting Griffith and the Band of the Hawk. Outwardly displaying a lonely, though arrogant teenage persona, Guts grows close to the Hawks throughout his three years with them, even disregarding Corkus' negativity in greater light of his conflicts with Casca and adapting to the rough mercenary persona shared by the Hawks. Only after talking to Gaston moments before the Eclipse does Guts realize that the Hawks were a family to him and that he was too stubborn to admit it. The Eclipse's occurrence causes the Hawks to be sacrificed, and Guts, upon waking up after four days of rest, ran outside Godo's elven mine and cried upon remembering the Hawks' deaths. Guts later accepts his loneliness after realizing the demonic nature of the enemies he will face. When he realizes that his actions were indirectly the cause for the Hawks' deaths, he admits that he had no right to avenge them and focuses on finding a cure for Casca's mental instability. Later, Isidro, Farnese, and Serpico resolve to join him, and Guts admits that he never knew that he would have comrades again seeing this as a new light in his life.

Despite hating and rejecting the Demon Child that Casca would bear to him and refusing to acknowledge him as his child, after settling with his new party and encountering the child, he begins to think of him and wonder if he was "still out there wandering the night all by himself", unaware that Griffith used his body for the Incarnation Ceremony. This implies that Guts may feel a certain degree of paternity towards the child.

Having been raped by Donovan at an early age, Guts has developed an aversion to being touched by other men. When Guts is suddenly touched by another man, he will react violently to the person touching him, only reacting curiously when he realizes that Casca slept with him to keep him warm. Later, after he wakes up on Roderick's ship, Guts inwardly hopes that Roderick did not revive him by performing mouth to mouth resuscitation.

The 3 years he spends with the Hawks largely downplays this paranoia as he becomes more friendly with the them, only starting up again when he makes love to Casca. This later allows him to leave behind his fear of being touched. The Eclipse causes him to take up this fear again in a way largely related to the first. Notably, his right eye's last sight is of Casca being raped by Femto, while he was held down by an Apostle and unable to do more than watch.

Guts' sword is also tied to his instinct for survival, saving him when he is attacked by a drunken Gambino and later when he is attacked by a pack of wolves. In both cases, Guts did not intend to kill his attacker and in the latter case, even resigned himself to death before realizing how much he wanted to live. Hearing Griffith's conceptualization of a true friend elicits a resolution from Guts not to be swallowed up in Griffith's dream. Guts is, first and foremost, an incredibly resilient man. Despite the hardships he's been meant to suffer from his cursed birth, he has grown and changed considerably, gaining in both strength of body and mind. The brash stubbornness of his youth has melted into a somewhat "worldly" view on things and the people around him; he's come to realize over time what matters most to him and what he is willing to sacrifice to protect it - everything. He gives of himself relentlessly for the sake of those precious few who've managed to fight their ways into his heart despite the long voyage it took to get there; Guts is both incredibly loyal and incredibly selfless, though this was not always the case. It took unfathomable loss for him to finally understand what his priorities truly were.

He holds himself at an arm's length to most, preferring to keep his distance in order to protect those around him; cursed with the Brand of Sacrifice, Guts is a veritable 'demon beacon'; the mark on the base of his neck is like a magnet, drawing in all the creatures of the shadows and darkness. Anyone around him is guaranteed to become entrapped in the endless battles Guts is forced to partake in, as he's constantly under attack. However, it isn't only by fault of the Brand that Guts keeps from forming many personal relationships. He still feels a deep, strong sense of loss and longing after the betrayal of the man he viewed as his best friend, Griffith, and the transformation of the woman he loves, Casca. Dealing with both of these issues on a daily basis has left him emotionally damaged, likely beyond repair, but has given him insight into himself and others he wouldn't have had otherwise.

