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Mag Talk Weekly Shonen Jump (2024) - News and Discussion!

Phantom RPG

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Feb 17, 2020
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What are people thoughts on the newcomer, Kobayashi Omusuke, that is debuting his series for the first time this week?


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2019
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United States
I’m hyped. Love the art style, vibes seem fun.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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Okay, so I finished the chapters from last week, so Discomusic won't be alone in giving his reviews. Also, in the new segment given from Shinuki no Reborn regarding the top 3 spreads, I thought it was going to be weak. That was until, I got to the veteran titles that are over 150 chapters, so I have alot more positive things to say there. But having said that, here is the review (along with my thoughts of the 2 chapters of Black Clover).

-One Piece: Alot to discuss regarding One Piece.....having said that I will refrain from most of it cause it will regard to spoilers. But what I can say is, Dr. Vegapunk is one heck of a man. That and the news of how the great climax on how this is going to end the series is probably the best that matches this series and will probably be as equal to what the remaining 2/3 of the Big 3 did with their climaxes, though hopefully they won't fall off like what Kishimoto and Kubo suffered from (both in health and manipulation from the editorial department). Also it was nice to see some of the people and place that we have visited from this journey. But whatever Vegapunk says, I hope it is not interrupted. That and that we can be ready to leave Egghead Island. But for some reason, I feel like this story won't end at volume 120. There is just so much more to unwind. And if the end of the series ends in a similar fashion to The Sopranos, I will be fuming mad.

-My Hero Academia: So this chapter is final. The next chapter is the final fight. Nothing special just the build up. Although it really does feel like it is mimicking Avengers: Endgame. But the difference is that with Endgame, it looks much bigger by comparison, while here it feels like a mini Endgame mainly due to the large scope of it. I guess when you watch Endgame in comparison, it is best to watch it in IMAX. But with our lead, we are ready to see if he can do it. All I want now is the start of the fight and that it lasts for 7-8 chapters, and then the last 5 are for the epilogue. In all honesty, I am ready for this series to end. It's time.

-Jujutsu Kaisen: I was just getting excited by what was shown, and Akutami had to do it again. With these text boxes explaining things and flashbacks that break the mood, it reminds me of the AVGN review of Megaman when it got to the later X series where the text was non stop stalling the progress of the games. Which is a major shame, cause the art and spreads are amazing. Especially where "that domain" reminded me of the fight of Sasuke and Deidara where Deidara destroyed everything in his path with that particle bomb that looked like it vaporized Sasuke and everything, into nothing. But the end, that is what brought it back to me, in all honesty. Other than that, great chapter, but bogged down due to the text, again.

-Mission: Yozakura Family: And now the final arc really begins. But one of the things that got me engaged was one of Asa's kids on the bottom of Behemoth. Seeing that reminded me of 2 media moments. The first was how the bottom of the ship reminded me of the Arc Craddle in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's and in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back where we see Luke Skywalker hanging for dear life at the bottom of the platform. Anyway, aside from its typical shenanigans, we are now ready to begin. But I also liked how the students who will partake in this reminds me of that episode of Regular Show where the Guardians of Obsolete formats were fighting the Order of the VHS, in the Laser Disc episode. And that is how I feel this final arc will be. Although, what makes this fight so different is that there really isn't that much bad blood between these characters. And that the villain group (aside from the leader), I don't have any reason to hate them in a, "I want to see them go down, cause they are evil." If anything, I want them to join the good cause they are being misled.

-Undead Unluck: Well, the fight is still going, and I am amazed on how much variety is in different languages. You know, the one thing I really appreciate about Tozuka is his appreciation of the world. Sure there are some major problems and stuff that needs to be addresed regarding all of the conflicts and who are in charge. But he still see's the beauty in it all from the cultures, the nature, and even the languages. Pretty interesting to learn the Uzbekistan language and to manipulate the rules in his own way. Also, great reveal to know how the world works with death. Really helps to understand how the cycle of life and death with these loops are established. Along with the fight, but I think this fight will end in 2-3 more chapters, cause of how it addresses alot of things, built character development, and builds up a pretty big climax. Especially how the fight went into all sorts of ridiculosness, that was on the same level as Kenpachi vs Gremmy in Bleach but much more sillier in a One Piece sort of fashion (and early Dragon Ball, though maybe not casue yes it is silly it is more tame than others we have seen going forward). Anyway, I hope the fight is over soon so we can move on to the next recruitment and finish this series. Though I think this might last longer than MYF with its final arc.

