Chapter - Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter Reviews (currently ch 67) | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter Reviews (currently ch 67)


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter Reviews

As promised, we are trying to bring back chapter reviews for Fairy Tail which will be posted on the forum homepage. Each chapter, the first submitted review will be used. Preferably reviews are to be submitted as soon as possible and before the release of the following chapter. Subsequent reviews will be linked in the published review, and are also to be completed in this thread. Your permission will be sought before your review is published or linked.

The 24 hour spoiler rule does not apply in this thread. However this is for reviews only. Any discussion about reviews can be done in the chapter thread, or the Hangout thread (keep in mind the 24 hour spoiler rule applies in that thread).

Review standards
  • Minimum 500 words
  • English language. Standard spelling, grammar and punctuation apply - enough so it can be easily read.
  • No emoji, slang, swearing. All forum etiquette rules apply.
  • Refrain from using pictures. A picture may be incorporated should the need arise.

What should be included in the review?

A concise summary of the events within the chapter; and how said events are interconnected with the story. Aspects such as character actions/development, art, tone etc can all be subjects of the review. Any points can be appraised (was it good? was it bad), though it is expected to be reasonable and/or supported by chapter/manga content. The review should be finished with a concluding paragraph, with some forewords regarding possible future events. Feel free to add/omit any of these recommendations as you see fit, as well as adding your own perspective and character to the review.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest - Chapter 5 Review by Nemispelled


Touka at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall
  • The chapter starts with Gajeel and Juvia noticing a tail hanging out from underneath Touka's dress, who is in a conversation with Mirajane and Lisanna
  • Gajeel and Juvia yells out in surprise, but the tail disappears when the rest of the guild looks towards Touka's direction
  • Touka asks if there is a greeting in FT that demands members to randomly yell out "Tail!" due to confusion from the sudden commotion
  • The guild denies that such a tradition exists and resumes their daily activities
  • Pantherlily mentions that he also witnessed a tail coming from Touka's dress, to which Levy remains skeptical and suggests that they may just be imagining things
  • Gajeel adamantly confirms that there is something suspicious about Touka's presence in the guild

Jellal's surprise warning and the Sabertooth Guild
  • Jellal drops by the Sabertooth Guild Hall and is pleased to see that Sorano ("Angel") is getting along well with her sister Yukino
  • Sting and Rogue exchange greetings with Jellal before asking him if he has business within the city due to his sudden appearance, and offers their help
  • Jellal replies that he is looking for someone and that the Sabertooth members must contact him if they run into this person
  • This prompts Minerva to joke that "Jellal is seeing another woman besides Erza", to which Jellal denies and states that his current matter is unrelated to Erza
  • When questioned further, Jellal mentions that the person who he is looking for goes by the alias of "Touka" and states that her real name is unknown
  • Jellal also insists that under no circumstances should anyone interact with Touka

Team Natsu in Elmina's tunnels
  • Team Natsu camps out in one of Elmina's tunnels and is unsure of their current location
  • Erza brings up the topic about the sudden change in the fishes' attitude when the Water God was mentioned, to which Wendy and Lucy suggests that their religion must still be ongoing if there are loyal worshipers protecting the Water God
  • Natsu tries to steal his scarf back from Lucy, who used it to cover her breasts when her top was stolen by a fish, but is met by a reluctant Lucy
  • Lucy eventually agrees to give Natsu back his scarf after Natsu explains that Lucy can just change into her Star Dress outfit to cover up her body
  • Gray recalls that Kashima mentioned of human visitors appearing in Elmina a few days prior to their arrival and suggests that they turn back to the town to settle things out with the fishes
  • Natsu wants to roast all of the fishes, but Gray and Lucy disagree, stating that the fish population is most likely not evil if they gave them the potion to breathe underwater.
  • Natsu mentions that they must defeat the Water God Dragon, but Lucy points out that the quest only required them to "seal" the 5 dragons
  • Lucy goes on to explain that "sealing" the 5 dragons could mean: exterminating them, neutralizing them, using a physical seal, imprisoning them, or changing their motives/personalities
  • Lucy then uses Gemini's transformation magic to disguise Team Natsu as fishes (except for Wendy who is turned into a jellyfish due to Lucy running out of magic power)

Team Natsu returning to the city to search for intel and the human visitor who is being held as a sacrifice
  • Back in the city, Sameko and Kashima have relationship problems since Sameko does not want to interact with any humans whereas Kashima tries to explain that there are good humans apart from the ones who want to kill the Water God
  • Having transformed into fishes, Team Natsu decides that they should split up and search the city for intel about the humans that arrived the other day
  • Gray ventures off by himself and runs into Kashima who asks him if the human escapees (Team Natsu) have been found, to which Gray replies that he is not sure
  • Gray realizes that Kashima is oblivious to his transformation and asks him about what had happened to the human visitors that were found in Elmina the other day, to which Kashima replies that "it is obvious"
  • In another part of the city, Natsu picks up the scent of a human and heads towards a prison cell with Lucy and Happy following closely behind him
  • The trio runs into Kashima and is confronted by him as they see a woman being held captive in the prison cell
  • Natsu, Lucy, and Happy are told that the woman will be sacrificed to the Water God as Happy points out that the captured female bears an unfamiliar guild crest on her shoulder

Chapter's Scoring

Plot - Did the chapter advance the general storyline or make good progress of the series?

