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Chapter Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter Reviews


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
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Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter Reviews
Mangahelpers will be posting chapter reviews for featured manga, Nanatsu no Taizai included, on the forum homepage. Each chapter, the first submitted review will be used. Preferably reviews are to be submitted as soon as possible and before the release of the following chapter. Subsequent reviews will be linked in the published review, and are also to be completed in this thread. Your permission will be sought before your review is published or linked.

The 24 hour spoiler rule does not apply in this thread. However this is for reviews only. Any discussion about reviews can be done in the chapter thread, or the Hangout thread (keep in mind the 24 hour spoiler rule applies in that thread).

Review standards
  • Minimum 500 words
  • English language. Standard spelling, grammar and punctuation apply - enough so it can be easily read.
  • No emoji, slang, swearing. All forum etiquette rules apply.
  • Refrain from using pictures. A picture may be incorporated should the need arise.

What should be included in the review?

A concise summary of the events within the chapter; and how said events are interconnected with the story. Aspects such as character actions/development, art, tone etc can all be subjects of the review. Any points can be appraised (was it good? was it bad?), though it is expected to be reasonable and/or supported by chapter/manga content. The review should be finished with a concluding paragraph, with some forewords regarding possible future events. Feel free to add/omit any of these recommendations as you see fit, as well as adding your own perspective and character to the review.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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NNT Chapter 204 Review


The chapter begins with the Demon Army approaching the Fairy forest.All Giants and Fairies are shocked by this.King says if this is according to Ludociel's plan to Gerheade.Diane realises that this may be there trial which King also agree.Then Meliodas rushes to them and asks them to protect Elizabeth and others while he negotiates with the 10C.King and Diane protests as this is a suicide misson.But Meliodas says that if this war continues then all the Clans will be wiped out.Diane comedically wants to go which forces King to go too.I laughed at this part.But he realises if he leaves what will happen to Fairy forest?He looks at Gerhead.I think this is how Gloxinia left his sister.But Rou comes to protect Fairy forest in place of Gloxinia.King calls him Ban which may foreshadow that he has some connection with Ban as some of us suspect.Maybe he loved Gerheade who knows?And i laughed when King said he is better than Ban.

Daine points out that Demon Clan stopped in their tracks?Meliodas looks shocked.

Elizabeth appears
It is Elizabeth who appeared to stop them.She calls herself Goddess Elizabeth.Merascylla mockingly asks her if she has come to offer her soul to them?Galan in an idiotic way asks if he can eat her soul?Monspiet remembers if he has heard this name somewhere before indicating that the name Elizabeth is not well known in Demon Clan.Fraudrin asks the Demon soldiers what's wrong with them.Monspiet says that thousands of their brethren had vanished mysteriously here.Derriere continues that they caught a slight faint of huge amount of power which only Demon Clan can percieve.Elizabeth asks them to retreat as Ludociel is planning something.Monspiet recognizes Ludociel as one of the 10C.Derririe asks Elizabeth why they should believe her?Elizabeth replies there is no reason.But she wants to end the war.
Fraudrin realises she is the one who turned the Demon Army back.
Demon Soldiers replied she is the one who sent them back.Seeing her eyes they lost all will to fight.Derriereasks Elizabeth to release their prisoners then they will believe her.Elizabeth agrees and will do whatever she can.Then Derririe continues asks for the traitor Meliodas which Elizabeth refuses.We saw a small panel of Meliodas and co. coming.She says that Meliodas is her everything.Monspiet realises that she is the one who made Meliodas defect.Derririe agrees and says it is a deal.

This signifies that Elizabeth did not know what Ludociel and others were planning.So they didn't care to even inform Elizabeth.
Killing of Hostages
But then Ludociel thanks Elizabeth for buying time which made 10C think she tricked them.Ludociel activates the Ark.Everyone notices it.Meliodas realises what Ludociel was doing and calls him a bastard.Monspiet says inside the ark their bodies and magic is eaten and they are left in a state neither alive nor dead.Merascylla comments they are civillians not Soldiers.Derriere calls for her sister who calls her name.Then Ludociel kills them by making the Ark give out a huge light.All the 10C get angry and Derriere hits Elizabeth and renders her unconscious.But all the Four Archangels arrive and all the furious 10C are ready to fight them.The chapter ends here.

My analysis
I think it was such a great chapter.Because of Ludociel a great chance to end the war was lost.10C are justified to kill the Four Archangels.

Next chapter prediction
I think next chapter Meliodas and King & Diane will appear when the battle between the 10C and Archangels reach a height.Maybe they will accuse Meliodas of being involved in the killing.Maybe Meliodas will fight Archangels.I think this massacre was one of the reasons why Dolor and Gloxinia joined the Demon Clan.Maybe DK and Zeldris will appear soon.Looking forward for next chapter.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
Since @Gallon asked so nicely, I will be doing this week's Nanatsu No Taizai review.

Nanatsu no Taizai 206: The Beast Roars

Chapter 206 begins with the main man Gowther continuing where he left off in chapter 205, mind jacking Nerobasta and pretending to be Ludociel, one of the 4 Archangels. He commands her to lead to him to the Celestial Realm, to which she happily obliges.

The scene shifts to Ludociel flying towards the battle with the 10 Commandments, while Nerobasta drops some exposition for the audience, giving us insight on Ludociel. She describes Ludociel as the strongest Archangel and describes how he abandoned his friends and family in order to assure victory for the Goddess Clan in this Holy War, basically, throwing away everything he had. Gowther reveals that, he too, knows of such a man, whom we can assume refers to Meliodas. It should be noted, however, that Nerobasta is biased towards Ludociel, so while Gowther is making her tell the truth, her truth might be embellishing Ludociel's capabilities. There is still one more Archangel left to be revealed and their strength is unknown at the time.

