Theory - The Emerald City | MangaHelpers

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Theory The Emerald City


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 26, 2009
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First mention of it was by Bellamy in chapter 224 alongside mythical treasures like "The Lost City of Gold" and One Piece. With "The Lost City of Gold" being real (Shandora) and One Piece most definitely existing (confirmed by Whitebeard), I don't see any reason why Oda wouldn't create an arc centered around "The Emerald City".

>>Where is "The Emerald City" located?

Since I feel Oda is following a formula for the way he is developing the Straw Hats adventure in the New World (has some parallels with pre-timeskip One Piece), I believe the next arc will be a prelude to an arc focusing on "The Emerald City", much like how Jaya set-up Skypiea to feature Shandora. Zo is likely the next destination of the Straw Hats and seeing as Zo backwards is Oz (the world "The Wizard of Oz" is set in), I find that coincidence quite intriguing.

There has been some theories regarding The Emerald City being underground somewhere in the world, but I find something much more extreme would fit One Piece's style and how Oda always finds a way to improve on existing elements within the story and on what his fans expect of him. Now the Straw Hats have been to the sky and under the sea, but they have yet to have an adventure underground. The Emerald City could be underground and the Straw Hats could have their underground adventure there, but I actually would like Oda to take that a few steps further.

What if The Emerald City is not located underground, but in space, on a moon? Personally, I would prefer the Straw Hats underground adventure to deal with the dwarves - a different dwarf tribe from the Tontatta Tribe. We have already had a taste of what it could be like with the dwarves leading Usopp and Robin on their assault of Doflamingo's Underground Trading Port which they found contained the SMILE factory. We know that over 900 years ago, the Tontatta Tribe set out to sea in search of resources, what if other dwarf tribes did the same (if there are other tribes).

Having another dwarf tribe focused on in the One Piece story could be beneficial to dwarves in general as the current Tontatta tribe haven't really inspired many memorable moments so far in the Dressrosa Arc - still waiting to see the purpose of the Tontatta Princess, Mansherry. Oda could use another dwarf tribe to push forward a more serious side and story of the dwarves and their race.

Now lets stick with the theory that The Emerald City is underground but combine it with the possibility that it is underground on a moon.

>>Who made "The Emerald City"?

When the Tontatta Tribe reached Dressrosa, another dwarf tribe could have reached another Island, namely Zo. Seeing as I feel the Zo Arc will have some parallels to the Jaya Arc, I wonder if the dwarves that possibly landed there ended up constructing a Kingdom (using whatever materials they found underground - gemstones and other types of "stones").

>>How did "The Emerald City" end up on a Moon?

Now for Zo to function similar to Jaya, something cataclysmic needs to happen, along the lines of half the Island being blown into the sky. Seeing as this is the New World and things are much more interesting and fun, lets say part of Zo got blown into space =D. How would that happen? Well how about a New World class Cyclone?

>>The Straw Hat Pirates separated: How the Thousand Sunny group will end on the moon containing "The Emerald City":

Seeing as my theory is based around the fact that Zo will lead into the arc focused on The Emerald City, it would be fitting for The Emerald City to be located in world different from the one the protagonist came from, much like it was for Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. And just like Dorothy, the Straw Hat Pirates (the Thousand Sunny group) could end up in that different world through some natural event. Dorothy ended up in Oz after being caught inside a cyclone, the Thousand Sunny group could end up on the moon in a similar fashion - through a New World class Cyclone.

>>The formation of a Cyclone:

Cyclones are not new to One Piece, the Straw Hats have already encountered one on the Grand Line - when Nami became ill after visiting Little Garden (chapter 130).

If a cyclone in "Paradise" was that big, imagine what one in the New World could be like O.o.

I also find certain events Oda had established in the manga so far to be quite curious, namely Jinbe's cover story (Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea):
  • Why is it that the town of the Sea Kitten "disappeared" from its usual position (chapter 755)?
  • Why was the Sea Dog police officers house flipped on its side away from other homes (chapter 757)?
  • How did the ship Jinbe came across and saved end up destroyed (chapter 758)?
  • Why were various Sea Beasts attacking Port Town (chapter 761)?
  • How did the town of the Sea Cats end up on top of Port Town (chapter 763)?
It almost seems as if something big is coming, something capable of displacing buildings from their usual position and destroying ships =/.

