Games - Interview Game- Desin Edition | Page 27 | MangaHelpers

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Games Interview Game- Desin Edition


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
Reaction score

Round 2-answers


1-You lived a sad life, not your fault, you were cursed by the stars, but dont worry, you can change this for your next life. Assuming you are given the opportunity to re-life, which zodiac sign you will choose to make your life better, and why ?

Disclaimer : due to high a demand, you cant apply for Leo's sign, selection there is strict only the very best are chosen, and right now, all the few positions we had are already filled. to adress any complaint you can write to Stars-re-life customer service :

A) Aries

B) Libra

C) Sagittarius

D) Aquarius

According to the experts it means that the person loves adventure and is philosophical. Certainly a fan of both. Also archery is badass.


2-Thank you for answering my question in rd 1, desin. Please take the time to consider the following situation, as a man of action.

Life can grant us a partner whom we may be lucky enough to love. And at times, work and other extraneous factors can impose significant stress on our lives to the point we feel overwhelmed.

One day you come home to your partner on such a day where you feel bottomed out with no energy. The pair of you haven't communicated that day, and when you see her you instantly realise she wants to be intimate. How do you proceed?

A. Stress is mental, and so is attraction. I can overcome the negativity I feel with the power of lust. When I am close enough to smell her I'll be in the mood.

B. My problems are mine, I keep them too myself. I tell her I don't feel like being intimate that night, she'll understand.

C. I tell her about my day straight away. I want her to know when things are rough for me, I need her support.

D. Eh, I would have called her before I got home if the situation was legitimately stressful for me.

I am not a person who likes help, been alone long enough to know I can take care of myself. I don’t even like being a guest and the host offering stuff or even serving food. It’s weird as hell but it just irritates me to have someone else do something for me.


3-What do you find hardest to do?

A. Show vulnerability

B. Forgiving others who did you wrong

C. Admit your faults/weaknesses

D. None of the above

Pretty much in synch with the question above. I don’t have that much of a problem with admitting my faults/weaknesses themselves but with the aftermath. I don’t want pity or help. Forgiving I guess depends on how you interpret it? Like, I won’t want revenge or keep a score card but I’ll cut anyone out of my life if they fuck up in a major way. Life’s short.

Vulnerability is not an issue. You can only be strong if you admit you are vulnerable. Everything else is just a facade.


4-The Body Improvement Club didn't worked out, which club will desin join instead?

A Kiki's Bruce Wayne Fan Club

B SirSamuel's Fingering Bootyhole Club

C SonOfDaws' Elk and DMT Enthusiast Club

D Xadyu's Volcanology Club

That’s a tough one. I’m certainly a fan of Bruce Wayne. I’d join any Clark Kent club at any time. Elk and DMT club would be nice to discuss some of the people Joe has on his podcast and discuss those topics more deeply so I gotta choose that one.


5-What happened to that fateful, festive turkey?

A. It combusted and almost burnt down your flat.

B. You cooked it and ate it.

C. Your flatmates lost it.

D. The landlady saw it cooking, called the fire department, and ruined your Thanksgiving.

Oof, using real life events to score points eh? Technically A and B are true for a very memorable Xmas day.. I am more proud of B since it was symbolic for the human supremacy as being at the top of the foodchain. FUG YOU TURKEY Evil 6-Imagine on the hunt for a younger husband your friend Farfalla would start making unambiguous unfomfortable advances towards you. How would you establish boundaries and put her back into the friendzone?


6-Imagine on the hunt for a younger husband your friend Farfalla would start making unambiguous unfomfortable advances towards you. How would you establish boundaries and put her back into the friendzone?

A) Desin just ghosts her because he can not deal with such advances.

B) Desin starts telling her every day about his lovely girlfriend and how much he loves her until she gets it.

C) Desin would become passive-aggressive and make her go away by herself.

D) Desin would talk to her about the issue while in the background setting her up with someone better.

I really like setting people up. The joy of seeing a plan work out the way you want it too is pure bliss. I’m also really direct when it comes to this stuff. Earned me some slaps but at least I try not to lead people on.


7-Have you ever dressed up in women's clothing, like Joseph Joestar in this video?

A. No, I'm not that much of a fanboy, lol

B. Yes, I mean, that's normal, right?

C. I thought about it, but have not gotten to it yet.

D. I don't like Joseph Joestar.

I’d rather shave my hair into a Jotaru Cap/hair fusion.


8- When you were a younger your personality was more...

A- Outgoing than nowadays (and you have been less outgoing nowadays)

B- Shy and nowadays you can be more extroverted with others and has less troubles communicating

C- Bratty and causing troubles often (in school or with friends), but you don't do it anymore

D- Quiet, the type that people find mysterious and talk to sometimes because they know you'll keep their secrets/worries and listen to them.

It’s mostly a mixture of B and D since I was definitely the quiet type. However D resonates more because people still really trusted me for some reason even before I grew up and became a very extroverted person.


9-The answer is really big.


B) Really big.

C) An elephant

D) The data given is insufficient.

This is obviously about my Ego so the answer is Really Big.


10-Which of the followings does desin like to do the most when making love (beside pounding)?

A. kissing

B. looking in the eyes

C. hugging

D. biting

E. choking


G. spanking

Another tough one but gotta go with kissing since it’s not as limited as the others. Never understood choking. Like, I get the power thing and being in control but 1. Prison ain’t fun and 2. I have an even better idea if she wants to have trouble breathing.


11-What is religion to you ?

A-just a term tht has lost its core in its evolution

B-A organized collection of belief system (includes cultural system, moral values, traditions, symbols etc)

C-A psychological tool, which is powerful weapon for communication to masses (In a good manner or in terms of manipulation depending on it use.) .

None of them really fit to be honest. On a societal level it is a tool to control masses and a good one. We wouldn’t be where we are if there wasn’t something to unite large masses of people to not kill one another for long enough to get to enlightenment and a somewhat reasonable basis for humanity to walk forward. On a personal level it would be D: It’s a story you tell yourself to make yourself feel better/superior. Nothing more than weakness.


12-Which of the following would be your celebrity free pass?

A) Jennifer Aniston

B) Jessica Alba

C) Rihanna

D) Rie Takahashi

If you wrote Scarlett Johannssooon it would have been a very easy choice. Not a huge fan of any of those but Jessica Alba was more of a childhood/teenage crush than the others.


13-What's the most embarrassing person thing you've done when drunk?

A) Puked on a girl while on the way to her place.

B) Made out with a girl when the girl I was dating was right next to us.

C) Broke the bed, fell on her and gave her a bloody nose (not a euphemism).
D) Got a fine for public urination while partying in Lisbon.

We had only been on two dates, no strings attached. Still a douche move. It’s embarrassing because it split our friend group apart and the other girl only did that to make her ex jealous and then disappeared.


14-Who would you rather spend a whole year in quarantine with?