Nerobasta and Gowther finally arrive at the gate to the Celestial Realm, however, there is someone else in tow. The sexy, sexy Merascylla, who makes her presence known by critiquing the design of the gate to the Celestial Realm. Gowther asks how the prison rescue went and Merascylla explains that it was a trap. Well, she tries to explain. Gowther does his mind reading thing and basically reads the rest of the information in her mind, much to her annoyance. He learns of the other 2 Archangels on the battlefield and explains to Merascylla that Ludociel is also on his way to the battlefield. Gowther then states that the 10 Commandments are at a disadvantage as the scene shifts back outside, where the battle between the Archangels and the 10 Commandments continues on.

The fight goes back in forth, but the 10 Commandments manage to hold their own against the 2 Archangels. However, this comes to an end with the arrival of Ludociel, who easily wrecks the 3 fighters. Nerobasta comments that the 10 Commandments are nothing but beast and that Ludociel is the Celestial Realm's greatest hunter, stating that Ludociel never fails at a hunt and basically implying that the 10 Commandments are screwed. Merascylla then calls her stupid and tells her that those 10 Commandments on the battlefield aren't your average beasts.

On the battlefield, Derriere and Monspiet suddenly rip out 6 of their hearts and crushes them in their hands, apparently performing some strange ritual. Merascylla explains that the ritual, which is only available to a select few, transforms the demon into the "Indura", beasts that are "the evilest existance". Even Garan flees from the field once he sees this. Once the ritual is done, Derriere and Monspiet are now changed into more demonic forms, with Derriere becoming some sort of Scorpion Crab Woman and Monspiet becoming Slenderman's multilimbed cousin. The chapter ends with an unimpressed Ludociel getting...chopped? I guess? In the the face by Derriere.

This chapter was decent enough. Everything is progressing along nicely as we begin to get drops of information about the final two clans. Nakaba has basically made this a full blown flashback arc however, which is a bit lame. I felt that him directly involving King and Diane in it was the more interesting aspects of this arc and why I wasn't cool with it at the start, but since they aren't around, well, it's just a flashback. While they are obviously coming back, it would've been nice to keep it from their perspective, rather than abandon it midway.

The Indura forms are a nice addition and leave something to look forward to, however, I wish they would've kept Monspiet's and Derriere's forms hidden. Instead, I wish we would've gotten this reveal from Merascylla and Garan, the two Commandments who have already been taken care of in present time. In my opinion, it takes away from Monspiet's and Derriere's future fight as we know what their trump card already is. It would've also showed how lucky the Sins were in present time since Merascylla and Garan wouldn't have gotten a chance to activate it, still keeping the threat of the Commandments somewhat in tact.

A small nitpick I have is that Gowther making himself look like Ludociel was pointless. She only recognized Gowther as Ludociel for the first page, but then she immediately treats Gowther as if he were another person...which he is, but she shouldn't know that. Later in the chapter she directly addresses Gowther and Merascylla, while still under Gowther's control. Would've been more interesting if she were still under the impression that Gowther was Ludociel and Merascylla just waltzed in and the two started having a conversation.

In conclusion, it wasn't a bad chapter. It was action packed and had a decent reveal at the end, but I felt it could've been smoothed out a bit better for the grander story. Chapter 207 will hopefully mark the arrival of King and Diane, so they can be folded back into things. I also suspect that Gowther and Merascylla will meet some opposition on their end as well. Things should be getting ready to turn sour in the forest and we still need the remaining 10 Commandments to show up.
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The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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NNT chapter 285 Review

Hi everyone I am doing this review after so much time.As you might have noticed that many other manga's receive daily reviews so I thought maybe this will enliven the thread.


The chapter cover is completely a map.We got to know different forces position throughout Britannia.One important point is Mael and Sins confrontation took place some distance from Camelot.So there might be some time before they can reach Camelot after saving Mael.


The chapter begins with Ban and Meliodas falling into the real world.Ban screams and points out that they are being separated.Meliodas says that they are both returning to to different destinations.Ban to Hawk from where he started while Meliodas is returning to his cocoon where his real body is absorbing the commandments.This whole thing is completely logical to be honest.They should return to separate destinations.

Meliodas next page says that he really wanted Hawk to meet Wild to which Ban agrees.It's quite a sad part really.Nakaba really portrayed this part well.

Meliodas's innate magic

Suddenly next page Demon King's huge hand comes out from the purgatory and grabs Meliodas.Ban says that he is going to save Meliodas assures him that he is alright.He also promised him that he will return to the real world.DK mocks Meliodas what can he do in his grip.But suddenly Dk's arm got destroyed and falls into the portal.

DK realises that Meliodas used his true Meliodas replies that it is true that he is afriad and as this power is awakened when he returns to the world he will not exist.Now i don't understand this part completely.Who will not exist?Emotion Meliodas or his Assault Mode form?For now i am taking this he means his emotional self.

DK screams Meliodas will destroy everything that he made to which Meliodas grins that this is the first time he ever saw DK being panicked and he descends towards the bottom.

Now I facepalmed at this part.My only nitpick in the whole chapter is only this portion.If Emotion Meliodas can generate this much power why didn't Meliodas use it against DK and SD 3000 years ago.Granted it creates huge repercussions on him and might have harmed Elizabeth but still he could have used it after asking Elizabeth to escape like he told Ban.Most importantly this was life and death situation.Not to mention somehow negates the hype of "DK" and "SD" as beings Gods if they can be harmed by non "God" beings and if we imagine how much damage Assault Mode Meliodas can inflict.

Now regarding the actual properties of the magic,it looks to me that he can "erase" anything with this The effects look very much similar to Goddess Clan's Ark on Demons.


