Voting Round 2 - Naruto vs. Tokyo Ghoul | Page 4 | MangaHelpers

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Voting Round 2 Naruto vs. Tokyo Ghoul

Who wins?

  • Naruto

  • Tokyo Ghoul

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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Part 3.1
Special Mentions
So, in this section I'm just going to touch on a few of the characters who I didn't think made enough of an impact to fit in the antagonist/protagonist role(s) I made in my earlier posts, but who I think deserve recognition as they made this show what it was, and affected it even in their own small ways. Plus, they did have their own fandoms as well, so I think that's a pretty good showing regardless of their limited screentime in the show. :)

Danzo Shimura

He isn't exactly a fan favorite, but honestly, this man is my second favorite Naruto villain, behind Pain. Surprised? I don't think most people consider him impactful enough to list him among their favorite villains, but he certainly makes the cut for me. Sasuke vs Danzo is my favorite Sasuke fight, and Izanagi is my second favorite technique in the series. Honestly, I think Danzo is probably among the more underrated Naruto villains.The really interesting thing about him is the fact that despite all he's done in the series (Ruining Nagato's childhood, and even controlling Mifune to choose him as the Leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces in the Kage Summit arc were seriously dark methods), he still loved the village as much as Hiruzen. He just went in a round about manner of showing it, which adds to the appeal. There's also just something horrifyingly shocking about implanting eyes into your ARM

Kabuto Yakushi

Also quite underrated, but I suppose this is to be expected since for the whole series he lived under the shadow of other great villains (Orochimaru and Tobi), but I don't think its exactly fair to discount his achievements in the whole series. In Part 1, he was the one who was able to fight Tsunade briefly for a while, one of the Legendary Sannin, and even exploit her hemophobia to handicap her for a good portion of the fight. Later on in part 2, he was the one who was able to revive all the Edo Tensei for Tobi's army, plus also freaking UCHIHA MADARA, the man who singlehandly saved the last arc :hip
He is freakishly strong. He could manipulate the dead and his surroundings. Immune to genjutsu and with instant recovery power. Plus he acquired so many Kekkei Genkais. He would win the war if not for Itachi.
Apart from that, his whole story revolves around finding out who he was as a person and gathering knowledge, which was pretty interesting. He managed to go that far on his own and he managed to become strong even if he didn't have any special powers apart from his intelligence.


My favorite Sannin out of the 3, this man was the beginning of Naruto's descent into a whole world full of madness and insanity. Jesus Christ this character was freaking brilliant. Being the first major villain of the series, he was responsible for the invasion of Konoha by an alliance between the Sound and Sand villages, the first one being his own personal village. And not only killing one, but TWO of the Five Kage at the time :wtf That is one of the best villain resumes in the whole series, hands down.
Not to mention he was the one who implanted Hashirama's Cells into Danzou's right arm, and he's seen as enough of a thorn in the Akatsuki's side that they want him eliminated.
Plus his motivations as a villain are downright some of the most enthralling I have ever seen in fiction.
Dude is just trying to learn everything he can in a world that has not developed a sense of morals for people, in our world we had the Hippocratic oath and other similar doctrine passed down from those with knowledge, in his he did not. You can not blame him for the immorality of his actions in, look at Da Vinci. His goal was only immortality and the destruction of those that he felt wronged him. LEARNING IS KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


The first Akatsuki member to actually KILL one of the good guys, this time with nothing to revive them, and providing a really good moment for Shikamaru along with the rest of the Team 10. This man was probably Kishimoto's funniest character ever :XD Well, if vulgar humor isn't exactly a turn off. Plus, unlike the other Akatsuki members, his ability wasn't revealed off the get go, so there were countless theories on how his ability worked before Shikamaru was able to discover how the technique worked. That, plus his general teamwork with Kakuzu.
I love when he just passive aggressively asks Kakuzu for help after he got decapitated. And Kakuzu is just like "no I told you to be careful". It's like a day in the life for Hidan and Kakuzu while Asuma and his team are in a fight for their lives. Truly terrifying.
Honestly that's why this was one of my favorite part in the series. The Akatsuki are still super mysterious and these two are basically Titans. Shikamaru is way out of their league and even with Kakashi they could barely come out victorious. It's also and extremely emotional arc with Asumas death and Shikamaru learning what it means to be an adult, except loss and the cost of vengeance.