Battle -
How would you rate the confrontations or fights between the characters in this chapter?

Characterization -
Did you enjoy the characters' personalities and actions in this chapter? Were any of them "out of character" or not?

Dialogue -
How was the overall conversation or communication between the characters? Did you like their speeches in this chapter?

Suspense -
Did you find any part of this chapter interesting or thrilling?

Logical Aspects -
Did the entire chapter make sense? How realistic were the events of this chapter?

Surprising Factors/Revelations
- Were there any shocking or exciting plot twists in this chapter? Was it a good surprise?

(30 points)
  • Score: + 30 / 30 pts.
Battle (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Characterization (20 points)
  • Score: + 17 / 20 pts.
Dialogue (5 points)
  • Score: + 4 / 5 pts.
Suspense (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Logical Aspects (20 points)
  • Score: + 15 / 20 pts.
Surprising Factors/Revelations (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Total Critical Score:
91 / 100

Simplified Score: 9.1 / 10

Chapter's Conclusion

Overall, it was a pretty good chapter. It was cool seeing the updated clothing designs of Jellal and the other Sabertooth members. I would've also liked to see different clothing styles for Team Natsu and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild members, but that's not really a big deal.

I also found it intriguing that "Touka" is an alias and that nobody can identify her real name.

Another notable point in this chapter was Lucy's explanation for "sealing" the 5 dragons. Since the start of the 100 Years Quest, I've been mostly confused about what Elefseria's conditions were for completing the quest. His initial words were kinda vague, so it's interesting to hear that this quest is practically up to the members' interpretations.

I'm also glad that "physically killing" the dragons isn't Team Natsu's only option. It's not that I'm against having the team defeat a powerful dragon, but I would imagine that it would get quite repetitive if all 5 of them were disposed the same way.

Not to mention, it wouldn't make sense killing a dragon that isn't evil or causing problems to begin with.

One small detail that grabbed my attention in this chapter was when Gray asked Kashima about what the fishes did with the human visitor. Kashima looked pretty annoyed and told Gray that "it was obvious".

Then, later on, when Kashima ran into Natsu, Lucy, and Happy - the panels didn't show any signs of Gray, who should have been with Kashima.

My guess is that Kashima saw through Gray's disguise and captured him. That would explain why Kashima looked angry by the time he intercepted Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. In my opinion, it's almost as if he knew where they would be heading.

Anyways, it would be a great plot twist if Gray purposely allowed himself to be captured in order to see what the fishes did with the previous human visitors (which is apparently using them as a sacrifice for the Water God).

I also predict that the female captive will help Team Natsu deal with the Water God and possibly even provide more hints about the whereabouts of the other God Dragons once they're finished in Elmina -- since she seems to be doing some sort of dragon-hunting of her own.

~ Nemispelled
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest - Chapter 6 Review by Nemispelled


The Female Prisoner & the Water Serpent
  • Natsu, Lucy, and Happy witness a female prisoner being held as a sacrifice inside a cage, and they comment about her unfamiliar guild mark
  • The female wizard, who was pretending to be unconscious, tells the trio to stand back since the "Water God Dragon" has arrived
  • She breaks away from her restraints and cuts the cage in half, before proceeding to attack the Water Serpent
  • The two combatants unleash powerful spells, causing significant damage to the surrounding environment, which was noticed by other members of Team Natsu
  • It is also noted that the female prisoner likely allowed herself be captured in order to lure the Water Serpent
  • Using the spell "Dragon Slayer Secret Technique: Blade Dragon Sword Dance", the female wizard emerges victorious from the battle as she slices the Water Serpent into pieces
  • Subsequently, she eats the body of the Water Serpent and claims that it is not the Water Dragon God, mentioning that she feels sick and has been duped