We now go back to Camelot just before Gowther's spell on everybody regarding Mael got dispelled.

We can see Hendrickson and Gilthunder being shocked by the sight of the Cocoon.Gil asks Merlin to which she reveals what it really is.She also says that entering with teleportation or destroying it impossible and seems it is giving an ominous killing intent.She even comments that her perfect cube will be destroyed by this.She slyly asks Ludociel what his plan his.

Now we got to hear Ludo's thoughts regarding his allies.He calls Merlin a "wench" but regards her importance as not letting the commandment fall into the Demons' hands.He calls Escanor "a man with infuriating pride" but still values his strength.He also regards Henderickson and Gilthunder as two who will protect his vessel and act as shields.Particularly Henderickson,even though "Breath of Bless" doesn't work on him still he can be alternate vessel.

This once again proved Ludociel's real nature.He is using them as pawns and doesn't really care for the humans just his desire for revenge against the Demons.Ludo is no doubt a great villain.

Also this may signify that Margaret might be released as Ludo might be forced to change vessels.

He then casts "Sanctuary" which forces through the cocoon.This proves Ludociel's strength Also helping him was Merlin possessing the Commandment which was eager to join others which made Ludo's job easier.

Now this is an interesting part.We got to know that Commandments are eager to join Meliodas,so does this mean all the Commandments that Mael casted away with the help of Gowther?Will they follow the same route?It remains to be seen.

Ludociel's comments that once they enter they cannot leave until they kill Meliodas which shocks Gilthunder and Escanor.But Merlin replies that it will not be if they can turn Meliodas back to normal.Then Zeldris addresses each of them individually,esp especially calling Ludociel as "the leader of the 4AA" and he would not let them interfere with Meliodas.The battle line seems to be Escanor Vs Chandler,Cussack Vs Merlin and obviously Zeldris vs Ludociel.Their combined battle aura shocks both Gilthunder and Henderickson.Ludociel says to Zeldris that this is the first time they are meeting face to face to which Zeldris replies this is also the last.

Now I am really hyped for this fight.Can Escanor and Merlin counter True Night?What is the limit of Merlin's power and how strong really she is?What is the full potential of Zeldris and Ludociel's?We know this is before Mael reveal and Zeldris still regards Mael as "Estarossa" so we will see how much they are effected after the reveal?This also means they should not be able to damage each other based on what we saw earlier.But why Chandler missing from the panel where Gowther's spell got dispelled?Was he defeated?Or was he killed?Or simply he was not drawn.It remains to be seen.

Overall,I give the chapter 7/10.
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Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
Surprise review is surprising. Since @Arjuna decided to revive this thread once more, I figured I'd toss in another review for the year.

Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter 286: Flash


Our chapter continues where 285 left off, with the Assault Squad facing off against Zel and the Masters. Aside from Escanor and Zeldris, everyone seems to be all smiles, anticipating this fight. Gilthunder and Hendrickson respectively take up space and cheer-lead while staring at the 6. Hendy takes the time to stop kissing Ludociel's ass to comment on the strength of the 6, noting that they are currently the mightiest warriors on Earth.

As if on cue, Escanor opens up the fight with a swing from Rhitta which seemingly strikes Chandler. Zeldris ducks with a simple head tilt, while Cusack takes to the air. The glancing blow sends a large shockwave to the right of Escanor, though Chandler remains unharmed. However, that wasn't Escanor target. Despite being the Sin of Pride, Escanor sure likes the art of misdirection, revealing that his actual target was Mel's cocoon. Chandler loses his cool and screams at Escanor, only for Merlin to take advantage of the situation. She casts an offensive spell, Double Impact, which seemingly has no effect on the trio of demons. Both Masters express disappointment in Merlin's display, commenting on how they can't believe she tricked both the Demon King and Supreme Deity, with the recognition of the latter implying some semblance of respect for her strength. The two charge at Merlin while she contemplates on their strength; 173000 for Chadler and 168000 for Cusack.

Escanor jumps in their path and manages to fend off the blows meant for Merlin, however, he is blown back by the might of the two. Merlin is seemingly about to be caught off guard, but with a snap, she blows the two back with explosive force, likely the true effects of Double Impact. She notes that numbers aren't the defining features of fights, a common theme repeated in this series, as Chandler and Cusack wonder what just hit them. While they are still regaining their barrings, Ludociel attacks from behind. In a dazzling display of speed, he knocks both Masters away into the walls. Despite that, the two seem no worse for wear as they comment on Ludociel and their aging bodies. Merlin once again notes that, while numbers aren't everything, Ludociel's level of strength, 201000, will be invaluable in this fight.

Ludociel then confronts Zeldris and comments on his famed speed with his sword. The two proceed to have a speedy duel, the initial result ending in one blow from Zeldris and two from Ludociel. The two snip at each other a bit before Hendy pulls a Leeroy Jenkins and runs in to push Ludociel out of Cusack's path, injuring himself in the process. Ludociel berates Hendrickson, but acknowledges his efforts and heals him. Zeldris goes in for an attack, but Ludociel strikes back with an attack of his own. However, it's ineffective as Zeldris possesses the Demon King's magic, Ruler, which, as previously revealed, allows one to turn any damage towards them into their own strength. As Ludociel points this out, Zeldris takes up a stance, which causes the Masters to distance themselves from Zeldris. They express surprise and note that they wish Zeldris would've told them about it. The chapter ends with an ominous image of Zeldris taking a battle pose and emitting a dark miasma, stating that he is about to show his original magic.


Chapter was alright. At least, I'm softer on it than I was when I initially read it. The power level aspects are mainly the only issue I have with it. Although I expected levels to rise, when you apply these levels to previous fights and/or events, they don't make sense in hindsight.