Beneath the outer layers of his personality - the regret, the longing, the emotional distance, is an insatiable anger and blood lust that cannot hope to be tamed nor satisfied. With the usage of the Berserker Armor, he's constantly engaged in battle with himself in order to keep these emotions in check, lest he let his rage win out and he becomes a beast unable to determine friend from foe. The nature of these feelings are clear: his hatred and pain caused by Griffith's betrayal, his actions, the loss of the Band of the Hawk, everything that happened to Casca, being made to watch her rape and subsequent loss of mental capacities, his disgust and loathing for the God Hand. His hatred for demons, and anything resembling them, is considerable. In fact, it has been subtly demonstrated that Guts may suffer from a kind of dementia brought on by post-traumatic stress. There have been times when he has hallucinated about The Beast of Darkness, the mental projection of all the pain and anguish he has suffered. The fact that the visions of the beast appear when he is awake show that he may also be suffering from a form of schizophrenia."

All the best @Ripper 30
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For the Empire!
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 16, 2015
Reaction score
United Nations
Dragon Ball, for the salt :D


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 15, 2017
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Ha, this VS already happened last year!

Gonna wait for the campaigns even though my opinion is rather very one-sided on this one. :p

Gut's is the man

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Ok Everyone please focus on my original post in the previous round

Now i will focus on Guts the Protagonist of Berserk


"is the main protagonist of the berserk anime and manga. He was born from a corpse that had been hung.

the mercenary leader decides to adopt him at the behest of his lover Shisu, who suffered a miscarriage three days prior. Years after Shisu died when was three, Guts is trained by Gambino to use a sword and later enlisted in the mercenary group at age nine. But Guts's relationship to Gambino starts to break apart when another mercenary in the group, Donovan, claims that he bought the boy from Gambino for his depraved pleasure. But Gambino's seeming obliviousness to what happened last night drives Guts to kill Donovan during a job where Gamino loses his leg and deem unable to fight.

Two years pass, despite now able to fight battle against people many times his size and age, Guts feels Gambino is not acknowledging his skills. However, he finds himself being attacked by Gambino as the man blames from for Shisu's death and the loss of his leg while admitting that he did sell Guts to Donovan. Devastated at these revelations, Guts is forced to kill Gambino to defend himself as his adopted father calls out to Shisu before he causes the tent to be engulfed in flames.

This alerting the rest of the mercenary group to the situation, believing Guts killed their leader in cold blood with the boy escaping the encampment by horse with the mercenaries pursuing him until he fell off a cliff and assumed he died. But Guts survived and, after fending off a wolf pack, was taken in by another wandering group of mercenaries who are in need of another soldier in their ranks.


Guts is shown to be a rather tall man at 6'3" (190 cm) with a strong, heavily scarred muscular frame. He black hair fitted with constant, short pointy spikes already built from short hair itself. At the base of his hairline, he allows a few strands to hang just above his forehead. It most closely resembles a crew cut. While he appears to be in his thirties at first glance, he is actually only in his twenties at this point and has been hardened by a lifetime of war. He bears a scar crossing the bridge of his nose and his right eye closed indefinitely. In place of his severed left forearm, Guts outfitted it with aprostheses, fitted with an arm cannon which has a magnet in the palm portion capable of grasping the rather large blade he carries with him. During the Golden Age, before losing use of his right eye and left forearm, Guts originally wore a tan-to-brown colored set of armor that transitions from leather to a harder material. In addition to this equipment, he is mostly seen in battle wearing a uniquely shaped head-guard that protects all but his mouth. He later discards the helmet upon leaving the Hawks (along with the sword he was using up to that point, due to having been broken in battle by Boscogn).

Guts' armor is later updated in the Millennium Falcon Saga by Rickert, causing its plates to bear great resemblance to the Berserker Armor that he would wear later on. Shortly following the battle against Slan, and later, against Grunbeld, Guts switches the regular plates of his armor for the Berserker Armor. The first use of the armor causes the Beast of Darkness to shape the armor, and also turns a portion of his black hair white.