A) Farfalla's argie husband

B) Rin Panda

C) Good3ye

D) Xadyu Kappa

Another really tough one. It’s more about who would I want to annoy most with LET’S GO FOR A RUN; TIME FOR A WORKOUT; THAT’S NOT HEALTHY FOOD; 8 HOURS OF SLEEP MOTHERFUCKER! So I’ll go for b) Rin Panda to have a sparring partner.


15-If desin could choose a player to be his Lover in the next Mafia Game, who would he pick?

A) Evil3ye

B) Farfalla

C) Copy Panda

D) Son of Daws

I kinda hate myself for choosing 4 options I would like to have as companeros in the MG.I hosted with 2 of them and been Hydra with Daws so those are all dope. I’ll go for Farfalla in the hopes she has enough time and hopefully to pull something as crazy as the Shingeki no Kyojin play where she almost got me lynched.


16-Favourite section:

A. Manga section

B. Forum games

C. Mafia

I really enjoy interacting with you people. Manga discussions tire me out and Mafia is awesome but only active during games.


17-Of the following which would you choose:

A. Not take a bath of any kind for 3 months but enjoy a free year of online games

B. Not have internet phone and laptop/tablet/pc/console for a whole year, but earn 100.000$ after it passed

C. Have the most gorgeous girlfriend but with the brain of a chicken

D. Have everything you desire in life, but have to take care of 10 children around 10-15 yrs old who stay at the same age forever.

I don’t even have enough time to play the games I already own.

A one year retreat in exchange for a starting capital of 100k. I’d do that right away. I would probably miss spotify the most.

Stupid people infuriate me. I’d rather fuck a microwaved grapefruit.

I’d rather have 0 children and still have a good chance at everything I desire in life.


18-It's early morning, and a mysterious enveloppe appears on your doormat. It's a simple card, saying it will grant you your biggest wish. However, one wish only.

What will you wish? Choose wisely.

A. Your goals of body improvement will be reached instantly, however you must bring it up in every conversation you have.

B. The ultimate collection of MH-nudes, hardcover edition. It comes with a special and unique photograph of 1 member of your choosing. However, you will be on the cover of this beautiful collection book.

C. An experimental cooking session with Zimby for the ultimate culinary experience. However, you cannot refuse anything he makes for you, and with that, I really do mean anything.

D. You're allowed to whip Asako and Juviii as a revenge for this torture session, however you must wear a tight leather outfit while you do so.

E. One wish of your own choosing, it can be anything you want. However, every night a different player of this game will wake you up rudely - which makes you unable to go back to sleep. You cannot undo this, even with your one wish.

Fuck the journey, maintaining that body will be good enough and I could undo some damage I did to myself in the earlier days. I talk about a lot, adding that to the topics of conversation won’t hurt.

Pretty sure the MH-Nudes would sell for a lot on the NFT market. I, however would not want to be on the cover. That’s a bad sales pitch.

I’d totally be into the cooking session and eat everything except pickles and wasabi. However Body Improvement rules.

I don*t really have a sadistic streak to me. I like to fight and hit/get hit in the gym but as soon as ladies get involved my internalized misogyny appears and I just wouldn’t want to hurt one.

SLEEP IS IMPORTANT. No wish is worth the lack of sleep since it raises cancer and heart attack risk as well as…...


19-Pick your fav portuguese cursing word:

A. Caralho

B. Buceta

C. Cu

D. Filho(a) da Puta

E. Foda-se

In every language it’s just the best curse. Just going by numbers it’s only surpassed by Fuck and I swear a lot when speaking english and german. Not in romanian though.


20-Who is desin?

A) An ex mod no one remembers from which area.

B) A gypsy.

C) A wannabe latino.

D) A failed mafia main host.



21-Best song I introduced to you to last year in a sheep game or somewhere else?

A) Thundercat - Dragonball Durag

B) Run The Jewelz - Walking in the snow

C) That random bootyhole meme song that got you and your partner talking

Actually added that to my spotify playlist.


22-omo what Nen type is Desu?

A. Enhancer

B. Transmuter

C. Emission

D. Manipulator

E. Conjurer

I would probably make the most money with any other Nen Type in our world but the powered up body would be the most fun and I’d go full Allmight until the public hunts me down.

You have 24h to send a free answer question.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
Reaction score
Round 3 leaderboard

: Daws= 2 points
2nd: Hermit, Lak, Gajeel= 0 points
3rd: Gry Hardy= -2 points
4th: zi= -3 points
5th: Evil= -4 points
6th: Brandish, Blacktiger= -5 points
7th: kiki, Erin= -6 points
8th: Pom= -7 points
9th: Farfalla= -8 points
10th: Xad, Marm, Liductan= -9 points
11th: Revo= -10 points
12th: Sakura= -12 points
13th: Faust= -13 points
14th: Panda= -15 points

Final Leaderboard

Daws = 8 points
2nd: Revo= 4 points
3rd: Gry, Gajeel= 2 points
4th: Hardy= -2 points
5th: Blacktiger= -5 points
6th: Hermit= -6 points
7th: Lakhan= -8 points
8th: Faust, Marmalade, Zi = -11 points
9th: Farfalla= -12 points
10th: Liductan, Brandish= -13 points
11th: Kiki, Erin= -14 points
12th: Pom = -15 points
13th: Evil= -20 points
14th: Panda = -21 points
15th: Sakura= -22 points
16th: Xadyu= -23 points

Congratulations @SonOfDaws :confetti
you are the new stalker
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Fausty, your pic broke too.
Fixed. Yeah Fandom's being a bitch.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

You can still use your WHS
The host reminded me about WHs even though I already used my Joker on Round 2.

So it seems all previous rounds should be audited. :kappa

Some people might've gotten away with it. :soclose
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
1-Sunscreen only!
2- (how's this a question lmao...) Ok so based on what was written for Q21, let's see what he'd want to do but couldn't cause of his sight... Piloting? Des dropped Marketing and would like to become a pilot but can't and not to be able to have his desired career is affecting him? (marketing to piloting sounds like a huge leap tho XD)

3- Shagging another girl near the one you hooked up with before.
4- '_' ... how not to be pervy with that hint huh... ah dunno, withhold.
5- OMG, I'll skip an essay XD withhold!

6- Proactive!
7- Yu Yu Hakusho and Gry?

9- Unacceptable, that's genderless (maybe I'm answering for myself but hope most would be the same).
10- Respect the elders?
11- Japan? @.@
12- Daws? XD Tho he ain't obese lmao.
13- "Not traveling" '_'
14- Evil, cause he has dropped enough hints heh.

15- You can't, success is built over time unless you luck out with an important opportunity.
16- Hardy, Rev, Lisa.
17- CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS - or we might have to cancel Des…

Host: run away desin, the FLC coming for you
18- Oh boy... joker.
19- Dawsie <3
Oh boy, this is so complex, but I'll honor the question: that we need freedom - to come and go, to pursue our goals, to keep our beliefs... all humans should have the right to exert those (as long as it doesn't interfere on other people's freedom). You lived live embracing that.

