Campaign - Husbando Wars 2019 - Campaining Thread #2 | MangaHelpers

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Campaign Husbando Wars 2019 - Campaining Thread #2

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Otaku Overlord
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Dec 7, 2010
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Use this thread to post your campaigns!

Please read the Rules and the Combatants Thread!

Battle Phase 2- The Husbandos will fight it out in the Campaining thread.
- Every user will send their personal Top 4 Ranking of the remaining Husbandos to a staff member of their choice.
- Users are allowed to change their ranking till the phase is over.
- The Nominees will get ranked according to solo rankings of all participants.
- The Husbandos will get points which equal their total rank.
- After 5 days, the 4 Husbandos with the most points will proceed into the next round.
- In case of a tie, a staff pick will break it.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall

round 1
-Part 1 - Overview

- Part 2 -preview

Track : The Musician D-Gray man (Eng version, by Amalee)
In case the video doesnt work click on this link

A caring man

For some reasons i won’t spoil (too long and unnecessary for the camapign), Marian had to take Allen (who was abused) from a circus where he was working to the place where he was staying (a kind of house/orphanage). And despite he never get to take care of a child, he started to get attached to him, and he took care about him as a father would do with his own child. He was also the one who gave him a name. He used to washing his sheet, preparing meals, and staying at his side whenever he needed and create a father-son bond with him. Thats an important trait husbando qualities wise.​
not only he provides parental duties, but he gave to the child who never get to be loved some affection. But even Allen presence was something Marian needed, and changed him somehow, Mother (the lady working in the place) said about Marian: despite seeing him off countless times, in the past before, the memory of that man’s radiance, in the sun that day, remains with me even now” !​

Marian Cross bringing Allen:

Marian Cross ‘s "radiance" (Mother's words):
He even gave Timcampy to Allen, at 1st to help him to sleep, then when Allen left for the Black Order, to give him a companion and a guide, as Tim was created by Marian, it was a way for him to keep “in touch” with him.​

Some manga pages to illustrate how Marian was a caring figure :​

Cross giving the name walker to Allen

Cross feeding allen and washing the sheets

From DGM fanbook (cant tell which one, apologies).

Thats what was Marian to Allen and how much he care about him, and a man who can cares that much of a child with a tragic past which is not even his, will do at least that much, if not more for his waifu. not only he is caring, funny and kindhearted, but hes among the strongest exorcist, and one of the most knowledgeable man of the story, and therefore he is qualified as a great husbando, not to mention that hes also such an handsome guy, the hottest of the manga, imo.​

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
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Previous campaigns:

Loid Forger

Loid Forger


  • Loid works as a spy to maintain the world peace. He is considered the best for his master disguise abilities.
  • His memory is off the charts being able to memorize all 200 penguin names of the zoo (and tell them apart) and their eating habits just by skimming through the book.
  • He is good in hand to hand combat and a great marksman.
Loid is a classy, badass and intelligent spy that gives it all for his family even if it's a fake one.


In order to clear his new mission Loid is forced to get a family

For a lone wolf like Loid suddenly becoming a father was his hardest mission but he worked hard and studied several books about parenting in order to be the best he could

But Anya wasn't a regular kid and had been moving from place to place 4 times for being "different" so it took him more than a few parenting books to truly understand our cute Anya.

And after struggling a lot...

He finally did it

His score as a father is:


Vote Loid!

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Hana Maria

Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 27, 2019
Reaction score
1.Overview (part 1)
2.Interlude (part 2)

Hello everyone feel free to enjoy my campaign!
and Vote!

Thank you~:fan

Zoro's Personality Analysis!

First off here is some zoro personality appetizers💚

Zoro’s personality comes across as the strong, silent type, but in reality, he’s just really chill until he feels like he’s needed. He’s not always eager to run into a fight, but will never pass up the opportunity to show off his skills if someone picks a fight with him. Throughout the series, I’ve noticed that Zoro tends to have a bit more fun fighting an enemy if none of his other crew mates are around. We get to see more of his playful side, cocky remarks to his opponents and even sometimes his cheery singing.
It’s cute that Zoro usually holds his sword, Wado Ichimonji, in his mouth when he fights. Or if he only uses one sword, that’s the sword he uses. Wado Ichimonji is the sword of his childhood rival, Kuina, who died in an unfortunate accident when she was young (which is still not certain, but whatever. I keep hoping. okay!). After her death, Zoro asked her father for the sword and he’s had it ever since and when he fought Mihawk, Wado was the only sword that didn’t break.
But despite spending 20 years with zoro as readers, we still don't know a lot about him like for example: his past, the true depths of his personality or even the romantic aspects of it! which might be revealed next year in the current Wano arc especially after meeting (his potential future waifu) Kozuki Hiyori🦋🌸!
Support Zoro!😊
and show him some love!💚💖

and that's about it the amount of zoro pics made me see him everywhere...and I'm not complaining~:hurr
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The Witch of Certainty
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I. Overview
II. Interlude

Allen :wtf

"I swore to Mana. That I'd never stop no matter what, that I'd keep walking until I died."