The walking definition of well done loyalty, this was someone who was willing to sacrifice his body to become Orochimaru's vessel, despite his ravaging body condition. Coupled with probably one of the most unique Bloodline Limits in the whole series, he's someone who took on a Kyuubi Enchanced Naruto, Lee then Gaara at the same time. If that's not badass then I don't know what is. Amazing characterization also with his interactions with the Sound Four, for a subordinate he was probably one of the better fleshed ones in the series.

So, the Akatsuki aren't the only appeal of the series when it comes to villains ;) We also have gems like these guys:pleased:zomg

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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Could the same not be said for Naruto though? I mean for that matter its worse in Naruto's case since it took up 2/7 of the series and was at the ending at that. At least TG Re: has a chance to pull itself out of a little slump, which I would argue is still not nearly as bad as Naruto during many parts of the war arc.
Well to me it doesn't really feel like a "little" slump... but ofc you're right, Naruto went downhill towards the end, too. Quite a lot even. What makes the difference for me is

1. Nostalgia and this definitely very biased opinion that I still consider it a great manga overall. Which might not be the case, objectively speaking, but the manga still has a special place to me, for various reasons.

2. Even when it went downhill, there still were many parts I enjoyed a damn lot. Kushina/Minato flashback, Gai/Kisame showdown (and Kisame going down like a boss), Madara wreaking havoc and most importantly, the final showdown between Naruto and Sasuke. Most of this stuff was done splendidly in my eyes, and I could name more. People keep saying it's mostly bullshit after the "Pain Invasion" but I don't agree, the parts I just mentioned all happened after that. Naruto just managed to get me really invested, and even though I was massively disappointed at times, it always managed to capture me completely when it went back on track.

Both things I can't say I feel with Tokyo Ghoul since the point I mentioned, so Naruto gets my vote.

You know, with comments like this one you and @Aloy are going to get along pretty well, Im sure of it. :nod
Dunno him, but I guess he must be a nice guy then ;)


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 30, 2016
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United States
Well to me it doesn't really feel like a "little" slump... but ofc you're right, Naruto went downhill towards the end, too. Quite a lot even. What makes the difference for me is

1. Nostalgia and this definitely very biased opinion that I still consider it a great manga overall. Which might not be the case, objectively speaking, but the manga still has a special place to me, for various reasons.

2. Even when it went downhill, there still were many parts I enjoyed a damn lot. Kushina/Minato flashback, Gai/Kisame showdown (and Kisame going down like a boss), Madara wreaking havoc and most importantly, the final showdown between Naruto and Sasuke. Most of this stuff was done splendidly in my eyes, and I could name more. People keep saying it's mostly bullshit after the "Pain Invasion" but I don't agree, the parts I just mentioned all happened after that. Naruto just managed to get me really invested, and even though I was massively disappointed at times, it always managed to capture me completely when it went back on track.

Both things I can't say I feel with Tokyo Ghoul since the point I mentioned, so Naruto gets my vote.

Dunno him, but I guess he must be a nice guy then ;)
Ah, I got you then, definitely fair, and we cannot control in many ways what wins us over in that way (I feel the same for Berserk). I do agree that there is some highlights post Pain that are worthy of attention (namely Guy, the remaining Akatsuki, and largely Madara for me). Naruto did have some very strong moments, and though it does not hold the same place for me that many other series do, it does deserve some recognition for the value it had to Shonen/Manga in general. :verily