Introduction to the 4th and 5th Generation Dragon Slayers
  • Looking for entertainment, she switches her attention to Natsu, Lucy, and Happy
  • Natsu urgently requests Lucy to change him back to his human form, and quickly blocks an attack from the female wizard
  • Both remain unharmed from the clash
  • The female wizard explains that -
    • 1st generation dragon slayers are those who obtained their powers directly from a dragon
    • 2nd generation dragon slayers are those who have had a dragon lacrima implanted inside of their bodies
    • 3rd generation dragon slayers are the hybrids of the 1st and 2nd generation (acquired their powers from a dragon + possess a dragon lacrima)
    • 4th generation dragon slayers are those who were created by magic power alone, from nothing, to serve as magic weapons
    • And 5th generation dragon slayers are those who eat dragons and take their power, also known as "The Dragon Eaters"
  • She further explains that she is attempting to hunt down the Holy Pentadrakes to eat them and gain tremendous power
  • Last, she reveals that her name is Kyria, the Blade Dragon and that she is from the mage guild, Diabolos, which is made up of only Dragon Eaters

Chapter's Scoring

Plot - Did the chapter advance the general storyline or make good progress of the series?

Battle -
How would you rate the confrontations or fights between the characters in this chapter?

Characterization -
Did you enjoy the characters' personalities and actions in this chapter? Were any of them "out of character" or not?

Dialogue -
How was the overall conversation or communication between the characters? Did you like their speeches in this chapter?

Suspense -
Did you find any part of this chapter interesting or thrilling?

Logical Aspects -
Did the entire chapter make sense? How realistic were the events of this chapter?

Surprising Factors/Revelations
- Were there any shocking or exciting plot twists in this chapter? Was it a good surprise?

(30 points)
  • Score: + 30 / 30 pts.
Battle (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Characterization (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Dialogue (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Suspense (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Logical Aspects (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Surprising Factors/Revelations (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Total Critical Score:
100 / 100

Simplified Score: 10 / 10

Chapter's Conclusion

From the beginning to the end, this chapter definitely had my full attention. I commend it for being able to keep the suspense through the entire chapter, which is a rare feat for any piece of work.

Unlike the previous chapters, which were mostly "set-ups" for the 100 Years Quest (although, they were good in their own way), this was the first one that showcased new elements from the sequel and contained a lot of exciting plot twists and revelations.

As far as the rating of the chapter, the plot seems to be advancing towards the search of the real Water Dragon God, who is expected to be far stronger than the Water Serpent seen in this chapter. The battle portion of the chapter also earned full points for the cool-looking designs of the dragon slaying secret technique used by Kyria, along with the Water Serpent's breath attack - and this also gives the characterization, suspense, and logical aspects categories a full score.

Not to mention, the dialogue was fairly entertaining and the surprising factors in this chapter were quite enjoyable (most notably, the new guild of Dragon Eaters and the plot twist with the identity of the Water Dragon God).

I'm looking forward to seeing whether the "Water God Human" we saw a few chapters ago is truly the Water Dragon God or not. 10/10, well done.

~ Nemispelled
Last edited:


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest - Chapter 7 Review by Nemispelled


Team Natsu vs. Kyria and Madmorl
  • Kyria asks Natsu & Lucy if they are also going after the Water Dragon God, to which Natsu answers with a "maybe".
  • The vague answer from Natsu angers Kyria and prompts her to attack Natsu with a long-range cutting technique
  • Natsu attempts to retaliate by using a fire spell, but the flames quickly disappear because they are underwater
  • Lucy, who is in her Aquarius Star Dress form, combines her power along with Aquarius' residual power to cast Aqua Metria, aiming it in Kyria's direction
  • Much to Lucy's surprise, Kyria instantly cuts through Aqua Metria and proceeds to slice off Lucy's clothes
  • Lucy changes back into Virgo's swimsuit form while Kyria dashes towards Lucy, but she is "cut short" by Gray freezing her in a crystal made of ice
  • Kashima is surprised to see that the prisoner (Kyria) had escaped and that Team Natsu was still roaming the village
  • He asks Gray where they had been hiding, to which Gray indirectly explains that they had been fooling him the entire time with a transformation spell
  • Kashima laments the death of the Lord Water God's Servant (the serpent), and comments that the Water Dragon God will be furious to see his servant killed
  • Kyria, who had been listening in on their conversation, suddenly breaks out of the ice as Gray loses his clothes due to his stripping habit
  • A shocked Gray blames Kyria for cutting off his clothes, but Kyria responds by saying that she definitely did not cut that
  • Erza appears above Kyria and attempts to slice her with her sword, but is blocked by Madmorl's head, who is a Dragon Eater known as The Armor Dragon
  • Kyria insists that she could have handled Erza, but Madmorl explains that "Skarion" has called upon her to return

The Water Dragon God's Entrance
  • All of a sudden, the sea of water around the group begins to gravitate upwards towards a levitating figure, who resembles a human being
  • Kashima exclaims that it is the Lord Water Dragon as a massive whirlpool surrounds them
  • The group is shocked by the Water Dragon God's sudden appearance as the Water Dragon God himself notes that "his sea seems quite stormy today"
  • Natsu is surprised and mentions that the Water Dragon God is a human

Chapter's Scoring

Plot - Did the chapter advance the general storyline or make good progress of the series?

