Help Wanted - Is it possible for a fan made manga on deviant art or a website to become popular? | MangaHelpers

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Help Wanted Is it possible for a fan made manga on deviant art or a website to become popular?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 20, 2016
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 1, 2010
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Look, first of all, this is a very long question and I don't know who you're expecting to receive an answer from. What do you mean is it possible? Has anyone done it? No. There's no western plot-based webcomic that is as popular as Tower of God, not one that I know of at least. There's a lot of comedic and silly webcomics that are extremely popular such as xkcd, but I'm assuming that's not what you're going for.

So is it possible? No one knows, no one has done it. Right now, a lot of people don't think it's possible. I am not one of those people, but you should know that no one knows for sure, regardless of what they think. After all, if there was anyone here that could make an extremely successful webcomic, we would just do it. There's thousands of absolutely great webcomic creators in the west that try every day to make good stuff, and you've never heard of their work, and literally almost no one outside of the webcomic community has heard of their work. Because their work is not anywhere near the success of something like Tower of God or the Gamer. Those two are extremely successful series known to everyone in the worldwide manga community with many followers, do not underestimate their popularity.

Now, you say you will make a webcomic with better art than Naruto and Bleach. I am not going to try to deny this claim (even though it's awfully unlikely), but I don't think you understand how skilled those artists are. The appeal of their artistic styles is immense and widespread, but even ignoring the style, just in terms of technical skill: it takes very long to produce a chapter of manga. The amount of work manga artists go through isn't just because Japan is a workaholic society, it's also because you CAN'T make 18 pages a week (of that quality) without working 24/7. That's why I'm going to guess (since this is a hobby), that you will not be able to complete more than, say, 10 pages a month? Even that is a wide exaggeration, since ten pages will take you around 5 hours per page of the quality you're promising. You don't expect to make money and so it's presumed that you won't have any assistants. Anyway, it would be VERY difficult to keep the attention span of any readerbase with something like 10 pages a month.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the standard you are going for (Naruto/Bleach) is a very high standard. Not only will you need an extreme amount of practice to reach that level, you will also need a lot of time to keep producing content of that level, and if you do this as a hobby, your best bet is to finish your first chapter twenty years from now. I'm not joking. Kishimoto drew Naruto for fifteen years, drawing at least 14 hours a day every day for those fifteen years, not to mention that his art was already professionally viable on the day he started. Do you seriously claim that you can reach Kishimoto's level (after fifteen years of practice) after doing this as just a hobby?

That's what bothers me. You talk down about people who want to dedicate their lives to this, and you're not willing to put in any serious amount of effort, yet you're expecting to be successful? There is a chance you can make a manga with shit art that will be the next big thing, like One Punch Man. But that chance is like winning the lottery. I know you don't expect to be as big as One Punch Man, you're only aiming for something like Tower of God, but Tower of God is still extremely popular. Even if you make the best manga ever made, there's a lot of luck when it comes to finding readers and building an audience, and you can only do it if you have a regular release schedule.

So what I'm trying to say is that you're wanting to make a webcomic as a hobby, and that's cool, go for it, but you have to know two things: 1) hobby webcomics will never have art better than professional manga that authors dedicate their lives to, and 2) hobby webcomics will have a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very unlikely chance of becoming popular, especially as popular as something like Tower of God.

(and all of this is besides the point that if you think it's childish to dedicate your life to a goal, then you have just called all of the greatest people in history childish, and my only response is to laugh at you.)
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 1, 2010
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also I'm sure you could at least agree that the art in one piece is literally bad and simple and un-detailed,I'm sure you can agree that it would have better art than one piece.
okay this guy is definitely trolling