III. Life:
The Clown(s)

Allen is a boy who was born with a deformed arm and as far as he knows, was abandoned by his parents whom he has no memory of. He was left in a circus where he got treated horribly by everyone around him.

He was presumably sold by his parents to the traveling circus in which his deformity could be used as a freak show.
But with Allen refusing to become a freak to entertain others, and his arm being effectively unusable he instead had to do odd jobs for the circus in order to survive.

He was adopted at a young age by a traveling clown by the name of Mana and grew to love very much as they traveled together.
Mana is the main and most important paternal figure in Allen's life, being the first and main person to show him true compassion and treating him as his own child despite the way they both had to live life (two people who had nobody and nothing else in their lifes having to live in an abusive circus).

Allen's kindness and compassion towards everyone comes mostly of the hope his adoptive father gave to him, despite all the next traumatizing events and relationships Allen will have later in his life, it's thanks to these years of childhood with the clown named Mana that even today he still has a strong will and propose to be a savior and to forgive others.

Tragically, only having been together for a few years Mana died of unknown causes and through his grief Allen made a contract with the Earl to bring his adopted father back to life (Allen having no idea in what way Mana would be returned to him).

His happiness was short lived as the Akuma modified Mana violently attacked Allen by giving him a curse that would give Allen the ability to see the tortured souls of Akuma, something no else has been shown able to do.
Before Allen could be finished off his deformed arm suddenly began acting on it's own by revealing itself to be a parasitic Innocence and killed Mana for good.

Having killed his father "with his own hands", Allen fell into a state of despair and refused to move or talk.
He was took later by a man named Marian Cross who nursed him back to health.
Having him lost his most important relationship, he became Marian Cross's disciple, finally having another place to stay and live despite the harsh training he had, gave to him in order to become an Excorcist and to find a will to live for his own.

Despite having a new place and having hope to live thanks to Mana's teachings and memory, and Marian's care towards him, he was tormented by his master's constant irresponsible behavior and was forced into playing cards and gambling, winning through cheating and deception, to pay off the debts that Marian accumulated. Thanks to this Allen is lead to later have a somewhat obsession with money.

Later on that, where the main plot of the series starts, Allen finds the Black Order where he starts to develop his news and important relationships such as friendships, enemies and love interests.

Here, Allen develops his "hero" side where he starts to question the ways of how Exorcists view their jobs, claiming that he doesn't only want to be a destroyer, but a savior as well who can help others.

In summary, over all his life, Allen has:

1. Been abandoned by parents that didn't want him in the first place, but the circus where he got left treated him poorly and even worse.

2. Adopted by Mana, a caring man who gave him the best years of his childhood, but died shortly after.

3. Thankfully got taken care from an Excorcist, who gave him the training to become strong but also had to live under his harsh attitude, that he still remembers.

4. Managed to get a place he loves and sees as his home, the Black Order, but where he also got to see the corruption of his authorities and had to learn that not even his own home is perfect and that can be in the wrong.

The main point is that, despite all of said above, Allen could have given up and be the contrary of the man he has become.

As said earlier, he's ultimately a merciful and caring person who fights for others, despite all the harsh treatament he has suffered all his life, he's still a brave and the most kind person out there, having a personality that makes him being loved by many.

Learning from his mistakes and being very mature and experienced for his age thanks to all the events in his life, he gains many friendships on his way showing how nice and fun he is (and also getting the attention of the ladies

As much as how patient, kind and gentleman-like personality he has, Allen is still a stubborn, fun, extrovert man to be around, having both a dorky and very serious side; he will laugh and fight with you and everyone.

A destroyer who saves, Allen (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

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Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
Part 2: Mentor

One of the things I found most interesting about Vegeta was how much he opened up, not only to family, but to strangers. That’s highlighted in his interactions with a young Saiyan from a different universe named Cabba. Cabba was a powerful yet respectful, good-natured boy that lacked the warrior instinct and pride Vegeta thought defined a Saiyan. So even though they were from different universes, Vegeta, as the prince of Saiyans, accepted it as his responsibility to see to it that they thrived on their planet, that they’re able to protect themselves and avoid the fate that befell Planet Vegeta. When Cabba realized that Vegeta was being cruel to be kind, this is after Vegeta triggered him by threatening to destroy his planet, he gained a new level of respect for Vegeta to the point where he started calling him “master”, placing himself in a position to be mentored by him. The biggest surprise was that Vegeta, in his usual tsundere way, didn’t seem to mind, and even went on to form a bond with the boy.

