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Discussion How strong would be a One mode Mael


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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Nakabas biggest miss to me was not having a Mael v. Mel showdown. We have all these statements about them being equals, the love triangle, and yet all we get is a yin-yang panel and then a comment that Mel made him retreat. Like what??? Do better.
I guess it’s the same as Nakaba making those bloody Ellie statements despite barely showing anything. The equivalent of throwing a bone to Eli fans and based on the comments it seems to at least satisfied the Liz fan base, lol.

And why have King defeat Mael?? It’s cool that King got his moment, but I think him taking out the sinner would’ve been better.
He did and he ruined Mael lol, Mel made him run away, he is a coward and a joke.

He was just a hype tool for Mel all along as usual by Nakaba.
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The point was not Mael being weaker, I should put more emphasis on the word JUST. I mean Nakaba may feel no obligation to show us one mode Mael or anything. Just like DK, and The One, Mael has fulfilled his role as a hype tool for Mel. As long as their sole purpose is to get defeated by someone, which in Mael's case even happened offscreen, it's hard to think about them individually. I like to see Mael in action, and I hate that even his similarity with adult Mel was a hype tool, nothing more. He might never get out of Mel's shadows because of Nakaba's favoritism over his own characters.

It's also noteworthy that I didn't mention the part about Escanor's origin to tell he is stronger than Mael or anything like that. It was about how Nakaba let him be a "mere fodder human" which makes no sense lore wise. I don't mind if he is weak or not. I should say it for the hundredth time that I don't like It Escanor because he is strong. The way his strength and weakness is designed is what makes him really interesting. By the way, Mael being stronger than him isn't something I even want to accept or deny. But whenever someone wants to talk about Mael's strength, the only legit comparison that comes to mind is that OK he is an angel, so he should be better than a mere human. It's true by itself, but when I think how both Mael and Escanor are victims to Nakaba's fanboyism, I can't help mentioning these as of yet misused potential.
He is lol, everyone is weaker than the golden boy if Nakaba and only someone who is in denial still didn't get it.

He is a wasted character, Escanor use Sunshine far better than him and far stronger.

All the sins surpassed him, forget Mel who stands at the top while holding back as usual. He is a joke and a background character.

Chaos is next and you know it, Nakaba will do something like Mel has a Primordial god inside him all along or something like that.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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Wow you are too happy that Mel has ruined all the interesting aspect of others' plot lmao. I'm really shocked to see how you don't care about any character and any part of the plot other than Mel smashing the others. But I'm afraid either mods or @Mael the strongest may get angry at us talking about these stuff in an unrelated thread lol.

Mael retreating was a bad decision. Mael at peak had better be able to stop Mel easily. So many people were waiting to see what happens when Mel of the 10C is faced with Mael the Sun. We have all known how powerful Mel was, but Mael had to have his moment which would also answer some questions about the ancient holy war. Mel being way stronger than Mael even made the whole flashback arc, OGowther's sacrifice, and Mael/Estarossa twist pretty pointless. Which means the majority of the supposedly third arc was all fake and unnecessary.

Side characters are not mere hype tools for MCs. Nakaba made a big mistake trying to treat his characters differently. It's good to like or dislike a character. My fav has also ruined all the tension of the 10C arc single handedly, but he didn't destroy logics. He didn't hold back because he was afraid or he didn't feel like fighting to the point that put his comrades life in danger. If it was not for Mel's god power, DK could be one of the best villains in NnT. If it was not for Nakaba's weird decision, Mael could be one of the most interesting side characters. Peak Mael had to be at least as strong as Meliodas and defeat him in that battle. It was necessary so that about 100 chapters of this manga would make sense. More than 100 weeks of hard work for nothing. That's ridiculous. But how you can like it, it's the part I can't understand.
Naw, I care about the story and it is pretty obvious that it isn't about them.

Your peak Mael nonsense is your headcanon, the reality is that he is a coward who is far below Mel and the sins now, even Escanor surpass him lol. He is the strongest user of Sunshine lol, not him by feat.

Nakaba is the one who decides how his story should unfold, and it seems that you have a problem that he gave too much spotlight to his MC.

I personally like any shonen where the MC is dominant, not a push over, that is why since I was a kid, I loved Dragon ball and Fist of the north star.