There is also the fact that Kin'emon, Momonosuke, Kanjuro and Mystery Samurai #4 also met with problems when heading towards Zo (chapter 700). Kin'emon hasn't specified what happened, but from the fact that he states that they met with disaster and Momonosuke, Kanjuro and himself drifted to Dressrosa, something must have happened to cause them to become shipwrecked. It is possible some natural event may have caused it.

Another curious point I want to bring up is the appearance of the Fighting Fish, why did they suddenly appear between the waters of Dressrosa and Greenbit two hundred years ago (chapter 705)? What exactly caused them to end up residing there? It is my belief that some special class Cyclone appeared several hundred years ago forcing the Fighting Fish to change their usual habitat. It is entirely possible that such a Cyclone only appears rarely and the last one to hit was two centuries ago. The next one appearing could be very soon, and the events with Kin'emon and Jinbe could be a prelude to it - the building up of a massive Cyclone.

>>How "The Emerald City" became a myth:

Part of Zo could have been cast away towards a moon thanks to this special New World Cyclone. The dwarves residing on that part of Zo would have been blown away with it. Ending up on the moon, the dwarves could have begun cultivating the land there based on Leo mentioned that there is no plant the dwarves cannot raise - chapter 711. Over the centuries, part of the moon was turned into a lush forest by the dwarves, much like how Greenbit was (chapter 710). This could be where the Thousand Sunny group (Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Brook, Caesar and Momonosuke) lands (on the forest reducing the damage to the Thousand Sunny) after being subject to the New World Cyclone. The dwarf homeland on the moon could function like Munchkin Country/Munchkinland functioned in the Wizard of Oz, the starting point of the protagonist journey towards the Emerald City.

I feel if Oda is going to utilise elements of The Wizard of Oz, it would be fitting for a whole new world to be used as a setting for such a creative adventure as opposed to one Island. "The Emerald City" being on a moon would also express exactly why it is considered a myth (alongside other treasures like "The City of Gold" and "One Piece") because they are located in areas a reasonable person would consider impossible.

Having the Straw Hats navigate through such a massive Cyclone to end up on the Moon would be incredibly spectacular and more exhilarating than the Straw Hats riding the Knock Up Stream to reach the White Sea. Also such a situation would truly highlight the amazingness of Nami as a navigator, and remind us of why she is one of the best navigators in the One Piece world, if not the best.

>>Escaping the Big Mom Pirates:

Currently the Thousand Sunny group (Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Brook, Caesar and Momonosuke) are caught up in a battle with the Big Mom Pirates, I wonder if the Cyclone will be the thing that saves the Straw Hats on the Thousand Sunny from a Yonko, similar to how the Knock Up Stream saved the Straw Hat Pirates from facing the Blackbeard Pirates during the Jaya Arc (chapter 236).

I'm still wondering if it would be a good idea to include a Yonko in an arc focusing on The Emerald City. Big Mom pretty much embodies a witch - the whole Island made of cake and her eating living people (chapter 651) screams the witch from Hansel and Gretel - "a story about a young brother and sister threatened by a cannibalistic witch living deep in the forest in a house constructed of cake and confectionery". Also I read somewhere on a different forum that the branch contained in the Big Mom Pirates Jolly Roger can signify a witch's broom, which would make sense as witches and trees have been depicted in folklore as being connected. Add that to the fact that Big Mom looks like the stereotypical "witch" and it seems fitting that Big Mom is themed around a witch. With a witch being the primary antagonist in the Wizard of Oz, could Big Mom serve a similar role? Or would a new villain fill that spot for the arc focused on The Emerald City?

I feel it would be better for the Straw Hats Pirates + allies to take on the Big Mom Pirates after their adventure to The Emerald City, which will feature a new antagonist.

Nami while being pursued by the Big Mom Pirates could sense the changes in the atmosphere and climate, like she did when she predicted the Cyclone appearing in Paradise (the supposedly unpredictable Cyclones and this was when she had a fever). Given her innate ability to sense changes in the weather, I believe Nami would navigate the Thousand Sunny in a position that when the Cyclone does form, they won't be destroyed and instead be sent flying upward. The Big Mom Pirates on the other hand could end up in a similar position the Blackbeard Pirates found themselves in when they missed the Knock Up Stream - left on the Blue Sea, with the Straw Hat Pirates escaping.

