Theory - The missing race in One Piece and why we'll be visiting Hell soon enough. | MangaHelpers

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Theory The missing race in One Piece and why we'll be visiting Hell soon enough.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Well, there's still quite a bit left to figure out in One Piece, and what happens in Wano is going to heavily influence the next few developments, but theories and predictions always have a certain amount of risk and gambling to them, so I'll go on ahead and make a theory about what I believe is going to happen next. There are obvious gaps left to fill, and I'm not sure about the execution, but I think we have enough elements foreshadowed to make a structured theory on this. First we'll go about the missing race, and then how that connects to my belief that Hell is an actual place in One Piece, and how we're going to see it after or intertwined with Elbaf.


There's been a lot of focus around race diversity in the second half of the series, and I wasn't sure where to start, so I'll go with the Straw Hat crew. Taking Luffy out of the equation, let's take a closer look at every other Straw Hat, his followers, what they represent, and some of the most important Kingdoms in the story. Keep in mind that you have to look at some of this stuff with abstract thinking, and consider them metaphors for factions of the past with ties to the grand mystery.

- Zoro is a swordsman from Wano, a country heavily implied to have strong connections to the Void Century plot and poneglyphs
- Sanji is a genetically modified human, using the Lineage Factor, hinted to have Lunarian blood. Lunarians seem pretty important.
- Franky is a cyborg from Water 7, the city that “built” Pluton. They are both (Sanji+Franky) connected to Vegapunk in the second half of the series, by the Lineage Factor and Science.
- Nami is connected to the sky islands and weather, not only because of her powers, but she trained in Weatheria, under a Birkan instructor.
- Usopp will probably have his catharsis in Elbaf.
- Robin is the human devil child from Ohara, the kingdom of knowledge and her motif is the flower, a very common theme.
- Chopper is a doctor with a suggestive backstory. We can easily associate him with the Mink in this crew, by both being an animal and having a berserk form.
- Jinbei is a Fishman
- Vivi is an honorary member, from Alabasta.
So, what the hell is Brook supposed to be? I think he's the key to figuring out part of the puzzle on the missing race, because he's supposed to represent a faction, rather than perfectly matching them, just like every other Straw Hat. What I mean by this is that people like Usopp, who’s not a giant, is mostly associated with that race, and we don’t yet know how that’s going to go down, but the figurative association, although not executed, is already there.
Finding out other equivalents or shared motifs to certain characters, putting them together, and then doing some reverse engineering is what I’ll be doing.

Brook is the decayed, the cursed one, mostly associated with souls, and his attacks are themed around the chilling winds of the undead. We met him back in Thriller Bark, where he was cursed to never leave the mists and see the sun. We've had the mists mentioned quite a lot in the series, and there's a race who several people want to recreate: Ancient Giants, who I believe could be equated to Titans.

Two things come to mind: the shadowy figure back in Thriller Bark, who hid in the mists and that we never got to see, but was portrayed as huge, and Zunisha.

Zunisha, in particular, is very interesting (I’ll call it a she). She was Joyboy's nakama, commited a crime, and got cursed for it, bringing the mist wherever she goes, and being denied the sun in its full capacity. Please don't get stuck on technicalities: some sunlight reaches Zou, but never to its maximum potential. I know this might sound convoluted, but syncretizing different motifs into one, and having polar opposites is a big thing in One Piece. Remember how the minks were close retainers to the Kozuki? They symbolize undying loyalty, and go berserk under the moon, just like werewolves. A polar opposite would be a race of betrayers, who can't see the sun, and that's the equivalent of Vampires. Titans or Vampires? Which one am I going for? The answer is both. They'll probably have shared motifs and depictions, merged into one single race, or perhaps not, but I do believe we'll be seeing something close to this soon enough.

Do we have any metaphorical depiction of this?

Where am I going with this?


