Rice-Boy / Order of Tales | MangaHelpers

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Rice-Boy / Order of Tales


Puella Magi
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 20, 2006
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A site of interest for people who like webcomics is www.rice-boy.com, which collects the comics penned by some random guy by the name of Evan Dahm, relating to the fictional fantasy world of Overside (and at one point, Underside).

The site’s url still refers the first comic that he published on it: the epynomous Rice Boy, which chronicles the story of a little white… thing, on a quest to save the world. While its story may not be the most impressive one you’ll encounter on the internet, it makes up for it in a very original style of design, when it comes to the characters and cultures that Rice Boy (and the one who sent him on his quest, the machineman The One Electronic, or T-O-E) encounter in their travels. At times, the world of Overside seems almost Burtonesque in its oddity and originality, though a lot more colourful most of the time.

Apart from that, on the same site, there is his currently ongoing Order of Tales, which is set in the same world, and can be regarded as a stand-alone "prequel" of sorts, though it’s very much advisable to read it after the Rice Boy story.

There is also a growing set of short stories, a rarity in the webcomic world, that’re very much worth your time as well. Again, those are best read after finishing the main Rice Boy story.

Has anyone else here read Rice Boy? What was your favourite arc/world? Or character?

Is anyone following Order of Tales? Do you prefer Koark as a protagonist over Rice Boy? Do you dislike the fact that the comic is being published in black-and-white, as compared to the colourful world of Rice Boy and the short stories?
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