>>How Luffy and Co. will get to the moon the Thousand Sunny group is on:

Now the Straw Hat Pirates will finds themselves temporarily split up - Luffy's group and the Thousand Sunny group. Once the Dressrosa Arc ends and the Cyclone sends the Thousand Sunny group to the moon, Luffy will find out about that in some way. Maybe it is Jinbe who will end up informing Luffy about what actually happened (if he saw the Thousand Sunny caught in the Cyclone) and tag along for the arc or he could not, depends on whether Oda intends to bring Jinbe back into the main story at that moment. Just like it was with the Skypiea and how Zoro, Robin, Nami, Chopper and the Going Merry were taken to Upper Yard, Luffy and whoever is with him will find their way back to the rest of the crew (chapter 244).

It is entirely possible that Luffy and Co. will find out about some other way to reach the moon in order to rejoin with the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates - maybe through a certain character. If this character has some knowledge on space and astronomy, they may be able to guide Luffy and Co. to this alternate route and to the relevant moon (similar to how the Saruyama Alliance aided the Straw Hat Pirates in reaching the White Sea by guiding them to the Knock Up Stream).

Also seeing as Luffy's group has no ship to sail on, I wonder if they will board Trafalgar Law's ship/submarine when he rejoins with his crew at Zo (I wonder if it is a Sky Island - unlikely). Luffy, once finding out about the existence of an alternate path to reach the moon the Thousand Sunny crashed on, he may end up convincing Law and the Heart Pirates to help him (as they are allies) =D. Additionally, Kin'emon and his samurai buddies may tag along as well seeing as Momonosuke is on the moon which Luffy and Co. intends to head towards. Once Luffy and Co. are ready to leave Zo they will most likely need to find their way towards a Sky Island in order to find a way towards the moon which the Thousand Sunny group ended up on.

If Bellamy didn't get to Skypiea using the Knock Up Stream and instead used an alternate path - like the one Gan Fall alluded towards (High West), I wonder if Bellamy will know of a way towards a Sky Island located near Zo (if Zo isn't a Sky Island). Bellamy lost his crew members when he visited Skypiea in the past, so it seems likely that he utilised an alternate route from the Straw Hats in reaching Skypiea - based on what Gan Fall said of crews traveling through alternate routes from the Knock Up Stream being vulnerable to the possibility of losing many members before they reach a Sky Island (chapter 238). This could also be why Oda decided to bring Bellamy back into the story in the Dressrosa Arc, in order for him to help Luffy get his crew to a Sky Island.

Now how is a Sky Island relevant to getting to a moon? I believe just like how there are areas on the "Blue Sea" that connects to the White Sea, there are possibly areas on the White/White-White Sea that connects to a "Black Sea", a sea in space capable of being sailed upon. The fact Oda had revealed in the Enel's Great Space Operation cover story that there are Space Pirates and Space Pirate ships within the One Piece universe, the possibility of space being sailed upon does exist. Since a precedent has been set, it is possible for the Straw Hats to "sail" in space like the Space Pirates do.

The character guiding the Straw Hats + allies to the moon, may inform them of the possibility to sail in space and of the "Black Sea". That character may also end up revealing that "Jet Dials" or similar Dials can be used to propel the vessel through space, if the vessel is modified to support them. Franky may subsequently end up modifying Law's submarine into a space vessel which can support the use of Dials.

>>The players of the arc featuring "The Emerald City":

I am not entirely sure if the Big Mom Pirates will be relevant, but I do believe that Kid, Hawkins and Apoo will be relevant to the arc. They may have been caught in the Cyclone as well and found themselves on the moon. Kid could function as the Tin Woodsman, Hawkins as the Scarecrow, and Apoo as the Cowardly Lion:
  • Eustass "Captain" Kid has been portrayed as being heartless - represents the Tin Woodsman without a heart;
  • The "Magician" Basil Hawkins has been shown to omit having his mind/thoughts dictate his actions and instead follows the signs/readings of his fortunetelling - represents the Scarecrow who had no mind;
  • The "Roar of the Sea" Scratchmen Apoo is a cautious man who has run away several times from situations he finds too overwhelming - represents the Cowardly Lion who didn't believe he had courage.
During the course of the Straw Hats adventure towards The Emerald City, while following the "yellow brick road", they will likely meet up with Kid, Hawkins and Apoo and by the end of the arc, they may end up becoming allies. Once this alliance is formed, their chances of taking on a Yonko will significantly improve.