Battle -
How would you rate the confrontations or fights between the characters in this chapter?

Characterization -
Did you enjoy the characters' personalities and actions in this chapter? Were any of them "out of character" or not?

Dialogue -
How was the overall conversation or communication between the characters? Did you like their speeches in this chapter?

Suspense -
Did you find any part of this chapter interesting or thrilling?

Logical Aspects -
Did the entire chapter make sense? How realistic were the events of this chapter?

Surprising Factors/Revelations
- Were there any shocking or exciting plot twists in this chapter? Was it a good surprise?

(30 points)
  • Score: + 30 / 30 pts.
Battle (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Characterization (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Dialogue (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Suspense (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Logical Aspects (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Surprising Factors/Revelations (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Total Critical Score:
100 / 100

Simplified Score: 10 / 10

Chapter's Conclusion

Another chapter with a perfect score.

Like the preceding chapter, this one also showcases a lot of suspense as new characters are being introduced - most notably, Madmorl, Skarion, and the Water Dragon God.

I enjoyed the fact that Kyria is revealed to be a Blade Dragon Eater and Madmorl is the Armor Dragon Eater. To me, it would seem that they could make a formidable duo, if they worked together. I wouldn't be surprised if they are even somehow related, like a brother and a sister.

Aside from all the humor in this chapter, it was nice to see that the water serpent was actually the Water Dragon God's servant. That was an interesting twist to the plot and it makes a lot of sense since worshipers usually don't see their own "god". Offerings are usually given to Gods through their subordinates.

My only question is whether the WDG Servant was the female human that we saw several chapters back.

And as usual, the Water Dragon God seems to be unaffected by all the commotion, which means he has good control over his emotions. I expect nothing less from someone as powerful as him, who has to keep their anger in check in order to avoid unleashing mass destruction.

The last thing that I'm curious about in this chapter is the identity of Skarion (mentioned by Madmorl). He seems to hold some sort of leader-type position and is most likely a Dragon Eater as well from the guild Diabolos.

My guess is that he is either Diabolos' guild master or a strong Dragon Eater who commands a certain group within the guild.

~ Nemispelled
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest - Chapter 9 Review by Nemispelled


Blue Pegasus & Jellal on the whereabouts of Touka
  • Jellal stops by the guild, Blue Pegasus, and is met by Ichiya, the Trimens, Jenny Realight, and Master Bob
  • After exchanging some greetings, Jellal informs them that he is searching for a girl and shows them a picture of Touka
  • Jellal tells them that he doesn't plan on staying long if they don't have any leads or information on Touka
  • The members of Blue Pegasus states that they haven't seen her, mentioning that they wouldn't forget such an attractive face, and tells Jellal that she is definitely not one of their customers
  • When Ichiya asks who the girl is, Jellal tells them to not worry about it, but warns them to stay away from her should they ever happen to cross paths

Gajeel, Juvia, & Pantherlily spying on Touka
  • Gajeel, Juvia, and Pantherlily notices that Touka is heading for the outskirts of Magnolia and states that it is very suspicious
  • Levy catches the group spying on Touka and tells them to stop following "their friends", implying that Touka is part of the guild's family
  • Gajeel retorts by saying that he'll decide if Touka is worthy of being their ally once he finishes his investigation to determine whether she has a clean record or not
  • Gajeel also mentions that he received worse treatment when he tried to join the Fairy Tail guild, but Levy reminds him that he used to be an evil person
  • Pantherlily tries to defuse the situation by telling them both to stop fighting with one another, but both tell him to shut up
  • Levy gives up on trying to convince them and walks away, while Gajeel yells for her to get lost since she is getting in the way of his deductions
  • Gajeel then tells Juvia and Pantherlily that he wants to make sure Touka is clean, otherwise she could put Levy in danger
  • Gajeel mentions that he would never let anybody hurt Levy, but Pantherlily reminds him that he had just hurt her emotionally

