Discussion - If you had the potential to rewrite the series, what would you change? | Page 7 | MangaHelpers

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Discussion If you had the potential to rewrite the series, what would you change?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
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Honestly, I've been working for a long time with a rewrite of the whole DK Mel vs Sins fight in Camelot, since I thought that fight had soo much potential that it would have been a waste to leave it just like that. I'll probably post it later.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ok, it's done. The rewrite consists of 12 chapters. It's pretty long overall, so take it easy. The sentences that are in-between commas are the inner thoughts of the characters, what are they thinking at that moment. Before starting I must say two things: my experience as a writer is zero and English is not my main language so don't expect a perfect delivery in each and every aspect. I tried to do my best with the clarity and the grammar, but there are obviously going to be some mistakes here and there. You'll see that the first two chapters are pretty much what happened in the manga with very few additions (I mixed some things that I personally found nice on some other parts too), from chapter 3 onwards it's pretty much all from my imagination.

Some soundtrack to enhance the reading experience if you want :)

- Rondo of Love and Darkness (Chapters 1 and 2):
- We Have to Defeat It (Chapter 3, 5 and 8)
- Taiji (Chapters 6 and 7):
- Hymne of Despair and Atonement (Chapters 4 and 9):
- God Shattering Star (Chapters 10, 11 and 12):

That being said, enjoy!

When Merlin had stopped the time of the cocoon where Meliodas was, the faces of everyone were filled with happiness and relief. With Zeldris and the Original Demon defeated that was their complete victory of the Holy War.

- Elizabeth: Well done, Merlin.

- Escanor: I'm so happy...

- Gowther: Me too!

- Diane: Hip hip, hurrah!

Elsewhere, Mael was staring at his brother with a sad face, as Ludoshel did not have much more time to stay in this world.

- Mael: Brother, I really don't know how to apologize for everything I've done...

- Ludoshel: For now, don't say anything. I'm perfectly aware of all that's happened and none of that is your fault. Let's smile, I want to see you smiling when I leave.

At that point, Merlin falls to her knees.

- Escanor: Merlin, are you okay?

- Merlin: That spell was hard enough to even leave me drained. I'll need the Captain to compensate me for all that later with a few glasses.

Hendrickson looks at the scenes before him with a smile. He is also happy that that war is over at last. Immersed in his thoughts, someone suddenly hits him on the back.

- Elizabeth: Hendrickson, I'm very grateful for what you did for my sister and Gil.

- Hendrickson: Lady Elizabeth, how do you know about that?

- Elizabeth: King was watching you through his spiritual spear all this time.

- Hendrickson: So that's how it is, huh? I wonder if he has forgiven me or not. By the way, where is King? I haven't seen him.

- Elizabeth: Over there- he said as he pointed his finger at the position King was in with his new adult form.

- Hendrickson: What? Who is that?

Everyone laughed while Elizabeth used her magic Revigorate to heal everyone at full strength again. Of course, it wasn’t the same for Ludoshel, her magic could only slow down the disintegration effect a little, but sooner or later the result would be the same.

Of course, she had not forgotten her beloved Meliodas, still worried about him she sent Hawk to check the situation for her.

Having eaten a piece of a flying beast, Hawk set out to the cocoon to see if everything was in order.

- Hawk: Come back to normal at once, Meliodas! Everyone broke their butt to rescue you and there's only one day left for Elizabeth's curse to trigger, you know?

- Elizabeth: “Meliodas... All I want is for you to be fine and unharmed.”

- Hawk: Huh?

- Elizabeth: What's up, Hawk-chan?

- Hawk: The cocoon is empty!

At that same moment, everyone froze at sensing a horrible presence behind them. That presence almost felt like death had come to bring them to hell. Everyone started to sweat cold. The origin of that presence was behind them.

- Elizabeth: Meliodas... is that you?

Zeldris, who had already seen who was the source of that ominous presence did nothing but start laughing.

- Zeldris: Kuku, hahaha... I kept my promise, now it's time you also keep yours. Demon King!

Zeldris had confirmed the Alliance's fear. Everyone turned around and what they saw was none other than Meliodas himself, now turned into Demon King.

The Meliodas that was in front of them now was completely different from the previous one. He was much taller; Elizabeth barely reached his chest. His body was much more muscular and toned. His hair had grown to be almost as long as Elizabeth's. He was wearing a white suit from top to bottom tight enough to mark his muscles. His body was covered with dark tattoos, and a golden armour glimpsed from his feet to his knees and from his hands to his elbows. Finally, he had a few secondary tentacle-like arms that just like him, were full of tattoos and symbols. Those arms were joined by a sort of dark cloud of thorns sticking out of his shoulders.

The Alliance couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had failed, what they feared most happened. The one who won at the end wasn’t them.

Meliodas finally spoke.

- Meliodas: Y’all really went through a lot, isn’t it? Especially you Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins. That weird beast too.

Elizabeth had her suspicions but with what she just heard it was clear.

- Elizabeth: You're not Meliodas. Who are you?

The Seven Deadly Sins had also realized that something was wrong with that Meliodas.

- Zeldris: Meliodas... I fulfilled my part of the deal, now it's your turn to fulfil yours. Tell me where Gelda is!

At that moment Meliodas's expression or whoever that being was in front of them changed completely and said:

- ???: Oh, Zeldris, you're still in love with that bloodsucking vampire? Not just Meliodas, you too? I am disappointed on how you two ended up…

Zeldris was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He didn't want to believe that what he was thinking was true.

- Diane: That tone, it isn't the captain right?

- Hawk: He never would have called me "weird beast"!

Now it was clear.

- Elizabeth: I knew...

- Merlin: Sister, this is the worst-case scenario.

Merlin, too, had realized who that being was.

- Ludoshel: To think that someone so colossal would appear on the battlefield...

- Zeldris: I- It can’t be! What are you doing in Meliodas's body? Father!

The being in front of them was not Meliodas but the Demon King himself who had possessed his body.

- Zeldris: What's going on here? Didn’t you say you were going to make Meliodas the new Demon King?

- Demon King: Did you truly believe that I would allow a traitor like him who left us at the height of the war, killed our comrades and left the Underworld ruined, to become the next Demon King? I've become old, but I still have some sanity. All I wanted to have was a young and strong new body.

Zeldris couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to believe it. The King continued.

- Demon King: Commandments are fragments of my power. He who absorbs them all shall become the Demon King, that is the same to say that it will become my container to possess.

At the end of saying this, all the Sins surrounded him in a battle position.

- Elizabeth: Get out of Meliodas's body right now!

- Hawk: If you really consider yourself a father, at least do that for your son!

- Demon King: For my son, huh? I suppose a father must do what he can to make his children's dreams come true... OK! I have a great idea. Elizabeth, I'm going to release you from your curse of eternal rebirth!

Elizabeth was surprised and confused by what the King said. Hawk, on the other hand, got euphoric.

- Hawk: Wow! That was unexpected! The pig father still has some sense within him. I can't believe you agreed to rid Elizabeth of the curse yourself!

The King channelled his expression to a big smile and said:

- Demon King: I will break her curse and then kill her in the most brutal way possible.

Elizabeth started to sweat cold, just like Hawk. It was too much to hope that a being as bad as the one in front of them would break the curse and let them go like that.

- Demon King: When he sees your body, I wonder how he will react? Will he fall into despair knowing that he will never see you again and lose his desire for life? Or maybe he’ll finally be free and calm knowing that your curse has been removed and his life purpose will be lost? Either way, the result is the same for me. Don’t you agree, members of the Seven Deadly Sins?

That being said, he quickly lifted one of his secondary arms to grab her and break her curse. Elizabeth was so surprised and scared she couldn't react on time. Still, Gowther grabbed her and threw her away to avoid that deadly attack.

- Gowther: Merlin, do it now!

- Escanor: Hendi, come here too!

The Sin of Pride, despite being weaker than a normal human, was in front of everyone as a human shield. Such was his determination.

- Merlin: Ok, looks like everyone’s here. Perfect Cube!

With that, she, Gowther, Elizabeth, Escanor, Hendi and Hawk would be protected from any external attack.

The Alliance instinctively split into two groups. A group would guarantee Elizabeth's safety while supporting the others. Those were the ones inside the Perfect Cube: Merlin, Gowther, Escanor, Hawk and Hendrickson.

The other group was in charge of subjugating the Demon King and removing him from Meliodas's body. King, Diane, Mael and Ludoshel were its members.

The last group nodded in unison, except for Ludoshel, who saw what was being done as ridicule. Even if they were four to join forces, they had no chance of defeating the Demon King. As much as he considered demons scum and excrement, the Demon King was a god with colossal power, equivalent to that of the Supreme Deity. Only she could stand up to him and yet those idiots came out as if their opponent was just a normal demon. He couldn't understand it. He only understood one thing. No matter how much he insisted on the ridiculousness of that idea, they would not pay any attention to him, as they were determined to save their Captain and friend Meliodas. If there was anything he knew about the Seven Deadly Sins for sure at this point is that they were a bunch of complete idiots.

- Diane: We will protect Elizabeth no matter the cost!

- King: I won't let you do anything you want with the body of the Captain.

Diane started attacking him with her Gideon Hammer non-stop. As for King, he used his Spiritual Lance Chastiefol First Form: Chastiefol and Fifth Form: Increase simultaneously.

Mael, without uttering a word, quickly lowered the distance between him and the Demon King and began beating him with all his might. It's not that he cared much about what happened to Meliodas but there was someone who cared for and that person was Elizabeth. He still remembered the promise he had made that day when he was still a child. He had promised that he would be strong enough to stop the Holy War. As long as the Demon Clan had the Demon King as its ruler that would never be fulfilled, therefore defeating him was the first step towards fulfilling his promise.

Meanwhile, inside the Perfect Cube, Elizabeth was still in shock for what she had just witnessed. She couldn't believe it yet.

- Escanor: Are they going to be okay? We’re fighting against the Demon King after all…

- Hawk: Those pigs will be fine. Look at how they’re beating him. No one can defend against all this.

Having said that, Hawk was looking through his Balor eye to know the current power levels of each and every one of his companions.

Diane = PL: 50,000 (Strength: 36,500, Magic: 11,000, Spirit: 2500)

King = PL: 301,000 (Strength: 0, Magic: 295,000, Spirit: 6000)

Mael = PL: 283,500 (Strength: 192,000, Magic: 86,000, Spirit: 5500)

Ludoshel = PL: 260,000 (Strength: 72,000, Magic: 182,800, Spirit: 5200)

- Hawk: With all those monsters on our side it's impossible for us to lose! Suck it, Demon Kingy!

At that point though, he noticed something that had turned him to stone. Something that Gowther and Merlin had already noticed since a long time now.

Demon King = PL: 510.155 (Force: 340,155, Magic: 160.000, Spirit: 6500)

Mael realized that all the attacks thrown on the Demon King weren't damaging him at all. In fact, he was reacting and blocking every single one of them perfectly with his tentacles.

At that moment, the King decided to make his first attack and with a single circular stroke of his tentacles sent Mael, King and Diane to fly. Mael and especially Diane were considerably injured. King was the only one that went unhurt because he was the only one who was attacking the Demon King remotely, but his spears were destroyed too.

With one strike he had lowered the morale of the whole alliance altogether. Not even with giving everything they had, managed to do something. Not to mention that he still didn't seem to be serious at all.

Their chances of winning pretty much lowered to zero with that brief exchange.

With only one hit, the God of Demons made it clear that he was on a totally different level but the Alliance was still not willing to give up. King, Diane and Mael got up again and the wounds inflicted by him were healed by Elizabeth.

- Demon King: I don't understand. Why are you all still fighting knowing fully well that you don’t have a chance? All I'm trying to do is break Elizabeth's curse and give her the repose of death.

- King: Shut up! We won't let you lay a finger on Elizabeth, let alone kill her.

- Diane: Elizabeth is our precious companion with whom we have shared good and bad moments. You're not going to kill her!

- Mael: If you want to do any harm to Elizabeth, it will be over my corpse!

- Elizabeth: Guys... I don't know how to thank you. I will inevitably die in a day, but I don't intend to do it before Meliodas is saved from such a ruin. Let's force him out of his body!

- Ludoshel: Stop now with this farce! Haven’t you noticed yet? He has sent us all flying in one blow and he's not even fighting seriously. Do you think we have any chance? If we throw ourselves at him, we will be completely massacred. It makes no sense to keep fighting.

- Demon King: Leader of the Four Archangels, I see you're the only one with a hint of logic in this suicide group. Decided! If you don't do anything stupid, I'll leave you alive.

- Gowther: Ludoshel, you're right. Our chances of victory are almost 0. I can fully understand your way of thinking, perhaps it's the most logical among all of those here present. There was a time that I also thought this way, but as you can see everyone here prefers to die protecting what is important to them than to give it up.

- Mael: You've disappointed me, brother. I used to admire you, but now that I see you better, you're just a coward.

Having said that, the second round started. King attacked again with his Fifth Form: Increase. Hundreds of spears flew in the direction of the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: Hmph, do you really think that will work?

He started blocking all the spears with his tentacles. This time, but, it was different as a spear scratched his face.

- Demon King: What?

As he turned around, he saw the source of that. Using the magic Bend Room, Merlin altered the spears’ trajectory in the last second, making it much harder for him to react to them.

Mael also joined and with his razors of light began to attack the King nonstop. This time he was showing signs of being slightly pressured, as King's attacks, with their course being reversed to the last second by Merlin, were difficult to predict, even more so with Mael on top of him.

- Diane: Diamond Tower.

Having been dancing for quite a while now, she was ready. The Sin of Envy caused the earth around her to tremble, and a huge diamond tower worth a hundred meters tall emerged from the ground. Although the tower itself did nothing, it made him lower his guard for a second. Elizabeth jumped on him and hit him with Ark in the head. Of course, that didn't do anything too, it just bothered him a little and made his guard even lower. In that instant, Merlin used her teleport to get Gowther to stand right behind the King.

- Gowther: Blackout Arrow.

- Merlin: Increase!

He could not evade that attack and was hit by the arrow on his chest.

- King: Status Promotion

The arrow that even with Merlin's Increase only allowed him to lose his concentration a little bit for a few seconds, was amplified several times with King's Status Promotion, leaving the King temporarily asleep.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube- reciting those words the Sin of Gluttony wrapped the Demon King in the Perfect Cube.

- King: Pollen Garden

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe

King, Diane and Merlin: Combined technique: Triple Prison.

With this technique, he had been locked in three barriers.

- Merlin: Now, Gowther, have him recite the commandment expulsion spell.

- Gowther: Okay.

During that process, on the other hand, Ludoshel couldn't believe how cowardly and pathetic he was.

- Hawk: I can't believe how cowardly you are. You're one of the strongest here and you can't even move a finger? Pathetic! And you call yourself the leader of the Four Archangels?

- Hendrickson: Enough, Hawk-san! Ludoshel-sama is not that kind of…

- Ludoshel: Hendrickson, it’s fine. This pig is telling the truth. Long ago, all my family and friends were massacred by demons. What led me to train to become one of the strongest warriors in the goddesses’ clan was the desire to protect those who were important to me, to not lose them because of my weakness and those monsters called demons. But still, look at me now. I am even shaking with fear at the thought of facing what lies ahead, but they are not shaking in the same situation and face it with all they have. They are much braver than I could ever be.

- Escanor: I am also a coward by nature, but what will give you less remorse: to lose them and to not have done anything or to do everything in your power to prevent their death?

- Ludoshel: ...

Meanwhile, the spell had already been recited but something strange happened. The commandments were not coming out of Meliodas's body. It was as if the spell had no effect.

Suddenly, the triple prison began to tremble and was then destroyed by the King's tentacles in the Sins' surprise who could not believe what they were seeing.

He came out with a few scratches on his body. Something that could hardly be called wounds. The combined attack that contained all the power of the Sins had only done that, scratches.

- Gowther: N-No it can't be! Why the commandments haven’t come out of your body? You should have returned to-

- Demon King: Normal? I'm sorry to disappoint you but have you forgotten that my magic The Ruler makes any magic attack ineffective against me, no matter the nature? I was just pretending to be slightly threatened by your games, so you could develop a small glimpse of hope only to be instantly destroyed seconds later. I love doing that, you know.

- Gowther: But then, how come 3,000 years ago you were affected?

- Demon King: The scale of that power was completely different from that. The Original Gowther, much more powerful than you by the way, used all its life force and all your power as a doll. Also, at the time that happened I was facing off with the Supreme Deity and my magic The Ruler was partially deactivated to not be affected by- Ups, forgive me, I almost revealed some secrets of my magic that might have given you some opportunity. Well, not that it matters since you all are too weak, now it's my turn!

Merlin, who saw that they were going to be massacred, tried to teleport them all far away, but it was too late.

A scythe appeared behind her making a big cut at her back, sealing her magic.

- Demon King: Silence - one of the tattoos of his tentacles had gone and transformed into that scythe.

- King: Those are the skills that Mael with the absorbed Commandments used but on a much larger scale! Shit!

- Diane: I'm not going to let you go with this!

- King: Stop Diane you're not going to-

- Demon King: Patience - another tattoo left and turned into a cloud of smoke that left Diane completely paralyzed and unable to move.

- King: Why you... Bastard! - King charged at full speed preparing his Fossilization.

- Demon King: Repose - another smoke came out of one of his tattoos, this time King was the one affected, falling completely asleep.

- Demon King: Piety - another tattoo came out to form a giant sword. He would go for King- If I cut you with this, you're going to be the victim of deadly brainwashing that's going to make you my dog for all eternity. Since I am running out of useful subordinates, it only makes sense that I will have to recruit new ones.

- Diane: S-Stop!

At that time, Mael intervened, delivering a big blow to his back with his Helios Flare. Mael expected to catch him off guard but the attack was easily blocked by one of his secondary arms. The King quickly seized Mael with the arm with which he had blocked the attack.

- Demon King: Normal curses won't work on you because of the protection that the Supreme Deity gave you. A real nuisance. But not all commandments can be used as curses, there are some that can be used physically. Love!

An energy ball was formed in the other tentacle of the King.

- Elizabeth: Please, I beg you, stop!

The King, ignoring the princess's words, tossed the ball at Mael producing a big explosion. The explosive zone produced wiped out dozens of mountains on the horizon.

Of course, Mael was unconscious and thrown to the ground.

- Demon King: I guess it's time to end this.

The dark thorns on his back disappeared instantly and became a gravitational field hundreds of times the Earth's gravity, crushing everyone like flies. Everyone, except Elizabeth of course, he had made sure Elizabeth was the only one who could move as the time for torturing her approached.

- Demon King: Pacifism - another tattoo left his body, becoming a giant mouth. Whoever breathed the gas from his mouth would quickly age until he or she became bones.

- Elizabeth: Stop!

And when she said that, she imbued her hands in Ark and began to beat the Demon King with all her strength nonstop. Yet unfortunately, everything was useless, the Demon King didn’t even move from the spot.

- Demon King: You're going to have to do better than that if you want to make me feel something. Come on, try as much as you can, as everything will be useless, just like 3,000 years ago.

Elizabeth kept beating him, tears of helplessness began to come out of her face. In his current state, he couldn't do anything against him. Maybe if she had been in her original goddess body she could have done something, but it was still of no use thinking about it. Elizabeth concentrated and launched a big Let There Be Light towards the Demon King.

Unsurprisingly, that did nothing, either.

- Demon King: Are you done? Well, I think the preparations are ready.

- Elizabeth: STOP!

At that moment, a flash came out of the sky in the direction of the Demon King and hit him in full force. Ludoshel, the leader of the four Archangels, was the cause of it. He had thrown himself directly at him with all his speed with the intention of cutting his head with his sword made of light. Sadly, these intentions did not come true, as the demon's neck only saw a small cut from which he drew a little blood. Nothing serious, yet that cut was enough to surprise and cut his concentration. The mortal gravitational field, as well as the Pacifism decree that he had invoked, disappeared and everyone was quick to recover again. The time he had been on the ground was enough for Mael to heal his wounds a little. The moment they left the gravitational field, King used his Pollen Garden to heal everyone quickly inside of it.

- Demon King: Back to fight, Ludoshel? I had you like the most rational person of that bunch of idiots but from what I see you're also equal to them after all. Not that it matters since, in the end, the result will be the same. I would have given you a clean death if you surrendered, but now that you have regained hope it will be even better. I'm going to break you slowly until all this hope vanishes and then take your head to the Supreme Deity as a gift.

- Ludoshel: Mph, if I still have to die at the hands of a demon, I prefer to do it by fighting to the bitter end.

- Demon King: Do you think you have any chance against me? Even if you came to help, the situation still remains the same. You're all going to die.

- Ludoshel: Hmph, will it really be like that? Gowther!

- Gowther:

- Ludoshel: I haven't forgotten what you did to my brother yet. Because of you all our clan fell into ruin and to be honest make a team now and ask a favour from you disgusts me, but there is no other option. Transmit all my thoughts to them!

While Gowther was smiling, he used his Invasion skill to get into Ludoshel's mind and pass his plans on to the rest of her companions.

- Mael: Brother, are you sure of this? We have never tried it before and our opponent is the Demon King.

- Ludoshel: I know that, but we have no choice now. It’s try it or die.

The Sins and Elizabeth did not respond and instead threw themselves into the attack altogether, while Mael and Ludoshel stayed behind.

King attacked with his Increase, while Diane attacked with his hammer ceaselessly. Elizabeth meanwhile imbued her palms with Ark and started beating him. Merlin used Endless Whirl to keep his field of vision low.

- Demon King: You’re getting out of ideas, just surrender already!

After blocking all of their attacks, thorns left out of his tentacles and immediately crossed everyone.

Even with deadly injuries, the Sins did not stop their attacks. The King could not understand that useless resistance until he finally did when he saw Mael and Ludoshel appear behind his back with some kind of portal in their hands. He could not react on time and was swallowed by the portal alongside Mael and Ludoshel. The aim of the Sins was to distract him and buy time for both Mael and Ludoshel to carry out their combined technique.

All those left on that plane fell tired and wounded. Yet, King and Elizabeth, both of whom had healing skills, started to heal everyone.

- King: Merlin, do you think that's going to work?

- Merlin: I don't have any idea, what do you think, Sis-sis?

- Elizabeth: To be frank I don't know either. That's the first time I've seen Ludoshel determined that way and that combined technique. Honestly, I think it's impossible that that's enough to beat the Demon King.

The faces of everyone darkened in an instant.

- Elizabeth: Still, the Demon King is weakened by not taking full control of Meliodas's body, so in that case perhaps a miracle could happen. “Ludoshel, Mael, I wish you both the best luck…”

The Demon King got up. He seemed to be in a desert with a sun in the middle of the sky and full of mirrors floating in the air.

- Demon King: Tsk, that scum... It seems to be a dimension created by the blessings given by the Supreme Deity to the Archangels.

- Ludoshel: That’s right. Grave this landscape well because it will be the last you see.

Demon King started smiling.

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha. Have you become senile? These dimensions can easily be destroyed if the power of the person who is locked up is greater than that of the summoner.

The Ruler of all demons raised one of his tentacles. A ball made of Hellblaze was formed to try to destroy the dimension, but it had no effect.

- Ludoshel: Satisfied?

- Demon King: “What is the meaning of this? Definitely what I said is true, but there is something strange. Bastard... what the hell is this?”

Suddenly he felt a great presence behind him. Someone was getting closer and whoever he was, he had tremendous power.

- ???: Don't you understand it yet, little ignorant? This is your grave!

The figure came close enough for him to see it. It was Mael, but with a completely different appearance than before. Now he was much more muscular and taller than before. The clothes had completely disappeared from the waist up and a golden layer of fire spread on his back. He had a total of eight wings now. There was no mistake, that was his Noon state.

Mael approached him until he was in front of him, looking at him as if he was some insect that just happened to get in the way.

- Demon King: Oho, looks like you'll be able to entertain me for a little longer than before now.

- Mael: Entertain you? Don't say nonsense. I, Mael, will slaughter you and take your body to the Supreme Deity as a gift. Start doing your prayers.

- Demon King: It seems you don't understand. I don't need to pray to any god for my safety, because I am one myself. I'm the one who decides that kind of thing. Now, disappear!

The Demon King used his tentacles to quickly tie Mael up from above, but to his surprise, Mael easily dodged it by vanishing for a few moments from his eyes. Another instant went through and Mael appeared again to hit him in the face. The hit gave rise to tremendous air raids that caused the entire dimension to shake.

The God of all demons stopped Mael’s fist using his real arm this time. His hand trembled because of the impact.

- Demon King: Tsk, little shit!

The tentacles moved and tried to cross Mael once more, but the Archangel moved quickly again and managed to dodge them again, standing just a few centimetres behind them. Mael grabbed both arms and pulled them, and ended up dragging the Demon King to him and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Ugh!

- Mael: You start to understand why it's going to be your grave or do you want more?

The King quickly hit him with his fist in his stomach and then kicked him. The blows sent Mael flying some meters.

- Demon King: I understand that if any more words come pouring of your cunt mouth, not even death will be enough punishment for your offence.

Mael got up again. The wounds of his opponent's fists were mild and the damage was very surface. Mael quickly recovered.

- Demon King: “As much as I hate the idea, as long as I don't get complete control over this body, it will be difficult to get rid of him. Not to mention the fact that it shouldn’t be and yet here he is, being in that state. Which means that the sun of this dimension makes it able to use that power to the fullest continuously. Then there are the mirrors that I don't know what they're doing yet. How annoying...”

- Mael: Any last words?

- Demon King: Hmph, before I kill you, why you never used that skill during the Holy War? With that, you could have defeated my strongest warriors.

- Ludoshel: The warriors of our clan are few but very strong, in contrast to your clan's many but not so strong. There were many open fronts of battle, which made it very rare for two Archangels to meet together. We had to separate, that's why. But with you alone, that won’t be a problem anymore.

- Demon King: “I don't know what those mirrors do yet, but surely nothing good. If I have to fight Mael in this form in my current state, I don't need interference. I definitely have to take Ludoshel first. But let’s try something before…

- Demon King: True Night!

The darkness began to fill the sky full of light but still could not cover the sky completely. In fact, it seemed as if its darkness was losing in the light of those two.

- Mael: Do you really believe that that weak darkness would be able to extinguish my sun?

- Ludoshel: True Night only works if your opponent's magic is less than yours. In that case, mine and Mael's together won't lose against yours.

- Demon King: Tsk, you really know how to piss me off. It doesn't matter, you're going to perish at the end.

The Demon King quickly lowered the distance between him and Ludoshel.

- Ludoshel: Reinvigorate!

- Demon King: “Healing Magic? It can’t be! Has he already discovered the weakness of my magic the Ruler?”

He dodged the attack and attacked Ludoshel with his tentacles, which cut him in half.

- Demon King: “I killed him? So fast?”

The King's suspicions came true. Suddenly, the magic that had dodged returned to him and hit him from behind, bringing him to his knees for a moment.

- Demon King: What was that?

As he turned around he saw what had happened. The magic that had evaded before had been reflected by one of the mirrors. Ludoshel was inside that same one.

- Demon King: So that's your skill, huh? “Now I know the nature of his power. I know he can place himself and move through those mirrors at high speeds. He can attack through them and even if you dodge the attack, another mirror can reflect it back to you. Even if I know this, the cost has been great, now he also knows the secrets of my ability…”

- Ludoshel: Mael, the power of the Demon King makes it able to invert any damage into healing and fortification. His weakness was precisely healing attacks, which, following the principle of inversion, became attacks that would harm him. From what I've seen so far, that magic only works in magic attacks.

- Mael: Okay, let's crush him then, brother.

- Demon King: “His explanation has been almost perfect. A short distance fighter the skill of which I cannot easily get rid of as I am now and a support that knows my weaknesses, is intelligent and is considered the best hunter of his clan. This battle will be much more complicated than I imagined…”

He didn't have time to think much longer as Mael struck again with a kick.

He also counterattacked with a kick. The dimension trembled again.

Ludoshel put himself on the King's back through mirrors and used Revigorate again. Before that, though…

- Demon King: Hermit of Moments.

And when he said this, his tentacles began to contort into a monstrous creature, whose arms consisted of multiple tentacles.

The monster quickly jumped to Ludoshel and attacked him with its tentacles. Ludoshel avoided his attack by moving through mirrors and attacked the monster with Ark. The monster dodged it too.

- Ludoshel: “It is fast, almost as fast as my Flash and its attacks are not at all dull…”

Mael and the DK continued to exchange blows one after the other without stopping. The two had similar strength, but the King was more skilled and for every blow Mael connected, he connected two or three. The exchange of blows ended with a kick of the King on Mael's face and a punch from Mael on the King's face. Both split up and Mael jumped in the air.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

A giant sun came out of Mael's palm and crashed directly into the ground, causing a huge cloud of dust that caused the King's vision to diminish considerably.

He looked around and at the last second saw Mael on top of him with both hands forming sharp sables of light. The King was able to dodge the cut, even though he got scratched a little bit.

The King created sables with his hands too using his darkness and attacked Mael with them.

On Ludoshel’s side, the creature created by the King continued to push him back more and more

- Ludoshel: “Tsk, I'm going to have to go with everything if I want to get rid of this creature.”

Ludoshel came out of the mirrors with both hands turned into light sables in the direction of the monster. The thing unfurled the tentacles of an arm in the Archangel's direction, who eluded them using his grace Flash, leaving a residual image of him in the place where he had previously been. Ludoshel was now behind the hermit and attacked with both swords to its back. To his surprise, the demon was able to react and block his attack with the tentacles of the other arm. Both were submerged in an intense battle of speed. The tentacles of the monster clashed with the angel's sharp razors of light.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine!

A big flash of light was emitted from Ludoshel's body, which blinded the monster for a few moments. During that moment, the Archangel grabbed both of its arms.

The monster, seeing that, tried to pull Ludoshel's head off from a bite, but the Angel was again faster.

- Ludoshel: Lightning Spree!

Dozens of rays of light came out of all directions through the mirrors. The monster, being unable to flee because of Ludoshel's grip, ate the blow completely. It ended up filled with holes.

- Ludoshel: Omega Ark!

Ludoshel used that technique to wrap the devil in a big sphere of light, which ended up exploding, taking the demon's life away.

- Ludoshel: The moment you challenged me in a speed battle, you sealed all your chances of victory.

Mael continued to clash with the Demon King in a sword battle. The King blocked one vertical slash from Mael with one hand and with the other quickly penetrated his arm. Mael tried to cut him with the other arm but the Ruler of all demons dodged the attack again by jumping and putting himself above Mael's head.

- Demon King: Go to hell. Thunderclap

A huge bolt of lightning came out of his hand, striking Mael from the head and creating a crater of at least worth a kilometre deep in the dimension.

When the smoke cleared, he couldn't be more surprised. His attack had given severe burns on the entire body of the Angel, but he hadn’t moved. Worse still, he had his hand seized.

- Demon King: Shit...

- Mael: My turn.

As Mael said those words, he began to turn the Demon King with both hands. The speed was such that the generated air was producing a tornado.

- Demon King: Fucking bastard!

- Mael: Disappear from my sight. Divine Punishment!

Mael threw the King to the ground with all the speed of rotation. The King couldn't do anything to prevent it. Not only did he crash directly into the ground, but for miles, he continued to crawl along with it.

When he finally stopped, the King was soaked in blood and burns. Still, he didn't have time to curse, since, by the time he looked up, Mael was on top of him again.

With his hand, he tried to break the King's neck.

Still, the King jumped and dodged Mael's attack, which made a big crack on the ground.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Snow.

The King crossed his hands and dark balls 1 meter worth in size appeared around Mael.

- Mael: Holy Explosion.

Mael caused all the heat emanating from his body to be expelled in an instant, which made the dark balls heading towards him melt.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

He made his darkness spread around him. That expanding darkness ended up clashing with Mael's light and heat, which caused a huge explosion.