That being said, everyone was rather impressive in this chapter. In terms of the Assault Squad, we get bits and pieces of what they'll bring to the table against the demons. Merlin has her tricks, planning multiple steps ahead to keep up with the Demons, as seen with the Double Impact technique. I'm also guessing she added something else in their as well, but we'll have to see. Escanor, of course, has his high power, which, while ineffective, did show he was able to keep up with the two Masters while not being at full power just yet. And, of course, Ludociel, fully demonstrating the power of his Grace, Flash. I'm slightly disappointed that Flash is light based, seeing as how Ark and Sunshine were basically that, but I'll reserve judgement until we see more. Mainly because I'm dead set on wanting Flash to control time.

While they were more on the receiving end this week, I'm assuming we'll be getting more from the Demons in the next chapter as Zeldris shows his magic off. I do think it would've been more effective for the narrative had we'd seen this chapter before we found out what the Demon King's magic actually did. But that's a small nitpick.


I wouldn't say it's a strong start, but it lays a decent foundation. There's a lot of different things to look forward too in this fight, so we just have to hope it turns out better than the Mael chapters. At the very least, we won't be bored seeing as how we have more antagonists to go around and don't have to focus on a single one for long span of chapters.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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NNT chapter 287 Review by Arjuna


The chapter cover is ominous this time We have Zeldris and Gelda standing opposite to each other.The line says even if they won't meet he pushes on without waiting.

I hope this isn't a foreshadowing that Zeldris and Gelda will never be happy and able to live together.

The Actual chapter

The first words of the chapter is what Meliodas was whispering to Zeldris in Camelot earlier.The dialogue itself continues in first 2 pages along with different actions happening.

Zeldris is preparing for his magic attack which alerted Ludociel and others and scared Gilthunder.

It is revealed by Meliodas that he didn't actually kill Gelda in Edinburgh 12 years ago but instead sealed her waiting for the right moment.

This is the reason why Zeldris is cooperating with Meliodas.

We have a small flashback of Zeldris and Gelda when he sealed the Vampire Clan and Gelda asking him not to blame himself.

We now come back to the present.

On being mocked by Ludociel that GC will win the Holy War Zeldris replies that he doesn't care for "petty" things.Indicating at once that he is not much different from his older brother Meliodas and both care for their women the most.

This statement earns a clenching of teeth from Cussack.We now see the similarait between Cussack and Chandler,both of them want their students to be invested in war and potentially hate their lovers.It is not known at this point whether Cussack knows about Gelda but Peronia once whispered something to him and left.There is a possibility that he might have found about Gelda and might done something to her though the chances are pretty low because Cussack shouldn't know where Gelda's seal is.

Zeldris activates his spell named "Ominous Nebula" which like a true black hole behind begins to suck everyone towards Zeldris.This immense power made everyone completely helpless.As they were very close to Zeldris an unknown attack completely pushes them all back into the wall severely.

He again activates the magic which again sucks everyone but somehow this time Ludociel and Escanor managed to hold ground.We see Henederickson's unconscious body towards Zeldris which prompts Ludo to scream but Merlin teteports and saves him.Chandler comments that she is using teleportation continuosly to keep her safe and it can only be done by someone with infinite magic power.But Cussack says that they cannot evade it permanently by this.

Ludociel gets cocky and rushes at Zeldris at full force.But an unknown impact forces him in the wall.Margarwt's body started bleeding from the mouth and Ludo drops the sword he was holding in Margaret's hand.He starts falling to the ground but Escanor catches her behind his back.

At this point it's pretty clear that Zeldris is far superior to Ludociel in a human vessel.Though it is not know how much this might change if he is in his real body.But anyway Zeldris proved his hype.

Ludociel and Escanor bit quarrel when Merlin interrupts them.
She reveals that true nature of Zeldris's magic power.

With Zeldris as a centre it attracts everything towards but it cannot attract non-living things and no physical attacks reach him and they are hit by unknown attack.In addition all the attacks that Merlin and Ludociel made on Zeldris before he activated Ominous Nebula made no effect due to Dk's power.Simply no magic works on him virtually making him invincible(as he is immune to both physical and magical attacks).Kind of reminds us of Mael situation when no light or dark abilities worked on him when he absorbed the Commandments and he regained his Goddess powers.

Ludociel then orders Escanor to lend him his aid.Escanor calmly says no,this is a pretty funny part of the manga.Escanor gives no importance to anyone and it's pretty humourous.

Ludociel is naturally shocked at this.Escanor replies that he doesn't take orders from anyone and giving him is a wisecrack(meaning a joke), surprising even Chandler and Cussack.

Ludociel goes complete nuts at this and screams at him calling him "a presemptous human" once again proviing how much he really cares for his allies.In the heat of the moment his true nature came out.

Escanor without even caring bends which forces Ludociel towards Zeldris once more.But Merlin orders Escanor to save Margaret/Ludociel.On being saved he asks why Escanor saved him after saying so previously he replies that all he follows Merlin's orders.

He asks Ludociel that he has a plan right,if not right he will send him flying.

Ludociel says that he has a plan but only if he listens to his orders indicating mutual cooperation is needed to get out of this situation.


Pretty good chapter and I really enjoyed it, Zeldris maintained his hype,chances of Gelda surviving and Ludociel's bickering really made this chapter great.

Also as the next chapter title is "Operation God" I mean this refers to the plan to take Zeldris down.In Military "Operation X" means an operation to take down X,so as God is the ability of Zeldris it is a plan to take down Zeldris.But how much will that be successful only next chapter will tell.