Guts has what could be the most complex personality in the entire series. It could be said that due to this complex personality, he is perhaps the most "human" out of the characters introduced, demonstrating significant shifts in character as he ages.

Being born from a bloody situation and forced into a life of violence, Guts had hardly any time to live like a normal child. While he experienced moments of happiness and joy, his true passion was warped into desiring the fight, mostly to gain Gambino's favor and later to satisfy his own fighting abilities. After successfully killing the first person in what would eventually be a list of hundreds, Guts tempered himself to become stronger, eventually building a strong and very personal relationship with the blade he wields. During his time with the Band of the Hawk, Guts had also told Casca that he was only ever happy when wielding his sword.

After leaving the Hawks, Guts appreciates his bond with his sword and realizes that he wants to create his own sparks. This connection with sparks causes him to uncharacteristically and gratefully thank Judeau when the latter uses the light from sparks to briefly identify the locations of the attacking Bākiraka assassins in their effort to save Griffith.

In the four years he travels around with various mercenary groups, it is shown that Guts had not grown close to anybody until meeting Griffith and the Band of the Hawk. Outwardly displaying a lonely, though arrogant teenage persona, Guts grows close to the Hawks throughout his three years with them, even disregarding Corkus' negativity in greater light of his conflicts with Casca and adapting to the rough mercenary persona shared by the Hawks. Only after talking to Gaston moments before the Eclipse does Guts realize that the Hawks were a family to him and that he was too stubborn to admit it. The Eclipse's occurrence causes the Hawks to be sacrificed, and Guts, upon waking up after four days of rest, ran outside Godo's elven mine and cried upon remembering the Hawks' deaths. Guts later accepts his loneliness after realizing the demonic nature of the enemies he will face. When he realizes that his actions were indirectly the cause for the Hawks' deaths, he admits that he had no right to avenge them and focuses on finding a cure for Casca's mental instability. Later, Isidro, Farnese, and Serpico resolve to join him, and Guts admits that he never knew that he would have comrades again seeing this as a new light in his life.

Despite hating and rejecting the Demon Child that Casca would bear to him and refusing to acknowledge him as his child, after settling with his new party and encountering the child, he begins to think of him and wonder if he was "still out there wandering the night all by himself", unaware that Griffith used his body for the Incarnation Ceremony. This implies that Guts may feel a certain degree of paternity towards the child.

Having been raped by Donovan at an early age, Guts has developed an aversion to being touched by other men. When Guts is suddenly touched by another man, he will react violently to the person touching him, only reacting curiously when he realizes that Casca slept with him to keep him warm. Later, after he wakes up on Roderick's ship, Guts inwardly hopes that Roderick did not revive him by performing mouth to mouth resuscitation.

The 3 years he spends with the Hawks largely downplays this paranoia as he becomes more friendly with the them, only starting up again when he makes love to Casca. This later allows him to leave behind his fear of being touched. The Eclipse causes him to take up this fear again in a way largely related to the first. Notably, his right eye's last sight is of Casca being raped by Femto, while he was held down by an Apostle and unable to do more than watch.

Guts' sword is also tied to his instinct for survival, saving him when he is attacked by a drunken Gambino and later when he is attacked by a pack of wolves. In both cases, Guts did not intend to kill his attacker and in the latter case, even resigned himself to death before realizing how much he wanted to live. Hearing Griffith's conceptualization of a true friend elicits a resolution from Guts not to be swallowed up in Griffith's dream. Guts is, first and foremost, an incredibly resilient man. Despite the hardships he's been meant to suffer from his cursed birth, he has grown and changed considerably, gaining in both strength of body and mind. The brash stubbornness of his youth has melted into a somewhat "worldly" view on things and the people around him; he's come to realize over time what matters most to him and what he is willing to sacrifice to protect it - everything. He gives of himself relentlessly for the sake of those precious few who've managed to fight their ways into his heart despite the long voyage it took to get there; Guts is both incredibly loyal and incredibly selfless, though this was not always the case. It took unfathomable loss for him to finally understand what his priorities truly were.