Both of them were fired. Still, the King was quicker to recover and quickly stood behind Mael stabbing him in the chest with a sword made of Darkness.

- Mael: Graahh!

- Demon King: This is the end!

When he prepared for the final strike, something hit him from behind that brought him to his knees.

He turned around and saw the cause of the attack. Seeing Ludoshel, he had instantly understood that his servant had been defeated. Mael used that opening to hold the Demon King by both arms.

- Mael: Now, brother!

Ludoshel began to strike the King relentlessly with Revigorate, who was unable to dodge the attack and was hit hard.

Still, when the dust left Ludoshel couldn't believe what he was seeing. Not only the DK had not been hurt at all, but the majority of his wounds had been healed.

- Ludoshel: I-Impossible, that attack should have affected you. Unless...

- Demon King: Exactly, you didn't take into account the fact that I can activate and deactivate my magic at will, that's why you've healed me. A serious mistake on your part. Clearly, you underestimated me and underestimating a God leads to nothing good.

The King freed himself from Mael's clutches and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Now, it seems it's time to end this. Sighting Sage!

When those words were uttered, his tentacles lying on the ground after being defeated by Ludoshel began to recover and formed a monstrous head that began to fly quickly to fire powerful rays of dark energy that provoked large explosions. Ludoshel’s mirrors began to be destroyed one after the other.

- Ludoshel: Ugh! Damn it!

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha, this is over.

In the real World

- Diane: Damn it! Can't we really do anything?

- King: Diane, I understand how you feel but we have no way to go to that dimension. All we can do now is trust them. Trust in their victory.

- Merlin: We must prepare for the worst, though. If they lose...

- ???: Do you really think those two will be able to defeat father?

Everyone turned around. The figure who spoke was Zeldris, the executioner and youngest son of the DK, who had recovered from all his wounds.

- King: You're still…

Escanor and Hendi began to waver in fear. The rest of the Sins stood guard.

- Zeldris: Don't worry, I won't fight you. My goal to fight was to make Meliodas the new Demon King, now that I know everything is a lie, I have no reason to fight any more.

- Elizabeth: That's not true! Zeldris... You didn't really fight to make Meliodas the new Demon King, you were struggling to see your beloved Gelda again.

- Zeldris: T-You! How do you know about her?

- Elizabeth: Meliodas told me about you and her. You were inseparable, but one day the Demon King forced you to kill her along with the Vampire Clan. Still, you weren't able to do it and ended up sealing all of them. A few years ago the seal broke and she was released. Realizing that she was going to live in a world without you he asked Meliodas to kill her, yet he ended up sealing her again. You and Meliodas made a promise in which if you helped him become the Demon King in order to break the curse inflicted upon him, he would liberate Gelda. This is the real reason as to why you were so reluctant on making Meliodas the new King, isn’t it?

- Zeldris: Even if that’s the case, does it matter at this point? Meliodas is no longer in this world as Father’s Darkness and power consumed him and with it the secret of where Gelda is and how to break the seal. I have nothing else to do here.

- Elizabeth: That's not true, Meliodas is still alive and comes here as we speak now. One of our colleagues went to Purgatory to save him and came back to tell us that the rescue was a success.

- Zeldris: And how am I supposed to know you're not cheating me the same way Father did? Can you show it somehow?

- Elizabeth: No, I can't.

- Zeldris: So, what's your point?

- Elizabeth: You must make a decision. Either you trust your Father and you remain his puppet forever and never see Gelda again or you trust us, you help us defeat the Demon King along with Meliodas and see Gelda again.

- Zeldris: ...

- Elizabeth: I won't force you to decide, I'm just asking you to make your decision, to be firm with the wishes of your heart.

- Zeldris: “I have always imposed loyalty above my own desires and at the end what I have won with it? Father has always seen me as a second choice, I have always been his puppet and I have ended up doing things I didn't want to do. The current situation is also my fault partially…

- Elizabeth: So?

- Zeldris: Argh! Okay, I'll help you. I promise you that until Meliodas comes back I won't let you die yet.

- Elizabeth: Zeldris...

- Zeldris: Don't be confused, I'm just doing it to make sure Meliodas releases Gelda. If he came back and saw his beloved dead, perhaps that would change his mind.

- Elizabeth: Then it’s decided! If we win this battle and I haven't kept my promise, you can kill me or do whatever you want with me. It's a promise!

Zeldris nodded. A temporary alliance had been formed.

Meanwhile, in the dimension created by the Graces, the battle between the King and the Archangels was intensifying even more.

Ludoshel was creating more mirrors as they were being destroyed by the DK's sage.

Mael and the King collided and exchanged blows over and over.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Mael quickly threw a sun at the sage created by the DK and completely evaporated it. However, this came at an expensive price as it made him show an opening and the King didn’t miss the opportunity, stabbing him in the heart with a hand.

Mael badly wounded attempted to crush his head with his hand, however, the Ruler of the Underworld was faster.

- Demon King: Thunderclap.

A huge lightning bolt came out of the hand with which he had stabbed him.

- Mael: Gah!

- Demon King: This is over.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate!

The Archangel fired a healing spell at the DK, while he threw himself towards him. Ludoshel anticipated the fact that the DK would turn off his magic and made his magic bounce with a mirror to heal Mael, while he clashed with the King, who easily blocked his attack.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine

Ludoshel let out a big flash of light that momentarily blinded the King. That moment was exploited by Mael.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Having deactivated his magic and been blinded, he was struck hard by the attack, which caused a massive explosion, leaving a huge crater in the centre.

- Ludoshel: Mael, I won't be able to keep this up much longer. My body is about to disappear. We must end this here and now.

- Mael: I agree, let's end up here and now with this scum brother.

Meanwhile, inside the crater, the King had risen again. The top of his clothes was completely burned, exposing his muscles with severe burns. With his darkness, he healed his wounds the best he could, but the damage was still there.

- Demon King: “Tsk, damn scum. At this rate, it will be hard for me to win. You haven't given up yet, Meliodas?”

In the spiritual world that lied within Meliodas’ body, the emotionless Meliodas in Assault Mode was confronting the soul of half of the Demon King, formed by the 10 Commandments.

The battle so far had been completely one-sided. The emotionless Meliodas couldn’t do anything and was full of wounds.

- Demon King: I didn't expect less from you, my son, but your resistance is futile, just give me your body already.

Meliodas didn’t answer and with the same technique he crushed Zeldris and Estarossa easily, Meliodas tried to subjugate his Father, but it was of no use. The Demon King was not moving at all. With a move of his hand, he shot a large torrent of horizontal darkness towards Meliodas that seriously wounded him again.

- Demon King: Before, you gave me that very smart talk through that pig, acting as if you were something more than my puppet, but no matter how hard you try, you are and will continue to be my puppet for all eternity. Now, die!

- Meliodas: “I have to resist, I haven't fulfilled my promise with Zeldris. I can't let this end like that in any way!”

Back in the real world, the King shot a bolt of lightning from the bottom of the ground where Ludoshel and Mael were. Once he had reached the surface, something hit him.

- Demon King: What?

When the smoke dissipated, he observed a large number of healing spells and Suns bouncing within the space filled with mirrors, over and over again.

- Demon King: So they want to finish this here and now, huh? I accept this defiance, scumbags.

The King began to dodge both healing magics and Suns moving at great speed, waiting for Mael or Ludoshel to come out of the mirrors.

Until it happened. Ludoshel came out of a mirror behind his back.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

Anticipating this, he once again extended his darkness as a field around him that began to destroy the mirrors. Ludoshel was struck by that Nebula, yet he did not surrender and with his remaining forces and using his Flash grace managed to go through the King's camp and grab him.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate

Using his remaining vital energy, Ludoshel made his last healing spell, doing great damage to the King, who had the Ruler deactivated.

- Demon King: Bastard!

- Ludoshel: Now, Mael!

Mael left the ground. He had been delicately hiding his aura so that he would not notice his presence. The small Suns and healing spells had only been a distraction.

- Mael: Divine Clap.

Mael concentrated all his magic and warmth on his hand, which took a glow reddish by the amount of power concentrated there.


Mael crossed the chest of the Demon King, along with his brother Ludoshel, who was holding him so he couldn't escape.

A big explosion that enveloped the entirety of the dimension occurred. What was left after that attack was smoke and Mael with his older brother held in arms. The state of Ludoshel was deplorable, he had a huge hole on what had previously been his chest and his body was full of burns and disappearing.

- Mael: B-Brother... I...

- Ludoshel: Don't say anything, Mael. You did what you had to do. I have dedicated my whole life to war and the eradication of demons, so it is only fair that the cause of my death is also because of that purpose.

- Mael: And how the hell am I supposed to live without you? You're the one who gave me everything and made me who I am today. I really wanted to be like you.

- Ludoshel: Don't say nonsense, you're much better than me. You always had better latent potential and a much better heart than mine. Now I see it clearly. You're not like me, who just had on his head to kill demons and impose those ideals on others. I neglected what really mattered. In fact, now that I think about it, Nerobasta did a lot for me and really loved me, but I never paid any attention to her. My mind could never go beyond killing, but I'm sure you won't fail where I failed. From now on and always, it doesn't matter what your actions are, I will always be supporting you from the afterlife. Goodbye Mael, I'm really glad I had you as a brother...

Tears appeared on Ludoshel's face as his body disappeared.

Meanwhile, in the real world

- Diane: It’s taking them a lot of time. Have they really succeeded?

- Merlin: Whatever the case, we have to be prepared for the worst.

- Zeldris: I agree, even if he hasn't completely mastered the body of my brother yet, my father remains a monster to be reckoned with.

- King: You seem to have him in great esteem.

- Zeldris: Not for nothing, he managed to take full control of the underworld, where chaos and disorder reigned. He's a monster that was considered to be the first ruler of the demon realm. We have to start thinking of a strategy as soon as possible, or I fear defeating him will be impossible.

- Merlin: Do you know his skills? This is what we should first know in full detail.

- Zeldris: You've seen that he has extraordinary physical abilities. Besides that, he can also use the commandments absorbed as curses. He has vast knowledge of the dark arts too but his most fearsome ability has its same title, "The Ruler." This allows father to reverse the effects of any magical attack. The only way to damage him with magical attacks is if these are healing or give him strength.

- Merlin: I see, considering all this I think I have an idea that can lead us to victory... Gowther, can you spread my thoughts to the rest, please?

- Gowther: No problem.

Gowther used his ability to convey them to all Merlin's thoughts. Instantly everyone was surprised.

- King: Do you really think this is going to work, Merlin?

- Merlin: It's our best choice. If we want to get out of here alive and defeat the Demon King that is best plan we can come with as of now. Though, to be honest, the chances of succeeding are still very low.

- Zeldris and Elizabeth: ...

They didn't have much more time left. Suddenly, the portal in which Mael and Ludoshel vanished along with the Demon King, opened again.

Everyone was on alert, waiting to see who came out of that portal.

After waiting for a few seconds that became an eternity, the Sins noticed a fierce and colossal presence. Everyone started to sweat cold, their bodies stalled. It seemed as if death itself approached them and they could do nothing.

- Elizabeth: E-Everyone… RUN AWAY!

Too late. A hand of colossal, demonic size came out of the portal and immediately fired an energy beam that completely disintegrated the bodies of Hendrickson and Gilthunder, who couldn’t react in time at all.

No one could believe what had just happened in front of them. No one moved, everyone was holding their own breath as if their life was in it. A figure began to leave the portal.

A few minutes before in the dimension created by Flash and Sun.

- Mael: Brother...

- ???: Have you said all your last words to him already?

Both Archangels turned around. A lightning strike fell on Ludoshel's body, completely annihilating him. Mael was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The King was still alive and standing with a hole in his chest. Smiling, he said:

- Demon King: I can't believe that two shits like you brought a God like me so far. But now everything is over. Where there is day, there is night and where there is hope there is despair and the despair you are about to experience is much worse than death. I'll break you slowly until you lose your sanity completely.

Demon King began to transform. Darkness filled the place completely and lightning began to fall from the sky.

His body grew much larger, thorns grew on his back, and his hands and legs adopted a much more monstrous appearance than before. Its strength also increased, to the point of being completely different from before. Mael couldn't believe what he was seeing.

- Mael: I-It can’t be…

- Demon King: Well, I guess I'll explain it to you. All this time I've been struggling in a body that wasn't under control yet. By completely breaking Meliodas, I can finally make use of the total power that lies in this body. Did you really believe that was all my power? No, of course not. It was presumptuous of you to believe that you would have a minimal chance of defeating me. Still, I’ll give you a chance to live. You have demonstrated a good deal of power and your willpower is also worth some praise, and I am short of loyal soldiers so, what do you think? I can give you my blood and convert you into a demon. You will be my right hand and together we will destroy that bitch named Supreme Deity.

- Mael: Stop fucking around! As if I could be friends with a being like you.

Mael attacks the King's face with the palm of his hand, delivering a powerful blow. A blow that was completely ineffective. The King contracted his colossal fist and sent Mael to crash against the ground, spitting a lot of blood in the process.

- Demon King: Then die!

Mael got up again and hit the ground with a big blow that broke a good portion of the earth in the dimension. He then put his hands on the broken part and raised a giant rock of land much larger than a mountain. He was burning in fury.

- Mael: Divine Punishment.

The rock was thrown at the King, who completely destroyed it with a ray of energy coming from his finger before it came to him.

Mael used the pieces of rock that remained in the air to propel himself. He did that over and over getting closer and closer to the King, while accumulating heat in his body.

- Mael: Divine Supernova.

Mael approached the King and released instantly all the heat accumulated inside him.

The explosion was gigantic, the whole dimension was half blown. Divine Supernova was Mael's most powerful attack, and once Mael had used it, he lost all his strength. Still, even with an attack of that level, the Demon King was left with only a few scratches that quickly disappeared.

- Mael: You have to be fucking kidding me... Just a few scratches…

- Demon King: You had your turn, now it’s mine!

Back in real time, in the real world, the Demon King came out of the portal with his monstrous and colossal appearance. In his hand was Mael's unconscious body. Thin and aged, with blood and bruises everywhere, he looked like a mummy. He threw him into a rock.

- Demon King: They put up quite a fight for being mere bugs.

- Elizabeth: Mael!!!

Elizabeth ran to him but the DK created an electricity cage in which he locked them all but Zeldris.

- Demon King: It's about time you all disappear from my sight too!

He joined both hands and began to create a giant sphere of electricity. The Sins inside the cage began to desperately debate to get out of there, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get out. Diane was attacking with her Gideon, Merlin was using Exterminate Ray and Shock Stinger. Elizabeth used his Ark, King the Guardian form. Nothing had any effect. The Sins began to turn pale. If an attack on that level struck, they would undoubtedly end up dying, but they could do nothing to destroy the King's lightning prison either.

On the other hand, the DK seemed to have finished his preparations.

- Demon King: Farewell. After this, not even your ashes will be left.

- ???: Magic Hunt

A shadow appeared and stood in the way of the King's attack, and with that appearance his attack began getting weaker.

- ???: Assault Hunt

The human figure began to move his fists at great speed and created a sphere of high-speed blows. When the DK's attack clashed with that sphere, there was a time when the two attacks remained the same, but finally, the mysterious person's attack overlapped, it destroyed the King's sphere and hundreds of blows immediately fell on him. Of course, he did almost no harm.

- Demon King: Oh! You're...

- Sins: B-Ban!

- Ban: Yo! I thought you were in trouble, so I'd give you a hand.

- King: Damn idiot, you took your time!

- Merlin: “Is it really him? He’s on a completely different level...”

- Demon King: Okay, and? No matter how many bugs dare to face against the elephant, it’s all meaningless. I think you know my power well, isn’t that right human? After all, you experienced it for over 60 years in a row. I'm even stronger now. Do you think you're going to change anything?

- Ban: No, if I was alone that is!

At that moment, the DK fell on his knees.

- Diane: What happened?

- Merlin: It looks like, finally, the biggest idiot of all has joined the party.

- Elizabeth: I always believed in him!

In the spiritual world, a figure stood before the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: So, you finally arrived, my son? Still, I won’t let you do what you want. This body is mine now. I'll kill you once and for all.

Before the King could finish those words, Meliodas hit him with his elbow, pushing him back slightly.

Meliodas looked at him intensively and determined, his face visibly angered.

- Meliodas: Stop spouting nonsense and come already.

In the real world, the King began to lose his giant shape and returned to its initial form. With the only difference that now he had no tentacles.

Gowther took that chance and struck Ban with his arrow to let him know of the plan that they had conceived together. With him there, the chances of succeeding significantly increased, but still, if they did a mistake, they would all regret it.

- Demon King: Had I known of all the problems you would create, I would have never let you live in Purgatory. This time I will certainly kill you both.

- Ban: Okay, let's go there Captain! Let's get that old stalker out of your body.

The DK and Ban began to quickly trade punches.

In the meantime, the Sins didn’t waste time. Everyone was in a position to attack the King again.

- Demon King: Storm of the Death.

Before they could attack he invoked an immensely toxic tempest, which forced the Sins to abandon the offensive and move on the defensive.

- King: Pollen Garden!

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

Combined technique: Ultimate shield.

With their combined powers, they protected themselves from the attack.

- King: Tsk, Ban stayed there. Will he be okay? This storm has enough power to kill any living being.

- Elizabeth: Ban-san...

- Demon King: “That should be enough to keep them busy for a while. Now, I'm going to have to deal with this bra-”.

Before he could finish the sentence, Ban hit the King in the face with all his might. The hit was stopped with his hand. Still, he wasn't able to avoid the next kick on the ribs.

- Demon King: Ugh, Rebellion!

Multiple dark swords formed behind Ban. Ban managed to dodge them all barely, since he got a few scratches.

In the spiritual world, the King was incessantly attacking his son, who was dodging all his attacks without much difficulty, until he hired with a kick that pushed the King back a few meters.

- Meliodas: You should go back to your original body in Purgatory, Father! You have no real chance of winning.

- Demon King: Do you really want that goddess booty that much?

Meliodas hit his Father again, this time with more force.

- Meliodas: Don't you dare mention her name!

- Demon King: “I see, in this spiritual world emotions and feelings change your strength, huh”

In the real world, Ban's kick caused the King's concentration to falter and the storm to stop. An instant later, King attacked with Chastiefol.

- Demon King: Perfect Cube.

A barrier was erected to protect him from the attack of the Sin.

- Merlin: Absolute Cancel!

The King's Cube was dissipated, which made Ban start to attacking him relentlessly again.

- Demon King: Tsk, those fucking... Zeldris, where are you? Help your father defeat those insects now!

But Zeldris didn't respond. In fact, he saw his body unconscious on the ground.

- Demon King: Tsk... Fucking useless!

Using Gift, Ban got him to kneel. Merlin, King and Elizabeth took that moment. "Combined Technique: Triple Prison." A three-layer prison was formed wrapping the King. The inner layer was Merlin's Perfect Cube, the second layer was King's Pollen Garden, and the third layer was Elizabeth's Ark.

Still, it didn't end there. Tens and tens of different spells wrapped around him and began to attack him relentlessly. There was both healing magic and attack magic, so he couldn't cancel everything simply deactivating his magic.

The real problem with that attack was not the damage he received. That was rather little. The real problem was that more and more explosions continued to take place inside the triple prison and the concentration of oxygen started to falter.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas cut a horn of his Father.

- Demon King: Why do you insist on seeing Elizabeth? She's already dead. Because your friends were so weak and you so utterly incompetent, I was able to remove his curse and end his life once and for all.

- Meliodas: What? It can't be. It has to be a lie...

- Demon King: You think so?

He showed a picture of Elizabeth massacred and dead to him. Meliodas, who didn't know the situation outside, started panicking. Normally, that would not have diminished his power at all, but in the spiritual world where power depends more on the emotional state than anything else, that action was fatal to him.

The Demon King, who had been waiting for that moment for most of the battle, did not waste time. With his sword, he began to attack Meliodas with a series of swift attacks that seriously injured him. Due to all the mess happening on the outside he couldn’t concentrate his full strength on the inside, making him weaker and thus getting overpowered. The same applied to the outside self, since his inner self was having so much trouble, he got considerably weaker because of that, but that was over now.

In the real world, the King had gained more control over his son’s body again. With the body full of burns, bruises and blood, the King shouted "Dark Nebula" and then followed a huge dark explosion that eviscerated the three shields.

When he left, the King saw that Elizabeth was preparing her Let There Be Light and quickly ran into her at full speed. "Prison Sword". He made a great sword made of pure darkness in his hand to cleave Elizabeth in two, but his thrust was stopped by Ban, this time in great trouble.

- Demon King: “What? He could barely keep up with me when I was weakened. Now that I have regained more control over this body, he should not be able to... Wait, that's...”

The King finally understood. Ban had used his Hunter Fest to steal the power of his mates and make himself stronger. Stronger enough to compete against him in his current state.

Going back to the spiritual world, Meliodas's emotions lied on the ground almost unconscious. His Father had gone somewhere else, probably to regain full control of his body.

- Meliodas: My friends must be putting him through a bad time, I can't give up yet

- ???: "Exactly, you can't give up yet."

A voice rang next to him. It was the emotionless Meliodas, in a near-death state.

- Meliodas (emotions): You... What are you doing alive? I thought father had...

- Meliodas (emotionless): And he would have done it if it wasn't because he felt severely pressured against whoever he was struggling and once I got unconscious, he didn’t even bother to check if I was dead. One thing is for sure, our friends are out there fighting our father with everything they have and more. Pressing him to such an extent that he doesn’t even have time to check whether we're dead or not. In those conditions you're really going to give up?

- Meliodas (emotions): It's useless, I don't have the strength to get up and even if I had it, to live in a world where Elizabeth is dead forever doesn't make sense. I've been here for over 3,000 years, it's about time to rest.

The emotionless Meliodas hit him in the face and grabbed him by the head.

- Meliodas (emotionless): So, are you going to remain the puppet of father and do whatever he wants? Why do you think she told you that Elizabeth was dead? So you'd despair and that you'd give up. In this spiritual world, despair equals death. He realized that and that's why he told you that lie.

- Meliodas (emotions): But how do you know it's a lie? With the difference of strength between him and my friends, the most reasonable thing is to think she has already killed her.

- Meliodas (emotionless): Now you distrust your classmates? The fact that our father left us alive indicates that he is being heavily pressured from the outside. Your friends are giving everything to defeat him and you talk about rest? The memories I have of the Meliodas with emotions are not those of a weak guy like you. Get up! If you can't, I'll lend you my strength. It doesn't matter if you can’t save your classmates and Elizabeth. You do everything you can, as you have always done so far!

- Meliodas (emotions): Yes... I'm sorry to give you so many headaches mate...

Having said that, the emotionless Meliodas merged with his counterpart with emotions. The spiritual world began to tremble for the liberated power. The Demon King clearly felt the presence.

- Demon King: This power... I have to kill the insects outside right now.

In the real world, the god of all demons and Ban continued their clash of forces. The veins were more marked on the King's body now.

- Demon King: Don't think you can win... You're nothing more than a simple, stupid human!

Having said that, the King strengthened the grip of his sword and cut Ban's right arm as well as part of his shoulder, and kicked him out of his reach.

- Demon King: You're next bitch!

The King hurled at her like a furious hound and cut off her head, but something strange happened. Elizabeth's supposed head turned into Gowther's.

- Demon King: “An illusion... It can't be! How? When? Don't tell me it was the moment I was locked in the Perfect Cube? When I was under the pressure of all those spells, was that one of these spells? You little..."

- Gowther: I had to put all my magic on it. Otherwise, the result would have been the same as before!

The King looked up to find the real Elizabeth that had accumulated a great deal of magical power and chased after her again.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

The King's body clashed with the Cube. He quickly broke it with his hand.

- King: Status Promotion!

The wounds inflicted on him opened up considerably, slowing him down.

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe!

A ton of rocks completely enveloped him.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas met his father again.

- Meliodas: Three seconds.

- Demon King: Huh?

- Meliodas: I'll give you three seconds to give up, beg for clemency, and go back to your original body in Purgatory. Otherwise, you'll experience pain much worse than death, I assure you. 3.

The expression of the Sin of Wrath was serene, like a passive wrath that can engulf everything.

- Demon King: Here I was wondering what you were going to say, but... beg for mercy?!

- Meliodas: 2.

- Demon King: You expect a God like me to get on his knees and ask for mercy. Don't fuck with me! I can fight you on equal terms. No, in fact, I'm stronger!

- Meliodas: 1.

- Demon King: You should be the one begging for mercy! Disappear completely from history, Meliodas!

The King plunged his body into electricity and instantly lowered the distance between him and his son. Meliodas, for his part, condensed his darkness into small balls, as he did in his small struggle with King in the Druids Training, with the only difference that there were hundreds, even thousands of them, that time.

Those condensed balls and his Father clashed, making the spiritual world crumble.

In the real world, an explosion of dark rays penetrated Diane's Mother Catastrophe, hitting King, Diane, Merlin, and Ban, hurting them considerably.

The King left again and headed to Elizabeth. His face now looked like that of a monster wrapped in lightning, a sign that he was beginning to lose control of the body.

Just when her hand seemed to reach Elizabeth, a sword got stabbed in his hand and a figure grabbed him from behind, around his neck. It was Zeldris.

- Zeldris: I'm sorry father, but I don't intend to remain your puppet.

- Demon King: Z-Zeldris, b-bastard! Do you really think you can get away with this? A weak person can achieve nothing. The weaker one is always destined to be consumed by the strongest. Being weak is a disease, you can’t do anything.

- Zeldris: Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean I'm going to shut up and obey your orders forever. The commandment of piety, the only thing that prevents me from betraying you is no longer inside me. I'm sorry, but I need you to step aside. I and my brother made a promise and I won't let you get in our way anymore.

Great words, but no strength to prove them. The Demon King began to move again. Zeldris’ immobilisation seemed to have not affected him at all. "Ominous Nebula". Zeldris created a vortex with his darkness at a very high speed that started hitting his Father relentlessly, this time slightly troubling him.

Ban didn’t miss that moment. “Hunter Fest” Ban absorbed the remaining strength of all of his companions and brought it together with his. “Gift”. Using the new skill acquired in Purgatory, Ban gave all that strength to Elizabeth, who got four more additional wings out of her body, making a total of eight.

Merlin teleported her companions around the King and they all helped Zeldris retain him. Although they couldn't hold him for more than five seconds, that time was enough for Elizabeth to finish preparing for her final attack. “Let There Be Light”. Elizabeth launched her magic potentiated by the energy and feelings of all. The King, due to his current state and thanks to the Sins, was unable to dodge it. The Ruler was seemingly inactive, maybe because of the current damage on him that had far exceeded the realm of having complete control over his son’s body. Now everything depended on the two of them, Meliodas and Elizabeth.

In the spiritual world, the definitive clash between him and Meliodas continued. The two seemed equal, but Meliodas gradually gained ground, until he managed to overcome the electric barrier that enveloped his Father’s body. The condensed balls of darkness easily pierced through his Father’s body like if it was made of cheese.

- Demon King: MELIODASSSS!

- Meliodas: Trillion Dark!

Meliodas threw all his balls to the King, slaughtering him. The most powerful demon was suffering like never before. The King's spiritual body ended up full of holes from head to toes and collapsed to the ground immediately.

In the real world, Elizabeth's attack was being resisted, but at the time the King's spiritual body fell, the attack overwhelmed and purified him immediately.

Meliodas's body collapsed on the floor. His adult form did not change at all, since at the time the King had owned his body, the curse he had imposed on him was destroyed so that the body could continue to grow and reach its full potential. The demonic garments that were completely gone and instead were the garments that Meliodas had made in the Purgatory, now clearly out of size for him.

Meliodas got up from the ground. Everyone stood guard for the possibility of his Father still being in his body. There was no need to worry, though.

Samael Morningstar

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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Honestly, I've been working for a long time with a rewrite of the whole DK Mel vs Sins fight in Camelot, since I thought that fight had soo much potential that it would have been a waste to leave it just like that. I'll probably post it later.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ok, it's done. The rewrite consists of 12 chapters. It's pretty long overall, so take it easy. The sentences that are in-between commas are the inner thoughts of the characters, what are they thinking at that moment. Before starting I must say two things: my experience as a writer is zero and English is not my main language so don't expect a perfect delivery in each and every aspect. I tried to do my best with the clarity and the grammar, but there are obviously going to be some mistakes here and there. You'll see that the first two chapters are pretty much what happened in the manga with very few additions (I mixed some things that I personally found nice on some other parts too), from chapter 3 onwards it's pretty much all from my imagination.

Some soundtrack to enhance the reading experience if you want :)

- Rondo of Love and Darkness (Chapters 1 and 2):
- We Have to Defeat It (Chapter 3, 5 and 8)
- Taiji (Chapters 6 and 7):
- Hymne of Despair and Atonement (Chapters 4 and 9):
- God Shattering Star (Chapters 10, 11 and 12):

That being said, enjoy!

When Merlin had stopped the time of the cocoon where Meliodas was, the faces of everyone were filled with happiness and relief. With Zeldris and the Original Demon defeated that was their complete victory of the Holy War.

- Elizabeth: Well done, Merlin.

- Escanor: I'm so happy...

- Gowther: Me too!

- Diane: Hip hip, hurrah!

Elsewhere, Mael was staring at his brother with a sad face, as Ludoshel did not have much more time to stay in this world.

- Mael: Brother, I really don't know how to apologize for everything I've done...

- Ludoshel: For now, don't say anything. I'm perfectly aware of all that's happened and none of that is your fault. Let's smile, I want to see you smiling when I leave.

At that point, Merlin falls to her knees.

- Escanor: Merlin, are you okay?

- Merlin: That spell was hard enough to even leave me drained. I'll need the Captain to compensate me for all that later with a few glasses.

Hendrickson looks at the scenes before him with a smile. He is also happy that that war is over at last. Immersed in his thoughts, someone suddenly hits him on the back.

- Elizabeth: Hendrickson, I'm very grateful for what you did for my sister and Gil.

- Hendrickson: Lady Elizabeth, how do you know about that?

- Elizabeth: King was watching you through his spiritual spear all this time.

- Hendrickson: So that's how it is, huh? I wonder if he has forgiven me or not. By the way, where is King? I haven't seen him.

- Elizabeth: Over there- he said as he pointed his finger at the position King was in with his new adult form.

- Hendrickson: What? Who is that?

Everyone laughed while Elizabeth used her magic Revigorate to heal everyone at full strength again. Of course, it wasn’t the same for Ludoshel, her magic could only slow down the disintegration effect a little, but sooner or later the result would be the same.

Of course, she had not forgotten her beloved Meliodas, still worried about him she sent Hawk to check the situation for her.

Having eaten a piece of a flying beast, Hawk set out to the cocoon to see if everything was in order.

- Hawk: Come back to normal at once, Meliodas! Everyone broke their butt to rescue you and there's only one day left for Elizabeth's curse to trigger, you know?

- Elizabeth: “Meliodas... All I want is for you to be fine and unharmed.”

- Hawk: Huh?

- Elizabeth: What's up, Hawk-chan?

- Hawk: The cocoon is empty!

At that same moment, everyone froze at sensing a horrible presence behind them. That presence almost felt like death had come to bring them to hell. Everyone started to sweat cold. The origin of that presence was behind them.

- Elizabeth: Meliodas... is that you?

Zeldris, who had already seen who was the source of that ominous presence did nothing but start laughing.

- Zeldris: Kuku, hahaha... I kept my promise, now it's time you also keep yours. Demon King!

Zeldris had confirmed the Alliance's fear. Everyone turned around and what they saw was none other than Meliodas himself, now turned into Demon King.

