Life - 25 or 50 Things About Yourself... | Page 25 | MangaHelpers

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Life 25 or 50 Things About Yourself...


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 18, 2017
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I dont know if I can think of 50 facts. I'll try and I'll quit halfway if needed.

1. I'm finnish
2. 28 years old
3. I work for the finnish goverment
4. I have a son
5. I'm divorced
6. I live at my own house
7. I like all kinds of sport
8. I like to draw
9. I dont have any cooking skills
10. I fear water/drowning
11. I have never smoked cigarette
12. I've never been abroads
13. I have tattoos
14. I will get more tattoos (my mom's resist is futile)
15. I like to play videogames
16. I listen to all kinds of music, but specially I like rock music
17. I make youtube videos
18. I have my nickname Kirai tattooed in to my skin
19. I'm propably kindest man you could ever meet...
20. But I have criminal record
21. I like to invest my money
22. I love sauna
23. I have my own sauna
24. I love fashion
25. I dont know if I can write 25 more of these
26. I have 4 siblings
27. I have couple of degrees, latest being a nurse
28. My life has been pretty harsh on me
29. I'm still happy
30. I do volunteer job
31. I run boardgame club
32. I'm still unbeatable on Cluedo
33. I like to think
34. Huge F1-fan
35. I read few mangas
36. I like normal people
37. I call my mom every week
38. I collect vinyl records
39. I want more kids
40. I'm somewhat religious
41. I was going in to the politics myself, but my criminal record prevented it
42. I'm currently drinking beer
43. I invested on F1-wheels and huge racing seat setups to compete better in online leagues, but I still suck
44. My favourite actor is Denzel Washington.
45. Horror movies are the best for me
46. I dont watch tv
47. I have blonde and silver(ish) hair
48. I shave my beard because my son dislikes it
49. I'm master lego builder
50. This was hardest thing I've ever done


MH's Most Friendly Member
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 30, 2008
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United States
1. I am a girl.
2. I used to live in Florida.
3. I have a sweet tooth.
4. I am a bit shy.
5. I like different types of music.
6. I love watching movies.
7. I teach English to children and teenagers.
8. I have two dogs and one cat.
9. I am a romantic.
10. My birthday is in September.
11. I like to dance.
12. I am not that good at playing sports but I like hiking.
13. My first manga was Inuyasha.
14. I have experienced a few hurricanes, an earthquake, and a volcanic eruption.
15. I don't smoke.
16. I like flowers.
17.I am a good student and was a good student in college, high school and elementary school.
18.I like the ocean and swimming in it.
19. I used to roleplay and I loved writing stories with friends.
20. I wear glasses.

That is all I can think of as of now. :)


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
United States
1. I'm male
2. I live in the middle of nowhere (Iowa)
3. I suffer from depression
4. I am a writer
5. I smoke cigarettes like a chimney
6. I drink black coffee all the way until I go to bed
7. My hair is beginning to grey even though I'm only 28
8. I'm anemic
9. I love music, a cliche thing but I never remove my headphones unless I have to
10.I'm an idealist at heart, even though I know it's not realistic
11. I'm an insurance adjuster for my career
12. I'm attending university once again for music production and music theory
13. I'm drawn to art, being an artist and artistic individuals
14. I regularly attend art exhibits to see if anything picks my brain
15. I have a cat who's name is Happy Cat and has been for 12 years
16. I'm thin
17. My hair color is black
18. I like people
19. I'm a firm believer that all obstacles can be overcame if tackled the right way
20. I have trouble sitting in one place and constantly have the urge to move around the globe
21. Breathtaking sights and emotional music are my muse
22. I love the city, especially bright city lights at night
23. I sleep with a fan on no matter how cold it is
24. I listen to ASMR videos to fall asleep
25. I'm a closeted weeb


The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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1. I'm a girl
2. I write stories and poetry
3. Wish I had a cat (but my landlord doesn't allow it)
4. Love living on the countryside
5. Lived in major cities for years though
6. I love to be spoiled
7. Almost psychologist
8. Often forget to continue reading/watching a series in the middle of it
9. Prefer to be alone
10. Probably still alive due to the power of imagination
11. Have a Harry Potter tattoo on my leg
12. Am a fast reader: A book a day keeps the doctor away
13. Want to practice traditional art more
14. Am easily distracted
15. Love legends and myths
16. Am a space/astronomy enthusiast
17. Cry when I see cute animals
18. Got my first tattoo on an impulse
19. My mother treats me like I'm incredibly fragile
20. Can't handle caffeine
21. Can't handle alcohol either
22. Often drink too much anyway
23. Am a dreamer
24. Idealistic (a girl can dream)
25. Can't remember the alphabet without singing the song