-Sakamoto Days: Nothing much, just straight up action. But Takamura is really putting up a fight. And I guess the humor is that you have a very old man who can do numbers on people. But with these slashes, it is on the same level as One Piece when we see character like Zoro, Mihawk, Fujitora, or any of the marine's who uses Tempest Kick. Other than that, it was also cool to see slim Sakamoto again. It just makes the fight even more cooler.

-The Elusive Samurai: Just a party before the battle to lift everyone's spirits. Though I hope everyone isn't to hurt before the next battle. But the one thing that bugged me was this one line that was supposed to be a JJK reference. I don't know if that was intentional of Y. Matsui, or if it was its translator John Werry who made that choice. It just felt very weird.

-Witch Watch: This was just an okay chapter. Not that great and I am worried that the humor is starting to run dry. Compared to the earlier humor chapters in this saga, I felt it was starting to wein down. But what made me more excited about the earler chapters (and I would focus on the 5 so far) was that it was focusing on some heartfelt moments, like Nico's performance in Thumbellina (though the humor in that was fantastic also), Momochi's backstory, and so on. But here it just felt week.

-Blue Box: Very cute chapter overall on this date. And for Akari to be supportive than go into this unrequired love angle like we have seen in the past, I am glad, but I do think the jelosy angle will return again (though mayby not as I think Miura will find another someone for her). But it was just adorible involving that fish won in the goldfish scooping contest (which is great for Taiki, but I suck so bad at it that my paper always breaks. But it was even more cute to see Chinatsu having that competive streek in her that she hates losing. It reminds me of this cartoon in America called Doug (on Nickelodeon) where Doug and his crush Patty Mayonayse (I know weird name next to Doug Funny), were a little competitive as Patty is an athlete, and for some reason Doug was always beating her in some games unintentionally, to the dismay of Patty. And Doug was always trying to help her win, down to the point where he was stroking himself with bad luck to help her win so she wouldn't be angry with him. But back to the chapter, it was also cute to see the whole naming of the fish as it definitely feels like a couples argument, but in an adorable way. I think this arc has 5 more chapters in it as I hope to see the other characters have their moments to shine outside of our main couple.

-Akane-banashi: So we now know the stakes of this Futatsume promotion and the brave individual who is trying to make it. Though this chapter was silly with the fact that there was no Rakugo at all. But this was intentional as we know he was not supposed to do so. I just feel like this character reminds me of that obnixious character who shines on in Mashle. That type of character trope is really annoying and makes me want to keep my distance. I actually know someone in life who is like this trope and as much as I want to walk away, I couldn't. It makes me ask if anyone has met these kinds of people in real life and how they deal with them, how do you. Anyway, it is just a set up chapter before the real event kicks in. But I really did like the end as he is not all of that and is serious about his promotion. Great character depth in the last 2 pages.

-Kill Blue: And the fight is over, good. And what a fight it was, just enough but not to bloated that kept the plot going. Also, PLEASE BRING BACK TOUR BUS GUIDE LADY! So I guess I am not the only one who thinks that way as I am in the same camp as Discomusic to an extent with characters. I am glad that Ogami did it, he saved everyone. But now comes the real test, the fallout. Because of everything that has happened, it will possibly jepordize his position. You know, after going back to my predictions of the year, I can't believe how off I was with some predictions, but here, I think I was right, and then some. All and all, not a bad arc, glad it was entertaining with a few gripes here and there. But honestly, not that many complaints.

