Second Round - One Piece vs. Kengan Omega | MangaHelpers

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Second Round One Piece vs. Kengan Omega

Who wins?

  • One Piece

  • Kengan Omega

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Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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One Piece
Eiichiro Oda
Kengan Omega
Sandrovich Yabako & Daromeon


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Oct 19, 2019
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All the best to my friend @Moegara :squee

One Piece

Synopsis: This story follows Monkey. D. Luffy and his journey after he unintentionally ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi which is a paramecia type devil fruit that gave him the properties of a rubber human allowing to manipulate his body how he wants as long as it relates to rubber. He sets for sea to become the greatest pirate to ever live by finding the best crew, defeating powerful enemies, and ultimately do what everyone else is striving for....find the ONE PIECE which is said to be the greatest treasure ever.

Now for this campaign, I'll focus on specific aspects rather than a broad summary of everything because it would take too long and assuming I make it past, would want to explain thoroughly why I think this is the greatest manga series ever.

Devil Fruits: If I make it past this round, I'll talk about haki in the next post but right now, only devil fruits. Devil fruits are mystical and mysterious (despite being abundant) fruits that when eaten, give the user a specific power be it over a natural element, turn into a dinosaur, or let you manipulate food like mochi or biscuits:lick.

Despite being so abundant throughout the world, very little is known about their origin and how they actually work. All DF users lose their ability to swim and users can only eat 1 (except for the legend himself:blackbeard). We also don't know where they come from. There is however something called the Devil Fruit encyclopedia which exists in the OP world.There are 3 types of of Devil fruits:

1) Logia: Fruits that allow their user to create, manipulate, and turn into a specific element such as fire, light, ice, magma, and sand. Think of them as the traditional magic powers. My personal favorite.:shout
2) Zoans: Allow the user to turn into another species such as dragon, mammoth, or dinosaur. Some let you transform into a human like Sengoku's but his is an overpowered golden Buddha type. Chopper ate a Zoan that allows him to turn into an actual human which usually would have no effect on the user but since Chopper is a dear, it all works out.
3) Paramecia: Allow the user to become a superhuman by doing superhuman feats or control things that aren't a natural element. Things like string, rubber, earthquakes and venom. These are considered the most common to find of them all. However, they can be just as deadly and powerful as Logias.

Some users have awakened their fruit which simply means they mastered it so well, they can turn their environment into said power. We've seen this with mochi and string. Though not confirmed, many people believe Magellan also awakened his venom fruit when he activated his venom demon.

There are exceptions to the rule obviously with certain fruits having major similarities to other types. For example, Katakuri's Mochi fruit is considered to be a "special Paramecia." His is considered this because unlike other fruits of the same type, Katakuri can become intangible and turn into actual Mochi. Only being harmed by Haki. Likewise, Blackbeard's Yami Yami No Mi is considered to be a "special logia" because he can't turn into actual darkness thus making him not intangible.

World Building: One Piece is a masterpiece when it comes to world building. Oda has developed a world that is so deep, unique, and mysterious, it's no surprise the series has been running since 1998. The world is split into 4 quadrants known as the 4 blues; north, south, east, and west. In the middle of these areas where they all connect, is a vast part of the world known as the grand line.

All the action happens at the grand line and that's where the island that contains the One Piece is; known as Raftel.

Every Island represents a of the real world; Alabasta represents Egypt, Wano represents Japan, Water 7 from Venice, Dressrosa from Spain and the list goes on. Every island the series show, it brings a certain feeling, the characters fit the environment to how they would in real life, and it adds a certain level of uniqueness to know that it's sort of realistic.......sort of:SOON.

It's also that these arcs on different islands all connect in one way or another. They are tied in with the world government, or the main characters of an arc will continue on and make appearances later. Crocodile being a prime example of him being a Warlord, the antagonist of Alabasta, and helped Luffy during the Marineford War.
Akainu being the fleet admiral, killed Ace during Marineford, and most likely going to be an EOS villian. It would be really easy for every arc to be it's own story then to be forgotten and the characters to move on. But Oda knew this was basic and made sure that every single major event that happened, had a specific role in the OP world.

Well I think that's enough for my first time. Mostly everyone knows about One Piece already but a lot of people haven't touched the series as they feel intimidated by how long it is. This is a fair criticism but all I would say is give this a chance if you haven't. It will be 900+ episodes and manga of pure enjoyment, roller coaster of emotion, and will be a lot of fun. It's one of those series that will draw you in from the first episode and when you do eventually catch up, will make you crave it so much that it will feel like Christmas when a new episode/chapter drops.

Regardless if I win or not,I just want as many people to enjoy this wonderful series as much as I did.

Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
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All the best to you too, @MUIMadara ! :D

If whoever reads this hasn't heard about Kengan Omega before, I recommend reading my previous post about the series in the Kengan Omega vs Tokyo Ghoul thread. I think it was a good introduction to the series (if I may say so myself. It's my first time writing these kind of promotions).

This time I'll try to talk a little about how the World is represented in the series.