The Meliodas that was in front of them now was completely different from the previous one. He was much taller; Elizabeth barely reached his chest. His body was much more muscular and toned. His hair had grown to be almost as long as Elizabeth's. He was wearing a white suit from top to bottom tight enough to mark his muscles. His body was covered with dark tattoos, and a golden armour glimpsed from his feet to his knees and from his hands to his elbows. Finally, he had a few secondary tentacle-like arms that just like him, were full of tattoos and symbols. Those arms were joined by a sort of dark cloud of thorns sticking out of his shoulders.

The Alliance couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had failed, what they feared most happened. The one who won at the end wasn’t them.

Meliodas finally spoke.

- Meliodas: Y’all really went through a lot, isn’t it? Especially you Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins. That weird beast too.

Elizabeth had her suspicions but with what she just heard it was clear.

- Elizabeth: You're not Meliodas. Who are you?

The Seven Deadly Sins had also realized that something was wrong with that Meliodas.

- Zeldris: Meliodas... I fulfilled my part of the deal, now it's your turn to fulfil yours. Tell me where Gelda is!

At that moment Meliodas's expression or whoever that being was in front of them changed completely and said:

- ???: Oh, Zeldris, you're still in love with that bloodsucking vampire? Not just Meliodas, you too? I am disappointed on how you two ended up…

Zeldris was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He didn't want to believe that what he was thinking was true.

- Diane: That tone, it isn't the captain right?

- Hawk: He never would have called me "weird beast"!

Now it was clear.

- Elizabeth: I knew...

- Merlin: Sister, this is the worst-case scenario.

Merlin, too, had realized who that being was.

- Ludoshel: To think that someone so colossal would appear on the battlefield...

- Zeldris: I- It can’t be! What are you doing in Meliodas's body? Father!

The being in front of them was not Meliodas but the Demon King himself who had possessed his body.

- Zeldris: What's going on here? Didn’t you say you were going to make Meliodas the new Demon King?

- Demon King: Did you truly believe that I would allow a traitor like him who left us at the height of the war, killed our comrades and left the Underworld ruined, to become the next Demon King? I've become old, but I still have some sanity. All I wanted to have was a young and strong new body.

Zeldris couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to believe it. The King continued.

- Demon King: Commandments are fragments of my power. He who absorbs them all shall become the Demon King, that is the same to say that it will become my container to possess.

At the end of saying this, all the Sins surrounded him in a battle position.

- Elizabeth: Get out of Meliodas's body right now!

- Hawk: If you really consider yourself a father, at least do that for your son!

- Demon King: For my son, huh? I suppose a father must do what he can to make his children's dreams come true... OK! I have a great idea. Elizabeth, I'm going to release you from your curse of eternal rebirth!

Elizabeth was surprised and confused by what the King said. Hawk, on the other hand, got euphoric.

- Hawk: Wow! That was unexpected! The pig father still has some sense within him. I can't believe you agreed to rid Elizabeth of the curse yourself!

The King channelled his expression to a big smile and said:

- Demon King: I will break her curse and then kill her in the most brutal way possible.

Elizabeth started to sweat cold, just like Hawk. It was too much to hope that a being as bad as the one in front of them would break the curse and let them go like that.

- Demon King: When he sees your body, I wonder how he will react? Will he fall into despair knowing that he will never see you again and lose his desire for life? Or maybe he’ll finally be free and calm knowing that your curse has been removed and his life purpose will be lost? Either way, the result is the same for me. Don’t you agree, members of the Seven Deadly Sins?

That being said, he quickly lifted one of his secondary arms to grab her and break her curse. Elizabeth was so surprised and scared she couldn't react on time. Still, Gowther grabbed her and threw her away to avoid that deadly attack.

- Gowther: Merlin, do it now!

- Escanor: Hendi, come here too!

The Sin of Pride, despite being weaker than a normal human, was in front of everyone as a human shield. Such was his determination.

- Merlin: Ok, looks like everyone’s here. Perfect Cube!

With that, she, Gowther, Elizabeth, Escanor, Hendi and Hawk would be protected from any external attack.

The Alliance instinctively split into two groups. A group would guarantee Elizabeth's safety while supporting the others. Those were the ones inside the Perfect Cube: Merlin, Gowther, Escanor, Hawk and Hendrickson.

The other group was in charge of subjugating the Demon King and removing him from Meliodas's body. King, Diane, Mael and Ludoshel were its members.

The last group nodded in unison, except for Ludoshel, who saw what was being done as ridicule. Even if they were four to join forces, they had no chance of defeating the Demon King. As much as he considered demons scum and excrement, the Demon King was a god with colossal power, equivalent to that of the Supreme Deity. Only she could stand up to him and yet those idiots came out as if their opponent was just a normal demon. He couldn't understand it. He only understood one thing. No matter how much he insisted on the ridiculousness of that idea, they would not pay any attention to him, as they were determined to save their Captain and friend Meliodas. If there was anything he knew about the Seven Deadly Sins for sure at this point is that they were a bunch of complete idiots.

- Diane: We will protect Elizabeth no matter the cost!

- King: I won't let you do anything you want with the body of the Captain.

Diane started attacking him with her Gideon Hammer non-stop. As for King, he used his Spiritual Lance Chastiefol First Form: Chastiefol and Fifth Form: Increase simultaneously.

Mael, without uttering a word, quickly lowered the distance between him and the Demon King and began beating him with all his might. It's not that he cared much about what happened to Meliodas but there was someone who cared for and that person was Elizabeth. He still remembered the promise he had made that day when he was still a child. He had promised that he would be strong enough to stop the Holy War. As long as the Demon Clan had the Demon King as its ruler that would never be fulfilled, therefore defeating him was the first step towards fulfilling his promise.

Meanwhile, inside the Perfect Cube, Elizabeth was still in shock for what she had just witnessed. She couldn't believe it yet.

- Escanor: Are they going to be okay? We’re fighting against the Demon King after all…

- Hawk: Those pigs will be fine. Look at how they’re beating him. No one can defend against all this.

Having said that, Hawk was looking through his Balor eye to know the current power levels of each and every one of his companions.

Diane = PL: 50,000 (Strength: 36,500, Magic: 11,000, Spirit: 2500)

King = PL: 301,000 (Strength: 0, Magic: 295,000, Spirit: 6000)

Mael = PL: 283,500 (Strength: 192,000, Magic: 86,000, Spirit: 5500)

Ludoshel = PL: 260,000 (Strength: 72,000, Magic: 182,800, Spirit: 5200)

- Hawk: With all those monsters on our side it's impossible for us to lose! Suck it, Demon Kingy!

At that point though, he noticed something that had turned him to stone. Something that Gowther and Merlin had already noticed since a long time now.

Demon King = PL: 510.155 (Force: 340,155, Magic: 160.000, Spirit: 6500)

Mael realized that all the attacks thrown on the Demon King weren't damaging him at all. In fact, he was reacting and blocking every single one of them perfectly with his tentacles.

At that moment, the King decided to make his first attack and with a single circular stroke of his tentacles sent Mael, King and Diane to fly. Mael and especially Diane were considerably injured. King was the only one that went unhurt because he was the only one who was attacking the Demon King remotely, but his spears were destroyed too.

With one strike he had lowered the morale of the whole alliance altogether. Not even with giving everything they had, managed to do something. Not to mention that he still didn't seem to be serious at all.

Their chances of winning pretty much lowered to zero with that brief exchange.

With only one hit, the God of Demons made it clear that he was on a totally different level but the Alliance was still not willing to give up. King, Diane and Mael got up again and the wounds inflicted by him were healed by Elizabeth.

- Demon King: I don't understand. Why are you all still fighting knowing fully well that you don’t have a chance? All I'm trying to do is break Elizabeth's curse and give her the repose of death.

- King: Shut up! We won't let you lay a finger on Elizabeth, let alone kill her.

- Diane: Elizabeth is our precious companion with whom we have shared good and bad moments. You're not going to kill her!

- Mael: If you want to do any harm to Elizabeth, it will be over my corpse!

- Elizabeth: Guys... I don't know how to thank you. I will inevitably die in a day, but I don't intend to do it before Meliodas is saved from such a ruin. Let's force him out of his body!

- Ludoshel: Stop now with this farce! Haven’t you noticed yet? He has sent us all flying in one blow and he's not even fighting seriously. Do you think we have any chance? If we throw ourselves at him, we will be completely massacred. It makes no sense to keep fighting.

- Demon King: Leader of the Four Archangels, I see you're the only one with a hint of logic in this suicide group. Decided! If you don't do anything stupid, I'll leave you alive.

- Gowther: Ludoshel, you're right. Our chances of victory are almost 0. I can fully understand your way of thinking, perhaps it's the most logical among all of those here present. There was a time that I also thought this way, but as you can see everyone here prefers to die protecting what is important to them than to give it up.

- Mael: You've disappointed me, brother. I used to admire you, but now that I see you better, you're just a coward.

Having said that, the second round started. King attacked again with his Fifth Form: Increase. Hundreds of spears flew in the direction of the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: Hmph, do you really think that will work?

He started blocking all the spears with his tentacles. This time, but, it was different as a spear scratched his face.

- Demon King: What?

As he turned around, he saw the source of that. Using the magic Bend Room, Merlin altered the spears’ trajectory in the last second, making it much harder for him to react to them.

Mael also joined and with his razors of light began to attack the King nonstop. This time he was showing signs of being slightly pressured, as King's attacks, with their course being reversed to the last second by Merlin, were difficult to predict, even more so with Mael on top of him.

- Diane: Diamond Tower.

Having been dancing for quite a while now, she was ready. The Sin of Envy caused the earth around her to tremble, and a huge diamond tower worth a hundred meters tall emerged from the ground. Although the tower itself did nothing, it made him lower his guard for a second. Elizabeth jumped on him and hit him with Ark in the head. Of course, that didn't do anything too, it just bothered him a little and made his guard even lower. In that instant, Merlin used her teleport to get Gowther to stand right behind the King.

- Gowther: Blackout Arrow.

- Merlin: Increase!

He could not evade that attack and was hit by the arrow on his chest.

- King: Status Promotion

The arrow that even with Merlin's Increase only allowed him to lose his concentration a little bit for a few seconds, was amplified several times with King's Status Promotion, leaving the King temporarily asleep.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube- reciting those words the Sin of Gluttony wrapped the Demon King in the Perfect Cube.

- King: Pollen Garden

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe

King, Diane and Merlin: Combined technique: Triple Prison.

With this technique, he had been locked in three barriers.

- Merlin: Now, Gowther, have him recite the commandment expulsion spell.

- Gowther: Okay.

During that process, on the other hand, Ludoshel couldn't believe how cowardly and pathetic he was.

- Hawk: I can't believe how cowardly you are. You're one of the strongest here and you can't even move a finger? Pathetic! And you call yourself the leader of the Four Archangels?

- Hendrickson: Enough, Hawk-san! Ludoshel-sama is not that kind of…

- Ludoshel: Hendrickson, it’s fine. This pig is telling the truth. Long ago, all my family and friends were massacred by demons. What led me to train to become one of the strongest warriors in the goddesses’ clan was the desire to protect those who were important to me, to not lose them because of my weakness and those monsters called demons. But still, look at me now. I am even shaking with fear at the thought of facing what lies ahead, but they are not shaking in the same situation and face it with all they have. They are much braver than I could ever be.

- Escanor: I am also a coward by nature, but what will give you less remorse: to lose them and to not have done anything or to do everything in your power to prevent their death?

- Ludoshel: ...

Meanwhile, the spell had already been recited but something strange happened. The commandments were not coming out of Meliodas's body. It was as if the spell had no effect.

Suddenly, the triple prison began to tremble and was then destroyed by the King's tentacles in the Sins' surprise who could not believe what they were seeing.

He came out with a few scratches on his body. Something that could hardly be called wounds. The combined attack that contained all the power of the Sins had only done that, scratches.

- Gowther: N-No it can't be! Why the commandments haven’t come out of your body? You should have returned to-

- Demon King: Normal? I'm sorry to disappoint you but have you forgotten that my magic The Ruler makes any magic attack ineffective against me, no matter the nature? I was just pretending to be slightly threatened by your games, so you could develop a small glimpse of hope only to be instantly destroyed seconds later. I love doing that, you know.

- Gowther: But then, how come 3,000 years ago you were affected?

- Demon King: The scale of that power was completely different from that. The Original Gowther, much more powerful than you by the way, used all its life force and all your power as a doll. Also, at the time that happened I was facing off with the Supreme Deity and my magic The Ruler was partially deactivated to not be affected by- Ups, forgive me, I almost revealed some secrets of my magic that might have given you some opportunity. Well, not that it matters since you all are too weak, now it's my turn!

Merlin, who saw that they were going to be massacred, tried to teleport them all far away, but it was too late.

A scythe appeared behind her making a big cut at her back, sealing her magic.

- Demon King: Silence - one of the tattoos of his tentacles had gone and transformed into that scythe.

- King: Those are the skills that Mael with the absorbed Commandments used but on a much larger scale! Shit!

- Diane: I'm not going to let you go with this!

- King: Stop Diane you're not going to-

- Demon King: Patience - another tattoo left and turned into a cloud of smoke that left Diane completely paralyzed and unable to move.

- King: Why you... Bastard! - King charged at full speed preparing his Fossilization.

- Demon King: Repose - another smoke came out of one of his tattoos, this time King was the one affected, falling completely asleep.

- Demon King: Piety - another tattoo came out to form a giant sword. He would go for King- If I cut you with this, you're going to be the victim of deadly brainwashing that's going to make you my dog for all eternity. Since I am running out of useful subordinates, it only makes sense that I will have to recruit new ones.

- Diane: S-Stop!

At that time, Mael intervened, delivering a big blow to his back with his Helios Flare. Mael expected to catch him off guard but the attack was easily blocked by one of his secondary arms. The King quickly seized Mael with the arm with which he had blocked the attack.

- Demon King: Normal curses won't work on you because of the protection that the Supreme Deity gave you. A real nuisance. But not all commandments can be used as curses, there are some that can be used physically. Love!

An energy ball was formed in the other tentacle of the King.

- Elizabeth: Please, I beg you, stop!

The King, ignoring the princess's words, tossed the ball at Mael producing a big explosion. The explosive zone produced wiped out dozens of mountains on the horizon.

Of course, Mael was unconscious and thrown to the ground.

- Demon King: I guess it's time to end this.

The dark thorns on his back disappeared instantly and became a gravitational field hundreds of times the Earth's gravity, crushing everyone like flies. Everyone, except Elizabeth of course, he had made sure Elizabeth was the only one who could move as the time for torturing her approached.

- Demon King: Pacifism - another tattoo left his body, becoming a giant mouth. Whoever breathed the gas from his mouth would quickly age until he or she became bones.

- Elizabeth: Stop!

And when she said that, she imbued her hands in Ark and began to beat the Demon King with all her strength nonstop. Yet unfortunately, everything was useless, the Demon King didn’t even move from the spot.

- Demon King: You're going to have to do better than that if you want to make me feel something. Come on, try as much as you can, as everything will be useless, just like 3,000 years ago.

Elizabeth kept beating him, tears of helplessness began to come out of her face. In his current state, he couldn't do anything against him. Maybe if she had been in her original goddess body she could have done something, but it was still of no use thinking about it. Elizabeth concentrated and launched a big Let There Be Light towards the Demon King.

Unsurprisingly, that did nothing, either.

- Demon King: Are you done? Well, I think the preparations are ready.

- Elizabeth: STOP!

At that moment, a flash came out of the sky in the direction of the Demon King and hit him in full force. Ludoshel, the leader of the four Archangels, was the cause of it. He had thrown himself directly at him with all his speed with the intention of cutting his head with his sword made of light. Sadly, these intentions did not come true, as the demon's neck only saw a small cut from which he drew a little blood. Nothing serious, yet that cut was enough to surprise and cut his concentration. The mortal gravitational field, as well as the Pacifism decree that he had invoked, disappeared and everyone was quick to recover again. The time he had been on the ground was enough for Mael to heal his wounds a little. The moment they left the gravitational field, King used his Pollen Garden to heal everyone quickly inside of it.

- Demon King: Back to fight, Ludoshel? I had you like the most rational person of that bunch of idiots but from what I see you're also equal to them after all. Not that it matters since, in the end, the result will be the same. I would have given you a clean death if you surrendered, but now that you have regained hope it will be even better. I'm going to break you slowly until all this hope vanishes and then take your head to the Supreme Deity as a gift.

- Ludoshel: Mph, if I still have to die at the hands of a demon, I prefer to do it by fighting to the bitter end.

- Demon King: Do you think you have any chance against me? Even if you came to help, the situation still remains the same. You're all going to die.

- Ludoshel: Hmph, will it really be like that? Gowther!

- Gowther:

- Ludoshel: I haven't forgotten what you did to my brother yet. Because of you all our clan fell into ruin and to be honest make a team now and ask a favour from you disgusts me, but there is no other option. Transmit all my thoughts to them!

While Gowther was smiling, he used his Invasion skill to get into Ludoshel's mind and pass his plans on to the rest of her companions.

- Mael: Brother, are you sure of this? We have never tried it before and our opponent is the Demon King.

- Ludoshel: I know that, but we have no choice now. It’s try it or die.

The Sins and Elizabeth did not respond and instead threw themselves into the attack altogether, while Mael and Ludoshel stayed behind.

King attacked with his Increase, while Diane attacked with his hammer ceaselessly. Elizabeth meanwhile imbued her palms with Ark and started beating him. Merlin used Endless Whirl to keep his field of vision low.

- Demon King: You’re getting out of ideas, just surrender already!

After blocking all of their attacks, thorns left out of his tentacles and immediately crossed everyone.

Even with deadly injuries, the Sins did not stop their attacks. The King could not understand that useless resistance until he finally did when he saw Mael and Ludoshel appear behind his back with some kind of portal in their hands. He could not react on time and was swallowed by the portal alongside Mael and Ludoshel. The aim of the Sins was to distract him and buy time for both Mael and Ludoshel to carry out their combined technique.

All those left on that plane fell tired and wounded. Yet, King and Elizabeth, both of whom had healing skills, started to heal everyone.

- King: Merlin, do you think that's going to work?

- Merlin: I don't have any idea, what do you think, Sis-sis?

- Elizabeth: To be frank I don't know either. That's the first time I've seen Ludoshel determined that way and that combined technique. Honestly, I think it's impossible that that's enough to beat the Demon King.

The faces of everyone darkened in an instant.

- Elizabeth: Still, the Demon King is weakened by not taking full control of Meliodas's body, so in that case perhaps a miracle could happen. “Ludoshel, Mael, I wish you both the best luck…”

The Demon King got up. He seemed to be in a desert with a sun in the middle of the sky and full of mirrors floating in the air.

- Demon King: Tsk, that scum... It seems to be a dimension created by the blessings given by the Supreme Deity to the Archangels.

- Ludoshel: That’s right. Grave this landscape well because it will be the last you see.

Demon King started smiling.

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha. Have you become senile? These dimensions can easily be destroyed if the power of the person who is locked up is greater than that of the summoner.

The Ruler of all demons raised one of his tentacles. A ball made of Hellblaze was formed to try to destroy the dimension, but it had no effect.

- Ludoshel: Satisfied?

- Demon King: “What is the meaning of this? Definitely what I said is true, but there is something strange. Bastard... what the hell is this?”

Suddenly he felt a great presence behind him. Someone was getting closer and whoever he was, he had tremendous power.

- ???: Don't you understand it yet, little ignorant? This is your grave!

The figure came close enough for him to see it. It was Mael, but with a completely different appearance than before. Now he was much more muscular and taller than before. The clothes had completely disappeared from the waist up and a golden layer of fire spread on his back. He had a total of eight wings now. There was no mistake, that was his Noon state.

Mael approached him until he was in front of him, looking at him as if he was some insect that just happened to get in the way.

- Demon King: Oho, looks like you'll be able to entertain me for a little longer than before now.

- Mael: Entertain you? Don't say nonsense. I, Mael, will slaughter you and take your body to the Supreme Deity as a gift. Start doing your prayers.

- Demon King: It seems you don't understand. I don't need to pray to any god for my safety, because I am one myself. I'm the one who decides that kind of thing. Now, disappear!

The Demon King used his tentacles to quickly tie Mael up from above, but to his surprise, Mael easily dodged it by vanishing for a few moments from his eyes. Another instant went through and Mael appeared again to hit him in the face. The hit gave rise to tremendous air raids that caused the entire dimension to shake.

The God of all demons stopped Mael’s fist using his real arm this time. His hand trembled because of the impact.

- Demon King: Tsk, little shit!

The tentacles moved and tried to cross Mael once more, but the Archangel moved quickly again and managed to dodge them again, standing just a few centimetres behind them. Mael grabbed both arms and pulled them, and ended up dragging the Demon King to him and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Ugh!

- Mael: You start to understand why it's going to be your grave or do you want more?

The King quickly hit him with his fist in his stomach and then kicked him. The blows sent Mael flying some meters.

- Demon King: I understand that if any more words come pouring of your cunt mouth, not even death will be enough punishment for your offence.

Mael got up again. The wounds of his opponent's fists were mild and the damage was very surface. Mael quickly recovered.

- Demon King: “As much as I hate the idea, as long as I don't get complete control over this body, it will be difficult to get rid of him. Not to mention the fact that it shouldn’t be and yet here he is, being in that state. Which means that the sun of this dimension makes it able to use that power to the fullest continuously. Then there are the mirrors that I don't know what they're doing yet. How annoying...”

- Mael: Any last words?

- Demon King: Hmph, before I kill you, why you never used that skill during the Holy War? With that, you could have defeated my strongest warriors.

- Ludoshel: The warriors of our clan are few but very strong, in contrast to your clan's many but not so strong. There were many open fronts of battle, which made it very rare for two Archangels to meet together. We had to separate, that's why. But with you alone, that won’t be a problem anymore.

- Demon King: “I don't know what those mirrors do yet, but surely nothing good. If I have to fight Mael in this form in my current state, I don't need interference. I definitely have to take Ludoshel first. But let’s try something before…

- Demon King: True Night!

The darkness began to fill the sky full of light but still could not cover the sky completely. In fact, it seemed as if its darkness was losing in the light of those two.

- Mael: Do you really believe that that weak darkness would be able to extinguish my sun?

- Ludoshel: True Night only works if your opponent's magic is less than yours. In that case, mine and Mael's together won't lose against yours.

- Demon King: Tsk, you really know how to piss me off. It doesn't matter, you're going to perish at the end.

The Demon King quickly lowered the distance between him and Ludoshel.

- Ludoshel: Reinvigorate!

- Demon King: “Healing Magic? It can’t be! Has he already discovered the weakness of my magic the Ruler?”

He dodged the attack and attacked Ludoshel with his tentacles, which cut him in half.

- Demon King: “I killed him? So fast?”

The King's suspicions came true. Suddenly, the magic that had dodged returned to him and hit him from behind, bringing him to his knees for a moment.

- Demon King: What was that?

As he turned around he saw what had happened. The magic that had evaded before had been reflected by one of the mirrors. Ludoshel was inside that same one.

- Demon King: So that's your skill, huh? “Now I know the nature of his power. I know he can place himself and move through those mirrors at high speeds. He can attack through them and even if you dodge the attack, another mirror can reflect it back to you. Even if I know this, the cost has been great, now he also knows the secrets of my ability…”

- Ludoshel: Mael, the power of the Demon King makes it able to invert any damage into healing and fortification. His weakness was precisely healing attacks, which, following the principle of inversion, became attacks that would harm him. From what I've seen so far, that magic only works in magic attacks.

- Mael: Okay, let's crush him then, brother.

- Demon King: “His explanation has been almost perfect. A short distance fighter the skill of which I cannot easily get rid of as I am now and a support that knows my weaknesses, is intelligent and is considered the best hunter of his clan. This battle will be much more complicated than I imagined…”

He didn't have time to think much longer as Mael struck again with a kick.

He also counterattacked with a kick. The dimension trembled again.

Ludoshel put himself on the King's back through mirrors and used Revigorate again. Before that, though…

- Demon King: Hermit of Moments.

And when he said this, his tentacles began to contort into a monstrous creature, whose arms consisted of multiple tentacles.

The monster quickly jumped to Ludoshel and attacked him with its tentacles. Ludoshel avoided his attack by moving through mirrors and attacked the monster with Ark. The monster dodged it too.

- Ludoshel: “It is fast, almost as fast as my Flash and its attacks are not at all dull…”

Mael and the DK continued to exchange blows one after the other without stopping. The two had similar strength, but the King was more skilled and for every blow Mael connected, he connected two or three. The exchange of blows ended with a kick of the King on Mael's face and a punch from Mael on the King's face. Both split up and Mael jumped in the air.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

A giant sun came out of Mael's palm and crashed directly into the ground, causing a huge cloud of dust that caused the King's vision to diminish considerably.

He looked around and at the last second saw Mael on top of him with both hands forming sharp sables of light. The King was able to dodge the cut, even though he got scratched a little bit.

The King created sables with his hands too using his darkness and attacked Mael with them.

On Ludoshel’s side, the creature created by the King continued to push him back more and more

- Ludoshel: “Tsk, I'm going to have to go with everything if I want to get rid of this creature.”

Ludoshel came out of the mirrors with both hands turned into light sables in the direction of the monster. The thing unfurled the tentacles of an arm in the Archangel's direction, who eluded them using his grace Flash, leaving a residual image of him in the place where he had previously been. Ludoshel was now behind the hermit and attacked with both swords to its back. To his surprise, the demon was able to react and block his attack with the tentacles of the other arm. Both were submerged in an intense battle of speed. The tentacles of the monster clashed with the angel's sharp razors of light.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine!

A big flash of light was emitted from Ludoshel's body, which blinded the monster for a few moments. During that moment, the Archangel grabbed both of its arms.

The monster, seeing that, tried to pull Ludoshel's head off from a bite, but the Angel was again faster.

- Ludoshel: Lightning Spree!

Dozens of rays of light came out of all directions through the mirrors. The monster, being unable to flee because of Ludoshel's grip, ate the blow completely. It ended up filled with holes.

- Ludoshel: Omega Ark!

Ludoshel used that technique to wrap the devil in a big sphere of light, which ended up exploding, taking the demon's life away.

- Ludoshel: The moment you challenged me in a speed battle, you sealed all your chances of victory.

Mael continued to clash with the Demon King in a sword battle. The King blocked one vertical slash from Mael with one hand and with the other quickly penetrated his arm. Mael tried to cut him with the other arm but the Ruler of all demons dodged the attack again by jumping and putting himself above Mael's head.

- Demon King: Go to hell. Thunderclap

A huge bolt of lightning came out of his hand, striking Mael from the head and creating a crater of at least worth a kilometre deep in the dimension.

When the smoke cleared, he couldn't be more surprised. His attack had given severe burns on the entire body of the Angel, but he hadn’t moved. Worse still, he had his hand seized.

- Demon King: Shit...

- Mael: My turn.

As Mael said those words, he began to turn the Demon King with both hands. The speed was such that the generated air was producing a tornado.

- Demon King: Fucking bastard!

- Mael: Disappear from my sight. Divine Punishment!

Mael threw the King to the ground with all the speed of rotation. The King couldn't do anything to prevent it. Not only did he crash directly into the ground, but for miles, he continued to crawl along with it.

When he finally stopped, the King was soaked in blood and burns. Still, he didn't have time to curse, since, by the time he looked up, Mael was on top of him again.

With his hand, he tried to break the King's neck.

Still, the King jumped and dodged Mael's attack, which made a big crack on the ground.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Snow.

The King crossed his hands and dark balls 1 meter worth in size appeared around Mael.

- Mael: Holy Explosion.

Mael caused all the heat emanating from his body to be expelled in an instant, which made the dark balls heading towards him melt.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

He made his darkness spread around him. That expanding darkness ended up clashing with Mael's light and heat, which caused a huge explosion.

Both of them were fired. Still, the King was quicker to recover and quickly stood behind Mael stabbing him in the chest with a sword made of Darkness.

- Mael: Graahh!

- Demon King: This is the end!

When he prepared for the final strike, something hit him from behind that brought him to his knees.

He turned around and saw the cause of the attack. Seeing Ludoshel, he had instantly understood that his servant had been defeated. Mael used that opening to hold the Demon King by both arms.

- Mael: Now, brother!

Ludoshel began to strike the King relentlessly with Revigorate, who was unable to dodge the attack and was hit hard.

Still, when the dust left Ludoshel couldn't believe what he was seeing. Not only the DK had not been hurt at all, but the majority of his wounds had been healed.

- Ludoshel: I-Impossible, that attack should have affected you. Unless...

- Demon King: Exactly, you didn't take into account the fact that I can activate and deactivate my magic at will, that's why you've healed me. A serious mistake on your part. Clearly, you underestimated me and underestimating a God leads to nothing good.

The King freed himself from Mael's clutches and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Now, it seems it's time to end this. Sighting Sage!

When those words were uttered, his tentacles lying on the ground after being defeated by Ludoshel began to recover and formed a monstrous head that began to fly quickly to fire powerful rays of dark energy that provoked large explosions. Ludoshel’s mirrors began to be destroyed one after the other.

- Ludoshel: Ugh! Damn it!

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha, this is over.

In the real World

- Diane: Damn it! Can't we really do anything?

- King: Diane, I understand how you feel but we have no way to go to that dimension. All we can do now is trust them. Trust in their victory.

- Merlin: We must prepare for the worst, though. If they lose...

- ???: Do you really think those two will be able to defeat father?

Everyone turned around. The figure who spoke was Zeldris, the executioner and youngest son of the DK, who had recovered from all his wounds.

- King: You're still…

Escanor and Hendi began to waver in fear. The rest of the Sins stood guard.

- Zeldris: Don't worry, I won't fight you. My goal to fight was to make Meliodas the new Demon King, now that I know everything is a lie, I have no reason to fight any more.

- Elizabeth: That's not true! Zeldris... You didn't really fight to make Meliodas the new Demon King, you were struggling to see your beloved Gelda again.

- Zeldris: T-You! How do you know about her?

- Elizabeth: Meliodas told me about you and her. You were inseparable, but one day the Demon King forced you to kill her along with the Vampire Clan. Still, you weren't able to do it and ended up sealing all of them. A few years ago the seal broke and she was released. Realizing that she was going to live in a world without you he asked Meliodas to kill her, yet he ended up sealing her again. You and Meliodas made a promise in which if you helped him become the Demon King in order to break the curse inflicted upon him, he would liberate Gelda. This is the real reason as to why you were so reluctant on making Meliodas the new King, isn’t it?

- Zeldris: Even if that’s the case, does it matter at this point? Meliodas is no longer in this world as Father’s Darkness and power consumed him and with it the secret of where Gelda is and how to break the seal. I have nothing else to do here.

- Elizabeth: That's not true, Meliodas is still alive and comes here as we speak now. One of our colleagues went to Purgatory to save him and came back to tell us that the rescue was a success.

- Zeldris: And how am I supposed to know you're not cheating me the same way Father did? Can you show it somehow?

- Elizabeth: No, I can't.

- Zeldris: So, what's your point?

- Elizabeth: You must make a decision. Either you trust your Father and you remain his puppet forever and never see Gelda again or you trust us, you help us defeat the Demon King along with Meliodas and see Gelda again.

- Zeldris: ...

- Elizabeth: I won't force you to decide, I'm just asking you to make your decision, to be firm with the wishes of your heart.

- Zeldris: “I have always imposed loyalty above my own desires and at the end what I have won with it? Father has always seen me as a second choice, I have always been his puppet and I have ended up doing things I didn't want to do. The current situation is also my fault partially…

- Elizabeth: So?

- Zeldris: Argh! Okay, I'll help you. I promise you that until Meliodas comes back I won't let you die yet.

- Elizabeth: Zeldris...

- Zeldris: Don't be confused, I'm just doing it to make sure Meliodas releases Gelda. If he came back and saw his beloved dead, perhaps that would change his mind.

- Elizabeth: Then it’s decided! If we win this battle and I haven't kept my promise, you can kill me or do whatever you want with me. It's a promise!