He holds himself at an arm's length to most, preferring to keep his distance in order to protect those around him; cursed with the Brand of Sacrifice, Guts is a veritable 'demon beacon'; the mark on the base of his neck is like a magnet, drawing in all the creatures of the shadows and darkness. Anyone around him is guaranteed to become entrapped in the endless battles Guts is forced to partake in, as he's constantly under attack. However, it isn't only by fault of the Brand that Guts keeps from forming many personal relationships. He still feels a deep, strong sense of loss and longing after the betrayal of the man he viewed as his best friend, Griffith, and the transformation of the woman he loves, Casca. Dealing with both of these issues on a daily basis has left him emotionally damaged, likely beyond repair, but has given him insight into himself and others he wouldn't have had otherwise.

Beneath the outer layers of his personality - the regret, the longing, the emotional distance, is an insatiable anger and blood lust that cannot hope to be tamed nor satisfied. With the usage of the Berserker Armor, he's constantly engaged in battle with himself in order to keep these emotions in check, lest he let his rage win out and he becomes a beast unable to determine friend from foe. The nature of these feelings are clear: his hatred and pain caused by Griffith's betrayal, his actions, the loss of the Band of the Hawk, everything that happened to Casca, being made to watch her rape and subsequent loss of mental capacities, his disgust and loathing for the God Hand. His hatred for demons, and anything resembling them, is considerable. In fact, it has been subtly demonstrated that Guts may suffer from a kind of dementia brought on by post-traumatic stress. There have been times when he has hallucinated about The Beast of Darkness, the mental projection of all the pain and anguish he has suffered. The fact that the visions of the beast appear when he is awake show that he may also be suffering from a form of schizophrenia."

All the best @Ripper 30
All guts wants is a easy life.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
Voting for Berserk. DB had some good arcs and characters here and there, but Berserk had an exceptional first arc and great characters along with it :^_^


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Voting for Berserk. DB had some good arcs and characters here and there, but Berserk had an exceptional first arc and great characters along with it :^_^
All the arcs are great though the Golden Age arc is the best.
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Berserk really is a top quality manga, I would call it a complete must-read for everyone :grumble Only being set back by new chapters taking forever so who knows how, when or if it'll end :emocat But even incomplete it's still top 3 mangas ever maybe.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Berserk really is a top quality manga, I would call it a complete must-read for everyone :grumble Only being set back by new chapters taking forever so who knows how, when or if it'll end :emocat But even incomplete it's still top 3 mangas ever maybe.
Well it came last month.The author hinted it may end by 2024.

Ripper 30

Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Aug 24, 2018
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alright, so last time i made a post talking about technical details and about the reasons why DB is so big, you can refer to it here :

(i am talking about the original manga of 519 Chapters or in Anime Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, no irrelevant trash like DBS, DBGT or anything after Z which is the Original series)

today i am going to talk about something different, it's because i see many misinterpret Dragon Ball as a whole :

I think our opinions on Dragon Ball stems from the way we're conceptualizing and approaching the work itself. Some people view it as a work of artistic expression, and others view it as a work of commercial production. What ARE comics? What ARE works of animation? Voice acting? Musical composition and performance? Film? Theater?

Stupid as it might sound, we have to start with a really basic question: What IS Dragon Ball?

Dragon Ball Component #1: The Author:
I think that they reflect the individual(s) who create them. The art acts as a window into their skill, technique, craftsmanship, talents, style, and personality. The author provides the lens through which the abstract idea is channeled and given life, by the author's own labor. Dragon Ball is brimming with Toriyama's own sense of style, his personality, his set of quirks and narrative expectations.