>>The true form of "The Emerald City":

Much like how the Skypiea Arc featured an antagonist whom Luffy had an upper-hand against (Enel), it would seem exciting if such a concept was flipped for the arc featuring The Emerald City. What if instead of Luffy having some advantage over the antagonist, they held an advantage over him. This could be where the true character of The Emerald City is revealed. Rather than be a City made of Emerald, the "stones" which the dwarves used to construct it were "seastone" (kairoseki). The antagonist group may be wielding kairoseki weapons/armor, making it easier to hurt Devil Fruit users.

Personally, I find a city made of kairoseki incredibly fascinating, especially if Caesar is still with the Straw Hat Pirates when they adventure there. Now Caesar may not be the world's greatest scientist yet (sorry Caesar), but he is still incredibly skilled at what he does, so can you imagine what he could end up doing with some kairoseki? Add Usopp and Franky to the equation and you have the potential of seeing certain characters power-up through the weapons/ammunition they use. This could become incredibly useful in their coming battles with the Yonko, in particular Kaido, who has amassed an army of 500+ Zoan Devil Fruit users. Having kairoseki at ones disposal can certainly balance the odds for that battle.

>>Additional developments:

Just like it was with The Lost City of Gold, Shandora, there was/is likely a Poneglyph stored in "The Emerald City" and Robin will find it. We may even get some additional clues surrounding Poneglyphs, for example, clues concerning what the stone it is written one is.

Nami will find some valuable treasure to embrace.

>>The Return

As for how the Straw Hat Pirates + allies get back to the New World, I wonder if they can use the "Black Sea" Luffy and Co. sailed on earlier to reach the moon.

Possibly some space beast or moon beast may be used to carry/guide the Straw Hat Pirates + allies back to the "Blue Planet" (similar to how they returned from Skypiea). Or they could return in a similar fashion to how the ancestors of Skypieans, Shandorians, and Birkans traveled to the "Blue Planet" - with a baloon!.

The Big Mom-centered Arc could follow the arc featuring the Emerald City. Would be hilarious if the Straw Hat Pirates land on the Island Big Mom is having her "Tea Party" at - Wholecake Island?

TL DR; The Emerald City is on a moon, the Thousand Sunny group will be caught in a massive New World Cyclone and end up on that moon. Luffy and Co. will follow them through an alternate route to reach the moon - the "Black Sea". The Emerald City is made up of Kairoseki - constructed by dwarves. An alliance between the Straw Hat, Heart, Kid, Hawkins and On Air Pirates will be formed.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.



MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 16, 2010
Reaction score
Water Tribe
Thanks for your interesting theory, Syphin.

It's indeed very well-thought and organised and I am very impressed on how much time (and "brain" energy :)) you have put in to construct such detailed ideas.

If Oda is following his "train of thoughts" in writing his storyline, we would be expecting to see something more intriguing and perhaps someone or a group of more powerful antagonists appearing to challenge the Straw Hats, while the Crew continues in gaining more power-ups and experiences as they sail toward a more challenging place (like the space) with the help of allies (as usual).

It seems like the current dwarves - the Tontatta tribe - in Dressrosa are used to set the scene for future arc(s). As it has been mentioned before in the story, the existence of the Tontatta tribe are not recent and they have a strong relation to Noland, in which the story has not really cover that much about what has exactly been happening in the past during the time of Noland. At least much details have not been told yet.

I feel that the Tontatta tribe and its Princess are coming to the "focus point" soon since we have only known about Princess Mansherry lately and Oda only allows a little "glimpse" of her. I believe the little princess will become someone of importance while Doflamingo is trying to get that "important element" from or through her.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 18, 2014
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United States
Love the parallels given. I will honestly be disappointed if Oda doesn't entertain the Emerald City idea. It certainly connects the Enel Fairy Vearth cover story, and can make an interesting adventure to space! Awesome theory!


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
It seems like the current dwarves - the Tontatta tribe - in Dressrosa are used to set the scene for future arc(s). As it has been mentioned before in the story, the existence of the Tontatta tribe are not recent and they have a strong relation to Noland, in which the story has not really cover that much about what has exactly been happening in the past during the time of Noland. At least much details have not been told yet.