Dude, you will probably hate Solo Leveling as well if someone recommends that to you. Because the MC is as dominant as Meliodas but far more badass and cooler.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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Thanks for clarification. :verily

By the way, couple of things to elaborate:

1. My headcanon nonsense lol is not important by itself. I'm not the one to decide What WOULD Have Happened, but there is always possible to talk about What SHOULD Have Happened using a neutral approach. There is a limit to how much people can tolerate random events and fake build ups. When you disappoint them each time a revelation is gonna happen, they soon begin to dislike your way of doing things, and it is not good at all. NnT was always so great that even after the quality dropped so much, there are still lots of people who love the work. Imagine if Nakaba could use the characters and plot points better and leave less questions and wasted potentials behind. We would even love Meliodas even more if Mael was a real threat for him. But how are we supposed to enjoy an epic battle when it turns into a joke?

2. About Escanor being better or worse, as long as none of them don't have the spotlight they deserve, it's not very important who is stronger. If it was an RPG game, I would definitely love Mel and had the same idea as you. But CHARACTERS in a story have the responsibility of conveying concepts other than I'm strong. If not, what's the point of their existence? Just to be strong?

3. Do I seem to have a problem with how Nakaba gave TOO MUCH spotlight to the MC? Because it's exactly as you wrote in your post. My answer is yes, too much is inherently problematic. The amount of time and space for story telling is limited, and TOO MUCH ATTENTION is almost always accompanied by TOO MUCH NEGLECT. If you want your character to have the PROPER SPOTLIGHT, you have to decrease the number of side characters. NnT has so many characters each with their own build up and potential, and they all lose everything when Nakaba decides to put too much attention to another one. Mael is the best case. From the very moment Estarossa entered the play, he was built up to be an important character in the future. A Nightmare was supposed to begin after he wakes from his slumber(?), but it turned out to mean the nightmare for NnT fans, not for its characters lol. My headcanon might be wrong, but it's also technically wrong to introduce a concept and sudden let it go, unless your entire creation is about that. Like how a parody works against routines and cliche to achieve a different goal.

Again, the thing is Mel is not just The MC,he is one from a group of 8, and he is obviously the most important one. Mael on the other hand is a side character. So Mel definitely has more time to shine, to show off, etc. but Mael being merely a hype tool in every single moment of his appearance both as Estarossa and as the AA is just TOO MUCh. Yeah it's too much and I have this problem with how Nakaba can't maintain a balance between these different characters. I'm not sure if you have read Fullmetal Alchemist, but there you'll see how side characters can have their moment in the story without invading the MCs story lines, or getting invaded by them.

4. I agree with you that overwhelming protagonists can be very interesting. I do love Fist of the North star. But the problem is how one makes the story move forward when the pro is so dominant. I love Berserk. I love Hellsing manga. I love Castlevania series. I love the less popular manga, The Record of a Fallen Vampire. Although the latter has some serious issues in the plot, but the pro is way beyond so many other characters.
However, the way their power is introduced and used never makes the story feel empty. You never come to the conclusion nor even doubt if over hundreds of chapters in FotNS were pointless and everything would have been way better if the pro was .... NOT AFRAID?
So yeah, it depends on many factors. Even NnT has Escanor, who normally defeats his opponents very easily, but he do it when he need to. He is not afraid or whatever. But Mel was afraid. I have not seen anyone who genuinely believes it's a well written part. People normally argue that it was a stupid choice. Some Mel fans may ignore it. But always being stronger than anyone but being afraid to use your power, it's the worst. Had Nakaba used a better explanation, Mel would have been more consistent as a character, and he could still have his godly strongest form without any asspull.
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@sobreno , thanks for introducing Solo Levelling. I may give it a try later to see if the dominancy of its MC is an interesting one.
In each story, you have THE MC and you have the main cast, he is THE MC lol.

But his presence and impact is more dominant than the rest, they are pivoting around Mel, he is their leader, they idolize him, they love him, they...

You know the song already lol.

You should really try Solo leveling, it is super addictive and you are lucky damn to start from chapter 1 up to the current chapter.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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The only Overpowered and Dominant MC I like is Saitama the caped one punch baldy

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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That one is a meh one too. His strength is crumbling the plot itself. But because it's not as dark and serious as the other manga, this aspect is not so prominent. Saitama can't ruin the plot when there is no plot to begin with lol. Unfortunately, the exact same thing is happening in NnT right now.
The thing is it's an comedy and gag genre that's why it's considered good, if something like that had happened with an serious plot then it would have been an absolute flop, extremely bad.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
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I find it funny now that you guys are talking about Solo Leveling because I've caught up with it pretty recently (like 2 or 3 days ago) and that manhwa is the definition of epic.