20- Sorry, that's probably interesting but too long ;_; withhold.
21- pIl0t @_@
Erin 1-Whats your daily beauty routine ? Hint: skin care
Hmm, cold showers in the morning perhaps? If I'm not mistaken I might have read something about it. Also, Desu wanted to go skinny dipping in Danube in January, so probably has trained for that at home.

Xad 2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change. Hint: related to Q21
Oh man, this hint is two for one, sucks! But reading the last question I would say it has something to do with sports, and I don't see what else could be related with eyesight for a career change related to Desu. So maybe he goes for a jog to clear the head or something.

Liductan 3-What was your most embarrassing moment? Hint: mentioned previously in this IG
So either Turkey blow up or the drunk story about Making out with Girl, while the Date is right next to them, I will go with the latter.

Gry 4-What is desin's main goal in life? Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."
Very broad hint, hmm. Maybe want to change the world for the better, or contribute his part. I remember having some conversations with idealistic ideas.

Blacktiger 5-Worst dream you have ever had? Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum
Meh, boring question, BT you suck, Joker.

Kiki 6-describe yourself with only one adjective Hint: leader trait
Hmm, quick google search has no obvious results as each stupid chart has a different set of traits. Withholding on this kiki question.

Farf 7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it? Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game
So it's a game theme, hmm. Tournament, hmm. Oh! I know I know. Thanks for the points Farty hee-hee. Kengan Ashura and the co-host would be a guess... Ugh, maybe Farfalla since she asked this question its heavily implied she wants to be named as co-host in this one. Cancer Desu is sensitive enough to pick this up

Evil 8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering? No hint
Why is there no hint here, the odds are 1/22 :bored I am going to go with Sam's anal questions.

Sakura 9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship? No hint
I think this was mentioned before that he is against cheating, although Gry now claims that setting Farfalla up with someone better makes him being OK to contribute to helping others to cheat?

Zi 10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be? Hint: something your parents would tell you
If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? :XD

Host note: Are your parents marital psychologists?

Revo 11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most? Hint: island
Iceland perhaps. He will finally see some volcanos!

Faust 12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club? Hint: player in this game
Son of Daws? With Murica Faust meant U.S.A. right?

Pom 13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation? Hint: not travelling.
No idea what Desu answers but what bothers me the most is that the fucking world leaders don't want to push through the WTO TRIPS waiver for the vaccines. This is so fucked up, and all of these ass whips should be flagged as mass-murderer terrorists assholes, lynch them, murderrr, LYNCH THEM ALL, MURDERERS

Host note: yeah, go whip them, Evil! You can do it! MURDERERS!!!

Marm 14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person). No hint
I will pick sakura for this one, because of their gypsy connections.

Brandish 15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success? Hint: reality
Well, the core idea of the club is that no one is perfect and has room to improve, right? So that's just an other thing to overcome, learn and improve? ;/

Hardy 16-Which MH member you find the sexiest? No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn. Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)
Do we have to guess all three? Oh my god this is even worse odds than 1/22 from before, how many minus points can I get in this game, like 50??? I have no idea who those three would be, but we did cover already that he has no crushes on the site. Hmm. You know what, I am going to just say it, Evil is one - he surely would want to encourage one of his Body Improvement Club members! :wtf
As for the other two, perhaps ... juviii for being a hotblooded Portuguese astro diva and Asako the funny host comments loli

Hermit 17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet? No hint
I think Desu is a dog person, so I would go with that. Hopefully not a weird designer dog though, but one he can take for the runs.

Gajeel 18-Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? hint: he gave 2 options:
first: money oriented
man, you guys, how to give so many answers everywhere? Money oriented, hmm, well, since we already established he doesn't say no to short cuts, maybe he will use his foresight to win the lottery and use the money for his recreational/ philantropical tendencies.
second: childhood and current “obsession" hmm, current obsession maybe cooking? Maybe something to do with learning more recipes when he was younger or going to a chef school

Host note: Shokugeki no Desin…

Host: i hope he doesn't make people moan from eating his food as a chef

Daws 19-This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find? Hint: One of the core themes of SnK
Great, free points for Farfalla. What the hell is this hint if you don't follow the manga though? It is about some people being locked in and some are trying to explore the world beyond the walls and look for the truths or something? Explore and expand one's knowlege and horizon.

Wall maker Lak 20-So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ? Hint: Nietzsche
Goooott ist tooooot. Quite interesting thoughts here from Lakhan. Is he like writing a thesis on this? Seems quite the researched input. Those statistics are new to me. But first rule of statistics is to not trust a statistics you haven't doctored yourself. Though I did read some enlightenment philosophy myself (Kant) and also later works among others also Nietzsche, and actually would highly recommend getting yourselves some methaphysical readings done, if you have some spare time. It is highly interesting, allbeit quite challenging to be confronted and slowly deconstruct the ideas you grew up with (Nietzsche calls them dogmas). So leaning the answer on Nietzsche, as I understood, it is to build your morality by scrapping the concept of good and evil as taught in outdated relicts the traditional religions are based on, in favour of an approach contronting the perspective nature of these two sides with the considerations of the world us modern humans now live in. Is that close enough? :D

Host 1: does Lak motivates you all to make walls? Please someone close Lak in a box, please!

Host 2:lak in need of a lot of spanking for making this wall question, the most painful question to count
*us while counting this question*

OMO 21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream
Well, he is going something Marketing/Sales related now iirc, I don't think it has something to do with eye sight, so he must have answered the second option about the wanted to become, a handballer?

Sooooo.... did I ace this or what? :jk

the great Evil comeback

Host:well you did rather good especially considering you didn't use all your WHs, could gotten a better score if you did
1.Using moisturizer?
2.Travelling around to clear my head.
3.The drunk makeout.
5.Being sacrificed by a group of witches. ?
7.Kengan Omega/Son of Daws
9.It's unacceptable.
10.Obey all the rules set out by the religion. No exceptions.

13.Being quarantined.
15.Starting a gym and getting everyone involved in person.


18.To save up more money. Which would help me reach some of my dreams better.
19.Someone who always moved forward, like the Attack Titan.

21.Being a pilot.

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?

Hint: skin care

>>Wash his face with water, or alternatively shower.


2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

Hint: related to Q21

>>He feels dissatisfied with his current work and would like to switch to a field that he's more passionate about.


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

Hint: mentioned previously in this IG

>>That time he was drunk and made out with a girl while the girl he was dating was right next to him.


4-What is desin's main goal in life?
Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."

>>Joker use on my own question, RIP.


5-Worst dream you have ever had?

Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum

>> A thief breaking into the home of him and his mother and threatening them while stealing stuff or worse?


6-describe yourself with only one adjective

Hint: leader trait



7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game



8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?

>>Hmmm either Kiki, lakhan or Brandish. Gonna guess lakhan.


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

>>He thinks it's bad, more specifically that there should never be a reason to cheat in a relationship since a relationship means you're commiting to one person only and you're breaking your word by cheating.


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

Hint: something your parents would tell you

>>Do what you are told?


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?

Hint: island



12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?

Hint: player in this game

Are there even american players in this game?

>>SonOfDaws I guess? Have no idea where he's from though.