Now let's focus on Hell. I think an equivalent depiction could be Tartarus, but first thing's first: Why do I think it’ll exist?
  • Heaven existed in the One Piece world: it was Skypiae. That's an arc themed around heaven, with the pearly gates, clouds, angels and a "god" (and many more references) . All of these were previous inhabitants of the moon, so pretty much aliens. I think this should be enough to keep an open mind about the possibility of a hell equivalent existing in the One Piece world.
  • You could argue Impel Down is that equivalent, and I'd agree that it's a metaphor for it, and we can draw a lot from it when looking at that future arc, but it's still just a prison. Impel Down was heavily influenced by Dante's Inferno, an epic where we get to see the 9 layers of hell. Impel down goes down to 6 levels, and the equivalent in Inferno is layer 6, for the heretic. We have 3 layers left, represented by Violence, Fraud and Treachery. In the deepest level lies Satan, with his three faces and covered in ice, condemned for the highest sin: treachery against god.
  • Water 7 is an arc around Pluton, the god of hell, a weapon whose whereabouts we still don't know about. I think it's a reasonable statement that, in case hell exists, something related to it might be there, just like Poseidon was at the bottom of the sea. It's also centered around betrayal. The question is: do we have any geographical place that we can associate with it, or is this all just confabulation?
  • Enies Lobby is where that arc reaches its climax, and it's literally a waterfall that goes downwards, just like there was one to reach Heaven/Skypiea. You can even google "Hell's mouth" and find geographical locations on Earth that resemble it. Not only that, the arc is themed around purgatory. Passing judgment, tower of law, a judge named "Cerberus", Gates of Justice (pearly gates?) and a main antagonist named Luci(fer). There are honestly a lot more references. One final look at Dante's Divine Comedy: Skypiea was Paradiso, Enies Lobby was Purgatory and Impel Down was Inferno.
  • Wano being a preceding arc, is quite littered with references to Hell (and heaven as well), with Zoro inheriting Enma and declaring he'll be the King of Hell, Orochi saying he'll take Hiyori to hell, the Enma shrine, and the list goes on and on.

So, if we're to tie these two together, we have the cursed betrayers, who’re Ancient Giants/Titans, and they might have shared iconographic portrayals with vampires, and they’ve gone missing. Where could they be?
If you look across several mythologies and religions, Titans are usually dwellers of the underground/underworld. The most popular story around this, for a western audience, is probably Tartarus. I don't want this to get too convoluted, because there's a lot to polish here, but my point is that there's a plot already being constructed, and some characters share motifs that we can use to interpret the general cadence of where we're going, although there's still a lot left to figure out. The overall plot around Tartarus is that it’s both a primordial deity and a place. It got less and less depicted as a deity as time went on, and became mostly known as the prison for the Titans. Again, I’m just pointing out sources of inspiration and elements already in play within the story, but I’m not sure how it’s gonna play out.
Some quick stuff about Tartarus that might be interesting when taking into account what’s happening in the story: most Titans were sentenced to Tartarus, but a couple of them were spared, like Prometheus and Epimetheus, who acted as god's representatives for mankind. Apollo, the god of the sun, was said to have spent some time there because of a feud with Zeus, but was later freed from it.
Gaia (Goddess of the Earth, also called the Mother who gave life) bore Typhon, together with Tartarus, enraged after Zeus cast her children (Titans) into Tartarus. Typhon was a monstrous snake, so powerful that even the gods feared him. It fought a tremendous battle with Zeus and was eventually trapped in Tartarus as well. Kaido is a big antagonistic snake who’s one of the strongest beings in the entire story. I know this might sound confusing, but let’s look at it with some abstract thinking: Big Mom (mother) had the power to grant life to inanimate beings and ended up being a motherly figure to him. His fatherly figure seems to be Xebec. There’s a gigantic horned skull in Wano called Onigashima. That’s where the concept of history repeating itself comes to mind, but the scale seems so much smaller in present day One Piece. Still, we’ve escalated to the point we have actual gods in the story, so who knows where we might end up…

Edit: The Big Mom reference is to be taken with a grain of salt. She was the gluttonous being that ended up eating Mother Caramel. She was inherently "good", but a natural born disaster, who became "corrupted" after eating Caramel, and I believe there's symbolic meaning to that in itself. It's just an illustration to keep in mind.