Touka at Natsu & Happy's house and Levy catching a Gajeel/Juvia moment
  • Touka fangirls in front of Natsu and Happy's house, pretending that she is a wife coming home to her family
  • She then hugs the sign in front of Natsu and Happy's house and calls it precious, prompting Gajeel to tell Juvia that Touka reminds him of someone, which pisses Juvia off
  • Gajeel, Juvia and Pantherlily then notices that she returns to town, goes shopping, and heads for the residential district where she lives alone in a house across from Lucy's residence
  • Touka then strips to take a bath while Gajeel and Juvia are spying on her through a window
  • Juvia tries to cover Gajeel eyes, but Gajeel tries to wrestle free from her, stating that he needs to observe the situation for his deductions, which causes them both to fall from the window and onto the pavement, with Gajeel pinning Juvia to the ground
  • Levy happens to see Gajeel hovering over Juvia on the ground, which gives her the wrong conclusions
  • Gajeel tries to explain to Levy that the entire scene was a misunderstanding while Juvia attempts to convince Levy that she only has love for Gray
  • Levy turns away to leave, telling them to do whatever they wish, but mutters the word "dummy"

The Water God Dragon's Palace
  • The Water God tells Team Natsu that someone has stolen his dragon powers, and that he must regain those powers before he dies
  • Gray questions if the Water Dragon God is referring to the Dragon Eaters, but the Water God replies that the Dragon Eaters are unaware that he has lost his powers
  • The Water Dragon God then states that if his powers were ever misused, it would cause a calamity
  • The Water God also mentions that the person who stole his power is known as "The White Mage", which seems to be opposite to Zeref's title, "The Black Wizard"
  • The Water Dragon God tells Team Natsu that he must regain his powers to turn Elmina back to the city that it once was
  • All of a sudden, the palace starts to fill with ash, and the Water God yells at Caramille to stay back and for everyone to evacuate the palace
  • The Dragon Eaters appear (Skarion, Madmorl, and Kyria), and they tell the group that they managed to overhear their conversation
  • Skarion states that the Dragon Eaters are planning to eat "The White Mage Woman", to steal the Water Dragon God's powers, but Natsu refuses and tells them that his team will give the powers back to the Water God

Touka's Identity Revealed
  • At the guild, Mermaid Heel, Jellal shows Kagura a photo of Touka
  • Kagura tells Jellal that the female wizard recently joined the Fairy Tail guild, and that she recognizes Touka through her last visit to Magnolia
  • Jellal is alarmed by the fact that Touka is at the Fairy Tail guild, which prompts Kagura to ask him who Touka is
  • It is revealed that Touka might be just as dangerous as Zeref -- a grand witch that has lived for over 100 years, and known as "The White Mage"

Chapter's Scoring

Plot - Did the chapter advance the general storyline or make good progress of the series?

Battle -
How would you rate the confrontations or fights between the characters in this chapter?

Characterization -
Did you enjoy the characters' personalities and actions in this chapter? Were any of them "out of character" or not?

Dialogue -
How was the overall conversation or communication between the characters? Did you like their speeches in this chapter?

Suspense -
Did you find any part of this chapter interesting or thrilling?

Logical Aspects -
Did the entire chapter make sense? How realistic were the events of this chapter?

Surprising Factors/Revelations
- Were there any shocking or exciting plot twists in this chapter? Was it a good surprise?

(30 points)
  • Score: + 30 / 30 pts.
Battle (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Characterization (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Dialogue (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Suspense (5 points)
  • Score: + 3 / 5 pts.
Logical Aspects (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Surprising Factors/Revelations (10 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 10 pts.
Total Critical Score:
93 / 100

Simplified Score: 9.3 / 10

Chapter's Conclusion

A pretty decent chapter.

My outlook on this chapter wasn't as positive as the previous ones, mostly because I was a little disappointed about how Touka's character turned out to be. As I've stated in the past, I really wanted the 100 Years Quest to be as disconnected as possible from Zeref and Acnologia.

From the looks of this chapter, it seems that Touka is being compared to Zeref, which somewhat lowered my expectations. What is worse is that she is hinted as "the opposite of Zeref", which reminds me a lot of Mavis. I really hope that her character has no resemblance or similarity to either Zeref or Mavis since neither of them impressed me in the last arc.

Because of this, the "surprising factors/revelations" and "suspense" categories lost some points. The rest earned full points though.

As always, I found the plot with Team Natsu, the Water Dragon God, and the Dragon Eaters to be fairly interesting.

Once again, I have my highest expectations in Skarion, who I think has the greatest potential in the sequel to be a well-written character. The other Dragon Eaters are also unique in their own right, so I'm looking forward to seeing what the guild Diabolos is really made of.

It's also nice to see that the 100 Years Quest isn't just about killing Acnologia-tiered dragons after all. If sealing the Water God means giving him back his power to restore Elmina to its previous state, then I'm all game for that.

On a side note, I'm glad to see more side characters from the other guilds in Ishgar. So far, I'm quite impressed with the sequel, as it seems to highly resemble the original elements of Fairy Tail.