Vegeta used the small amount of time they had, since they met at a fighting tournament so were basically opponents, to push and teach Cabba. He respected Cabba enough to not go easy on him, something the boy appreciated.

Not only did Vegeta teach him to fight, but he gave him words of advice that would serve him throughout his life as a warrior and protector of the innocent.

I know some of you are thinking "this is Husbando Wars, what’s all that fighting got to do with anything?" Well it’s simple. It highlights the big heart Vegeta tries to hide. The way he behaves sometimes makes people question what a beautiful, smart woman like Bulma sees in him. He can be rude, abrupt, sometimes downright cruel, and as these are the reactions that come easiest to him, considering he spent most of his life fighting just to survive, it can be all people allow themselves to see. But he could have just ignored Cabba. They were technically enemies in a tournament where the rules were that the loser and their planet gets erased, as in everyone from the losing planet would die. Cabba was a stranger from another universe. Someone he would never have to see again. Someone who meant absolutely nothing to him. But he saw the warrior in the boy. He saw the potential that Cabba himself couldn’t see because he didn’t know it existed. Vegeta took his own experiences and resolved that he would do everything he could do to help someone else not suffer a similar fate.

Cabba couldn't help but idolize Vegeta, his admiration sometimes to the point of overwhelming. For me personally, that helped soften me more towards Vegeta, to the point he actually became my favorite character. He's a good man, even if you have to squint to see it sometimes :XD

He's also a devoted family man, something I will highlight in my following post coming soon!


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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9S: I am who I am ... because of 2B ...
9S: I have a reason to live ... because of those memories ...
9S: So ... please ... don't take them from me ...
Pod 042 (narration): To him,
Pod 042 (narration): calling her family feels too unreasonable.

Pod 042 (narration): But calling her a lover feels too distant.

Nines without a doubt treasured 2B more than anything in the world...

9S or also called nines was someone who was living but not alive before meeting 2B.. it was a life without meaning, and so he decided to be always with her, and help her in all situation

Surprisingly 9S is rather bold, he did afterall invite her to a date, promising her to buy her a T shirt

Not only that but also stating how good she looks if she wore the lunar flower

Even so despite that, he can be gotten off guard if 2B does compliment him flirt back
Like when he helping 2B maintenance and you respond with "there sth calming about you voice"
He gets so flustered, Soo cuteee (ahem)

It also so cute seeing him how he wants 2B to calls him nines and when she does, he gets so excited

I'm a sucker for 9S JP voice, so here the translation of the video (I think half of my time went in finding a JP voiced conversation XD)

9S: watch out for hostile enemies 2B
2B: roger that. Ninee ze
9S: huh!? Wait what did you just say?
2B: Roger that, 9S
9S: wait no! that's not what you said! you said nines. or at least something close to-
2B: cut the chatter and engage the enemy
9S: ugh!

Nines in a nutshell

Not to forget his iconic yeah yeah, he says it when ever he annoyed or wants to be not bothered with further nagging:fan

Not only that but he also really the hard worker when it comes to his job and discovering, he love new knowledge

"Looks like it's the structure known as a temple, some sort of religious facility. I think its formal name was the "Barren Temple". It started out as a place of residence, but humans later began using it as a temple instead, or ... something like that!"

2B can hear the liveliness in 9S's voice as he says that. S-type models are characterized by their research and information gathering abilities, so they tend to hold a great deal of interest in just about everything.

"Come on, let's go, 2B!"

He speaks in a tone that suggests waiting isn't an option, as he breaks into a run, kicking up sand in his wake. It's like he's totally different from the boy who was whining about sand just moments ago. No doubt, these are his emotions at work. Watching this, a smile begins to tug at 2B's lips, but she's quick to suppress it.

"Emotions ... are forbidden ..."

"I guess you're right. Whenever he asks about new equipment, he seems guilty. 9S is just a ball of curiosity."

S-Type's tend be guilty due to their intense curiosity, while B-Types are guilty of their lack of consideration for themselves. Though that's probably why they're able to fight on the front lines without hesitation.

Locating 9S is an easy task for Operator 21O. When he's on Earth, there may be issues with the satellite resolution or the communication area, so sometimes the position information can be wrong. However, when he's within the Bunker, there's no mistake. "9S is right here," 21O thinks to herself, as she stands in front of the door.

The server control room — the room within the Bunker where a large terminal is installed. 9S has been in here analyzing enemy barriers and new hacking patterns. He loves that sort of detail work.

Despite being unable to see his eyes, she's sure they're shining as he immerses himself in his work.
Who couldn't love to have an extremely intelligent guy that doesn't fear expressing his feeling but was also a real cutie when you give him respond, a guy that will be always with you no matter what, someone who treasure you more than anything in the world :love

Fun fact about me: the only reason I played the game in JP voices was because how cute nines sounded in JP, especially that yeah yeah

Even so all good things have to end when your creator is a dude called yoko taro

BIG Spoiler alert

In the end, 2B real name is 2E, she is an executioner designed to execute 9S a high end model (aka a smart boy that is too smart to control) when ever he reached the truth about humanity, as they say curiosity killed the cat...