A few more details to keep in mind, that might be a possible answer to some questions, but highlight the fact that the post Onigashima segment is what's going to help me interpret the direction we're going.

I mentioned how mythology has a lot of equivalents across several cultures, but a big question mark is on how Vivi plays out into this. Keep in mind that Pluton is the equivalent of Hades, the god of the underworld, but also Enma and Yama, depending on the culture. I still believe Oda probably used Hindu mythology as the backbone for a lot of the story, syncretized a lot of other stuff into his own plot, and deviates to certain cultures depending on the arc he's writing. Elbaf is going to be mostly nordic, but I have an easier time explaining using a different mythology, so bare with me.
A few very important mentions on Yama, the Hindu god of the Underworld, but always keep in mind that you're supposed to read Yama/Pluton as the same:

He's the son of Surya, Hindu god of the sun, and he has a twin sister, called Yami.
If Yama is the personification of death, Yami was the twin opposite, representing life. She was the goddess of the Ganges river, and bathing in her water removed sin. It’s where the sinners seeked penance.
Vivi is clearly associated with Pluton, so here’s my read on where we’re going: I don't think Vivi being introduced to the plot again, and having something happening to her during the Levely was a coincidence when thinking about the timeline we’re going through, assuming we're going to the Underworld at some point. We need Vivi back on board, and I'm not saying she's literally the twin sister of the god of the underworld, but we've had several mentions on how this current generation is the one where all the needed pieces come together, by having quite literal manifestations of gods/goddesses. Could she be the one to remove the curse on these beings, considering they're banished from the Sun, and Vivi comes from Alabasta, the Kingdom most associated with it? We also know that the Nefertari bloodline chose to remain with humans, but they were offered a position among the Celestial Dragons. Perhaps part of them betrayed the heroes, and the other side did not approve of this, and we'll have that conflict sorted out eventually. My prediction is that, in case Momo doesn't lift the curse on Zunisha, Vivi will be the one to do it, and it’ll be rejuvenated, just like foreshadowed by Brook.

I mentioned both Hell and Tartarus, but they’re not exactly the same in greco-roman mythology, so I could see several different routes on the execution. I’m inclined to think they’ll be the same, and that’ll be called Hell within the world of One Piece, but Oda will draw inspiration from both of these places into one single arc, and we’ll have a couple of important characters there.


Banished Titans, cursed to not receive sunlight, with some vampiric motifs to them will be the last remaining race, and we'll be visiting Hell/Tartarus soon enough. Vivi being closely related to their arc of forgiveness.

There’s so much more I wanted to elaborate on, like who we might see in Hell, and how the cat motif is really important to this segment, but I think it’d get overbearing, so I think this is a bold enough prediction. Depending on how Wano goes, I’ll see if there’s some validity to this or not, and perhaps do an updated thread, or part 2.

I hope you enjoyed it!
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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Hello !

I enjoyed the read, especially the way you magnified how the crewmates symbolize locations and ethnic groups. I didn't put much thoughts about those ancient giants but I like your take on it.

I do believe we'll see Hell, even if it's not a literal one. And I hope, that the recent scene with the grim reaper is an introduction to it.

You should take a look at Nordic mythology : Yggdrasil might be represented by the Adam Tree, which I suppose is the giant tree in Elbaf. And as you can see in the image below, Hel is one of the realms connected to it. So if Hell is a thing in One Piece universe, we might see it during the Elbaf arc.



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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Hello !

I enjoyed the read, especially the way you magnified how the crewmates symbolize locations and ethnic groups. I didn't put much thoughts about those ancient giants but I like your take on it.

I do believe we'll see Hell, even if it's not a literal one. And I hope, that the recent scene with the grim reaper is an introduction to it.