26. I love creepy and horror stories
27. Rarely motivated by anything
28. I am afraid of heights
29. Meditate often to reduce anxiety
30. Like to burn incense a lot
31. Am barely able to watch a movie in one go
32. I sometimes wear glasses
33. Like my video games a little too much, sometimes
34. Am afraid to disappoint people
35. My favourite season is autumn
36. Currently playing Dragon ball Xenoverse II on XBOX
37. Can't say I'm good at it....
38. Am not ashamed of my guilty pleasures
39. Worked 45 hours a week at McDonalds for a year.
40. Enjoy folding laundry
41. Always joke I'll be the next J.K. Rowling so my mother shuts up about future carreers
42. I am rather chaotic
43. People see me as a neurotic person though
44. Would describe myself as cunning
45. I dislike it when people have expectations of me
46. Have a lot of stuffed animals in my bedroom
47. They are all a Pikachu
48. Should be something useful with my life right now
49. Short and proud
50. My laptop has sailor moon stickers on it


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
1.) I'm a girl
2.) I like writing stories
3.) Though, writing a poetry is a different story :tem
4.) I play table tennis but not so much. It's like a small hobby for me
5.) Most of the time, I watch youtube vids, watch anime and read manga
6.) Procrastination. Enough said.
7.) English is my favorite subject.
8.) And Math would be my least favorite subject
9.) My Native Tongue subject would be in between. I don't speak my native language that much but I do like learning about it (like its origins, dialect, etc)
10.) I'm verrryyy picky when it comes to foods
11.)......and probably shows as well.
12.) My favorite shows include both cartoons and anime
13.) And I don't watch too many live action shows.
14.) I like listening to musicals
15.) Hamilton's my favorite (though that could change depending what other musicals are out there)
16.) But I also like listening to pop and soft love songs
17.)..... and Anime OSTS
18.) When it comes to stories, classic novels are the ones that pop in my head
19.) Anna Karenina being my favorite
20.) And I wanna read more classic Russian Novels
21.) My second favorite novel would have to be El Filibusterismo (it's a Filipino Novel)
22.) I don't usually play video games
23.) But when I do, it's all retro games
24.) Most of the time, I like being alone more than being with a lot of people. It kinda gives me an uncomfortable feeling
25.) And a good example of a quiet place for me is the library.

(I'll get into more facts later :^_^)
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
1.) I'm a girl
2.) I like writing stories
3.) Though, writing a poetry is a different story :tem
4.) I play table tennis but not so much. It's like a small hobby for me
5.) Most of the time, I watch youtube vids, watch anime and read manga
6.) Procrastination. Enough said.
7.) English is my favorite subject.
8.) And Math would be my least favorite subject
9.) My Native Tongue subject would be in between. I don't speak my native language that much but I do like learning about it (like its origins, dialect, etc)
10.) I'm verrryyy picky when it comes to foods
11.)......and probably shows as well.
12.) My favorite shows include both cartoons and anime
13.) And I don't watch too many live action shows.
14.) I like listening to musicals
15.) Hamilton's my favorite (though that could change depending what other musicals are out there)
16.) But I also like listening to pop and soft love songs
17.)..... and Anime OSTS
18.) When it comes to stories, classic novels are the ones that pop in my head
19.) Anna Karenina being my favorite
20.) And I wanna read more classic Russian Novels
21.) My second favorite novel would have to be El Filibusterismo (it's a Filipino Novel)
22.) I don't usually play video games
23.) But when I do, it's all retro games
24.) Most of the time, I like being alone more than being with a lot of people. It kinda gives me an uncomfortable feeling
25.) And a good example of a quiet place for me is the library.

(I'll get into more facts later :^_^)

26-50 here we go :D
26.) I forgot to mention in the last fact but I'm a Filipino
27.) And the stereotypical Filipino women kinda fits some of my personality
28.) I loveee being in my family
29.) I'm the youngest
30.) Andd my family is pretty diverse when it comes to entertainment
31.) So I'm the only one in the family who likes anime and manga
32.) My parents called it weird but my sibling is okay with it
33.) Does making a Ghibli film a favorite anime counts? I guess it is
34.) My favorite manga is Shoukoku no Altair
35.) I have not read any manwhas but I want to (pls recommend me some :) )
36.) But I have read a chinese light novel
37.) My taste in anime varies when I age
38.) Right now, I like going to most shonen and seinen anime
39.) ^^ same for manga
40.)........ is it weird that I don't like shoujo even though it targets my demographic?
41.) But I do like some shojo anime and manga. I just don't find them..... interesting.... kinda....
42.)...... and yes, I have not watch or read any josei.....
43.) On the bright side, I watch some underrated shows
44.) Okay now let's go random facts. I loveeee chocolate :D
45.) If you say Filipino but with Ph (so Philipino), consider me triggered
46.) I feel annoyed when people around me starts being noisy
47.) My phone is with me. Always. (Except in obvious places)
48.) I rather want to go a restaurant than in a canteen
49.) Rainy days makes me happy for some odd reason
50. ) I like sweets but spicy foods..... they are life xD