Zeldris nodded. A temporary alliance had been formed.

Meanwhile, in the dimension created by the Graces, the battle between the King and the Archangels was intensifying even more.

Ludoshel was creating more mirrors as they were being destroyed by the DK's sage.

Mael and the King collided and exchanged blows over and over.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Mael quickly threw a sun at the sage created by the DK and completely evaporated it. However, this came at an expensive price as it made him show an opening and the King didn’t miss the opportunity, stabbing him in the heart with a hand.

Mael badly wounded attempted to crush his head with his hand, however, the Ruler of the Underworld was faster.

- Demon King: Thunderclap.

A huge lightning bolt came out of the hand with which he had stabbed him.

- Mael: Gah!

- Demon King: This is over.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate!

The Archangel fired a healing spell at the DK, while he threw himself towards him. Ludoshel anticipated the fact that the DK would turn off his magic and made his magic bounce with a mirror to heal Mael, while he clashed with the King, who easily blocked his attack.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine

Ludoshel let out a big flash of light that momentarily blinded the King. That moment was exploited by Mael.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Having deactivated his magic and been blinded, he was struck hard by the attack, which caused a massive explosion, leaving a huge crater in the centre.

- Ludoshel: Mael, I won't be able to keep this up much longer. My body is about to disappear. We must end this here and now.

- Mael: I agree, let's end up here and now with this scum brother.

Meanwhile, inside the crater, the King had risen again. The top of his clothes was completely burned, exposing his muscles with severe burns. With his darkness, he healed his wounds the best he could, but the damage was still there.

- Demon King: “Tsk, damn scum. At this rate, it will be hard for me to win. You haven't given up yet, Meliodas?”

In the spiritual world that lied within Meliodas’ body, the emotionless Meliodas in Assault Mode was confronting the soul of half of the Demon King, formed by the 10 Commandments.

The battle so far had been completely one-sided. The emotionless Meliodas couldn’t do anything and was full of wounds.

- Demon King: I didn't expect less from you, my son, but your resistance is futile, just give me your body already.

Meliodas didn’t answer and with the same technique he crushed Zeldris and Estarossa easily, Meliodas tried to subjugate his Father, but it was of no use. The Demon King was not moving at all. With a move of his hand, he shot a large torrent of horizontal darkness towards Meliodas that seriously wounded him again.

- Demon King: Before, you gave me that very smart talk through that pig, acting as if you were something more than my puppet, but no matter how hard you try, you are and will continue to be my puppet for all eternity. Now, die!

- Meliodas: “I have to resist, I haven't fulfilled my promise with Zeldris. I can't let this end like that in any way!”

Back in the real world, the King shot a bolt of lightning from the bottom of the ground where Ludoshel and Mael were. Once he had reached the surface, something hit him.

- Demon King: What?

When the smoke dissipated, he observed a large number of healing spells and Suns bouncing within the space filled with mirrors, over and over again.

- Demon King: So they want to finish this here and now, huh? I accept this defiance, scumbags.

The King began to dodge both healing magics and Suns moving at great speed, waiting for Mael or Ludoshel to come out of the mirrors.

Until it happened. Ludoshel came out of a mirror behind his back.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

Anticipating this, he once again extended his darkness as a field around him that began to destroy the mirrors. Ludoshel was struck by that Nebula, yet he did not surrender and with his remaining forces and using his Flash grace managed to go through the King's camp and grab him.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate

Using his remaining vital energy, Ludoshel made his last healing spell, doing great damage to the King, who had the Ruler deactivated.

- Demon King: Bastard!

- Ludoshel: Now, Mael!

Mael left the ground. He had been delicately hiding his aura so that he would not notice his presence. The small Suns and healing spells had only been a distraction.

- Mael: Divine Clap.

Mael concentrated all his magic and warmth on his hand, which took a glow reddish by the amount of power concentrated there.


Mael crossed the chest of the Demon King, along with his brother Ludoshel, who was holding him so he couldn't escape.

A big explosion that enveloped the entirety of the dimension occurred. What was left after that attack was smoke and Mael with his older brother held in arms. The state of Ludoshel was deplorable, he had a huge hole on what had previously been his chest and his body was full of burns and disappearing.

- Mael: B-Brother... I...

- Ludoshel: Don't say anything, Mael. You did what you had to do. I have dedicated my whole life to war and the eradication of demons, so it is only fair that the cause of my death is also because of that purpose.

- Mael: And how the hell am I supposed to live without you? You're the one who gave me everything and made me who I am today. I really wanted to be like you.

- Ludoshel: Don't say nonsense, you're much better than me. You always had better latent potential and a much better heart than mine. Now I see it clearly. You're not like me, who just had on his head to kill demons and impose those ideals on others. I neglected what really mattered. In fact, now that I think about it, Nerobasta did a lot for me and really loved me, but I never paid any attention to her. My mind could never go beyond killing, but I'm sure you won't fail where I failed. From now on and always, it doesn't matter what your actions are, I will always be supporting you from the afterlife. Goodbye Mael, I'm really glad I had you as a brother...

Tears appeared on Ludoshel's face as his body disappeared.

Meanwhile, in the real world

- Diane: It’s taking them a lot of time. Have they really succeeded?

- Merlin: Whatever the case, we have to be prepared for the worst.

- Zeldris: I agree, even if he hasn't completely mastered the body of my brother yet, my father remains a monster to be reckoned with.

- King: You seem to have him in great esteem.

- Zeldris: Not for nothing, he managed to take full control of the underworld, where chaos and disorder reigned. He's a monster that was considered to be the first ruler of the demon realm. We have to start thinking of a strategy as soon as possible, or I fear defeating him will be impossible.

- Merlin: Do you know his skills? This is what we should first know in full detail.

- Zeldris: You've seen that he has extraordinary physical abilities. Besides that, he can also use the commandments absorbed as curses. He has vast knowledge of the dark arts too but his most fearsome ability has its same title, "The Ruler." This allows father to reverse the effects of any magical attack. The only way to damage him with magical attacks is if these are healing or give him strength.

- Merlin: I see, considering all this I think I have an idea that can lead us to victory... Gowther, can you spread my thoughts to the rest, please?

- Gowther: No problem.

Gowther used his ability to convey them to all Merlin's thoughts. Instantly everyone was surprised.

- King: Do you really think this is going to work, Merlin?

- Merlin: It's our best choice. If we want to get out of here alive and defeat the Demon King that is best plan we can come with as of now. Though, to be honest, the chances of succeeding are still very low.

- Zeldris and Elizabeth: ...

They didn't have much more time left. Suddenly, the portal in which Mael and Ludoshel vanished along with the Demon King, opened again.

Everyone was on alert, waiting to see who came out of that portal.

After waiting for a few seconds that became an eternity, the Sins noticed a fierce and colossal presence. Everyone started to sweat cold, their bodies stalled. It seemed as if death itself approached them and they could do nothing.

- Elizabeth: E-Everyone… RUN AWAY!

Too late. A hand of colossal, demonic size came out of the portal and immediately fired an energy beam that completely disintegrated the bodies of Hendrickson and Gilthunder, who couldn’t react in time at all.

No one could believe what had just happened in front of them. No one moved, everyone was holding their own breath as if their life was in it. A figure began to leave the portal.

A few minutes before in the dimension created by Flash and Sun.

- Mael: Brother...

- ???: Have you said all your last words to him already?

Both Archangels turned around. A lightning strike fell on Ludoshel's body, completely annihilating him. Mael was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The King was still alive and standing with a hole in his chest. Smiling, he said:

- Demon King: I can't believe that two shits like you brought a God like me so far. But now everything is over. Where there is day, there is night and where there is hope there is despair and the despair you are about to experience is much worse than death. I'll break you slowly until you lose your sanity completely.

Demon King began to transform. Darkness filled the place completely and lightning began to fall from the sky.

His body grew much larger, thorns grew on his back, and his hands and legs adopted a much more monstrous appearance than before. Its strength also increased, to the point of being completely different from before. Mael couldn't believe what he was seeing.

- Mael: I-It can’t be…

- Demon King: Well, I guess I'll explain it to you. All this time I've been struggling in a body that wasn't under control yet. By completely breaking Meliodas, I can finally make use of the total power that lies in this body. Did you really believe that was all my power? No, of course not. It was presumptuous of you to believe that you would have a minimal chance of defeating me. Still, I’ll give you a chance to live. You have demonstrated a good deal of power and your willpower is also worth some praise, and I am short of loyal soldiers so, what do you think? I can give you my blood and convert you into a demon. You will be my right hand and together we will destroy that bitch named Supreme Deity.

- Mael: Stop fucking around! As if I could be friends with a being like you.

Mael attacks the King's face with the palm of his hand, delivering a powerful blow. A blow that was completely ineffective. The King contracted his colossal fist and sent Mael to crash against the ground, spitting a lot of blood in the process.

- Demon King: Then die!

Mael got up again and hit the ground with a big blow that broke a good portion of the earth in the dimension. He then put his hands on the broken part and raised a giant rock of land much larger than a mountain. He was burning in fury.

- Mael: Divine Punishment.

The rock was thrown at the King, who completely destroyed it with a ray of energy coming from his finger before it came to him.

Mael used the pieces of rock that remained in the air to propel himself. He did that over and over getting closer and closer to the King, while accumulating heat in his body.

- Mael: Divine Supernova.

Mael approached the King and released instantly all the heat accumulated inside him.

The explosion was gigantic, the whole dimension was half blown. Divine Supernova was Mael's most powerful attack, and once Mael had used it, he lost all his strength. Still, even with an attack of that level, the Demon King was left with only a few scratches that quickly disappeared.

- Mael: You have to be fucking kidding me... Just a few scratches…

- Demon King: You had your turn, now it’s mine!

Back in real time, in the real world, the Demon King came out of the portal with his monstrous and colossal appearance. In his hand was Mael's unconscious body. Thin and aged, with blood and bruises everywhere, he looked like a mummy. He threw him into a rock.

- Demon King: They put up quite a fight for being mere bugs.

- Elizabeth: Mael!!!

Elizabeth ran to him but the DK created an electricity cage in which he locked them all but Zeldris.

- Demon King: It's about time you all disappear from my sight too!

He joined both hands and began to create a giant sphere of electricity. The Sins inside the cage began to desperately debate to get out of there, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get out. Diane was attacking with her Gideon, Merlin was using Exterminate Ray and Shock Stinger. Elizabeth used his Ark, King the Guardian form. Nothing had any effect. The Sins began to turn pale. If an attack on that level struck, they would undoubtedly end up dying, but they could do nothing to destroy the King's lightning prison either.

On the other hand, the DK seemed to have finished his preparations.

- Demon King: Farewell. After this, not even your ashes will be left.

- ???: Magic Hunt

A shadow appeared and stood in the way of the King's attack, and with that appearance his attack began getting weaker.

- ???: Assault Hunt

The human figure began to move his fists at great speed and created a sphere of high-speed blows. When the DK's attack clashed with that sphere, there was a time when the two attacks remained the same, but finally, the mysterious person's attack overlapped, it destroyed the King's sphere and hundreds of blows immediately fell on him. Of course, he did almost no harm.

- Demon King: Oh! You're...

- Sins: B-Ban!

- Ban: Yo! I thought you were in trouble, so I'd give you a hand.

- King: Damn idiot, you took your time!

- Merlin: “Is it really him? He’s on a completely different level...”

- Demon King: Okay, and? No matter how many bugs dare to face against the elephant, it’s all meaningless. I think you know my power well, isn’t that right human? After all, you experienced it for over 60 years in a row. I'm even stronger now. Do you think you're going to change anything?

- Ban: No, if I was alone that is!

At that moment, the DK fell on his knees.

- Diane: What happened?

- Merlin: It looks like, finally, the biggest idiot of all has joined the party.

- Elizabeth: I always believed in him!

In the spiritual world, a figure stood before the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: So, you finally arrived, my son? Still, I won’t let you do what you want. This body is mine now. I'll kill you once and for all.

Before the King could finish those words, Meliodas hit him with his elbow, pushing him back slightly.

Meliodas looked at him intensively and determined, his face visibly angered.

- Meliodas: Stop spouting nonsense and come already.

In the real world, the King began to lose his giant shape and returned to its initial form. With the only difference that now he had no tentacles.

Gowther took that chance and struck Ban with his arrow to let him know of the plan that they had conceived together. With him there, the chances of succeeding significantly increased, but still, if they did a mistake, they would all regret it.

- Demon King: Had I known of all the problems you would create, I would have never let you live in Purgatory. This time I will certainly kill you both.

- Ban: Okay, let's go there Captain! Let's get that old stalker out of your body.

The DK and Ban began to quickly trade punches.

In the meantime, the Sins didn’t waste time. Everyone was in a position to attack the King again.

- Demon King: Storm of the Death.

Before they could attack he invoked an immensely toxic tempest, which forced the Sins to abandon the offensive and move on the defensive.

- King: Pollen Garden!

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

Combined technique: Ultimate shield.

With their combined powers, they protected themselves from the attack.

- King: Tsk, Ban stayed there. Will he be okay? This storm has enough power to kill any living being.

- Elizabeth: Ban-san...

- Demon King: “That should be enough to keep them busy for a while. Now, I'm going to have to deal with this bra-”.

Before he could finish the sentence, Ban hit the King in the face with all his might. The hit was stopped with his hand. Still, he wasn't able to avoid the next kick on the ribs.

- Demon King: Ugh, Rebellion!

Multiple dark swords formed behind Ban. Ban managed to dodge them all barely, since he got a few scratches.

In the spiritual world, the King was incessantly attacking his son, who was dodging all his attacks without much difficulty, until he hired with a kick that pushed the King back a few meters.

- Meliodas: You should go back to your original body in Purgatory, Father! You have no real chance of winning.

- Demon King: Do you really want that goddess booty that much?

Meliodas hit his Father again, this time with more force.

- Meliodas: Don't you dare mention her name!

- Demon King: “I see, in this spiritual world emotions and feelings change your strength, huh”

In the real world, Ban's kick caused the King's concentration to falter and the storm to stop. An instant later, King attacked with Chastiefol.

- Demon King: Perfect Cube.

A barrier was erected to protect him from the attack of the Sin.

- Merlin: Absolute Cancel!

The King's Cube was dissipated, which made Ban start to attacking him relentlessly again.

- Demon King: Tsk, those fucking... Zeldris, where are you? Help your father defeat those insects now!

But Zeldris didn't respond. In fact, he saw his body unconscious on the ground.

- Demon King: Tsk... Fucking useless!

Using Gift, Ban got him to kneel. Merlin, King and Elizabeth took that moment. "Combined Technique: Triple Prison." A three-layer prison was formed wrapping the King. The inner layer was Merlin's Perfect Cube, the second layer was King's Pollen Garden, and the third layer was Elizabeth's Ark.

Still, it didn't end there. Tens and tens of different spells wrapped around him and began to attack him relentlessly. There was both healing magic and attack magic, so he couldn't cancel everything simply deactivating his magic.

The real problem with that attack was not the damage he received. That was rather little. The real problem was that more and more explosions continued to take place inside the triple prison and the concentration of oxygen started to falter.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas cut a horn of his Father.

- Demon King: Why do you insist on seeing Elizabeth? She's already dead. Because your friends were so weak and you so utterly incompetent, I was able to remove his curse and end his life once and for all.

- Meliodas: What? It can't be. It has to be a lie...

- Demon King: You think so?

He showed a picture of Elizabeth massacred and dead to him. Meliodas, who didn't know the situation outside, started panicking. Normally, that would not have diminished his power at all, but in the spiritual world where power depends more on the emotional state than anything else, that action was fatal to him.

The Demon King, who had been waiting for that moment for most of the battle, did not waste time. With his sword, he began to attack Meliodas with a series of swift attacks that seriously injured him. Due to all the mess happening on the outside he couldn’t concentrate his full strength on the inside, making him weaker and thus getting overpowered. The same applied to the outside self, since his inner self was having so much trouble, he got considerably weaker because of that, but that was over now.

In the real world, the King had gained more control over his son’s body again. With the body full of burns, bruises and blood, the King shouted "Dark Nebula" and then followed a huge dark explosion that eviscerated the three shields.

When he left, the King saw that Elizabeth was preparing her Let There Be Light and quickly ran into her at full speed. "Prison Sword". He made a great sword made of pure darkness in his hand to cleave Elizabeth in two, but his thrust was stopped by Ban, this time in great trouble.

- Demon King: “What? He could barely keep up with me when I was weakened. Now that I have regained more control over this body, he should not be able to... Wait, that's...”

The King finally understood. Ban had used his Hunter Fest to steal the power of his mates and make himself stronger. Stronger enough to compete against him in his current state.

Going back to the spiritual world, Meliodas's emotions lied on the ground almost unconscious. His Father had gone somewhere else, probably to regain full control of his body.

- Meliodas: My friends must be putting him through a bad time, I can't give up yet

- ???: "Exactly, you can't give up yet."

A voice rang next to him. It was the emotionless Meliodas, in a near-death state.

- Meliodas (emotions): You... What are you doing alive? I thought father had...

- Meliodas (emotionless): And he would have done it if it wasn't because he felt severely pressured against whoever he was struggling and once I got unconscious, he didn’t even bother to check if I was dead. One thing is for sure, our friends are out there fighting our father with everything they have and more. Pressing him to such an extent that he doesn’t even have time to check whether we're dead or not. In those conditions you're really going to give up?

- Meliodas (emotions): It's useless, I don't have the strength to get up and even if I had it, to live in a world where Elizabeth is dead forever doesn't make sense. I've been here for over 3,000 years, it's about time to rest.

The emotionless Meliodas hit him in the face and grabbed him by the head.

- Meliodas (emotionless): So, are you going to remain the puppet of father and do whatever he wants? Why do you think she told you that Elizabeth was dead? So you'd despair and that you'd give up. In this spiritual world, despair equals death. He realized that and that's why he told you that lie.

- Meliodas (emotions): But how do you know it's a lie? With the difference of strength between him and my friends, the most reasonable thing is to think she has already killed her.

- Meliodas (emotionless): Now you distrust your classmates? The fact that our father left us alive indicates that he is being heavily pressured from the outside. Your friends are giving everything to defeat him and you talk about rest? The memories I have of the Meliodas with emotions are not those of a weak guy like you. Get up! If you can't, I'll lend you my strength. It doesn't matter if you can’t save your classmates and Elizabeth. You do everything you can, as you have always done so far!

- Meliodas (emotions): Yes... I'm sorry to give you so many headaches mate...

Having said that, the emotionless Meliodas merged with his counterpart with emotions. The spiritual world began to tremble for the liberated power. The Demon King clearly felt the presence.

- Demon King: This power... I have to kill the insects outside right now.

In the real world, the god of all demons and Ban continued their clash of forces. The veins were more marked on the King's body now.

- Demon King: Don't think you can win... You're nothing more than a simple, stupid human!

Having said that, the King strengthened the grip of his sword and cut Ban's right arm as well as part of his shoulder, and kicked him out of his reach.

- Demon King: You're next bitch!

The King hurled at her like a furious hound and cut off her head, but something strange happened. Elizabeth's supposed head turned into Gowther's.

- Demon King: “An illusion... It can't be! How? When? Don't tell me it was the moment I was locked in the Perfect Cube? When I was under the pressure of all those spells, was that one of these spells? You little..."

- Gowther: I had to put all my magic on it. Otherwise, the result would have been the same as before!

The King looked up to find the real Elizabeth that had accumulated a great deal of magical power and chased after her again.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

The King's body clashed with the Cube. He quickly broke it with his hand.

- King: Status Promotion!

The wounds inflicted on him opened up considerably, slowing him down.

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe!

A ton of rocks completely enveloped him.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas met his father again.

- Meliodas: Three seconds.

- Demon King: Huh?

- Meliodas: I'll give you three seconds to give up, beg for clemency, and go back to your original body in Purgatory. Otherwise, you'll experience pain much worse than death, I assure you. 3.

The expression of the Sin of Wrath was serene, like a passive wrath that can engulf everything.

- Demon King: Here I was wondering what you were going to say, but... beg for mercy?!

- Meliodas: 2.

- Demon King: You expect a God like me to get on his knees and ask for mercy. Don't fuck with me! I can fight you on equal terms. No, in fact, I'm stronger!

- Meliodas: 1.

- Demon King: You should be the one begging for mercy! Disappear completely from history, Meliodas!

The King plunged his body into electricity and instantly lowered the distance between him and his son. Meliodas, for his part, condensed his darkness into small balls, as he did in his small struggle with King in the Druids Training, with the only difference that there were hundreds, even thousands of them, that time.

Those condensed balls and his Father clashed, making the spiritual world crumble.

In the real world, an explosion of dark rays penetrated Diane's Mother Catastrophe, hitting King, Diane, Merlin, and Ban, hurting them considerably.

The King left again and headed to Elizabeth. His face now looked like that of a monster wrapped in lightning, a sign that he was beginning to lose control of the body.

Just when her hand seemed to reach Elizabeth, a sword got stabbed in his hand and a figure grabbed him from behind, around his neck. It was Zeldris.

- Zeldris: I'm sorry father, but I don't intend to remain your puppet.

- Demon King: Z-Zeldris, b-bastard! Do you really think you can get away with this? A weak person can achieve nothing. The weaker one is always destined to be consumed by the strongest. Being weak is a disease, you can’t do anything.

- Zeldris: Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean I'm going to shut up and obey your orders forever. The commandment of piety, the only thing that prevents me from betraying you is no longer inside me. I'm sorry, but I need you to step aside. I and my brother made a promise and I won't let you get in our way anymore.

Great words, but no strength to prove them. The Demon King began to move again. Zeldris’ immobilisation seemed to have not affected him at all. "Ominous Nebula". Zeldris created a vortex with his darkness at a very high speed that started hitting his Father relentlessly, this time slightly troubling him.

Ban didn’t miss that moment. “Hunter Fest” Ban absorbed the remaining strength of all of his companions and brought it together with his. “Gift”. Using the new skill acquired in Purgatory, Ban gave all that strength to Elizabeth, who got four more additional wings out of her body, making a total of eight.

Merlin teleported her companions around the King and they all helped Zeldris retain him. Although they couldn't hold him for more than five seconds, that time was enough for Elizabeth to finish preparing for her final attack. “Let There Be Light”. Elizabeth launched her magic potentiated by the energy and feelings of all. The King, due to his current state and thanks to the Sins, was unable to dodge it. The Ruler was seemingly inactive, maybe because of the current damage on him that had far exceeded the realm of having complete control over his son’s body. Now everything depended on the two of them, Meliodas and Elizabeth.

In the spiritual world, the definitive clash between him and Meliodas continued. The two seemed equal, but Meliodas gradually gained ground, until he managed to overcome the electric barrier that enveloped his Father’s body. The condensed balls of darkness easily pierced through his Father’s body like if it was made of cheese.

- Demon King: MELIODASSSS!

- Meliodas: Trillion Dark!

Meliodas threw all his balls to the King, slaughtering him. The most powerful demon was suffering like never before. The King's spiritual body ended up full of holes from head to toes and collapsed to the ground immediately.

In the real world, Elizabeth's attack was being resisted, but at the time the King's spiritual body fell, the attack overwhelmed and purified him immediately.

Meliodas's body collapsed on the floor. His adult form did not change at all, since at the time the King had owned his body, the curse he had imposed on him was destroyed so that the body could continue to grow and reach its full potential. The demonic garments that were completely gone and instead were the garments that Meliodas had made in the Purgatory, now clearly out of size for him.

Meliodas got up from the ground. Everyone stood guard for the possibility of his Father still being in his body. There was no need to worry, though.
Damn. Love you bro(no homo). You actually made it what nakaba couldn't even do in his dreams. Loved your version of the final dk fight take. And you really did Mael justice for what he's actually capable of, massive respect to you for this.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Just one question, how big is that dimension created by Ludo and Mael?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
Damn. Love you bro(no homo). You actually made it what nakaba couldn't even do in his dreams. Loved your version of the final dk fight take. And you really did Mael justice for what he's actually capable of, massive respect to you for this.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Just one question, how big is that dimension created by Ludo and Mael?
Thanks man. Regarding your question, I didn't think about that while I was writing this, but I guess at least as big as a regular-sized country or maybe more. It's hard to give a concrete estimate. It's like Sar and Tar's dimension where you couldn't see the end. I thought Nakaba's idea of a dimension being created thanks to the combined power of the Graces was cool as hell, so I wanted to do something of the sort for the other two Angels too.

Samael Morningstar

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks man. Regarding your question, I didn't think about that while I was writing this, but I guess at least as big as a regular-sized country or maybe more. It's hard to give a concrete estimate. It's like Sar and Tar's dimension where you couldn't see the end. I thought Nakaba's idea of a dimension being created thanks to the combined power of the Graces was cool as hell, so I wanted to do something of the sort for the other two Angels too.
Do you plan ever doing the remaining part of the story. If you're not interested then ok, I can see this takes a lot of efforts


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
Do you plan ever doing the remaining part of the story. If you're not interested then ok, I can see this takes a lot of efforts
Who knows, maybe if I get inspired again I'll write more. Can't say for sure at this point tbh. I have a few ideas at mind though.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
Honestly, I've been working for a long time with a rewrite of the whole DK Mel vs Sins fight in Camelot, since I thought that fight had soo much potential that it would have been a waste to leave it just like that. I'll probably post it later.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ok, it's done. The rewrite consists of 12 chapters. It's pretty long overall, so take it easy. The sentences that are in-between commas are the inner thoughts of the characters, what are they thinking at that moment. Before starting I must say two things: my experience as a writer is zero and English is not my main language so don't expect a perfect delivery in each and every aspect. I tried to do my best with the clarity and the grammar, but there are obviously going to be some mistakes here and there. You'll see that the first two chapters are pretty much what happened in the manga with very few additions (I mixed some things that I personally found nice on some other parts too), from chapter 3 onwards it's pretty much all from my imagination.

Some soundtrack to enhance the reading experience if you want :)

- Rondo of Love and Darkness (Chapters 1 and 2):
- We Have to Defeat It (Chapter 3, 5 and 8)
- Taiji (Chapters 6 and 7):
- Hymne of Despair and Atonement (Chapters 4 and 9):
- God Shattering Star (Chapters 10, 11 and 12):

That being said, enjoy!

When Merlin had stopped the time of the cocoon where Meliodas was, the faces of everyone were filled with happiness and relief. With Zeldris and the Original Demon defeated that was their complete victory of the Holy War.

- Elizabeth: Well done, Merlin.

- Escanor: I'm so happy...

- Gowther: Me too!

- Diane: Hip hip, hurrah!

Elsewhere, Mael was staring at his brother with a sad face, as Ludoshel did not have much more time to stay in this world.

- Mael: Brother, I really don't know how to apologize for everything I've done...

- Ludoshel: For now, don't say anything. I'm perfectly aware of all that's happened and none of that is your fault. Let's smile, I want to see you smiling when I leave.

At that point, Merlin falls to her knees.

- Escanor: Merlin, are you okay?

- Merlin: That spell was hard enough to even leave me drained. I'll need the Captain to compensate me for all that later with a few glasses.

Hendrickson looks at the scenes before him with a smile. He is also happy that that war is over at last. Immersed in his thoughts, someone suddenly hits him on the back.

- Elizabeth: Hendrickson, I'm very grateful for what you did for my sister and Gil.

- Hendrickson: Lady Elizabeth, how do you know about that?

- Elizabeth: King was watching you through his spiritual spear all this time.

- Hendrickson: So that's how it is, huh? I wonder if he has forgiven me or not. By the way, where is King? I haven't seen him.

- Elizabeth: Over there- he said as he pointed his finger at the position King was in with his new adult form.

- Hendrickson: What? Who is that?

Everyone laughed while Elizabeth used her magic Revigorate to heal everyone at full strength again. Of course, it wasn’t the same for Ludoshel, her magic could only slow down the disintegration effect a little, but sooner or later the result would be the same.

Of course, she had not forgotten her beloved Meliodas, still worried about him she sent Hawk to check the situation for her.

Having eaten a piece of a flying beast, Hawk set out to the cocoon to see if everything was in order.

- Hawk: Come back to normal at once, Meliodas! Everyone broke their butt to rescue you and there's only one day left for Elizabeth's curse to trigger, you know?

- Elizabeth: “Meliodas... All I want is for you to be fine and unharmed.”

- Hawk: Huh?

- Elizabeth: What's up, Hawk-chan?

- Hawk: The cocoon is empty!

At that same moment, everyone froze at sensing a horrible presence behind them. That presence almost felt like death had come to bring them to hell. Everyone started to sweat cold. The origin of that presence was behind them.

- Elizabeth: Meliodas... is that you?

Zeldris, who had already seen who was the source of that ominous presence did nothing but start laughing.

- Zeldris: Kuku, hahaha... I kept my promise, now it's time you also keep yours. Demon King!

Zeldris had confirmed the Alliance's fear. Everyone turned around and what they saw was none other than Meliodas himself, now turned into Demon King.

The Meliodas that was in front of them now was completely different from the previous one. He was much taller; Elizabeth barely reached his chest. His body was much more muscular and toned. His hair had grown to be almost as long as Elizabeth's. He was wearing a white suit from top to bottom tight enough to mark his muscles. His body was covered with dark tattoos, and a golden armour glimpsed from his feet to his knees and from his hands to his elbows. Finally, he had a few secondary tentacle-like arms that just like him, were full of tattoos and symbols. Those arms were joined by a sort of dark cloud of thorns sticking out of his shoulders.

The Alliance couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had failed, what they feared most happened. The one who won at the end wasn’t them.

Meliodas finally spoke.

- Meliodas: Y’all really went through a lot, isn’t it? Especially you Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins. That weird beast too.

Elizabeth had her suspicions but with what she just heard it was clear.

- Elizabeth: You're not Meliodas. Who are you?

The Seven Deadly Sins had also realized that something was wrong with that Meliodas.

- Zeldris: Meliodas... I fulfilled my part of the deal, now it's your turn to fulfil yours. Tell me where Gelda is!

At that moment Meliodas's expression or whoever that being was in front of them changed completely and said:

- ???: Oh, Zeldris, you're still in love with that bloodsucking vampire? Not just Meliodas, you too? I am disappointed on how you two ended up…

Zeldris was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He didn't want to believe that what he was thinking was true.

- Diane: That tone, it isn't the captain right?

- Hawk: He never would have called me "weird beast"!

Now it was clear.

- Elizabeth: I knew...

- Merlin: Sister, this is the worst-case scenario.

Merlin, too, had realized who that being was.

- Ludoshel: To think that someone so colossal would appear on the battlefield...

- Zeldris: I- It can’t be! What are you doing in Meliodas's body? Father!

The being in front of them was not Meliodas but the Demon King himself who had possessed his body.

- Zeldris: What's going on here? Didn’t you say you were going to make Meliodas the new Demon King?

- Demon King: Did you truly believe that I would allow a traitor like him who left us at the height of the war, killed our comrades and left the Underworld ruined, to become the next Demon King? I've become old, but I still have some sanity. All I wanted to have was a young and strong new body.

Zeldris couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to believe it. The King continued.

- Demon King: Commandments are fragments of my power. He who absorbs them all shall become the Demon King, that is the same to say that it will become my container to possess.

At the end of saying this, all the Sins surrounded him in a battle position.

- Elizabeth: Get out of Meliodas's body right now!

- Hawk: If you really consider yourself a father, at least do that for your son!

- Demon King: For my son, huh? I suppose a father must do what he can to make his children's dreams come true... OK! I have a great idea. Elizabeth, I'm going to release you from your curse of eternal rebirth!

Elizabeth was surprised and confused by what the King said. Hawk, on the other hand, got euphoric.

- Hawk: Wow! That was unexpected! The pig father still has some sense within him. I can't believe you agreed to rid Elizabeth of the curse yourself!