You should take a look at Nordic mythology : Yggdrasil might be represented by the Adam Tree, which I suppose is the giant tree in Elbaf. And as you can see in the image below, Hel is one of the realms connected to it. So if Hell is a thing in One Piece universe, we might see it during the Elbaf arc.

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the feedback!

I have taken a look at nordic mythology, and I completely agree that Yggdrasil will have a lot of metaphorical depictions in Elbaf, and those will eventually branch out and make the transition to both the Hell segment and the cataclysmic war that Oda promised us, that could be equated to Ragnarok!
I tried not to switch around too much between cultures and mythologies because it'd get confusing, but the general idea is that you can find a lot of equivalents across several of them, and Oda merged them into his own story, and illustrates them with different motifs depending on the arc.

I actually have a couple of ideas regarding key plot points around Elbaf, but I refrained from going too much into it for the sake of length and clarity. Also, I feel like there's some animosity towards theories that get too stuck on mythological references and few narrative ones, so I'm waiting to see how Wano plays out and how much of it sets up or refutes some of the stuff I put out.

And I hope, that the recent scene with the grim reaper is an introduction to it.
I've actually predicted, in a different thread, that Zoro might "die" and be reunited with the crew through this Hell segment, but this is not viewed with kind eyes do to his popularity, so I first tried to explain the reasoning for something equated to Hell existing in One Piece. If that ever ends up happening, and if Wano is the place where it happens, I think this theory will get a lot more traction. It just seems too ridiculous to some people at this point. This recent development with Kaido and Big Mom being sent deep underground also left me a bit confused, because I think there's some symbolic meaning to it after all the "Hell" mentions in the last couple of chapters, but I'll wait to see how that plays out.

Hel is one of the realms connected to it
Indeed! Not only that, but Hel is also a goddess in nordic mythology, and a child of Loki, a mischievous god who happens to share the name with the Elbafian prince.

When Ragnarok starts, the equivalent of the cataclysmic war, all three children of Loki are unleashed upon the world and wreck havoc: the World Serpent, a wolf named Fenrir, and Hel (ruler of the underworld), who sails her ship from the Underworld to the surface.

When it comes to these three, I have some thoughts on who's who in the One Piece world, but they're very poorly based, would make for some controversial takes that might take away credibility from all this other stuff, and don't take into account any new characters introduced, so I'll wait for Wano to end and see what happens.

Once again, thank you very much for the kind feedback! Do you have any ideas regarding Elbaf?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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I'd like to make a small update on this theory, in light of recent events in the manga.

So, as mentioned in the thread, I'm a firm believer that Oda is telling us the story within the story, and we might be approaching the Ancient Giants/Missing race segment, although I must admit that it's coming from a completely different angle than the one I was expecting. The story's not leading us to Elbaf (yet), but Vegapunk instead. I'm sure I'll be wrong about a lot of the execution/cadence, but I'd like to highlight two or three points I made, and give further context on what's been recently shown in the story:

First, the symbolism of Luffy's crew and how they might be metaphors for Kingdoms/Races of the past.
There's a pretty important symbol that's been influencing theories for several years: the big circle with eight smaller circles around it.
It was present in Skypiae, Alabasta's flag, the Kozuki's crest, Neptune's tattoo. I've equated a Straw Hat with each of these Kingdoms, in a speculative fashion, but a lot is still unknown. What's a lot more important is that each of these Kingdoms, that might equate to the smaller circles of that symbol, seem to have ties to the conflict of the past.

Now let's take a look at what's happening in the manga:

In chapter 1060, probably one of the best chapters in recent years, we just saw one of eight rebellious Kingdoms of this current era get erased from existence, along with all its people. That was done by the World Government/Imu, and the phrase: "it never existed" was thrown around. So, an entire Kingdom, its inhabitants, its history, all erased.

This sparked my interest.