13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

Hint: not travelling.

>>Lockdowns, more specifically not being able to go to restuarants/some stores/parties. Basically everyday life from the past not being possible?


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

No hint



15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

Hint: reality

>>Because wishes aren't a real thing and in real life he's not the type to mope around and wish instead of act.


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?

No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.

Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)

>>I suppose I only name 1 name, not the 3 he chose? In that case I pick Farfalla.


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?

No hint



18-You're in a situation where you are obliged to go back in time and are never able to come back to this timeline. Furthermore, you are only able to go back to a period where you exist (from birth to 22 years old). You will keep your memories, but your body will be that of the new reality. Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge). You can only have one motivation. (Those were just examples of possible motivations to facilitate your comprehension. It could be something that I didn't mention).

hint: he gave 2 options:

first: money oriented

second: childhood and current “obsession"

>> First - go back to a time he could've made lots of money, I'm gonna say some highest lotto win, and he goes back to the past with knowledge of which numbers won.


19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

Hint: One of the core themes of SnK

>> Withhold

Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Hint: Nietzsche

>>You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. - is an interesting Nietzsche quote, which is my answer to what he believed should be the true essence of atheism. That and another quote I forgot, but goes along the lines of "everyone makes their own path" kinda thing.

As for how to deal with psychological health... that is not part of atheism to solve, but how it could try to help is by promoting more the stigma of talking with other people about one's troubles?


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn

Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream

>>Security/Police/Detective related field? I know that you need good eyesight for police and security related jobs, so that's my answer.

This round was pretty difficult, I decided not to spend lots of hours thinking about answers and just try and give the ones I think could work. Am most curious of desin's answers anyway.
Q1- Wash the face and clean the impurities and oiliness

Q2- Wanted to be an airplane pilot? But with troubled eyes, it's not possible.

Q3- Arranging a date with a girl in front of the girl he was currently dating.

Q4- Pilot airplanes?
Q5- The witches ones seems to be a very dark gory thing (I feel the awfulness of it already, des :emocat ), the thief one is probably someone stealing his house or killing him, and the one with the mom I have no idea, but probably him and his mum going through an accident or through a post-apocalipt world.

Q6- Proactive/Engaged

Q7- Boku no Hero and Daws as co-host? :zomg(I may lose my points, but I will stick to my mental bromance image til the end! :blushbirb)

Q8- Question 2 of round 2, dunno, Have the impression from his comments.

Q9- Not fair. At least from his previous answers, I would say he wouldn't want his girl cheating on him, likewise he wouldn't cheat on her.

Q10- Be nice to people and to yourself?

Q11- Japan

Q12- Panda?

Q13- Not being able to visit countries/other places that have people or places he'd normally be able to see and meet.

Q14- Marms

Q15- You can't improve without efforts, so wishing or not wishing instant success does not affect you must endeavor.

Q16- Farf, Erin and... Panda?

Q17- Cat

Q18- Go back to save money for an objective he had. And go back to learn more about how to become an airplane pilot. (seriously I don't know where this whole airplane pilot came from in my head, but I will go with that)

Q19- Someone who fought and chased their dreams to the very end, with honor despite the adversities?

Q20- I would think the answer is: humans have will and power over their own existence, and shape themselves the way they prefer, regardless of circumstances, so they should think about things they can do and want to do instead of ones they cannot control. As for seeking help, you don't necessarily need to be religious for support, there are professionals (like psychologists) and friends or family member whom you could talk to. Finding things you want to do and enjoy doing (as a job or hobby) is also important.

Q21- Airplane pilot?

host: at least one of the airplanes answers are right pompom :derp

Thanks for the time, girls, I don't know why, but in my head Desin is a Daws bro that wants to pilot airplanes. :lambirb ok, I gave up trying to figure out the answers, so I'll go with that.
  1. Washing his face.
  2. He can't be a pilot because his eyesight.
  3. Fingering the bootyhole of her girlfriend
  4. Winning a bodybuilding contest
  5. Witches cursed him. Thief mugged him and his mum
  6. Responsbile
  7. Fairy Tail
  8. SirSamuel's bootyhole question
  9. You shouldn't cheat in a monogamous realtionship, it's fucked up
  10. Pray
  11. Taiwan
  12. liductan - The only Murican I know that's playing the IG
  13. Travel restrictions
  14. MarmaladeSky
  15. Because in real life, there's no instant body improvement, you have to work hard and achieve it
  16. revo
  17. Turtle
  18. Overcoming despair
  19. God is dead -Nietzsche
Host:thank you faust for putting just one sentence and no wall… thank you
  1. A Pilot

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?

Hint: skin care

2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

Hint: related to Q21


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

Hint: mentioned previously in this IG

He says he made out with a girl while the girl he was dating was next to him.


4-What is desin's main goal in life?

Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."

He likes challenging himself. I don’t know


5-Worst dream you have ever had?

Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum


6-describe yourself with only one adjective

Hint: leader trait

Responsible, self -motivate, or confident


7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game



8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?

round 1
No hint


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

No hint

I guess it’s wrong to cheat.


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

Hint: something your parents would tell you

Obey your elders and leaders.


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?

Hint: island


12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?

Hint: player in this game



13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

Hint: not travelling.

You’re not able to meet up with people, friends, go out and hang out and not traveling.


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

No hint


15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

Hint: reality


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest? revo

No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.

Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)

Farfalla and Erinyes


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?

No hint


18-Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge).

hint: he gave 2 options:

first: money oriented

second: childhood and current “obsession"



19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

Hint: One of the core themes of SnK


Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Hint: Nietzsche



21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn’t?

Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream


Host: all those zeros remind me of those math questions wants you to show how we reached it but you instead the one answering makes the result false

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?
oh skin routine like applying lotion/serum after cleansing ?
Hint: skin care


2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

Work issues, career plans he wants maybe to change ?
Hint: related to Q21


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

Hint: mentioned previously in this IG
"B) Made out with a girl when the girl he was dating was right next to them. " Qed :catshrug


4-What is desin's main goal in life?

Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."


5-Worst dream you have ever had?
his mother was the thief ? :arf

Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum


6-describe yourself with only one adjective

Hint: leader trait
Assertive ?


7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game
evil ?


8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?

No hint
Lakhan ? he said he ideally prefer to avoid religion oriented questions or something like this, lak is trolling:arf


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

No hint

Seems according what was said previously that des kun is faithful to his babe.


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

Hint: something your parents would tell you
Be nice or dont steal/be honest or something like this. :arf


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?

Hint: island


12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?

Hint: player in this game



13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

Hint: not travelling.
Not traveling lol :catshrug


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

No hint
Marm -chan :teehee


15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

Hint: reality
instant success is unrealistic, but dreams give him motivation or something like this or idk.


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?

No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.

Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?

No hint
cat :zomg


18-Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge).
he would go back to uni, and choose another career ?

hint: he gave 2 options:

first: money oriented

second: childhood and current “obsession"


19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

Hint: One of the core themes of SnK

i m not uptodate , but i guess it has to do with humanity and choosing the right path or not ? idk

Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Hint: Nietzsche
Wh lol


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn

Pilot ? (or sniper :errr )
Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream
1 - Moisturise?