Dragon Ball Component #2: The Medium:
Toriyama is an illustrator and comedian, so, naturally, he primarily draws gag comics. Dragon Ball is, fundamentally, a gag comic written by Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Ball Component #3: The Demographic:
This is where people start to lose focus. Dragon Ball's demographic is "Shonen", or "Young boys". Dragon Ball is aimed primarily at male children.

Dragon Ball Component #4: The Mood/Tone:
Dragon Ball is indeed a gag comic, so naturally its primary mood or tone is comedy: puns, gags, subtle irony, set ups and punchlines. From the start it has its share of action, which increases as the story progresses. So Dragon Ball is "comedy/action".

Dragon Ball Component #5: The Genre:
"Genre" is a loaded word with this series. Some people say it's "Shonen", others say it's "comedy", or "action", and everyone's "right". They're giving correct descriptions, but applied to the wrong Component. Dragon Ball's genre is "Wuxia"; or essentially fantasy eastern Daoist martial arts. This genre is thousands of years old, and sees superhuman physical strength, energy blasts, teleportation, flight, and the like as abilities that one can acquire if he or she commits enough to training in martial arts.
"Battle Shonen" is a vague term, but it seems to be:
- comic or cartoon
- aimed at male children
- comedy/action hybrid
- wuxia

What sets Dragon Ball apart from the rest of the "Battle Shonen", then, is its author.
I think that's where the disconnect is ultimately coming from: too much attention is being paid to the similarities, and not enough to the differences.
as a result of not paying mind to the author, and their style, one does not associate the consequences of said style with anything positive.
A lot of people over-prioritize the commercial product aspect of it. They focus on the brand, rather than the artists who make the brand attractive in the first place. They value canonicity and continuity over something genuinely creative and distinct for its medium, genre, or even the artist's own body of work. They care more if they can set up a consistent Wiki for the story, than the effect the story itself had on them.
Akira Toriyama drawing a Wuxia story is, on paper alone, a wild and fun concept; whether it's for children or not need not apply. A Seinen Wuxia story by Toriyama would be dope.
That it had such a profound effect on the medium and demographic is a testament to how interesting and distinct the idea of a Toriyama Wuxia comic was. he redefined the boys' wuxia comic in Japan. If you're interested, I can link you to some really good threads on both Wuxia as a genre, and Toriyama's style as an author.
Toriyama didn't do it "by the book", and there's nothing wrong with that. He was winging it most of the time, kept up with it every week for ten years, successfully entertained both the audience and himself. He was never forced to keep it going, and even threatened to quit if he didn't get his way (Shueisha didn't want him to age Goku into an adult, but he said "fuck you" and did what he wanted)So Dragon Ball's writing shouldn't be AT ALL as coherent as it is; it shouldn't be as subtle as it is; it shouldn't have the themes that it does; but it is, and it does. And that's some incredible performance art.Now, if you try to remove it from the context of its medium, its serialization, its author's stylistic quirks, and really sterilize it and look at it along identical standards to every other story, then all of that gets lost in translation.
This is missing the forest for the trees; seeing in tunnel vision; thinking one size somehow fits all.It's the whole "TV Tropes" mindset, where everything has to be put into a quantifiable box.It's the "Cinema Sins"/"Honest Trailers" approach, where nitpicks that miss the point are mistaken for genuine artistic blemish.
Wuxia thread:
Toriyama's style thread:

I think it's important to not lose sight of what Dragon Ball is, and so to avoid using loaded terminology.

Dragon Ball is, in the most plain terms possible, a:
- Action/Comedy Fantasy Martial Arts Comic for Male Children

In a lot of online discourse, this is described less plainly as:
- "Battle/Gag Shonen Manga"

I repeat this because the "Comedy" never once leaves the series' DNA. It's constantly brimming with humor, from the puns that form the basis for EVERY character's name, to shit like Kaio,

the Ginyu,

Mr. Satan,


and Gotenks.

No matter how serious the battles get in Dragon Ball, it's all still happening within the backdrop of a gag manga.

