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Faust's Library


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 4, 2010
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Iwa, A Letter to Momo (Momo e no Togami)

Warning: Most of these stories/poems are cheesy so if you're lactose intolerant you've been warned!


Sarah was her name
I'm so happy ever since she came
To my heart and life,
To my soul and mind

I always say I love her and not feel ashamed
It's painful to see guys who treat her like a game
While I'm here very lame
Because she rejected me,
And our relationship was not the same
as it was yesterday

Avatar Roku say
When Love is Real it Finds a way
But now my love is worthless
No matter what I do she'll find it senselesss

Maybe she is not the one for me,
And we are not meant to be
Someday someone will surely come
And she will give me the Love I needed and seek
and I will also give her some

Sorry That I'm Stupid

15-year old Stanley, was in love with his classmate, Myfawny. But Myfawny is in a relationship with Spencer, the captain of the Judo Team in their school. Stanley and Myfawny were very close before, until Stanley got on a fight. Jealous because of Spencer, Stanley assaulted Spencer on their prom in front of Myfawny.
Because of that Stanley received a one week suspension. Stanley used this time to write a letter to Myfawny, he wrote and explained what happened in the prom and he wrote about his feelings for her. When he came back to school, he immediately approached Myfawny and gave her the letter, as expected Myfawny didn't accept the letter and went out of the room.

At a school activity, the class shared what they like in a girl/boy. Stanley shared that he likes a girl with a long hair, a girl who wears a reading glasses, a girl who's good on playing the piano, and a girl who's on top of the class. The class knew that he was talking about Myfawny.

One day later, Stanley was shocked when she saw Myfawny with her new look, she's now wearing contacts and she cutted her hair.
Why is she doing this?
Does she think that my feelings for her will be gone because she was now an opposite on what I shared on the class, about what I like in a girl?

Spencer got angry after he heard about the letter, in their P.E. Class he asked Stanley for a Judo Match. Even though his short and thin, Stanley accepted the challenge. Spencer dominated the match. Stanley saw Myfawny watching, and she was not happy.

Later in the afternoon, Stanley saw Myfawny and Spencer talking in the lockers.
"He deserves it" said Spencer
"It was still not right" Myfawny complained
"That bastard assaulted and punched me at the prom" said Spencer, angrily
"But you and the other Judo guys beat him up in the prom, he only successfully landed a single punch in your face" Myfawny said
"Are you on my side or his side?"
Myfawny didn't answered.
"Answer me!" said Spencer
Myfawny still didn't answered
Spencer was about to hit her when Stanley came to the rescue.
He covered Myfawny and he successfully blocked Spencer's fist with his hand, after that he immediately attacked Spencer's neck with his thumb.
Spencer choked.
Then Stanley grabbed and take Myfawny with him.

They stopped running and talked in the school's sports field.
"Thank you!" Myfawny said "And I need to go."
"Wait. Can you please take this with you?" Stanley bring out the rejected letter.
"You can just read it to me right here"

Stanley cleared his throat.
"Dear Myfawny Emily Bergman Swift,I wanted to apologize on what I did in the prom. I did that because I was so jealous. I know that it's wrong. I know that's inappropriate. and I'm sorry. I just want to say that I love you ever since first year but I don't have the guts to confessed to you because one, you already have a boyfriend and two, because I think I will messed up doing it in front of you so I just wrote you a letter"

Myfawny chuckled.

Stanley continued,

"I miss the days when we're always together. You also said that you treat me like an older brother before because you know how much I care for you. And then Spencer saved you from an accident in the Chem Lab and you became so close with each other and soon became in a relationship. I was absent on that day and I regret it until now. If I was present on that day, maybe I will be the one who saved you...but I was not around. I just don't know what to say anymore.
Again I'm sorry and I---"

Stanley hesitated?

"I?" Myfawny said

"I-- love you."

Myfawny immediately hugged Stanley and she was crying.

"I love you too! You idiot!!!"

To Have You​

It's hard to have a slumber,
Especially when all you can get is a nightmare.
It's hard to fight in the darkness,
When your only weapon is consciousness
It's hard to risk everything on what you see,
And failed to recognize the reality.

I sleep because I want to dream,
Dream about you or the triumph of my favorite team.
Interact to those who passed away,
Or just see unexpected things and play.

