New Manga Shout Out: 4/11/16 - 4/17/16 | MangaHelpers

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New Manga Shout Out: 4/11/16 - 4/17/16

Welcome to the next New Manga Shout Out. This weekly article introduces you to manga that are new and/or have not been scanlated yet. This week features a cyborg, a journey to the find the best tea, and love stories from an apartment complex. Remember, if you like any of the series, favorite them. Don't forget to also thank the various people who feed your manga addiction. ^_^ Translators and Manga Editors, please check out these series and see if you can spread some more manga love~

We're still looking for people who know Japanese and want to help write summaries for our manga database and for the shout out. Please PM me if you want to help out. Now onto the series~

Appleseed Alpha (アップルシードα)

Demographics: Seinen
Status: 2 Volumes (Complete)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

This appears to be a manga adaptation of the 2014 film, Appleseed Alpha, which seems to be an alternate telling of the main characters' origins. In the world of Appleseed, a third world war has left the world in ruins. This alternate story begins with Deunan Knute and Briareos traveling together as lovers, with Briareos already as a full cyborg. They arrive at the ruins of NYC, where they meet the local leader, Two-Horns, who gets them involved in the local situation.

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Chabashira Club (茶柱倶楽部)
By: AOKI Sachiko​

Demographics: Seinen
Status: 8 Volumes (Ongoing)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

Suzu is the daughter of a family with a well-established tea house, and she has been raised to love and appreciate the brewing and tasting of Japanese green tea. One day, she helps out a woman who gives her a delicious kind of tea she's never tasted before. In search of finding this tea once again, Suzu heads out from her home on a tea journey, where she will encounter many new teas and tea makers.

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.


Himitsu no Hanazono Apato (秘密の花園アパート)

Demographics: Shoujo
Status: 3 Volumes (Complete)
Manga Details Page: Here
Translations: None
Edited Mangas: None

This manga features stories of love involving people living in the Hanazono apartments. The first story follows Ruri, a teenager who lies to her former-yankee protective older brother in order to visit her crush, former-yankee Tsukasa, in his apartment each day. Ruri's feelings are obvious, but does Tsukasa return her feelings? What will happen when her brother finds out where she's been spending her time? The next stories follow other inhabitants of the apartment building and their experiences with love.

Thanks go to tethysdust for the summary.

Note to all Manga Editors: If you recently started Editing a new manga series (with about 5 or less chapters released) and would like your manga to be shouted out in the next New Manga Shout Out, then please PM me. Please include:
  1. The name of the manga series
  2. A summary of the series
  3. Publishing Status (+ Number of Volumes/Chapters)

This is what tethysdust said this week:
Chabashira Club would probably be a fun one for people who are interested in Japanese tea. Appleseed Alpha is likely of interest to fans of the original Appleseed (I have not read/watched it myself). Finally, Himitsu no Hanazono Apato has a variety of stories for fans of Shoujo-style romance.

My opinion:
Appleseed Alpha - If you like the original Appleseed manga/movie/etc and you want more or you like sci-fi action manga, then you should check this manga out.
Chabashira Club - If you like manga about various teas, then this manga may be more your style.
Himitsu no Hanazono Apato - If you want a little more romance in your manga, then you should take a look at this manga instead.

Translated items that need some love/Edited Manga:
myao - Circle Game: Chapter 1
persona_1 - Mahou Shoujo Pretty Bell: Chapter 1
mninjaboxme - Spark Idol Hina: Chapter 1

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