2 - Listen to some better music?!?

3 - Abruptly ruining his relationship by tonguing some random girl in a club

4 - Bulk up

5 - One dream was where someone broke into his house and stole his mum

6 - Decisive

7 - Kengan Asura/Brandish

8 - Hardy

9 - It's a terrible thing. Unless you do it, in which case the relationship was just not meant to last

10 - Iron was made to be pumped. Pump it each and every day, in the Lord's name!

11 - Iceland

12 - liductan?!?

13 - Being unable to travel

14 - MarmaladeSky, because it's hard to think of a particularly imaginative answer for this question

15 - You can't

16 - Farfalla?

17 - Dogs are the best house pet [full stop]

18 - A week back to win the lottery?!?

19 - Desin did everything he could to escape from an oppressive situation?

20 - Firstly, before I provide an answer, it is important to address the huge issue with the question. To call atheism a religion/belief is an entirely incorrect definition

All atheism means is a lack of belief in one [or more] god

It is not an active process:

  • there are no beliefs in atheism
  • there are no rituals
  • there are no practices of any kind whatsoever

It's a lack of belief - simples
DO you believe that your neighbours are aliens? No? Is it an active process not believing that your neighbours are aliens?
What about the belief that you live inside a giant snow globe? Oh, you don't believe that?!? Is your lack of belief in this a religion? Are you part of a 'non-snow globist' cult?

It is entirely incorrect to assume you can generalize any shared beliefs between one atheist and another – nor any shared morality – nor any shared... anything (outside of the simple fact that neither of them are convinced in the existence of any deities)

There are no shared moral principles – and it is not possible to be an 'overly zealous cult follower' as there is no 'cult' to be a zealot over...

Most (that I've met) have no interest whatsoever in 'establishing their superiority' over religious people – most don't have the time/effort required to try and deconvert the converted

I really don't understand how a lack of belief in a god would lead to someone feeling 'abandoned' – atheists are surely able to find support from other sources than gods/deities (friends and family members being prime examples)

now, the answer:
What should the true essence of atheism be: the true essence of atheism is a lack of belief in one [or more] god(s) – that's it
That's all it is
There is nothing more and 'atheism' is nothing more than that...

How should atheism try to deal with psychological health which are worse in atheists than religious believers?: Firstly, I'm not convinced that the physiological health conditions are worse in atheists than religious believers
Secondly, absolutely nothing at all

Atheism has nothing to do with helping people deal with their psychological health. It isn't a shared belief. It isn't something you can join to find solace in the company of others. It isn't a group/cult/religion/belief. That question is one for each atheist to answer for themselves, in their own way

Probably desin chose the Nietzsche quote about God being dead - but I reckon the one

Nietzsche said:

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering

is an equally suitable one for this question (well, not so much the 'suffering' part, but the bit about finding meaning in the process of living)

21 - A pilot
  1. washing face
  2. [withhold]
  3. kissing another girl in front of the girl he was dating?
  4. to get athletic body?
  5. the witches do something to him? the thief do something to him? uuhhh
  6. hegemonic? leading? guiding?
  7. one piece, evil3ye
  8. [withhold]
  9. you shouldnt do it no matter what
  10. [joker]
  11. japan/honshu island?
  12. daws
  13. having to keep distance to his gf
  14. uhhh, revo?
  15. no one wants to suffer and struggle. if there's an instant way, why not?
  16. farfalla, revo, evil3ye
  17. cat?
  18. to the time when he almost won a lottery? and he would use the money to build a gym
  19. fighting for justice
  20. [withhold]
  21. pilot?

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?



2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

Finding a career path that you're willing to chase, like you were before the eye injury.


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

The make out with another girl thing.


4-What is desin's main goal in life?

Do porn.

Host note: I want to give him points for this one.


5-Worst dream you have ever had?

i) Witches cast pain spells all over Des, made him relive all his darkest moments, beat him up with their broom, took out all his teeth and fingernails with pliers, cut him all over, then dipped him in and out of a hot cauldron.
(ii) A thief broke into their home and started stealing all des' and his mum's stuff, in front of them. No matter how much they chased after the thief, and pleaded, the thief would remain elusive and laugh hard in their face.


6-describe yourself with only one adjective



7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

Haikyuu with Brandish


8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?



9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

It's okay if his partner is in a different post code, and his partner is not allowed to cheat.


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

Eat your vegetables.


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?



12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?



13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

The lack of smog during lockdown.


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

Juviii. For the whipping.


15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

Reality is he's been found out and either has to atone by doing a brutal challenge, or quit :nah


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?

Brandish, second to Marm in sex appeal.
Farfalla, because Farfalla.
Zi, is actually sexier than Marm.


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?



18-Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will

change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge).

i) make winning bets, pluck winning lottery, invest in massive companies before they break out.
ii) go back to childhood and tackle fitness and diet from a young age.


19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

That you need to push thru a lot of suffering to be free.

Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Nihilism kinda thing? lol


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didnt

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?
Hint: skin care

Hmm Desu applies a charcoal-based face mask and put two slices of cucumber on his eyes every few days. This keeps his skin soft and bouncy. He also drinks lots of tea with milk and sugar.

2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.
Hint: related to Q21

Xad please get help, this isn't the place man
host: he want desin to answer him with an excistential crisis respond

3-What was your most embarrassing moment?
Hint: mentioned previously in this IG

Hmmm.... I don't remember :zomg Maybe that time when he died D1 to the most powerful hydra? 😤

4-What is desin's main goal in life?
Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."

... Find a waifu with large breasts that will support him in his daily training regimen?

5-Worst dream you have ever had?
Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum

Hmmm a bunch of witches band together to pester him with terror baby-chama in one dream, and the thief steals him from his mum in the other!

6-describe yourself with only one adjective
Hint: leader trait


7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?
Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game

That shuhatsu no valkyrie stuff with Daws?

8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?
No hint


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?
No hint

Cheating is not very cash money

10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?
Hint: something your parents would tell you

Hmm... Something your parents would tell you...


'Listen to your parents' ;-;

11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?
Hint: island



12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?
Hint: player in this game

He's gonna answer me, isn't he? It's me. He's gonna pick me. The answer is 'panda'. Fuck

13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?
Hint: not travelling.


Not travelling. That's the answer. He can't go where he want, missed a holiday or sth

14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).
No hint

I can see him picking Juvs tbh

15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?
Hint: reality

It's something you strive for! In the long run, us humans - let alone individual human life - is a mere speck of cosmic dust on the timeline anyway. Since our lives are so terribly short, in the long run, any success we have may well be 'instant' in cosmic terms. Omomomo

16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?
No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.
Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)

Lets see, let's go with both Argies and Evil

17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?
No hint

A panda. He answered panda.