Overall,I give this chapter 9/10.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
United States
Nanatsu no Taizai 288: Operation: God


Chapter 288 continues right where 287 left us off at, with Escanor and Ludociel preparing for a counter attack against Zeldris' Ominous Nebula. Ludociel goes over the intel they currently have on Zeldris, mentioning his resistance to magic, due to the Demon King's ability and Ominous Nebula, a technique they still don't fully understand. Escanor, despite following Merlin's orders to team up, still seems a bit annoyed at the situation, but goes with it, telling Ludociel to begin the attack.

Ludociel starts things off with an attack "Ruby Shine", blinding The Masters and, to a lesser extent, Zeldris. Escanor follows suite with a "Cruel Sun" near Zeldris' footing, blowing debris in front of the Demon Prince, further obscuring his vision. Ludociel makes the assumption that his technique functions similarly to Meliodas' Full Counter, putting forth the idea that Zeldris needs to see the attack in order to counter it. Escanor and Ludociel take advantage of Zeldris' apparent weakness and attempt to attack him. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, as Zeldris' magic still catches them and blows them back, shocking the Assault Squad members who aren't unconscious.

Ludociel expresses confusion as to how this happened, while Zeldris further powers himself up in order to put an end to this scuffle. The force of Ominous Nebula's suction is doubled and Zeldris takes aim at Merlin, wanting to get rid of her first to claim the Commandment. His power overcomes her teleportation and she is brought in to his abilities range, blowing her back. Fortunately, Escanor managed to get between her and Ominous Nebula, using his body as a shield to take the damage meant for her. However, it wasn't enough, as Merlin still got hit by the mysterious technique. Escanor sees this and becomes enraged and attacks the entire area indiscriminately with his technique "Crazy Prominence", which nearly hits Ludociel as well.

The attack shakes loose a large piece of rock which falls on top of Zeldris and is immediately obliterated. Escanor's wild attack was actually a good thing, as it allowed Merlin to see the true nature of Zeldris' technique. Concentrating his Power of Darkness, Zeldris creates a vortex around his body that moves at a speed which cannot be perceived by eyes alone. Due to this speed, it pulls in those who are near him, much like a blender or a jet turbine. Ludociel comments that the speed of the technique surpasses his own Grace, Flash. Despite admitting this inferiority, Ludociel's sense of duty pushes him forward, as he once again charges head first towards Zeldris. We get a glimpse of his past and see that, he as well, lost some important things due to this war, such as the chance for love and friendship. Like many of those in this war, he cannot forget and cannot forgive. As he is about to be blown back by Zeldris once more, Gilthunder pulls and Escanor and manages to put himself between Ludociel and Ominous Nebula, which blows the both of them back and, seemingly, knocking them out.

Zeldris focuses attention on Escanor and Merlin and attempts to bring them in. As the two are nearly sucked in, Escanor request something of Merlin, to which she responds she'll never do again. She teleports herself and Hendy away, leaving only Escanor. To the surprise of the Masters, Escanor begins to walk towards Zeldris, uneffected by the suction of Ominios Nebula. Escanor brings up that the Demon Princes have a habit of annoying him as it is revealed that he has transcended into The One. The chapter ends with a fully powered Escanor facing off against the lone Zeldris. Pride vs. Piety.


This was a fun chapter. Action packed, unique magic, logical turn of events. A good time was had by all.

While he was less than impressive in this chapter, there were some interesting implications about Ludociel. If the color of "Ruby Shine" is as it seems to imply, it's likely that Ludociel's control of light extends to the entire spectrum of light, which would imply some level of control of the electromagnetic spectrum. That would be rather interesting to see and imply a higher level of power than anything he's currently shown. That being said, it's unfortunate that Nakaba decided to make Ominous Nebula faster than light itself. Ominous Nebula was already a powerful technique, it didn't need to be superior to a Grace as well. Maybe there is another level to Flash which we haven't seen, but having Ludociel straight up admit his abilities inferiority lowers the possibility. Aside from that, there are potential implication that Ludociel is one of the few gay characters in this series. The translation is a bit iffy, but the context of it seems to imply the possibility, with him holding a man in his arms and weeping over their body. It could also just be a friend of his whom he is crying over. Maybe we'll get to see in a future flashback.

The Goddess Clan in general have gotten the short end of the stick. For a clan that's supposed to be the polar opposites of the Demons and their "rivals", they can't seem to do anything substantial against the heavy hitters, even when it's their own heavy hitters going against them. It really doesn't make sense.

Zeldris got some great shine in this chapter. It's a bit unfortunate that his technique can't kill in one hit, as it probably should, because of plot. We know the PoD can basically erase bodies with the swipe of a hand, so it's a little unbelievable that Hendy and Gilthunder can take these hits and keep their human forms. Lame.

Finally, we get to see The One again. Already hype as his ability to casually walk within the vacuum created by Ominous Nebula is a feat in itself. That being said, I don't expect either to win or lose. Both will come out of this, hype in check. However, it's possible we'll see some potential weak points for both of these characters.


Overall, good chapter. Goddess Clan need more feats and shine. Zeldris is the best brother. Escanor vs. Zeldris should be rather good.
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Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
United States
Nanatsu no Taizai 289: Pride vs. Piety


289 kicks off with The One, Escanor's 60 second God Mode, no selling Zeldris' Ominious Nebula's suction effect, much to the surprise of Cusack. Chandler expresses that he's felt this magic before, but can't seem to recall it at this moment. Zeldris speaks down to Escanor, who, last week, noted his defeat of the previous "two" demonic princes. Zeldris assumes that Meliodas was toying around with Escanor, something he apparently had a bad habit of doing, and thus was beaten as a result. He then notes that, unlike his brother, he doesn't have such a bad habit and fights all of his opponents at full power...