Toriyama certainly does develop several patterns, tropes, and habits. One of the things that makes the Buu arc such an interesting and satisfying final arc is how Toriyama really starts to flip a lot of those tropes on their heads.even the Cell arc bucks the trend of having Goku come and save the day at the end and the Buu arc ends with a more collective victory.

So, where you're asking "are the facts that follow from what happens on the page consistent with the facts that followed from what happened on earlier pages?"

...I'm asking "what is Toriyama doing here that is interesting? Unexpected? Bold? Subtle? Clever?"

what makes Dragon Ball so interesting is that since Toriyama planned little, it grew before his eyes just as much ours. That's what makes the clever things about the work that much more clever; that's what makes the interesting twists and tied up loose threads more impressive: it's all improvised.

Again, to focus on the plotholes, and the brainfarts that happen from time to time, is to lose sight of what's happening: the performance of improvised storytelling over the course of ten years.

If Toriyama "planned" like Oda, or Kishimoto, or Kubo, or Togashi, Dragon Ball would be one arc long.But then, why are these other works held as the standard?Dragon Ball set the standard in the first place, it codified and defined this sub-genre. Why stay beholden to just kids' media, though?Why emphasize the "Shonen manga" aspect of it, over the Wuxia aspect?

Why not compare Dragon Ball to "Wuxia battle comics" in general, over "KIDS Wuxia battle comics" specifically?But back to personality. Every fan of One Piece, or Naruto, or Hunter X Hunter, etc. boasts that the author of their work put so much thought into their work, and they're so consistent.None of them ever boast about the author's style, or quirks.

Like, it'd be similar to calling Doom, or Dragon Quest, mediocre compared to later FPS or RPGsof course later entries in a genre are going to improve the work that defined the genre in the first place. But to call the genre-definer mediocre compared to the stock derivative, is to misunderstand the different historical context each sits at relative to one another.

You could call something mediocre compared to its contemporaries, if it is in fact worse, and had less of an impactin the real world, YYH's Dark Tournament and DB's Cell Games were wrapping up at the time time.which is funny how similar they arethey both end with the protagonist unable to unleash their full powerso the bad guy sacrifices the one ginger there in order to make the protagonist snap.
If we were to compare, I'd say that the Cell Games handled it better in a lot of ways. In YYH, Genkai literally phones from the dead and just exposits to Toguro that someone close to him has to die. In DB, we see Gohan and Cell conversing while fighting, and Cell getting the idea on his own. This is an instance where DB's approach was much more organic.

That's not to say I'm calling DB better than YYH, I've no horse in that race either way. The claim I'm contesting is merely that Dragon Ball is ever mediocre or trash. It's oozing with style and charm, from front to back; it manages to paint a (while not 100% airtight and free from plotholes and questionable or bad writing choices) surprisingly consistent and compelling tapestry. Even the dramatic and serious moments are laced with irony.The name puns alone do a lot of legwork in that regardThe Buu arc goes all in Super Saiyan 3 looks ridiculous, and accomplishes nothing.

They once again pin their fate on the actions of a super powered child, and this time it actually goes as bad as you'd expect.Mr. Satan, temporarily, saves the world without having to throw a punch, resolving things through words and friendship.
Even at the end, the scumbag who stole credit for defeating Cell, actually is instrumental in winning the final battle.

my Competitor is Berserk, i know its a Top Quality work and for more mature with philosophical tones and more graphic with its stuff.

Despite Berserk being a higher work of art than DB, I still like DB more. It's been a part of my life since I was a child, and a lot of my closest friendships were colored and forged in part by Dragon Ball's presence. It was the first work that I was compelled to really jump down the rabbit hole of; I started off with my Local language dub then Funimation dub , gradually moved to the Japanese version, and am now moving to the manga, as my preferred incarnation. I'm becoming more and more interested in Toriyama as a person and as a creator, in the behind the scenes nature of the work's creation. I'm like that with all of the art I consume now, but Dragon Ball was what got me doing that, what had me adopt that approach, in the first place.