~ Nemispelled


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 2, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest - Chapter 11 Review by Nemispelled


Erza, Lucy, & Wendy vs. Kyria
  • Erza bows down to Kyria and begs for forgiveness
  • Kyria further taunts a shaken Erza and steps on Erza's head, forcing it against the floor
  • Wendy enters Dragon Force and charges towards Kyria out of rage, but Kyria easily dodges her attack
  • Carla changes into her human form and tries to kick Kyria while she is distracted by Wendy, but is unsuccessful in landing a hit
  • Lucy creates a pitfall using Virgo's Star Dress form, which successfully captures and traps Kyria in the ground
  • Kyria casts the spell, "Blade Dragon's Rending Roar", which sends a series of slashes in all directions, slicing the entire palace in the process
  • Mercfovia uses his body to shield Caramille from the incoming slashes, which causes him to sustain heavy damage
  • Kyria's attack inflicts major cuts and bruises on Lucy, Carla, Wendy, Happy, and Erza's bodies
  • Kyria seemingly emerges victorious in this fight stating: "I told you. There's nothing I can't cut."

Gray vs. Skarion
  • Gray uses "Ice-Make: Lance" and "Ice Make: Hammer", both of which are easily turned to ash by Skarion
  • Gray enters his Demon Slaying form and freezes the sea, before blitzing Skarion with "Ice Devil Zeroth's Long Sword"
  • Skarion is encased in solid ice, but immediately turns the surrounding ice into ashes, mentioning that he can turn anything with a form into ashes
  • Skarion casts "Bone Dragon's Absolute Ash", which produces a large cyclone in the sea that turns the ocean into ashes
  • Gray mentions that the cyclone has the ability to wipe out Elmina, causing the town to decay and disappear
  • Gray counters Skarion's spell by casting "Ice Make: Silver", which which freezes the entire cyclone of ash into ice
  • Skarion tells Gray that he will turn any ice into ash; however, Gray responds by saying that he will just reverse it and freeze the ash again
  • Skarion notes that Gray has Devil Slaying Powers and states that he only feeds on dragons, not demons
  • Skarion tells Gray to "forgive him for leaving the table without eating" before casting "Black Ash" which turns Gray's entire body into ash and causes him to disappear
  • Skarion seemingly emerges victorious in this fight calling Team Natsu: "Trifling fools."

Aftermath & Jellal's Encounter With Touka in Magnolia
  • Madmorl stands over a defeated Natsu, who was likely beaten by motion sickness
  • The rest of Team Natsu seems to be incapacitated by the hands of the Dragon Eaters
  • In Magnolia, it is raining because of Juvia since Levy caught Gajeel pinning Juvia to the ground during their spying mission
  • Juvia insists that it was not her fault, to which an annoyed Levy replies that "It's fine."
  • Upon making eye contact with Gajeel, Levy simply turns away in a defiant attitude, prompting Pantherlily to deduce that their relationship will remain complicated for a while, which seems to annoy Gajeel even further
  • In the streets of Magnolia, Jellal catches Touka strolling along the pavement and calls her "Touka, the White Witch"

Chapter's Scoring

Plot - Did the chapter advance the general storyline or make good progress of the series?

Battle -
How would you rate the confrontations or fights between the characters in this chapter?

Characterization -
Did you enjoy the characters' personalities and actions in this chapter? Were any of them "out of character" or not?

Dialogue -
How was the overall conversation or communication between the characters? Did you like their speeches in this chapter?

Suspense -
Did you find any part of this chapter interesting or thrilling?

Logical Aspects -
Did the entire chapter make sense? How realistic were the events of this chapter?

Surprising Factors/Revelations
- Were there any shocking or exciting plot twists in this chapter? Was it a good surprise?

(30 points)
  • Score: + 30 / 30 pts.
Battle (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Characterization (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Dialogue (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Suspense (5 points)
  • Score: + 5 / 5 pts.
Logical Aspects (20 points)
  • Score: + 20 / 20 pts.
Surprising Factors/Revelations (10 points)
  • Score: + 10 / 10 pts.
Total Critical Score:
100 / 100

Simplified Score: 10 / 10

Chapter's Conclusion

I'll be honest, I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. Obviously, my favorite part was the fight between Skarion and Gray, but there was nothing in this chapter that I disliked.

All categories received full points for me. The plot, battle, and dialogue portions of this chapter even exceeded my expectations. There were also numerous cliffhangers and suspenseful fights throughout this chapter, which I'm very interested to see how it turns out. I can say with certainty that I give this chapter a 10/10.