Escanor isn't the least bit impressed by the threat and commences his attack on Zeldris' magic with his sacred treasure, Divine Axe Rhitta. The clash explodes a cloud of dust, obscuring the view of the two fighters for a moment before it clears. Much to Merlin's surprise, Ominous Nebula manages to repel Escanor's blow in this form. On the side of the opposition, Cusack expresses disbelief in The One's lack of serious injuries, noting that he barely received any type of damage Zedris' magical assault. Upon exception of Rhitta, Escanor notices a slight chip on the edge, causing him to discard the weapon. Despite this normally meaning one has given up, Zeldris notes that Escanor has no intention of giving up as Escanor readies his hand for the technique that took out Melidodas not long ago, Divine Sword: Escanor.

With a forceful downward chop, Escanor once again clashes with the field of darkness surrounding Zeldris. Cusack is even more astounded that, not only is Escanor facing off against Zeldris' magic with his bare hands, despite being human, he's able to contend with it at all. Finally, it hits Cusack as to where he recognizes this ability. Mael the Sun, the strongest of the Archangels. Cusack question how a power such as that, gifted from the Supreme Deity, could fall in the hands of a human. They conjecture that Mael's Grace was lost and eventually found it's way to Escanor. As the clash continues, Zeldris asks Escanor why he is fighting in a war that has nothing to do with him, as it is between the Demon and Goddess Clans. Escanor simply notes that he is doing it for the sake of his friends, which seems to even surprise Merlin.

Escanor's chop begins to push it's way through as Cusack notes that Zeldris is being pinned down. Zeldris pushes back slightly, while shouting that the cruel and emotionless Mel that he knows, or knew, was never the type to consider such things. However, that comeback was shortly lived as Escanor goes all in and manages to break through Ominous Nebula by force, much to everyone's surprise and/or relief. Zeldris manages to stop the chop with his blade and retreats to gain some distance between himself and Escanor. However, Escanor isn't allowing that and quickly strikes back with a new technique, Divine Spear: Escanor, nearly skewering the young prince with a sharp jab of his index finger. Cusack shouts in surprise and worry as Escanor prepares to finish the fight...

Only to shift back into his weakly form. Chandler, coming through in the clutch, brings about True Night, erasing Escanor's power in an instant. In that instant, narration explains what Zeldris was experiencing. Both of his magics, Ominous Nebula and Demon King, were dispelled due to Escanor's attack knocking him out. Zeldris was only out for .8 seconds before awakening. Zeldris needed only one more second to reactivate Demon King. Unfortunately for him, that wasn't fast enough. Ludociel blitz the Demon Prince with a new technique, Gold Shining, which, I don't know, burns him or something. Everyone is shocked and Ludociel gloats, ending the chapter.


Chapter was a good continuation of the last chapter.

Pride vs. Love. Winner: Pride. Pride vs. Wrath. Winner: Pride. Pride vs. Piety. Winner: ...Come on, we know how it would've ended had it continued. Escanor is 3 for 3 on the Demon Bros now. A very interesting thing that the series kept going back to. I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of such a pattern or turn of events was, but it's certainly entertaining. Escanor remains the strongest Sins by virtue of his perfect win streak.

For the first time, we get a piece of genuine camaraderie from this form, which is a sudden surprise. For the longest time, Escanor's only shown this vulnerability in his night form, while his day form had shown nothing but love for himself and Merlin. There maybe something more to these forms than we know.

Cusack and Chandler are running with the theory that Escanor got the Grace after it, apparently, roamed Britannia after Mael's fall until it found a host in Escanor. However, we know that Mael never actually fell in battle. So Escanor's magic most likely has another explanation for it's existence inside his body.

Zeldris always fighting at full power...

Despite being on the losing end, Zeldris performed better than his brothers. Estarossa didn't even make it to The One. Meliodas was taken down practically instantly after The One showed up. Zeldris not only withstood two blows from the giant sun man, one of being the blow that put his brother down for quite a bit, he took another blow at full force and was well on his way to recovering in under a single second. While he was bailed out and most likely would've lost had Escanor finished the attack, the fact that he took that much damage and pretty much instantly recovered is pretty damn amazing.


Double spread looked great. Zeldris was a good sport. Next week should be fun.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter 290/291: The Insolent Maggots and An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth

290 starts where 289 left off, Ludociel had just landed the decisive blow on Zeldris, the latter having been rendered defenseless due to the attacks of Escanor's The One. Ludociel attempts a double tap on Zeldris, but the Prince is saved by his mentor, Cusack.

A large portion of 290 shines a spotlight on the two Masters, adding more mystique to the characters and showing why they are a force to be reckoned with in the series. With both Escanor and Zeldris temporarily out of commission, the remaining fighters (who are actually capable of doing something substantial) pair up against the appropriate opponents. Cusack confronts Ludociel, who had just taken down his ward, and Chandler confronts Merlin. While he takes a sideline this chapter, there is some interesting bits of dialogue between Zeldris and Cusack. While the former acknowledges the strength of the latter as being far beyond his own, Cusack hints that Zeldris will be the one to surpass him, even going as far as to tell him to "not forget". The implications of this are interesting, but it's still rather vague as to where it could go.

Cusack versus Ludociel starts as a high speed battle, one that is choreographed and drafted pretty well. The three pages, consisting of the build up, the clash, and the results is a good one. It's probably my favorite from this series is a while, which is saying a lot as the last one I liked was way back in the first arc. Despite starting off evenly matched, Cusack soon makes it clear that he is a bit too much for the Archangel, who, despite managing to land the first blow, did no damage. He even left himself open for a devastating counter attack which dazed him pretty good.