-Nue's Exorcist: So just training for Gakuro, but in all honesty, the only positive thing I liked were Gakuro's expressions than that dumb look on his face when I can take him more serious. But the one thing I don't like is Moroyoki's battle armor, mostly with that helmet piece. But after that, the typical political stuff but it was interesting that these nun characters are acting as a sense of protection. But other than that, it is just okay for this chapter. But hearing about Suo's story, I can understand and sympathise with her and would like to see a flashback and see that side that made her, her. But the end with the hand holding with Gakuro, it just feels so cringe cause of Gakuro himself, he's so stiff. I don't know how it can push these boundaries with the emotional aspect and have it feel natural. It is in comparison to the Anakin and Pademe scenes from Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith with the terrible direction and awkward dialogue that makes it more jarring where I can see it being natural with Suo than Gakuro. If I want to see something like this but better, I would take Blue Box. But also if it is trying to go into a more mature level, it could match what Jump SQ did this month with Twin Star Exorcist (although I don't know about that cause I think Jump SQ is a little more mature, yet its shonen for some reason), where I was surprised that it would draw that scene yet feel so heartfelt (which we know their bond due to them being together for 130 chapters in a monthly format). For those that have seen "that scene", you know what I am talking about. But back to Nue's Exorcist, I just hope that we are near the end of this training arc so we can have some progress again narratively. And since there has been an interesting yet confrontational argument regarding Nue fans and Kagurabachi fans, I want to do a good disection of the two and figure out what there strengths are. Note that I will save this after the review cause this will require a separate discussion and would derail the review, but it is nice to talk about it than just say that one is better than the other. But it has to be talked about in a healthy way so it won't lead to a sort of fan wars that is just based on tribalism, otherwise you will have a split that will cause alot of discourse.

-Kagurabachi: For starters, great color page than the typical Chihiro solo color page, it looks amazing. But to the chapter itself, I would have to say that this is a great introduction to plan ahead and expand on what the story will offer after the Auction arc. Something about this character in design and tone reminds me of Pain with that facfeless expression. And to say that he is the leader of this group gives me more confidence that the others will be just as exciting to anticipate. Although, now thinking about it, showcasing the leader early doesn't give me enough confidence as you need the smaller members first as a build to the lead of that group. I say that for example cause when you compare this to Naruto, the build of the Akatsuki was important through the introduction of Itachi and Kisame, but once we get to the leaders like Pain and Madara (won't go to deep on the latter for spoiler reasons), it made the mystery and build to them that much more exciting. Even it happened before with the Sound Ninja 4. Because when we learned it was 5, it made it more exciting that there was an even greater threat and switch things up with the introduction of Kimimaro. But there is a difference when we compare that to One Piece as we are introduced to the other villains where we had a major antagonist and their crew but we know that Luffy will defeat the major boss as the rest of the crew will take down the subordinates like always since they are just gimicks. But due to the serious nature here in Kagurabachi, I think that slow burn will make it that much harder due to how we have met the biggest threat who is the leader, and I worry that the people below him will be underwhelming. But other than that, the fighting is still awesome and it was nice to see Chihio's determination to reclaim the sacred blades. Also it felt natrual to me with the inner monologues, unlike another that I will get to soon. Can't wait for the next chapter.

-Green Green Greens: Well it is time to put down that copium and face the fact that it is now on the chopping block. But onto the chapter, aside from some of the rushed aspects. The one thing I can say is that I like the challenge Oga is facing down to the point it is injuring her. But the quality that is being put here in the character work is really jarring becasue of her calm and stoic characteristics we were intoduced to since the beginning. But even though it is sad to see the state of this series, I feel really bad about Terasaka on where he is now. I wished this was a hit, but galaxy-juice said it best. It is that much harder to try and make a golf series a hit when people are not that into golf. I haven't felt this disappointed in a series that I thought had alot of potential since Tenmaku Cinema. A real damn shame.