I don't care on what they say
To be with you is what I always pray.
And in my dreams it was granted
To be with you my beloved.​

Odin, Gungnir and Sleipnir

After Huginn and Muninn told Odin that if he wants to bring back Baldr his son to life he must go to Helheim in Niflheim. Odin who wanted to bring back Frigga and Nanna's smile and end their suffering and mourning followed what his ravens told him. And so Odin together with his horse, Sleipnir ventured to Helheim, home of the dead.

Odin reached Vanaheim. There he met a dying Vanir. The Vanir asked Odin to give him one leg of his horse, sleipnir. Odin used his spear, Gungnir to cut one leg of his horse. Odin gave it to the dying Vanir. The Vanir ate the leg and he become healthy again. As exchange for the leg the Vanir predicted Odin's future. "Go back to Asgard and abandon your travel for you may not comeback if you continue." the Vanir said. Odin ignored the Vanir's words and continued his journey riding Sleipnir, who loss one leg.

Odin reached Alfheim. Gullinburtsi, Freyr's boar's golden bristles are losing light. Freyr asked Odin to give him one leg of his horse, sleipnir. Odin using his spear cut another leg. Odin gave it to Freyr. Freyr fed Gullinburtsi the sleipnir's leg and the boar's golden bristles gleamed like the sun again. As exchange for the leg Freyr gave Odin his ship, Skidbladnir. The ship is so huge that it can easily carry all of the gods of Asgard. The ship can also be folded and carried easily. Odin accepted the folded ship and continued his journey riding Sleipnir, who now loss two of its legs.

Odin reached the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge and went to Midgard. In a village in Midgard, Odin met villagers that are starving. Their village was attacked and ransacked by Frost Giants. Odin cut another leg of Sleipnir and fed it to the hungry villagers. The villagers thank Odin and gave him a whetstone. Odin left the Village and promised that he will protect them from Frost Giants. Odin continued his jouney riding Sleipnir, who now loss three of its legs.

Odin reached Jotunheim, home of the giants. Odin killed every Frost Giants he met along the way. Because of that his spear, Gungnir became worned out. Odin used the whetstone that the villagers gave him and Gungnir's sharpness came back. Odin went to Mimir's well of wisdom to have another drink. Odin sacrificed one of Sleipnir's legs. Odin continued his journey riding Sleipnir, who now loss half of its legs.

Odin reached Svartalfheim, home of the dark elves. The dark elves murky underground are collapsing, because of that sunlight came bursting to the murky underground where they live and turn some of the dark elves into stone. One of the dark elf, a mare asked Odin to help them. The mare promised Odin that they will not cause troubles and nightmares again if Odin will help them. Odin helped them and gave them one of his sleipnir's legs. The dark elves used the sleipnir's hoof to fix their home. Odin left and make sure that the dark elves will be true to their promise. Odin continued his journey riding Sleipnir, who now loss five of its legs.

Odin reached Nidavellir, home of the dwarves. The dwarves were the once who made and gave Odin his spear, Gungnir and many other weapons of the gods of Asgard. Odin realized that he did not give anything to dwarves in exchange for his spear. And so he gave one of Sleipnir's legs to their king, Hreidmar. Hreidmar decided to cook the leg's flesh and use the bone to forge a new weapon. Odin left Nidavellir after paying his debt. Odin continued his journey riding Sleipnir, who now loss six of its legs.

Odin reached Muspelheim, the land of fire. Surt saw Odin and warned him that he will attack Asgard at Ragnarok, the end of the world. To prevent Ragnarok, Odin decided to fight Surt. Surt fought using his flaming sword while Odin used his spear Gungnir. Odin successfully defeated Surt. His spear was melted in exchange. Odin used Surt's flaming sword and cut one of the remaining legs of sleipnir. Odin used the blood from the leg to extinguish the land of fire. Odin continued his journey riding Sleipnir, who now loss seven of its legs.

Odin at last reached Niflheim. As the world tree Yggdrasil grew up into the sky, it stretched one of its three large roots far into Niflheim, and drew water from the spring Hvergelmir. The dragon Nidhug was not around. Odin noticed that the root became short and is now unable to reach the water from Hvergelmir spring. Odin cut the remaining leg of Sleipnir connected it to the root so the root will be able to reach the spring again. Sleipnir died and Odin forgot the purpose of his journey. Odin walk through the misty, cold, and dark land of Niflheim hoping to remember the purpose of his journey. Odin reached Helheim. Odin met Hel. Hel immediately ask Odin if he wants her to bring Baldr to life. Odin remembered the purpose of his journey. Hel demanded Odin's Gungnir and Sleipnir. But Odin already loss them. Odin told Hel about how he loss his spear and his horse. Hel was touched by Odin's story and granted Odin's wish with no demands. Odin thanked Hel and immediately went back home riding Skidbladnir, the ship that Freyr gave him. Baldr came back to life. Frigga' and Nanna's smile came back and they live happily ever after.