I feel that the Tontatta tribe and its Princess are coming to the "focus point" soon since we have only known about Princess Mansherry lately and Oda only allows a little "glimpse" of her. I believe the little princess will become someone of importance while Doflamingo is trying to get that "important element" from or through her.
Yeah I agree with you, I too feel that the dwarves will have a much bigger role to play within the story, or at least I hope. Oda has dedicated so much focus this arc on the dwarves that it did end up coming at the expense of other Straw Hats being focused on, which does ultimately affect how the readers feel and view them - some readers feel Sanji hasn't been covered enough (and appropriately) post-timeskip and others feel Nami is just there to bring in fanservice to One Piece (which obviously isn't true as the Straw Hats have survived this long sailing the Grand Line).

It would just be a shame if Oda after spending such a large portion of this arc focusing on the dwarves to not make them relevant once the arc ends. The other characters introduced this arc (Corrida Colosseum fighters, Riku Family) we know are relevant as they will likely become allies to the Straw Hat Pirates and serve some role further down the line, but the dwarves are somewhat a bit more complex to see how they will fit into the future story of One Piece.

Also, I personally would like to see dwarves not associated with the Tontatta Tribe come into focus as the Tontatta have a certain quirk about them that has gotten borderline annoying i.e. their inability to doubt the words others. I admit that characteristic about them does fit their tribe name as Tonta can mean "foolish" in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, but ultimately it has detracted from the actual usefulness a dwarf can serve - their immense strength and great speed not to mention that they can be cute.

Thanks for your interesting theory, Syphin.

It's indeed very well-thought and organised and I am very impressed on how much time (and "brain" energy :)) you have put in to construct such detailed ideas.
Thank you =D. I have been focused on the thought of the Emerald City for a while now and have went through several theories seeing how it could be incorporated into the story of One Piece. Considering that The Emerald City is a myth, I have wondered why it hasn't been found by other pirates yet (like the Yonko), especially if it is located on the Grand Line somewhere. The Emerald City being located somewhere hard to get like Shandora would make a lot of sense.

Since I found Enel's Great Space Operation cover story to be immensely enjoyable to read, I have wanted to see space play a bigger part in the story and thought 'wouldn't it be exciting if Oda made one of the great One Piece world treasures be located in such a remote, hard to get destination?' Developing the story to include adventures in space would also be an incredibly fascinating and unique development - something that hasn't been done by the Straw Hats within the 764 chapters currently published.

I also wonder why Oda utilised the space theme so strongly with the Tenryuubito - "God", space-suit like outfits, the Gorosei (Five Elder Stars).

Additionally, developing space to play a bigger role within the story of One Piece could also see a new role within the Straw Hat Pirates (and story in general) open up - Astronomer. If Oda does plan to have more characters join the Straw Hat Pirates, this could be a good way to make one of them relevant.
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Lord Rayleigh

Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2008
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Incredible theory! I'm always happy to find this level of discussion about One Piece's story on Mangahelpers. Thanks for the time and the ideas! I hope this will happen. This could give Oda the time needed for the New World to suffer the effects of Joker's fall. The Straw Hats would thus be brought back into a chaotic New World.

About Apoo, Hawkins and Kid, the fact that they have gathered against Big Mom means there is a higher possibility for them to be sent together to this place. I wouldn't be surprised if Capone Bege was also involved in this arc: remember his fortress ship was absorbed by a moon-like giant spaceship 2 years ago in the New World.

Maybe the technology used to draw things is what actually caused the destruction seen in Jinbe's mini story. The ship being either Emerald City itself (travelling island) or one of the ships sailing from the Moon/Emerald City. The Space Pirates take the resources they cannot find on the Moon, then eject the waste somewhere on their way.

What if the 2 Straw Hats teams following the Vivre Card do not reach Zo because it has just been attacked and Law's crewmates taken away like Capone Bege? The Vivre Card given by Law would be pointing into the good direction just like the Log Pose used to back in Jaya Island and they would get across the spaceship too.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 1, 2010
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United States
I can see the "Black Sea" being possible ! Great Theory . Moon pirates is something I completely forgot about , did you guys noticed the person standing on top of the moon ship ?