-Super Psychic Policeman Chojo: This was an okay chapter, and it has all of the comedic trappings that will get us to laugh if things go wrong. Kind of interesting that we have a festival arc (somewhat) in this series and it is being released alongside Blue Box that has a festival arc as well. But one of the things that I do enjoy here are the shenanigans with the characters that we have met so far, always love Lily. But for the chapter the one gag that I did enjoy was the shooting gallery where you knock down prizes, but it is just totally different from the one done in Spy x Family: Code White (for those that have seen the movie, you know what I am talking about). But at the end, I think the next chapter will be the end of this mini arc cause 1 this is a gag series, and second, I don't know how much longer you can milk this thing until it gets stale.

-Astro Royale: I thought it was an okay chapter, but in all honesty, it really didn't hit as hard but it did bring up the moral conundrum regarding family. I can see where both are coming from, though the use of force (coming from the brother to use guns), is a last resort. But it does go to extremes when presenting that as an option. But I wish we had more optimistic people like Hibaru who wants to settle things peacefully, but that line will be crossed at one point where it cannot be helped. Unfortunately, how the start of the series definitely feels very 101 where you have the typical 3 chapter structure. Now that we had this time, there are a few nitpicks I would like to get into. The first is that I feel like we are being introduced to way to many characters and that all of them are going to be important in one way or another. Which it really needs to have us invested if there is going to be that many introduced in the span of 3 chapters. The second is in regard to the facial expressions where some are stiff and others are just to expressive in a not so good looking sort of way, especially when I see Hibaru with his mouth and is on the verge of tears. And third is the environment, now I know that there was a major disaster, but shouldn't everything else look that way with more run down buildings that came from that astroid? Now I knwo not everything was destroyed, but it takes me out of the feel of the story in some way if there isn't any clear indication of that in some aspects on where the other brothers are. But it was acknowledged at the end of the chapter so it is somewhat selfaware of it. But now that that is addressed, I know that we are going into the series first arc in some shape or form to help give some indication on where the story is going. Other than that, it doesn't do enough for me but at least there is some interest. Something about the art reminds me of Ikemoto from Boruto.

-Kyokuto Necromance: What I don't like is that there isn't that much proper structure to the writing, and that it feels a bit distant that we cant gravitate to the characters a bit. But one aspect was that there were some missed opportunities to actually see what the characters see like how Kaoru spotted the shiryo and there it is. And the whole "Pep in my Step," line is just so unnatural and forced that we should care when we aren't. Take for example in My Hero Academia, in the first chapter, Deku is always a kind person who feels ostricised due to him being quirkless, but after running into All Might, it was a dream and a harsh reality about what it means to be a hero. But after seeing Bakugo caught by that same villain that caught Deku and All Might capturing him it allowed Deku to have the courage to save Bakugo cause he felt the need to step up due to him as a character. Here it does happen, but not in a natural way. Though the flashback does help, it could have been fine tuned to deliver it in a more solid way to know more about Kaoru and why he lives with his grandma. I won't say that it is terrible, but if it was given proper direction, it could have been a much better chapter 2. But to see Kaoru's shiryo, really does show something greater up ahead if it can execute. But right now with how it ended, I think we are going into a small arc now, and I think that is going to be the real test for the series along with Naba on what they learned from Alien's Area. I feel like them doing this is almost like he wanted to do a do over where how he structured the story hasn't changed (except for a few minor differences here and there), but this time he knew what mistakes he made and is trying to improve upon them.

-Black Clover: Now that there are 2 chapters out, I want to briefly go over my thoughts on them but not in full detail. First off, fun color page, next to One Piece. And with the chapters, it is really charging with these fights. The first one was alot of spreads and seeing how the final climax of the arc will go, and the second the fight with Mereoleona did give enough to help build her character and endear us, but that defeat, I don't know if this is the end of the fight or if Tabata will bring us back to it but be much greater than we thought. But other than that, just alot of spectacle. Man, I can believe alot of these series are in their final arcs but at much different paces.