Lovers in the Sunshine City​
Greg was alone one afternoon at a beach in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida also known as Florida's Sunshine City. He likes the Sun. He wakes up early just to watch the sunrise. He goes to the beach just to watch the sunset. The sun for him symbolizes glory and fame. He wants to be like the Sun. Greg's hair is as yellow as the sun of a grade schooler drawing. Greg is a minor league baseball player. His team is not doing good recently. Greg's dream is to make it into the Major League since he was in middle school. But now he's thinking of retiring from Baseball.

After watching the sunset, Greg went home immediately. He patted his dog, Tora and feed him. He named his dog after the Hanshin Tigers, a famous Japanese Baseball Team. Greg drank himself to sleep, he even put some beer in Tora's dog plate.

Greg didn't forgot to wake up early. He and Tora watched the sunset while having coffee. Greg puts a lot of cream in his coffee. He likes golden-browned coffee.
Greg doesn't have a match this day and he planned to watch the Marlins Game this evening. He drived to Marlins Park alone.

Greg is always early when he watch a baseball game. He wants to see the players practicing before the match. Greg's face was serious. He remembered his dream of making in to the Major League.

About ten minutes later, a woman came to sit beside him. Her hair is blonde. Her smiling face made Greg smile himself.

"Hello. Nice cap." said the woman.
"Hi. Thanks." said Greg. "Want some popcorn?"
"Sure, thanks." replied the blonde woman.
Greg can't hide his smiling face. He don't know why but he's feeling happy when the woman came to sit beside him.
"Why are you smiling?" the woman asked
"Am I? I guess I'm happy. You're smiling too." said Greg.
"Well. Yeah I'm happy too. I'm Jolynn by the way."
"Nice to meet you Greg."
"Nice to meet you too Jolynn"
"I've been a fan of the Marlins since 1993."
"Me too. I moved here from New York."
The two keep talking until the end of the practice and continued talking until the game was over. The Marlins won!

"Wooh!" that was a nice game said Jolynn.
"Yeah." replied Greg.
"I'm going to play at a baseball pitching machine just around the next street. Want to come?"

Greg noticed that Jolynn was very good with batting.
"How long have you been practicing?" Greg asked.
"Since 18--" Jolynn stopped.
"Since I was 12. I'm a Softball Varsity Player."
"Nice. I'm Minor League Player actually."
"Oh. What team?"

When they finished batting. Greg offered a Dr. Pepper he bought from a vending machine. Jolynn gladly accepted the drink.

"Your swing is good too Greg."
"Not good enough to make it in the Major League though."
"Just keep practicing."
"I don't know. I'm thinking of retiring this year."

"To tell you the truth Greg" Jolynn's tone started to become a bit serious "I'm not a human"
"What? You're a Superhuman?"
"No. Don't laugh when I say this, I'm a vampire."
Jolynn was shocked that Greg did not laugh about what she said.
"You believe me?" she asked him.
"Yes. Because I think you're not lying. I'm just a bit shocked that I found out that vampires really exist."
"Yes. I was born in 1850. I became a vampire in 1867. I played softball since 1890"
"Wow. You don't look old though."
"That's because our appearance doesn't change once we turned a vampire"
"Do you guys really..." Greg hesitated. "drink blood?"
"Some do. But I am not one of them don't worry."
"How did you turn into a vampire?"
"My father's ancestors are vampires. I became a vampire when I turned 17, that's when my vampire blood dominated my human blood. But not all of the non-pure vampire can survive the vampire blood domination"
"Why did you suddenly told me this? That you are a vampire."
"I don't know. I just felt that I should be honest to you so I told you. I feel very comfortable the moment I saw you"
"I'm glad to hear it."

Greg came home with Jolynn. Jolynn met Tora. They watched the replay of the baseball game. Watch the beautiful stars. Greg told Jolynn about his dream to become glorious and famous like the sun. They laugh.
And had a fun night together

Greg and Jolynn woke up early to watch the sunrise but... it's a cloudy day.
Jolynn made Greg realized something.

"You know Greg, even the sun is not always glorious. There are rainy, and cloudy times. Don't give up! I being immortal witnessed the death of a lot of people my relatives, my former lovers even my own son and daughters. But now look at me. I found you, my one and only true soulmate."