In my opinion, Kyria has pretty neat abilities and Skarion is proving to be a powerful Dragon Eater. Overall, I was glad to see that Wendy, Lucy, and Carla actually played a role in fighting Kyria, instead of the fight solely focusing on Erza and her speeches. It also seems that Caramille is not a fighter, considering that Mercfovia had to shield her from Kyria's attack.

In regards to Gray vs. Skarion, I was pleased to see Gray's DeS form as well as his classic spells. Even though they didn't have much of an effect on Skarion (as expected), I thought it was still worthwhile to see some action. Skarion is definitely living up to his hype so far, and hopefully, that will continue to be the case in future chapters.

As we all know, it's quite a safe bet to say that Gray isn't dead. Nonetheless, I'm still curious to see what the next few chapters holds in store for us.

If I were to take a guess, I'd say that Gray's DeS form has something to do with his return/"revival", mostly because I don't see Skarion being beaten any time soon.

~ Nemispelled

Brandish μ

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Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest - Chapter 13 Review by Brandish

Recently in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, Team Natsu were on their knees, Jellal and Laxus were about to go at it, and a former enemy(?) rocked up in the middle of the ocean just in time to save Gray. Chapter 13 gave us answers and non-answers to those, and then some.

Brandish commanded panels with chic and elegance as we’ve come to expect from her. She filled some info gaps, offered a look to the future, saved the day for the second time that day, and then that cosy blanket of fresh air left us as quick as she came.


The gaps, specifically, were about the remaining living Spriggan 12 members. Apparently Ajeel wised up and became emperor; Jacob his right hand man. So, can the Savage Six take Alvarez? Invel and Neinhart being locked up made me laugh; means Ajeel and Jacob beat ‘em? I enjoyed the change of scene for DiMaria. She’s happy, and doing something that her crazy powers can’t help her out with. Then again, it does appear too far away from her previous characterisation, which is a little jarring. This was all done within one page in a brief manner, leading me to believe that this update is all we’ll get for them. Except for Larcade who was only mentioned as ‘unsighted’. Maybe he comes back, and delivers on that promise as a weapon for Acnologia; that or brace yourself for gasm spam.

More importantly, Brandish is on a quest, and at the end of it is Aquarius’ key. Other than the location, we’re only left with assumptions, and the short priced favourite is we’ll all go to Gilina eventually. The big question is who gets the key: Lucy or Brandish? Not sure who I would choose, but the logical way to handle this is for them to have Naked Battle - Round 2.

Brandish did refuse to fight, but provided the next best thing, a remedy for Natsu and Wendy’s inner ear problems. With practically no exertion, an entire island was generated from a mere pebble, grounding the slayers. The dragon eaters just got shiprocked. Now they’re going to get wrecked. There is no way Erza won’t destroy Kyria after all that (did I mention Erza was pretending to be humiliated?). The others won’t lose a second time either, Natsu is in that stance where you expect him to rage too.

Also, the "super-fight" didn’t eventuate. Laxus vs Jellal will remain, at least for now, perfectly perched in uncertainty. Just when you thought the time had come for the manga to put this long-running power debate to rest, guess what, you were trolled. The fight would’ve made less than 2 sense but from a pugilist perspective there was much to salivate. In my opinion, Laxus would’ve won in a fair fight. Last week, the FT section didn't seem to think so:

41 still in the darkness
After they parted ways, Jellal stayed in Magnolia, cutting a forlorn figure in the penthouse of the lavish Hotel Latham. He’s not leaving Touka, it’s clear there’s something amiss, there wouldn’t be build up for nothing (let’s give the story the benefit of the doubt here). She might not be evil – I mean, the FT guilds’ nakama detector is wrong when? Perhaps this is what Jellal is pondering over. It’d be nice for once if Jellal actually came through and put a case to bed, since he’s usually a presence to hype a situation, as seen with his investigations during the Grand Magic Games. And we know the results of that. Regardless, the boy needs to practice some tact and liaise with the guild directly. From there, the plot can move forward too.

Overall the chapter probably isn’t great if you go all assessor on it. In my eyes, this was a gift from the heavens. Rating: μ/κ


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Oct 19, 2019
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Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 66 review by Ramen:

Chapter Summary
This chapter opens up with a very brief summary of what happened in Edolas previously with the the whole Anima situation. Onwards from there Earth-Lucy and Edo-Lucy are talking to one another as Earth-Lucy is given some new clothes to wear that are arguably more revealing than her original outfit. Edo-Lucy is asked how her and Natsu came to be parents and we are informed that they were alone in the car and one thing led to another and 9 months later voila! A funny bit of this chapter was Lucy's blushing and stuttered reaction when she was asked if her and Earth-Natsu had a similar reaction where the latter exclaims NOT AT ALL! Edo-Lucy laughs at this and says they might one day get to that point.