The World in Kengan Omega
One of the nicest things about Kengan Omega is that, despite taking place in Japan and having an obvious majority of japanese characteres, it still tries to do a good job with worldwide representation.
Here's a list of countries represented other than Japan. Each with an example:

Despite giving off an stereotypical first impression, this former NHL player turned brawler grows in our hearts.

My personal favorite character of the series and not the only taiwanese fighter in the series. He masters the traditional martial arts of his home country but could it be that there's more to his fighting style than just that? (The answer is yes)

His exact nationality is never specified but he's known to be an Arabian prince.

There are many fighters from China to choose from, but I guessed Xia Ji would be the most emblematic for Kengan Omega specifically.
A very deadly assassin working behind the curtain to influence the events of the series in the name of a certain group of evil people.

One of the physically strongest fighters of the world. Just see how he pulls an F1 car that's trying to speed in the opposite direction.

One of the infamous Gurkhas. Historically feared warriors in real life.

A world-renowned mercenary and assassin. One of the coolest and most dangerous fighters throughout the series.

A World Champion boxer that became unsatisfied with the low level of his challengers, who eventually stopped appearing, and turned to underground fights seeking for more challenges.

There's just too much to say about this character. So much that I won't say anything.

One of the fighters that has yet to star in his first fight in the current tournament, but also one hyped to be one of the strongests in the series.

One of the fighters that has yet to star in his first fight in the current tournament.

One of the fighters that has yet to star in his first fight in the current tournament.

An Anglical priest who employs the fictional martial art of Baritsu.
While Baritsu is based on real-life's Bartitsu, Baritsu is actually a fictional variant (probably born from a misspelling) that Sherlock Holmes was said to master in one of his books.

Some Russian kickboxer.
Really a very non-important character but I added him here for the sake of including one more country on the list.

That'd be every country I remember having a fighter. However, countries aren't the only thing that has good representation in this series.

Since most fighters work as representatives of very big corporations, some of said corporations are fun parodies of real-life counterparts.

Some of the corporations parodied are only well-known in Japan, but here's just some examples of parodied corporations that we may all recognize:

Tochigi Destiny Land
Parody of Disney Land
In the background you may also spot a girl getting dressed as the parody of a certain white duck.

Parody of Panasonic

Parody of Nintendo
Be awestruck at the sight of a true gamer's strength.

Boss Burger
Parody of McDonalds
I don't think I have to explain anything about this guy.

Overall, the world of Kengan is the same as ours, but there's one place that's different. One place that's very important for the plot.

The Inside
What is the Inside?

Multiple characters of the story were born in the Inside or are related to it. All of them are plenty strong and all but one of them have unique fighting styles.

Any person who managed to grow up in such a place and get out of there is bound to be a strong person, bot as a fighter (or killer) and as a character.

It is a place only seen in flashbacks relating to the important characters that were born there so there's still many mysteries surrounding it but as you might expect, there's much more to this place. Both the main character of the original Kengan Asura and the mysterious evil group that operates from the shadows behind the plot of both Kengan Asura and Kengan Omega are tied to the Inside.

But is the Inside an entirely fictional place?

Not entirely. While the Inside as a sector of Japan is fictional, such a city did exist in real life.

Hong Kong's Kowloon Walled City, also known as the City of Darkness
Some might have heard this name before since there's a manhua (City of Darkness) based on the place.

One can only hope that the real-life place was never as bad as the Inside!

For the Fans of One Piece
I know One Piece has many more fans than Kengan Asura, so here's just a small tease of what our boy Tokita Ohma from Kengan is capable of. The power of a main character that was raised in the Inside.

Tokita Ohma doesn't need to be made out of rubber to speed up the blood inside his veins an achieve what is basically Gear Second but much more badass-looking.

There are other techniques, especially those related to Ohma's Niko Style, that you would probably all like, but this post is getting too long so I'm leaving those out for the next round (if there's one).

I encourage you all to read Kengan Asura (/Ashura) and Kengan Omega and find out what those techniques and fighting styles are by yourselves!​


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 30, 2016
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I honestly didn't know much about Kengan Omega (and Ashura) but @Moegara made me want to give it a try ! :zomg

I'll have to vote for my all time favorite that is One Piece though that made me smile even through the darkest time and made quarantine easy to support. The characters, the world building, the mysteries and the theories we can make about them. I'm just in love.


Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
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I'm going to start this series because of @Moegara
I honestly didn't know much about Kengan Omega (and Ashura) but @Moegara made me want to give it a try ! :zomg

I'll have to vote for my all time favorite that is One Piece though that made me smile even through the darkest time and made quarantine easy to support. The characters, the world building, the mysteries and the theories we can make about them. I'm just in love.

Honestly it makes me happy even if Kengan doesn't win this round if I manage to get people interested in it.

So merci beaucoup!