Deleted member 182576

JUST WOW! OMG i want it to happen, i want it so bad! this could lead to such an amazing arc!!!
with all the cool characters like bellamy, ceaser, samurais etc!!!
this could be Bellamy and Ceasers ticket to become strawhats!!! :)
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MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
Fantastic theory!! Ever since I saw the 6 moons the one piece planet has and Enel's sidestory I was convinced that we would get to space sometime. Combining that with the Emerald city and the Wizard of Oz is great thinking.
Since I firmly believe that some of the 20 Kings who became Tenryuubito came from the moons or at least one of them(their leader) came from the moon. We might also learn more avout the tenryuubito's origins and blank century.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jan 3, 2008
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All I can say is: wow. Seriously well thought, I am astonished by this and I want this to happen!


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 7, 2007
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United States
Excellent post Syphin. Also, Oz is stated as Outer Zone in a TV series called TinMan. Moon would be on the outer zone that way, but doubt there would be any connection this way.


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
this could be Bellamy and Ceasers ticket to become strawhats!!! :)
I not exactly sure about Caesar becoming a Straw Hat crew member, but in all likelihood, Oda does appear to be developing him to be a very useful associate/ally of them.

Caesar is one of those characters who fit in the "knowledge is power" category, which at the current point in the story represent some of the most important and useful characters in the One Piece story:

  • Nico Robin - her ability to uncover the secrets of the past and the ancient weapons. Behind Luffy (and his ability to turn anyone into an ally), she is most likely the most dangerous person existing to the current World Government;
  • Dr. Vegapunk - for obvious reasons he is one of the most useful characters in the series based on the amount of advances he has wrought for the world with his research and experiments (specifically for the World Government and Marines);
  • Caribou and Vander Deckan - the knowledge of Poseidon's identity they possess (these two don't seem like really important characters in the story, but what they know is important);
  • Caesar - we have already been shown how Caesar's accomplishments can greatly affect the world - Shinokuni, SMILE fruit. If anyone in the series is going to reach Vegapunk's level as a scientist, it is going to be Caesar;
  • Then there is Doflamingo and his knowledge of the "Tenryuubito National Treasure" - Doflamingo has stated that knowledge of its existence can shake the world to its core, so it could very well be important to the overall One Piece story.
I am tempted to include Franky as he has studied Vegapunk's work during the timeskip, but as of yet, I am not sure if there was anything specific that he has learned that could really make him dangerous to the powers in the New World.

Caesar is ultimately a very important piece to the powers in the New World, so as well as keeping him away from other powers, he can benefit the Straw Hats immensely if he does end up working alongside them. When you look at Caesar free from his insecurity of being "second best" and his obsession with being the best, he ain't such a bad guy.

I have been entertaining the thought that if the story does include the moons, Caesar can end up remaining on one of the them in order to continue his research and avoid being targeted constantly by the powers in the New World. I suppose Oda could have Caesar travel with Law and his crew.

Anyway thank you everyone, I am glad you enjoy the theory =D.

StrawHat 13

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jul 10, 2012
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United States
Great. I repeat GREAT theory. In regards to your Wizard of Oz parallels, specifically the group that travels to see the wizard, it would be the tin man, cowardly lion, and scarecrow-i believe you missed out on throwing Dorothy into the mix-the only character I can think of would be Jewelry(Ruby slippers) Bonney. I don't have examples to support how she fits into you theory perfectly, but my gut tells me she should fill the role of "dorothy" in this emerald city arc.

Yoken Yoken no Mi

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 12, 2013
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United States
Really like your theory, and you've presented it excellently. I am surprised you don't have a role for Enel and the Automata in Oz though.

I am tempted to include Franky as he has studied Vegapunk's work during the timeskip, but as of yet, I am not sure if there was anything specific that he has learned that could really make him dangerous to the powers in the New World.
Just wanted to remind that Franky likely memorized (most of) Pluton's schematics before he destroyed the only(?) blueprints. I expect that will become relevant again, sooner or later, much like Caribou & Vander Deckan's knowledge of Poseidon.

StrawHat 13

Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jul 10, 2012
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United States
^Enel would be Oz himself. Remember in the Wizard of Oz, the wizard was also just a common man who happened to crash his hot air balloon in the land of oz.

Enel fits the Parallels of Oz almost to a T if this theory holds true;
He arrives sometime before the SHs-Oz arrived in Oz before Dorothy.
Enel's means of transportation-being marooned-the impressionable inhabitants of Oz being deceived by the wizard is similar to the impressionable nature the dwarfs posses. It's there.