Outside we see Earth-Natsu delighted to see Nashi and talking about her with Edo-Natsu asking if she can breathe fire with Edo-Natsu responding, "She's not a monster." Greige stares at Gray startled as to why his dads look-a-like has clothes off and Wendy in the back asking if Juvia and Gray had a child, who would it be like? Edo-Juvia and Gray discuss this too and Gray confesses that there is a third Juvia named Juvina (referencing Fairy Nail). Nashi and Greige blush at each other warranting a fight between Gray and Natsu. Cut to Happy and Carla talking and Carla is hugged by Edo-Carla warranting a not pleased look from Earth-Wendy for obvious reasons. Before they set off to the capital Edo-Lucy once again warns Erza of Nightwalker.

Now they've made it to the capital and Erza is cosplaying in glasses and a sombrero stating it's a precaution since she's a celebrity. Once in the castle they are greeted by their old friends from their first Edolas trip like Byro and Sugarboy and after briefly speaking, they finally make it into the main room of the king. Now the moment we've all been waiting for...…MYSTOGAN who clearly needs a haircut. Then Nightwalker comes and we realize why team Natsu got the warning; she turned herself into a submissive maid for Mystogan despite being a knight-captain. Anyone she thinks steps out of line with him she immediately goes after including happy. Gray makes the remark that Nightwalker has fallen for which she blushingly denies and states , "His majesty is simply the light of my life."

The chapter ends off with them talking about how they got there and how Elentir is a different dimension from both Edolas and Earthland. Elentir is a transcendental world and someone had greater power than the other dimensions and that's why it didn't get targeted by Anima. The main culprit obviously is Selene the Moon Dragon God and he silhouette is shown as it resembles a serpent type beast.

I really liked this chapter despite not expecting much since we kind of have an idea of what the next set of events might look like. However, it was a chapter that was not complete fanservice as we got comedic moments, how Nash was born and Natsu and Gray fighting over their parallel kids. It also gave us a chance to see a beloved character missed by all and is going to thrust us into what most likely could be the best arc so far with Selene's turn to shine and show her powers.


I really did like this chapter and has made me hopeful for the next arc in this series.

Last edited:


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Oct 19, 2019
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Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Review Chapter 67 (Aqua Aera)

Summary and Overview:

Ok and here we go as we've started to pick up the pace a little bit and action is slowly but surely rising. As expected, Natsu and co. can't believe what they heard about Selene and Erza makes the comment that she never thought she'd hear the name Selene in Edolas. Despite all this, Mystogan himself admits to not knowing much about her only describing her as a dragon that can travel between dimensions. Unlike Edolas where there is no magic, Elentir is the exact opposite. It has so much magical power that it overflows giving our favorite hot-headed fire-breathing dragon slayer some "interesting" thoughts going which scare our precious Wendy.

Gray is clearly focusing on something which catches the attention of the others and lone behold it is Touka.....the exceed. She immediately goes and hugs Happy which warrants an interesting but satisfying reaction from Carla. She had her chance and now she feels jealous? No thanks.

Touka explains that she's from Elentir and that the white witches' motive is unclear to Touka but because of the structure of earthland, they became unstable and both personalities would take over which is why Touka was able to come out during the times she did.

Touka says she most likely messed up her Aqua Aera due to her being unstable and meant to send them to Elentir instead of Edolas. In a flashback scene, we see the WW state that if they have the power to defeat Aldoron, they have the potential to save Elentir. When Touka was in her world, it was the literal definition of peaceful which makes her question why the WW did what she did. Either way, Team Natsu have to make their way back to earthland to continue the mission and question the WW.

A funny moment happened when Natsu was talking about leaving and making the decision to take Nasha with him which warrants a yell from Lucy and Gray's response is their only taking Greige back which warrants another yell from Lucy. (Just make your own kids back in earthland)

1 problem though, they have no method to go back home since Touka can't use magic in Edolas. But, Mystogan does have the X-Ball which allows earthland humans to use magic. The next step would be to find the WW. Before they leave, Knightwalker tells Erza to treasure the earthland version of Mystogan.

Now they start looking and eventually find the WW who Natsu wants to beat up but Lucy obviously has to hold him back. Now here's the shocker, the WW we know is a fake imposter who took the position of the WW to succeed with her mission. She wanted to save Elentir because it will be destroyed by Selene.


I liked this chapter a lot. We got some much-needed information from Touka and I believe this is the chapter that is going to throttle us with the next arc. However, I want to focus primarily on the ending and the dialogue with Faris and how important it really is. Aside from Selene and Elentir, up until now we've seen a fake WW with only a portion of the true one's power.

That opens the door to many possibilities as to who the WW really is and many theories. Really looking forward to the next chapter.