18-You're in a situation where you are obliged to go back in time and are never able to come back to this timeline. Furthermore, you are only able to go back to a period where you exist (from birth to 22 years old). You will keep your memories, but your body will be that of the new reality. Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge). You can only have one motivation. (Those were just examples of possible motivations to facilitate your comprehension. It could be something that I didn't mention).
hint: he gave 2 options:

first: money oriented

second: childhood and current “obsession"

He's gonna go back to when he was 18 years old to buy the winning lottery ticket on new years and legally take hold of the money

19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

Hint: One of the core themes of SnK

They will want to train to become strong! Yeah!

Wall maker Lak
20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Hint: Nietzsche

Has Lakh been on the red pill reddit or sth? The first paragraph is very reductive. The second statement calling atheism a religion is an oxymoron (how can those without God be with one? At most it would then be a lifestyle, like Buddhism). The third and fourth statements are like implicit concessions to the value of religion after all, however? Poor reasoning Lakh.

The true answer is that Atheism doesn't have a 'true essence' similarly to how not believing Santa doesn't have a true essence :lmao Atheism doesn't have any organized or structured form (the rejection of God at large is the only shared tenet, the cultural expression of this may differ). So it not even that it 'shouldn't' deal with the psychological health of people, it 'can't'. It's not a religion, that's a baseless assumption. If you reject God, God won't do anything. Similarly, if you reject Santa, Santa won't do anything. He'll just continue handing out presents.


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn

Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream

He wanted to become a fighter plane pilot for the military!
  1. Using moisturizer? I'm oblivious when it comes to this shit, tbh.
  2. Uh, the idea you had for the future is non-existent now because of Q21?

    Host note: It’s your yes or no question. At least you, just answer yes or no :notlikethis

  3. Oh, the one with being drunk and the girl. I forgot what exactly it was.
  4. I have no idea how this quote should help me.. Pumping up rookie numbers, making money?
  5. .

    PHost note: lovely answer.
  6. Responsible?
  7. MÄR. It's absolutely not the answer, but it's the first I thought of and it's fun and maybe someone will "hmm" and read it.
  8. No ones?
  9. Cheating sucks, gtfo
  10. Clean your room
  11. Hokkaido, idk.
  12. Sam? Is he from US? I have no idea.
  13. Not traveling is the hint, but also the answer?
  14. Evil
  15. uh what
  16. I have no idea who all is playing, so Farf, Evil and... Sam?
  17. A stuffed one?
  18. Be better in school and work to have a fruitful career, and being healthy and exercise from the start?
  19. Never don't give up, lol. Never give up, keep on fighting?
  20. I did not read this.
  21. Hmm, I have no idea what this could be so here's a wild guess; he wanted to become an architect. But his shitty eyes ruined that. Either that or a professional birdspotter

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?

Hint: skin care

Mhmh, well I bet he just washes his face in the morning (and evening) and that's it. But to be honest, that's also skin care no?


2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

Hint: related to Q21

That was a period in time in which Desin didn't know what to do for his career, how to continue (as the career he wanted to go for wasn't going to happen).


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

Hint: mentioned previously in this IG

Made out with the other girl (while at a party with gf)? (ALSO BAD DESIN 😂 )


4-What is desin's main goal in life?

Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."
Mmh, live life to the fullest?


5-Worst dream you have ever had?

Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum

There was a witch (that looked a lot like Juviii, strangely enough) and she terrorized him at night. Then, a thief (with the looks of Asako) appeared. The witch didn't like that another person appeared, so she turned Desin into his mum.


6-describe yourself with only one adjective

Hint: leader trait


7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game
Mhm, so this would be a Shuumatsu no Valkyrie MG, hosted with Panda (bc panda games are fun)


8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?

No hint
All of them


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

No hint
It's not cool o3o


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

Hint: something your parents would tell you
(Food is very important in this religion and should be cherished)

Host note: your grandma is a bit overcooked but at least eat the potatoes!


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?

Hint: island
Japan, obviously. We are all weebs here after all, Desin included. o3o


12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?

Hint: player in this game
Mhmm, well liductan - because I can see her whipping him for fun.


13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

Hint: not travelling.
Not being able to travel, in order to visit his favorite MH members :heh


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

No hint
Desin would want to go on a date (hot and steamy) with Kiki. Why? Because he wants to get to know Kiki better AND knows that with Kiki, the date will 100% be successful


15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

Unfortunately, instant succes is just a wish. The cold and hard real world isn't quite the same, hence the reason why the body improvement club is there to give (a tiny bit) of motivation to achieve success.


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?

No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.

Hardy is just jealous because he isn't the sexiest here and he knows it :hmph
But I vote for Farfalla, liductan and Erin

Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?

No hint
Desin is a dog person (or at least, that's what my intuition is telling me). So dog.


18-You're in a situation where you are obliged to go back in time and are never able to come back to this timeline. Furthermore, you are only able to go back to a period where you exist (from birth to 22 years old). You will keep your memories, but your body will be that of the new reality. Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge). You can only have one motivation. (Those were just examples of possible motivations to facilitate your comprehension. It could be something that I didn't mention).

hint: he gave 2 options:

first: money oriented

second: childhood and current “obsession"

This question is too long.
He'd go back for the reason of not trading away his pokemon cards BECAUSE they are now worth a lot of money, and he just threw that all away.


19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

Hint: One of the core themes of SnK

Finding peace with oneself? 👀

Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Hint: Nietzsche

Whyyyy this wall is making my head hurt ;-;
"Religion as an intellectual construction that addresses the existential problems of pain and death, and gives authority to community-creating ethos"
So basically, god doesn't exist but is a construction


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn

Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream

He wanted to be a pilot
(I suppose you'd have to have good eyesight for that)
1. Rinse your face with water every morning
2. Pass
3. Made out with a girl when the girl he was dating was right next to them
4. Have an extremely good shaped body
5. Do I only state one dream? I'm assuming the thief one is similar to Batman's. He was at a store/house with his mother and a robber came in and killed his mother.
6. Self-Motivated

7. God of Highschool with SonOfDaws
8. BlackTiger
9. Don't cheat
10. Pass
11. Ibiza

12. SonOfDaws
13. People not following the law and acting like coronavirus is a joke
14. revo

15. Instant success is impossible, hard work, perseverance, and motivation is how you will go through.
16. revo?
17. Dog
18. Go back in time to train earlier to have a hot body earlier and feel better in your skin
19. Freedom

20. I'm not even going to try lakhan... Pass
21. Joker

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?

Hint: skin care

Answer: Applying sun screen


2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

Hint: related to Q21

Answer: Improve eye sight


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

Hint: mentioned previously in this IG

Answer: Made out with a girl when the girl I was dating was right next to us when being drunk


4-What is desin's main goal in life?

Hint: Desin quote: "come at me with big ones."

Answer: millionaire


5-Worst dream you have ever had?

Hint: 2 dreams: one with witches, the other around a thief, him and his mum

Answer: Chased by witches


6-describe yourself with only one adjective

Hint: leader trait

Answer: Charisma


7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

Hint: tournament manga and someone playing this game

Answer: God of Highschool


8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?