Chandler versus Merlin initially looks like it's going to end the same way. The two mages cast the same spell, Exterminate Ray, through which it's readily apparent that the Master's version is exceedingly more powerful. However, with Merlin's spell being pushed back, she adds a last minute enchantment to her spell, using her magic Infinity as a base, which exponentially increase the power of her spell, allowing her to push back Chandler's instantly, seemingly blowing him up. This apparent victory is short lived however when we see that Chandler is no worse for wear. Ludociel skids back to where they were, fatigued and still injured, revealing that Cusack is unharmed as well.

Earlier in the chapter, Merlin explained that the Masters are among the oldest demons known and that they are largely enigmas, having stayed away from the front lines of the Holy War. After the clashes however, she further clarifies what else she knows about the two. Their original magic has been sealed, so they gained their reputation as the strongest demons through their sheer physical strength and power and that they are without weakness. But the end of the chapter proves that they aren't untouchable, as a surprise explosion of wind and lighting manage to cause a slight injury. Merlin, the one responsible, claims that they just need to create a weakness in them.

291 begins with the Masters doubting Merlin's claim that she'll be able to create a weakness in them, telling her not to get full of herself for leaving a bruise and a scrath. And with good reason, they seem to be rather indestructible in this form (except for the time Chandler wasn't when he fought the Fairy Gloxinia and the Giant Dolor, but we'll ignore that for now).

They'll pretty much be proven wrong as this entire chapter is dedicated to Merlin straight up owning them. To be quite honest, there isn't much else to the chapter in terms of anything else.

Merlin's use of tactics and the magic of Infinity is further expanded upon basically, allowing those traits of the character to shine unimpeded. Her plan began as soon as the fight began in chapter 286, with the spell Double Impact. I had even mentioned during my review of that chapter that I suspected there was another reason for the spell being used and here it is. The spell's function was two fold; Determine the the Master's potential weak point, in this case a lack of resistance for Wind for Cusack and a lack of resistance for Lighting for Chandler and to decrease their resistance to said element indefinitely every time they are attacked.

While Zeldris' magic was activated and Merlin was teleporting out of it's range, she used that time to jury rig a number of spells together to prepare for this moment. Two elemental spells, wind and lighting, that are invisible, undetectable, self replicating, and capable of homing in on their targets if the make a move or even speak. This, in combination with the effects of Double Impact basically stun locked the two Masters into oblivion.

Merlin's magic, Infinity, just barely manages to stay within it's previously defined description, but even then, you can argue that it's being allowed to do more that initially stated. The original idea presented was that the magic just allowed one keep a spell cast indefinitely, without wasting magic to sustain it. Some of the things Merlin has done recently kinda make it hard to believe that that's still the case.

Tactic wise, this is what I wanted from the character after getting an idea of how she supposedly operates. She reminds me of Mayuri from Bleach, in that she needs an appropriate amount of prep time to completely own the fight from the start using some pretty bullcrap or broken methods. It's a fun character to read, although admittedly, she should have had more moments like this before we reached this point as jumping straight to this is a bit of a hard pill to swallow. I buy it because it's what I wanted, but I can see the issue with her winning like this.

Both chapters were alright for me, but they were most definitely enjoyable for fans of Merlin.



The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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NNT Chapter 292 Review by Arjuna


The cover this time is really heart touching and emotional.We have a joint picture of Mael and Ludociel together flying in the sky.This clearly shows their bond and love.I personally feel they are going to be reunited soon.


We have the chapter beginning with Merlin continuing her mental torture of Cussack in her mind.She praises him that if this was any other Demon they would have died.She also says she will give all the pain that she felt on losing Arthur back to him.Cussack realises that if he doesn't return to his body soon they will all lose to Merlin.

Suddenly both of them are severely affected by a mental pain.Cussack does not know why this is happening but realises this is happening but realises this is his chance to return to his body.

The Real World

We now come back to the real world.We see Escanor comforting Merlin and asking her what is wrong with her.In her state she manages to ask Escanor to get his Rhitta.

Escanor rushes to get Rhitta when he saw Ludociel in Margaret's body crawling to the ground in pain.

Henderickson calls him with concern and then tries to heal Gilthunder.

Ludociel finally realises that Estarossa was Mael himself.The shock that she felt was really immense.

Meanwhile it Henderickson seemingly took all injuries of Gilthunder on himself which healed him.Now I am getting huge Hendy sacrifice scenario in the future.

Escanor tries to comfort Merlin when they realore that Masters a d Zeldris have slowly stood up.Both Masters are are effected from the pain in their face which Zeldris seemingly isn't effected.Escanor has in the meanwhile returned to his powerup body due to Rhitta

Merlin is shocked that they healed so fast but Chandler asked her not to underestimate the Recovery power of a Top Class Demon.

But Cussack asks him not to scream loud as the pain is breaking their heads.They realised that Ludociel is effected more by it.

Merlin finally realises what her master Demon Gowther did which naturally shocks everyone.

Cussack grins and said that he was always felt unease about Estarossa and when the truth got revealed he is feeling revealed.He also understands what the true motive of Gowther was.

He continues that the realisation came like a shock and effected their souls,the closer one was to Mael the greater the shock.Hence Ludociel is effected the most.

Merlin asks then why Zeldris isn't effected at all? Zeldris replies that he never looked Estarossa as his brother.Now with the truth he feels relieved.

Now this is a series contradiction.If Zeldris didn't feel any attachment to Estarossa then why did he risk his life to try to save Estarossa from Escanor?

Anyway as Zeldris prepares for the Round 2 Cussack asks him to conserve his strength for his eventual fight against the Seven Deadly Sins.

Then they start fusing together.While fusing they say that once the Demon King intending to rule the Underworld created one Demon and named it the Original Demon and granted him his power.But with that power overtaken by hubris they rebelled against the Demon King and tried to overthrow the Demon King.