The most interesting part is that we had eight (just like the number of smaller circles in that symbol) Kingdoms rebell against the Government, and those Kingdoms seemed to worship Sabo, the Flame Emperor, as a symbol of liberation. Perhaps history repeating itself?
This has some "Liberating Sun God" tones to it, the central piece/catalyst of eight rebellions. One of them just disappeared, and it just so happened that it was the one where Sabo was hiding. The Gorosei called it "fate", a theme that seems to be getting more important.

Now, this made me wonder, could Oda be telling us something more? This is a narrative that we seem to have heard about before, so I looked for figurative/metaphorical comparisons with the ones I proposed for the missing race:

Titans or Vampires? Which one am I going for? The answer is both. They'll probably have shared motifs and depictions, merged into one single race, or perhaps not, but I do believe we'll be seeing something close to this soon enough.
Here's where it gets interesting:

I don't think it's a coincidence that Oda decided to have the King of Lulusia, a human kingdom, who just got erased from history, share some of these vampiric motifs that I mentioned. It makes little sense, if not to give us another hint on this matter.
The Ancient Giants and Vampires could end up being different races, and I'm wrong about that part, but notice how Inbi, the Number ranked #1, also shares that vampiric look to him, and he's a failed attempt at Ancient Giants. Even if they end up being different races, I believe they'll be connected plot points.

Hope you find this interesting!

On a final note,

I'll look into the whole Vegapunk angle and try to recaliber the theory, because something that's caught my attention is the fact that within the Titan mythology, we have a very important character: Saturn (Cronos is the greek equivalent). He was the youngest Titan, their leader, the god of time, and considered an "all devouring glutton". Funnily enough, we've only just got to Egg-Head island, Vegapunk's lair, someone heavily tied with the "recreating Ancient Titans" plot, and a few interesting notes are already in play:

- The island is shaped like the planet Saturn (the hatched egg has a ring)
- Bonney: she's called "gluttonous" and she has a Devil Fruit capable of manipulating age (time?), and has a backstory with the government.
- The whole egg thing: the world egg is a mythological motif found in many cultures, usually giving birth to some sort of primordial deity. If we look at it from this whole Saturn/Cronos angle, it's said that Chronos created the Orphic Egg, from which the god Eros/Phanes emerged. He's a golden winged god, considered the god of love/lust/light. I'm mostly spewing random stuff at this point, but Vegapunk seems to be trying to control instincts, such as lust.

I'm not trying to make any predictions on what's about to happen, but I think this is interesting to think about given what we know about this arc so far.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Speaking of vampires, we do have a vampire mythical zoan fruit, although it's non-canon 😂
Batto Batto no Mi, Model: Vampire
I never got to reply to this, so my apologies, but that was an amazing find!

The character that ate that fruit was actually designed by Oda! I checked out the overall plot for the game, out of curiosity, and the main antagonist is a character from the Roger/Whitebeard era, with a pen that ate a devil fruit, transforming it into a tanuki, also designed by Oda (very similar to Chopper, who I believe has an important fruit and will lose it to an antagonist). It's almost uncanny, but he pretty much makes clones of other characters to do his bidding.

The game was released in 2013!! Now, 10 years later, we're in an arc that showed Stussy and some bat-like powers, has clones everywhere, and we even had an object that ate a Tanuki fruit in Wano. This just goes to show that Oda actually has/had plans for vampires, so we'll see how this theory holds.

I actually have some updates on it, but I still feel like it holds out, so I'll polish it a bit once I think about the recent developments.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Well, I guess I could pick this back up, and make some revisions.

The Vampires are actually Nagas, and they share some similarities: shape shifters, cannibals and probably weakened by the sun, because they can't regulate their body temperature. They currently occupy Mary Geoise, but I guess only a few of them are actual Nagas.

The Ancient Titans is still a bit of a mystery to me, but I guess those are the ones who live underground, and Elbaf will be the catharsis of that segment.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 26, 2020
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United States
Things like Pluton being underground and Oni being underground in mythology do make me curious.