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
Thanks :wtf
I have more :hurr
I actually think he's one of the underrated members of the akatsuki. His technique is very unique and he's quite an unapologetic villain. He was the catalyst for quite a bit of character development and also for one of the major turns in the series imo.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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I actually think he's one of the underrated members of the akatsuki. His technique is very unique and he's quite an unapologetic villain. He was the catalyst for quite a bit of character development and also for one of the major turns in the series imo.
Yep, I think so too. Plus add in the fact that he was immortal, plus his dynamic with Kakuzu, and you honestly have yourself one of the most entertaining villains the whole series ever produced.
I love the fact that it was also Shikamaru who took him out, instead of someone we were used to from the main cast (Like Naruto and Sasuke), which provided for an entertaining fight as well.
Also his foul mouth was just :XD:XD My brother and I were legit dying watching these episodes involving Hidan and Kakuzu.

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Well to me it doesn't really feel like a "little" slump... but ofc you're right, Naruto went downhill towards the end, too. Quite a lot even. What makes the difference for me is

1. Nostalgia and this definitely very biased opinion that I still consider it a great manga overall. Which might not be the case, objectively speaking, but the manga still has a special place to me, for various reasons.

2. Even when it went downhill, there still were many parts I enjoyed a damn lot. Kushina/Minato flashback, Gai/Kisame showdown (and Kisame going down like a boss), Madara wreaking havoc and most importantly, the final showdown between Naruto and Sasuke. Most of this stuff was done splendidly in my eyes, and I could name more. People keep saying it's mostly bullshit after the "Pain Invasion" but I don't agree, the parts I just mentioned all happened after that. Naruto just managed to get me really invested, and even though I was massively disappointed at times, it always managed to capture me completely when it went back on track.

Both things I can't say I feel with Tokyo Ghoul since the point I mentioned, so Naruto gets my vote.

Dunno him, but I guess he must be a nice guy then ;)

Merci :waah:waah


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 15, 2017
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Arg! This didn't help me, I still don't know which one to vote. :darn

When does this thing end? So that I can wait till the very last moment to vote.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Arg! This didn't help me, I still don't know which one to vote. :darn

When does this thing end? So that I can wait till the very last moment to vote.
You have until Thursday to vote. ;)

Either way this is more a matter of nostalgia (like the DragonBall vs Berserk thread) since I think Tokyo Ghoul is clearly superior to Naruto in many aspects but Naruto has the "epic moment memories" or "memorable villains" and stuff. It also depends on which kind of entertainment you are looking for since TG is not really a battle manga like Naruto and has a way more complex plot.



Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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So, since today is 10th of October, which is officially Naruto's birthday (Uzumaki Naruto, not the manga), have some Naruto spam :p

Vote for his manga to give him the best birthday present ever :wtf:wtf:wtf


Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
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Both series are a little overrated, I think. I like both, but neither of them is amazing. It's much harder to pick one of two decent manga than one of two great ones imo...

Though when I think back on Naruto, it's the bad things that come to mind, unless I start reading wikia to refresh my mind. Tokyo Ghoul has more good moments and characters fresh in my mind. And it may be unfair since Tokyo Ghoul is much more recent, but that's what gets it my vote.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Part 3.2 (Final)
Special Mentions (Protagonists)
The last part of the character campaign :) So, like in the antagonists section at the beginning of this page, I'll simply just touch on the few protagonists who I think, despite limited screentime, also did their share in promoting this series to the forefront of the manga world. I can't exactly say I'm a fan of any of them, but they have a good number of fans, at least among the Naruto fandom.

Akimichi Chouji
Shikamaru's best friend, and a member of Team 10 like him. He's probably the kindest person you'd come across in the whole series, proven by the fact that even his father was worried about whether or not he could become a ninja as a kid since he couldn't even bring himself to hurt a butterfly. I had also mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I'll expand on it more, about his fight with Jirobo in Part 1. When he ate the red pill and grabbed Jirobo's hand, I loved it. His whole "you can eat my chips, you can make fun of me, but don't talk shit about Shikamaru!!" was how I thought a real friend should be. You can fuck with me all you want, but you don't say shit about my friend. And then the walk up to the message tree with all of his friends leaving a note, the feels yo. Kimimaro's theme playing while he's happy and all, the flashbacks. Who else do you know that can size up to the Gedo Mazo and take him on like that? That's big poppa Choji right there. Plus he pulled through against Asuma, hit him with that one hitter quitter.