Even so, because of how sharp nines is, he knows what she really is, still he stayed with her...
9S often thinks about how clumsy 2B is, he knows that she more emotional that she let's it seems, 9S is actually the more rational and collective one of the two even tho it seems the opposite at first with how their masks work...

As it goes in memory thorn:

“Emotions are prohibited.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

You’re one to speak, 2B, 9S thinks to himself even as he responds.

2B isn’t as good at holding back her emotions as she thinks. At least, that’s how it appeared to 9S. It’s just a guess, but 9S thinks that her spiel about emotions being prohibited is more directed to herself than to 9S. She’s scolding herself by saying it out loud. It’s definitely a very 2B-ish thing to do.

2B is tasked with a mission, so why is she acting like this? Or is her mission the reason behind her current behavior? 2B has been acting strange lately, and 9S decided to stay silent on the matter ever since he figured out why. He pretended that he was none the wiser, and interacted with 2B the same way as before. Contrary to 2B who can’t seem to keep a secret, 9S found it pretty easy to keep up the masquerade. Otherwise, he wouldn’t try to access the main server illegally. Not even once, but multiple times.

Well, enough about himself. He’s going to be disposed of soon enough, anyways. He knew that. And he knew that 2B will be the one to do the job.

He knew that ever since he received orders for the current mission. The investigation is just a farce, and there’s no doubt that 2B had been given a separate mission.

The commander’s orders...must be to eliminate 9S. Me. Right, 2B?

... in the end 2B couldn't handle killing him and wanted to instead commit suicide and die by 9S, when she thought that she be finally free, nines instead killed himself and then told her to promise him to always kill him, so that they can always meet again and be together...
2B drew her sword. 9S’s shoulders were shaking. He knew that 2B had killed him countless times before.

“I don’t intend to kill you anymore.”

She pointed the tip of the blade towards herself and gave the handle to 9S.

“So kill me.”

Her mission ended in failure. She failed as an E type. She’s now a defective product that can’t even justify her own operating costs.

“At the very least, I want to die by your hands…”

She had no illusions about this being any form of atonement. But if she could even give back a sliver of what she’d taken from 9S...there’s nothing much left for her to give. This is the only thing that she had to offer.

She saw 9S tighten his grip on the sword handle. She smiled and awaited her last moments.

The sword flashed. However, the blade was not aimed at 2B.


2B widened her eyes in shock, her head covered in a shower of blood. 9S, having sliced his own throat, slowly fell over. She cradled his body in her arms, her own screams of ‘Why?!’ sounding distant to even herself.

“Because...I had fun.”

She doubted her ears. He had fun? That’s impossible. There’s no way that’s true.

“I really enjoyed the time we had together. I think...that goes for all my previous selves as well.”


I’m sorry, she wanted to say, but 9S interrupted her unspoken apology.

“Don’t apologize. Instead…”

Even with his rough breathing, 9S was smiling.

“Next time...don’t kill me. Because we….will meet again.”

As long as he wipes his memory regions and re-installs his personality data, he will get to meet 2B again. Even if he won’t be his current self anymore.

“I want….to see you...again…”

Even if their next meeting is nothing but a preface to another execution.

“I understand.”

Her vision blurred, and she couldn’t discern 9S’s last expression.

The body in her arms became heavier. The hand touching her cheek fell limply to his side. His black box signal was weakening by the moment. It would be cruel to let this drag out any longer.

She laid down 9S’s body and thrust her sword through his chest. His black box signal disappeared completely.

“I promise you.”

That I won’t hesitate to kill you. The next time, or the time after that. Not because of her mission, but because that’s what 9S wanted. To grant his wish of meeting again...she’ll kill him.

2B silently withdrew her sword from 9S’s chest.

And so this marks one of the biggest moments in their relationship, a goal for 2B made by 9S so she won't emotionally break again and to meet her again...

I suspects I wrote too much and continuing will only makes it too long to the point were some won't even finish it, so im stopping here

Arghhh I need to talk about song of broken world before I lose but I need to talk first about what happen in route C/D

Please guys vote for 9S so this poor girl will get to talk about his song

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The Witch of Certainty
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
- ̗̀ Another quick one ̖́-

A not-so-bad-looking husband

A very soft husband

An angry husband

A husband who fights

...and does too by your side

A dummy husband

A sassy husband

Please give this cutie a chance :zomg

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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Honestly, there isn't much that I haven't said about Hiro. He isn't a super hero, nor someone that needs a lot of explaination.
It's a normal, caring man.
Don't we all want that?

- Vote Hiro for goodluck! -

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