The King channelled his expression to a big smile and said:

- Demon King: I will break her curse and then kill her in the most brutal way possible.

Elizabeth started to sweat cold, just like Hawk. It was too much to hope that a being as bad as the one in front of them would break the curse and let them go like that.

- Demon King: When he sees your body, I wonder how he will react? Will he fall into despair knowing that he will never see you again and lose his desire for life? Or maybe he’ll finally be free and calm knowing that your curse has been removed and his life purpose will be lost? Either way, the result is the same for me. Don’t you agree, members of the Seven Deadly Sins?

That being said, he quickly lifted one of his secondary arms to grab her and break her curse. Elizabeth was so surprised and scared she couldn't react on time. Still, Gowther grabbed her and threw her away to avoid that deadly attack.

- Gowther: Merlin, do it now!

- Escanor: Hendi, come here too!

The Sin of Pride, despite being weaker than a normal human, was in front of everyone as a human shield. Such was his determination.

- Merlin: Ok, looks like everyone’s here. Perfect Cube!

With that, she, Gowther, Elizabeth, Escanor, Hendi and Hawk would be protected from any external attack.

The Alliance instinctively split into two groups. A group would guarantee Elizabeth's safety while supporting the others. Those were the ones inside the Perfect Cube: Merlin, Gowther, Escanor, Hawk and Hendrickson.

The other group was in charge of subjugating the Demon King and removing him from Meliodas's body. King, Diane, Mael and Ludoshel were its members.

The last group nodded in unison, except for Ludoshel, who saw what was being done as ridicule. Even if they were four to join forces, they had no chance of defeating the Demon King. As much as he considered demons scum and excrement, the Demon King was a god with colossal power, equivalent to that of the Supreme Deity. Only she could stand up to him and yet those idiots came out as if their opponent was just a normal demon. He couldn't understand it. He only understood one thing. No matter how much he insisted on the ridiculousness of that idea, they would not pay any attention to him, as they were determined to save their Captain and friend Meliodas. If there was anything he knew about the Seven Deadly Sins for sure at this point is that they were a bunch of complete idiots.

- Diane: We will protect Elizabeth no matter the cost!

- King: I won't let you do anything you want with the body of the Captain.

Diane started attacking him with her Gideon Hammer non-stop. As for King, he used his Spiritual Lance Chastiefol First Form: Chastiefol and Fifth Form: Increase simultaneously.

Mael, without uttering a word, quickly lowered the distance between him and the Demon King and began beating him with all his might. It's not that he cared much about what happened to Meliodas but there was someone who cared for and that person was Elizabeth. He still remembered the promise he had made that day when he was still a child. He had promised that he would be strong enough to stop the Holy War. As long as the Demon Clan had the Demon King as its ruler that would never be fulfilled, therefore defeating him was the first step towards fulfilling his promise.

Meanwhile, inside the Perfect Cube, Elizabeth was still in shock for what she had just witnessed. She couldn't believe it yet.

- Escanor: Are they going to be okay? We’re fighting against the Demon King after all…

- Hawk: Those pigs will be fine. Look at how they’re beating him. No one can defend against all this.

Having said that, Hawk was looking through his Balor eye to know the current power levels of each and every one of his companions.

Diane = PL: 50,000 (Strength: 36,500, Magic: 11,000, Spirit: 2500)

King = PL: 301,000 (Strength: 0, Magic: 295,000, Spirit: 6000)

Mael = PL: 283,500 (Strength: 192,000, Magic: 86,000, Spirit: 5500)

Ludoshel = PL: 260,000 (Strength: 72,000, Magic: 182,800, Spirit: 5200)

- Hawk: With all those monsters on our side it's impossible for us to lose! Suck it, Demon Kingy!

At that point though, he noticed something that had turned him to stone. Something that Gowther and Merlin had already noticed since a long time now.

Demon King = PL: 510.155 (Force: 340,155, Magic: 160.000, Spirit: 6500)

Mael realized that all the attacks thrown on the Demon King weren't damaging him at all. In fact, he was reacting and blocking every single one of them perfectly with his tentacles.

At that moment, the King decided to make his first attack and with a single circular stroke of his tentacles sent Mael, King and Diane to fly. Mael and especially Diane were considerably injured. King was the only one that went unhurt because he was the only one who was attacking the Demon King remotely, but his spears were destroyed too.

With one strike he had lowered the morale of the whole alliance altogether. Not even with giving everything they had, managed to do something. Not to mention that he still didn't seem to be serious at all.

Their chances of winning pretty much lowered to zero with that brief exchange.

With only one hit, the God of Demons made it clear that he was on a totally different level but the Alliance was still not willing to give up. King, Diane and Mael got up again and the wounds inflicted by him were healed by Elizabeth.

- Demon King: I don't understand. Why are you all still fighting knowing fully well that you don’t have a chance? All I'm trying to do is break Elizabeth's curse and give her the repose of death.

- King: Shut up! We won't let you lay a finger on Elizabeth, let alone kill her.

- Diane: Elizabeth is our precious companion with whom we have shared good and bad moments. You're not going to kill her!

- Mael: If you want to do any harm to Elizabeth, it will be over my corpse!

- Elizabeth: Guys... I don't know how to thank you. I will inevitably die in a day, but I don't intend to do it before Meliodas is saved from such a ruin. Let's force him out of his body!

- Ludoshel: Stop now with this farce! Haven’t you noticed yet? He has sent us all flying in one blow and he's not even fighting seriously. Do you think we have any chance? If we throw ourselves at him, we will be completely massacred. It makes no sense to keep fighting.

- Demon King: Leader of the Four Archangels, I see you're the only one with a hint of logic in this suicide group. Decided! If you don't do anything stupid, I'll leave you alive.

- Gowther: Ludoshel, you're right. Our chances of victory are almost 0. I can fully understand your way of thinking, perhaps it's the most logical among all of those here present. There was a time that I also thought this way, but as you can see everyone here prefers to die protecting what is important to them than to give it up.

- Mael: You've disappointed me, brother. I used to admire you, but now that I see you better, you're just a coward.

Having said that, the second round started. King attacked again with his Fifth Form: Increase. Hundreds of spears flew in the direction of the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: Hmph, do you really think that will work?

He started blocking all the spears with his tentacles. This time, but, it was different as a spear scratched his face.

- Demon King: What?

As he turned around, he saw the source of that. Using the magic Bend Room, Merlin altered the spears’ trajectory in the last second, making it much harder for him to react to them.

Mael also joined and with his razors of light began to attack the King nonstop. This time he was showing signs of being slightly pressured, as King's attacks, with their course being reversed to the last second by Merlin, were difficult to predict, even more so with Mael on top of him.

- Diane: Diamond Tower.

Having been dancing for quite a while now, she was ready. The Sin of Envy caused the earth around her to tremble, and a huge diamond tower worth a hundred meters tall emerged from the ground. Although the tower itself did nothing, it made him lower his guard for a second. Elizabeth jumped on him and hit him with Ark in the head. Of course, that didn't do anything too, it just bothered him a little and made his guard even lower. In that instant, Merlin used her teleport to get Gowther to stand right behind the King.

- Gowther: Blackout Arrow.

- Merlin: Increase!

He could not evade that attack and was hit by the arrow on his chest.

- King: Status Promotion

The arrow that even with Merlin's Increase only allowed him to lose his concentration a little bit for a few seconds, was amplified several times with King's Status Promotion, leaving the King temporarily asleep.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube- reciting those words the Sin of Gluttony wrapped the Demon King in the Perfect Cube.

- King: Pollen Garden

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe

King, Diane and Merlin: Combined technique: Triple Prison.

With this technique, he had been locked in three barriers.

- Merlin: Now, Gowther, have him recite the commandment expulsion spell.

- Gowther: Okay.

During that process, on the other hand, Ludoshel couldn't believe how cowardly and pathetic he was.

- Hawk: I can't believe how cowardly you are. You're one of the strongest here and you can't even move a finger? Pathetic! And you call yourself the leader of the Four Archangels?

- Hendrickson: Enough, Hawk-san! Ludoshel-sama is not that kind of…

- Ludoshel: Hendrickson, it’s fine. This pig is telling the truth. Long ago, all my family and friends were massacred by demons. What led me to train to become one of the strongest warriors in the goddesses’ clan was the desire to protect those who were important to me, to not lose them because of my weakness and those monsters called demons. But still, look at me now. I am even shaking with fear at the thought of facing what lies ahead, but they are not shaking in the same situation and face it with all they have. They are much braver than I could ever be.

- Escanor: I am also a coward by nature, but what will give you less remorse: to lose them and to not have done anything or to do everything in your power to prevent their death?

- Ludoshel: ...

Meanwhile, the spell had already been recited but something strange happened. The commandments were not coming out of Meliodas's body. It was as if the spell had no effect.

Suddenly, the triple prison began to tremble and was then destroyed by the King's tentacles in the Sins' surprise who could not believe what they were seeing.

He came out with a few scratches on his body. Something that could hardly be called wounds. The combined attack that contained all the power of the Sins had only done that, scratches.

- Gowther: N-No it can't be! Why the commandments haven’t come out of your body? You should have returned to-

- Demon King: Normal? I'm sorry to disappoint you but have you forgotten that my magic The Ruler makes any magic attack ineffective against me, no matter the nature? I was just pretending to be slightly threatened by your games, so you could develop a small glimpse of hope only to be instantly destroyed seconds later. I love doing that, you know.

- Gowther: But then, how come 3,000 years ago you were affected?

- Demon King: The scale of that power was completely different from that. The Original Gowther, much more powerful than you by the way, used all its life force and all your power as a doll. Also, at the time that happened I was facing off with the Supreme Deity and my magic The Ruler was partially deactivated to not be affected by- Ups, forgive me, I almost revealed some secrets of my magic that might have given you some opportunity. Well, not that it matters since you all are too weak, now it's my turn!

Merlin, who saw that they were going to be massacred, tried to teleport them all far away, but it was too late.

A scythe appeared behind her making a big cut at her back, sealing her magic.

- Demon King: Silence - one of the tattoos of his tentacles had gone and transformed into that scythe.

- King: Those are the skills that Mael with the absorbed Commandments used but on a much larger scale! Shit!

- Diane: I'm not going to let you go with this!

- King: Stop Diane you're not going to-

- Demon King: Patience - another tattoo left and turned into a cloud of smoke that left Diane completely paralyzed and unable to move.

- King: Why you... Bastard! - King charged at full speed preparing his Fossilization.

- Demon King: Repose - another smoke came out of one of his tattoos, this time King was the one affected, falling completely asleep.

- Demon King: Piety - another tattoo came out to form a giant sword. He would go for King- If I cut you with this, you're going to be the victim of deadly brainwashing that's going to make you my dog for all eternity. Since I am running out of useful subordinates, it only makes sense that I will have to recruit new ones.

- Diane: S-Stop!

At that time, Mael intervened, delivering a big blow to his back with his Helios Flare. Mael expected to catch him off guard but the attack was easily blocked by one of his secondary arms. The King quickly seized Mael with the arm with which he had blocked the attack.

- Demon King: Normal curses won't work on you because of the protection that the Supreme Deity gave you. A real nuisance. But not all commandments can be used as curses, there are some that can be used physically. Love!

An energy ball was formed in the other tentacle of the King.

- Elizabeth: Please, I beg you, stop!

The King, ignoring the princess's words, tossed the ball at Mael producing a big explosion. The explosive zone produced wiped out dozens of mountains on the horizon.

Of course, Mael was unconscious and thrown to the ground.

- Demon King: I guess it's time to end this.

The dark thorns on his back disappeared instantly and became a gravitational field hundreds of times the Earth's gravity, crushing everyone like flies. Everyone, except Elizabeth of course, he had made sure Elizabeth was the only one who could move as the time for torturing her approached.

- Demon King: Pacifism - another tattoo left his body, becoming a giant mouth. Whoever breathed the gas from his mouth would quickly age until he or she became bones.

- Elizabeth: Stop!

And when she said that, she imbued her hands in Ark and began to beat the Demon King with all her strength nonstop. Yet unfortunately, everything was useless, the Demon King didn’t even move from the spot.

- Demon King: You're going to have to do better than that if you want to make me feel something. Come on, try as much as you can, as everything will be useless, just like 3,000 years ago.

Elizabeth kept beating him, tears of helplessness began to come out of her face. In his current state, he couldn't do anything against him. Maybe if she had been in her original goddess body she could have done something, but it was still of no use thinking about it. Elizabeth concentrated and launched a big Let There Be Light towards the Demon King.

Unsurprisingly, that did nothing, either.

- Demon King: Are you done? Well, I think the preparations are ready.

- Elizabeth: STOP!

At that moment, a flash came out of the sky in the direction of the Demon King and hit him in full force. Ludoshel, the leader of the four Archangels, was the cause of it. He had thrown himself directly at him with all his speed with the intention of cutting his head with his sword made of light. Sadly, these intentions did not come true, as the demon's neck only saw a small cut from which he drew a little blood. Nothing serious, yet that cut was enough to surprise and cut his concentration. The mortal gravitational field, as well as the Pacifism decree that he had invoked, disappeared and everyone was quick to recover again. The time he had been on the ground was enough for Mael to heal his wounds a little. The moment they left the gravitational field, King used his Pollen Garden to heal everyone quickly inside of it.

- Demon King: Back to fight, Ludoshel? I had you like the most rational person of that bunch of idiots but from what I see you're also equal to them after all. Not that it matters since, in the end, the result will be the same. I would have given you a clean death if you surrendered, but now that you have regained hope it will be even better. I'm going to break you slowly until all this hope vanishes and then take your head to the Supreme Deity as a gift.

- Ludoshel: Mph, if I still have to die at the hands of a demon, I prefer to do it by fighting to the bitter end.

- Demon King: Do you think you have any chance against me? Even if you came to help, the situation still remains the same. You're all going to die.

- Ludoshel: Hmph, will it really be like that? Gowther!

- Gowther:

- Ludoshel: I haven't forgotten what you did to my brother yet. Because of you all our clan fell into ruin and to be honest make a team now and ask a favour from you disgusts me, but there is no other option. Transmit all my thoughts to them!

While Gowther was smiling, he used his Invasion skill to get into Ludoshel's mind and pass his plans on to the rest of her companions.

- Mael: Brother, are you sure of this? We have never tried it before and our opponent is the Demon King.

- Ludoshel: I know that, but we have no choice now. It’s try it or die.

The Sins and Elizabeth did not respond and instead threw themselves into the attack altogether, while Mael and Ludoshel stayed behind.

King attacked with his Increase, while Diane attacked with his hammer ceaselessly. Elizabeth meanwhile imbued her palms with Ark and started beating him. Merlin used Endless Whirl to keep his field of vision low.

- Demon King: You’re getting out of ideas, just surrender already!

After blocking all of their attacks, thorns left out of his tentacles and immediately crossed everyone.

Even with deadly injuries, the Sins did not stop their attacks. The King could not understand that useless resistance until he finally did when he saw Mael and Ludoshel appear behind his back with some kind of portal in their hands. He could not react on time and was swallowed by the portal alongside Mael and Ludoshel. The aim of the Sins was to distract him and buy time for both Mael and Ludoshel to carry out their combined technique.

All those left on that plane fell tired and wounded. Yet, King and Elizabeth, both of whom had healing skills, started to heal everyone.

- King: Merlin, do you think that's going to work?

- Merlin: I don't have any idea, what do you think, Sis-sis?

- Elizabeth: To be frank I don't know either. That's the first time I've seen Ludoshel determined that way and that combined technique. Honestly, I think it's impossible that that's enough to beat the Demon King.

The faces of everyone darkened in an instant.

- Elizabeth: Still, the Demon King is weakened by not taking full control of Meliodas's body, so in that case perhaps a miracle could happen. “Ludoshel, Mael, I wish you both the best luck…”

The Demon King got up. He seemed to be in a desert with a sun in the middle of the sky and full of mirrors floating in the air.

- Demon King: Tsk, that scum... It seems to be a dimension created by the blessings given by the Supreme Deity to the Archangels.

- Ludoshel: That’s right. Grave this landscape well because it will be the last you see.

Demon King started smiling.

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha. Have you become senile? These dimensions can easily be destroyed if the power of the person who is locked up is greater than that of the summoner.

The Ruler of all demons raised one of his tentacles. A ball made of Hellblaze was formed to try to destroy the dimension, but it had no effect.

- Ludoshel: Satisfied?

- Demon King: “What is the meaning of this? Definitely what I said is true, but there is something strange. Bastard... what the hell is this?”

Suddenly he felt a great presence behind him. Someone was getting closer and whoever he was, he had tremendous power.

- ???: Don't you understand it yet, little ignorant? This is your grave!

The figure came close enough for him to see it. It was Mael, but with a completely different appearance than before. Now he was much more muscular and taller than before. The clothes had completely disappeared from the waist up and a golden layer of fire spread on his back. He had a total of eight wings now. There was no mistake, that was his Noon state.

Mael approached him until he was in front of him, looking at him as if he was some insect that just happened to get in the way.

- Demon King: Oho, looks like you'll be able to entertain me for a little longer than before now.

- Mael: Entertain you? Don't say nonsense. I, Mael, will slaughter you and take your body to the Supreme Deity as a gift. Start doing your prayers.

- Demon King: It seems you don't understand. I don't need to pray to any god for my safety, because I am one myself. I'm the one who decides that kind of thing. Now, disappear!

The Demon King used his tentacles to quickly tie Mael up from above, but to his surprise, Mael easily dodged it by vanishing for a few moments from his eyes. Another instant went through and Mael appeared again to hit him in the face. The hit gave rise to tremendous air raids that caused the entire dimension to shake.

The God of all demons stopped Mael’s fist using his real arm this time. His hand trembled because of the impact.

- Demon King: Tsk, little shit!

The tentacles moved and tried to cross Mael once more, but the Archangel moved quickly again and managed to dodge them again, standing just a few centimetres behind them. Mael grabbed both arms and pulled them, and ended up dragging the Demon King to him and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Ugh!

- Mael: You start to understand why it's going to be your grave or do you want more?

The King quickly hit him with his fist in his stomach and then kicked him. The blows sent Mael flying some meters.

- Demon King: I understand that if any more words come pouring of your cunt mouth, not even death will be enough punishment for your offence.

Mael got up again. The wounds of his opponent's fists were mild and the damage was very surface. Mael quickly recovered.

- Demon King: “As much as I hate the idea, as long as I don't get complete control over this body, it will be difficult to get rid of him. Not to mention the fact that it shouldn’t be and yet here he is, being in that state. Which means that the sun of this dimension makes it able to use that power to the fullest continuously. Then there are the mirrors that I don't know what they're doing yet. How annoying...”

- Mael: Any last words?

- Demon King: Hmph, before I kill you, why you never used that skill during the Holy War? With that, you could have defeated my strongest warriors.

- Ludoshel: The warriors of our clan are few but very strong, in contrast to your clan's many but not so strong. There were many open fronts of battle, which made it very rare for two Archangels to meet together. We had to separate, that's why. But with you alone, that won’t be a problem anymore.

- Demon King: “I don't know what those mirrors do yet, but surely nothing good. If I have to fight Mael in this form in my current state, I don't need interference. I definitely have to take Ludoshel first. But let’s try something before…

- Demon King: True Night!

The darkness began to fill the sky full of light but still could not cover the sky completely. In fact, it seemed as if its darkness was losing in the light of those two.

- Mael: Do you really believe that that weak darkness would be able to extinguish my sun?

- Ludoshel: True Night only works if your opponent's magic is less than yours. In that case, mine and Mael's together won't lose against yours.

- Demon King: Tsk, you really know how to piss me off. It doesn't matter, you're going to perish at the end.

The Demon King quickly lowered the distance between him and Ludoshel.

- Ludoshel: Reinvigorate!

- Demon King: “Healing Magic? It can’t be! Has he already discovered the weakness of my magic the Ruler?”

He dodged the attack and attacked Ludoshel with his tentacles, which cut him in half.

- Demon King: “I killed him? So fast?”

The King's suspicions came true. Suddenly, the magic that had dodged returned to him and hit him from behind, bringing him to his knees for a moment.

- Demon King: What was that?

As he turned around he saw what had happened. The magic that had evaded before had been reflected by one of the mirrors. Ludoshel was inside that same one.

- Demon King: So that's your skill, huh? “Now I know the nature of his power. I know he can place himself and move through those mirrors at high speeds. He can attack through them and even if you dodge the attack, another mirror can reflect it back to you. Even if I know this, the cost has been great, now he also knows the secrets of my ability…”

- Ludoshel: Mael, the power of the Demon King makes it able to invert any damage into healing and fortification. His weakness was precisely healing attacks, which, following the principle of inversion, became attacks that would harm him. From what I've seen so far, that magic only works in magic attacks.

- Mael: Okay, let's crush him then, brother.

- Demon King: “His explanation has been almost perfect. A short distance fighter the skill of which I cannot easily get rid of as I am now and a support that knows my weaknesses, is intelligent and is considered the best hunter of his clan. This battle will be much more complicated than I imagined…”

He didn't have time to think much longer as Mael struck again with a kick.

He also counterattacked with a kick. The dimension trembled again.

Ludoshel put himself on the King's back through mirrors and used Revigorate again. Before that, though…

- Demon King: Hermit of Moments.

And when he said this, his tentacles began to contort into a monstrous creature, whose arms consisted of multiple tentacles.

The monster quickly jumped to Ludoshel and attacked him with its tentacles. Ludoshel avoided his attack by moving through mirrors and attacked the monster with Ark. The monster dodged it too.

- Ludoshel: “It is fast, almost as fast as my Flash and its attacks are not at all dull…”

Mael and the DK continued to exchange blows one after the other without stopping. The two had similar strength, but the King was more skilled and for every blow Mael connected, he connected two or three. The exchange of blows ended with a kick of the King on Mael's face and a punch from Mael on the King's face. Both split up and Mael jumped in the air.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

A giant sun came out of Mael's palm and crashed directly into the ground, causing a huge cloud of dust that caused the King's vision to diminish considerably.

He looked around and at the last second saw Mael on top of him with both hands forming sharp sables of light. The King was able to dodge the cut, even though he got scratched a little bit.

The King created sables with his hands too using his darkness and attacked Mael with them.

On Ludoshel’s side, the creature created by the King continued to push him back more and more

- Ludoshel: “Tsk, I'm going to have to go with everything if I want to get rid of this creature.”

Ludoshel came out of the mirrors with both hands turned into light sables in the direction of the monster. The thing unfurled the tentacles of an arm in the Archangel's direction, who eluded them using his grace Flash, leaving a residual image of him in the place where he had previously been. Ludoshel was now behind the hermit and attacked with both swords to its back. To his surprise, the demon was able to react and block his attack with the tentacles of the other arm. Both were submerged in an intense battle of speed. The tentacles of the monster clashed with the angel's sharp razors of light.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine!

A big flash of light was emitted from Ludoshel's body, which blinded the monster for a few moments. During that moment, the Archangel grabbed both of its arms.

The monster, seeing that, tried to pull Ludoshel's head off from a bite, but the Angel was again faster.

- Ludoshel: Lightning Spree!

Dozens of rays of light came out of all directions through the mirrors. The monster, being unable to flee because of Ludoshel's grip, ate the blow completely. It ended up filled with holes.

- Ludoshel: Omega Ark!

Ludoshel used that technique to wrap the devil in a big sphere of light, which ended up exploding, taking the demon's life away.

- Ludoshel: The moment you challenged me in a speed battle, you sealed all your chances of victory.

Mael continued to clash with the Demon King in a sword battle. The King blocked one vertical slash from Mael with one hand and with the other quickly penetrated his arm. Mael tried to cut him with the other arm but the Ruler of all demons dodged the attack again by jumping and putting himself above Mael's head.

- Demon King: Go to hell. Thunderclap

A huge bolt of lightning came out of his hand, striking Mael from the head and creating a crater of at least worth a kilometre deep in the dimension.

When the smoke cleared, he couldn't be more surprised. His attack had given severe burns on the entire body of the Angel, but he hadn’t moved. Worse still, he had his hand seized.

- Demon King: Shit...

- Mael: My turn.

As Mael said those words, he began to turn the Demon King with both hands. The speed was such that the generated air was producing a tornado.

- Demon King: Fucking bastard!

- Mael: Disappear from my sight. Divine Punishment!

Mael threw the King to the ground with all the speed of rotation. The King couldn't do anything to prevent it. Not only did he crash directly into the ground, but for miles, he continued to crawl along with it.

When he finally stopped, the King was soaked in blood and burns. Still, he didn't have time to curse, since, by the time he looked up, Mael was on top of him again.

With his hand, he tried to break the King's neck.

Still, the King jumped and dodged Mael's attack, which made a big crack on the ground.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Snow.

The King crossed his hands and dark balls 1 meter worth in size appeared around Mael.

- Mael: Holy Explosion.

Mael caused all the heat emanating from his body to be expelled in an instant, which made the dark balls heading towards him melt.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

He made his darkness spread around him. That expanding darkness ended up clashing with Mael's light and heat, which caused a huge explosion.

Both of them were fired. Still, the King was quicker to recover and quickly stood behind Mael stabbing him in the chest with a sword made of Darkness.

- Mael: Graahh!

- Demon King: This is the end!

When he prepared for the final strike, something hit him from behind that brought him to his knees.

He turned around and saw the cause of the attack. Seeing Ludoshel, he had instantly understood that his servant had been defeated. Mael used that opening to hold the Demon King by both arms.

- Mael: Now, brother!

Ludoshel began to strike the King relentlessly with Revigorate, who was unable to dodge the attack and was hit hard.

Still, when the dust left Ludoshel couldn't believe what he was seeing. Not only the DK had not been hurt at all, but the majority of his wounds had been healed.

- Ludoshel: I-Impossible, that attack should have affected you. Unless...

- Demon King: Exactly, you didn't take into account the fact that I can activate and deactivate my magic at will, that's why you've healed me. A serious mistake on your part. Clearly, you underestimated me and underestimating a God leads to nothing good.

The King freed himself from Mael's clutches and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Now, it seems it's time to end this. Sighting Sage!

When those words were uttered, his tentacles lying on the ground after being defeated by Ludoshel began to recover and formed a monstrous head that began to fly quickly to fire powerful rays of dark energy that provoked large explosions. Ludoshel’s mirrors began to be destroyed one after the other.

- Ludoshel: Ugh! Damn it!

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha, this is over.

In the real World

- Diane: Damn it! Can't we really do anything?

- King: Diane, I understand how you feel but we have no way to go to that dimension. All we can do now is trust them. Trust in their victory.

- Merlin: We must prepare for the worst, though. If they lose...

- ???: Do you really think those two will be able to defeat father?

Everyone turned around. The figure who spoke was Zeldris, the executioner and youngest son of the DK, who had recovered from all his wounds.

- King: You're still…

Escanor and Hendi began to waver in fear. The rest of the Sins stood guard.

- Zeldris: Don't worry, I won't fight you. My goal to fight was to make Meliodas the new Demon King, now that I know everything is a lie, I have no reason to fight any more.

- Elizabeth: That's not true! Zeldris... You didn't really fight to make Meliodas the new Demon King, you were struggling to see your beloved Gelda again.

- Zeldris: T-You! How do you know about her?

- Elizabeth: Meliodas told me about you and her. You were inseparable, but one day the Demon King forced you to kill her along with the Vampire Clan. Still, you weren't able to do it and ended up sealing all of them. A few years ago the seal broke and she was released. Realizing that she was going to live in a world without you he asked Meliodas to kill her, yet he ended up sealing her again. You and Meliodas made a promise in which if you helped him become the Demon King in order to break the curse inflicted upon him, he would liberate Gelda. This is the real reason as to why you were so reluctant on making Meliodas the new King, isn’t it?

- Zeldris: Even if that’s the case, does it matter at this point? Meliodas is no longer in this world as Father’s Darkness and power consumed him and with it the secret of where Gelda is and how to break the seal. I have nothing else to do here.

- Elizabeth: That's not true, Meliodas is still alive and comes here as we speak now. One of our colleagues went to Purgatory to save him and came back to tell us that the rescue was a success.

- Zeldris: And how am I supposed to know you're not cheating me the same way Father did? Can you show it somehow?

- Elizabeth: No, I can't.

- Zeldris: So, what's your point?

- Elizabeth: You must make a decision. Either you trust your Father and you remain his puppet forever and never see Gelda again or you trust us, you help us defeat the Demon King along with Meliodas and see Gelda again.

- Zeldris: ...

- Elizabeth: I won't force you to decide, I'm just asking you to make your decision, to be firm with the wishes of your heart.

- Zeldris: “I have always imposed loyalty above my own desires and at the end what I have won with it? Father has always seen me as a second choice, I have always been his puppet and I have ended up doing things I didn't want to do. The current situation is also my fault partially…

- Elizabeth: So?

- Zeldris: Argh! Okay, I'll help you. I promise you that until Meliodas comes back I won't let you die yet.

- Elizabeth: Zeldris...

- Zeldris: Don't be confused, I'm just doing it to make sure Meliodas releases Gelda. If he came back and saw his beloved dead, perhaps that would change his mind.

- Elizabeth: Then it’s decided! If we win this battle and I haven't kept my promise, you can kill me or do whatever you want with me. It's a promise!

Zeldris nodded. A temporary alliance had been formed.

Meanwhile, in the dimension created by the Graces, the battle between the King and the Archangels was intensifying even more.

Ludoshel was creating more mirrors as they were being destroyed by the DK's sage.

Mael and the King collided and exchanged blows over and over.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Mael quickly threw a sun at the sage created by the DK and completely evaporated it. However, this came at an expensive price as it made him show an opening and the King didn’t miss the opportunity, stabbing him in the heart with a hand.

Mael badly wounded attempted to crush his head with his hand, however, the Ruler of the Underworld was faster.

- Demon King: Thunderclap.

A huge lightning bolt came out of the hand with which he had stabbed him.

- Mael: Gah!

- Demon King: This is over.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate!

The Archangel fired a healing spell at the DK, while he threw himself towards him. Ludoshel anticipated the fact that the DK would turn off his magic and made his magic bounce with a mirror to heal Mael, while he clashed with the King, who easily blocked his attack.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine

Ludoshel let out a big flash of light that momentarily blinded the King. That moment was exploited by Mael.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Having deactivated his magic and been blinded, he was struck hard by the attack, which caused a massive explosion, leaving a huge crater in the centre.

- Ludoshel: Mael, I won't be able to keep this up much longer. My body is about to disappear. We must end this here and now.

- Mael: I agree, let's end up here and now with this scum brother.

Meanwhile, inside the crater, the King had risen again. The top of his clothes was completely burned, exposing his muscles with severe burns. With his darkness, he healed his wounds the best he could, but the damage was still there.

- Demon King: “Tsk, damn scum. At this rate, it will be hard for me to win. You haven't given up yet, Meliodas?”

In the spiritual world that lied within Meliodas’ body, the emotionless Meliodas in Assault Mode was confronting the soul of half of the Demon King, formed by the 10 Commandments.

The battle so far had been completely one-sided. The emotionless Meliodas couldn’t do anything and was full of wounds.

- Demon King: I didn't expect less from you, my son, but your resistance is futile, just give me your body already.

Meliodas didn’t answer and with the same technique he crushed Zeldris and Estarossa easily, Meliodas tried to subjugate his Father, but it was of no use. The Demon King was not moving at all. With a move of his hand, he shot a large torrent of horizontal darkness towards Meliodas that seriously wounded him again.

- Demon King: Before, you gave me that very smart talk through that pig, acting as if you were something more than my puppet, but no matter how hard you try, you are and will continue to be my puppet for all eternity. Now, die!

- Meliodas: “I have to resist, I haven't fulfilled my promise with Zeldris. I can't let this end like that in any way!”

Back in the real world, the King shot a bolt of lightning from the bottom of the ground where Ludoshel and Mael were. Once he had reached the surface, something hit him.