A geunuinely badass female, who alsohas really creative abilities (Wind is my favorite element in fiction along with water), plus she also has the advantage of being in a really good ship (Shikamaru and Temari is my favorite ship out of all the current Naruto canon ones). Not to mention when Madara was busy effin up all the Ninja Alliance left, right and centre, she was the only person in that line up to land a legit blow on him. And no, not that teamwork stuff Naruto and Gaara had to do (And they still couldn't tag Madara), ACTUALLY hitting him with an attack. That deserves some love :zomg:blush

Rock Lee

The first thing that popped up in your head when you saw this part was Lee vs Gaara, admit it ;)I think that's probably the one fight most people consider the best in the Chuunin exams :XD, and despite all the new ones we saw in Shippudden, that fight has never quite stopped being epic. Plus in a series full of people who use elemental based abilities, having someone who uses simple hand to hand combat like the Jackie Chan movies a good number of us grew up on is just a really refreshing thing to have :pleased Team Gai is my favorite team because it has people like him and Neji in it. And speaking of Team Gai:

Might Guy

Besto.Jonin.Sensei :wtf:wtf

Where even to begin? :XD He's legit Lee in adult form :p All the series I was headcanoning that the two were father and son, because what are the odd of having eyebrows like that really? :fan Plus he wears spandex and ACTUALLY kickass in it :hip He's genuinely hilarious (His quirk of always forgetting people's names and faces was downright hilarious :XD), plus his dynamic with Lee is probably one of the most heartwarming scenes in the whole series. He's the perfect embodiment of YOLO :Haha

Killer Bee

The best Jinchuuriki, hands down;) The odds of having a rapper in a shonen manga are just :teehee
I love that even though he had it rough,he kept his head held high and just did him; he never shed a single tear over being hated like Gaara or Naruto; plus he fucked up Sasuke without trying, not that I hate Sasuke. He also has a REALLY epic design, and an awesome fighting style. Plus his relationship with the Eight Tails is just :super

Lowkey though, Killer Bee along with the rest of the Cloud Village was probably Kishimoto's version of Africa in Naruto :XD:XD


Ok fine, fine, Sasuke 2.0 :p He's the better Sauce anyway :hmph Surprised? Yeah, I figure most people wouldn't really list him anywhere, but I think he served his role in the story really well. Even if he was cool for about 5 minutes, then Sasuke took his spot back and Sai got shafted.I liked how he perfectly countered Sasuke's sword. He's just a guy that tries to fit in and belong with the people he's comfortable with. Relatable.

Bonus Panels

And that's pretty much it, as far as the characters of this series go (The most prominent ones anyway, who I feel were all appealing in their own little ways). This will probably be my last campaign post since voting ends tomorrow, so I hope I did a really good job in convincing you on why Naruto is the one to pick here :zomg



Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 15, 2012
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Just realised this Manga War was actually a thing.:ramen

Naruto. No contest.:sgan:sgan

It's like voting Dragon Ball. Naruto is a very successful, worldwide classic which birthed some of the great things we see in shonen & other genres todays, as well as other comic styles from all over the world, including Korean, Chinese & American (western). Just because certain, newer, ideas were refined to look better in some respects or have a more "refreshing" feel certainly doesn't dismiss the classics & the awesomeness they brought to the table.

Naruto (along with a few other greats like Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, S-Cry-Ed) introduced me to the wonderland, so how can I not vote for it?:oro


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 11, 2014
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big fun of TG ''after ishida fix his horrible mistake in aaaaaa lol
but naruto is my first love


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 28, 2010
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United States
Oof, this is actually difficult.

Despite my nostalgia for early Naruto, I'll have to go with TG - it's simply more well rounded. TG:Re is sub par though.
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