And that is it for this weeks chapter reviews. I will get to the top 3 spreads of the issue along with the argument of Nue vs Kagurabachi, and my thoughts on Phantom RPG about this artist and the new series coming up. I will wait and see but I need time to give these thoughts cause there is alot to talk about. Also sorry if this review was late, casue I had alot going for me. And it won't stop. I wish it was so I can get these done much quicker.
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Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 9, 2024
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Well, before I was pretty sure GGG will be axed, but now that the sales are out it will be nepotism if the series survives haha. It got outsold by SE????

GGG, more like GG my G


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 21, 2023
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United States
I've actually noticed this too. Some people are just blatantly ignoring Kabgurabachi's success lol.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Now Black Clover haters are all on Twitter
Black Clover haters were there from the start. Hell I think it was even worse at the start. People were so mad that it was successful and wasn’t gonna get axed. It was not fun to be a BC stan back then because of all the hate

Shinuki no Reborn

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
I've actually noticed this too. Some people are just blatantly ignoring Kabgurabachi's success lol.
I don't think anyone is ignoring Kagurabachi success, it's doing pretty well on Shoseki, some are just not interested on it or don't feel the need to keep praising every daily ranking, which is fine for the fans to do.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 14, 2023
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Black Clover haters were there from the start. Hell I think it was even worse at the start. People were so mad that it was successful and wasn’t gonna get axed. It was not fun to be a BC stan back then because of all the hate
Isn't it the same with Nue


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 21, 2023
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United States
Isn't it the same with Nue
Sorta especially in the first set of chapters but tbh I don’t see people talk about Nue that much. If it comes up, you’ll see them bash it but for the most part, they’re not constantly bringing it up to dump on it the way BC was back then


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 14, 2023
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Wait, is the sales no already out somewhere? Someone in reddit posted SE and GGG number (and they are less than 3000, with SE outselling ggg by over 100 copies)


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 19, 2019
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Costa Rica
Isn't it the same with Nue
I mean Black Clover was asked to get axed every week so yeah Nue hate is not even close compared to the hate BC got and more so since it's not even popular enough so not many people talked about it, BC was a hot topic back then lmao

People waited every week just to hate on every chapter on how bad it was etc etc

It was tuff being a BC fan when it started


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 14, 2023
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I did not read this at all, only the last sentence. Anyway to quote this guy, a manga about "exorcist sports" seems interesting LOL.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

On another topic.... the fact that a large portion of the fanbase vehemently believes JJK will not end with Shinjuku arc and will still have another big arc is super annoying. All these are based on flimsy excuse that "JJK has not yet announced final arc". No... i believes they won't necessarily announce final arc for all mangas. At most i can only see announcement of story reaching "climax" then it ends a few chapters later... definitely this shinjuku arc is the last arc.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 3, 2023
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Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (May 6)
9. Kagurabachi #2
14. Akane-banashi #11
33. Undead Unluck #21
44. Nue's Exorcist #4
82. Cipher Academy #7
190. Martial Master Asumi #4
295. Shadow Eliminators #1
309. Green Green Greens #1

57. Kagurabachi #1

Yozakura Family:
227. Mission: Yozakura Family #23
281. Mission: Yozakura Family #1
321. Mission: Yozakura Family #2
361. Mission: Yozakura Family #22
370. Mission: Yozakura Family #3
417. Mission: Yozakura Family #4
496. Mission: Yozakura Family #21
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 4, 2024
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United Kingdom
Nue falling that much already?
Were those initial figures just frontloaded due to its volume bonuses?