- Demon King: What?

When the smoke dissipated, he observed a large number of healing spells and Suns bouncing within the space filled with mirrors, over and over again.

- Demon King: So they want to finish this here and now, huh? I accept this defiance, scumbags.

The King began to dodge both healing magics and Suns moving at great speed, waiting for Mael or Ludoshel to come out of the mirrors.

Until it happened. Ludoshel came out of a mirror behind his back.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

Anticipating this, he once again extended his darkness as a field around him that began to destroy the mirrors. Ludoshel was struck by that Nebula, yet he did not surrender and with his remaining forces and using his Flash grace managed to go through the King's camp and grab him.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate

Using his remaining vital energy, Ludoshel made his last healing spell, doing great damage to the King, who had the Ruler deactivated.

- Demon King: Bastard!

- Ludoshel: Now, Mael!

Mael left the ground. He had been delicately hiding his aura so that he would not notice his presence. The small Suns and healing spells had only been a distraction.

- Mael: Divine Clap.

Mael concentrated all his magic and warmth on his hand, which took a glow reddish by the amount of power concentrated there.


Mael crossed the chest of the Demon King, along with his brother Ludoshel, who was holding him so he couldn't escape.

A big explosion that enveloped the entirety of the dimension occurred. What was left after that attack was smoke and Mael with his older brother held in arms. The state of Ludoshel was deplorable, he had a huge hole on what had previously been his chest and his body was full of burns and disappearing.

- Mael: B-Brother... I...

- Ludoshel: Don't say anything, Mael. You did what you had to do. I have dedicated my whole life to war and the eradication of demons, so it is only fair that the cause of my death is also because of that purpose.

- Mael: And how the hell am I supposed to live without you? You're the one who gave me everything and made me who I am today. I really wanted to be like you.

- Ludoshel: Don't say nonsense, you're much better than me. You always had better latent potential and a much better heart than mine. Now I see it clearly. You're not like me, who just had on his head to kill demons and impose those ideals on others. I neglected what really mattered. In fact, now that I think about it, Nerobasta did a lot for me and really loved me, but I never paid any attention to her. My mind could never go beyond killing, but I'm sure you won't fail where I failed. From now on and always, it doesn't matter what your actions are, I will always be supporting you from the afterlife. Goodbye Mael, I'm really glad I had you as a brother...

Tears appeared on Ludoshel's face as his body disappeared.

Meanwhile, in the real world

- Diane: It’s taking them a lot of time. Have they really succeeded?

- Merlin: Whatever the case, we have to be prepared for the worst.

- Zeldris: I agree, even if he hasn't completely mastered the body of my brother yet, my father remains a monster to be reckoned with.

- King: You seem to have him in great esteem.

- Zeldris: Not for nothing, he managed to take full control of the underworld, where chaos and disorder reigned. He's a monster that was considered to be the first ruler of the demon realm. We have to start thinking of a strategy as soon as possible, or I fear defeating him will be impossible.

- Merlin: Do you know his skills? This is what we should first know in full detail.

- Zeldris: You've seen that he has extraordinary physical abilities. Besides that, he can also use the commandments absorbed as curses. He has vast knowledge of the dark arts too but his most fearsome ability has its same title, "The Ruler." This allows father to reverse the effects of any magical attack. The only way to damage him with magical attacks is if these are healing or give him strength.

- Merlin: I see, considering all this I think I have an idea that can lead us to victory... Gowther, can you spread my thoughts to the rest, please?

- Gowther: No problem.

Gowther used his ability to convey them to all Merlin's thoughts. Instantly everyone was surprised.

- King: Do you really think this is going to work, Merlin?

- Merlin: It's our best choice. If we want to get out of here alive and defeat the Demon King that is best plan we can come with as of now. Though, to be honest, the chances of succeeding are still very low.

- Zeldris and Elizabeth: ...

They didn't have much more time left. Suddenly, the portal in which Mael and Ludoshel vanished along with the Demon King, opened again.

Everyone was on alert, waiting to see who came out of that portal.

After waiting for a few seconds that became an eternity, the Sins noticed a fierce and colossal presence. Everyone started to sweat cold, their bodies stalled. It seemed as if death itself approached them and they could do nothing.

- Elizabeth: E-Everyone… RUN AWAY!

Too late. A hand of colossal, demonic size came out of the portal and immediately fired an energy beam that completely disintegrated the bodies of Hendrickson and Gilthunder, who couldn’t react in time at all.

No one could believe what had just happened in front of them. No one moved, everyone was holding their own breath as if their life was in it. A figure began to leave the portal.

A few minutes before in the dimension created by Flash and Sun.

- Mael: Brother...

- ???: Have you said all your last words to him already?

Both Archangels turned around. A lightning strike fell on Ludoshel's body, completely annihilating him. Mael was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The King was still alive and standing with a hole in his chest. Smiling, he said:

- Demon King: I can't believe that two shits like you brought a God like me so far. But now everything is over. Where there is day, there is night and where there is hope there is despair and the despair you are about to experience is much worse than death. I'll break you slowly until you lose your sanity completely.

Demon King began to transform. Darkness filled the place completely and lightning began to fall from the sky.

His body grew much larger, thorns grew on his back, and his hands and legs adopted a much more monstrous appearance than before. Its strength also increased, to the point of being completely different from before. Mael couldn't believe what he was seeing.

- Mael: I-It can’t be…

- Demon King: Well, I guess I'll explain it to you. All this time I've been struggling in a body that wasn't under control yet. By completely breaking Meliodas, I can finally make use of the total power that lies in this body. Did you really believe that was all my power? No, of course not. It was presumptuous of you to believe that you would have a minimal chance of defeating me. Still, I’ll give you a chance to live. You have demonstrated a good deal of power and your willpower is also worth some praise, and I am short of loyal soldiers so, what do you think? I can give you my blood and convert you into a demon. You will be my right hand and together we will destroy that bitch named Supreme Deity.

- Mael: Stop fucking around! As if I could be friends with a being like you.

Mael attacks the King's face with the palm of his hand, delivering a powerful blow. A blow that was completely ineffective. The King contracted his colossal fist and sent Mael to crash against the ground, spitting a lot of blood in the process.

- Demon King: Then die!

Mael got up again and hit the ground with a big blow that broke a good portion of the earth in the dimension. He then put his hands on the broken part and raised a giant rock of land much larger than a mountain. He was burning in fury.

- Mael: Divine Punishment.

The rock was thrown at the King, who completely destroyed it with a ray of energy coming from his finger before it came to him.

Mael used the pieces of rock that remained in the air to propel himself. He did that over and over getting closer and closer to the King, while accumulating heat in his body.

- Mael: Divine Supernova.

Mael approached the King and released instantly all the heat accumulated inside him.

The explosion was gigantic, the whole dimension was half blown. Divine Supernova was Mael's most powerful attack, and once Mael had used it, he lost all his strength. Still, even with an attack of that level, the Demon King was left with only a few scratches that quickly disappeared.

- Mael: You have to be fucking kidding me... Just a few scratches…

- Demon King: You had your turn, now it’s mine!

Back in real time, in the real world, the Demon King came out of the portal with his monstrous and colossal appearance. In his hand was Mael's unconscious body. Thin and aged, with blood and bruises everywhere, he looked like a mummy. He threw him into a rock.

- Demon King: They put up quite a fight for being mere bugs.

- Elizabeth: Mael!!!

Elizabeth ran to him but the DK created an electricity cage in which he locked them all but Zeldris.

- Demon King: It's about time you all disappear from my sight too!

He joined both hands and began to create a giant sphere of electricity. The Sins inside the cage began to desperately debate to get out of there, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get out. Diane was attacking with her Gideon, Merlin was using Exterminate Ray and Shock Stinger. Elizabeth used his Ark, King the Guardian form. Nothing had any effect. The Sins began to turn pale. If an attack on that level struck, they would undoubtedly end up dying, but they could do nothing to destroy the King's lightning prison either.

On the other hand, the DK seemed to have finished his preparations.

- Demon King: Farewell. After this, not even your ashes will be left.

- ???: Magic Hunt

A shadow appeared and stood in the way of the King's attack, and with that appearance his attack began getting weaker.

- ???: Assault Hunt

The human figure began to move his fists at great speed and created a sphere of high-speed blows. When the DK's attack clashed with that sphere, there was a time when the two attacks remained the same, but finally, the mysterious person's attack overlapped, it destroyed the King's sphere and hundreds of blows immediately fell on him. Of course, he did almost no harm.

- Demon King: Oh! You're...

- Sins: B-Ban!

- Ban: Yo! I thought you were in trouble, so I'd give you a hand.

- King: Damn idiot, you took your time!

- Merlin: “Is it really him? He’s on a completely different level...”

- Demon King: Okay, and? No matter how many bugs dare to face against the elephant, it’s all meaningless. I think you know my power well, isn’t that right human? After all, you experienced it for over 60 years in a row. I'm even stronger now. Do you think you're going to change anything?

- Ban: No, if I was alone that is!

At that moment, the DK fell on his knees.

- Diane: What happened?

- Merlin: It looks like, finally, the biggest idiot of all has joined the party.

- Elizabeth: I always believed in him!

In the spiritual world, a figure stood before the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: So, you finally arrived, my son? Still, I won’t let you do what you want. This body is mine now. I'll kill you once and for all.

Before the King could finish those words, Meliodas hit him with his elbow, pushing him back slightly.

Meliodas looked at him intensively and determined, his face visibly angered.

- Meliodas: Stop spouting nonsense and come already.

In the real world, the King began to lose his giant shape and returned to its initial form. With the only difference that now he had no tentacles.

Gowther took that chance and struck Ban with his arrow to let him know of the plan that they had conceived together. With him there, the chances of succeeding significantly increased, but still, if they did a mistake, they would all regret it.

- Demon King: Had I known of all the problems you would create, I would have never let you live in Purgatory. This time I will certainly kill you both.

- Ban: Okay, let's go there Captain! Let's get that old stalker out of your body.

The DK and Ban began to quickly trade punches.

In the meantime, the Sins didn’t waste time. Everyone was in a position to attack the King again.

- Demon King: Storm of the Death.

Before they could attack he invoked an immensely toxic tempest, which forced the Sins to abandon the offensive and move on the defensive.

- King: Pollen Garden!

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

Combined technique: Ultimate shield.

With their combined powers, they protected themselves from the attack.

- King: Tsk, Ban stayed there. Will he be okay? This storm has enough power to kill any living being.

- Elizabeth: Ban-san...

- Demon King: “That should be enough to keep them busy for a while. Now, I'm going to have to deal with this bra-”.

Before he could finish the sentence, Ban hit the King in the face with all his might. The hit was stopped with his hand. Still, he wasn't able to avoid the next kick on the ribs.

- Demon King: Ugh, Rebellion!

Multiple dark swords formed behind Ban. Ban managed to dodge them all barely, since he got a few scratches.

In the spiritual world, the King was incessantly attacking his son, who was dodging all his attacks without much difficulty, until he hired with a kick that pushed the King back a few meters.

- Meliodas: You should go back to your original body in Purgatory, Father! You have no real chance of winning.

- Demon King: Do you really want that goddess booty that much?

Meliodas hit his Father again, this time with more force.

- Meliodas: Don't you dare mention her name!

- Demon King: “I see, in this spiritual world emotions and feelings change your strength, huh”

In the real world, Ban's kick caused the King's concentration to falter and the storm to stop. An instant later, King attacked with Chastiefol.

- Demon King: Perfect Cube.

A barrier was erected to protect him from the attack of the Sin.

- Merlin: Absolute Cancel!

The King's Cube was dissipated, which made Ban start to attacking him relentlessly again.

- Demon King: Tsk, those fucking... Zeldris, where are you? Help your father defeat those insects now!

But Zeldris didn't respond. In fact, he saw his body unconscious on the ground.

- Demon King: Tsk... Fucking useless!

Using Gift, Ban got him to kneel. Merlin, King and Elizabeth took that moment. "Combined Technique: Triple Prison." A three-layer prison was formed wrapping the King. The inner layer was Merlin's Perfect Cube, the second layer was King's Pollen Garden, and the third layer was Elizabeth's Ark.

Still, it didn't end there. Tens and tens of different spells wrapped around him and began to attack him relentlessly. There was both healing magic and attack magic, so he couldn't cancel everything simply deactivating his magic.

The real problem with that attack was not the damage he received. That was rather little. The real problem was that more and more explosions continued to take place inside the triple prison and the concentration of oxygen started to falter.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas cut a horn of his Father.

- Demon King: Why do you insist on seeing Elizabeth? She's already dead. Because your friends were so weak and you so utterly incompetent, I was able to remove his curse and end his life once and for all.

- Meliodas: What? It can't be. It has to be a lie...

- Demon King: You think so?

He showed a picture of Elizabeth massacred and dead to him. Meliodas, who didn't know the situation outside, started panicking. Normally, that would not have diminished his power at all, but in the spiritual world where power depends more on the emotional state than anything else, that action was fatal to him.

The Demon King, who had been waiting for that moment for most of the battle, did not waste time. With his sword, he began to attack Meliodas with a series of swift attacks that seriously injured him. Due to all the mess happening on the outside he couldn’t concentrate his full strength on the inside, making him weaker and thus getting overpowered. The same applied to the outside self, since his inner self was having so much trouble, he got considerably weaker because of that, but that was over now.

In the real world, the King had gained more control over his son’s body again. With the body full of burns, bruises and blood, the King shouted "Dark Nebula" and then followed a huge dark explosion that eviscerated the three shields.

When he left, the King saw that Elizabeth was preparing her Let There Be Light and quickly ran into her at full speed. "Prison Sword". He made a great sword made of pure darkness in his hand to cleave Elizabeth in two, but his thrust was stopped by Ban, this time in great trouble.

- Demon King: “What? He could barely keep up with me when I was weakened. Now that I have regained more control over this body, he should not be able to... Wait, that's...”

The King finally understood. Ban had used his Hunter Fest to steal the power of his mates and make himself stronger. Stronger enough to compete against him in his current state.

Going back to the spiritual world, Meliodas's emotions lied on the ground almost unconscious. His Father had gone somewhere else, probably to regain full control of his body.

- Meliodas: My friends must be putting him through a bad time, I can't give up yet

- ???: "Exactly, you can't give up yet."

A voice rang next to him. It was the emotionless Meliodas, in a near-death state.

- Meliodas (emotions): You... What are you doing alive? I thought father had...

- Meliodas (emotionless): And he would have done it if it wasn't because he felt severely pressured against whoever he was struggling and once I got unconscious, he didn’t even bother to check if I was dead. One thing is for sure, our friends are out there fighting our father with everything they have and more. Pressing him to such an extent that he doesn’t even have time to check whether we're dead or not. In those conditions you're really going to give up?

- Meliodas (emotions): It's useless, I don't have the strength to get up and even if I had it, to live in a world where Elizabeth is dead forever doesn't make sense. I've been here for over 3,000 years, it's about time to rest.

The emotionless Meliodas hit him in the face and grabbed him by the head.

- Meliodas (emotionless): So, are you going to remain the puppet of father and do whatever he wants? Why do you think she told you that Elizabeth was dead? So you'd despair and that you'd give up. In this spiritual world, despair equals death. He realized that and that's why he told you that lie.

- Meliodas (emotions): But how do you know it's a lie? With the difference of strength between him and my friends, the most reasonable thing is to think she has already killed her.

- Meliodas (emotionless): Now you distrust your classmates? The fact that our father left us alive indicates that he is being heavily pressured from the outside. Your friends are giving everything to defeat him and you talk about rest? The memories I have of the Meliodas with emotions are not those of a weak guy like you. Get up! If you can't, I'll lend you my strength. It doesn't matter if you can’t save your classmates and Elizabeth. You do everything you can, as you have always done so far!

- Meliodas (emotions): Yes... I'm sorry to give you so many headaches mate...

Having said that, the emotionless Meliodas merged with his counterpart with emotions. The spiritual world began to tremble for the liberated power. The Demon King clearly felt the presence.

- Demon King: This power... I have to kill the insects outside right now.

In the real world, the god of all demons and Ban continued their clash of forces. The veins were more marked on the King's body now.

- Demon King: Don't think you can win... You're nothing more than a simple, stupid human!

Having said that, the King strengthened the grip of his sword and cut Ban's right arm as well as part of his shoulder, and kicked him out of his reach.

- Demon King: You're next bitch!

The King hurled at her like a furious hound and cut off her head, but something strange happened. Elizabeth's supposed head turned into Gowther's.

- Demon King: “An illusion... It can't be! How? When? Don't tell me it was the moment I was locked in the Perfect Cube? When I was under the pressure of all those spells, was that one of these spells? You little..."

- Gowther: I had to put all my magic on it. Otherwise, the result would have been the same as before!

The King looked up to find the real Elizabeth that had accumulated a great deal of magical power and chased after her again.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

The King's body clashed with the Cube. He quickly broke it with his hand.

- King: Status Promotion!

The wounds inflicted on him opened up considerably, slowing him down.

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe!

A ton of rocks completely enveloped him.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas met his father again.

- Meliodas: Three seconds.

- Demon King: Huh?

- Meliodas: I'll give you three seconds to give up, beg for clemency, and go back to your original body in Purgatory. Otherwise, you'll experience pain much worse than death, I assure you. 3.

The expression of the Sin of Wrath was serene, like a passive wrath that can engulf everything.

- Demon King: Here I was wondering what you were going to say, but... beg for mercy?!

- Meliodas: 2.

- Demon King: You expect a God like me to get on his knees and ask for mercy. Don't fuck with me! I can fight you on equal terms. No, in fact, I'm stronger!

- Meliodas: 1.

- Demon King: You should be the one begging for mercy! Disappear completely from history, Meliodas!

The King plunged his body into electricity and instantly lowered the distance between him and his son. Meliodas, for his part, condensed his darkness into small balls, as he did in his small struggle with King in the Druids Training, with the only difference that there were hundreds, even thousands of them, that time.

Those condensed balls and his Father clashed, making the spiritual world crumble.

In the real world, an explosion of dark rays penetrated Diane's Mother Catastrophe, hitting King, Diane, Merlin, and Ban, hurting them considerably.

The King left again and headed to Elizabeth. His face now looked like that of a monster wrapped in lightning, a sign that he was beginning to lose control of the body.

Just when her hand seemed to reach Elizabeth, a sword got stabbed in his hand and a figure grabbed him from behind, around his neck. It was Zeldris.

- Zeldris: I'm sorry father, but I don't intend to remain your puppet.

- Demon King: Z-Zeldris, b-bastard! Do you really think you can get away with this? A weak person can achieve nothing. The weaker one is always destined to be consumed by the strongest. Being weak is a disease, you can’t do anything.

- Zeldris: Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean I'm going to shut up and obey your orders forever. The commandment of piety, the only thing that prevents me from betraying you is no longer inside me. I'm sorry, but I need you to step aside. I and my brother made a promise and I won't let you get in our way anymore.

Great words, but no strength to prove them. The Demon King began to move again. Zeldris’ immobilisation seemed to have not affected him at all. "Ominous Nebula". Zeldris created a vortex with his darkness at a very high speed that started hitting his Father relentlessly, this time slightly troubling him.

Ban didn’t miss that moment. “Hunter Fest” Ban absorbed the remaining strength of all of his companions and brought it together with his. “Gift”. Using the new skill acquired in Purgatory, Ban gave all that strength to Elizabeth, who got four more additional wings out of her body, making a total of eight.

Merlin teleported her companions around the King and they all helped Zeldris retain him. Although they couldn't hold him for more than five seconds, that time was enough for Elizabeth to finish preparing for her final attack. “Let There Be Light”. Elizabeth launched her magic potentiated by the energy and feelings of all. The King, due to his current state and thanks to the Sins, was unable to dodge it. The Ruler was seemingly inactive, maybe because of the current damage on him that had far exceeded the realm of having complete control over his son’s body. Now everything depended on the two of them, Meliodas and Elizabeth.

In the spiritual world, the definitive clash between him and Meliodas continued. The two seemed equal, but Meliodas gradually gained ground, until he managed to overcome the electric barrier that enveloped his Father’s body. The condensed balls of darkness easily pierced through his Father’s body like if it was made of cheese.

- Demon King: MELIODASSSS!

- Meliodas: Trillion Dark!

Meliodas threw all his balls to the King, slaughtering him. The most powerful demon was suffering like never before. The King's spiritual body ended up full of holes from head to toes and collapsed to the ground immediately.

In the real world, Elizabeth's attack was being resisted, but at the time the King's spiritual body fell, the attack overwhelmed and purified him immediately.

Meliodas's body collapsed on the floor. His adult form did not change at all, since at the time the King had owned his body, the curse he had imposed on him was destroyed so that the body could continue to grow and reach its full potential. The demonic garments that were completely gone and instead were the garments that Meliodas had made in the Purgatory, now clearly out of size for him.

Meliodas got up from the ground. Everyone stood guard for the possibility of his Father still being in his body. There was no need to worry, though.
The fight between Mael/Ludoshel against the Demon King is pretty amazing here and encapsulates pretty much everything the duo could do. Well done!


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
The fight between Mael/Ludoshel against the Demon King is pretty amazing here and encapsulates pretty much everything the duo could do. Well done!
Thank you! I thought that them just standing there watching like in the manga was a colossal waste of potential and didn't make any sense since they were among the strongest characters there. I tried to portray each and every single one of the characters here as essential in the DK's downfall, to the point that if one of them hadn't been there or had failed to do their thing, the consequences would have been much worse.

After writing all of this, I understand even more how complex it is to make a fight in which each and every single character acts and uses his/her abilities accordingly, as well as to make all of them share a comparable amount of screentime and relevance. I imagine myself having to do this week after week (+ drawing) and I wouldn't be able to do it at all. Maybe one of the reasons Nakaba's writing took such a nosedive in quality was due to the lack of time he had in order to prepare everything accordingly. Idk.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Thank you! I thought that them just standing there watching like in the manga was a colossal waste of potential and didn't make any sense since they were among the strongest characters there. I tried to portray each and every single one of the characters here as essential in the DK's downfall, to the point that if one of them hadn't been there or had failed to do their thing, the consequences would have been much worse.

After writing all of this, I understand even more how complex it is to make a fight in which each and every single character acts and uses his/her abilities accordingly, as well as to make all of them share a comparable amount of screentime and relevance. I imagine myself having to do this week after week (+ drawing) and I wouldn't be able to do it at all. Maybe one of the reasons Nakaba's writing took such a nosedive in quality was due to the lack of time he had in order to prepare everything accordingly. Idk.
I see what you were going for there, with how the battle split up into a pocket dimension so that it was easier to choreograph everyone relevant at once. It can be a real challenge to make that all work, more so for Nakaba considering he has to draw 20 pages of art every week without making a mistake. Although unless I misunderstand his financial situation, I feel like NNT was making enough money that he could have given himself the time to do this well and not mess up the tension in the ways he did. But I guess his bad health was also a potential relevant factor.

I do think the ideas you came up with that rewrite are pretty nice overall though, good job on that. I would say there is a little bit too much dialogue sometimes, which can make it hard to feel a sense of time for the fight, and sometimes creates contradictions between the action pacing and the pace of how people talk about it. Although it is often resolved when you just make it so both sides stop fighting in order to do the talking so that it is believable, or when the talking occured while the fighting was happening in another dimension. It also seems like it can be a lose/lose situation sometimes where if you don't include enough of the dialogue the necessary narrative resolution might not happen in all intended ways, and if you do, it can cut into the sense of time, which makes it an understandably tough balancing act. Overall though, i like the team effort they needed here, and your way of using the dimension to give Mael noon powers he normally couldn't have at the time was pretty creative and interesting.

Tbh this is kind of inspiring and makes me think I might also try a rewrite of the Dk-Meliodas fight, mostly for the reason that my rewrite would follow a different narrative than yours, one using OtakuFreak's Grace absorption idea for Elizabeth, which would soon lead into another battle with an SD-possessed Elizabeth. I had written some of a rewrite earlier on when the DK-Meliodas fight actually occured but lost interest halfway through, but i feel like it is worth doing now that the manga is over. Anyways, nice work with all this.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
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I see what you were going for there, with how the battle split up into a pocket dimension so that it was easier to choreograph everyone relevant at once. It can be a real challenge to make that all work, more so for Nakaba considering he has to draw 20 pages of art every week without making a mistake. Although unless I misunderstand his financial situation, I feel like NNT was making enough money that he could have given himself the time to do this well and not mess up the tension in the ways he did. But I guess his bad health was also a potential relevant factor.

I do think the ideas you came up with that rewrite are pretty nice overall though, good job on that. I would say there is a little bit too much dialogue sometimes, which can make it hard to feel a sense of time for the fight, and sometimes creates contradictions between the action pacing and the pace of how people talk about it. Although it is often resolved when you just make it so both sides stop fighting in order to do the talking so that it is believable, or when the talking occured while the fighting was happening in another dimension. It also seems like it can be a lose/lose situation sometimes where if you don't include enough of the dialogue the necessary narrative resolution might not happen in all intended ways, and if you do, it can cut into the sense of time, which makes it an understandably tough balancing act. Overall though, i like the team effort they needed here, and your way of using the dimension to give Mael noon powers he normally couldn't have at the time was pretty creative and interesting.

Tbh this is kind of inspiring and makes me think I might also try a rewrite of the Dk-Meliodas fight, mostly for the reason that my rewrite would follow a different narrative than yours, one using OtakuFreak's Grace absorption idea for Elizabeth, which would soon lead into another battle with an SD-possessed Elizabeth. I had written some of a rewrite earlier on when the DK-Meliodas fight actually occured but lost interest halfway through, but i feel like it is worth doing now that the manga is over. Anyways, nice work with all this.
Thanks man, constructive criticism is always well appreciated. When it comes to the dialogue, it's just as you say, on the one hand, it may create contradictions within the flow of time of the fight, but on the other hand, I think it was necessary for narrative purposes.

Would be very nice and interesting if you posted your own version with the Grace absorption route as a possibility. As I said several times already, this fight has a ton of potential and there are multiple ways in which it could have went down. In this case, even though I thought about it, in the end, I didn't include it because I saw some problems with it IMO (for example the time, it took Mel half a day to absorb the Commandments in his original demon body) but on the other hand, I admit that the Grace absorption coming as a last desperate plan to stand up against the DK when everybody has been destroyed and there is no hope left, would be a super dope twist to make and it could be explained in several ways too. Not to mention, it would make the fight way more interesting.

Lastly, there is another reason as to why I didn't include it and that reason is that I actually wrote more than this. I just posted a good portion of it here (around 50%, more or less) to see the reactions. I may post more in the upcoming future with the aftermath of this fight and the continuation, featuring the Supreme Deity, but that will take time :XD


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
Thanks man, constructive criticism is always well appreciated. When it comes to the dialogue, it's just as you say, on the one hand, it may create contradictions within the flow of time of the fight, but on the other hand, I think it was necessary for narrative purposes.

Would be very nice and interesting if you posted your own version with the Grace absorption route as a possibility. As I said several times already, this fight has a ton of potential and there are multiple ways in which it could have went down. In this case, even though I thought about it, in the end, I didn't include it because I saw some problems with it IMO (for example the time, it took Mel half a day to absorb the Commandments in his original demon body) but on the other hand, I admit that the Grace absorption coming as a last desperate plan to stand up against the DK when everybody has been destroyed and there is no hope left, would be a super dope twist to make and it could be explained in several ways too. Not to mention, it would make the fight way more interesting.

Lastly, there is another reason as to why I didn't include it and that reason is that I actually wrote more than this. I just posted a good portion of it here (around 50%, more or less) to see the reactions. I may post more in the upcoming future with the aftermath of this fight and the continuation, featuring the Supreme Deity, but that will take time :XD
Alright, thanks. I see what you mean about the narration problem. To be honest, I'm probably going to have to do a lot of HunterXHunter style slow motion explanations of certain scenes for them to make sense in a written form if i minimize the dialogue, but yeah, whether it's time dilation for the readers or the talking-as-free-action phenomenon for characters, it's really hard to avoid some sense of time slowing down if readers are supposed to understand. Since it is not like the readers can be visually shown what is going on unless it is an actual manga or anime. Even then, HXH is a manga that had to do a lot of that slow motion to make some scenes make sense when there are 8+ charas acting and thinking at once. In my opinion there are only a few really really special shonen like One Piece or Attack on Titan that manage to perfectly mix show and tell to create a fast paced sense without confusing people too much and it is still only possible because it is a visual medium anyways so yeah, i get what you mean.

Yeah, the timing of certain events would probably require re-working for Elizabeth absorbing them all to make sense. Either Meliodas just not taking as long to do the absorption of his commandments or Elizabeth starting earlier on. It could also be said that Meliodas takes far longer but that the true reason for this is because Emotionless Meliodas was essentially already a Meliodas puppet under the DK's mind control that didn't have his soul in it, since his soul was in purgatory. Elizabeth, on the other hand, would have her soul as she absorbs the Graces without knowing about the mind control aspect that will take effect when she's done, and this would be the reason she attempts the Grace Absorption after Sariel and Tarmiel die.

I was thinking of having her start after Sariel and Tarmiel die against Mael/Estarossa, but admittedly that would probably require some adjustments of the timing so it isn't literally just 'Maelsterossa loses and immediately afterwards they go to fight the Sinner, fight for 10 minutes, then the cocoon opens', since that would give Elizabeth just 10 minutes to absorb the Graces. I haven't figured out al the specifics, and that's because Elizabeth technically wouldn't be part of the initial battle against the Demon King in my version of events, but she would show up in a possessed state soon after DK-Meliodas is defeated. I could also use an excuse and say that Elizabeth was actually incapable of absorbing them that quickly, but that due to her possibly already starting to partially possess her the moment she took in a second grace, SD cast the Eternal Life curse on Elizabeth and made it so she could absorb them far faster than a mortal body could handle.

That's cool to know that you have more stuff written beyond that, I'll be sure to read your continuation whenever you finish it too. I have written out the whole Sins vs DK-Mel battle but not the full mind battle yet, and I guess i will just post it once the DK section is complete then do the SD stuff afterwards. Anyways, it was fun reading your thing, thanks for putting in the time to write it.

I also agree with the SD logically being able to come back as you say you plan to do even if Grace Possession isn't a thing. IMO, it just made no sense in the manga that after the DK died and when he lost as DK-Meliodas and also broke free from Purgatory as a spirit, that this didn't also break the seal on SD and allow her to start reviving herself. I just feel like it is much more believably even if the SD is not perma-dead as a result of the seal and could revive one way or another. So TLDR I am glad you also want to include SD in your version of the finale.
Last edited:


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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Honestly, I've been working for a long time with a rewrite of the whole DK Mel vs Sins fight in Camelot, since I thought that fight had soo much potential that it would have been a waste to leave it just like that. I'll probably post it later.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Ok, it's done. The rewrite consists of 12 chapters. It's pretty long overall, so take it easy. The sentences that are in-between commas are the inner thoughts of the characters, what are they thinking at that moment. Before starting I must say two things: my experience as a writer is zero and English is not my main language so don't expect a perfect delivery in each and every aspect. I tried to do my best with the clarity and the grammar, but there are obviously going to be some mistakes here and there. You'll see that the first two chapters are pretty much what happened in the manga with very few additions (I mixed some things that I personally found nice on some other parts too), from chapter 3 onwards it's pretty much all from my imagination.

Some soundtrack to enhance the reading experience if you want :)

- Rondo of Love and Darkness (Chapters 1 and 2):
- We Have to Defeat It (Chapter 3, 5 and 8)
- Taiji (Chapters 6 and 7):
- Hymne of Despair and Atonement (Chapters 4 and 9):
- God Shattering Star (Chapters 10, 11 and 12):

That being said, enjoy!