But ultimately it was defeated and as a punishment it's body and soul were split into two and given the task of raising the two princes as the next Demon King Candidates thus giving birth to the masters.So the theory that the masters are an original entity and the king servant of the Demon King is proven true.Zeldris too is shocked as he didn't know anything about this.

Cussack and Chandler bids farewell individually to their students which was pretty emotional.

And the shock from their fusion completely destroy the darkness coccon of Meliodas indicating their power.

Their original form is revealed to be similar to a Centeuar who calls himself the "I am the Sinner the original Demon"
Their aura completely shocks everyone and Merlin realises they lost all their hopes of winning.

Now we go back to where Elizabeth and others are.They realise something bad is happening in Camelot and they felt Merlin and Escanor's power there so they need to hurry.

Then from Hawk's eyes light comes back and Bannister back.Everyone is happy to see him.

This finally reveals that Ban is the hope.


It was a pretty great chapter.I hope the Original Demon doesn't disappoint .Also eager to see how much strong Ban became.He is sure to be very strong now.He is sure to have a big role from on.

Overall,i give the chapter 9/10.
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Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter 293/294: That "Some Day" is Now and Hope, Discord, and Despair

What better way to end the year than with a double review of the last two chapters until the New Year?

293 begins with Elizabeth approaching Ban and inquiring about Mel's status. Ban confirms that his mission was successful, much to Elizabeth's relief. However, Ban's attention turns elsewhere as he appears to be searching for something, presumably, using his senses that were finely honed in Purgatory. As he heads towards his goal, he tell the others to go ahead to where Mel is, as he has something he needs to take care of. I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't get much interaction between the King, Diane, and Ban, but I'm hoping we get some in a future chapter.

Back at the Fodder Battlefield, we are treated with a decent double spread of the war. It's a shame a lot of these characters loss relevance, because while it's a fun page to look at, you really don't care about the results seeing as how all of the stakes lean towards the Sins side of things. If all of these characters loss, it wouldn't really matter as the Sins can win and still save the day.

Anyway, in a nice progression of panels, we see various individuals of Stigma saving one another from a number of attacks by Demons, ending with Guila and Howser being rescued by Elaine, The Fairy's Holy Maiden. However, it's clear that she isn't doing to well herself. Gerharde, the Aid to the Fairy King, tell her that she must rest after rescuing her from an attack by a demon, but Elaine refuses to do so, citing that she has to fight for the Fairy King's Forest as hard as Ban is in Purgatory. She lets loose a large attack, wiping out a large portion of the demons, but, as a result, loses the wings and power she gained. After large swaths of chapters passing with no real detail on Fairy Physiology, we are just now getting confirmation that if a Fairy loses their wings, they lose their power. Gerharde most likely was way stronger before than she is now.

Elaine falls into the demons path, but before they can kill her, she's saved by Ban. It's not exactly impressive seeing as how it's only low level demons, but I guess it's still a decent feat compared to what he was capable of before.

After a melodramatic speech, Elaine dies for all of two pages, before Ban bring her back to life using his new ability "Gift" to bring her back to life, at the cost of his immortality. Who gives a crap. Between that and the whole "underaged" make out scene, this was one of the worst chapters of the year for me. My main source of contention with this chapter is the fact that Ban's gaining of this ability was literally only 10 chapters ago, so this being the result so soon doesn't sit well with me. It really felt like a rushed conclusion to this arc which feels like it ended early on when Elaine was brought back to life the first time.

Thankfully, things get better in the next chapter.

294 beings with Mael performing a spell on the corpses of Derriere and Oslo. He reveals that it's a reincarnation spell that allows the individual to keep their memories of the past. I assume this will come into the future, but seeing as how these characters didn't really appeal to me or had late development, I'm not really interested in what will come of it.

Gowther request Mael come with them to Camelot to help with the fight, but Mael doesn't seem to want to do that. His hesitance really doesn't make much sense though. The world is going to end if they do nothing and he's throwing a pity party about his previous action. Not the time bro. Anyway, Elizabeth comes in and, as usual for characters she speaks too, he'll go along with her request.

We switch back over to King, Diane, and Hawk, with the latter two wondering where the other's went off too. King isn't much worried about them however, and moreso worried about the terrifying presence that appeared out of nowhere. Diane asks King if Merlin, Escanor, and the others are okay. King makes himself some fly clothes from some plants as he agrees with Diane that he's worried their friends and that's why they should hurry. King's my favorite character, so I'm obviously going to love him getting some new duds and looking good. Diane seems to agree as she does a never before seen double pony tail grab. She notices King's spear Chastiefol is gone, but before she can ask where it went, Elizabeth, Gowther, and Mael return, ready to head out.

Back at Camelot, Escanor and the Sinner are going at it. However, with noon having passed, Escanor is on the losing end of the fight. Sinner delivers a strong slash, but Escanor keeps on trucking, delivering a point blank Cruel Sun to Sinner. Merlin suggest they wait until King and the others come in to back them up to which Escanor rejects, stating that the two of them are more than capable of finishing the fight. Sinner, unscathed, basically proves that notion wrong. Merlin attempts a quick sneak attack, but with just his voice, Sinner makes her attack backfire in her face. Merlin's injured and Escanor attacks Sinner in anger, only to be met with a donkey kick. Before he's finished off though, the previously missing Spirit Spear comes out of nowhere and smashes in Sinner, causing him to cough up blood. King sent of the Spirit Spear ahead to assist his friends. Badass. We were shown previously that King and others were at a midpoint between Liones and Camelot, which are nearly a whole continent apart.

The final panel shows King and rest coming in to help save the day, ending the year on a hopeful note.
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