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 7, 2020
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Great campaign for Kengan Omega! That being said I haven't read it yet and I've dedicated so much time to One Piece that it would feel wrong to vote against it. I'm not a massive fan of the current arc overall but I just need to remind myself how enormous its story is whenever in doubt.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
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@Moegara @LaserBeam I'm sorry to do this to you guys, but I'm going to actually vote for One Piece in this round as much as it pains me to say it. Kengan Omega is still amazing though. The fights are incredible, the art is amazing, the story of the series is yet to be fleshed but Worm already looks like a really interesting organisation. The fighters that have yet to fight look really interesting and the ones that have already fought have given a good taste in my mouth pretty much. Every single fighter is special after all. Different backstories, different motives, different fighting style and tactics... Kengan Omega (and Ashura by extension) has been one of the series that I've been having by far the most fun reading as of late, but... One Piece is literally my childhood. It was one of the first anime series I ever saw. The world-building is amazing (probably the best I've ever seen), the story is Great (and when everything is revealed It might become a masterpiece), It has a lot of amazing characters with memorable quotes and the power system is really well done compared to most of the fantasy shonen manga. The fights might be lacking sometimes, and obviously the series has some flaws just like any other fiction work, but above all of this, One Piece is a series that holds a really special place in my heart so voting against It wouldn't feel good for me.

PD: Btw, amazing campaigns @Moegara @MUIMadara. As someone who has read and is currently reading both series, you've made both justice. If I wasn't already a reader, you both would have caught my interest to read both series, so congratulations for your campaigns!

Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
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@Moegara @LaserBeam I'm sorry to do this to you guys, but I'm going to actually vote for One Piece in this round as much as it pains me to say it. Kengan Omega is still amazing though. The fights are incredible, the art is amazing, the story of the series is yet to be fleshed but Worm already looks like a really interesting organisation. The fighters that have yet to fight look really interesting and the ones that have already fought have given a good taste in my mouth pretty much. Every single fighter is special after all. Different backstories, different motives, different fighting style and tactics... Kengan Omega (and Ashura by extension) has been one of the series that I've been having by far the most fun reading as of late, but... One Piece is literally my childhood. It was one of the first anime series I ever saw. The world-building is amazing (probably the best I've ever seen), the story is Great (and when everything is revealed It might become a masterpiece), It has a lot of amazing characters with memorable quotes and the power system is really well done compared to most of the fantasy shonen manga. The fights might be lacking sometimes, and obviously the series has some flaws just like any other fiction work, but above all of this, One Piece is a series that holds a really special place in my heart so voting against It wouldn't feel good for me.

PD: Btw, amazing campaigns @Moegara @MUIMadara. As someone who has read and is currently reading both series, you've made both justice. If I wasn't already a reader, you both would have caught my interest to read both series, so congratulations for your campaigns!
I completely understand it, to be honest. One Piece is the first manga I ever read and it's amazing. The fantasy-adventure genre also allows to flesh it's shonen essence more than Kengan martial arts do, not to mention OP has had much more time to develop its characters, powers and world. :XD I feel like I'm promoting OP now.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words!


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
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United Kingdom
I completely understand it, to be honest. One Piece is the first manga I ever read and it's amazing. The fantasy-adventure genre also allows to flesh it's shonen essence more than Kengan martial arts do, not to mention OP has had much more time to develop its characters, powers and world. :XD I feel like I'm promoting OP now.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 10, 2019
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United States
Mostly everyone knows about One Piece already but a lot of people haven't touched the series as they feel intimidated by how long it is.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2017
Reaction score
@Moegara @LaserBeam I'm sorry to do this to you guys, but I'm going to actually vote for One Piece in this round as much as it pains me to say it. Kengan Omega is still amazing though. The fights are incredible, the art is amazing, the story of the series is yet to be fleshed but Worm already looks like a really interesting organisation. The fighters that have yet to fight look really interesting and the ones that have already fought have given a good taste in my mouth pretty much. Every single fighter is special after all. Different backstories, different motives, different fighting style and tactics... Kengan Omega (and Ashura by extension) has been one of the series that I've been having by far the most fun reading as of late, but... One Piece is literally my childhood. It was one of the first anime series I ever saw. The world-building is amazing (probably the best I've ever seen), the story is Great (and when everything is revealed It might become a masterpiece), It has a lot of amazing characters with memorable quotes and the power system is really well done compared to most of the fantasy shonen manga. The fights might be lacking sometimes, and obviously the series has some flaws just like any other fiction work, but above all of this, One Piece is a series that holds a really special place in my heart so voting against It wouldn't feel good for me.

PD: Btw, amazing campaigns @Moegara @MUIMadara. As someone who has read and is currently reading both series, you've made both justice. If I wasn't already a reader, you both would have caught my interest to read both series, so congratulations for your campaigns!
Betrayer!!!!! I will hire kure assasins to change your mind:D
Just joking ofc feel free to vote what you like man.

I will go for kengan omega even though one piece was the 1rst manga that made me start reading manga in general i will go for kengan because it seems like it ignites my passion to read it way more than one piece.

For some reason i am start getting tired of one piece and i no longer feel the same excitement i did especially after time skip.
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