Anyways, I feel like from a logic perspective there shouldn't be any reason as to why Mael should be weaker than Escanor with the Grace. One is a top goddess, the other (as far as we know) is a normal human. A normal human can barely handle the power of the Graces that were made specifically for the top dogs of the Goddess Clan by the SD. In addition to this Mael should have had the Grace for way more time than Escanor, which results in him being way more experienced with it. Mael's usage of the Grace proved to be far better than Escanor's when he casually dispelled True Night, made Cruel Suns much bigger and could control the heat emanated from his body far better also.

Mael should be way stronger than Escanor with the information we've got thus far, no matter how you look at it. Then again, this is Nakaba we're talking about. Conventional logic doesn't apply to this man so I guess the only reason as to why Escanor looked so much better than Mael with the Grace in the final fight is only because, sadly, he's one of the main cast and Mael is only a side character.

Of course, Nakaba could always bring Escanor back and explain a little bit more his origins and why can he handle the Grace so well, but he would need a really good explanation for it and tbh, with the current quality of the manga, I simply don't trust Nakaba in being capable to do such thing. Nothing would make me more happy than to be proven wrong, though.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2017
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I find it funny now that you guys are talking about Solo Leveling because I've caught up with it pretty recently (like 2 or 3 days ago) and that manhwa is the definition of epic.

Anyways, I feel like from a logic perspective there shouldn't be any reason as to why Mael should be weaker than Escanor with the Grace. One is a top goddess, the other (as far as we know) is a normal human. A normal human can barely handle the power of the Graces that were made specifically for the top dogs of the Goddess Clan by the SD. In addition to this Mael should have had the Grace for way more time than Escanor, which results in him being way more experienced with it. Mael's usage of the Grace proved to be far better than Escanor's when he casually dispelled True Night, made Cruel Suns much bigger and could control the heat emanated from his body far better also.

Mael should be way stronger than Escanor with the information we've got thus far, no matter how you look at it. Then again, this is Nakaba we're talking about. Conventional logic doesn't apply to this man so I guess the only reason as to why Escanor looked so much better than Mael with the Grace in the final fight is only because, sadly, he's one of the main cast and Mael is only a side character.

Of course, Nakaba could always bring Escanor back and explain a little bit more his origins and why can he handle the Grace so well, but he would need a really good explanation for it and tbh, with the current quality of the manga, I simply don't trust Nakaba in being capable to do such thing. Nothing would make me more happy than to be proven wrong, though.
last time i read a manhwa was feng shen ji and after that another one witch hunter
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I suggest you to check it yourself. It's not something new to fiction writing and story telling. There are in fact stories with More Than One Protagonist. They have their own rules depending on how many pros exist in the story and how those pros are related to each other. It's nothing I'm pulling out of my own ass just to argue with you.
For any story containing more than one protagonist, there should be One line of plot assigned to each pro. In fact, what is so charming about these kind of stories is that they are one big harmonious web made out of several interconnecting plot lines. And it's very difficult to right one. It's just natural that the author try to get rid of one line or neglect it to make things easier as the story moves forward and gets more and more complicated. Natural, but not technically acceptable.
You may at least Google the key words, and I'm sure you'll find some interesting information about these beauties.

And for solo leveling, I'll put it into my to read list right after Kengan Ashura and its sequel. @LaserBeam suggested me to read those two, and Kengan Ashura is in fact amazing. Thanks again. I didn't know of it at all.

People seem to hype this solo leveling but i never gave it a chance so far.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 10, 2019
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United Nations
The pattern in NNT-verse is simple. The latter power has been stronger than the previous one. We have been calculating the PL's ever since Escanors sunshine per second towards its peak before one mode then TC's individual PL strength, spirit and magic so on and so forth. We all knew what Arthur's stat is as well as his unawakened magic which Merlin have been saying. But who would have thought that Arthurs hidden magic is so powerful. Now my point is if NS were to decide setting Mael's One Mode it would be more powerful than the power that we saw prior to the relevation, more powerful than Arthurs hidden magic and before that.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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I'd say he could potentially outclass Guila at Noon going by latest movie feats and portrayal. Probably about Dreyfus level at the most.

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Even the femboy doll gowther negs him at this point lol


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
I'd say he could potentially outclass Guila at Noon going by latest movie feats and portrayal. Probably about Dreyfus level at the most.

What did I say about wanking Mael?

Guiila would one-shot him low diff in any form he took. He needed to be saved by her like 20 times in the film smh


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 20, 2016
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United States
Slightly stronger than Part 1 Elizabeth. Although that’s a stretch because she almost tanked a hit from Lord Twiggo