No hint

Answer: Have you ever dressed up in women's clothing, like Joseph Joestar in this video


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

No hint

Answer: Shameless


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

Hint: something your parents would tell you

Answer: Faith


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?

Hint: island

Answer: Santorini Island


12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?

Hint: player in this game

Answer: Farfalla


13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

Hint: not travelling.

Answer: Becoming a shut in


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

No hint

Answer; SirSamuel


15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

Hint: reality

Answer: Hard work


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?

No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.

Hint: people in this game (3 possible choices)

Answer: Evileye, Farfalla, SirSamuel


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?

No hint

Answer: Dog


18-You're in a situation where you are obliged to go back in time and are never able to come back to this timeline. Furthermore, you are only able to go back to a period where you exist (from birth to 22 years old). You will keep your memories, but your body will be that of the new reality. Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge). You can only have one motivation. (Those were just examples of possible motivations to facilitate your comprehension. It could be something that I didn't mention).

hint: he gave 2 options:

first: money oriented

second: childhood and current “obsession"

Answer: Before teen so he didn't waste any money


19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

Hint: One of the core themes of SnK

Answer: Never give up in the face of adversity

Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

Hint: Nietzsche

Answer: Rejection of belief. Start to believe in God


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didnt

Hint: Bad eyesight crushed the dream

Aircraft pilot
1-wash face - scrub occasionally, dry it, apply moisturizer or cream as per the need and rinrin, u r making him answer a tough one here. :lmao
2- Something similar happened related to his career in past..pilot,fire fighter ,surgeon or defense personnel was career I think he was going for.
3- When he made out with another girl while the girl he dated with was nearby - Something along those lines it was.
4- WITHHOLD (What is come at me with big ones)

Host note: Lakhinky, you disappoint me. You need more classes from kiki. He will show you what it is.

Host: can't believe you skipped this one… missed apportunity

5- He is taken away by witches and has rituals performed onto him :lmao . This dream could have had good ending.
2nd- A thief broke into the house and when little desin found out, tried to stop and thief decided to stab him only for her mother to save him.
6-Self motivated and confident
7- Baki theme with pandu

8- Zi and gry ofc
9- Shouldn't do it. One of the most disgusting thing to do when u r in commitment with someone.

10-Be open minded and receptive to learning from life situations
11-Hawaii , fiji, santorani maybe
12-liductan is the only murican Mh user ik in this game rn

13- Being stuck at home and not being able to go on drives or travel in general.
14- So Marm , u asked to get picked urself huh. Why ? Ofc because u asked so :catshrug . Go enjoy tht hot steamy date. As for hosts, one is alien and other has just graduated from loli University, so none of them too.
15- There is no instant. It is gradual stuff.
16- Erin, revs and farfs ig.

17- Dog . Anything else is instant death :pwned . And Aho hermit, hermits shldn't have any pets. Ur pet is gonna run away again.

Host: Stop breaking Hermit’s heart, I’m sure they just went on a trip and will come back soon….someday…maybe… Also CATS for the win!

19- Reason for what u died and how u lived.

  1. A shower, moisturizer or lotion, and brush/comb hair a bit
  2. This isn't a question... However, I just listened to that song. Definitely goes hard. To answer the question though, there's a lot of problems in the world making themselves known. Nobody's exempt from the direct effects of things like quarantine, economic collapse, government corruption, and societal degeneration and these problems only amplify each other and all the more normal problems that in themselves can break a person. If someone doesn't feel the least bit overwhelmed or unsure about how to deal with the mounting catastrophes on the horizon, then I can only assume inevitably catastrophic ignorance.
  3. "Made out with a girl when the girl I was dating was right next to us."
  4. Withhold
  5. Withhold
  6. Decisive
  7. Kengan Ashura
  8. Withhold
  9. Hurtful
  10. Treat others how you want to be treated
  11. New Zealand
  12. I don't even know that many Americans on MH. I'm American though, so I'll just go with me.
  13. Economic harm to all but the very richest
  14. Marm because she asked.
  15. The same way he is now because in reality there is no success without cost
  16. Farf's the easy answer
  17. Dog
  18. Desin's younger than me? That'd be interesting. Perhaps that's just the range Gaj picked though. In any case, 21 years old. Any further than that seems exhausting and desin doesn't seem like the type to regret his existence so much as to go back very far.
  19. A person who strove to be free of body and mind
  20. Strive to be an ubermensch
  21. Birdman? I don't know. Let's use that joker.
Watch me lose all my points in this one, girls:

Host note: men, close your eyes
Host: they all just girls now

1) The classy routine:

  1. Exfoliate
  2. Cleanse
  3. Serum
  4. Moisturizers?
(used the only knowledge I got for basic skincare).

Host: minus for adding so many options, plus the correct one had a question mark, we can't let this be a newt trend where you add so many options till you get it right

2) Joker.
3) Made out with a girl when the girl he was dating was next to them.
4) Withhold.
5) Hmm I guess first dream... being haunted by witches in an specific scary place? Second dream, both him and his mum got assulted in their house (had it once and it's awful :emocat ).

6) Confident.
7) Kengen Omega/Ashura. Cohost: Daws.

8) lakhan.
9) Well... though it depends in each relationship, a cheat is always a cheat. So guessing that to desin it would depend on how the relationship is constructed, cheating is still a selfish act, and shows how strong the mind of the one who cheated actually can be.

10) Withhold.
11) Japan.

12) Liductan? I feel bad for answering this for some reason.
13) Not being able to travel to visit friend(s) or family.
14) You, Marms, of course.

15) Withhold.
16) Could be anyone buuuut:

  1. Kiki
  2. Brandish
  3. Evil
17) Cats? Random again, honestly absolutely no idea here ;-;
18) Going a bit random here even though I tried to think well, I will guess a time where his economical situation was unstable? His unchanged but experienced mind would help him manage the situation differently.
19) The fighting and value of freedom, I think.
20) I don't remember much from Nietzsche but I would guess the 'essence' of atheism should be in not the quality but the quantity of belief, since to Nietzsche atheists were "contented with less" iirc. It also shouldn't be
full of itself, in a sense of intellectual superiority, to be contented with what they have but not to feel that superiority against non-atheist that some seem to have.

(i can see myself being 100% wrong with this too, though).

21) Gonna guess something related to sports? An athlete, I think. I don't know much what desin does nowadays, but to be a professional in this area you need perfect eyesight, if I recall.

Host: revy the stalker, no longer a stalker… or perhaps this was all part of her plan

1. Given that he said he buys market clothes by the dozen, I'm assuming he just brushes his teeth, messes with his hair a bit and applies sun protection.

2. Desin wants to pick up a plane and go to spain but fucking covid is in the way.

3. Made out with a girl... Etc, Answer 2.13.B

4. Withhold. For the record, sucking dicks.

5. Am I supposed to guess two dreams?

The witch one was him being cursed and it fucking him up the rest of the dream.

The second one was a thief breaking into his house and holding his mom.