When Merlin had stopped the time of the cocoon where Meliodas was, the faces of everyone were filled with happiness and relief. With Zeldris and the Original Demon defeated that was their complete victory of the Holy War.

- Elizabeth: Well done, Merlin.

- Escanor: I'm so happy...

- Gowther: Me too!

- Diane: Hip hip, hurrah!

Elsewhere, Mael was staring at his brother with a sad face, as Ludoshel did not have much more time to stay in this world.

- Mael: Brother, I really don't know how to apologize for everything I've done...

- Ludoshel: For now, don't say anything. I'm perfectly aware of all that's happened and none of that is your fault. Let's smile, I want to see you smiling when I leave.

At that point, Merlin falls to her knees.

- Escanor: Merlin, are you okay?

- Merlin: That spell was hard enough to even leave me drained. I'll need the Captain to compensate me for all that later with a few glasses.

Hendrickson looks at the scenes before him with a smile. He is also happy that that war is over at last. Immersed in his thoughts, someone suddenly hits him on the back.

- Elizabeth: Hendrickson, I'm very grateful for what you did for my sister and Gil.

- Hendrickson: Lady Elizabeth, how do you know about that?

- Elizabeth: King was watching you through his spiritual spear all this time.

- Hendrickson: So that's how it is, huh? I wonder if he has forgiven me or not. By the way, where is King? I haven't seen him.

- Elizabeth: Over there- he said as he pointed his finger at the position King was in with his new adult form.

- Hendrickson: What? Who is that?

Everyone laughed while Elizabeth used her magic Revigorate to heal everyone at full strength again. Of course, it wasn’t the same for Ludoshel, her magic could only slow down the disintegration effect a little, but sooner or later the result would be the same.

Of course, she had not forgotten her beloved Meliodas, still worried about him she sent Hawk to check the situation for her.

Having eaten a piece of a flying beast, Hawk set out to the cocoon to see if everything was in order.

- Hawk: Come back to normal at once, Meliodas! Everyone broke their butt to rescue you and there's only one day left for Elizabeth's curse to trigger, you know?

- Elizabeth: “Meliodas... All I want is for you to be fine and unharmed.”

- Hawk: Huh?

- Elizabeth: What's up, Hawk-chan?

- Hawk: The cocoon is empty!

At that same moment, everyone froze at sensing a horrible presence behind them. That presence almost felt like death had come to bring them to hell. Everyone started to sweat cold. The origin of that presence was behind them.

- Elizabeth: Meliodas... is that you?

Zeldris, who had already seen who was the source of that ominous presence did nothing but start laughing.

- Zeldris: Kuku, hahaha... I kept my promise, now it's time you also keep yours. Demon King!

Zeldris had confirmed the Alliance's fear. Everyone turned around and what they saw was none other than Meliodas himself, now turned into Demon King.

The Meliodas that was in front of them now was completely different from the previous one. He was much taller; Elizabeth barely reached his chest. His body was much more muscular and toned. His hair had grown to be almost as long as Elizabeth's. He was wearing a white suit from top to bottom tight enough to mark his muscles. His body was covered with dark tattoos, and a golden armour glimpsed from his feet to his knees and from his hands to his elbows. Finally, he had a few secondary tentacle-like arms that just like him, were full of tattoos and symbols. Those arms were joined by a sort of dark cloud of thorns sticking out of his shoulders.

The Alliance couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had failed, what they feared most happened. The one who won at the end wasn’t them.

Meliodas finally spoke.

- Meliodas: Y’all really went through a lot, isn’t it? Especially you Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins. That weird beast too.

Elizabeth had her suspicions but with what she just heard it was clear.

- Elizabeth: You're not Meliodas. Who are you?

The Seven Deadly Sins had also realized that something was wrong with that Meliodas.

- Zeldris: Meliodas... I fulfilled my part of the deal, now it's your turn to fulfil yours. Tell me where Gelda is!

At that moment Meliodas's expression or whoever that being was in front of them changed completely and said:

- ???: Oh, Zeldris, you're still in love with that bloodsucking vampire? Not just Meliodas, you too? I am disappointed on how you two ended up…

Zeldris was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He didn't want to believe that what he was thinking was true.

- Diane: That tone, it isn't the captain right?

- Hawk: He never would have called me "weird beast"!

Now it was clear.

- Elizabeth: I knew...

- Merlin: Sister, this is the worst-case scenario.

Merlin, too, had realized who that being was.

- Ludoshel: To think that someone so colossal would appear on the battlefield...

- Zeldris: I- It can’t be! What are you doing in Meliodas's body? Father!

The being in front of them was not Meliodas but the Demon King himself who had possessed his body.

- Zeldris: What's going on here? Didn’t you say you were going to make Meliodas the new Demon King?

- Demon King: Did you truly believe that I would allow a traitor like him who left us at the height of the war, killed our comrades and left the Underworld ruined, to become the next Demon King? I've become old, but I still have some sanity. All I wanted to have was a young and strong new body.

Zeldris couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to believe it. The King continued.

- Demon King: Commandments are fragments of my power. He who absorbs them all shall become the Demon King, that is the same to say that it will become my container to possess.

At the end of saying this, all the Sins surrounded him in a battle position.

- Elizabeth: Get out of Meliodas's body right now!

- Hawk: If you really consider yourself a father, at least do that for your son!

- Demon King: For my son, huh? I suppose a father must do what he can to make his children's dreams come true... OK! I have a great idea. Elizabeth, I'm going to release you from your curse of eternal rebirth!

Elizabeth was surprised and confused by what the King said. Hawk, on the other hand, got euphoric.

- Hawk: Wow! That was unexpected! The pig father still has some sense within him. I can't believe you agreed to rid Elizabeth of the curse yourself!

The King channelled his expression to a big smile and said:

- Demon King: I will break her curse and then kill her in the most brutal way possible.

Elizabeth started to sweat cold, just like Hawk. It was too much to hope that a being as bad as the one in front of them would break the curse and let them go like that.

- Demon King: When he sees your body, I wonder how he will react? Will he fall into despair knowing that he will never see you again and lose his desire for life? Or maybe he’ll finally be free and calm knowing that your curse has been removed and his life purpose will be lost? Either way, the result is the same for me. Don’t you agree, members of the Seven Deadly Sins?

That being said, he quickly lifted one of his secondary arms to grab her and break her curse. Elizabeth was so surprised and scared she couldn't react on time. Still, Gowther grabbed her and threw her away to avoid that deadly attack.

- Gowther: Merlin, do it now!

- Escanor: Hendi, come here too!

The Sin of Pride, despite being weaker than a normal human, was in front of everyone as a human shield. Such was his determination.

- Merlin: Ok, looks like everyone’s here. Perfect Cube!

With that, she, Gowther, Elizabeth, Escanor, Hendi and Hawk would be protected from any external attack.

The Alliance instinctively split into two groups. A group would guarantee Elizabeth's safety while supporting the others. Those were the ones inside the Perfect Cube: Merlin, Gowther, Escanor, Hawk and Hendrickson.

The other group was in charge of subjugating the Demon King and removing him from Meliodas's body. King, Diane, Mael and Ludoshel were its members.

The last group nodded in unison, except for Ludoshel, who saw what was being done as ridicule. Even if they were four to join forces, they had no chance of defeating the Demon King. As much as he considered demons scum and excrement, the Demon King was a god with colossal power, equivalent to that of the Supreme Deity. Only she could stand up to him and yet those idiots came out as if their opponent was just a normal demon. He couldn't understand it. He only understood one thing. No matter how much he insisted on the ridiculousness of that idea, they would not pay any attention to him, as they were determined to save their Captain and friend Meliodas. If there was anything he knew about the Seven Deadly Sins for sure at this point is that they were a bunch of complete idiots.

- Diane: We will protect Elizabeth no matter the cost!

- King: I won't let you do anything you want with the body of the Captain.

Diane started attacking him with her Gideon Hammer non-stop. As for King, he used his Spiritual Lance Chastiefol First Form: Chastiefol and Fifth Form: Increase simultaneously.

Mael, without uttering a word, quickly lowered the distance between him and the Demon King and began beating him with all his might. It's not that he cared much about what happened to Meliodas but there was someone who cared for and that person was Elizabeth. He still remembered the promise he had made that day when he was still a child. He had promised that he would be strong enough to stop the Holy War. As long as the Demon Clan had the Demon King as its ruler that would never be fulfilled, therefore defeating him was the first step towards fulfilling his promise.

Meanwhile, inside the Perfect Cube, Elizabeth was still in shock for what she had just witnessed. She couldn't believe it yet.

- Escanor: Are they going to be okay? We’re fighting against the Demon King after all…

- Hawk: Those pigs will be fine. Look at how they’re beating him. No one can defend against all this.

Having said that, Hawk was looking through his Balor eye to know the current power levels of each and every one of his companions.

Diane = PL: 50,000 (Strength: 36,500, Magic: 11,000, Spirit: 2500)

King = PL: 301,000 (Strength: 0, Magic: 295,000, Spirit: 6000)

Mael = PL: 283,500 (Strength: 192,000, Magic: 86,000, Spirit: 5500)

Ludoshel = PL: 260,000 (Strength: 72,000, Magic: 182,800, Spirit: 5200)

- Hawk: With all those monsters on our side it's impossible for us to lose! Suck it, Demon Kingy!

At that point though, he noticed something that had turned him to stone. Something that Gowther and Merlin had already noticed since a long time now.

Demon King = PL: 510.155 (Force: 340,155, Magic: 160.000, Spirit: 6500)

Mael realized that all the attacks thrown on the Demon King weren't damaging him at all. In fact, he was reacting and blocking every single one of them perfectly with his tentacles.

At that moment, the King decided to make his first attack and with a single circular stroke of his tentacles sent Mael, King and Diane to fly. Mael and especially Diane were considerably injured. King was the only one that went unhurt because he was the only one who was attacking the Demon King remotely, but his spears were destroyed too.

With one strike he had lowered the morale of the whole alliance altogether. Not even with giving everything they had, managed to do something. Not to mention that he still didn't seem to be serious at all.

Their chances of winning pretty much lowered to zero with that brief exchange.

With only one hit, the God of Demons made it clear that he was on a totally different level but the Alliance was still not willing to give up. King, Diane and Mael got up again and the wounds inflicted by him were healed by Elizabeth.

- Demon King: I don't understand. Why are you all still fighting knowing fully well that you don’t have a chance? All I'm trying to do is break Elizabeth's curse and give her the repose of death.

- King: Shut up! We won't let you lay a finger on Elizabeth, let alone kill her.

- Diane: Elizabeth is our precious companion with whom we have shared good and bad moments. You're not going to kill her!

- Mael: If you want to do any harm to Elizabeth, it will be over my corpse!

- Elizabeth: Guys... I don't know how to thank you. I will inevitably die in a day, but I don't intend to do it before Meliodas is saved from such a ruin. Let's force him out of his body!

- Ludoshel: Stop now with this farce! Haven’t you noticed yet? He has sent us all flying in one blow and he's not even fighting seriously. Do you think we have any chance? If we throw ourselves at him, we will be completely massacred. It makes no sense to keep fighting.

- Demon King: Leader of the Four Archangels, I see you're the only one with a hint of logic in this suicide group. Decided! If you don't do anything stupid, I'll leave you alive.

- Gowther: Ludoshel, you're right. Our chances of victory are almost 0. I can fully understand your way of thinking, perhaps it's the most logical among all of those here present. There was a time that I also thought this way, but as you can see everyone here prefers to die protecting what is important to them than to give it up.

- Mael: You've disappointed me, brother. I used to admire you, but now that I see you better, you're just a coward.

Having said that, the second round started. King attacked again with his Fifth Form: Increase. Hundreds of spears flew in the direction of the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: Hmph, do you really think that will work?

He started blocking all the spears with his tentacles. This time, but, it was different as a spear scratched his face.

- Demon King: What?

As he turned around, he saw the source of that. Using the magic Bend Room, Merlin altered the spears’ trajectory in the last second, making it much harder for him to react to them.

Mael also joined and with his razors of light began to attack the King nonstop. This time he was showing signs of being slightly pressured, as King's attacks, with their course being reversed to the last second by Merlin, were difficult to predict, even more so with Mael on top of him.

- Diane: Diamond Tower.

Having been dancing for quite a while now, she was ready. The Sin of Envy caused the earth around her to tremble, and a huge diamond tower worth a hundred meters tall emerged from the ground. Although the tower itself did nothing, it made him lower his guard for a second. Elizabeth jumped on him and hit him with Ark in the head. Of course, that didn't do anything too, it just bothered him a little and made his guard even lower. In that instant, Merlin used her teleport to get Gowther to stand right behind the King.

- Gowther: Blackout Arrow.

- Merlin: Increase!

He could not evade that attack and was hit by the arrow on his chest.

- King: Status Promotion

The arrow that even with Merlin's Increase only allowed him to lose his concentration a little bit for a few seconds, was amplified several times with King's Status Promotion, leaving the King temporarily asleep.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube- reciting those words the Sin of Gluttony wrapped the Demon King in the Perfect Cube.

- King: Pollen Garden

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe

King, Diane and Merlin: Combined technique: Triple Prison.

With this technique, he had been locked in three barriers.

- Merlin: Now, Gowther, have him recite the commandment expulsion spell.

- Gowther: Okay.

During that process, on the other hand, Ludoshel couldn't believe how cowardly and pathetic he was.

- Hawk: I can't believe how cowardly you are. You're one of the strongest here and you can't even move a finger? Pathetic! And you call yourself the leader of the Four Archangels?

- Hendrickson: Enough, Hawk-san! Ludoshel-sama is not that kind of…

- Ludoshel: Hendrickson, it’s fine. This pig is telling the truth. Long ago, all my family and friends were massacred by demons. What led me to train to become one of the strongest warriors in the goddesses’ clan was the desire to protect those who were important to me, to not lose them because of my weakness and those monsters called demons. But still, look at me now. I am even shaking with fear at the thought of facing what lies ahead, but they are not shaking in the same situation and face it with all they have. They are much braver than I could ever be.

- Escanor: I am also a coward by nature, but what will give you less remorse: to lose them and to not have done anything or to do everything in your power to prevent their death?

- Ludoshel: ...

Meanwhile, the spell had already been recited but something strange happened. The commandments were not coming out of Meliodas's body. It was as if the spell had no effect.

Suddenly, the triple prison began to tremble and was then destroyed by the King's tentacles in the Sins' surprise who could not believe what they were seeing.

He came out with a few scratches on his body. Something that could hardly be called wounds. The combined attack that contained all the power of the Sins had only done that, scratches.

- Gowther: N-No it can't be! Why the commandments haven’t come out of your body? You should have returned to-

- Demon King: Normal? I'm sorry to disappoint you but have you forgotten that my magic The Ruler makes any magic attack ineffective against me, no matter the nature? I was just pretending to be slightly threatened by your games, so you could develop a small glimpse of hope only to be instantly destroyed seconds later. I love doing that, you know.

- Gowther: But then, how come 3,000 years ago you were affected?

- Demon King: The scale of that power was completely different from that. The Original Gowther, much more powerful than you by the way, used all its life force and all your power as a doll. Also, at the time that happened I was facing off with the Supreme Deity and my magic The Ruler was partially deactivated to not be affected by- Ups, forgive me, I almost revealed some secrets of my magic that might have given you some opportunity. Well, not that it matters since you all are too weak, now it's my turn!

Merlin, who saw that they were going to be massacred, tried to teleport them all far away, but it was too late.

A scythe appeared behind her making a big cut at her back, sealing her magic.

- Demon King: Silence - one of the tattoos of his tentacles had gone and transformed into that scythe.

- King: Those are the skills that Mael with the absorbed Commandments used but on a much larger scale! Shit!

- Diane: I'm not going to let you go with this!

- King: Stop Diane you're not going to-

- Demon King: Patience - another tattoo left and turned into a cloud of smoke that left Diane completely paralyzed and unable to move.

- King: Why you... Bastard! - King charged at full speed preparing his Fossilization.

- Demon King: Repose - another smoke came out of one of his tattoos, this time King was the one affected, falling completely asleep.

- Demon King: Piety - another tattoo came out to form a giant sword. He would go for King- If I cut you with this, you're going to be the victim of deadly brainwashing that's going to make you my dog for all eternity. Since I am running out of useful subordinates, it only makes sense that I will have to recruit new ones.

- Diane: S-Stop!

At that time, Mael intervened, delivering a big blow to his back with his Helios Flare. Mael expected to catch him off guard but the attack was easily blocked by one of his secondary arms. The King quickly seized Mael with the arm with which he had blocked the attack.

- Demon King: Normal curses won't work on you because of the protection that the Supreme Deity gave you. A real nuisance. But not all commandments can be used as curses, there are some that can be used physically. Love!

An energy ball was formed in the other tentacle of the King.

- Elizabeth: Please, I beg you, stop!

The King, ignoring the princess's words, tossed the ball at Mael producing a big explosion. The explosive zone produced wiped out dozens of mountains on the horizon.

Of course, Mael was unconscious and thrown to the ground.

- Demon King: I guess it's time to end this.

The dark thorns on his back disappeared instantly and became a gravitational field hundreds of times the Earth's gravity, crushing everyone like flies. Everyone, except Elizabeth of course, he had made sure Elizabeth was the only one who could move as the time for torturing her approached.

- Demon King: Pacifism - another tattoo left his body, becoming a giant mouth. Whoever breathed the gas from his mouth would quickly age until he or she became bones.

- Elizabeth: Stop!

And when she said that, she imbued her hands in Ark and began to beat the Demon King with all her strength nonstop. Yet unfortunately, everything was useless, the Demon King didn’t even move from the spot.

- Demon King: You're going to have to do better than that if you want to make me feel something. Come on, try as much as you can, as everything will be useless, just like 3,000 years ago.

Elizabeth kept beating him, tears of helplessness began to come out of her face. In his current state, he couldn't do anything against him. Maybe if she had been in her original goddess body she could have done something, but it was still of no use thinking about it. Elizabeth concentrated and launched a big Let There Be Light towards the Demon King.

Unsurprisingly, that did nothing, either.

- Demon King: Are you done? Well, I think the preparations are ready.

- Elizabeth: STOP!

At that moment, a flash came out of the sky in the direction of the Demon King and hit him in full force. Ludoshel, the leader of the four Archangels, was the cause of it. He had thrown himself directly at him with all his speed with the intention of cutting his head with his sword made of light. Sadly, these intentions did not come true, as the demon's neck only saw a small cut from which he drew a little blood. Nothing serious, yet that cut was enough to surprise and cut his concentration. The mortal gravitational field, as well as the Pacifism decree that he had invoked, disappeared and everyone was quick to recover again. The time he had been on the ground was enough for Mael to heal his wounds a little. The moment they left the gravitational field, King used his Pollen Garden to heal everyone quickly inside of it.

- Demon King: Back to fight, Ludoshel? I had you like the most rational person of that bunch of idiots but from what I see you're also equal to them after all. Not that it matters since, in the end, the result will be the same. I would have given you a clean death if you surrendered, but now that you have regained hope it will be even better. I'm going to break you slowly until all this hope vanishes and then take your head to the Supreme Deity as a gift.

- Ludoshel: Mph, if I still have to die at the hands of a demon, I prefer to do it by fighting to the bitter end.

- Demon King: Do you think you have any chance against me? Even if you came to help, the situation still remains the same. You're all going to die.

- Ludoshel: Hmph, will it really be like that? Gowther!

- Gowther:

- Ludoshel: I haven't forgotten what you did to my brother yet. Because of you all our clan fell into ruin and to be honest make a team now and ask a favour from you disgusts me, but there is no other option. Transmit all my thoughts to them!

While Gowther was smiling, he used his Invasion skill to get into Ludoshel's mind and pass his plans on to the rest of her companions.

- Mael: Brother, are you sure of this? We have never tried it before and our opponent is the Demon King.

- Ludoshel: I know that, but we have no choice now. It’s try it or die.

The Sins and Elizabeth did not respond and instead threw themselves into the attack altogether, while Mael and Ludoshel stayed behind.

King attacked with his Increase, while Diane attacked with his hammer ceaselessly. Elizabeth meanwhile imbued her palms with Ark and started beating him. Merlin used Endless Whirl to keep his field of vision low.

- Demon King: You’re getting out of ideas, just surrender already!

After blocking all of their attacks, thorns left out of his tentacles and immediately crossed everyone.

Even with deadly injuries, the Sins did not stop their attacks. The King could not understand that useless resistance until he finally did when he saw Mael and Ludoshel appear behind his back with some kind of portal in their hands. He could not react on time and was swallowed by the portal alongside Mael and Ludoshel. The aim of the Sins was to distract him and buy time for both Mael and Ludoshel to carry out their combined technique.

All those left on that plane fell tired and wounded. Yet, King and Elizabeth, both of whom had healing skills, started to heal everyone.

- King: Merlin, do you think that's going to work?

- Merlin: I don't have any idea, what do you think, Sis-sis?

- Elizabeth: To be frank I don't know either. That's the first time I've seen Ludoshel determined that way and that combined technique. Honestly, I think it's impossible that that's enough to beat the Demon King.

The faces of everyone darkened in an instant.

- Elizabeth: Still, the Demon King is weakened by not taking full control of Meliodas's body, so in that case perhaps a miracle could happen. “Ludoshel, Mael, I wish you both the best luck…”

The Demon King got up. He seemed to be in a desert with a sun in the middle of the sky and full of mirrors floating in the air.

- Demon King: Tsk, that scum... It seems to be a dimension created by the blessings given by the Supreme Deity to the Archangels.

- Ludoshel: That’s right. Grave this landscape well because it will be the last you see.

Demon King started smiling.

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha. Have you become senile? These dimensions can easily be destroyed if the power of the person who is locked up is greater than that of the summoner.

The Ruler of all demons raised one of his tentacles. A ball made of Hellblaze was formed to try to destroy the dimension, but it had no effect.

- Ludoshel: Satisfied?

- Demon King: “What is the meaning of this? Definitely what I said is true, but there is something strange. Bastard... what the hell is this?”

Suddenly he felt a great presence behind him. Someone was getting closer and whoever he was, he had tremendous power.

- ???: Don't you understand it yet, little ignorant? This is your grave!

The figure came close enough for him to see it. It was Mael, but with a completely different appearance than before. Now he was much more muscular and taller than before. The clothes had completely disappeared from the waist up and a golden layer of fire spread on his back. He had a total of eight wings now. There was no mistake, that was his Noon state.

Mael approached him until he was in front of him, looking at him as if he was some insect that just happened to get in the way.

- Demon King: Oho, looks like you'll be able to entertain me for a little longer than before now.

- Mael: Entertain you? Don't say nonsense. I, Mael, will slaughter you and take your body to the Supreme Deity as a gift. Start doing your prayers.

- Demon King: It seems you don't understand. I don't need to pray to any god for my safety, because I am one myself. I'm the one who decides that kind of thing. Now, disappear!

The Demon King used his tentacles to quickly tie Mael up from above, but to his surprise, Mael easily dodged it by vanishing for a few moments from his eyes. Another instant went through and Mael appeared again to hit him in the face. The hit gave rise to tremendous air raids that caused the entire dimension to shake.

The God of all demons stopped Mael’s fist using his real arm this time. His hand trembled because of the impact.

- Demon King: Tsk, little shit!

The tentacles moved and tried to cross Mael once more, but the Archangel moved quickly again and managed to dodge them again, standing just a few centimetres behind them. Mael grabbed both arms and pulled them, and ended up dragging the Demon King to him and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Ugh!

- Mael: You start to understand why it's going to be your grave or do you want more?

The King quickly hit him with his fist in his stomach and then kicked him. The blows sent Mael flying some meters.

- Demon King: I understand that if any more words come pouring of your cunt mouth, not even death will be enough punishment for your offence.

Mael got up again. The wounds of his opponent's fists were mild and the damage was very surface. Mael quickly recovered.

- Demon King: “As much as I hate the idea, as long as I don't get complete control over this body, it will be difficult to get rid of him. Not to mention the fact that it shouldn’t be and yet here he is, being in that state. Which means that the sun of this dimension makes it able to use that power to the fullest continuously. Then there are the mirrors that I don't know what they're doing yet. How annoying...”

- Mael: Any last words?

- Demon King: Hmph, before I kill you, why you never used that skill during the Holy War? With that, you could have defeated my strongest warriors.

- Ludoshel: The warriors of our clan are few but very strong, in contrast to your clan's many but not so strong. There were many open fronts of battle, which made it very rare for two Archangels to meet together. We had to separate, that's why. But with you alone, that won’t be a problem anymore.

- Demon King: “I don't know what those mirrors do yet, but surely nothing good. If I have to fight Mael in this form in my current state, I don't need interference. I definitely have to take Ludoshel first. But let’s try something before…

- Demon King: True Night!

The darkness began to fill the sky full of light but still could not cover the sky completely. In fact, it seemed as if its darkness was losing in the light of those two.

- Mael: Do you really believe that that weak darkness would be able to extinguish my sun?

- Ludoshel: True Night only works if your opponent's magic is less than yours. In that case, mine and Mael's together won't lose against yours.

- Demon King: Tsk, you really know how to piss me off. It doesn't matter, you're going to perish at the end.

The Demon King quickly lowered the distance between him and Ludoshel.

- Ludoshel: Reinvigorate!

- Demon King: “Healing Magic? It can’t be! Has he already discovered the weakness of my magic the Ruler?”

He dodged the attack and attacked Ludoshel with his tentacles, which cut him in half.

- Demon King: “I killed him? So fast?”

The King's suspicions came true. Suddenly, the magic that had dodged returned to him and hit him from behind, bringing him to his knees for a moment.

- Demon King: What was that?

As he turned around he saw what had happened. The magic that had evaded before had been reflected by one of the mirrors. Ludoshel was inside that same one.

- Demon King: So that's your skill, huh? “Now I know the nature of his power. I know he can place himself and move through those mirrors at high speeds. He can attack through them and even if you dodge the attack, another mirror can reflect it back to you. Even if I know this, the cost has been great, now he also knows the secrets of my ability…”

- Ludoshel: Mael, the power of the Demon King makes it able to invert any damage into healing and fortification. His weakness was precisely healing attacks, which, following the principle of inversion, became attacks that would harm him. From what I've seen so far, that magic only works in magic attacks.

- Mael: Okay, let's crush him then, brother.

- Demon King: “His explanation has been almost perfect. A short distance fighter the skill of which I cannot easily get rid of as I am now and a support that knows my weaknesses, is intelligent and is considered the best hunter of his clan. This battle will be much more complicated than I imagined…”

He didn't have time to think much longer as Mael struck again with a kick.

He also counterattacked with a kick. The dimension trembled again.

Ludoshel put himself on the King's back through mirrors and used Revigorate again. Before that, though…

- Demon King: Hermit of Moments.

And when he said this, his tentacles began to contort into a monstrous creature, whose arms consisted of multiple tentacles.

The monster quickly jumped to Ludoshel and attacked him with its tentacles. Ludoshel avoided his attack by moving through mirrors and attacked the monster with Ark. The monster dodged it too.

- Ludoshel: “It is fast, almost as fast as my Flash and its attacks are not at all dull…”

Mael and the DK continued to exchange blows one after the other without stopping. The two had similar strength, but the King was more skilled and for every blow Mael connected, he connected two or three. The exchange of blows ended with a kick of the King on Mael's face and a punch from Mael on the King's face. Both split up and Mael jumped in the air.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

A giant sun came out of Mael's palm and crashed directly into the ground, causing a huge cloud of dust that caused the King's vision to diminish considerably.

He looked around and at the last second saw Mael on top of him with both hands forming sharp sables of light. The King was able to dodge the cut, even though he got scratched a little bit.

The King created sables with his hands too using his darkness and attacked Mael with them.

On Ludoshel’s side, the creature created by the King continued to push him back more and more

- Ludoshel: “Tsk, I'm going to have to go with everything if I want to get rid of this creature.”

Ludoshel came out of the mirrors with both hands turned into light sables in the direction of the monster. The thing unfurled the tentacles of an arm in the Archangel's direction, who eluded them using his grace Flash, leaving a residual image of him in the place where he had previously been. Ludoshel was now behind the hermit and attacked with both swords to its back. To his surprise, the demon was able to react and block his attack with the tentacles of the other arm. Both were submerged in an intense battle of speed. The tentacles of the monster clashed with the angel's sharp razors of light.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine!

A big flash of light was emitted from Ludoshel's body, which blinded the monster for a few moments. During that moment, the Archangel grabbed both of its arms.

The monster, seeing that, tried to pull Ludoshel's head off from a bite, but the Angel was again faster.

- Ludoshel: Lightning Spree!

Dozens of rays of light came out of all directions through the mirrors. The monster, being unable to flee because of Ludoshel's grip, ate the blow completely. It ended up filled with holes.

- Ludoshel: Omega Ark!

Ludoshel used that technique to wrap the devil in a big sphere of light, which ended up exploding, taking the demon's life away.

- Ludoshel: The moment you challenged me in a speed battle, you sealed all your chances of victory.

Mael continued to clash with the Demon King in a sword battle. The King blocked one vertical slash from Mael with one hand and with the other quickly penetrated his arm. Mael tried to cut him with the other arm but the Ruler of all demons dodged the attack again by jumping and putting himself above Mael's head.

- Demon King: Go to hell. Thunderclap

A huge bolt of lightning came out of his hand, striking Mael from the head and creating a crater of at least worth a kilometre deep in the dimension.

When the smoke cleared, he couldn't be more surprised. His attack had given severe burns on the entire body of the Angel, but he hadn’t moved. Worse still, he had his hand seized.

- Demon King: Shit...

- Mael: My turn.

As Mael said those words, he began to turn the Demon King with both hands. The speed was such that the generated air was producing a tornado.

- Demon King: Fucking bastard!

- Mael: Disappear from my sight. Divine Punishment!

Mael threw the King to the ground with all the speed of rotation. The King couldn't do anything to prevent it. Not only did he crash directly into the ground, but for miles, he continued to crawl along with it.

When he finally stopped, the King was soaked in blood and burns. Still, he didn't have time to curse, since, by the time he looked up, Mael was on top of him again.

With his hand, he tried to break the King's neck.

Still, the King jumped and dodged Mael's attack, which made a big crack on the ground.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Snow.

The King crossed his hands and dark balls 1 meter worth in size appeared around Mael.

- Mael: Holy Explosion.

Mael caused all the heat emanating from his body to be expelled in an instant, which made the dark balls heading towards him melt.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

He made his darkness spread around him. That expanding darkness ended up clashing with Mael's light and heat, which caused a huge explosion.

Both of them were fired. Still, the King was quicker to recover and quickly stood behind Mael stabbing him in the chest with a sword made of Darkness.

- Mael: Graahh!

- Demon King: This is the end!

When he prepared for the final strike, something hit him from behind that brought him to his knees.

He turned around and saw the cause of the attack. Seeing Ludoshel, he had instantly understood that his servant had been defeated. Mael used that opening to hold the Demon King by both arms.

- Mael: Now, brother!

Ludoshel began to strike the King relentlessly with Revigorate, who was unable to dodge the attack and was hit hard.

Still, when the dust left Ludoshel couldn't believe what he was seeing. Not only the DK had not been hurt at all, but the majority of his wounds had been healed.

- Ludoshel: I-Impossible, that attack should have affected you. Unless...

- Demon King: Exactly, you didn't take into account the fact that I can activate and deactivate my magic at will, that's why you've healed me. A serious mistake on your part. Clearly, you underestimated me and underestimating a God leads to nothing good.

The King freed himself from Mael's clutches and kicked him in the stomach.

- Demon King: Now, it seems it's time to end this. Sighting Sage!

When those words were uttered, his tentacles lying on the ground after being defeated by Ludoshel began to recover and formed a monstrous head that began to fly quickly to fire powerful rays of dark energy that provoked large explosions. Ludoshel’s mirrors began to be destroyed one after the other.

- Ludoshel: Ugh! Damn it!