Greg did not retire and he made it to the Major League. And they live happily ever after.

Hilary's Search​
A mockingbird named Hilary Chemistry was flying around the Tsukamori Forest when she suddenly noticed an engraving to a tree. She hovered in front of the tree and read what was engraved:

Seasons change,
The living age.
Soon they'll reach the final stage.
While I continue to live in this cage.

Hilary who loves reading was moved by the poem. She haven't read a piece this sad in ages. Tears silently fell down from her eyes. She asked a brown bear who's passing by if he knows the one who engraved the poem.

"I think a woodpecker did that." says the Brown Bear.

Hilary decided to search for the author of the poem when she noticed the same poem written in a flower days later after she discovered the poem in the tree. She asked a snail who's slowly crawling to a nearby grass if he knows the one who wrote the poem in the flower.

"It was a grasshopper." says the Snail.

Hilary continued her search and again noticed the same poem written in beach sand days later after she found the same poem written in a flower. A nearby turtle told her that it was written by a crab.

"Did you say that to me because you think I will be asking you about it?" asked Hilary.
"Yes." says the Turtle.
"Did a crab really wrote this poem?" asked Hilary again.
"No." says the Turtle.
"Did you write this poem?" asked Hilary excitedly.

The turtle suddenly transformed into a brown bear, moments later it transformed into a snail both of which are the same brown bear and the same snail that Hilary encountered. Finally it transformed into a blue jay. Hilary was amazed and excited because of the transformation she saw and because she already found the author of the poem.

"I'm Gary Bearserkthrone. I was cursed and became an immortal shape shifter. I realized that living forever is sad so I wrote that poem. How did you figure out that I'm the one who wrote the poem?." asked Gary.

"I'm not sure myself. It's the language of love I guess." Hilary said while blushing.

"Thank you for freeing me off this curse!" Gary suddenly kissed Hilary. Hilary kissed him too.
And they lived happily ever after.

Sometimes we are not aware that we already found the thing or the person that we are searching for.

The House Beside the Lake

It's been 30 minutes since they started searching for the missing kite.

"I left it to you for five minutes and you crashed it?!" said David who's really upset.
"Dude, I'm sorry. I'm not as good as a kite flyer compared to you." said Hermann.
"My brother will kill me if I went home without it!" said David.
"That's why we're searching for it." said Mariana.

Hermann suddenly stopped walking.

"What?" asked David.
Hermann gave the binoculars to David and asked him to look at a certain direction.
"It's my kite!" said David. He started running and quickly stopped when he realized that both of his friends are not following and they both shouted "Stop!"
"Let's go, what are you two waiting for?" David asked.
He haven't realized the situation clearly.

The kite crashed at the roof of the house beside the lake. There's a popular story in their town that a crazy person lives in that house so a lot of people stay away from it. Some people also believe that the person who lives there is a cannibal. And believes that that person ate the boy who went missing 2 years ago. The boy's clothes were found in the lake.

"You two really believe that?!" David said after Hermann and Mariana reminded him of the popular story.
Hermann and Mariana both nodded.
"I'm still going to get my kite. Clearly you guys don't know my brother well. He's the real monster here."
Hermann and Mariana hesitated to follow David. But they were concerned about their friend and eventually followed him.

"Get it quick!" said Hermann
As David was about to get his brother's kite using a stick, a woman came out of the house.
"Aaaaaaaah!" Mariana shouted.
Hermann was about to throw a rock towards the woman when he realized that the woman helped David get the kite.
"Thank you very much." said David.
The woman smiled at him.
The three friends were about to leave when it suddenly rained. The woman invited them to her house to wait for the rain to subside.

"Why were the two of you scared?" asked the woman while she pours hot chocolate for her three guests.
"Because there's a popular story about you being a cannibal." said Mariana
"Tell me about the story." the woman said while she gives suman to the three of them.

After Mariana told the story. The woman giggled and said: "Well I did say to some kids that I'm gonna eat them if they don't stay away from the lake so that's probably why they think I'm a cannibal."
"Why are you scaring them by the way?" Hermann asked
"You guys know about the missing boy right?" said the woman. "He drowned at this lake. And he was my son."
Her expression and the tone of her voice was noticeably sad now.
"I asked the authorities to surround the lake with fence but they didn't do it so I just scared the kids playing beside the lake so no one will ever get drowned again."
The three we're all sad when they found out what happened.
"We're sorry to hear that." said Mariana.
The woman remembered her son. It's been 2 years but she still griefs his death.
The rain stopped and the three went home.
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