Plus, the more I revisit it, the more I find to enjoy in it. Above, when I talked about how the different Super Saiyan forms in the Cell arc show how each of the four Saiyans are different from one another, I didn't pick up on that until my most recent read through.

Same with Gohan's Super Saiyan transformation punctuating Cell's achieving of his Perfect form. It's far from perfect, but it's a really important work in my own development as a person, so it'll probably never be topped as a personal favorite. Berserk, though, is not really the type of manga which is comparable with a shonen but something like Vagabond.
as for Dragon Ball
"Take one or more selfish weirdos. Over the course of the story, they don't grow morally, but do forge new bonds, which we take to be redemptive enough. Often they wind up achieving some kind of accidental altruistic good."

That's Toriyama's formula. I think Dragon Ball is a REALLY fun and interesting twist on that formula. It's a Wuxia series, that gradually shifts from a focus on comedy, to a focus on action, improvised continuously over the course of a decade. It also puts a neat spin on the Wuxia protagonist: Goku, indeed our hero, doesn't develop morally. He becomes WORSE morally, and that itself is his character development. It's still a Toriyama gag comic, at the fundamental level, so yo know gong in that it's never going to try to go for Berserk levels of philosophical or emotional meat. But it shows an interesting flaw in our protagonist, where he's a double edged sword: he's the Earth's best shot, but he will also routinely allow it to be endangered. Defending the Earth from great dangers creates an incredible thrill, it provides him with the best opportunity to test his abilities as a martial artist. And we can see how scary that really gets when the Androids become more of a problem than they bargained for, and when Boo wakes up and likewise proves to be more than they bargained for. People accuse this of cheap tension or drama, manufactured to prolong the plot, with characters acting stupid as devices just to move it forward but that's not the case, Goku and Vegeta, every bad decision they make, are tragically in character, the danger that they eventually put the Earth is absolutely believable as something they'd do.

A lot of people online fall into this strange rut:
- Focus too much on plotholes and bad decisions made by characters
- Praise series' whose characters are really explicit, and on the nose, as to what their motivations (not targeting Naruto but just because it's blatant with its themes than Naruto many assume that DB lacks them)
- Give oneself tunnel vision, making subtext harder to pick up on
- Mistake the lack of on-the-nose characterization for the lack of any characterization, because one has, inadvertently, stopped trying to detect subtext

thats all from my side

White Rabbit

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 22, 2006
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Band of the Hawks 2
Damn... those are the first two manga I've ever read. This is like deciding between your "funny" grandpa and your "cool" grandpa. Both are definately genre-defining masterpieces in their own way.
I'll just go with Berserk before my head explodes.
Who won last year?

Gut's is the man

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
Damn... those are the first two manga I've ever read. This is like deciding between your "funny" grandpa and your "cool" grandpa. Both are definately genre-defining masterpieces in their own way.
I'll just go with Berserk before my head explodes.
Who won last year?


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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I'm torn :emocat
On one hand, I've read DB and even though it was cool, it wasn't rly my cup of tea. I like it, but I don't share the hype. I might have missed the depth and references and I like what ripper is bring in in his campaigns, though.
On the other hand, people praise Berserk a lot, but I'm not that sure I share those people's taste and I would love it as well ç.ç The art is outstanding, but that's all I could say so far. I usually prefer things that are more seinen-ish, but ugh...
That being said, I think I'll just abstain from voting, in respect to both ripper and Arju xD Couldn't find a good criteria for me to vote here as well.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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I meant only Berserk VS Dragonball... sorry, I should've made myself clearer.
Berserk won last year o/

This match up is too difficult, I love DB so much... but Berserk is a top work of fiction, I mean beyond manga territory. So if I have to choose without feels... Berserk it is for me. The best of luck for @Ripper 30 though, he's making an outstanding campaign, very on point.
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