- Demon King: Ha, ha, ha, this is over.

In the real World

- Diane: Damn it! Can't we really do anything?

- King: Diane, I understand how you feel but we have no way to go to that dimension. All we can do now is trust them. Trust in their victory.

- Merlin: We must prepare for the worst, though. If they lose...

- ???: Do you really think those two will be able to defeat father?

Everyone turned around. The figure who spoke was Zeldris, the executioner and youngest son of the DK, who had recovered from all his wounds.

- King: You're still…

Escanor and Hendi began to waver in fear. The rest of the Sins stood guard.

- Zeldris: Don't worry, I won't fight you. My goal to fight was to make Meliodas the new Demon King, now that I know everything is a lie, I have no reason to fight any more.

- Elizabeth: That's not true! Zeldris... You didn't really fight to make Meliodas the new Demon King, you were struggling to see your beloved Gelda again.

- Zeldris: T-You! How do you know about her?

- Elizabeth: Meliodas told me about you and her. You were inseparable, but one day the Demon King forced you to kill her along with the Vampire Clan. Still, you weren't able to do it and ended up sealing all of them. A few years ago the seal broke and she was released. Realizing that she was going to live in a world without you he asked Meliodas to kill her, yet he ended up sealing her again. You and Meliodas made a promise in which if you helped him become the Demon King in order to break the curse inflicted upon him, he would liberate Gelda. This is the real reason as to why you were so reluctant on making Meliodas the new King, isn’t it?

- Zeldris: Even if that’s the case, does it matter at this point? Meliodas is no longer in this world as Father’s Darkness and power consumed him and with it the secret of where Gelda is and how to break the seal. I have nothing else to do here.

- Elizabeth: That's not true, Meliodas is still alive and comes here as we speak now. One of our colleagues went to Purgatory to save him and came back to tell us that the rescue was a success.

- Zeldris: And how am I supposed to know you're not cheating me the same way Father did? Can you show it somehow?

- Elizabeth: No, I can't.

- Zeldris: So, what's your point?

- Elizabeth: You must make a decision. Either you trust your Father and you remain his puppet forever and never see Gelda again or you trust us, you help us defeat the Demon King along with Meliodas and see Gelda again.

- Zeldris: ...

- Elizabeth: I won't force you to decide, I'm just asking you to make your decision, to be firm with the wishes of your heart.

- Zeldris: “I have always imposed loyalty above my own desires and at the end what I have won with it? Father has always seen me as a second choice, I have always been his puppet and I have ended up doing things I didn't want to do. The current situation is also my fault partially…

- Elizabeth: So?

- Zeldris: Argh! Okay, I'll help you. I promise you that until Meliodas comes back I won't let you die yet.

- Elizabeth: Zeldris...

- Zeldris: Don't be confused, I'm just doing it to make sure Meliodas releases Gelda. If he came back and saw his beloved dead, perhaps that would change his mind.

- Elizabeth: Then it’s decided! If we win this battle and I haven't kept my promise, you can kill me or do whatever you want with me. It's a promise!

Zeldris nodded. A temporary alliance had been formed.

Meanwhile, in the dimension created by the Graces, the battle between the King and the Archangels was intensifying even more.

Ludoshel was creating more mirrors as they were being destroyed by the DK's sage.

Mael and the King collided and exchanged blows over and over.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Mael quickly threw a sun at the sage created by the DK and completely evaporated it. However, this came at an expensive price as it made him show an opening and the King didn’t miss the opportunity, stabbing him in the heart with a hand.

Mael badly wounded attempted to crush his head with his hand, however, the Ruler of the Underworld was faster.

- Demon King: Thunderclap.

A huge lightning bolt came out of the hand with which he had stabbed him.

- Mael: Gah!

- Demon King: This is over.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate!

The Archangel fired a healing spell at the DK, while he threw himself towards him. Ludoshel anticipated the fact that the DK would turn off his magic and made his magic bounce with a mirror to heal Mael, while he clashed with the King, who easily blocked his attack.

- Ludoshel: Ruby Shine

Ludoshel let out a big flash of light that momentarily blinded the King. That moment was exploited by Mael.

- Mael: Greatest Sun!

Having deactivated his magic and been blinded, he was struck hard by the attack, which caused a massive explosion, leaving a huge crater in the centre.

- Ludoshel: Mael, I won't be able to keep this up much longer. My body is about to disappear. We must end this here and now.

- Mael: I agree, let's end up here and now with this scum brother.

Meanwhile, inside the crater, the King had risen again. The top of his clothes was completely burned, exposing his muscles with severe burns. With his darkness, he healed his wounds the best he could, but the damage was still there.

- Demon King: “Tsk, damn scum. At this rate, it will be hard for me to win. You haven't given up yet, Meliodas?”

In the spiritual world that lied within Meliodas’ body, the emotionless Meliodas in Assault Mode was confronting the soul of half of the Demon King, formed by the 10 Commandments.

The battle so far had been completely one-sided. The emotionless Meliodas couldn’t do anything and was full of wounds.

- Demon King: I didn't expect less from you, my son, but your resistance is futile, just give me your body already.

Meliodas didn’t answer and with the same technique he crushed Zeldris and Estarossa easily, Meliodas tried to subjugate his Father, but it was of no use. The Demon King was not moving at all. With a move of his hand, he shot a large torrent of horizontal darkness towards Meliodas that seriously wounded him again.

- Demon King: Before, you gave me that very smart talk through that pig, acting as if you were something more than my puppet, but no matter how hard you try, you are and will continue to be my puppet for all eternity. Now, die!

- Meliodas: “I have to resist, I haven't fulfilled my promise with Zeldris. I can't let this end like that in any way!”

Back in the real world, the King shot a bolt of lightning from the bottom of the ground where Ludoshel and Mael were. Once he had reached the surface, something hit him.

- Demon King: What?

When the smoke dissipated, he observed a large number of healing spells and Suns bouncing within the space filled with mirrors, over and over again.

- Demon King: So they want to finish this here and now, huh? I accept this defiance, scumbags.

The King began to dodge both healing magics and Suns moving at great speed, waiting for Mael or Ludoshel to come out of the mirrors.

Until it happened. Ludoshel came out of a mirror behind his back.

- Demon King: Omega Dark Nebula.

Anticipating this, he once again extended his darkness as a field around him that began to destroy the mirrors. Ludoshel was struck by that Nebula, yet he did not surrender and with his remaining forces and using his Flash grace managed to go through the King's camp and grab him.

- Ludoshel: Revigorate

Using his remaining vital energy, Ludoshel made his last healing spell, doing great damage to the King, who had the Ruler deactivated.

- Demon King: Bastard!

- Ludoshel: Now, Mael!

Mael left the ground. He had been delicately hiding his aura so that he would not notice his presence. The small Suns and healing spells had only been a distraction.

- Mael: Divine Clap.

Mael concentrated all his magic and warmth on his hand, which took a glow reddish by the amount of power concentrated there.


Mael crossed the chest of the Demon King, along with his brother Ludoshel, who was holding him so he couldn't escape.

A big explosion that enveloped the entirety of the dimension occurred. What was left after that attack was smoke and Mael with his older brother held in arms. The state of Ludoshel was deplorable, he had a huge hole on what had previously been his chest and his body was full of burns and disappearing.

- Mael: B-Brother... I...

- Ludoshel: Don't say anything, Mael. You did what you had to do. I have dedicated my whole life to war and the eradication of demons, so it is only fair that the cause of my death is also because of that purpose.

- Mael: And how the hell am I supposed to live without you? You're the one who gave me everything and made me who I am today. I really wanted to be like you.

- Ludoshel: Don't say nonsense, you're much better than me. You always had better latent potential and a much better heart than mine. Now I see it clearly. You're not like me, who just had on his head to kill demons and impose those ideals on others. I neglected what really mattered. In fact, now that I think about it, Nerobasta did a lot for me and really loved me, but I never paid any attention to her. My mind could never go beyond killing, but I'm sure you won't fail where I failed. From now on and always, it doesn't matter what your actions are, I will always be supporting you from the afterlife. Goodbye Mael, I'm really glad I had you as a brother...

Tears appeared on Ludoshel's face as his body disappeared.

Meanwhile, in the real world

- Diane: It’s taking them a lot of time. Have they really succeeded?

- Merlin: Whatever the case, we have to be prepared for the worst.

- Zeldris: I agree, even if he hasn't completely mastered the body of my brother yet, my father remains a monster to be reckoned with.

- King: You seem to have him in great esteem.

- Zeldris: Not for nothing, he managed to take full control of the underworld, where chaos and disorder reigned. He's a monster that was considered to be the first ruler of the demon realm. We have to start thinking of a strategy as soon as possible, or I fear defeating him will be impossible.

- Merlin: Do you know his skills? This is what we should first know in full detail.

- Zeldris: You've seen that he has extraordinary physical abilities. Besides that, he can also use the commandments absorbed as curses. He has vast knowledge of the dark arts too but his most fearsome ability has its same title, "The Ruler." This allows father to reverse the effects of any magical attack. The only way to damage him with magical attacks is if these are healing or give him strength.

- Merlin: I see, considering all this I think I have an idea that can lead us to victory... Gowther, can you spread my thoughts to the rest, please?

- Gowther: No problem.

Gowther used his ability to convey them to all Merlin's thoughts. Instantly everyone was surprised.

- King: Do you really think this is going to work, Merlin?

- Merlin: It's our best choice. If we want to get out of here alive and defeat the Demon King that is best plan we can come with as of now. Though, to be honest, the chances of succeeding are still very low.

- Zeldris and Elizabeth: ...

They didn't have much more time left. Suddenly, the portal in which Mael and Ludoshel vanished along with the Demon King, opened again.

Everyone was on alert, waiting to see who came out of that portal.

After waiting for a few seconds that became an eternity, the Sins noticed a fierce and colossal presence. Everyone started to sweat cold, their bodies stalled. It seemed as if death itself approached them and they could do nothing.

- Elizabeth: E-Everyone… RUN AWAY!

Too late. A hand of colossal, demonic size came out of the portal and immediately fired an energy beam that completely disintegrated the bodies of Hendrickson and Gilthunder, who couldn’t react in time at all.

No one could believe what had just happened in front of them. No one moved, everyone was holding their own breath as if their life was in it. A figure began to leave the portal.

A few minutes before in the dimension created by Flash and Sun.

- Mael: Brother...

- ???: Have you said all your last words to him already?

Both Archangels turned around. A lightning strike fell on Ludoshel's body, completely annihilating him. Mael was in shock, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The King was still alive and standing with a hole in his chest. Smiling, he said:

- Demon King: I can't believe that two shits like you brought a God like me so far. But now everything is over. Where there is day, there is night and where there is hope there is despair and the despair you are about to experience is much worse than death. I'll break you slowly until you lose your sanity completely.

Demon King began to transform. Darkness filled the place completely and lightning began to fall from the sky.

His body grew much larger, thorns grew on his back, and his hands and legs adopted a much more monstrous appearance than before. Its strength also increased, to the point of being completely different from before. Mael couldn't believe what he was seeing.

- Mael: I-It can’t be…

- Demon King: Well, I guess I'll explain it to you. All this time I've been struggling in a body that wasn't under control yet. By completely breaking Meliodas, I can finally make use of the total power that lies in this body. Did you really believe that was all my power? No, of course not. It was presumptuous of you to believe that you would have a minimal chance of defeating me. Still, I’ll give you a chance to live. You have demonstrated a good deal of power and your willpower is also worth some praise, and I am short of loyal soldiers so, what do you think? I can give you my blood and convert you into a demon. You will be my right hand and together we will destroy that bitch named Supreme Deity.

- Mael: Stop fucking around! As if I could be friends with a being like you.

Mael attacks the King's face with the palm of his hand, delivering a powerful blow. A blow that was completely ineffective. The King contracted his colossal fist and sent Mael to crash against the ground, spitting a lot of blood in the process.

- Demon King: Then die!

Mael got up again and hit the ground with a big blow that broke a good portion of the earth in the dimension. He then put his hands on the broken part and raised a giant rock of land much larger than a mountain. He was burning in fury.

- Mael: Divine Punishment.

The rock was thrown at the King, who completely destroyed it with a ray of energy coming from his finger before it came to him.

Mael used the pieces of rock that remained in the air to propel himself. He did that over and over getting closer and closer to the King, while accumulating heat in his body.

- Mael: Divine Supernova.

Mael approached the King and released instantly all the heat accumulated inside him.

The explosion was gigantic, the whole dimension was half blown. Divine Supernova was Mael's most powerful attack, and once Mael had used it, he lost all his strength. Still, even with an attack of that level, the Demon King was left with only a few scratches that quickly disappeared.

- Mael: You have to be fucking kidding me... Just a few scratches…

- Demon King: You had your turn, now it’s mine!

Back in real time, in the real world, the Demon King came out of the portal with his monstrous and colossal appearance. In his hand was Mael's unconscious body. Thin and aged, with blood and bruises everywhere, he looked like a mummy. He threw him into a rock.

- Demon King: They put up quite a fight for being mere bugs.

- Elizabeth: Mael!!!

Elizabeth ran to him but the DK created an electricity cage in which he locked them all but Zeldris.

- Demon King: It's about time you all disappear from my sight too!

He joined both hands and began to create a giant sphere of electricity. The Sins inside the cage began to desperately debate to get out of there, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get out. Diane was attacking with her Gideon, Merlin was using Exterminate Ray and Shock Stinger. Elizabeth used his Ark, King the Guardian form. Nothing had any effect. The Sins began to turn pale. If an attack on that level struck, they would undoubtedly end up dying, but they could do nothing to destroy the King's lightning prison either.

On the other hand, the DK seemed to have finished his preparations.

- Demon King: Farewell. After this, not even your ashes will be left.

- ???: Magic Hunt

A shadow appeared and stood in the way of the King's attack, and with that appearance his attack began getting weaker.

- ???: Assault Hunt

The human figure began to move his fists at great speed and created a sphere of high-speed blows. When the DK's attack clashed with that sphere, there was a time when the two attacks remained the same, but finally, the mysterious person's attack overlapped, it destroyed the King's sphere and hundreds of blows immediately fell on him. Of course, he did almost no harm.

- Demon King: Oh! You're...

- Sins: B-Ban!

- Ban: Yo! I thought you were in trouble, so I'd give you a hand.

- King: Damn idiot, you took your time!

- Merlin: “Is it really him? He’s on a completely different level...”

- Demon King: Okay, and? No matter how many bugs dare to face against the elephant, it’s all meaningless. I think you know my power well, isn’t that right human? After all, you experienced it for over 60 years in a row. I'm even stronger now. Do you think you're going to change anything?

- Ban: No, if I was alone that is!

At that moment, the DK fell on his knees.

- Diane: What happened?

- Merlin: It looks like, finally, the biggest idiot of all has joined the party.

- Elizabeth: I always believed in him!

In the spiritual world, a figure stood before the Ruler of the Underworld.

- Demon King: So, you finally arrived, my son? Still, I won’t let you do what you want. This body is mine now. I'll kill you once and for all.

Before the King could finish those words, Meliodas hit him with his elbow, pushing him back slightly.

Meliodas looked at him intensively and determined, his face visibly angered.

- Meliodas: Stop spouting nonsense and come already.

In the real world, the King began to lose his giant shape and returned to its initial form. With the only difference that now he had no tentacles.

Gowther took that chance and struck Ban with his arrow to let him know of the plan that they had conceived together. With him there, the chances of succeeding significantly increased, but still, if they did a mistake, they would all regret it.

- Demon King: Had I known of all the problems you would create, I would have never let you live in Purgatory. This time I will certainly kill you both.

- Ban: Okay, let's go there Captain! Let's get that old stalker out of your body.

The DK and Ban began to quickly trade punches.

In the meantime, the Sins didn’t waste time. Everyone was in a position to attack the King again.

- Demon King: Storm of the Death.

Before they could attack he invoked an immensely toxic tempest, which forced the Sins to abandon the offensive and move on the defensive.

- King: Pollen Garden!

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

Combined technique: Ultimate shield.

With their combined powers, they protected themselves from the attack.

- King: Tsk, Ban stayed there. Will he be okay? This storm has enough power to kill any living being.

- Elizabeth: Ban-san...

- Demon King: “That should be enough to keep them busy for a while. Now, I'm going to have to deal with this bra-”.

Before he could finish the sentence, Ban hit the King in the face with all his might. The hit was stopped with his hand. Still, he wasn't able to avoid the next kick on the ribs.

- Demon King: Ugh, Rebellion!

Multiple dark swords formed behind Ban. Ban managed to dodge them all barely, since he got a few scratches.

In the spiritual world, the King was incessantly attacking his son, who was dodging all his attacks without much difficulty, until he hired with a kick that pushed the King back a few meters.

- Meliodas: You should go back to your original body in Purgatory, Father! You have no real chance of winning.

- Demon King: Do you really want that goddess booty that much?

Meliodas hit his Father again, this time with more force.

- Meliodas: Don't you dare mention her name!

- Demon King: “I see, in this spiritual world emotions and feelings change your strength, huh”

In the real world, Ban's kick caused the King's concentration to falter and the storm to stop. An instant later, King attacked with Chastiefol.

- Demon King: Perfect Cube.

A barrier was erected to protect him from the attack of the Sin.

- Merlin: Absolute Cancel!

The King's Cube was dissipated, which made Ban start to attacking him relentlessly again.

- Demon King: Tsk, those fucking... Zeldris, where are you? Help your father defeat those insects now!

But Zeldris didn't respond. In fact, he saw his body unconscious on the ground.

- Demon King: Tsk... Fucking useless!

Using Gift, Ban got him to kneel. Merlin, King and Elizabeth took that moment. "Combined Technique: Triple Prison." A three-layer prison was formed wrapping the King. The inner layer was Merlin's Perfect Cube, the second layer was King's Pollen Garden, and the third layer was Elizabeth's Ark.

Still, it didn't end there. Tens and tens of different spells wrapped around him and began to attack him relentlessly. There was both healing magic and attack magic, so he couldn't cancel everything simply deactivating his magic.

The real problem with that attack was not the damage he received. That was rather little. The real problem was that more and more explosions continued to take place inside the triple prison and the concentration of oxygen started to falter.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas cut a horn of his Father.

- Demon King: Why do you insist on seeing Elizabeth? She's already dead. Because your friends were so weak and you so utterly incompetent, I was able to remove his curse and end his life once and for all.

- Meliodas: What? It can't be. It has to be a lie...

- Demon King: You think so?

He showed a picture of Elizabeth massacred and dead to him. Meliodas, who didn't know the situation outside, started panicking. Normally, that would not have diminished his power at all, but in the spiritual world where power depends more on the emotional state than anything else, that action was fatal to him.

The Demon King, who had been waiting for that moment for most of the battle, did not waste time. With his sword, he began to attack Meliodas with a series of swift attacks that seriously injured him. Due to all the mess happening on the outside he couldn’t concentrate his full strength on the inside, making him weaker and thus getting overpowered. The same applied to the outside self, since his inner self was having so much trouble, he got considerably weaker because of that, but that was over now.

In the real world, the King had gained more control over his son’s body again. With the body full of burns, bruises and blood, the King shouted "Dark Nebula" and then followed a huge dark explosion that eviscerated the three shields.

When he left, the King saw that Elizabeth was preparing her Let There Be Light and quickly ran into her at full speed. "Prison Sword". He made a great sword made of pure darkness in his hand to cleave Elizabeth in two, but his thrust was stopped by Ban, this time in great trouble.

- Demon King: “What? He could barely keep up with me when I was weakened. Now that I have regained more control over this body, he should not be able to... Wait, that's...”

The King finally understood. Ban had used his Hunter Fest to steal the power of his mates and make himself stronger. Stronger enough to compete against him in his current state.

Going back to the spiritual world, Meliodas's emotions lied on the ground almost unconscious. His Father had gone somewhere else, probably to regain full control of his body.

- Meliodas: My friends must be putting him through a bad time, I can't give up yet

- ???: "Exactly, you can't give up yet."

A voice rang next to him. It was the emotionless Meliodas, in a near-death state.

- Meliodas (emotions): You... What are you doing alive? I thought father had...

- Meliodas (emotionless): And he would have done it if it wasn't because he felt severely pressured against whoever he was struggling and once I got unconscious, he didn’t even bother to check if I was dead. One thing is for sure, our friends are out there fighting our father with everything they have and more. Pressing him to such an extent that he doesn’t even have time to check whether we're dead or not. In those conditions you're really going to give up?

- Meliodas (emotions): It's useless, I don't have the strength to get up and even if I had it, to live in a world where Elizabeth is dead forever doesn't make sense. I've been here for over 3,000 years, it's about time to rest.

The emotionless Meliodas hit him in the face and grabbed him by the head.

- Meliodas (emotionless): So, are you going to remain the puppet of father and do whatever he wants? Why do you think she told you that Elizabeth was dead? So you'd despair and that you'd give up. In this spiritual world, despair equals death. He realized that and that's why he told you that lie.

- Meliodas (emotions): But how do you know it's a lie? With the difference of strength between him and my friends, the most reasonable thing is to think she has already killed her.

- Meliodas (emotionless): Now you distrust your classmates? The fact that our father left us alive indicates that he is being heavily pressured from the outside. Your friends are giving everything to defeat him and you talk about rest? The memories I have of the Meliodas with emotions are not those of a weak guy like you. Get up! If you can't, I'll lend you my strength. It doesn't matter if you can’t save your classmates and Elizabeth. You do everything you can, as you have always done so far!

- Meliodas (emotions): Yes... I'm sorry to give you so many headaches mate...

Having said that, the emotionless Meliodas merged with his counterpart with emotions. The spiritual world began to tremble for the liberated power. The Demon King clearly felt the presence.

- Demon King: This power... I have to kill the insects outside right now.

In the real world, the god of all demons and Ban continued their clash of forces. The veins were more marked on the King's body now.

- Demon King: Don't think you can win... You're nothing more than a simple, stupid human!

Having said that, the King strengthened the grip of his sword and cut Ban's right arm as well as part of his shoulder, and kicked him out of his reach.

- Demon King: You're next bitch!

The King hurled at her like a furious hound and cut off her head, but something strange happened. Elizabeth's supposed head turned into Gowther's.

- Demon King: “An illusion... It can't be! How? When? Don't tell me it was the moment I was locked in the Perfect Cube? When I was under the pressure of all those spells, was that one of these spells? You little..."

- Gowther: I had to put all my magic on it. Otherwise, the result would have been the same as before!

The King looked up to find the real Elizabeth that had accumulated a great deal of magical power and chased after her again.

- Merlin: Perfect Cube!

The King's body clashed with the Cube. He quickly broke it with his hand.

- King: Status Promotion!

The wounds inflicted on him opened up considerably, slowing him down.

- Diane: Mother Catastrophe!

A ton of rocks completely enveloped him.

In the spiritual world, Meliodas met his father again.

- Meliodas: Three seconds.

- Demon King: Huh?

- Meliodas: I'll give you three seconds to give up, beg for clemency, and go back to your original body in Purgatory. Otherwise, you'll experience pain much worse than death, I assure you. 3.

The expression of the Sin of Wrath was serene, like a passive wrath that can engulf everything.

- Demon King: Here I was wondering what you were going to say, but... beg for mercy?!

- Meliodas: 2.

- Demon King: You expect a God like me to get on his knees and ask for mercy. Don't fuck with me! I can fight you on equal terms. No, in fact, I'm stronger!

- Meliodas: 1.

- Demon King: You should be the one begging for mercy! Disappear completely from history, Meliodas!

The King plunged his body into electricity and instantly lowered the distance between him and his son. Meliodas, for his part, condensed his darkness into small balls, as he did in his small struggle with King in the Druids Training, with the only difference that there were hundreds, even thousands of them, that time.

Those condensed balls and his Father clashed, making the spiritual world crumble.

In the real world, an explosion of dark rays penetrated Diane's Mother Catastrophe, hitting King, Diane, Merlin, and Ban, hurting them considerably.

The King left again and headed to Elizabeth. His face now looked like that of a monster wrapped in lightning, a sign that he was beginning to lose control of the body.

Just when her hand seemed to reach Elizabeth, a sword got stabbed in his hand and a figure grabbed him from behind, around his neck. It was Zeldris.

- Zeldris: I'm sorry father, but I don't intend to remain your puppet.

- Demon King: Z-Zeldris, b-bastard! Do you really think you can get away with this? A weak person can achieve nothing. The weaker one is always destined to be consumed by the strongest. Being weak is a disease, you can’t do anything.

- Zeldris: Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean I'm going to shut up and obey your orders forever. The commandment of piety, the only thing that prevents me from betraying you is no longer inside me. I'm sorry, but I need you to step aside. I and my brother made a promise and I won't let you get in our way anymore.

Great words, but no strength to prove them. The Demon King began to move again. Zeldris’ immobilisation seemed to have not affected him at all. "Ominous Nebula". Zeldris created a vortex with his darkness at a very high speed that started hitting his Father relentlessly, this time slightly troubling him.

Ban didn’t miss that moment. “Hunter Fest” Ban absorbed the remaining strength of all of his companions and brought it together with his. “Gift”. Using the new skill acquired in Purgatory, Ban gave all that strength to Elizabeth, who got four more additional wings out of her body, making a total of eight.

Merlin teleported her companions around the King and they all helped Zeldris retain him. Although they couldn't hold him for more than five seconds, that time was enough for Elizabeth to finish preparing for her final attack. “Let There Be Light”. Elizabeth launched her magic potentiated by the energy and feelings of all. The King, due to his current state and thanks to the Sins, was unable to dodge it. The Ruler was seemingly inactive, maybe because of the current damage on him that had far exceeded the realm of having complete control over his son’s body. Now everything depended on the two of them, Meliodas and Elizabeth.

In the spiritual world, the definitive clash between him and Meliodas continued. The two seemed equal, but Meliodas gradually gained ground, until he managed to overcome the electric barrier that enveloped his Father’s body. The condensed balls of darkness easily pierced through his Father’s body like if it was made of cheese.

- Demon King: MELIODASSSS!

- Meliodas: Trillion Dark!

Meliodas threw all his balls to the King, slaughtering him. The most powerful demon was suffering like never before. The King's spiritual body ended up full of holes from head to toes and collapsed to the ground immediately.

In the real world, Elizabeth's attack was being resisted, but at the time the King's spiritual body fell, the attack overwhelmed and purified him immediately.

Meliodas's body collapsed on the floor. His adult form did not change at all, since at the time the King had owned his body, the curse he had imposed on him was destroyed so that the body could continue to grow and reach its full potential. The demonic garments that were completely gone and instead were the garments that Meliodas had made in the Purgatory, now clearly out of size for him.

Meliodas got up from the ground. Everyone stood guard for the possibility of his Father still being in his body. There was no need to worry, though.
Why you weren't Nakaba editor?


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 13, 2020
Reaction score
United States
If you had the power to change/rewrite any event or plot line in this series, what would you change and why?

Literally anything could be changed, if you even wanted to remove a character, you're free to do so as long as you explain yourself.

No Order:

1) PL's TO NOT BE INTRODUCED - Nakaba-sensei introducing the mechanic of PL's really ruined the hype of several battles and turned the series into ''well, this number is higher than the other so the conclusion is....''.

PL's do more harm than good, considering we went from predicting that the Four Archangels, Elizabeth, Masters & Meliodas (and other top tier characters) were barely 100,000 to 200,000 in a single chapter... :derp

2) Explore the Fairy Clan & Giant Clan's more! - Nakaba-sensei has heavily disregarded the Fairy & Giant Clan's in this story despite both of them being very interesting and even the personal favourites of some people in the community. Why didn't Nakaba decide to use King & Diane's training to explore each realm, origins and history of both clans in proper detail? Having Gloxinia properly train King in the spirit spear after the flashback arc whilst teaching him the full meaning of the Sacred Tree (e.g its true purpose, how it was created, how powerful it really is) would've been much more beneficial. Having Drole teach Diane the history and origin of his clan as well in order to prepare her for the role of the Giant Queen would've been amazing. Whilst the Flashback arc, was amazing in its own right for what it did, I feel like it really missed out on an huge opportunity to capitalise on both Kings.

3) Introduce a Goddess rank equal to the Ten Commandments - Whilst the Four Archangels are considered the ''equal'' rank in the Goddess Clan to the Ten Commandments, they are obviously far above them in power. Thus, establishing the AA's as the highest rank in the Goddess Clan, even superior to the 10C's and introducing the Divine Lance Corporal's as more powerful and important would've been a wise choice. Not only would it emphasise the Four Archangels power, given the Divine Lance Corporal's equal rank to 10C's, but would've made the power balance much more logical given how it isn't 6 Goddesses VS the entire demon clan. Plus, we would've had more opportunities to introduce interesting characters in the Goddess Clan, imagine Jelamet or Nerobasta getting more characterisation?

4) ''Flash'' is a blessing of time - Instead of making it simply speed or a copy-cat version of the sun blessing through its ''fire/burn'' powers that Ludoshel possesses, I would've ensured that this blessing would be ideally the most impressive (outside sun) and definitely worthy of the Leader of the Four Archangels. Instead of speed, Ludoshel would be able to control time and bend it to his will within specific rules and regulations, allowing him to perform miraculous feats worthy of one of the AA's. Ludoshel's high-speed could be explained in him simply freezing time and unfreezing it after moments, giving the impression of ''teleporting''. He could also use this power for offensive, defensive and other utility purposes. Ludoshel can't bypass Ominous Nebula due to Zeldris magic immunity and vortex of darkness? He can rewind time to a state before ON was activated and strike down Zeldris. Ludoshel could even go back in time and bring back his original body (back from the Holy War 1.0) to present day, making his vessel issue no longer a problem. This is a blessing of the Supreme Deity, it definitely deserved to be amazing and ''God-like'' rather than just enhanced speed that isn't even on par/above everyone else.

5) Elaine should've never been revived -
I enjoyed Elaine when I first read her story of dying with Ban in the Fairy King's Forest, but her character felt insulted when Nakaba simply left her hospitalised in the Boar Hat's bedroom to simply just exist for Ban. It was even more ridiculous when Nakaba-sensei gave her a power-up to a decent 22,000 to merely have her bedridden again. She would've stayed dead, she had more impact that way.

6) Diane's Memory shouldn't have been manipulated with - Having Diane lose her memory for almost half the series was a regurgitated concept and plot point that it was almost insulting, Diane went from being a strong independent member of the sins in Season 1 (in fact, the most influential female member) to a amnesiac weak child until Gowther restored her memory.

7) King's & Diane's full power-up to surpass Gloxinia & Drole should've been against Chandler - Instead of King taking the spotlight away from Elizabeth & Gowther respectively in the battle against Mael, I believe he & Diane should've had their big moment against Chandler, in order to revenge their ''masters'' and predecessors, can even throw in a speech about equality considering Chandler was being racist against the Kings.

8) Elizabeth should've defeated Mael, with Gowther's assistance only - I still hold the firm opinion that after Derriere's death and Elizabeth's position in this war, that she should've been the individual to defeat Mael, given she had the most concern for him and was even requested by Mael to save him. How? Well, Elizabeth could've absorbed the blessings that Sariel & Tarmiel left behind and used their power to purify and purge the commandments from Mael's body, successfully saving him and once again be given the spotlight she deserved. Due to absorbing these blessings, Elizabeth would have the power to hypothetically equal 5C-Meliodas and would solve the hypothetical dilemma of which individual would be able to combat Meliodas upon his awakening.

9) Meliodas shouldn't have battled the Demon King as an ''equal'' - Another way should've been found instead of Meliodas battling the Demon King as an equal after struggling with purgatory fodder, his ''original magic power'' should've never been revealed as well when he's already one of the strongest characters in the series.

10) More Backstory on Goddess Elizabeth & Meliodas relationship - The most important relationship in the series feels lacklustre.
Thank you so much for this Thread.