There :D
--- Double Post Merged, ---
26-50 here we go :)

26.) I forgot to mention this in the last fact but I'm Filipino
27.) The stereotypical Filipino women kinda fits my personality
28.) As a Filipino, I feel triggered everytime someone types Filipino with a Ph (so Philipino)
29.) I loveeee my family. We were always going on vacations
30.) And my family's pretty diverse when it comes to entertainment
31.) So I'm the only one who likes anime and manga in that family
32.) My parents find it weird but my brother is okay with it
33.) My favorite anime would have to be...
...... does a Ghibli film count? I guess it is
34.) Shoukoku no Altair is my favorite manga atm
35.) But Monster is my absolute favorite
36.) Right now, I'm current reading and watching both shonen and seinen
37.) Though, I don't like shojo that much. Weird cuz it targets my demographic
38.) And I haven't read or watch josei.....
39.) Historical is my favorite genre
40.)..... while Romance is my least favorite....
41.) Though, I like shipping a lot of people. Multishipper representtt!!!
42.) I don't have an "OTP" per say....
Most of the ships I like ended up being canon
43.) Guilty-pleasure anime would have to be Deltora Quest
44.) In manga form, it would be 07-ghost
45.) My husbando is Sinbad from Magi. <3
46.) Waifu though...? I'm not too sure.....
47 .) Okay random facts time. I loveeee chocolate
48.) I feel annoyed when people around me starts being noisy
49.) I rather eat in a restaurant than in a canteen
50.) And I like rainy days. It makes me happy..... for some odd reason

Done :)
Last edited:

Lady pompom

Hell Kaiser Ryo
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Decide to post something here, it’s a bit embarrassing, but here it goes:

1. I try to be an optimistic person. (But many people say I’m just naive)
2. I like cooking.
3. I’m graduated in education.
4. During my stagiaire times when I had to work on a school, during my first weeks the gatekeeper kept blocking my entrance cause she thought I was a “high-schooler breaking the rules” because I wasn’t wearing the school uniform (and I had to explain I was a college student every time until she remembered my face).
5. I have two older sisters and one older brother. (Yep, I’m the youngest daughter)
6. I’m afraid of the sea and manholes. (I’m not sure why, strange fears)
7. Many people regard me as a patient person. (although I do not consider myself too patient)
8. I believe people can learn something useful for life even on the worst situations.
9. I don’t like when things are out of order/place and usually will put them on the right place, because it really bothers me.
10. I don’t drink alcohol. (but I do use it on some recipes when I’m cooking)
11. I can’t stand the smell of cigarettes, it makes me feel queasy and dizzy.
12. I like writing and drawing.
13. I’ve written a book but never published it.
14. I’m very introspective, but tend to be quite talkative when I get to know people.
15. I like helping people and feel down when I can’t actually help them.
16. I’m a forgetful person, so I draw a line on my hand with a pen whenever I need to remember something important.
16. Many people lose sight of me when I’m walking with them and panic while searching for me.
17. Many people got scared when I walked past behind them, ‘cause they tell I look like a ghost and walk too silently for a person. (It’s not really my intention to scare them out so now, I usually talk when I approach them)
18. I like silent places and don’t feel comfortable in crowded places (because they’re noisy).
19. I feel sick in places in which something bad has happened even not knowing what happened beforehand (i.e.: places in which crimes/murder occurred.
20. I have low blood pressure. (and I can’t drink often favorite juice of passion-fruit cause it lowers the blood pressure even more)
21. I’ve dreamed with my father’s new car three years before he got it.
22. I’ve known most of my best friends since I was a child, but only befriended them around the second year of middle school.
23. My friends liked anime but thought it was childish or just didn’t know much about it, so I explained there were other genres and recommended other animes, now they’re as otaku as me.
24. Many children think I’m a child like them and often ask me to play with them and treat me as one of them.
25. I’m a game master for a middle-ages themed RPG for my friends.
26. I procrastinate a lot.
27. People think I’m rather confident, but I’m not as confident as they think.
28. My friends said they like to tease me because it’s easy to do it and it’s funny.
29. I’m a stubborn person.
30. I like to observe situations and people before taking decisions.
31. I don’t like to waste my time arguing back, so I’ll probably just silence if someone starts a discussion, but I’ll pronounce myself if I think I should say something or if it’s something really offensive. (and if it’s extremely necessary)
32. I feel stupid when I hurt people.
33. I overthink about many situations and that is tiring sometimes.
34. I’m easily annoyed when people say I did something I didn’t.
35. I like learning (not exactly studying, but learning is great)
36. Most of my best friends are guys and only a few girls. (cause most girls thought I was stupid just because I liked anime and they didn’t like it)
37. I’m too sincere for my own good.
38. I don’t like lies or manipulation. (and specially don’t like when I know someone is trying to manipulate me and the person insists on it)
39. I like jokes and comedy, to laugh and smile is to live.
40. I don’t like when people have high expectations about me just to be disappointed later.
41. I was bullied during my whole primary school and discriminated by people during my middle and high school because I liked anime/manga and people thought it was “infantile”.
42. Many people don’t take me seriously because of my height. Adults also mistake my age and think I’m between 15-17 years old and treat me as a teenager because of my appearance.
43. My favorite colors are green, purple, orange and black.
44. I just love nature, and find rejuvenating to stay surrounded by it to take fresh air.
45. I try to be a spiritual person.
46. I like reading romances about criminal investigations or religious themes.
47. One of my goals in life is to spread love and be kind to people.
48. I don’t like many things that people of my country like (i.e.: soccer, funk and carnival). Specially funk and carnival because I think they’re noisy and make no sense at all.
49. I started learning english when I was 2 watching to musical lessons in VHS for primary graders from my older siblings, but my mother thought it would confound my head since I barely knew the national language, so she didn’t let me watch the VHS anymore and I only studied english again later on school.
50. I cry easily with animes/movies or series ‘cause my heart is as solid as melted butter.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 1, 2017
Reaction score
1. Male
2. Between 20-30 years old. I need to do the math. That is a pain.
3. Master procrastinator
4. From Turkey
5. Favorite food is not kebap
6. Pathological liar, can't help it.
7. My favorite food might be Iskender kebap
8. Not sure what to write here.
9. I dislike Fairy Tail
10. I am a hater.
11. A good person inside
12. Don't know what to write here either
13. I know the answer to life and universe itself
14. It is a secret
15. Why is this taking so long?
16. I am thinking of learning two or three more languages. That should be fun. I haven't decided which languages to start with yet.
17. I don't drink.
18. I don't smoke.
19. I can appreciate art.
20. I am picky.
21. I shaved my beard.
22. Ever since then, I felt something was missing.
23. So, I am growing my beard again.
24. I am a serious person, when the situation calls for it.
25. I can tie my shoes now. That is a quality I acquired.


The Red Spear
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 26, 2016
Reaction score
I thought I posted there, but in fact I didn't, so here I come :