Shinuki no Reborn

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nue falling that much already?
Were those initial figures just frontloaded due to its volume bonuses?
Half of Kaiju 8 backlog is between UU and Nue
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Yozakura Family:

227. Mission: Yozakura Family #23
281. Mission: Yozakura Family #1
321. Mission: Yozakura Family #2
361. Mission: Yozakura Family #22
370. Mission: Yozakura Family #3
417. Mission: Yozakura Family #4
496. Mission: Yozakura Family #21
Edited adding Yoza backlog and lol first time vol 21 is charting too, always thought it was weird how the last volumes besides 22 weren't charting.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 21, 2023
Reaction score
United States

I did not read this at all, only the last sentence. Anyway to quote this guy, a manga about "exorcist sports" seems interesting LOL.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

On another topic.... the fact that a large portion of the fanbase vehemently believes JJK will not end with Shinjuku arc and will still have another big arc is super annoying. All these are based on flimsy excuse that "JJK has not yet announced final arc". No... i believes they won't necessarily announce final arc for all mangas. At most i can only see announcement of story reaching "climax" then it ends a few chapters later... definitely this shinjuku arc is the last arc.
Yea I agree with you. I think there will be an announcement for the climax but Jump doesn’t always announce a final arc. Shinjuku Showdown feels definitive and honestly I don’t even see what would be so interesting about fighting a nameless kaiju monster. Better to end it with the villain people like in Sukuna


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 17, 2023
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On another topic.... the fact that a large portion of the fanbase vehemently believes JJK will not end with Shinjuku arc and will still have another big arc is super annoying. All these are based on flimsy excuse that "JJK has not yet announced final arc". No... i believes they won't necessarily announce final arc for all mangas. At most i can only see announcement of story reaching "climax" then it ends a few chapters later... definitely this shinjuku arc is the last arc.
My take on it is that the Shinjuku arc lacks finality. It could be Gege's writing focusing too hard on the fights and the unnecessarily complicated Jujutsu, that he doesn't focus on the characters as much. There's just a startling lack of plot threads being given closure that everyone's just left edging. What should be a grandiose finale effectively boils down to every named character jumping Sukuna repeatedly and jobbing. For example: What do we even know about Sukuna other than that he's a really good sorcerer and that he does whatever he wants? Missing information like that makes people think there'd be another 100 chapters worth of content to focus on those sort of plot threads to give these characters closure (It's not happening).


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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Just reading this Reddit post alone, shows an interesting argument about the state of sports in Shonen magazines, along with the over saturation of exorcists manga. Just seeing this it does ask a lot of questions on what happened.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 14, 2023
Reaction score
My take on it is that the Shinjuku arc lacks finality. It could be Gege's writing focusing too hard on the fights and the unnecessarily complicated Jujutsu, that he doesn't focus on the characters as much. There's just a startling lack of plot threads being given closure that everyone's just left edging. What should be a grandiose finale effectively boils down to every named character jumping Sukuna repeatedly and jobbing. For example: What do we even know about Sukuna other than that he's a really good sorcerer and that he does whatever he wants? Missing information like that makes people think there'd be another 100 chapters worth of content to focus on those sort of plot threads to give these characters closure (It's not happening).
Is this your 1st time reading JJK? His lack of character exploration is nothing new. In fact i won't be surprised JJK simply ends with mamy plot threads hanging or rushed.


MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Aug 23, 2013
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United States
Just reading this Reddit post alone, shows an interesting argument about the state of sports in Shonen magazines, along with the over saturation of exorcists manga. Just seeing this it does ask a lot of questions on what happened.
The writer could have done more research as well as most of those people, somehow people ignore that there are sports series with girls (and that these arent only in shoujo magazines, that there are ongoing golf manga (no, golf isn't considered a boring sport for manga)...really just reads as of people only exposure to sports series were Haikyuu, Kurobas, GGG, and the three sports series on j+. People can pick and choose any genre to write the same post on, for example...why do traditional medieval fantasy series (red hood, guardian of the witch, ice head gill, and bonus from jump+ Demon Lord Exchange) fail to stick in the shonen jump but survive in seinen magazines.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 3, 2023
Reaction score
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (May 7)
12. Kagurabachi #2
14. Akane-banashi #11
29. Undead Unluck #21
31. Nue's Exorcist #3
91. Cipher Academy #7
158. Martial Master Asumi #4
172. Shadow Eliminators #1
237. Green Green Greens #1

49. Kagurabachi #1
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