Host note: breaking into his house just to hold his mom…
Host: how terrifying, the Thief must had mommy issues

6. Confident

7. Withhold, double questions are meh.

8. Gry.

9. Cheating bad.

10. Wash your hands. Theocovid

11. Hawaii. Fuck ton of islands idk. If it's Hokkaido or some shit like that...

12. Isn't daws literally the only yank in the ig? He's his friend too so yeah...

13. Answer 2 again I guess. Which makes me think I got it wrong but whatevs.

14. Evil again for educational purposes. But what he didn't answer is that it's revo and that's how she is cheating.

15. What he wishes is not possible, so might as well do everything he CAN.

16. Me.

Host note: No, your waifu!

17. Funny I think desin would appreciate how independent cats are but going with doggo.

18. Tl dr withholding sorry gaj

19. Core theme in SnK. Ugliness?

They'll see a hardworking man that constantly fought adversity.


21. He wanted to be an airplane pilot.

1-Whats your daily beauty routine ?

A:hydrating and scrubbing, washing face every morning


2-You feel overwhelmed in life and are not sure what to do for that to change.

A: decided to get vaccinated and die from it and end his suffering


3-What was your most embarrassing moment?

A: Got a fine for public urination while partying in Lisbon


4-What is desin's main goal in life?

A: to prove that he is the best at what he does and can overcome any obstacle


5-Worst dream you have ever had?

A: mom was being attacked by a witch, he used his special abilities to defeat the witch


6-describe yourself with only one adjective

A: resistent / resilient


7-What's a Mafia Game theme Des would love to host and who would be his single co-host for it?

A: no idea but mby with gry O.o fuck if i know


8-Whose (round 1 and 2) questions did you feel most uncomfortable answering?

A: no one


9-As a guy ,what is your opinion on cheating in a relationship?

A: against it


10-Considering that I'm not going to get any points anyway, might as well make a question that no one else can answer either. Therefore, my question is as follows:
If you were to organize a religion, what would the first tenet of your new religion be?

A: what's a tenet? XD


11-Which place in the entire world does desin want to travel/visit the most?

A: Kyushu island


12-There's rampant morbid obesity in Murica, which Murican MH user would desin force to join the Body Improvement Club?

A: no idea who's from murica in the game, will pick Faust randomly as my answer


13- What bothers you the most in this current world-wide corona situation?

A: not being able to visit friends


14-Pick one player of this game (hosts included) to go on a hot and steamy date with (and tell us why you picked that person).

A: ugh Evil3ye xD random


15-How can you lead an improvement club when you wish for instant success?

A: wish for instant success and continue pushing on until you achieve it. Daily changes will pump you up to keep going.


16-Which MH member you find the sexiest?

No Marm allowed just in case cause yawn.

A: ugh idk: erin evil farfs


17-Which animal do you think makes the best house pet?

A: biased answer CATS


18-You're in a situation where you are obliged to go back in time and are never able to come back to this timeline. Furthermore, you are only able to go back to a period where you exist (from birth to 22 years old). You will keep your memories, but your body will be that of the new reality. Assuming the past did not change, at what age would you go back to, and for what specific reason? (ex. To re-live a special moment with a friend, deceased person, lover, family. ex. To change a specific event that will change your known future. ex. To become popular or rich with your unknown to society knowledge). You can only have one motivation. (Those were just examples of possible motivations to facilitate your comprehension. It could be something that I didn't mention).

A: go back to change the decisions he took in the past regarding his profession? go towards a more high demand/reward type of profession which coincidently is also his passion? maybe art? gaming industry or animation?


19-The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them.. are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives!"
From Attack on Titan (Link to scene. Contains spoilers).

This quote focuses on an idea that gets explored later in the series and inspired this question: When someone in the future looks at your life, what meaning do you think they should find?

A: fuck if i know

Wall maker Lak

20-Let's continue with the previous round question and your answer. you said religion was a tool to unite people. I agree. But I say it was a psychological aspect of human nature that gave birth to the existence of God. Having something to rely on, to attribute your success to or failures too so a person can move on. That existence of God and the need to establish one's superiority gave birth to religion in beginning. As it evolved, it became a business. Religion in my opinion was the best business invented by humans alongside the monetary system. It had its positives in cultural exchange and also its negatives.

This brings me to atheism. Atheism as i see it is a religion in itself. It is basically based on a certain set of moral principles, and its main theme being denial of god and spiritual beings. In that very aspect, they are as stubborn as any over zealous cult follower would be. They use arguments based on morals, truth, scientific tools and logic to prove the point and deny others their belief system of support/reliance.

Would u not say it is self-arrogance personified in a way giving the boost to their self ego and trying to establish superiority with tools at their disposal is same as what one of the aspect religions have done in their evolution ? It is harmful for atheist too in a way. Basically, they themselves have also lost that something that they can rely on and move ahead. Not everyone can move from past or the results that easily.

Atheism that takes away the psychological support of a human making them feel like an abandoned person in desert with no direction or a goal having same devastating effects as degraded religion today, which in scientific terms gives rise to cases with people having to deal with more and worse psychological issues (higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, and substance use )

So my question to you is, what according to you should be the true essence of atheism and how should it try to deal with this psychological health which is worse in atheists than religious believers ?

A: I'm just gonna skip this one ty very much


21-Hmm.. What kind of career/work would you like to do later? And if you don't know for sure, what did you want to become but didn

A: I'll stick to drawing related, maybe animation/manga/gaming
im finally not avoiding this
juviii told me to just quote you normal as it faster but i went pain route with coloring everything but that also made me procrastinate on doing them.... a cycle

i feel dead right now


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Basque Country
We shouldnt have jokers and witholds in this game
Honestly for the most part, agreed? Let's just change the rules it's not like anyone will complain.

My problem is then having to read and comprehend those walls of text and then coming up for a proper answer... I basically always tl;dr every single one of those.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
Host 2:lak in need of a lot of spanking for making this wall question, the most painful question to count
*us while counting this question*

Well, to be fair, this was also me writing the answer. I do think my answer was kinda wrong, but I take the point for effort 🤡
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? :XD

Host note: Are your parents marital psychologists?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 16, 2016
Reaction score
I wish i had a withold for lakhan question.......
Damn you lakhinky.. just damn you :bored
:lmao What u complaining abt ? U got to sleep twice and easily due to that. Appreciate the wall.
Fine we can put a character limit on Lakhan too
I am nowhere near shio level yet :hmph

Speaking of WHs and joker, change tht rule of can't use WH post joker use. It is silly.

Baka Taichou

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
Wth -22 points omg :)))
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

So what.s next?

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score
We sacrifice the person with the least amount of points to the MH gods and move onto the next round
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Please step onto the altar scary noona


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
We sacrifice the person with the least amount of points to the MH gods and move onto the next round
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Please step onto the altar scary noona
Don't it need to be a virgin though? In that case you come forward, non breeder panda :eyeroll

Baka Taichou

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
We sacrifice the person with the least amount of points to the MH gods and move onto the next round
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Please step onto the altar scary noona
Whaat, but i didn.t get last olace Xad has!