1. I am a male , and my name is Romain
2. I am not 24 years old (as said in my profile) , I'm 18
3. I began to like anime a few years ago
4. My first one was Dragon Ball Z; it was on TV (so I watched it every afternoon)
5. There's also the fantastic french anime "Wakfu", an adaptation of the game "Dofus", I would give it a 20/10 if it were on MAL :zomg
6. I loved reading, wether it was comics or real books, I was a real bookworm !
7. I love chocolate -a bit too much-, I am the incarnation of the sin of Gluttony ..
8. I can eat as much chocolate as I want, I won't take any weight:cheez (for real)
Even my friends are jealous ~
9. I like potatoes, and potatoes
10. I am a romantic guy, but only my close friends know this (I bet you didn't even know that.Yes you :rolleyes: )
11. I hate to hurt people, or even seeing people hurt, especially girls/women
12. I don't like violence, because I tend to be quite brutal when it comes to fighting..
13. I am a gentleman
14. I don't drink (expect water and orange juice) , or at occasions (it can be rhum such as Captain Morgan)
15. I'm an atheist, but I hope Heaven exists
16. When I was small, I kept dreaming about being an astronaut to see the stars, but my lazy ass self wouldn't help me..
17. I like mangas, seinens , shonens and manwhas
18. My favourite mangas are Umineko, Toriko, Made in Abyss, and of course Jojo (real gems)
19. Meanwhile , my taste in anime has changed: I don't like that much shonens, don't know why, I might have read too much of them..
You know , the typical " Oh my god, I have hidden powers from a 10000 years old dark magician who killed many people! Let's use it to defeat bad guys portayed as monsters ! Also, I like this girl that I meet at the very beginning, but in fact I have all the manga's girls in my harem, they all wanna get into my bed, but I'm a virgin so I will only trip on them and fondle their boobs 3 times per episode without any actual development ! "
20. At the moment, my favourite genres would be SF, Mystery, Supernatural, Psychological or even horrer when well-dosed. Especially this year with Boogiepop Wa Waranarai, which is getting really good at the moment. I'm not forgetting the romance genre, that I exclusively mention because of Toradora ! , a real coup de coeur since the first episode !
21. When I know that I am right, I won't let you speak, I could write a thesis about why I'm right and how you could change yourself"
22. I am an ex-madlad of ******.. yes ******. I was basically the kind of guy which could fill his bin in a day (if you see what I mean :rolleyes:)
23. My favourite subjects at school are english, maths and sports (when it isn't gymnastics because I suck at this :XD)
24. My least favourite subjects are French, (mostly because I had the worst teachers ) and economics
25. I am quite the introverted guy, but if you give me an opening for one joke, one little joke, then BAM, I become an extrovert..
and an annoying guy sometimes :p
26. I hate procrastination, yet I keep doing it :darn
27. I have a very good memory, especially with girls ( Don't ask me why, I'm not a pervert :hmph )
28. I am the type of person who could go only for the looks and not caring about the inside, while sometimes I prefer the inside to the looks
29. I have DID (Dissociate Identity Disorder), and nobody irl knows about it, not even my own parents, which make life quite hard sometimes..
30. Did I tell you I love chocolate?
31. I currently do Kickboxing and English boxing, but I might move on to Muay Thai after a few years
32. I actually want to be noticed by others, so I keep acting like a 9-years old instead of being serious..
33. However, when it comes to girls I don't talk to, I keep blushing even if I hate them, and I hate that... ( Imagine when it is about the crush you've had for years..)
34. Talking about love, there's someone I find myself attracted to in MH, but I won't tell who :rolleyes:
35. I could spend hours talking about a show, series or a manga without even knowing its names, or even the characters'..
36. I like drawing, and I was good at it, I kept winning prizes in the neighbor cities, but that time is over..
37. As of now, I doubt I could properly copy any random drawing.
38. I have the craziest and biggest imagination in the world, yet I keep everything confined in myself
39. I dream of being able to teleport myself, or stop time as I wish, not necessarily to save people around the world, but just to relax, in a world that never stops. I don't really like noise made by people..
40. I hate cigarettes, especially the smell: I can't stand it, and yet all of my family smoke, litteraly everyone:bored
41. I'm a geek, but a good one.
42. My games picks would be the Halo series, Monster Hunter series , Super Smash Bros, Diablo, Final Fantasy...and many others
43. My favourite types of music are , for the moment ( I often change of tastes ), rap, pop..
44. But the best one for me is still anime, wether it is a BGM or an OST, I often end up loving it !
45. I care a lot about my appearance
46. I am always honest, for the best and the worst. Except with my friends, where I am a total manipulator !
47. I am hardworking and dedicated, when I want to.
48. I might be a maniac when it comes to cleaning up the house
49. I wish to be strong enough (physically) so that other don't need to protect me
50. I was alone with no friends from 6th grade to 9th grade, and almost bullied sometimes, because I was alone, quiet and always focused in class.


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
1 - My real name is Malena.
2 - I'm half Russian, half Egyptian.
3 - birth place in Kazan.
4 - Married.
5 - Gamer.
6 - Living with my mother in Alexandria, Egypt.
7 - Against any dictatorship government.
8 - Hating UAE, US, KSA, Israel, UK, North Korea, Egypt, India, Russia, China, Turkey and France. I see them as criminal governments against humanity.
9 - Loving all Scandinavian countries.
10- Wishing to live in Germany, Sweden, Norway or Finland. My favorites countries.
11- I love my parents and my siblings.
12- I hate my family relatives with passion, I fucking hate them too much.
13- I love their children tho because they are still innocent and cute as hell.
14- I'd like to have kids.
15- I love reading but i don't read.
16- I'm lazy as hell.
17- I'm average looking. Not too pretty not too ugly. something in between.
18- I can be annoying.
19- I think i'm stupid to some degree. Made lots of mistakes. really bad ones.
20- I'm dependent. without my parents and husband financial support i would be starving to death by now.
21- I love Archery and Fencing sports.
22- I'm good in Math. Actually working as math teacher in a private school with little to no salary. I burn gas in my car more than i make money, Imagine the sadness.
23- I'm not a team player in real sport or esport
24- I'm a flamer and toxic in both as well. They used to give me a ball in school to play alone without disturbing other kids. :XD
25- I love to eat a lot.